Lukes Summer Indenture

By Hank M

Published on Apr 1, 2023



By Master Redbeard

CHAPTER SIX As Told by Slaveboy Luke

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Less than twelve hours earlier I had been a free boy, unquestionably straight. I never imagined then that my throat would be coated with a couple of loads of cum before the day was over.

Since my mom had included the no-insertion sex clause in my summer indenture contract, I figured I wouldn't be used for any sex. But I was naïve (as my mom had been). Mr. Thrush, the fat old retired slave trader, had demonstrated the use of bondage devices and a mouth spreader to feed cum to a slaveboy without inserting a penis. Mr. Cruz's son, Cameron, hadn't put his dick into my mouth -- that would've been forbidden by the no-insertion clause. But he had jerked off so that his sperm shot into the back of my wide-open mouth.

Then after the old slave trader had left, Mr. Cruz himself cuffed me to his headboard and mounted my face. The hairy man didn't care about the no-insertion clause. He dared me to report him for breaking the contract, but warned me that slaves who made claims against their masters were punished severely if there was no evidence to back up the accusations. I felt defeated. My Master was right. What evidence would I have to prove that he put his cock into my mouth?

I realized that I hadn't actually sucked Mr. Cruz's cock. He didn't give me an opportunity to suck. Instead, he got on top of me and fucked my mouth. When he finally shot his load down my throat, he slammed his body into me so that I couldn't breathe. His sweaty pubes were up my nose and his heavy body was pressing down on my face.

The only bright spot was that Master assured me he couldn't fuck my ass because of the contract stipulation. Apparently the evidence of his fat dick having been in my mouth could easily be washed away. But there was too much risk of evidence being left by a dick in my butt. This was cold comfort for me as I choked down his warm jizz.

Mr. Cruz ordered his son Cameron to take me to his room. The older man didn't want to be disturbed in case I wept or moaned during the night. Cameron snapped a leash onto my collar and told me to always walk with my hands clasped together behind my back and my head bowed.

I was led down a carpeted hallway to another bedroom, not quite as large or grand as Mr. Cruz's. Cameron shackled my right ankle to the foot of his big bed. He demonstrated that the chain was long enough for me to use the toilet. "This means you would use a free man's toilet, which would never do back in Kentucky. But since father wants you bedded up here with us, it's a compromise we have to make."

Then the tall teen jock took me into the bathroom where he presented me with a fresh toothbrush and ordered me to brush well. Then I was made to brush my teeth a second time, but now more vigorously. After that he had me swish out my mouth with antiseptic mouthwash. I knew this was all part of a ritual to make sure I wouldn't have evidence to make any claim against the boy's father for fucking my mouth.

"Please take my father's warning seriously," Cameron said in a way that sounded rehearsed. "If you say anything to any free person about having his cock in your mouth, that's the equivalent of reporting it to a court. As he explained, if you make such a claim and don't have evidence to back it up, any court will punish you severely. Definitely an extension on your indenture with no limitations on sexual uses or punishments, and probably a whipping to go along with that"

Cameron was not at all self-conscious walking around in just his white briefs. Given that he'd recently masturbated into my mouth, his dick wasn't as prominent as it had been, but it still created a tent pointing toward his left hip.

"Father would want you to sleep on the hard floor, slaveboy. But I don't mind if you want to get into the bed. It'll be a lot more comfortable." Cameron had seemed officious up to that point, but his voice grew softer as he said, "We could cuddle."

I gritted my teeth as I replied, "Thank you, young Master, but I'm not a homo."

He slapped my face in anger, but then stepped back and softly muttered, "I didn't mean to do that. It's just... I wasn't asking you to cuddle with me in a gay way. I just thought... well, you've been through a lot today. I thought I could comfort you... maybe we could comfort each other."

There was a long pause and then I mumbled, "Thank you, Master. With your permission...?" I slowly climbed into the bed under the blankets. It was certainly warmer and more comfortable than the roughly-carpeted floor.

Cameron, still dressed in his white briefs, turned out the lights and then got in the other side of the bed. He slowly put his arms around me. I felt his hard pectorals press into my chest, and felt one of his smooth legs go over my legs. "I'm sorry all this happened to you, Luke."

That remark startled me. "Th-thank you, young Master."

The freckled face was inches from my own as he whispered, "If my father heard this, he would pitch a fit and probably paddle my ass. But when we're in the dark alone like this I'd like it if you call me Cam."

I was nervous and confused. "Th-thank you, Cam?" I said as more of a question than a statement.

"If my dad hadn't done this damn contract and if your mom had let you stay in your house for the summer, I bet you and me could've been buddies. I bet you would've had awesome parties and I'd get to go to them."

"Wh-what are you so sad about, Cam?"

"I don't have any real buddies back in Kentucky."

"Your dad is rich and powerful, you're a hard-bodied jock, you're good looking and you clearly have a brain. I don't understand why you don't have friends back home, dude."

"It's complicated, man."

There was a long moment of silence as I listened to his breathing. I knew he wasn't asleep and I worked up my courage to speak. "Cam, there's a lot I don't understand about what happened in there tonight."

"Yeah, enslavement is a strange thing, Luke, especially to a guy like you from the north."

"No, I mean, a lot I didn't understand about the way you acted. I'm sorry man, I don't know if I'm going to go over a line asking this, but: Why did you...?" I couldn't manage to finish the sentence.

"You wanna know why I sucked off Mr. Thrush?"

I nodded my head and Cam continued, "And why I'm spending tomorrow night at that gross old man's house?" The tall jock took a deep breath and said, "There's a lot you don't understand, Luke. Maybe if I get to trust you more... maybe I can tell you some secrets I have."

Then we were both silent and I started to fall asleep. A lot was swirling in my mind, but I was also exhausted from everything that had happened during the day. I think I was fully asleep when I started to feel this most amazing sensation on my cock. I was soon fully awake and aware of a warm mouth that was sliding up and down on my stiff penis. I was soon breathing hard and moving my hips in unison with his lips.

I had fucked two girls in high school. One of them had licked at my cock a little bit, but hadn't really taken it into her mouth. So Cameron's wide mouth was the first that had ever sucked my meat and it felt wonderful.

I looked down at him and just watched what he was doing. He slid off my erection and looked up at me. "If I could suck that nasty old guy, I might as well give you a little pleasure, Luke."

"W-would your dad be angry with you?"

He chuckled and said, "What evidence will he have?" Then he went back to vigorously sucking my boner. Soon I was moving my hips up and down, trying to push more of my cock into his throat.

Cameron pulled off my penis and slid back up beside me in bed. He smiled at me, "Now you do mine, OK, Luke?"

"Gee... ummm, I told you I'm not a homo, man. I never...."

"You already swallowed a load of my cum, Luke. Was it really so bad? And then I watched my dad fuck you in the mouth."

"I practically couldn't breathe with him ramming it in like that."

"This won't be like that, Luke. I just want you to lick it, suck the head in your lips. If you suck mine a little bit, I'll finish off your dick and swallow your cum."

I looked at Cameron's circumcised erection and took a deep breath. I had started to like the freckle-faced teenager. His promise to finish sucking me was appealing. I had heard about slaveboys kept in cock bondage and not allowed to jerk off. Maybe I would regret turning down this chance for a blowjob. Plus, as he said, I had already taken a cock in my mouth that night.

Sliding down his body, I was immediately aware that his crotch didn't smell nearly as rank as his father's had. I opened wide and took his erection into my mouth, and then I immediately gagged and choked.

Cameron grinned and chuckled, "Oh man, it's like you're too eager for it, Luke. Just start slow on the head."

I stuck out my tongue and licked the oozing pre-cum from around the boy's cock head. Then I wrapped my lips around the fleshy helmet head and sucked at it. I slid my lips down further on the long erection and then pulled back just before I started to gag again. I was starting to get the hang of it. I could take more of Cam's tool into my throat, as long as I didn't try to hold it down there for too long.

Cameron's hand was on top of my head as he cooed in a lighthearted way, "You're doing a good job, slaveboy. I think you like sucking on my cock."

I tried to be just as casual when I replied, "You got a nice cock, Cam."

The teenager's hands caressed my face and then held my face in place as he laughed, "Maybe I should paddle you for not addressing your young master in the correct way."

With his hands on my face he started to move his hips. Now he was feeding me his cock. I tried to push him away. I wanted to ask him to go slower or easier or not to push so much cock in my mouth. But he was really going for it now. I felt his hand on the back of my head and then his crotch shoved forward.

Next thing I was swallowing Cameron's cream as fast as I could. His hands were brushing my slave haircut. "Mmmmm, glad I was able to give you pleasure like that, slaveboy."

I was coughing as I pulled off his cock. I wanted to correct him. Sucking his cock hadn't given me pleasure. I wanted to tell him that I wasn't a cocksucker and assure him once again that I wasn't a homo. But before I could get my voice back, Cameron was sliding down my body and engulfing my cock with his warm mouth.

The freckle-faced teen was an expert at sucking cock. He knew how to use his throat muscles to massage my cock head and to use his tongue and lips to play with the base of my erection. It was less than three minutes before I found myself shooting into his throat. He seemed eager to swallow it all.

Then he wiped his lips as he slid back up in the bed. "I know straight boys are taught to freak out at the thought of eating spunk. But you do know it's pure protein. If you're fed from a healthy cock on a healthy guy, it's actually good for you."

I turned my back and felt Cameron's body behind me, spooning me, his flaccid dick between the cheeks of my ass, his arm wrapped across my body.


The following morning I was awakened by a strange sensation on my neck. My slave collar was buzzing and vibrating against my skin. It was only when I reached up and touched the collar that it stopped. Cameron was rubbing his eyes and yawning as he pushed me out of the bed.

"Wash your hands and face, slaveboy. And use mouthwash once again."

As I stumbled to the bathroom, I was once more aware of the taste of Cameron's cum in my mouth and I looked forward to using the mouthwash.

Cameron explained that he was getting up with me this first day so he could show me my duties and responsibilities in the mornings. He dressed me in one of my very old jockstraps that was tattered and grey with splotches on the pouch from ancient piss and cum stains. Although I had been much smaller when this garment was first purchased, the waistband was stretched out enough for it to fit me. The pouch however was stretched thin and my cock was bursting out of it.

It was 5:30 in the morning, way earlier than I woke up even during the school year, and obscenely early during summer break. But I was, after all, a slaveboy. Cameron was dressed once more in just his white briefs as he showed me how to put up his father's coffee. Then he laid out some recipes on the counter and told me to make breakfast.

I eat a light breakfast, usually coffee and an energy bar, but apparently the Cruz family believed in a hearty breakfast. I made a frittata with cornbread and hash brown potatoes. By the time everything was ready, Mr. Cruz had come down to the small dining room dressed in just his blue boxer shorts. I served the two of them in silence as they looked me over and talked about me as if I were an object. Most of their conversation centered on my exposed ass, but Mr. Cruz acknowledged "the slaveboy did a good job on breakfast. And here I was looking forward to having another excuse to paddle his ass." He seemed to find that hilariously funny.

Mr. Cruz took me upstairs to serve him in the shower. As I soaped up the big man's body and rinsed him off, his hands kept touching me all over. His cock grew half-way hard, but was not sticking up stiff this morning. He caressed my face and said, "I have some important conference calls to start the day, boy. So you'll have to wait till later to take care of your Master's big hairy cock."

I helped the man dress in clothes he had selected. Since he would not be going into the city, he wore a casual outfit: a short-sleeve shirt with khaki slacks. Standing next to him in front of the mirror, he looked so fastidious and I only wore my slave collar and the worn-out old jockstrap. I truly looked and felt like a slave.

Cameron took over and brought me down to the fully fitted gym toward the back of the house. I could see out to the swimming pool and wondered if I would ever get a chance to cool off in the water -- not likely for a slaveboy. The workout equipment in the gym was all computerized. Cameron set weights and reps even though I pleaded that his settings were beyond my capabilities.

"What would be the point of setting them to your capabilities, slaveboy? We want our slave merchandise to increase in quality and in value." His reply had been so cold it made my spine chill. Gone was the friendly, sad Cameron I'd seen in bed the night before. Now there was no question I had to call him "Young Master."

It was made clear to me that each day would begin the same. I would be awoken by my collar alarm at 5:30 am, make my Master's coffee and prepare a specified breakfast. Then I would help my Master in his shower, and also help Cameron if the boy requested. I would then spend two hours working out on the gym equipment, pushed beyond where I thought my endurance stood.

After that, I was available for household chores. This first day Mr. Cruz brought me the same pair of tattered green gym shorts I had worn the previous day and told me to put them on over the jockstrap and mow his front lawn. I looked longingly at the house across the street, the house where I had grown up with my mom and brother. The previous day, just about the same time, I had been mowing that lawn as a free boy. But now I was a slaveboy, my Master watching me from his spot on the front porch. This lawn was much larger.

I lost track of time. What does time mean to a slaveboy? But from the position of the sun I knew it was past noon when my mother came across the street. She went past me and directly up to Mr. Cruz who was focused on his laptop on the porch. There was the sweetest smile on her face as she said, "I'm glad to see you're getting some good use out of my boy."

The older man chuckled and replied, "For the next two months, he's MY boy, Mrs. Peyton."

There was a note of concern in her voice as she said, "Tommy told me that Luke got quite a paddling last night, Mr. Cruz."

My Master nodded and replied, "A few of those blows were in anger. It was a good learning experience. Naturally enough, the newly-enslaved boy spoke in a familiar and very disrespectful way to young Tommy. He had to be corrected for that immediately. You understand, of course."

My mom didn't have any facial expression as the man continued, "Back in Kentucky we always break in a new slaveboy with 25 lashes of a whip. But of course young Luke's contract restricts us from any punishments that could break the skin. Even without that contract stipulation, I would never use 25 lashes of a whip on a short-term indenture like this one. But I opted for 25 smacks with the paddle instead."

Mr. Cruz's deep voice commanded, "Slaveboy, display pose."

I stopped the mower and put my hands behind my head, my chest out and my legs spread shoulder width. The man brought my mother to where I was standing and he pulled down the back of my green gym shorts exposing my ass to the open air. My mother gasped.

"Don't worry about the boy's modesty. He is, after all, only a slaveboy now. I just want you to see that there was no damage from the paddling." He urged my mom to put her fingers on the smooth skin of my butt cheeks. She resisted but when she did there was relief in her voice. "It doesn't even look red, and I don't feel any bumpiness on the skin. Clearly, the paddling wasn't as brutal as young Tommy described." I flushed with embarrassment and also some anger, since my ass cheeks still ached from the paddling, even though there was no skin discoloration.

She chuckled and added, "And isn't it funny that now he's a slaveboy he's actually dressed more modestly than he was yesterday? I kept telling Luke that the green shorts were sliding down and showing too much in public. You at least have the decency to have him wear a jockstrap under these shorts."

The two came around in front of me, and Mr. Cruz asked, "Do you have any complaints to share, Lukie? If so, now is the time to speak up."

His dark eyes glared into mine. I knew he was testing me. I knew if I told my mother that the man had put his penis in my mouth, it would end up going to court as a slave accusation -- an accusation without evidence -- and then I'd have my indenture extended and face punishment.

"No, Master, just... the work is hard... the gym workout was very hard and I ache, Master."

My mother laughed heartily. "Oh, Mr. Cruz, I'll ask you to give the boy five swats with the paddle for that. He loves to work out at the gym, and now he's complaining that the gym workout is too hard."

She kissed me on the cheek and said, "You be a good boy and do as you're told, Luke. And when I see you at the end of the summer, I'll bet you're stronger and more disciplined because of this. All the literature on temporary indentures says so."

My mother almost started to leave and then she turned back to Mr. Cruz and said, "I nearly forgot what I came over here to talk to you about. This is kind of awkward, but could I rent Luke from you for a few hours a week?"

"Rent him for a few hours?"

"I realized I don't have anyone to mow my lawn while Tommy and I are gone. If he could mow and weed the lawn, trim back the hedges every two weeks, and do a little dusting around the house. Also to start my car and drive it...."

"Oh, I couldn't permit my slaveboy to drive a car anyplace."

"No, no, I just mean to drive my car down the driveway and back into the garage again. I just don't want it to sit idle for two months."

"I wouldn't think of letting you rent the boy, Mrs. Peyton. Like any good neighbor, I will loan his services to you."

My mother was so grateful to Mr. Cruz she gave him a hug and told him all about her plans to drop my kid brother off at our grandfather's farm upstate, and then to take a flight to California to begin her summer job. She seemed to have completely forgotten about me as I continued to mow the lawn, sweating shirtless under the hot sun. Then she disappeared quickly back across the street.


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(To be continued)

Next: Chapter 6

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