Lust at the Lake

By half

Published on Mar 18, 2019


When Paul asked me to pick up his buddy Greg from the airport on my way to the cabin we were renting for the week, I was a little annoyed. I had hoped to have that afternoon to myself to get settled in and maybe have some `alone time' before the other guys got there.

When Greg texted me that he'd landed I sent a pic so he'd know who to look for & told him I'd be at baggage claim, he responded with a vague description of his outfit.

It turns out he didn't even need to do that because he saw me as soon as he rounded the corner and gave me a wave and a warm smile. Any residual annoyance I was feeling melted away. The most immediate thing I noticed about him after that smile was how tall he was, easily a head taller than me and big all around: thick thighs and an ample ass stuffed into a pair of well worn jeans, a long sleeve shirt that was just a little too short to cover his entire belly, wide shoulders, strong arms, a boyish clean-shaven face, short dark brown hair, and grey-green eyes. I stood there gawking for a moment before I could convince my arm to wave back.

"Hey!" He reached out his hand and as I grasped it in mine to shake he pulled me in for a half bear hug, patting me on the back with his other massive paw, momentarily knocking the air out of me and pressing my face into his warm well cushioned chest. He smelled like fabric softener and fresh bread, mixed with a hint of sweat. I could have stayed there all afternoon.

He released me and it took me a second to regain my composure.

"Oh sorry! I'm a hugger!"

"No problem!" I laughed nervously, "You just caught me off guard."

"Thanks for making the detour, my flight was canceled and I lucked out with this one."

"I had the time, plus we get to take the scenic route."

Plus, I get a little eye candy for the ride, I thought to myself. We waited a few minutes for his bag and we made small talk about his flight, then we walked out to my car and stowed his stuff.

"You're probably going to need to push that seat back." I said as he came around to the passenger side. My car isn't a compact, but he was out of legroom before he was even half in the car. As he squirmed around to adjust the seat, the back of his shirt rode up and I got a peek at the patch of coarse hair covering the small of his back and plunging between the top of his ass cheeks which were just visible over the waist of his jeans. It didn't dawn on me that I didn't see any sign of underwear until we were well on our way.

The drive to the lake was pleasant, it was overcast but we kept the windows down and I let Greg control the tunes. Thankfully we had enough overlap in musical tastes to avoid any conflict. Greg and Paul were childhood friends that had stayed in touch after they moved away for college. Paul had been renting this place for spring break every year since college and this was the first time Greg had a chance to visit since then, and the first time Greg and Paul had hung out in person in nearly a decade. Greg was a ranger up north, and not very online, so he didn't interact with many of Paul's current friends, which is a shame because he was fun to hang out with. The rest of the drive flew by, I told Greg how Paul and I met six years ago after he had moved to the city to work on a project I was supervising. Paul and I had a lot in common and we hit it off immediately, as buddies, I definitely thought Paul was cute but since we worked together I didn't want to complicate things, plus I was pretty sure he was straight? Most of his friends seemed to be, anyway.

As we got closer to the lake the overcast skies had darkened considerably, and the temperature dropped significantly enough that I had to roll up the windows. Greg looked out the window and furrowed his brow, "Ah well. Hopefully it'll blow over by Monday and we'll still have most of the week."

Almost on cue, fat, icy raindrops started pelting the windshield, Greg chuckled to himself, "Guess I spoke too soon."

We spent the rest of the drive in comfortable silence, I was so relaxed I nearly missed the turnout to the lake. I was excited to finally be here, and to get a chance to stretch my legs. But as we were turning onto the drive that led up to the house I felt the car lurch. I had a flat! Luckily we were only a couple hundred yards from the carport, I didn't want to risk shredding the tire so I suggested that we get out and push. Greg was all for it, and honestly I barely needed to do anything besides steer. We both got a little drenched, but managed to get the car parked.

"Let's get our stuff unloaded, then I'll come back out here and take care of that tire." I was trying to ignore the t-shirt plastered to his body, and his rock hard nipples straining the fabric. I must not have been trying that hard because he gave me a funny look and grinned as he went to empty the trunk.

Thankfully I managed to avoid any awkwardness by immediately getting to work on the tire, which took no time at all. By the time I was done he had our bags and the boxes full of booze and groceries safely in the house. As I walked in I realized we were both still soaking wet and went over to my bags to grab a towel and some dry clothes. I kicked off my shoes and socks and stripped off my shirt without thinking, I noticed Greg in my peripheral vision, frozen like a deer in the headlights.

"Oh, sorry man, I wanted to get out of these before I caught a chill."

"Ah it's no problem, I was just spaced out." He stepped past me to dig through his suitcase.

I could tell he was nervous so I started gathering up my stuff, "I'll just finish getting changed in one of the bedrooms."

He chuckled to himself again and blushed a little, "Nah, it's no problem, it's just...uh...I went commando today and it's a little cold in here."

"Oh, well I'm sure you've got nothing to be ashamed of, but I'm more than happy to give you some privacy if you want."

He answered by flashing that grin again and pulling his shirt off, or trying to anyway. He struggled with the wet fabric, giving me chance to check him out. His belly hung over his waist and was covered in coarse dark hair that ran up to a thick patch on his chest and around his bright pink nipples. As he got the shirt over his head, his jeans slipped down and I could see a bit of his bush that was as dense and thick as the hair in his pits. I was so busy staring that I didn't notice he'd nearly got the shirt off, and that I had started to chub up. I quickly turned my back to him and stripped off my jeans and briefs while reaching for my towel. I heard his jeans hit the floor and in the reflection of the television screen I could see that he hadn't turned his back to me.

I wrapped the towel around my waist and stood up, he took that moment to do the same and turn his back to me, he was half bent over the arm of the couch digging through his duffel. The damp towel clung to his ass & thighs and I got lost for a moment again. I pulled out a pair of sweats and stomped into them quickly, then threw on a baggy sweatshirt that I hoped would help me conceal my half hard on.

Greg had put on sweats and a t shirt as well, and had started to gather up his wet clothes.

"Don't suppose they've installed central heating in this place in the last fifteen years?" Greg asked, his teeth chattering slightly.

"Unfortunately no, but I think we have enough wood here to get the fireplace going."

He gave me that grin again, "Yeah, definitely no shortage of wood here, I'll get some coffee on." I sat there slack jawed, watching his ass bounce as he walked to the kitchen.

I got the fire going while Greg poked around the kitchen. Was he fucking with me? I'd had plenty of straight dudes act flirty with me, and even a few play grab ass after some drinks, but never really with Paul or this group of friends, and I wasn't sure my sexuality was something that he even brought up with other people.

Before I had too long to ruminate on the situation, Greg was back with two steaming mugs, he settled into the couch and passed me one.

"Didn't see any creamer, so I just dumped some sugar in there, hope that's okay."

"It's just fine, as long as it's hot."

We sat on the couch for a while, warming up and listening to the sheets of rain coming down outside. The crackle of the fire and the sounds of the storm were almost lulling me to sleep, but before I could drift off our phones started screeching. Greg sat up and nearly pitched himself off the couch. I fumbled for my phone and saw a block of text on the screen `FLASH FLOOD WARNING' I assumed Greg's phone was telling him the same because he had a concerned look on his face.

Greg turned to me, "Gonna see where Paul is." We managed to get in touch with him quickly, but the news didn't get any better. Paul was only a couple hours out, but the storm had already caused a landslide that cut off the road leading to the lake, it would be impassible until tomorrow afternoon, at least. Greg hung up and shrugged his shoulders, "Oh well, I guess we're on our own for a bit. I guess we should get settled in. You pick a bed yet?"

I hadn't, actually. The house had three bedrooms: the master, where Paul usually slept, and two double rooms. Plus the couch folded out. "Actually I think we have another little problem, this place is BYO blankets and Paul and the guys were bringing those up. Those rooms are gonna be cold as hell."

I had packed my sleeping bag and a couple pillows, it was a 2 person bag so unzipped it would probably be enough for both of us. As long as Greg didn't mind.

Before I could make the suggestion, Greg did, "I guess we could both fit on the pull out. Since it's right near the fire things shouldn't be too bad. Unless that's weird for you?"

"Not at all! I mean it might get a little crowded." The bed was queen sized but were both big guys.

"Alright then, I guess we'll deal with that later, lets make something to eat."

We didn't want to fuss around in the kitchen too much so we just made sandwiches and cracked open a couple beers. Then a couple more beers. Before we had a chance to finish our first six pack, the lights went out.

"Ah crap." Greg looked out the front window of towards the other houses on the lake. "Looks like the whole lake." He checked his phone. "Cell service is down too."

The fire was still going so we weren't totally in the dark, but no electricity definitely put a damper on our plan to watch movies til we knocked out.

Greg opened the last two beers. "Might as well polish these off and open up the bed. I could probably knock out early."

We chugged our beers and pulled out the bed, it actually wasn't as bad as I thought, aside from the mattress being a little thin, and it was warm enough in the living room to use my sleeping bag as extra padding and sleep on top of it. Despite the long day, and being physically tired, I couldn't get my thoughts to wind down. From the way we were both fidgeting, I could tell Greg was having the same problem.

Greg sat up a little and turned to talk to me, "I was really hoping those beers would put me to sleep, I'd break out the whiskey but that's probably not a great idea at the moment."

"Do you want to smoke a joint?"

Greg perked up, "Sure! I can't guarantee that'll put me to sleep either but I can't see a downside."

I dug a joint out of my bag and lit it up. I passed it to Greg and he took a big pull, his huge lungs burning down nearly a third of the thing. He held his breath and passed it back to me, an apologetic look on his face.

"Sorry dude, " He said, coughing as he exhaled, "I forget my own strength sometimes. I laughed and shook my head, and remembered to take an extra hit before I passed it back to him. It only took a few minutes at that pace for us to polish it off. By the time I flicked the roach into the fireplace Greg had rolled over with his back to me, and hear him snoring gently. I put my head down too and drifted off.

I'm not sure how long I was out, but woke with an intense urgency to piss, and my dick at full mast nearly punching through the front of my sweats. The fire was nearly out, but there was still enough light to see Greg was still asleep. I carefully climbed off the mattress and tiptoed to the bathroom.

I closed the door softly behind me and flicked the light switch. Shit. The power was still out. Thankfully there was enough moonlight to navigate the bathroom and take care of things. My hardon still wouldn't go away though. I crept back to the couch with my dick bouncing in front of me, leading the way.

Greg had rolled over on his back, it looked like there was still room for me. As I got closer I could see that his shirt had ridden up over his belly. I was admiring the trail of hair leading down from his navel and I saw his dick sticking out over the waistband of his sweats, gently poking the soft fold of his gut.

I froze. This was really hot, but he was asleep & I didn't want to be a creep. But I also wanted to get back to sleep. I hopped bed hard enough to give it a little shake and I heard him yawn. I could feel his weight shifting behind me as he rolled off the mattress.

I heard the floorboards creak as he found his balance, I pretended to be asleep as he padded past me to the bathroom. My eyes were half open but it was very clear that he hadn't put his dick away. It was fully out of his waistband at 60 ° angle, supporting the curve of his belly, and bouncing with it as he walked away.

I held my breath until I heard the click of the bathroom door. Fuck. I needed to get back to sleep and file all of this away for my shower later. There was no way I was gonna make it even a day without getting off after this, but now was not the right time. I tucked my head into pillow and concentrated on falling back to sleep. As I was dozing off I felt the weight of the bed shift and I instinctively rolled over to see what it was.

Greg was lowering himself back into bed as gently as he could. He was almost flat on his back again and it was pretty obvious he was having a similar problem as me. He looked sheepishly at me, and then at the tent in his sweats and gave a little shrug.

"Sorry man." Greg whispered, "Had to piss. And I didn't get a chance to take care of things before the flight."

"No problem, happens to the best of us."

"Yeah, I can tell," he said with a chuckle, "told you there was plenty of wood in here."

"You've definitely got that covered." I goaded him a little.

"Nah, you're clearly ahead in that department." He said as he stole a glance at my crotch.

"I'll have to take your word for it." I didn't really know what else to say, was this really happening?

"Do you?" Greg was smiling but the look in his eyes was dead serious.

I could barely form a coherent sentence, " I. Yeah. I didn't know you were..."

Before I could say anything else Greg hooked his fingers into the waistband of his sweats and shoved them down to his thighs. His fat dick gently bobbing in the dim firelight.

I took a deep breath and pulled mine off too. My flopped out and slapped me in the belly, leaving string of precum sticking to it.

"Goddamn." Greg said softly, breaking my trance and reminding me that there was someone else in the room.

I looked over and he was using his right hand to stroke his belly while the other squeezed his big uncut dick. He let out a soft moan as he slowly rolled back his foreskin, his head throbbed as it popped free, and he rubbed his belly as he stroked himself.

We admired each other in silence for a moment, Greg gave his massive balls a tug and propped himself up on his elbow, facing me. He leaned in and I kissed him. My hands found the patch of hair on the small of his back, I grabbed a handful and pulled him in closer. His soft lips enveloped mine and I felt his strong hands underneath me, stroking and squeezing me in time with his kisses.

I rolled over and pulled him on top of me, letting his weight pin me to the mattress. He was biting and kissing my neck and I could barely catch my breath.

Greg lifted himself off of me and one of his hands reached under me to finish pulling my sweats off. I arched my back to make it a little easier while trying to pull his shirt off. We untangled ourselves and tossed our clothes on the floor.

I was flat on my back, Greg was straddling my legs, his belly resting on mine. I ran my fingers through his chest hair and slowly rolled a nipple between my thumb and forefinger. He moaned, and I felt his cock throb against my thigh. He leaned back, reached down and took both of our dicks in his hand and stroked us. He couldn't quite close his massive hand over our combined girth, but his grip was strong and I started to thrust my hips.

Greg took my thighs in each of his hands, lifted me up and pulled me close, I wrapped my legs around him as best I could. He gently lowered himself back down on me and shoved his tongue in my mouth. I squeezed his fuzzy ass with both hands and he started bucking and grinding his cock into mine.

I would have been happy kissing and grinding like that until we both passed out again, but thankfully Greg had other plans. With his arms wrapped around my waist he rolled over onto his back, pulling me on top of him. The gentle curve of his belly was slick with our sweat and precum, I let my cock slide along it as I leaned forward to kiss him. I bit his soft, full bottom lip and kissed his cheeks. I grabbed a handful of his hair and lightly bit his neck, kissing my way down his chest, tasting our mingled sweat. He moaned as I took one of his nipples in my mouth and stroked it with my tongue.

"Harder." He said as he pushed my face into his chest. I obliged and bit down, he let out another low moan and arched his back. I worked over both of his nipples, enjoying how worked up it got him, then worked my way down his belly, playfully kissing and biting him, savoring every moment.

I was taking care to avoid touching his cock, I wanted to get him as worked up as possible. As crawled between his legs I let it brush my cheek, he was so hard it was throbbing in time with his heartbeat. I resisted taking it all in my mouth and bit his inner thigh. He inhaled sharply and caught my head in the vise grip of his powerful legs. I buried my face in his crotch, licking, kissing, and biting everything I could. Greg relaxed his grip enough for me to get one of his bull balls into my mouth. I felt him reach down to stroke himself, but I took his hand before he could. I let his ball flop out of my mouth and traced my tongue up the stream of precum running down the length of his dick. I lowered my mouth onto him gently, teasing my tongue under his taut foreskin, until my face was buried in his pubes and my forehead resting on the soft shelf of his belly. I held it in my mouth, feeling it's insistent throb at the back of my throat.

Greg was running his hands through my hair, gently fucking my face. I came up for air, keeping a firm grip on the base and pulling his foreskin back as I slid my mouth off of him. He was still leaking, his precum ran down my knuckles, I licked it off and shoved my tongue in his mouth so we could share.

Greg grabbed my ass and practically lifted me up until I was straddling his face. He wasted no time giving me the same attention I gave him. He moaned around a mouthful of my balls as he slowly stroked me with one hand and caressed my ass with the other. He was running his fingers up and down my crack, occasionally pausing to tease me. I could definitely have used a fuck, but I knew I didn't have the energy to hold out much longer.

I pulled my balls out of his mouth and slapped his lips with my cock, smearing them with precum which he greedily lapped up. I grabbed a handful of his hair and slowly gave him my dick. He held me in his mouth for a moment before grabbing my ass and pulling me in closer. I braced myself against the back of the couch and started rocking my hips. Greg kept one hand on my ass, grabbing, stroking, and teasing me. His other hand was gently squeezing my balls in time with my thrusts.

I wanted to keep going forever, but after a few minutes I felt myself going over the edge., "Getting close." His only response was to suck me harder. He let go of my balls and started stroking himself. The thought of him shooting all over his belly was too much and I felt my cock throb as i shot my load down his throat. He took his mouth off of my cock and whimpered softly, I was still shooting the last of my load on his cheek and chin.

I felt Greg's chest heaving under me and I rolled off of him in time to see him pump two fat ropes of cum onto his belly. He plastered my face with another as I scrambled to get his cock in my mouth. I was grunting like an animal and I kept sucking til I was sure I'd completely drained him. He ran his hands through my hair and we held each other and kissed. Both of us were sticky, sweaty, and exhausted, he wrapped his arms around me and we drifted to sleep.

I don't really know how long we were out, but when I woke up it was almost noon. Greg was snoring quietly with his arm across my belly and my sleeping bag was draped over us. I fumbled for my phone, being careful not to wake him up. I had some messages from Paul from earlier this morning, the main road would still be inaccessible for a few days, he was spending the night in his car and taking the long way around in the morning. The rest of the guys would be up when the road was clear. The second message was from this morning letting me know he was on the way. That was six hours ago. He would definitely be here soon. As I fully regained consciousness I realized the power was back on. I also realized that the shower was running...

Next: Chapter 2

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