Lukes Summer Indenture

By Hank M

Published on Apr 10, 2023



By Master Redbeard R ; e ; d ; b ; e ; a ; r ; d ; e ; d ; s ; f At y a h o o dot com



Chapter 8 began six years after the previous action of the story. The top-rated weekly webcast "Slavery Today" is showing a special retrospective on the case they call "Summer Indenture Gone Wrong." Show host Chip Lane has narrated the story, shown clips from slave court and conducted present-day interviews with the individuals involved, including Luke who is now a free boy and has published a book about his experiences called "Accidental Slaveboy."

Chapter 9 begins in the middle of that weekly webcast.

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This segment opens with the interview of Luke at 24, still wearing the blue polo shirt. He looks emotionally distraught. He softly says, "This isn't easy for me." Then he clears his throat and goes on, "Of course I knew the implications of what I was saying. But something inside me just made me say it. Maybe I was half-hoping that Cameron would...." Luke looks off wistfully in the distance.

We hear Chip's voice off-camera: "Were you hoping that Cameron would corroborate your claims, Luke?"

Luke holds his hands up toward the camera and says, "My lawyers tell me I have to be very careful in the things I say."

Then we return to the courtroom as the naked Luke and clothed Tommy are marched out. Judge Burns declares that court will resume the following day. As a crowd streams out of the judicial building, a reporter shoves a microphone in Mr. Cruz's face, which fills the frame as he rants: "I know we're not in the South, and more's the pity. Mario Slater comes from one of the finest families in this community. To allow a slaveboy like that to malign the Slater name in open court, and with cameras rolling -- that's really too much. In Kentucky, Luke would be attached to a whipping frame and halfway through 50 lashes by this time."

Then we cut back to the older Luke in his polo shirt, looking very somber and taking a deep breath. "Those first few weeks of enslavement... How do I explain this? I learned that a slave needs to keep his own feelings bottled up, never show any anger or resentment. I suppose being in court I just exploded. I could say it was my treatment as a slave that brought me to that moment, but the truth is I was just a stupid hothead for speaking as I did that day in court."

Chip's off-screen voice asks, "Are you saying that your accusations against Mr. Slater and Mr. Cruz were not true."

Luke looks into the camera for a very long time, his eyes wide but his expression blank and then he finally says, "That is a question that... umm, my lawyers have advised me not to answer."

We return to Chip at his anchor desk. He takes a long pause and looks thoughtfully into the camera. "When we return, we will show you the incendiary footage that started the uproar in the court. And other voices will chime in."

Cut to a teaser of Dr. White, a noted abolitionist, lawyer and controversial public figure. He is smoking a pipe and takes it from his mouth as he cautiously begins, "At first slaveboy Luke became a popular hero embraced by the abolitionist movement. But the problem we've had since he's been freed is that he wallows in self-pity. I've seen boys no older than Luke who have scars from the bullwhip up and down their backs and whose anuses need to be sewed back together. I can defend Luke on many legal points. But I'm not going to waste my pity on a privileged white boy who was pissed off because had to lick up some sperm."

We return to the announcer who continues, "Our sponsor, Cream-Away Ointment prides itself on showing fresh commercials each week. But they've decided to go back into their vaults for this ad campaign that ran seven month's ago.


We see the back of a boy's head as his platinum slave collar is being removed. There is a cloth between the skin on the boy's neck and the thin metal ring. Only the government slave authorities are permitted to use the handheld machine that whirs and cuts through the metal.

The slaveboy turns around in his seat and we see that this is news footage of Luke having his collar removed. His hand is massaging his newly-bared neck. He smiles weakly into the camera and says, "I thought the collar was going to cut my throat, sir, the way it was pulling. Thank you, sir."

An off-camera voice says, "You don't have to call me sir anymore, Luke. You're not a slaveboy anymore."

Luke seems bewildered. "I know that, sir, that my indenture sentence has come to an end. I know I'm a free boy again, sir. But it just feels more respectful for me to address you that way. I'm sorry, sir."

This cuts to footage of Luke a month later as he peels up his t-shirt and shows off an impressive chest and arms in the mirror, pumped up a great deal from the teenage torso he had six years earlier. He smiles and says, "It takes time to get over certain things when you've been released from indenture. But you want to move on with your life."

Then Luke turns and we see his back is all cut up from whipmarks and beatings. He peels down his shorts and we see the marks continue down his round buttocks. With sadness in his voice, Luke says, "I didn't think I was ever going to be able to get over these scars. It was enough that I will always be a former slaveboy. But to have people see this." There is a close-up on Luke's lumpy reddened butt.

Onscreen we see a jar of Cream-Away as an announcer explains the virtues of this product. Then the announcer narrates as we see Luke undergoing cream treatments, the product rubbed into his damaged skin each morning and night for a week. There is steady improvement.

At the end of that sequence, we see Luke standing naked at the same mirror. This time when he turns his back his skin is clear and smooth. He runs his hand down to his butt and smiles for the camera in an enticing way as he says, "Thanks, Cream-Away."

The commercial ends with a close-up of the jar of Cream-Away. Voice over says, "Cream-Away, available at most fine slave outlets, slave supply stores, and slave auction houses." The music then takes us back into the show.


Return to Chip at his anchor desk as he shuffles papers. He looks into the camera and asks, "And yet, once he was out of indenture, Luke did a notorious commercial for our own sponsor. It's one thing to show a bare slaveboy ass on a webcast, but Luke didn't seem to realize he was back to being a free boy. He did other controversial performances as well."

24-year-old Luke is seen in his polo shirt, wiping sweat off his brow. "I hosted that gay show in San Francisco because it paid my rent for two months. Or would you have preferred I sleep out on the streets so I'd be picked up and sent back into slavery?"

Chip's off-screen voice is soft as he says, "Please, calm down. Our audience members followed your case and they care about you, Luke. They just want explanations. You say you're straight and yet you did a striptease for this gay event."

Luke mops his brow again and looks down. "It was in the contract. I hadn't read all the fine print in the contract."

"C'mon Luke, that wasn't the only strip show you did for gays. You had a two-week run at the Out-of-Chains Boy Revue in Las Vegas."

"After I did that one gay event, I saw that it was easy money. So I figured maybe I could support myself while I was writing my book." Luke holds up a copy of his book for the camera "Accidental Slaveboy."

Chip turns and looks into a different lens as he says, "In the courtroom the following morning, Judge Burns was brusque and businesslike."

The judge leans forward into his microphone as he says, "I will not have another day with the sort of chaos we saw here yesterday. As I see it, the court now has three things to weigh in on today -- and I promise this case will be completely wrapped up today.

"Those three matters begin with Mr. Cruz's original claim that slave Luke's sexual limitation clause should be removed because the boy is gay. I have heard Mr. Cruz's attorney, the learned Mr. Blackwater, say this subject is no longer relevant. Well, it was brought to this court and this court will adjudicate the matter.

"Next, we have the centerpiece of this case: Were the actions of August 15th a purposeful attempt by the slave to run away?" Judge Burns is quiet so the gravity of his statement could weigh upon the listeners. "We all know the consequences for a runaway slaveboy. And then finally there are the defamation cases now brought against slaveboy Luke by both Mr. Cruz and Mr. Slater."

Cut to Dr. White, the slave abolitionist. "Judge Burns was a strict letter of the law guy. But he was liberal, he understood the importance of slaves having at least some rights. And here was Luke Peyton, a smart kid from the suburbs, and the judge allows Cruz to transport slaveboy Luke down South. Because the laws are stricter on slaves in Kentucky, New York judges rarely allow transport clauses."

Back in the courtroom a video is projected. We see Luke and Cameron together in white briefs on Cameron's bed. They are touching and laughing. We hear Luke's voice over explaining. "I just froze up when I saw that video in court. First to think that Mr. Cruz was spying on his own son's bedroom... well, I wasn't sure at the time what part Cameron played in this. I was trying to remember that night. So much had happened in just a few weeks. I was trying to remember what I had said and done that night in bed with Cameron. Oh, and at the same time that's when I saw that Mario Slater was present in court to testify against me."

Cut to footage of Mario Slater. He is also six years older, his shoulders are broader, his hair cut shorter, and he is wearing a tailored Italian suit. "Look, when I was a high school kid I was embarrassed for people to know that I had once been best friends with a guy who ended up indentured -- even if the indenture was only supposed to be for the summer. I mean, slaves served me, they didn't sit down and drink coffee with me."

Mario adjusts himself in his chair. "But I'm older now and I understand that fate can throw surprises into anyone's life. I feel sorry for Luke, honestly. But it turned out the boy is gay. Don't you think it's best for gay boys to be indentured and auctioned off? They like taking dick anyway."

Chip Lane narrates as the camera once again shows us the slave court proceedings: "The second day of the trial there was a new face. Dr. White, the well-known abolitionist and one of the leaders of the Slave Rescue Society, is also a licensed New York State attorney familiar with slave law. But was it really in Luke's interest to have such a controversial figure arguing on his behalf?"

Judge Burns is once again seen banging his gavel, this time shouting for Dr. White to be silent. "Your motion to label this evidence inadmissible has been noted, but dismissed by this court. Therefore we can move on with the footage."

This time when the video plays we hear the dialogue in the darkened room as we see Luke sliding down Cameron's body and taking the taller boy's dick in his mouth. Then as we hear Luke gag, Cameron says, "Oh man, it's like you're way too eager for it, Luke. Just start slow on the head." We next hear Cameron say, "You're doing a good job, slaveboy. I think you like sucking cock." * (NOTE: This scene takes place in chapter 6 of Luke's Summer Indenture.)

Then Luke pulls off the dick long enough to say, "You got a nice cock, Cam."

There is so much chattering in the courtroom at that point that few people hear Cameron chuckle and reply "Maybe I should paddle you for not addressing your young master in the correct way." Once again the judge was banging his gavel and demanding quiet.

Cut to footage of Luke at 24 in his blue polo shirt. "It was taken out of context. I was confused. Cameron had been giving me my first ever blowjob. What did you expect on my first day as a slaveboy? They drugged me."

Chip's off-screen voice asks, "They drugged you into saying that Cameron had a nice cock?"

"I'm tired of talking about this." Luke stands from his chair and pulls off his lavalier microphone. He turns to leave the frame, but picks up the microphone and holds it as he speaks into it, "I'd like to state right now that those nasty rumors saying that I did things with men for money after those strip shows I did... I just want to say those are total fabrications." Then he drops the microphone and walks off.

Cut back to the courtroom and we see Mario Slater in the witness seat. He is reciting his version of what happened in the poolhouse. "Of course I respected the no-insertion clause and understood it. After all, I assumed Luke would be a free boy again in a couple of months, and I certainly didn't want to run into a free boy in town whom I'd previously fucked." He tries to smile but it seems awkward.

Mario continues, "But I figured Zack and I could get handjobs from the slaveboy. I mean, that's a courtesy thing that any of your friends who have slaves will provide. My family and I believe in the indenture system. It makes our country strong. And I think having a former schoolmate give you a handjob helps reinforce his role as a slaveboy."

Taking a deep breath Mario adds on, "But then when he was down there he just went ahead and put my cock in his mouth. I told him that I had only ordered him to use his hand. He became overly familiar and went on about how since he was enslaved it freed him up to admit his desire for my big cock. Well, I knew that the right thing to do would be to take my cock out of the boy's mouth and report him to his owner, but..." Mario chuckles and acts coy. "Well, I am a teenage boy and the slaveboy's mouth did feel really good, like he really knew what he wanted."

We briefly see Mario's blond friend Zack in the witness seat. He corroborates everything his dark-haired buddy said. He tells the court he had been standing next to Mario in the poolhouse and was hoping Luke would suck his dick next.

Cut back to Chip Lane who explains, "Luke's troubles started when he first said that Mario Slater was lying. Now living as a free boy again, Luke refuses to comment on any of Mr. Slater's statements and has said that a lawyer advised him against making any further comments about the courtroom testimony."

Cut back to the courtroom as Judge Burns bangs his gavel and says, "This court finds that the slaveboy's own videotaped actions and the testimony from a prominent citizen and classmate is more than enough evidence. We declare that slaveboy Luke is a homosexual and there can be no limitations on sex in any contract for his indenture services."

The judge shuffles some papers and says "Now we move on to the difficult part of our case. The actions of slave Luke on August 15th, and what roles Tommy Peyton and Cameron Cruz played in the events of that date. The ultimate question: Should Luke be punished as a runaway slave?"


Cut to a commercial showing a blond 20-something man with a slave carrier. When he opens the case, a slaveboy pops out and is enthusiastically sniffing the man's crotch. The shot freezes and a voice over says, "Yes, it's nice to have a slaveboy who's always obedient and who knows how to please his master..."

The blond man in the scene turns to the camera and says, "But when you get a new slaveboy that can be kinda boring."

Cut to video of the Gaytown Slave Hall building as the narrator says, "Haven't you heard of the Gaytown Slave Hall's Wild Pups Sale?"

Close-up of the man's face: "Wild Pups Sale? What's that?"

The camera tracks down a line of teenage boys, each collared, cuffed and shackled to a platform. Some boys look scared, some defiant, and some confused. All of them display full erections and are dressed in the variety of underpants one would see in a high school locker room. As we keep seeing different boys on display, the voice over explains: "Wild Pups means boys who are very recently indentured, most for less than a week, some less than a day. They're not trained in any way. Gaytown Slave Hall guarantees these are straight boys whose butts are cherry."

The 20-something blond man grins for the camera and says, "That's where the fun begins. I get to break in my very own straight free boy." The camera pulls back and we see a new slave hog-tied with his hands and feet chained together in the air. The dominating man is using a belt to slash at the back of the slaveboy's thighs and his exposed ass cheeks.

"Gaytown Slave Hall Wild Pups Sale -- Straight Teens in Their Free Boy Underpants." As the camera holds on a shot of the Gaytown Slave Hall building, the voice over quickly adds, "Parents, get a 5% bonus if you indenture your son the last week of the month so he can be included as a Wild Pup."

The blond man holds up a pair of white briefs and smiles as he says, "And parents be sure to bring along your son's free boy underpants."

Music segues back into the program.


Host Chip Lane speaks as the camera shows archival footage of the slave court building. "Aside from Dr. White who joined the trial to represent Luke's interests, his mother was also brought in by video link from California." We see a large video screen inside the courtroom where the mother can view everything and participants can see her face.

The judge thanks Mrs. Peyton for taking the time to join the proceedings. She calls out, "Luke and Tommy, I don't care what you boys have done. I'm your mother and I love you always." The judge politely asks the mother to refrain from using the courtroom for personal messages.

Mr. Cruz's lawyer is a well-built man in a very expensive tailored suit. He stands up, opens his suit jacket and says, "Your honor, the facts about August 15th are as follows: the slaveboy Luke, along with Tommy Peyton and Cameron Cruz took Mrs. Peyton's car and drove to White Plains to the Westchester headquarters of the Slave Rescue Society. Luke and Tommy entered the building. Cameron did not. Luke and Tommy soon after left the building. At that time slave authorities apprehended these two boys: Luke was charged with being a runaway slave and Tommy was charged for aiding and abetting a runaway."

Mr. Blackwater takes a long pause and then says, "Your honor, this is an open and shut case. We don't want to waste the court's time. The law clearly states that a slave entering the Slave Rescue Society headquarters constitutes an attempt to run away. What else is there to say?"

In a grandfatherly way, Judge Burns turns to Luke and says, "I'd like to hear what the slaveboy has to say. Tell us Luke: why did you make the trip that day and what was your intention?"

"My client strongly objects to hearing the testimony from this slaveboy. Given his defamatory outburst yesterday... let it be noted that we requested the slaveboy remain gagged for the remainder of this trial."

"I heard your request in closed chambers," the judge snaps. "And for once Dr. White made some good arguments on behalf of his client." The judge's brow furrows as he glares at Luke. "I warn you, slaveboy, to consider your testimony carefully. Make sure you are telling the whole truth."

Luke shifts his weight form one leg to the other, still naked with his hands cuffed behind his back. "Your honor, sir, I did not know that entering that building would constitute an attempt to run away. I only had two weeks left on my indenture. Why would I try to run away, sir? And Tommy... he doesn't belong here at all."

The judge bangs his gavel but not too intensely as he says, "This court will hear from Tommy Peyton in due time. I am asking you for an explanation of your actions on that day, Luke."

The naked slaveboy takes a deep breath and then looks back up toward the judge and says, "Your honor, I thought we were going to this location to help Cameron secure his freedom." There is a hubbub in the courtroom and Luke tries to out-shout it. "Cameron cried at night because he was serving as a slave to his father. I told him that if he stayed in New York, the authorities here would likely declare him free and wouldn't let his father take him back to the South. He said he was scared."

We see Mr. Cruz stand up and shout. "How dare this boy! I want him silenced right now. He has no business defaming the Cruz family name in open court...."

Mr. Cruz's lawyer tries to be heard above the melee. "Request a session in the judge's chambers. These are private family matters, your honor."

Judge Burns bangs his gavel and declares a recess as he adjourns to his chambers.

Chip Lane is seen at his anchor desk once again. He looks directly into the camera and says, "I know you're all waiting for the footage of slaveboy Luke taking it up the rear for the first time. That'll be coming up soon enough."



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Next: Chapter 9

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