Lukes Big Butt

By SC Walker

Published on May 30, 2022


DISCLAIMER: This story contains graphic depictions of sex between men. If you are under 18 years of age or not allowed to read such material in your jurisdiction, please be advised.

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Ever since I had that fight with Sammy, things have been pretty damn awkward. I felt like the team really rallied behind him instead of me, as if I was the one who had fucked up. Which wasn't fair, because Sammy lied to me and kissed me out of nowhere. But instead, everyone was comforting him.

I was walking down the hall and spotted a gang of guys from the team together. As I got closer, I almost called out to them when I realized they were all crowded around Sammy, who looked just awful. Dude's eyes were red rimmed and a little puffy, and he had dark circles under them like he hadn't slept in days. He had probably been crying and not sleeping, which was so unlike Sammy. He'd never gotten this upset when a chick dumped him after finding out he was a player. Devin had his arm around Sammy's shoulders, muttering something nonstop into his ear. I did feel a little guilty for a second - did I do that to Sammy? But then I remembered that he was the liar and the one who started everything, so it wasn't my fault. I mean, yeah, I did say something really awful to him, but he was the one who accused me of being gay.

As I got closer to the guys, everyone suddenly became aware of my presence. Sammy's eyes shot straight down, like he couldn't even look me in the eyes. Devin just looked me right into the eye then shook his head.

I wanted to talk to Sammy, maybe try to sort this all out, but I didn't want to do it in front of the guys. Usually they were always messing around, having fun, but everyone seemed like they were so serious now.

"Sammy, bro, can we talk?"

Before Sammy could even respond, Leo stepped in front of him and forcibly said "Hey man, not now." All the other guys seemed to be backing Leo.

The sting of rejection, not just from Sammy, but from the rest of the team too, really hurt.

I didn't know who to turn to. Then I realized there was someone who always had my back - Coach Tom. I said fuck it about my first period class, went straight to his office and knocked on his door.

"Luke? Come in. What's going on with you and Sammy?"

I was surprised Coach went straight to the point, but he was always a no bullshitter, so it wasn't out of the ordinary for him. He treated us like we were adults, not just a bunch of kids. No beating around the bush.

"What do you mean, Coach?" As much as I wanted Coach's support, I didn't really feel like going into detail about our fight. I'd be so fucking embarrassed if anyone found out what me and Sammy had been doing, I mean, what he was doing to me.

"Luke, Sammy came in this morning and quit the team. I have to choose a new captain now, and get Ryan, our alternate pitcher, up to speed."

Wait, what. What!?

"Sammy quit the team?"

"Yes, Luke. What the hell happened? He seemed really upset. I heard the other guys talking, it seems like something went down between the two of you."

"Well, Coach... yeah, it's true, Sammy and I did have a... fight, I guess. But I had no idea he was going to quit!"

Coach sighed and leaned back in his chair, putting his powerful arms behind his head, which really showed off his huge biceps. "Listen, Luke. You and Sammy have been inseparable since you were kids. I really doubt whatever happened is going to be permanent. And you know I'm not a hard ass, but this is going to seriously affect team morale. All I'm asking is that you try to fix things between the two of you."

Man, why was it up to me to fix things? Sammy should be the one apologizing, not me. I wasn't going to give in until he did. But I still told Coach that I'd do my best, just to get him off my back.

For the rest of the day, I avoided Sammy and the guys on the team. Luckily Sammy and I had no classes together, so there weren't any awkward incidents besides seeing each other in the hall. At least, until lunch.

I walked into the lunchroom and made my way to the table in the back where the team always sat. As I got closer, I saw the team all sitting with Sammy, who had his head in his hands. They all seemed to be muttering stuff to him, like they were trying to cheer him up or something. Even though he wasn't on the team anymore, he was still sitting with them. I felt so awkward, there was no way I could go over there. The rest of the team just turned to me and stared me down. I didn't think they were mad at me, they probably just wanted me to give Sammy some space. Usually when one of us was rejected by a girl, the whole team would show up and be like "Man, fuck her, she was a bitch anyways". I wonder if that was what they were saying about me? I was still pissed off that they seemed to be treating Sammy like he was the victim here, when he was the one who lied to me!

It wasn't worth it to have a confrontation, so I decided to find another place to sit. Scanning the room, my eyes fell on a table in the corner with a single person there. A rail thin, short guy with reddish brown hair... oh shit, that's Mark! Hm, maybe talking to Mark wouldn't be such a bad idea. I doubt he'd ask about the whole Sammy thing.

Mark looked up from his camera as I got closer, unintentionally casting a shadow over him. His eyes immediately bugged out like a rabbit that just got caught by a wolf. I don't get why he was always so nervous around me - yeah, I was an alpha stud, but I wasn't an asshole.

"Hey, uh, Mark, right? Is it okay if I sit here?"

Mark looked over his shoulder at The Table, then looked back at me. "Uhm... L-Luke... don't you usually, um, sit with the other baseball guys?"

Ugh, I really didn't want to explain what had happened to little Mark; we weren't even friends. I tried to play it off casually.

"Yeah but they got something going on right now and I wanted to get some peace and quiet. So, can I sit here?" I really hoped Mark said yes, sitting with anybody is better than sitting all by yourself.

"Yeah, uhm, I guess so..." Mark looked around frantically, and back over his shoulder at the table. "Hey, this isn't like a prank or something, right?"

I felt kinda bad. Is that what Mark thought about me? That I was the kind of guy who would play a cruel prank on him, like we were the jock and nerd from a bad Netflix movie. Fuck that, I wasn't an asshole. And I was gonna prove it to Mark so he would stop looking at me like I was going to hit him. If the team wanted to side with Sammy, I guess I just needed to make new friends.

I sat down in the seat and started in with my lunch. I was damn hungry, but I couldn't help but notice Mark kept staring at me while I ate, fiddling with his camera.

"Hey, what've you been working on?" I asked, gesturing to his camera.

"W-what? You mean the photo stuff? Well, I was doing portraits for the athletes, like action shots of them at practice or during games. Uhm, I had asked you to sign a form and let me take some pics?" he replied sheepishly.

"Oh damn, really man? I'm so sorry, I just got a lot going on right now. Do you have that form with you now?"

Mark nodded and rummaged around in his backpack, pulling out a single piece of paper. I quickly signed it and handed it back to him. I did feel kinda bad because he's been asking me to sign it for a couple weeks, I just kept forgetting. I've had a lot on my plate with the Sammy stuff and my weird ass changes.

"Can I see?" I had no idea why Mark was always so nervous to talk to me, I knew he was shy but sometimes it felt like I was the only person he was this shy towards. Could he be afraid of me? I didn't want anyone to think I was an asshole, so I decided to try and make nice with Mark.

"You mean, see the photos? Uhm, I mean, sure. OK."

Mark got up a little from the table to more easily hand the camera across. When he stood up there was a loud THUMP and the table rocked a bit. What the hell was that? I looked up to see

Mark's pale face turn bright pink, looking like he wanted to die from embarrassment. It was kinda cute actually.

Wait, cute?

I didn't get a chance to think about that because Mark shoved his camera into my face. I grabbed it, flipping through the pics he had taken on the little screen. Honestly, Mark's stuff was awesome. I always saw him around with a camera but had no idea he could actually take good pictures. I stopped on one pic of Jordan O'Keefe, our star quarterback. The way Mark had taken the picture, it was like Jordan was going super speed while the rest of the world was in slow-mo, like in that superhero movie.

I tried to focus on the photos, but for some reason my hole was throbbing again. I guess I hadn't done anything since the fight with Sammy... damn, what the hell happened to me? A couple days without Sammy and I was starting to go crazy again. I tried to fight it but the throbbing sensation just made me squirm in my seat.

"Damn, Mark, this one is fucking awesome! I could see this on the front cover of a magazine. I don't know shit about photos, but they look great to me. Is this what you want to do?"

I looked up to see Mark, even brighter pink than he had been before. He looked down a little as the pink spread to his ears.

"Actually... um. My parents want me to major in Chemical Engineering. Wait, I mean, I want to major in it too. I'm not good enough to be a professional photographer. It's just a hobby."

"Man, fuck your parents! No offense, but that's shitty. I don't let anybody talk me out of playing baseball. I'm gonna play ball in college, then go pro. There's no doubt."

Mark just shook his head. "Thanks, Luke... that's really nice of you to say. But there is no way my parents would let me major in anything else, so... Anyways, it means a lot coming from you."

I wasn't sure why what I had to say meant a lot to Mark, but I was happy that he seemed like he was doing better. Mark always went around like a shivering puppy, and yeah, he's still shy, but I can tell he's warming up to me. Maybe having friends outside of the team wasn't such a bad idea.

"Damn, looks like you got it all figured out then. I haven't even picked which school I'm going to yet, I'm still fielding a couple different recruiters. I want to make sure wherever I go, I get to play. A lot of colleges just put their freshmen on the bench until their sophomore year."

"I'm sure anywhere you go, you'll be the star player. I mean, you just have that star quality to you. I can totally see you in a magazine, flashing your smile, showing off that big b-!"

Mark's eyes suddenly blew out in shock as he clamped right up, put his face in his hands and let out a groan. Dude was looking like he was gonna have a little freakout, but I had no idea why. I guess talking about college was stressful for him. With his strict-ass parents, that seemed like the case.

I reached across the table and put my hand on his shoulder, giving him a little squeeze of reassurance. Man, Mark was thin as fuck! Dude was like a stick, all skin and bones. I wonder if he'd ever consider working out, bulking up a little bit. He'd probably look really good with some more meat on his bones.

And again, my hole fucking throbbed as soon as I made contact with Mark. What the fuck? Was it because of Mark? No way, he was just a skinny little nerd.

Mark pulled his face out of his hands and looked at my hand on his shoulder, fear in his eyes. It was like he thought my hand was a huge-ass spider or something. I quickly pulled it away to not to make it worse, I guess trying to comfort him backfired. I still felt like I wanted to do something though. Maybe it was because I was still feeling so shitty about Sammy, but I wanted to help cheer little Mark up a little bit. Suddenly, I had an idea.

"Hey Mark, you know we're having a big game on Friday, right? Why don't you come check me, I mean it, out? You could take those pictures of me in action, if you want," I said, handing Mark's camera back to him.

"Really? Wow, Luke, that would be great. I'll definitely go. I've never been to a baseball game before."

"Really, dude? Well, I'll hit a homer for you then!"

There goes that pink blush again. Dude was so easy to compliment, but I knew he didn't have many friends. Guess that's why it meant a lot to him.

"Thanks, Luke. You're so nice. I always thought you were so like... big and intimidating. I was afraid to approach you. Especially because your friends keep tormenting me."

I remembered how Leo and the other guys had talked shit about Mark for having a really big dick. To be fair, after what I saw, I think it's true. But there's nothing wrong with a big dick, right? Actually, it's probably better. You know what they say, the bigger the better. Man, why the fuck is my hole throbbing so much!?

"Seriously, just ignore them. They're always talking shit, it's all bark and no bite. They always have jokes about everyone, finding something to poke fun at. They even do it to me, always going on and on about how big my ass is, just because one time I accidentally knocked my drink off my desk with my butt. So I get how it is."

Mark giggled a little bit, and it was nice to see him loosening up more around me. `Well... it is pretty big... uh, I mean..." He suddenly got all shy again and looked away from me.

I took advantage of his momentary distraction to reach into the waistband of my shorts. I made it seem like I was just scratching my ass, which I guess I technically was, but fuck I just needed to see what was up with my hole. Oh no. As soon as my fingers touched my tight little hole I felt it quiver and then some of that weird lube squirted right out onto my fingers. Fuck! I quickly pulled out my hand and wiped it on my shorts. I needed to take care of this soon.

"Uh, hey dude, I think I gotta get going soon. Bell's about to ring. I'll catch ya later."

"Wait, would it be ok if I took a picture of you now? Just as you are."

"Sure thing, dude!" Not wanting to disappoint Mark, I flashed my best smile as Mark lined up his camera. After hearing the click of the shutter, he turned his camera around to show me. I was totally floored, the way the light from the windows hit me, I looked like I was all golden. It was really artsy, I guess Mark can take those kinds of pics too.

"Mark, this is fucking incredible! Definitely don't give up on this." The bell suddenly rang, so Mark and I began gathering up our stuff to go to our next class (Algebra II for me, AP English for him). "Hey, hit me up after the game. Maybe we could hang out afterwards."

"Oh! T-thanks, Luke. I'd... well I'd really like that. I'll see you after the game on Friday then."

"Yeah, for sure man! See ya later."

As Mark got up I saw that he was still holding his backpack in front of him, like he was trying to conceal his crotch. Man, I can't believe my so-called `friends' were getting to Mark! He was a surprisingly cool guy and didn't deserve that shit. Before I could say anything, Mark sped off into the nearest bathroom at max speed. I didn't even know that little guy could move that fast. Guess he really had to take a leak.

I also needed to get into a bathroom to take care of my uh, problem. But definitely couldn't go into the same one as Mark! I decided to skip third period too and try to find an empty bathroom so I could slap and finger my tight, wet little pucker.


For the rest of the week, I was a mess. Literally. I had to get up and go to the bathroom several times throughout the day to wipe all the excess ass-goo coming out of me. I got used to fingering myself a little bit, just to try and push some of it out. And, worst of all, my hole was driving me crazy! It was twitching, throbbing, and itching all at once. Sometimes it throbbed so hard it made me yelp. I'd have to shove my fist into my mouth just to muffle it. I thought that if I touched it enough, it would go away, but I think that just made it worse.

I probably should have said something to Coach, like that I was sick and needed to take a break. But, after Sammy left, I knew team morale was in the gutters. Sammy really was the glue holding us together. And since I was the star batter, I knew that if I left too there was no way we would win.

And that's how I ended here, bottom of the ninth, bases loaded, tied with Rockhale High. ROCKHALE FUCKING HIGH. We DESTROYED them easily for four years straight! There was no way we could be this close to losing!

I knew it was my fault. It's hard to concentrate when your hole is throbbing uncontrollably, and I struck out several times. Me! Striking out! I haven't done that since Little League. Not only that, but without Sammy around, I was out of sync. I kept misreading Ryan's signals and missing easy pitches. Rockhale even got to steal some bases because I couldn't focus on the field. I even dropped the ball once! With Sammy, it was like we were telepathically connected, I always knew what kind of pitch he was going to throw. Now, I was just totally lost.

"Luke, we need you at your best. I know you're having an off day, but you're our best batter. We need a grand slam; I know you can deliver. Get to it!" Coach Tom patted my ass as I left the dugout, which for some reason caused another wave of hole throbbing.

And now the pressure was real. Winning or losing the game, it was all up to me. I could see my bros staring me down, basically saying `Don't fuck this up, Luke'. I really didn't want to let them down. As good as I am, there are times when I get hard on myself, and I don't feel like I'm good enough. Whenever that happened, Sammy would be there to tell me how awesome I was and help me feel better. As I walked to home plate, I looked around in the stands, trying to spot Sammy. I didn't see his perfectly coiffed dark brown hair or his handsome face anyways. I was really hoping he would show up to support me, I mean the team, but I guess the wound was too fresh.

I did see someone else in the stands though. Mark's red hair made him stick out like a sore thumb. He was holding his camera up, totally focused on taking pictures. Of me. I could see the flash from his camera going off and on. I did tell him I was going to hit a homer for him, and it's kinda nice to have someone who was totally focused on me. Like my own personal fanboy. Fuck it, I'm going to win the game, and Mark will take a picture of me doing it. I'll become a hero.

I readied my bat; everything was like in slow motion. As soon as the pitch was thrown, I lined my bat up perfectly and swung with all my might... Except in the exact moment before my bat made contact with the ball, a powerful, earth-shaking throb radiated out from my hole into the rest of my body, making my knees buckle and throwing me off my balance. I whiffed the swing, hitting the ball off my mark and sending it into the stands. Foul ball.

No, I can't let myself lose to my fucking weird ass. This wasn't going to be my downfall. I tried to will my hole to stop, but the throbbing was just too strong. It was this crazy intense feeling of emptiness and hunger. Fuck, I just needed... I knew exactly what I needed, but I would never admit it.

I fully missed the second ball, again because my ass twitched so violently it made me yelp in shock. And that's how it came down to this. Last ball, last chance. I switched from willing my ass to calm down into full on begging. Please, weird fucking ass. Just stop, just enough for me to hit this ball. Then I'll get you what you need.

As I swung my bat, the most powerful twitch yet sent shockwaves throughout my body, and I felt my hole clench and then spurt a huge amount of my ass-go into my pants. My mind went blank for a split second and when I came to Rockhale High was cheering like crazy. I looked at my team. I've never seen a look of disappointment and anger like that before. I could only hope that they wouldn't notice the huge wet spot over the seat of my pants, that would be the only saving grace.

Once we got to the locker room, the other guys didn't even talk to me. The mood was somber, with a lot of tension. Coach didn't even do one of his pep talks after our rare losses. He only said to me "We'll talk about this later, Luke". Everybody on the team just avoided me. I couldn't undress, because I didn't want them to see how soaked my big ass was, because I could still feel my hole spurting and leaking that goo down my legs.

I waited until the rest of the team had left to start undressing to take a shower. Maybe I would be able to get some privacy so I could finger myself... uh, I mean relieve my tension. I was still in my jockstrap when I got up to grab a towel, barely fitting it around my waist thanks to my fat ass. As I walked to the showers, I stopped in front of a mirror. It's been a while since I've looked at my ass... could it have gotten bigger?

I dropped the towel and looked at my body. Still a beast, my biceps looking perfect, my abs rock hard, I knew I was a stud. A big alpha jock. Except for that ass. I turned to the side. Ok, yeah, my ass was really big. I knew that, but it fucking SUCKED. Everyone couldn't stop talking about it, touching it, I've caught people in the hallways staring me down and some have even tried to slap it. They had no idea how hard it was to find pants that fit or go through underwear like tissue paper. The only person who had any idea how I felt would probably be Mark.

I turned so my ass was facing the mirror, looking over my shoulder. Holy shit. If I thought my ass was big before, this was insane. My ratty jockstrap, now soaked with my ass juice, was clearly pushed to its absolute limits, my cheeks were so huge that I could barely see the straps. I grabbed my ass, just to feel it and damn, my ass was powerful and muscular but also so soft and jiggly that one sudden move would send it bouncing like crazy. I already knew that because I could hear my own ass clap while I ran the bases earlier. It did feel kinda good to bounce and jiggle my cheeks, though.

I bent over and looked under my legs. Holy shit. My hole was tight, small and pink, almost a bubble-gum pink. I normally didn't really know what my asshole looked like, but I felt like my hole had changed shape a little, somehow. That's impossible right? But why else would my tight tiny little pinprick hole become slightly slit-shaped? Another glob of that weird ass goo bubbled out from my hole, and I groaned as it fell to the ground and splattered on the floor.

I spread my cheeks with one hand, and I brought a finger up to my hole with the other. As soon as my fingertip grazed my pink slit, it was instantly sucked in to the knuckle. The sensation of having something in my ass sent shivers down my spine, and I let out a loud moan of relief. "Holy fuuuuuuck..." echoed throughout the empty locker room as I started to push my finger in and out of my hole, quickly adding another finger to get more of a stretch. Fuck it felt so wet and velvety like... like a fucking pussy (I imagine).

My hole was so slick and wet... there was no resistance as I sawed my fingers in and out. Every time I plunged down to my knuckles, I felt a little twinge. Not deep enough... was all I could think. The throbbing, hungry feeling in my ass just fell so... damn... deep. I remembered how Sammy's dick felt, how it would get so much deeper than my fingers, reach that spot, fuck it felt so good. Sammy always made me feel good. A part of me misses it, like seriously my hole is going out of control, I haven't gone this long without Sammy's dick scratching that itch since we started doing that.

There was a little nub in my ass, a couple inches deep, and when I pressed on it I got shivers. It was almost like being on the verge of cumming... which I hadn't done in a while either. But then I looked down and saw... my dick was hard. It was hard from me fingering my ass. What the hell?

My dick has never gotten hard like this before. Is this cuz I'm so pent up? Or because I haven't scratched that itch in so long? Oh, well. I shouldn't think about this. Every time I pumped my fingers, a little jolt went straight to my dick. I braced myself against the wall with one hand, leaning my forehead on the mirror, while pumping my fingers deep into my ass... Fuck, I almost felt like I could cum just from fingerbanging myself...

My hole at this point was full on spurting out tons of that weird assgoo onto my fingers, making it easier to slip them in and out. I pulled them out a couple of times, then slapped my hole HARD, just to get that rough feeling. Sammy spanked my fat ass a couple of times before, it felt kinda good, my big round jock bubble bouncing and jiggling together... FUCK!

I tried to grab one of my cheeks with my hand, but at this point, my fingers were so covered in that lube that I couldn't grab onto them. Instead, my grasping and grabbing just made them shift and jiggle, I was able to pull my ass cheeks apart but then my fingers slipped, and my round cakes bounced back like elastic and clapped together, the clap echoing throughout the locker room.

I started picking up the pace, my pumps getting more desperate, my fingers trying to reach deeper and deeper to scratch that itch. FUCK, I wanted to scratch it!! Fuck I wanted that deep stretch when Sammy put his dick in me, when his cockhead would hit that spot inside me that just made me fucking SQUIRT.

I was right there, on the edge of cumming, I could feel that pressure in my dick building up... when I heard a noise somewhere in the locker room. FUCK, I was so close too! But I didn't want to get caught. I pulled my fingers out of my ass, whimpering at feeling so empty again, and looked around to find the source of that noise.

I didn't have to look far, because little Mark was standing several feet away from me, partially hidden by a locker, with a bat on the floor nearby. He must have knocked it over while he was sneaking around.

"What the FUCK, Mark!?" That came across angrier than I intended, but I was so disappointed at getting interrupted and not being able to just let my slicked-up hole SQUIRT like I knew it wanted to.

Mark flinched and stepped back in surprise. I grabbed my towel from the floor and wrapped myself in it, then got closer to him.

"Mark, what the fuck are you doing here?"

"Luke! I'm so so sorry. I, uh, well I didn't see you leave, I wanted to show you the pictures I had taken... I didn't mean to um... interrupt..."

I sighed. I promised that I wouldn't be a jerk to Mark, but I needed to work my ass over ASAP. I needed to get rid of him.

"Look, Mark, you can show me later, I just..."

Before I could even finish my thought, my eyes fell to his crotch. I don't even know if I could call it a crotch at this point.

Holy fucking shit. Mark's cock was clearly rock hard and threatening to burst through his jeans. They were trying their best to hold down what was just a massive, thick, throbbing piece of meat. I knew Mark was hung but... somehow, despite having a bulge even while soft, he was STILL a grower too!

A strange thought invaded my head. I wonder what it looks like naked. And... if Sammy's dick scratched that spot inside me, well... Mark's dick was clearly even bigger.

"Holy shit, Mark!" I gasped, unable to peel my eyes away from that mammoth meat stuffed inside his little nerd jeans. How did somebody his size have something like THAT?

"No!! No, Luke I'm sorry... no! I didn't mean to, please don't hit me!" Mark cowered in front of me, both hands covering his crotch in a futile attempt to hide it. Which he clearly couldn't do, because even with both hands he only covered about half of his crotch.

"Fuck, Mark... What the fuck is this thing?? What the hell... why are you even hard?"

I heard a sharp intake of breath, and I was able to pull my eyes away for a split second to look Mark in the eyes. His were totally bugged out, in shock or fear, I didn't know. He looked like a kid caught stealing from the cookie jar...


I know I'm usually slow on the uptake, but the gears in my head were turning. I was fingering my ass in the locker room... Mark clearly saw me... now Mark has an insanely massive throbbing boner.

Holy shit.

"Dude, are you into me? Were you watching me??"

Mark covered his face with his hands, allowing me a good look at his crotch again, and nodded a couple of times.

"Mark, fuck, dude... were you getting off on me? Fingering my ass?"

The trembling little nerd could only nod again.

I don't know what came over me but, fuck. I knew I needed Mark inside me.

I turned around, facing my cheeks towards him. I bent over slightly and reached back to grab one of my cheeks, spreading them wide so I could show him my pink, twitching hungry af hole.

"You like this, Mark? This fucking huge baseball jock butt? My big round cheeks, so fucking soft but strong..." I don't know what came over me, why I was talking like this, it was like I was possessed. Like the animalistic hungry part of me was just taking control and I was along for the ride.

"Fuck, Mark, take a good fucking look. It's so fucking hungry... Do you like my ass? What do you wanna do to it?"

I heard another sharp intake of breath and Mark exclaim "HOLY SHIT!" under his breath.

I turned around, ending Mark's little show. Fuck, somehow his dick looked even bigger, and there was a HUGE wet spot near his knee. That monster was precumming, holy shit.

"Fuck Mark... show me how hard I make you. Take off your fucking pants."

Mark just looked at me in total shock and disbelief, frozen in place. I could see his dick twinge in his pants, the wet spot near his knee growing. FUCK.

"Fuck, I need this." I grunted in frustration, for some reason so desperate to see what Mark's cock looked like uncovered. "Take it off, NOW."

Mark sprang into action, frantically undoing his belt and zipper, then slid his jeans down enough to expose the root of his massive cock. He hauled his dick out of his pants... and holy. Fucking. SHIT!!

Mark's dick was a fucking MONSTER. It looked like I could barely fit my fingers around the base, it must have been thicker than a fucking can of pop. It looked fucking hefty too, I could see it throbbing in Mark's hand as he pulled it out. Which was a struggle, because it was stuffed into his jeans like a huge sausage vacuum sealed in a bag.

Finally he was able to haul it out, and I finally got to see all of it. It was insane. Bigger than a ruler, for sure, but I couldn't tell exactly how long it was. Crazy thick, like I said. Surprisingly, it was slightly darker than the rest of his pale, freckled body. There was a thick vein that traveled the entire length of his shaft, pumping as much blood as it could into that huge organ to keep it hard. A huge amount of pre-cum was bubbling out of his piss slit, leaking almost as much as my ass, while a strand of pre dripped to the floor lazily. He also had balls the size of tennis balls... fuck they looked so big, I bet they were just so heavy and full of cum too.

Just the sight of it made my ass CLENCH and then SPURT a glob of lube out, landing on the floor with a splat. Mark pulled his face out of his hands and looked at me, questioning and surprised. Then he looked down at the floor and saw a puddle of clear goo.

"Luke... what is... is that... lube?"

"What, this stuff? I don't fucking know, man... it makes my ass real wet and slick. And I've been told it tastes pretty fucking good." I reached back and slid my index finger into my hole, swirling it around a few times, then quickly pulling it out wish a POP! I don't know why I was saying this to little Mark, what was going on? Something about seeing his dick... it was like I was hypnotized.

"Fucking taste it, Mark." I brought my finger up to his lips, inches away from his mouth. I don't know why I wanted Mark to taste my ass goo... that's weird, right? But something about Mark's big dick, I don't know, it was just doing something to me.

Mark hesitated, staring at my finger, covered in my strange juice after having been stuck in my ass. I could tell he was hungry for it, the way he looked at it, but something was holding him back. Fuck, I couldn't wait for this anymore.

I pressed my finger to his lips and Mark obediently parted them, allowing me to slide my finger inside. As soon as his tongue got a taste of my ass goo, his eyes went wide. Before I knew it, he was furiously sucking on my finger, even using his tongue to glide over my finger and taste every last drop. One taste, and Mark was fucking HUNGRY for my ass juice. His tongue felt really good on my finger... dude had a talented tongue for sure. Just the thought of it made my ass twitch even more. Suddenly, I had an idea...

"Lay down on that," I said, pointing to the bench in the middle of the row of lockers. Mark whimpered as I pulled my finger out of his mouth, the hunger and disappointment showing on his face. Still, he obeyed, the way a nerd should obey a hot alpha stud jock like me.

Mark laid down lengthwise on the bench, and I walked over to him. He was just at the right height. I could easily fit him and the bench between my legs, and he was high enough off the ground that I didn't have to bend down too much. I turned around, and the sight of my ass made Mark gasp again. Spreading my cheeks, I showed him another droplet of ass juice dribbling out of my hole, over my taint, then onto his face. I looked down to see Mark licking my juice off his cheek.

"Fuck Mark, you like the taste of that? I got a lot more where that came from," I said, immediately squatting down to slowly lower my ass onto his face. "Taste my ass, bro. Fucking get a good lick."

I moaned as I felt my cheeks close on Mark's face, and I gasped when his lips finally made contact with my twitching hole. I doubt Mark had experience even kissing someone before, which was why I was so shocked that he seemed to know exactly what to do. I could feel his lips pressing against my hole, his tongue flicking out to jab at it, lapping up my juice with each flick.

Mark's tongue felt so fucking good that I unconsciously lowered myself even more onto his face. His head was now fully submerged in my ass, I could feel the sides of my cheeks along the side of his face. Dude was DEEP, and I could only hope that he was still able to breathe. Luckily, I still heard him breathing through his nose.

"FUCK! Mark, you're a fucking natural. Fucking take it, take my fat ass!!" I couldn't stop myself from moaning and without intending to, I started to bounce my ass up and down on Mark's face. I slammed my ass down onto him, feeling his soft lips and wet tongue on my asshole, mashing them against my wet hole. Fuck, it felt so good. I got more and more rapid, basically posting onto his face, very so often Mark would slap my ass, and that was my signal to lift off for a moment so he could take a deep breath. Then I would immediately SLAM my ass down again, resuming his ass eating.

Mark never complained, even if he did have a 180 lb muscle jock basically suffocating him with ass. But I heard him moaning as he slurped and made out with my hole, and his dick was rock hard, standing straight up and perfectly rigid like a flagpole. In fact, I could bend down a little bit more and then my head would be right over Mark's cock... but why would I do that? That's crazy...

Fuck, Mark's tongue was prodding and pushing against my hole, and I could feel it start to give. It was sending shivers up my spine, and I gasped as I felt my hole spurt another glob of juice directly into Mark's mouth. He must have swallowed it, because he didn't stop for a second eating my ass. In fact, he took the opportunity when my hole was slightly open to slip his tongue inside. Before I knew it, he was spearing my hole with his tongue, flicking it inside of me. Fuck, it felt so good, it was like my body was moving on its own, bouncing my fat ass cheeks on Mark's face, I could hear them clapping against his head. I hope I don't give him a concussion.

How the hell was Mark so fucking good at this? It felt so good, I didn't even know that getting your ass tongued like this could feel this good. It was almost as good as getting fucked... wait, no, I don't mean that!

I shook that thought out of my head and resumed my ass bouncing on nerdy little Mark. If the dude was into me and my ass, he must be in nerd heaven. A big beefy muscle jock lowering his fat ass cheeks and wet, hungry hole onto his little nerd face. Giving him all the ass he could want, practically served on a silver platter. And fucking Mark was HUNGRY.

"Fuck, Mark, right there, just like that!" I moaned as he slurped and swirled his tongue around inside my hole. It felt like he could reach so deep inside me with just his tongue... fuck did Mark have a massive tongue to match his mammoth dick? And then I felt him confirm my suspicions... Mark's tongue swirled around in my ass until it touched that little nub that I was feeling up earlier. Seeming to know something about what it was, he focused his attack solely on that spot, flicking against it, pressing down on it with the tip of his tongue. "FUCK MARK!! FUCK!!!"

I could only moan and scream as I felt my hole open up... and the floodgates open. I shivered and shook as my ass cheeks clapped together, my tight jock hole opening up to unleash an absolute torrent of juice directly into little Mark's face. I couldn't pull myself off him, it felt too good. In fact, I was so overtaken by the shockwaves of pleasure that I lost my balance and fell back to fully sit my ass right on Mark's face. I moaned and I felt what must have been a gallon of ass goo right into Mark's mouth.

I heard him gasping, gulping, swallowing, struggling for air. It seemed like he was trying his best to drink as much of my juice as he possibly could. I heard some of it overflowing out of his mouth and onto the locker room floor, but I knew he was trying his best not to spill a drop. Dude was like a dying fish suddenly put into water.

"FUCK MARK, DRINK MY PUSSY JUICE!!" I screamed as one final spurt of assjuice rocketed out of my hole, then slowed down into a trickle. I had to wait there for several seconds to catch my breath, then I lifted my bubble butt off of his face.

I turned around to inspect if I left any damage. Luckily, Mark seemed to be in absolute bliss. His eyes were glassy, and he was smiling. On the other hand, his hair, face, and chest was completely SOAKED with my juice.

I wanted to ask Mark if he was ok... but then I saw his dick. And fuck, it was precumming even more than before. Big globs of clear precum were dripping down like one of those cakes on Instagram. Fuck it looked so... Well, it looked like it could really scratch that itch inside me. My hole was still throbbing, the spot deep in my ass still hungry and twitching, even though I had just unleashed a torrent onto Mark's face.

My hole was so slick and wet... all I would have to do is... shuffle forward a few feet, then squat back down onto that flagpole of a cock. Lower myself slowly until the pre-slick tip of it pressed against my wet hole...

"Luke!! What are you doin-!!!" Before Mark could even finish his sentence, something just came over me. It was like I blacked out for a second, but I knew what had happened. Pressing his cockhead against my hole, the tip was already so lubed up from pre, and my ass was still gushing, that it had no resistance. As soon as his cockhead pressed into my hole, I lost it. I SLAMMED down with all my might onto that massive fucking meatstick and SCREAMED as I felt myself get stuffed with more dick than I ever have before.

"FUCK, MARK!!" I groaned, my body taking over again and posting up and down on his cock rapidly, pulling my big fat ass off of it until just the tip was still in my ass, then SLAMMED my fat ass down with such force that my cheeks bounced and clapped together from the rapid movement as I proceeded to swallow his entire monster dick to the fucking HILT in one go. I couldn't fucking stop myself; I was losing my mind on Mark's cock.

"FUCK!" SLAM "MARK!" SLAM "I'M SO" SLAM "SORRY!!" I moaned and screamed as I tried to fit as much of Mark's cock inside me as I could. Honestly, despite his size, it didn't hurt at all... it just felt so good. That feeling of fullness, of being STUFFED to the max with dick. And best of all, Mark's dick was so long that it easily cleared my ass and was hitting that itchy, twitchy spot directly, head on. It was like his cock was a battering ram POUNDING against that needy spot in my ass, and my toes curled from the overwhelming pleasure of it all.

"MARK, FUCK!! IT'S SO BIG! I'M SO FULL, MY PUSSY IS SO FUCKING FULL!!" I moaned. So deep. So full. Fuck.

I was gushing around his dick, pumping out more ass juice than I thought possible. It dripped down his monster cock, onto his lap, and even overflowed onto the floor. Unfortunately, I was so lost in trying to gorge myself on Mark's cock that I wasn't paying attention. And when my feet shifted to get a better angle, I stepped right in my ass goo... and proceeded to slip, sending me backwards once again.

I SLAMMED down onto Mark's hip, fully laying my entire weight onto Mark's puny body. Fuck, I hope I didn't crack his pelvis. But when I fell, I felt his cock push PAST that twitchy spot deep in my hole, going so deep in my hole that I felt his big cockhead press against like... a wall inside me. And when that happened, I screamed in pleasure, going cross eyed from how good it felt.


Mark, clearly out of breath, huffed and puffed as I ground my fat bubble into his lap. Damn, he got the perfect angle too, he'd see my bubbly ass cheeks swallowing up his dick, clapping together, dude must be enjoying the show.

"I think... fuck, I think it's your sigmoid colon..." Mark groaned as I ground my ass HARD onto his dick, then squeezed his battering ram with my asswalls.

"My what?" I had no idea what that fucking was.

"It's like... FUCK! It's like the male cervix!"

Holy fuck, the male cervix. Wait... what's a cervix? Ah well, I didn't fucking care. His dick was pressing against my cervix, and it felt so fucking good that I just couldn't stop. I was able to pull myself off of his dick, but then it was like my ass was a magnet to his dick and I immediately SLAMMED my ass back down again.

"FUCK, BRO! You're hitting my fucking CERVIX!!" I screamed. "FUCK! IN MY PUSSY!!"

Why the fuck was I calling my hole a pussy?? An alpha jock would never say that. Who the hell was speaking right now, it was like I was fucking possessed! Like a slutty gay power bottom was taking control of my straight alpha body. What was happening to me??

And then something came over Mark too, I guess, because as I slammed my ass up and down on his dick, little Mark started trying to meet my ass with his thrusts, pushing up as I pushed down for that extra stretch. It just made me bounce my ass back even harder, the sounds of wet flesh on flesh filling the room.

Fuck, I wasn't going to last long like this. He was fucking tearing my pussy apart with his dick! He kept hitting my cervix so hard, I felt like I was being punched in my guts. He was just hitting it, and hitting it, and hitting it, until I was wildly flailing around, bucking my ass back like an animal in heat. And that's what I was. I was a fucking animal in heat, I was in heat and I needed a cock inside me. It was like a biological need, a base instinct, that I had to fill.

I was in heat. I needed cock... no, not just cock. Cum. I remembered how good it felt when Sammy would fill my ass with cum... that feeling of getting filled up with his warm, sticky load. It always did something to my itch - curing it instantly, but only temporarily. I wondered if Mark's cum would do the same thing.

It didn't take me very long to find out. As I frantically jackhammered his cock into my pussy, I could feel that pressure building up inside... and Mark's breathing was getting more ragged. Poor guy was clearly not used to exercise, this was probably more physical activity than he had got all year.

"LUKE! STOP, I'M GONNA... NO, STOP PULL OFF! I'M GONNA CUM!!!" Mark was screaming, slapping my ass like crazy, causing my cheeks to jiggle all over the place, slap together and then bounce again, making my ass cheeks ripple.


Mark threw his head back and let out a primal roar as his huge, heavy balls unloaded inside me. I felt a powerful firehose like volley of cum rocket right into my guts, shooting me so deep. Each jet of cum shot right into my cervix, each one pushing me closer and closer to the edge.

As Mark continued to empty his balls into me, I lost it. I threw my head back and screamed, joining Mark's roar with my own. I felt the most powerful orgasm of my life rock my entire body, it was like I was in the middle of an earthquake. No, a hurricane, because I was gushing out more cum than I thought was even possible. How could all of that juice have come from inside me??

I felt my stomach expand, my 6 pack abs disappearing as my stomach swelled with cum, like my body was slurping up all the cum from his cock, drinking it like a milkshake. I couldn't believe how much cum was getting dumped inside me, how was it even possible for someone to cum this much, and how was it possible that my body could even TAKE this much cum?

I don't know how long we were there. Maybe seconds, maybe minutes, maybe an hour. It felt like Mark's dick would never stop cumming, and I didn't want him to. It must have been the longest sustained orgasm of my life, I was cumming from my ass as long as he was cumming inside it. My dick was rock hard the entire time, but nothing came out of it. It was like cumming from my ass was enough for me.

After what felt like ages, I caught my breath and slowly pulled my ass off of Mark's megacock. The softening tube of meat plopped out of my hole with a POP. A tiny bit of his warm, gooey cum leaked out before my hole clamped up again. It was like I was instinctually trying to keep all of his cum inside me. I patted my massively bloated stomach gently, my belly looked even bigger than it did after Thanksgiving dinner. I felt like if somebody pressed on my stomach, my ass would squirt out all of Mark's cum, like a toothpaste getting stepped on.

I turned around to inspect the damage. Luckily, Mark looked fine, just totally exhausted. He was totally blissed out, barely conscious. His eyes were glassy and rolled back into his head, his soft dick was flopped onto his lean definition-less torso, and his entire body was soaked head to toe in my pussy juice.

Wait. Not pussy juice. What?

And then realization of what just happened hit me. Oh my fucking God!! I just... I just made Mark eat my hole out, and then I rode his dick like a slutty whore and begged him to breed my pussy!

What the hell had I done?? I totally lost control, fuck, I didn't mean to do that! How could I face down Mark now? He would totally get the wrong idea; he might even think that I'm gay. Which I'm not!! I'm not gay, and I don't have a pussy!

"Don't... don't tell anyone about this," I ordered Mark, probably harsher and more intimidating than I intended.

I quickly grabbed my clothes and changed lightning fast, then ran out of the locker room, hoping to leave whatever happened there behind me and never speak or think of it ever again.

Next: Chapter 6

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