Lukes Summer Indenture

By Hank M

Published on Apr 8, 2023



By Master Redbeard R ; e ; d ; b ; e ; a ; r ; d ; e ; d ; s ; f At y a h o o dot com



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Six years have passed since Luke Peyton's original indenture. He is now a free citizen once again and has written a book about his experiences with the American indenture system. The most-watched webcast is now "Slavery Today," each episode about current news involving slaves, slave price forecasts, as well as human-interest stories (which generally revolve around heroic slaves sacrificing themself for their masters).

I've been telling readers that it "may take a while" for me to write Chapter 8 because "I know what's going to happen. But I don't know who/how to narrate the story." Well, here's a stab at writing it. (Let me know if it's too confusing for you.)


The glittery, 3D animation opening credits of the number-one rated webcast SLAVERY TODAY flashes across the screen and then dissolves into lurid clips from that week's show as the voice of host Chip Lane emphatically announces, "It's the story of the Summer Indenture Gone Wrong." The words SUMMER INDENTURE GONE WRONG slide across the screen as Chip continues, "Everyone was talking about it six years ago when all those complications happened with that middle class New York boy who'd only signed on for a summer indenture. Tonight, we have some perspective looking back and we are able to hear from most of the people involved."

We see a shot of Luke naked and cuffed, standing at attention in slave court. Next to him is his younger brother, Tommy, fully clothed, but also cuffed and standing at attention. We then see a shot of Cameron being stripped in the same slave court. Then we cut to a gathering of men all admiring Luke's nude body stretched on a frame, as an equally naked Cameron eats out the bound boy's asshole. Then we cut to another scene showing Tommy's tortured facial expression. As the camera tilts down, we see that Tommy is tied to a stake naked and a rough hand is masturbating the teen boy's dick.

"As always," the host interjects. "We will have sexually explicit footage in tonight's show. Of course many of you have already seen the video of the celebration in Kentucky where slaveboy Luke loses his asshole cherry. But for the first time ever we will be showing that footage narrated by Luke himself, who is now free after serving his extended five year term of indenture."

Cut to handsome, 30-something Chip Lane looking intently into the camera. "But will we ever get a clear understanding of this confusing story? Why did a boy who only had two weeks left in a summer indenture make an escape attempt? Was it, as some liberal lawyers have argued, the actions of a confused teenager and not a real escape attempt? Did the punishment of a five-year extension fit the crime? And can anyone fault the gentleman from Kentucky, Mr. Cruz, who by all accounts has always been generous and fair?"

Luke is revealed wearing a blue polo shirt and sitting in an armchair. He is now 24, his chest and shoulders have clearly broadened and his jaw is sharper. The youth also has a world-weary look in his eyes. Chip's off-screen voice asks, "What do you say to those people who accuse you of cashing in on your experience to make money?"

"First of all, Chip," Luke snaps back sounding indignant. "A lot of people made money off me and I don't hear you asking them that same question. Plus, I need money to live, don't we all? My mother had promised that half the payout would be put aside for me, but all that money ended up being pissed away by her new husband's business ventures. You know, it's not that easy for a former slave to find a decent job."

When Chip tries to interrupt, Luke talks over him, "Additionally, a lot of the income I generate is going into a fund to help look for my younger brother. I won't rest until Tommy is found and freed and safe." Luke holds up a copy of his newly published book. We see the cover that says "Accidental Slaveboy" by Luke Peyton.

The show then cuts to footage of the lovely house where Tommy and Luke grew up. There are family photos of the two boys through the years, showing them wrestling together on their lawn, in swimsuits together at the local swim club, and individually on their sports teams. Luke is shown in a tight baseball uniform holding a trophy. Tommy is shown in a wrestling singlet pinning an opponent.

Chip Lane narrates their story: "The boys grew up in a respectable middle class home that was situated in a town where most of the other children had a great deal more money. But Luke Peyton was always a popular boy because of his good looks and his athletic prowess. Tommy was known as the class clown, but also admired for his good looks and his hard athletic body."

Cut to a shot of Tommy standing chained on an auction block. We see tears in the younger boy's eyes as his white briefs are tugged down and his shaved penis pops up fully stiff. There is a loud smack as the camera shows a large hand swatting Tommy's small white butt cheeks.

Mrs. Peyton appears on camera sitting outside next to a palm tree. She sips a tall drink and says, "The summer indenture was never planned. In fact, I never even thought about enslaving either of my sons." She sips again and pauses. "I mean, of course there were always jokes. Like friends would say that Luke was so cute I could probably buy a new house if I sent him to auction. Or someone would tell me that if I sold both boys together in the current market for slaveboys I'd have enough cash to retire. But that's just the way friends joke around, isn't it."

Cut to Mr. Cruz standing beside a barbed wire fence in a white suit befitting a Southern gentleman. In the distance naked slaves can be seen in a coffle harvesting soybeans. "Frankly, I was at a loss when I arrived at the rental house in New York. I thought for sure my company would have arranged for at least one slave on staff to help unpack and get the house set up. Then I looked out the window."

The man pauses to chuckle as he continues, "I consider this kind of a funny story. I saw this boy mowing the lawn across the street. He was shirtless with ragged shorts that slipped down his hips showing his ass. So of course I assumed he was a slaveboy. He even had this thing around his neck. How was I supposed to know that New York high school kids thought it was cool to make homemade collars and wear them? I mean, his neck ornament didn't look like a slave collar up close, but from across the street...." The man shrugs his shoulders.

Mrs. Peyton blushes and looks down. "I suppose it was kind of amusing. Mr. Cruz came over to my house just as Luke and I were arguing. He thought he was witnessing a slaveboy being belligerent toward me and he actually struck Luke."

"Why were you arguing with your son?" Chip's voice asks from off-screen.

The woman takes a deep breath and says, "I had been offered this great summer opportunity to run a university program in California. But I wasn't willing to leave Luke alone in the house for the summer."

Cut to Luke in his polo shirt. "I had turned 18 and was heading to college in the fall. I had worked really hard to get the best grades in high school and had a scholarship lined up to a really good university. But my mother still thought of me as a child and wouldn't let me stay on my own for the summer."

Cut to Mr. Cruz looking contemplative, as it he's trying to remember events. "So this real nice neighbor lady was talking about her problem of not wanting to leave her 18-year-old son alone and unsupervised for the summer. Meanwhile, I talked about my problem of needing slave help for the summer. I'm not sure I can recall who said what in our conversation but signing up the boy for a summer indenture seemed like a good solution to both our problems. He seemed like a reliable boy, nice, well-mannered." The man smiles to the camera and quickly adds, "And I want it noted that my offer for this short-term indenture was quite generous, even by today's standards. This was a nice lady and a neighbor. I didn't want her to feel I took advantage."

Mrs. Peyton is seen taking a long drink and finishing off her tall glass. Her voice is a little slurred. "You read these things online that say short-term indentures help give boys discipline. They say boys come out of these experiences much more physically fit and focused on hard work that will help them succeed in college. I never imagined things would turn out the way they did."

Then Luke is onscreen again. "We had lived without slaves since my father died, so I had a lot of experience cleaning the house, cooking meals, doing laundry, doing dishes, whatever needed to get done I would pitch in and do it. I thought I had earned a summer off to hang out with my buddies at the swim club. So it was a bummer being placed in short-term indenture. But I figured it would just mean I'd be stuck doing housework." Luke's face takes on a brooding look when he continues, "I didn't know I would be beaten and used for sex as soon as I got in that house."

Mrs. Peyton has a dark expression as she quietly speaks, "I had included the no-insertion sex clause in Luke's contract. That assured me that there would be no penetration." She looks away from the camera, clearly embarrassed by this subject.

"I don't mind answering this at all." Mr. Cruz was once again onscreen, but this time with his arms crossed and an angry look. "Because, I didn't do anything wrong. I've been a slave owner all my life, and I'm proud of my family's heritage. In Kentucky schools we teach our boys about indenture law and slave handling and everything a gentleman ought to know."

His voice grew more heated as he continued, "Naturally I figured there would be clauses in this short-term contract to prohibit insertion sex and prohibit me from any punishments that might break the skin. After all, this was a neighborhood boy from a good family and he was heading for college in the fall. So of course I respected those provisions. Anybody who makes a claim that I didn't follow the letter of the law will face my lawyers in a defamation suit. And let me warn you right now -- the last person who lost a defamation suit to me had to pay with his oldest son becoming my slaveboy."

Now it's Luke with his arms folded over his chest. "I cannot answer this question honestly. I know how powerful Mr. Cruz is and what good lawyers he has. I wouldn't want to risk becoming his slave once again."

Returning to a close-up of Mr. Cruz, the man is saying, "Back home when we had a new slaveboy we would always take our master's rights with him; for your northerners that means we take the boy up the backside. And we would whip the boy with a bullwhip. Now, I knew straight out that we weren't allowed to do that stuff to Luke. I would never dream of using a bullwhip on a boy who only had a matter of weeks to serve as a slave."

The big man takes a deep breath and goes on. "I believe those rituals from my state are necessary to teach a slaveboy his place. So I wanted to emulate that but stay within the limits of the law. Instead of using a bullwhip on the boy, I only paddled him with this." Mr. Cruz held up something that looked like a ping pong paddle and demonstrated that it was even padded.

"And as for supposedly using him for sex? I may have covered him with my cream and urged other free men to do the same his first night. I don't rightly recall the details. But, c'mon, sticking a penis into a boy's ass is sex. Creaming across his smug face is teaching a slaveboy his place in the world."

Then we see host Chip Lane looking intently into the camera. "While the free boy Luke refuses to answer the question about sex with his master, slaveboy Luke was not so reticent when he spoke in slave court six years ago. We will be showing you that dramatic footage when we return after these words from our sponsor."


Upbeat music and bright colors fill the screen as a good looking blond man in shirtsleeves asks, "Ever have this happen to you?" We see a broad shouldered, muscular slave attached to a frame being whipped. When water is splashed on the slaveboy's bruised back and butt, he shivers with agony.

Then the blond man walks over and touches the many scars on the slaveboy's skin. He looks at the camera and says, "Oh no! I ordered this slaveboy whipped and then sold. But now look at him! This was a valuable hunk of slave flesh and I paid a lot for him. But if he goes on the auction bloc now, nobody's going to notice his great muscles or even his soft cocksucking lips. All they'll notice is how his back is all scarred up."

The blond holds up a jar and opens it. The camera gets a close-up of the label that reads Cream-Away Ointment. "I found the solution to my problem with Cream-Away. Just have this rubbed on the slave's scars twice a day for seven days..." We then see another naked slaveboy rubbing the ointment on the bruised slave's back and ass. There are a series of dissolves finally ending with a close-up of the slaveboy's flesh -- it looks smooth and flawless.

The blond smiles at the camera and says, "Those scars that would've cut tens of thousands of dollars off this slaveboy's sale price are now nearly gone. Cream-Away can't get the slave's skin back to the free boy smoothness of his first day on an auction bloc. But running your fingers over his flesh now you will only feel the normal wear and tear of a typical slave's punishments."

The commercial ends with a close-up of the jar of Cream-Away. Voice over says, "Cream-Away, available at most fine slave outlets, slave supply stores, and slave auction houses."


Close-up on host Chip Lane: "And now we go to footage from the slave court six years ago. It seemed like a minor case when it started -- attempted escape, extended indenture, and very likely time in the whipping frame. Nobody could have foreseen the complications that ensued. However, the court that day was presided over by Judge Burns, a noted slave court jurist now retired. He was the author of the book `The Cruelty of Leniency,' in which he argued that it was cruel to treat slaves too gently."

Footage of Judge Burns speaking at a big conference: "I had a young slaveboy in my court just last month. The youth's father indentured the boy with every intention of keeping him in the household. So the father kept on treating the slaveboy like a son. The boy wasn't even trained to address free men properly."

The judge took a drink of water and continued, "And then the unexpected happened. The father lost a lawsuit and the bank took possession of the slaveboy. When you buy a slave who's already been indentured for three years and has another seven on his contract, the least you should expect is a boy who knows how to follow orders. His eventual owner discovered that the boy hadn't even been trained in the most basic sexual services."

Judge Burns chuckled: "There was, of course, a bonus for the new owner. Nobody expects that a boy this young and cute could go three years into his indenture contract and still be a virgin up the butt. However, the boy needed to be chained down for his owner to take pleasure with him. The boy even balked when asked to wash his Master in the shower, and tried to physically strike the man. Naturally enough I doubled the boy's 10-year indenture and ordered 25 lashes in the public whipping post."

The old man paused for dramatic effect. "Did the father do the boy a favor by treating him with kindness? Even if he hadn't lost custody of his slaveboy, there was still likelihood the boy would have acted inappropriately in public, been rude to a free person. Once the boy was enslaved the father should have whipped his back and fucked his ass on the first day." Loud applause.

Cut to footage of Judge Burns banging his gavel in his own courtroom. Mr. Cruz is seen standing and shouting. The judge's booming voice and his gavel drown out the Kentuckian's rant. "I will have order in the court!"

A few more bangs of his gavel and the judge looks directly at Mr. Cruz. "I would like to remind Mr. Cruz that this is not Kentucky. This is New York and we abide by the laws of the state of New York. As for knowing how to run a slave court, I am considered an authority and have written three acclaimed books about slave court. I could forgive the ignorance of an out-of-towner if you had approached the bench and addressed the court politely. But I will not excuse your rudeness, sir." He bangs his gavel again and snaps, "That will be a $1,000 fine for rudeness, Mr. Cruz."

Judge Burns then addresses the full court as he says, "In New York State it is a judge's prerogative whether to permit testimony by slaves. I've had more than 20 years serving on this bench. I would not hear testimony from some long-term life sentenced work drudge. But what we have before us is a young man who's never been in trouble, who was heading for college, and who was only signed on for a summer indenture. I will certainly hear his testimony. Besides, I want to know what the hell happened that day at the Slave Rescue Society." The courtroom chuckles at the judge's last remark.

Cut to 24-year-old Luke in his blue polo shirt, rubbing his eyes. "When the judge said that about hearing my testimony and not lumping me together with some long-term drudge slave, it made me feel hopeful. That sort of led to me saying more than I should have said that day in court."

Chip Lane's voice is heard off-screen. "Are you now saying that some of your testimony in court was untrue."

There is a flash of anger on Luke's face. Then he chooses his words carefully as he says, "I'm not here to contradict any of the testimony I gave in court."

Cut back to the courtroom and we see 18-year-old Luke bare-naked, his hands cuffed behind his back and chained to his slave collar. His penis is more than halfway hard. Cut to a website headline flashing on screen that reads: "Luke Claims Nervousness Got Him Boned."

"Your honor," the nude slaveboy says humbly. "Thank you for allowing me to speak on my own behalf. I was a good student, a star athlete, had...."

Judge Burns bangs his gavel. "Boy! Do not tell the court information that it already possesses. Do you have anything to say in response to the testimony and video footage the court has just seen?"

"Your honor, sir, the footage was out of context and... Mario Slater was lying."

There was uproar in the courtroom and the judge kept on banging his gavel. "Do you realize the seriousness of a slaveboy claiming in court that a free man has lied under oath?"

Luke is shaking his head as if trying to release all the demons. "And Mr. Cruz, he... well, he force fucked my mouth and he did it often. He said nobody would believe a slaveboy's testimony and he didn't care about the no-insertion clause in my contract." The 18-year-old slaveboy turns back toward the seating area and tearfully calls out, "Cameron, tell them. We can both be free if you tell them, Cam!"

The judge nods to the bailiff who gags Luke and wraps chains around his body. Judge Burns then points his gavel toward Tommy, still fully dressed but with hands cuffed behind his body. "This one is still a free boy, so you can't strip him naked. But I don't see a need for all these clothes he's wearing. Underpants should do, but keep him caged and feed him slave chow."



Questions, comments or compliments: R ; e ; d ; b ; e ; a ; r ; d ; e ; d ; s ; f At y a h o o dot com

Next: Chapter 8

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