Lukes Summer Indenture

By Hank M

Published on Apr 14, 2023



By Master Redbeard R ; e ; d ; b ; e ; a ; r ; d ; e ; d ; s ; f At y a h o o dot com



Chapter 8 followed a sensationalistic (and top rated) webcast that looked back on the story of Luke's Summer Indenture. Most of the footage takes place during Slave Court Proceedings, accompanied by recent interviews with the people involved, including Luke (who has served his 5 year indenture term and is now a 24-year-old free man).

APOLOGIES, READERS: Luke (and Tommy) will not be subjected to anal sex until chapter 11. If you're waiting for the boys to get bum-fucked, you can skip to chapter 11. If you want all the plot pieces explained, take a few minutes and read chapter 10.

The webcast continues...


Host Chip Lane uses a very serious tone as he describes the visuals we see onscreen: "The courtroom was different after the judge had that private conference in his chambers. Luke was still cuffed naked in front of the judge. His younger brother was cuffed the same, but was fully dressed. And now Cameron, Mr. Cruz's son was also handcuffed but fully dressed. Mr. Cruz was in the witness seat, but now he was not so loud and bombastic."

Close-up of Mr. Cruz testifying in court: "Your honor, I owe an apology to you and to this fine community. Cameron is my son. I sired him. But his mother was an octaroom slavegirl. That means he has some colored blood in him. By Kentucky law there is no question he is a slaveboy. But most other states give a father the option of choosing whether to raise their own get as slave or free."

The man takes a deep breath and continues "I know I broke the law by presenting Cam to some neighbors as my son, and not identifying him as a slave. But I never took him far from the house and never let him parade in public as if he were a free boy.

"As to why I broke the law in this way? When I knew I was coming north I wanted to give my slaveboy a choice. He does have my blood running through his veins, after all. I knew that liberal New York would acknowledge him as free. I told him that if he chose to remain a free boy and live his life that way in New York, I would not stand in his way."

Judge Burns orders Cameron stripped in open court. Since he grew up as a slave, Cameron is not at all self-conscious as his shirt and pants are removed. When he stands nude, his hands behind his back waiting to be cuffed, the judge looks up and down the youth's trim hard body. "I see you put a platinum ring around his penis instead of around his neck. Some owners in New York choose to do that to make their slaves less conspicuous."

The judge bangs his gavel and says, "Mr. Cruz, for circumventing the law as you did I fine you $100."

Cut to present-day footage of Mr. Cruz, dressed in a white suit. He chuckles as he sips bourbon and says, "That's New York for you. I got a $1,000 fine for questioning their right to let a slaveboy testify in open court, but for letting my own slaveboy pretend he was a free boy, that only cost me $100."

Back in the courtroom, the judge is now questioning the newly revealed slaveboy. He explains that the boy doesn't have to accompany his father/Master back South if he doesn't want to. He even tells Cameron that there are charities that will help support his transition to being a free citizen.

"Your honor, sir," Cameron says softly. "Thank you for the privilege of speaking in your court. This slaveboy is very content with his lot in Kentucky. I love my Master. I'm devoted to him. I live for my Master's command, sir."

Cut to present-day footage of Dr. White in the offices of Slave Rescue Society. "Well, what can you expect when you have a boy who's been used as a slave as long as he can remember. It's Stockholm syndrome to the 10th degree. Of course Cameron was not going to leave his Master.

"As to how a father could see his own progeny as a naked slave... Actually, as to how a father could USE his own progeny as a naked slave, you'll have to ask one of these Southern gentlemen."

Cut to Chip Lane at his anchor desk. "It's clear that the people from the Slave Rescue Society do not consider men like Mr. Cruz to be gentlemen. Be that as it may, Judge Burns took Cameron into his private chambers."

Return to the courtroom. The judge looks very content. Mr. Cruz's voice over: "In Kentucky it would be out of order for a judge or anyone else to speak to a slaveboy without the Master present. The judge said he wanted to give Cameron a chance to declare his freedom without his Master present. I won't speak ill of the dead, but maybe the judge kept my slaveboy's mouth fully occupied in his chambers."

Tommy Peyton has been standing fully dressed, hands cuffed behind his back throughout the proceedings. Now the judge turns his attention to the slim teen. Tommy is now recounting the events of August 15th.

"My brother asked me to look up the address of the Slave Rescue Society. We weren't that far from their Westchester headquarters."

Mr. Cruz's lawyer rises with an objection. "As you know, your honor, slaveboys do not have families. This boy's former brother was and still is the slaveboy Luke."

Tommy seems on edge as he snaps back, "OK, should I call him the slaveboy who looks like my former brother and has my former brother's memories?"

Judge Burns looks down sternly, "No need to get snippy, boy."

"Luke told me that we had to go visit the Slave Rescue Society. He said it was for Cameron. I asked him what this was about and he said it wasn't for him to share Cameron's secrets."

Once again, Mr. Cruz's lawyer stands up and asks, "Isn't it true, boy, that you and Cameron shared a sexual relationship?"

There are gasps from the crowd. Tommy looks down blushing. "I'm n-not gay. I may be bisexual or just experimenting. OK, so we kissed, we used our hands, we used our mouths, but we never did anything up the butt."

"When you were naked together with Cameron, you must have noticed he was completely shaved and he wore a platinum ring around the base of his penis and balls. Did you ever wonder about that?"

Tommy swallows hard. "Cameron told me that it gets very hot and muggy in Kentucky so he shaves to keep his crotch from smelling too much. And he said the ring made his cock stand out more prominently from his body. I told him I wanted to get a ring like that and he just laughed and said that maybe I'd get one in time." The crowd in the courtroom laughs at Tommy's naïve response.

"So," the lawyer says pacing, "You were naked together with Cameron sharing physical intimacy with him, but he never shared these supposed secrets with you? Why would he tell secrets to Luke and not to you."

"Luke said it was because he was a slaveboy, and he couldn't share this with a free boy."

"So, you traveled to the Slave Rescue Society headquarters and walked in because of something this slaveboy told you, a secret that was never shared with you." Tommy just stammers for a reply and can't articulate a sentence.

We next see Dr. White cross-examining. "Tommy, how did you end up staying at the Cruz household?"

"I was staying with my grandfather, but we got into terrible fights. I guess now I was old enough to fight back about all his stupid rules. Meanwhile I had become buddies with Cameron. We were texting and talking every day. Cameron said I could move in with them for the rest of the summer.

We see Mrs. Peyton's face on the video monitor in the courtroom, explaining, "I told Tommy I didn't like the idea of him staying with them because I hardly knew Mr. Cruz. Tommy pointed out that I had been willing to sign up his older brother as a slaveboy to Mr. Cruz. It seemed hypocritical not to let my younger son be their houseguest. Also, Tommy made some good points about being able to keep an eye on Luke. I liked the idea of my two boys being together."

"Tommy, did you ever use the slaveboy Luke for sex?" Dr. White sharply asks.

The youth gasps and stammers as he says, "Well, Cameron told me it was OK for Luke to give us handjobs. That didn't count as insertion sex, after all. And..." Tommy blushes deeply. "He showed me this thing where we put a mouth spreader in Luke's mouth and then masturbated into his open mouth. Our dicks never went into the slaveboy's mouth, so it wasn't insertion sex. But we fed the slaveboy our spunk." Tommy looks over to Luke beside him and whispers, "I'm sorry, bro."

The defense attorney's voice is softer as he asks, "What was your intention, Tommy, the day you drove Luke and Cameron to the SRS headquarters?"

Tommy seems frazzled as he replies, "Look this was my brother and a guy I thought was my buddy. They asked me to drive. Luke couldn't drive because he was indentured and Cam said he couldn't drive in New York. I had a learner's permit and I thought it would be cool to go on a road trip with the two of them."

"And what was your intention when you walked Luke into the Slave Rescue Society headquarters?"

"When I parked the car, Cameron said his stomach was in knots and he didn't want to go inside. Him and Luke talked privately and then Luke came to me and said that the two of us would go inside and explain Cam's situation, and clear the way for Cameron to go in."

Mr. Cruz's lawyer rises to say, "So, you're saying that the slaveboy Luke convinced you to risk your freedom for some mysterious situation, that was still never explained to you?"

Tommy's voice sounds very small as he nods and whispers, "Yes, sir."

A tall, effeminate young man is now in the witness seat. Dr. White paces in front of him. "Tell me, Ethan, how did you come to work for the Slave Rescue Society."

Ethan leans into the microphone and explains, "In Indiana it's expected for parents to automatically enslave a boy that's gay. I spent one year as a slaveboy to my father, and then another two years sold to a brothel. I escaped to New York."

"Do you recall seeing these two young men, Luke and Tommy, enter the SRS on August 15th."

"Of course I recall. We rarely get such young, cute boys coming in. The naked one came up to me and whispered that he was there to talk about a problem a friend of his had. It was confusing, but he tried to explain that it was something about this boy's father making him a slaveboy and he wanted to live as a free boy in New York, but was scared of his father. I couldn't quite follow the story.

"I told him to get his friend to come in here, that once his friend was inside our building he was safe and protected." Ethan takes a deep breath and continues, "At that point he turned and said he was going outside to get somebody. I called after him yelling that once he was inside our headquarters he could not go back outside. But he was already back out the doors when I finished shouting."

Cut to CCTV footage of Luke exiting the SRS building and Tommy close behind. Slave police surround the two boys and order them on the ground. The black-uniformed cops then cuff Luke and Tommy's hands behind their backs. Tommy keeps saying that they're making a mistake, that he's a free boy. The burly slave cop sergeant laughs and tells him that he won't be a free boy for long."

A heavyset sergeant uses a large curved knife to quickly slices through Luke's slave shorts and tunic. It takes longer to cut through Tommy's free boy clothes. His shirt, undershirt and jeans fall to the ground in shreds. He is left shivering in his white briefs, which are promptly sliced off leaving him nude on a crowded public street.

Ethan is still in the witness seat as Mr. Cruz's attorney comes close and says, "Isn't the creed of the SRS to free slaves and keep boys out of indenture by any means necessary?"

"Yes, but...."

The domineering lawyer raises a hand to stop Ethan from speaking further. "It has been proven, has it not, that agents of your radical organization have even lied in court in order to get a slaveboy freed?"

"It hasn't really been proven, sir, but...."

"No more questions, your honor."

Cut back to Chip Lane at his anchor desk. "Unfortunately, we are not able to interview slaveboy Tommy. As most of you know his whereabouts are unknown at this time. It is assumed he is still a slaveboy and some authorities believe he was sold on the underground market to a boy brothel somewhere in Africa."

Cut to present-day interview with Mrs. Peyton. There are twin boys about three years old, climbing all over her. She is laughing with her twins, but dabbing her eyes as she says, "It's painful to me every day wondering where Tommy is and what's being done to him. At the same time, Luke has cut off contact with me all because of some money issues. At least I now have the twins and a new life in California."

Back in court, Mr. Cruz's lawyer once again raises an objection and the judge replies, "I have heard your objections, young man. But I will give this slaveboy a chance to speak." Then he turns to Luke and says, "I will not have outbursts like the one yesterday, boy. You will answer questions and remain respectful of the free people in this courtroom. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, your honor, sir. Thank you for letting me speak, sir."

The camera is focused on Luke's nude shaved body as he cautiously begins. "When I asked Cameron about certain things I saw, about the way he was treated, at first he said he needed to trust me more before he could tell me. Then eventually he told me that Mr. Cruz was his father, but also his master. Cameron explained that his mother had been a colored slavegirl and that meant he was part colored."

Luke clears his throat and continues, "Cameron seemed very sad. I told him what I knew about New York law. I told him that he could go to the authorities and they would give him shelter and declare him free. He got nervous about going to the authorities. So I told him about the Slave Rescue Society. They're not very active in Kentucky. He said he was too scared to go there but then I said maybe Tommy and I could go there with him."

Cut to present-day footage of Mr. Cruz in his white suit. "The only thing I can imagine is that slaveboy Luke went through my private files. I know for certain that Cameron did not reveal that information to the slave. Apparently Luke is very good with computers and I suppose there were times I left the slaveboy in the house and hadn't shut down my laptop."

Back in the courtroom, the judge asks, "If that's the case, boy, why did you and Tommy go into the SRS headquarters and Cameron did not?"

"When we got to the building, sir, Cameron told me he was scared to go in. I said that Tommy and I would go in with him. He was going on about how his father would whip the skin off his back if he knew about this. I was trying to tell him that the SRS would help make him a free boy so nobody could whip him again." Luke sighs deeply. "Finally I said that I would go inside with Tommy and explain Cam's story to them and then bring him inside when I could assure him of safety."

Dr. White sounds sympathetic as he asks, "Did you understand, Luke, that once an indentured boy goes into the SRS building, it is considered an escape attempt? If you had remained in the building, they could have given you shelter and representation. But once you stepped back out, the slave police were able to arrest you as a runaway slave."

Luke shakes his head, "I didn't understand any of that. Besides I only had two weeks left in my indenture, why would I want to run away?"

The judge bangs his gavel. "You are a slaveboy in a court of law. I remind you to address free men as Sir."

"Sorry, sir," Luke looks down at his feet.

Cut to testimony from the burly slave cop who had presided over the arrest and public stripping of Luke and Tommy. "First thing we did when we got the slaveboy back to our office was to examine him. We saw no whip marks. Maybe some slight redness from a paddle or even a hand spanking. But there was no evidence that his body had been abused. As far as we could tell his anus was still tight and unused."

Dr. White paces the courtroom giving his closing argument. "What we have in this case is a naïve youth, ignorant and duped. He walked into the wrong building. You want to cast doubt on his explanation about trying to help slaveboy Cam. But any doubt you may have about that story does not explain why a summer indenture with just two weeks left on his contract would walk into the SRS headquarters and walk back out three minutes later."

Mr. Cruz's lawyer has a sly smile as he says, "I remind my colleague that ignorance of the law is no excuse."

Judge Burns looks contemplative as he says "It was my intention to add an extra year to the slaveboy's indenture contract, and to give the same 12-month sentence to Tommy. But I am outraged by the outlandish excuses these two boys have given for their foolhardy behavior." He bangs the gavel and says, "Five year indenture sentences for both boys. You will become property of the state of New York to be sold at auction and kept within the borders of this state."

"Your honor," Mr. Cruz rises and approaches the bench respectfully. "While these boys are guilty of having sullied my family name, I know they were well-raised by this good woman here." He points to the video screen where Mrs. Peyton is seen crying. "She has managed to live honorably and decently because of the assistance of her two sons. I don't want to see her suffer the loss of both of them."

Mr. Cruz nods to his lawyer, who rises and says, "We request that the court vacate the indenture orders on these boys, and instead permit Mr. Cruz to purchase them for the five year term. In this way, New York State will receive 20% of the purchase price, but Mrs. Peyton will receive the lion's share of the payout."

"I am prepared to offer 20% above retail estimates," Mr. Cruz adds in.

"You understand that you are likely offering to pay more than half a million dollars to own both of these brothers for five years?"

"But of course I would need to be able to take them back to Kentucky with me."

Mrs. Peyton is seen on the video monitor crying and saying, "Oh, God bless you, Mr. Cruz. It will still be so difficult for me to lose both my sons. But that money will help me start a new life." Then she wipes her eyes and shouts, "Boys, if you can hear me, I promise I'll put half of the money away for the two of you to have when you're free again."

The judge bangs his gavel and declares, "Take these boys to the public square and give them each 10 lashes with the bullwhip."

"A request, your honor," Mr. Cruz interrupts. "As their new owner I would like to administer their first whipping. I promise you they will each feel the bullwhip. And in Kentucky we know how to use those whips."

Cut to Luke at the age of 24, seen halfway in shadows. He has removed his blue polo shirt and is wiping his neck and underarms with it. He swallows down his drink in one gulp. "I got a little overheated out there. I remember when they stripped Tommy he was crying like a baby. Then they always bring out some volunteer to milk the new slaveboy. In this case it was our fat old neighbor, Mr. Thrush. He pressed his big body against Tommy's smooth back, wrapped one hand around my brother's dick and had his other hand fingering Tommy's crack. Tommy was crying real hard then. That's one of the images it's hard to keep out of my head."

Chip Lane's voice is heard off-screen asking, "But Tommy did shoot his load of sperm for them to collect, in spite of his crying."

Luke nods his head, shirtless now showing off his impressive smooth chest and arms. He pours himself another drink. "And next thing I was in a little cage that was packed into a crate to be shipped to Kentucky. I saw Tommy in a similar cage and saw them getting him into a crate also."

Chip Lane is seen behind his anchor desk once again. "When we return, we have footage of Mr. Cruz's Welcome to Kentucky for the two young brothers. We know most of you have already seen the footage where Luke is first sodomized up his rear end. But we have a special feature tonight -- we have Luke narrating the action and explaining how he felt as he lost his virginity to the powerful Kentuckian."



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Next: Chapter 10

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