Lukes Summer Indenture

By Hank M

Published on May 6, 2023



By Master Redbeard R ; e ; d ; b ; e ; a ; r ; d ; e ; d ; s ; f At y a h o o dot com


At the end of the last chapter, the webcast series "Slavery Today" showed the footage of Luke's Welcome to Kentucky, where he was whipped, branded and sodomized for the first time. As a treat to viewers the webcast paid the recently freed Luke to narrate most of the proceedings (but he became too emotional toward the end). We return to the sensationalistic webcast.

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After the commercials, Chip Lane is seen once again looking serious behind his anchor desk and explains that the scene will continue without Luke's narration. We see the stage where Luke was recently whipped and lost his cherry. There's no sign of Luke, but Tommy is still cuffed with his hands behind his back and shackled to a post. Mr. Cruz is off to the side wiping away his perspiration as he says, "Sorry, gents. I'll let you masturbate over the boy, but I'm keeping him untouched for now."

"Whaddaya mean untouched, Cruz? Ain't the boy already a homo?"

In a deep voice, the self-assured man snaps, "He's played around with boys. But he's never been had by a real man before."

There's a frightened look on Tommy's face as a horde of middle aged (and older) men stand very close to him, each one masturbating. Some rub their dicks on Tommy's exposed flesh, or even on the cotton of his skimpy underpants. Soon Tommy is covered with dripping white cream. There is cream sliding down from the boy's face and cream making his tighty whities see-thru. After a man next to Tommy has shot his load onto the enslaved teenager, he steps back to make room for another man. If a man in the back feels the urge coming on, he can push forward to make sure that his spunk lands on the shackled youth.

Cut back to Chip at his anchor desk as he explains, "We no longer have the former slaveboy Luke to provide commentary. But we can now offer our audience a very different perspective. Thanks to Mr. Cruz we can now show you this never-before-seen footage of Luke's younger brother, Tommy, being initiated into his new life as a slave. And we also have Mr. Cruz here by web hookup to describe and explain the action as it plays out."

While Chip thanks the older man for appearing on the program, we cut to a different scene of Tommy in a darker room, shackled on his back on a black leather bed. There is a smaller group of men gathered around him. Mr. Cruz's face is seen in an inset. "I'm not ashamed to admit I popped some of those purple pills the night I broke in Luke. I packed Tommy away for the night, covered in the sperm of two-dozen Southern Gentlemen; unpacked him the next day to get him cleaned up for his own party."

Cam is seen in a slave jock that fully reveals his ass, while his cock is visible through the sheer fabric. He is businesslike and methodical. He doesn't react to Tommy in any special way, while the younger slaveboy looks up with yearning in his eyes. Cam unshackles Tommy's right arm and right leg, and then lifts the leg to Tommy's chest and cuffs the new slaveboy's right ankle to his right wrist. As Cam does the same to the younger boy's left ankle and wrist, Tommy does not attempt to fight it. His eyes are moist with tears and he seems bewildered.

Mr. Cruz in the inset explains, "Frankly, I wanted to treat Tommy more tenderly. He was so pretty, his body so slim, and he was so youthful looking. And that's a great position to tie up a boy for use. Naturally if you tied a calf that way, you would tie all four limbs together. But I wanted to be able to spread young Tommy's legs real wide."

Cam moves down and starts licking out Tommy's spread butthole. Tommy is moaning and writhing in his bonds and soon he's pushing his butt back up against Cam's face. The older slaveboy grabs Tommy's cheeks and spreads them so his tongue can fuck deeper into that virgin ass.

Chip Lane asks "Is it true that your slaveboy Tommy and your son Cameron had a romance and a homosexual relationship."

"First of all, I have officially declared Cameron a slave. The fact I sired him is irrelevant. And, most important of all, I don't bother myself with the private lives of my slaves." Mr. Cruz acts haughty.

"In interviews, Luke has told bloggers that Tommy was heartbroken because he loved Cameron and you kept them apart. And although Luke didn't know the details he says he heard that your decision to sell Tommy was because you found him together with Cam and...."

"The babbling of a slaveboy!" the man bellows like a bull elephant. "You're here asking me about rumors that bounced around the slave quarters? I will not dignify such nonsense with a reply. But I will say that the reason I sold Tommy was that I got a very attractive offer."

Meanwhile we see Mr. Cruz in the archival footage as he pushes his pants and underwear down just to his thighs so that his thick erection waves free. He pushes Cameron aside and places his hard cock against Tommy's virgin butthole.

We see a closer view as Mr. Cruz lays face-to-face on top of Tommy. The man grunts as his hips shove forward. A deep moan escapes from Tommy's lips. Another camera shows Tommy's asshole spreading open as the thick penis slides deeper inside the newly indentured youth. There is a beatific look on Mr. Cruz's face and a contorted look of pain on Tommy's face.

As Mr. Cruz's large body pounds repeatedly on top of Tommy's slim form, the man tongue wrestles with his newest slaveboy. Tommy looks disgusted as the drool from the older man's kisses slides onto his neck.

In the inset we see Mr. Cruz looking pensive and sighing as he says, "As a slaveowner in the South I've had a good share of slave cherries. But this boy was memorable. The feel of his body, the look on his face... it's hard to explain."

"Would you say that you regret selling him?" Chip Lane asks directly.

The usually bombastic Mr. Cruz takes a long pause before he shakes his head and dismisses the question. "I have many slaveboys and I can go out tomorrow and buy the cutest boy in Kentucky, whether or not he's on the auction bloc at the time. It would be foolish to form an attachment to one boy like that."

"One last question, sir, if I may..." When Mr. Cruz nods, Chip continues, "Our viewers became familiar with your slaveboy Cameron. Many are curious: What became of Cameron? Can you tell us where Cameron is now?"

"Where Cameron is...?" the man sputters with rage. "Cameron is my property. I know where my property is and it's nobody else's goddamn business where I've placed him or what I choose to do with him."

"And sir, how do you respond to the claims that you are actually an owner of the Kentucky boy brothel where you first sold Tommy?"

"Didn't you already ask for one last question before this? You East Coast newsmen... I never agreed to answer questions on any topic other than the footage that I so generously provided for you...." At that point Mr. Cruz leans forward and flips a switch, turning off his web connection to the broadcast studio.

Chip Lane composes himself and leans toward the camera as he explains, "We appreciate Mr. Cruz being here and providing behind the scenes insights. But to set the record straight on his claims of generosity, our parent company paid that man a great deal of money for the rights to show the footage of Tommy losing his cherry."

Chip shuffles papers on his desk, listening in his earpiece for what to say next. He smiles at the camera and says, "Is this the end of the saga of Luke, Tommy and the Summer Indenture Gone Wrong? You can be sure if other events transpire we will keep you informed on our weekly webcast Slavery Today." The theme music plays as the lights go dim.



Chip Lane, the TV announcer, looks more distinguished. There is grey in his hair and he wears a blue suit with shirt and tie, even though he is sitting outdoors on a lounge chair. Next to him is Luke Peyton, dressed more casually and looking relaxed. At age 43, Luke has a neatly trimmed beard and glasses, but is still fit and muscular. In the background we see twin slaveboys nude and cleaning the swimming pool. The slaveboys are blond, beautifully muscled, and appear to be in their early 20s.

"It's so kind of you to allow our cameras to visit here, Mr. Peyton." It's clear that this time Chip speaks to Luke as an equal. Luke simply nods as Chip continues, "That show about your summer indenture gone wrong was one of our highest-rated when we first played it 20 years ago. But a lot transpired after that webcast."

Luke takes a deep breath and says, "A lot transpired almost immediately after that show. Your weekly webcasts went on to follow the unfolding events as I was nearly indentured for life."

"Just how close did you come to permanent enslavement?" Chip asks.

"I was already in a cage inside a crate. My penis was attached to one hose and I had a drinking hose in my mouth. I was aware when the crate arrived at the airport but then there was a long wait. I just figured it was typical airport delays."

"Let's step back a little in this story. Some of our viewers may not know about the libel lawsuit."

"It's old history now, but Cruz won the libel ruling against me. The New York court said I viciously maligned that man. And since I couldn't pay the court-ordered amount I was declared his slave... I would return to being his slave. I never felt so helpless as the day I was once again stripped naked in court, but this time as a 24-year-old less than one year into my newly-gained freedom."

"So he already had you packed in a cage and a crate to ship you down to Kentucky."

"Before you get to that I spent only one night in the slave cells, but two different guards used my mouth." Luke takes a deep breath. "Yes, as a slaveboy my mouth was used by a lot of different men, in a lot of abusive ways. But here I was in a cell having been a free citizen two hours earlier, just stripped bare-balls naked, and I'm getting face fucked by some fat guy in a guard uniform."

Chip clears his throat. "Well, of course the guards are supposed to help acclimate the slaveboys to their functions as...."

"Oh, c'mon, Chip. That's like saying they are examining the merchandise when in truth they're copping a feel. They were getting their rocks off."

"Let's get back to the day you were being shipped to Kentucky.

"That was the very next day after the court ruling. I felt that all hope was gone. When my crate was being moved onto a different truck... well, when you're a slave, you don't question what's going on. You're not going to effect any change in your circumstances. I just assumed this was all part of shipping me off to Kentucky.

"Can you imagine how surprised I was when the crate was pulled open hours later and I was in the headquarters of the Slave Rescue Society. My heart was beating so fast and suddenly I was filled with hope. I had no idea what happened. At first I thought maybe they had staged a rescue and stole the crate from the airport."

"In point of fact, you didn't know about the other court proceedings that were happening at the same time," Chip wisely intones. He turns to the camera and explains, "Although Luke thought nobody cared about his younger brother's disappearance, there was in fact a federal government investigation going on."

Luke is laughing, "And it was just fortuitous that old man Cruz came up to New York to argue the libel suit against me. If he had been in Kentucky, they never would have extradited him."

"And if you had already been enslaved in Kentucky, there's no way the authorities there would have freed you. However, New York State declared that you could not be enslaved to Mr. Cruz since Cruz himself had forfeited his freedom."

Luke breathes a heavy sigh. "And so I was freed. And that horrible man was sold off to the mines."

"Cruz was found guilty of arranging the sale of Tommy to the African boy brothel. He knew there was less than two years left on Tommy's term of indenture, but he was selling him overseas for lifetime indenture. That may have gotten a slap on the wrist in Kentucky, but in New York a crime like that is punishable by lifetime enslavement."

Chip shakes Luke's hand as the two middle-aged men congratulate each other. Then he straightens his suit and sits upright, becoming serious as he states, "Many people thought you were wrong to bring that other lawsuit... the lawsuit against your own mother."

"It wasn't about the money," Luke says with equal seriousness. "When Cruz was convicted of being complicit in Tommy's overseers sale, two-thirds of the money went to my mother. One third of the pay out from the Cruz estate was enough to get me started on a new life. So it wasn't about getting money from her. It was about making that woman pay for what she had done to me and Tommy."

There is a stunned silence before Chip says, "You're speaking about your own mother here."

"When I got that payout of money from the Cruz estate I immediately invested it into detectives to track down Tommy's location in Africa. It only took them a few months to trace his whereabouts. After spending nearly two years in a Nigerian boy brothel, he was purchased for the boy harem of this powerful and cruel African warlord. Tommy was there barely six months when the U.S. government bombed the crap out of the warlord's settlement. Nobody survived, certainly not the black bastard's white boy whores who were chained in the cellar."

Luke pounds on the desk as he continues, "If my mother had kept her commitment and kept half of the money safe -- the money that was paid for my five-year indenture -- I could've hired detectives one year sooner. We could've gotten to my brother while he was still in that brothel in Lagos, and the odds are good we could've bought him and brought him home. But once the warlord owned Tommy, there was no way to get to him."

Luke's jaw is set with a hard look. "My first year of freedom was hell because my mother didn't keep the money she promised to hold for me. If she'd had the money when I was first freed, I wouldn't have had to demean myself to pay rent. Dammit, Chip, I wouldn't have had to go on your show and narrate the video of my own rape! But most important, I could've found Tommy and saved him. So I went to court and sued my mother."

Chip continues the story, "And at the time of the judgment most of the money she had received from the Cruz estate was tied up with another of her husband's businesses."

"Yes, I took the rest of that money and then also took the two of them." Luke snaps his fingers and the two beautiful naked blond slaveboy step forward in slave display position, hands behind their heads and their legs spread. Each of the twin slaves has a large shaved penis prominently displayed.

"I take it these are... I mean, I take it these were your half brothers?"

"I've named them Frick and Frack," Luke says with a chuckle. The two blond twins bow their heads. "They were still quite young when I took possession of them. Naturally, I did not make full use of their bodies until they turned legal age. I mean, you know I'm a person who will follow the rules of indenture very seriously."

"You've done quite well for yourself, this house, your many slaves...."

"Yes," Luke cuts him off. "I invested wisely. And it turned out I did know how to start a business and make it a success unlike my mother's current husband."

Luke stands up and offers to take Chip on a tour of the grounds. Chip follows and asks, "How many slaves do you have on this property?"

"Well, Chip, do you include the coffles of slaves we have working in the fields beyond the barn over there?" The two men head off in that direction as the closing credits roll on another episode of "Slavery Today."



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