Lukes Summer Indenture

By Hank M

Published on Apr 2, 2023



By Master Redbeard

CHAPTER SEVEN As Told by Slaveboy Luke

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I was tasked with cleaning a rickshaw Cameron found in the garage. It hadn't been used for years and was caked with grime. Once the small vehicle was shining, I was permitted a quick shower under cold water to wash away the sweat from my hours under the sun and the grime from my time under the rickshaw.

Then I was dressed once again in the green gym shorts, but this time without a jockstrap underneath. I was placed in a harness and hooked to the rickshaw. Mr. Cruz asked me if I knew the route to the local supermarket. Of course I knew where it was. But I had never traveled there as a dray animal before. He got into the rickshaw behind me and unfurled a long whip. He smiled when he saw my alarm and said, "This whip is long enough for you to feel it. But it's soft enough so it won't break the flesh."

With that I felt the sting of the whip on my shoulders and I gave a great pull and dragged the rickshaw with my Master out into the road. Mr. Cruz barely used the whip on me as I trotted the mostly downhill route to the market. With my hands in the harness, I couldn't reach down and adjust the shorts, so by the time we were in front of the market my entire butt was fully exposed to the pubic. The only thing that held up the shorts in the front was my protruding dick.

As we pulled to a stop, a boy I recognized from school came right up to me. Cyrus was a flamboyantly gay boy in my younger brother's class. My buddies and I had often teased Cyrus. I thought it was all in good fun, but the hard smack on my exposed ass told me Cyrus had different feelings.

"Holy crap, is this really Luke Peyton enslaved?" the boy screeched in his high-pitched voice.

My Master chuckled as he got down from the rickshaw and asked, "Were you a buddy of his from school?"

"Not quite a buddy," Cyrus said with a snarky tone as he pinched my left nipple and twisted it hard.

"Why don't you help unhook the slaveboy from the rickshaw and hook him up to one of those shopping carts?"

Cyrus was only too happy to get his hands all over me. Instead of pulling my shorts up over my bare ass, he managed to let them fall to my feet so I was exposed naked. As he cinched my waist into the strap that attached me to the shopping cart, he stood very close and started flicking his finger hard against my balls.

"Do you remember, Luke, when you embarrassed me in front of the whole locker room? Remember how you accused me of looking at your dick in the showers? I like it better now that it's all shaved, slaveboy." Then the effeminate boy looked up at my Master and asked, "Did you take this straight jock's cherry?"

"Now, now, young man, let's not get carried away," Mr. Cruz answered good-naturedly. "Luke is on a summer indenture. I only have him till he leaves for college in September. As such there are limitations on his enslavement, including a no-insertion sex clause."

By that time Cyrus's father came up behind the teenage boy. Many families believed in enslaving their gay sons, but Cyrus's wealthy dad believed in indulging his boy. "A shame this fine piece of flesh is only on temporary indenture." He handed his card to my Master and said, "If you manage to extend the contract and get rid of the limitations, I'd be happy to offer you a good price."

"Oh, daddy, would you really buy me Luke Peyton?" Cyrus was practically jumping up and down.

"Nothing's too good for my boy." The large man spoke warmly to his son, while at the same time his fingers pressed into the trench between my butt cheeks.

The slave at the store entrance politely asked my Master to pull my shorts back up. "I'm sorry, sir, but this is a family store."

Mr. Cruz clearly enjoyed displaying me for my humiliation. He chuckled and said, "He's merely a slave. I hadn't even noticed that his dick was exposed to the world."

Apparently Mr. Cruz made this trip because he wanted to see what products were available at this store. In future he would send me to the store with a shopping list. I would then have to use the slave entrance and wait to be served by the store's slaves. The man liked fresh food served at his table, so planned to have me go to the store every second day.

My Master bought sliced meats as well as the most expensive steaks. He also chose the most expensive alcohol, cake and bread, and even a rare type of potato that only grew in Peru. Then he sent me down an aisle to get a 20-pound bag of slave chow and an economy-size box of slave biscuits. I did the math in my head: One month's worth of my food cost the same as two of my Master's Peruvian potatoes.

When we turned down the produce aisle, I found myself face-to-face with two of my buddies from school. Mario was a tall football player with wavy dark hair and a broad chest. He was Latino and also the richest boy at school; his father owned oil and gas reserves down in Mexico. I'd frequently been a guest at his family's massive estate where the teen was served by numerous slaveboys. Beside Mario was Zack, a blond boy with a slimmer body who was a champ on the school swim team.

I didn't know how to react to Mario. I wanted to shake his hand and greet him as "buddy," but I knew that the Latino boy and his family took the indenture system seriously. He froze as he looked up and down my body, until he finally uttered, "Holy fuck, Luke Peyton."

"Please, young man, I'll have to ask you to watch your language," Mr. Cruz said with a smile.

"Is this for real?" Zack asked. "I mean is this some prank or a bet you lost, Luke?"

I bowed my head and turned to Mr. Cruz, "P-please, Master, I don't know how to respond, sir."

Mario and Zack laughed in unison. "Before you lads get carried away," my Master said, "You ought to know that Luke here is only a summer indenture with limitations on his use. So he's not a permanent slave... not yet, anyway."

I was unnerved by the way he added the words "not yet, anyway" at the end of his statement. Zack piped up with, "Luke is a buddy of ours." I saw Mario give the blond boy a sideways glance and Zack quickly added, "Well, he used to be a buddy of ours. I mean, everybody knows you can't be friends with a slave, right?"

The two boys asked the older man for permission to examine my body, and he gave his approval. Mario's hands went into the frayed gym shorts and he twisted my balls until I whimpered and begged. I had seen him do that to his own slaveboys, but hadn't realized how cruel it was until I stood there with my testicles in his powerful grip. Zack's fingers were down in the back of the shorts, feeling my ass.

"Geez, Mario, these gym shorts are from middle school!" The two boys laughed about how the lack of elastic in the waistband made the old shorts too loose on my waist. I cursed myself for having worn these green shorts the previous day.

Mr. Cruz was impressed when he found out who Mario's father was and what businesses the man owned. He told the boys about the house he was renting and how he had offered the lady across the street "a good chunk of money to indenture her son for the summer."

I heard Zack whisper to Mario "Well, as of September he'll be a free boy again and he can be our friend again, can't he?"

"Right," Mario said with a snide tone. "Like I'm going to hang out with a guy who ever served as a dick-sucking slaveboy."

Mr. Cruz shrugged. "His mother put a no-insertion sex clause in his contract, boys."

Mario's fingers tickled back and forth on my lips as he replied, "Gee, that's a shame considering how nice his lips are."

My Master nodded his agreement and then brightly added, "Why don't the two of you come around to my house for a swim this afternoon. You can reminisce with the slaveboy, while he serves you." As soon as the man offered the invitation I saw a conspiratorial look between the jocks who used to be my friends, and I felt a twisted feeling in the pit of my stomach.

The rickshaw was heavier traveling home because of all the groceries, also the route home was uphill. This time my Master used the whip much more liberally. It stung my flesh, but since it was a soft whip it didn't break my skin.

When we got home, the green shorts slipped to the ground of their own accord. I was handed a pair of my own white briefs that were just about as old as the green gym shorts. I pulled them up with much effort, my dick sticking out over the waistband.

My former friends showed up at Mr. Cruz's swimming pool an hour later. The man greeted them and then said, "I won't be needing my slaveboy until it's time for him to prepare dinner. He can help take care of you two gentlemen."

I looked to the upstairs windows of the house as the two jocks lead me to the cabana beside the pool. It seemed odd to me that Cameron didn't come down to join these other two boys: they were all the same age, and Cameron had bemoaned the fact that he didn't have buddies to hang out with.

Once in the cabana, my heart was beating fast; Zack began peeling off his clothes, but Mario just stood there with his hands on his hips. I looked to Mario because he seemed to be expecting something and I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. In an impatient voice he snapped, "Your Master told you to take care of us. You don't expect me to take off my own clothes, do you, slaveboy?"

"S-sorry, sir," I said, my head bowed, as I peeled Mario's tank-top over his head and tossed it aside.

The football player grabbed me around the middle and pulled me forward as he smacked my ass with his strong right hand. "Show respect for the property of free men, boy. Fold my clothes neatly."

Zack was stripped to his grey boxerbriefs, rolling his balls through the fabric as he watched the scene unfold. I unbuttoned Mario's jeans revealing a big tent in the teen jock's red patterned boxers. I did my best to fold his jeans, trying to turn away from his obvious erection. When I turned back, the head of his cock was sticking out of the leg of his boxers. Once I peeled down his boxer shorts, his cock sprung up stiff and slapped me in the face, leaving a splash of pre-cum across my cheek.

"Mario, geez...." Zack whispered under his breath.

"What? He's a slaveboy," chuckled the Latino stud.

I felt his strong hand on my face. His other hand was waving his very stiff cock and slapping it across my face. "I always figured lips as soft as yours belonged where they could service free men's dicks."

Swallowing hard, I tried to sound respectful as I said, "P-please, Mario... Please, sir, my indenture contract includes a no-insertion sex clause and...."

Before I could finish speaking, I was punched hard across the face. I fell to the floor of the cabana and then Zack kicked me in the guts. When I doubled over, I felt a tawse slapping my ass cheeks repeatedly. "P-please, this slaveboy is sorry, sir. Please don't hurt me, sir."

Mario grabbed me by the ear and forced me to look up at him as he snarled, "What would happen if I tell your Master that you were disrespectful? That you tried to talk to me in a familiar way and didn't address me properly? What would happen if I tell your Master that you tried to get me to help you out of your indenture?"

"B-but... but..." I just stammered. I was trying to say that it wasn't true. But that wasn't the point, was it? The real point was that any accusation made by a free man against a slaveboy would lead to a severe punishment. "Sorry, sir," I whispered, bowing my head.

The way the big football player was holding my face he forced me to look directly at his cock. In a soft voice, he said, "Now stick out your tongue, Luke, and lick all that nice cream off my dick."

What could I do but obey. My tongue swirled on the fat cock head and pushed back Mario's foreskin. When I looked up I saw the way he was grinning down at me with satisfaction. I heard a soft "Wow!" from Zack and saw that he was stroking his erection through his grey boxerbriefs.

Soon enough Mario shoved his cock between my lips. He started at a slow and easy pace, his dick gliding in and out of my mouth. But then he was slamming more of his dick down my throat. I felt his thick bush of black pubes press against my nose. He held onto the back of my head and worked his long boner from side to side until I gagged.

That was then the door opened and Mr. Cruz walked in. Mario did not extricate his cock from my mouth, but just kept on holding the back of my head. "Goodness," my Master said softly. "I thought sure I told you about the no-insertion sex clause in the slaveboy's contract."

I couldn't breathe with Mario's black pubes up my nose, but he didn't care. He just held me in place as he casually replied, "C'mon, man, he's just a slaveboy."

Mr. Cruz's voice took on a harsher tone as he responded, "First, I think a teenager like you should call your elders Sir. Then, you realize I need to report you to the slave authorities for having used my slaveboy in an inappropriate way."

Mario slid his cock out of my mouth, but I didn't dare look up. There was desperation in the Latino teen's voice as he said, "What if I told you that all I wanted was a handjob, but the slaveboy was hot to suck my cock? What if I told you the slaveboy begged for a chance to eat my boner?"

"Oh, that would be quite different," my Master replied, in a much friendlier voice. "I take it you would be willing to testify to that in any legal proceeding?"

A chill ran up my spine when I heard that. Everyone knew the provision in the law: there would be no limitations on an indenture if it could be proven that a boy is gay. Mario had been my best buddy at school. Would he offer testimony that would turn me into a cock-servicing sex slave?

The teen football player tried to stuff his cock back into my throat, but my Master cautioned, "Maybe you should hold off on that until the courts have their say. For now you could have Luke give you a handjob. Your friend as well."

I knelt in front of Mario and Zack, each hand filled with a teen boner as I stroked both naked boys in unison. Mr. Cruz announced that it was best if he stayed and watched how his slaveboy was being used. The two teens were too horny to care as the big hairy man sat behind them and rubbed himself through his pants. His gaze went from one firm jock's ass to the other.

Zack's cum dribbled down my chest, while Mario made a point of shooting directly into my face. He laughed as he rubbed his cream all over my lips and onto my tongue. Mario then asked about buying my contract if my Master could get my indenture extended. That made him the second classmate in one day to make such an offer.


Mr. Cruz ate dinner alone. Cameron had gone over to Mr. Thrush's house to spend the night. Once my Master was certain he had everything he needed for his meal, he instructed me to pour out one cup of slave chow into the dog bowl at the corner of the dining room. I had to eat with my hands behind my back, only using my mouth. Then I had to lick up water from the adjoining bowl on the floor.

After I finished washing up after dinner, I went upstairs to Mr. Cruz's bedroom. I still wore the white briefs I put on earlier in the day. Now they were splashed and stained from the different chores I'd done.

My Master lay on his big bed in just a pair of boxer shorts. He nodded to me and said, "Undress both of us, boy. Then get into the bed beside me." I peeled down my briefs and left them on the floor. I eased the boxers down Mr. Cruz's legs and folded them neatly, remembering to respect the property of free men.

The hairy man wrapped me in his arms when I lay next to him. Then he commanded me to jerk off. I was used to masturbating when I went to bed at night, but had never done it in the arms of a naked middle-aged man. Mr. Cruz had a very specific wish for me to shoot my spunk all over his fat uncircumcised cock. Then he had me slide my cream up and down his tool with my hand.

My Master rolled on top of me, pushing me down on my back. He pressed my smooth legs together and then pushed his cum-slicked hard dick between my thighs. I felt all parts of his big body pressing into all parts of my body. He looked into my eyes and said, "This is called thigh-fucking, Luke."

Then he kissed me full on the lips as his hips started to piston up and down. His cock slid up and down between my thighs, massaging my balls as he went. His thick flared cock head was sticking out of his foreskin and it was tugging at my ass crack each time he pulled back.

His tongue was wrestling with my tongue as he felt me up and fucked my thighs faster and harder. I don't know how long it lasted -- maybe ten minutes, maybe more -- before Mr. Cruz shot a hot wet load that coated my ass and thighs, soaked my balls, and left a big wet spot on the mattress.

He was out of breath as he slid off my body, then he smacked me on the side of the head. "Lap up that wet spot, boy." He pushed my head down toward the big patch of jizz that stained the bed. I stuck out my tongue to lick it up. It was the end of my first full day as a slaveboy, but I had learned to follow orders.


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(To be continued)

Next: Chapter 7

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