Lust at the Lake

By half

Published on Jun 19, 2019



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I was on the verge of a panic attack; someone was definitely in the house, and it was very unlikely that they didn't notice Greg and I naked and spooning on the couch. The fact that Paul was probably that person didn't make anything easier. I didn't know how he'd feel when he found out I hooked up with his best friend.

I gently nudged Greg in the ribs, "Hey. Wake up." He responded by grabbing a handful of my belly and grinding his half hard dick into my ass. I jabbed him in the ribs a little harder.

"What the hell?" He let go of me and rubbed his side.

"Sorry, I think Paul is here."

"Oh." A worried look crossed Greg's face, but just like the night before, there was a hint of something else. "Did he, uh, were we covered up?"

"Yeah, but I don't remember doing it, do you think he...?"

Greg rolled out of bed, grabbed his sweats, and quickly pulled them on, "I'll be right back." He said and shuffled off towards the bathroom.

Greg opened the bathroom door without knocking and closed it behind him. A moment later I heard the shower being turned off and the murmur of conversation. I wasn't close enough to hear what Greg and Paul were talking about, but I didn't want to be nosy. They continued talking for a few more minutes and I was pretty sure I heard Paul laugh a little, hopefully that was good. It was quiet for a minute, then I heard the shower start back up. My mind was racing. Were they showering together? The bathroom was also connected to the master bedroom, so it was possible that Paul just used that door, but I didn't think I heard it open or close.

I sat there on the mattress for a few minutes, letting the possibilities play out in my head. The shower turned off and Greg came striding out of the bathroom, he had smile on his face. "The shower is all yours."

"So, is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine! Why don't you wash up and we can talk after. Paul is still pretty worn out from the drive."

"Okay." I was still nervous about talking to Paul, but Greg's attitude made me feel a little better. I took another moment to admire him, watching drops of water roll off his chest and down his belly.

"So you just gonna sit there like a glazed donut or are you gonna jump in the shower?"

"Sorry, just admiring the view."

"Pace yourself, we're here all week."

Just the thought of another round with Greg got me hard again. I grabbed my towel and my shorts and hurried into the bathroom.

I stood under the spray and let the steaming water wash over me. The shower was huge and I briefly contemplated sitting on the bench on the far side and jacking off, but I figured the sooner I talked to Paul the better. I was almost done rinsing off when I heard the door open, Greg poked his head in.

"Hey dude, we'll be in the bedroom when you're done, no rush."

"I'll be out in five."

Greg shut the door and I rinsed off, dried, and dressed as quickly as I could. I took a deep breath and opened the door to the bedroom.

Greg and Paul were on the bed, flipping through the channels. I saw Paul give me a quick once over and when we made eye contact his chubby cheeks flushed bright red, I think he was as embarrassed about the whole situation as I was.

"Hey." I gave him a sheepish wave as I walked into the room.

"Hey." He replied through an awkward smile.

I exhaled deeply, "I'm sorry we, uh, I mean..."

"You don't have to apologize," Paul said, "I guess I was just a little shocked? Y'know..."

"Because we were butt naked and spooning?" Greg interjected with a chuckle.

"Yeah." Paul turned even redder, somehow. "And Hey, at least someone finally got laid in this place."

"Hey, nobody got laid!", Greg feigned shock, "well at least not yet."

Paul and I were both mortified. I mean, it's not like I didn't want to, I just didn't want to stress poor Paul out anymore.

Greg threw one of his massive arms around Paul and pulled him close, "Besides, it's not like you weren't thinking about it buddy."

I barely contained my surprise, I had figured Paul was just shy, but now a lot of our previous interactions started to make sense. I scooted in closer and looked him in the eyes. "It's okay, I'd be lying if I said the thought never crossed my mind."

"Really?" He stammered.

"Yeah, definitely!"

"I just never figured you were into, y'know, guys like me."


"Ha, no. I meant big guys."

I balked, "Why wouldn't I? I am one!"

"Yeah, but you're hot."

"So are you?"

"You really think so?"

I sighed and shook my head, "Paul, if I had realized you would be into it I'd have asked you out years ago." I leaned in, hugged him, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I could feel the heat bloom as his face flushed again.

Greg chuffed, "Oh come on. Give him a real kiss! I know you know how."

"Relax, I'm trying to give Paul some space," I really wanted to kiss him though, "Paul, would it be oka-"

And before I could finish asking, Paul was smashing his face into mine. His enthusiasm made up for his technique. I'm sure it was mostly nerves, but he seemed to be preoccupied with getting his tongue as far into my mouth as possible.

I ran my hands through his hair and pushed him back onto the bed, "Easy." I stroked his hair and gently kissed his neck, he was so tense he was practically trembling. I kissed him gently, with one hand on the back of his neck and the other caressing his big smooth belly. Paul's hands slowly made their way down my back, he hesitated as his fingers brushed against the waistband of my shorts.

I lifted up Paul's shirt and brushed my thumbs across his soft pink nipples, he shuddered and shoved his hands down my shorts, grabbing two handfuls of my ass, and pulling me in closer to him. I looked over at Greg, who was smiling ear to ear, with his hands down his shorts. I finished pulling Paul's shirt off and we were both a little out of breath.

I straddled Paul and he ran his hands over my chest & belly. He gave my nipples a cautious pinch.

"You can be a lot rougher, y'know." I said as I rolled his nipple between my thumb and forefinger. He moaned and arched his back, pressing his belly into mine. I could feel his hard cock throbbing insistently through his shorts, against the inside of my thigh.

"He's not much of a dom." Greg chuckled, sliding in closer to us, his hard on was straining against the thin fabric of his sweats. Paul and I both stared at his bulge hungrily. I desperately wanted him to pull it out but I also wanted Paul to set the pace. I kissed Paul again and squeezed him through his shorts, his cock was throbbing insistently and I could feel his precum soaking through, I had to have him in my mouth.

"Do you want me to suck it?" I asked, not releasing my grip. His only response was to nod his head and whimper.

I stood up, grabbed his shorts at the hips, and slowly pulled them down. His cock sprang free and flung a string of precum onto his belly. I let his shorts fall to the floor and I ran my hands over his thighs as I took in the sight of him.

Paul was a little shorter and heavier than me, with a big soft belly and big ass and thighs. He was almost totally smooth, except for the coppery blonde hair under his arms and around his cock. He was cut, and averagely endowed, but hard enough to bend steel. I got down on my knees, hoisted his legs up on my shoulders, and started working his balls over while stroking his cock. He locked his thighs around me and was almost squealing.

I came up for air and saw Greg twisting one of Paul's big bright pink nipples while stroking himself through his shorts. I looked Greg in the eyes as I licked Paul's precum off my fingers. I gave Paul's cock a squeeze and another stream of precum started flowing. I slowly lowered my mouth onto him, savoring the taste, and the smell of soap and sweat as I buried my face in his pubes. Paul put his hands on the back of my head and began rocking his hips, gently fucking my face, his belly and fat pad enveloping me and the flared throbbing head of his dick was just reaching the back of my throat. I slid one hand underneath his balls and tugged them in rhythm with his thrusts, my other hand was underneath him and I gently teased his hole with my thumb.

Paul let go of my head and I looked up to see him reaching up the leg of Greg's shorts, trying to get his hand around that enormous cock. Greg rolled onto his back and took off his shorts, I stood up and took off mine.

I grabbed Paul's legs and scooted him back on the bed, Greg was kneeling on the bed next to Paul's face. Paul wrapped his legs around me and I started grinding our cocks together. Paul had Greg's massive, throbbing tool in his hand and he slowly rolled back the foreskin. Greg's cock twitched as his head broke free and that was all the prompting Paul needed to pull Greg closer and shove that fat cock in his mouth.

Greg threw back his head and moaned, he had one hand on the back of his neck and the other had a handful of Paul's hair as he fucked his face. I rolled Paul onto his belly so Greg had a better angle, and so that I could get a look at his ass. I ran my hands over Paul's smooth cheeks and gave him a playful slap, he moaned around a mouthful of Greg's dick.

I squeezed and rubbed Paul's ass, watching my handprint fade. I gave him a few gentle bites and kissed the small of his back he gave another deep moan. I reached underneath him and stroked his cock while I sucked on his balls. He started gently bucking his hips, I traced my tongue up his ass crack and I heard Greg's cock flop out of his mouth.

"Mmm, yesssss" He said breathlessly.

I teased Paul's hole with my tongue and buried my face between his cheeks. He arched his back and I grabbed his hips, pulling myself in deeper. He was grunting in time with the thrusts of my tongue. Greg had leaned back and let Paul bury his face in his crotch. Paul had his ass in the air and I worked him even deeper, wrapping my thumb and forefinger around his balls and the base of his cock like a cockring. He was still as hard and throbbing as the second I'd pulled his shorts off.

Greg cradled Paul's face and kissed him, "I think it's his turn to see how good you are at suckin cock." Paul didn't hesitate, he flopped over onto his back with his head hanging over the edge of the bed so I could face fuck him. The precum was pouring out of me and he lapped it up as I slowly fed him my dick. Greg pushed Paul's legs back and was eating him out with abandon. Paul's deep moans were making my cock vibrate, it would feel so good to just let go and give him a mouthful of my cum, but I really wanted to keep going.

Paul had his hands on my ass, pulling me in deeper, I had both of his nipples in a vise grip twisting them and savoring him moaning around a mouthful of my dick. Greg was sucking Paul off now and teasing his ass, he started fingering him. Paul threw his head back, moaning, and let cock flop out of his mouth. I leaned forward and kissed Paul deeply, savoring the taste of my own precum on his lips.

"Fuck me, please fuck me." Paul said desperately. I looked up at Greg and he smiled back at me. "I think he's talking to you."

I kissed Paul again, "Turn over." Paul rolled onto his belly and stuck his ass up, presenting himself to me. There was a sheen of sweat covering Paul's ass and back. I knelt behind him and traced my forefinger down his spine and into the deep cleft of his ass. He twitched and let out a gasp as I gently stroked his hole. I slowly worked my finger in, even after getting worked over by Greg he was incredibly tight. I could feel his pulse hammering as his warmth enveloped me. I gave him a moment to relax then slowly started working him open, I got a second finger in him and I felt him shudder. Paul's face was pushed into the mattress but that barely muffled his deep moans of pleasure.

I spread Paul's cheeks and pressed the head of my cock against his hole, getting it slick with my precum. I slowly pushed the head in and let out my own moan as I felt him open up for me. I was going to start slowly, but Paul thrust his ass back and took me to the hilt. I grabbed Paul's hips for better leverage and set my belly on top of his ass so I could fuck him even deeper. Greg was on his knees with a handful of Paul's hair, feeding him his cock. I fucked him hard for a few minutes, savoring his grunts of pleasure. I pulled all the way out and teased him again, biting his neck and shoulders.

"I want you on your back." I said, grabbing his hips and rolling him over. I scooted his ass over the edge of the bed, pushed his knees back, and sunk my cock back into him. As Paul opened his mouth to moan, Greg lowered his balls into his mouth and rubbed his big uncut cock across Paul's tits. I used my thumb to mop up the stream of precum leaking down Paul's cock and fed it to Greg, he leaned forward and kissed me making sure I got a taste.

Greg suddenly let out a moan and I saw that Paul had buried his face in Greg's ass. Greg managed to get in a few more strokes before I saw the his cock swell up and he let out a long groan and shot two huge spurts of cum onto Paul's belly and crotch, the rest ran down Greg's knuckles and onto Paul's heaving chest. I scooped some up and lubed up Paul's cock, I could feel him contracting around me and suddenly his cock was twitching in my hand and he exploded, shooting hard enough to cover Greg's chest and belly with his load. Feeling him gripping me while he came put me over the edge and I drove in deep and filled him up with everything I had. I let my cock go soft inside Paul, then Greg and I flopped down on either side of him. I sucked the last drop of cum out of Paul, and shared it with him Greg licked some of his own off Paul's chest and did the same. We kissed for a few more minutes, and the last thing I remember before we drifted off was Paul saying how happy he was that the rest of the guys wouldn't be here til tomorrow.

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