Luke Lewis

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Oct 17, 2013


Luke Lewis 8 Author Maxieplus Email Maxieplus@

This is my second attempt at writing a gay related story; I hope you enjoy my little story And I need to get your opinions on it, so please email me your thoughts.

While your waiting please read my other story Never Give Up

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We finally drove home, exhausted we fell into bed and he whispered, "Alex I'm sorry I'm not a virgin for you." I said, "Luke will you stop that, the sorry business, you were just a kid and being a virgin means nothing. I'm with the one I love and it doesn't matter to me, what matters is you talked with me about it, now I have a clearer picture of what's happening to you. If and when we get to the anal sex part of our lives, we will be making love in a very special way, it's not always about sex and if you can't do it I will understand because I love you with all my heart and the very last thing I want to do is hurt you."

"Thank you Alex I feel better now," Luke said.


"Yes Luke?"

"Can I fuck you then?"

"Go back to sleep Luke, you're having a bad dream, good night."

Luke dreamed that night, he whimpered and seemed to be running in his sleep, his legs were restless so I just held him closer and whisper kissed him till he calmed down. He rarely had that dream again.

As the weekend neared we were feeling a bit lost but we also had our birthdays coming up in two weeks plus exams start next week. We were prepared as much as we could be for the exams. We studied on the saturday and took sunday off just to relax, having a chicken salad lunch we three sat at the kitchen table, Luke never told his mum the story, he figured he had put her through enough.

We talked about it more and he felt a lot better that he had shared it with someone. I didn't look at him any differently than before, he was still my first love and I decided that I wouldn't push him into anal sex unless he wanted to.

The door bell rang and Mrs. Lewis answered it, "Oh come in Lance, have you eaten, we still have plenty left over?"

"No thanks Anna I'm good, are Luke and Alex here?"

"Yes through to the kitchen," she said.

Luke bolted out the back door saying he had to start cleaning up the garage, we planned to have our birthdays in it and it needed a good sweep and dust.

"Hi son, how you doing?"

I was a bit pissed that he disturbed my day and also because he had made Luke feel uncomfortable in his own home.

"Really good Dad, what's up?"

"Alex I am here to apologise for the way I acted a few weeks ago, I really miss you."

"Well, you should have considered our feelings before you made your move, you do know the whole episode put Luke back into hospital, it would have been better to have your support, I thought you loved me no matter what, was I just kidding myself?"

He looked at Mrs. Lewis and blushed saying,

"I do Alex, more than you thought and as for Luke I love him too and yes Anna called around last week and we had a talk about it, I'm so sorry I put you both through this Alex. Firstly, I'm your father and I've tried hard to bring you up since your mum passed away, I thought I was doing the right thing and I never considered for one minute that you loved Luke and I was hurting you and him. I had my own ideas on how your life was to pan out never even thinking for a moment that you had your own plans, I'm so sorry Alex."

"Well, dad I am gay and I've been going through hell the past four years trying to not be but knowing I can't change, I couldn't even talk to you about it. What you did was unforgivable, I don't think I can trust you to even be around Luke anymore."

"Where is he now Alex?"

"Cleaning the garage out, we are going to have our birthday party in it so he wanted to get a start."

"Can I go and talk to him alone?"

"Dad I prefer it if I was there, you do understand he recovering from a near mental collapse."

"I understand and curse myself everyday Alex, can we go see him?"

"Follow me," I said.

We walked into the garage and Luke froze, I nodded at him and he seemed to relax. He said, "Hi Mr Somers."

My dad walked up to him and Luke closed his eyes expecting a punch but dad just pulled him in, hugged him and kissed him on the cheek, he kept saying,

"I'm so sorry Luke, so sorry, you are my second son and I had no right to treat you like that. The minute the words were out of my mouth I regretted saying them. I was in shock that maybe Alex was gay also. I am so sorry and I want to make it up to you and Alex, I will regret that day for the rest of my life," he teared up.

Luke stared at me, he couldn't say anything when they pulled apart but he did say,

"It's okay Mr. S we all have our shit days."

Dad then said, "Alex and Luke why are you having your 18th birthday party in the garage, why don't you have it at our place there's plenty of room and it's warm enough to use the pool?"

"Thanks dad we will think about it, it would be much nicer than this dusty garage."

With that he left and said at the door," I wish you would consider coming home Alex, the house is so empty now."

I said, "Dad wherever Luke is, I am, at the moment this is my home but I could call around a couple nights a week and maybe we could get some Chinese takeaway, there are things about my future I want to run past you."

He smiled and said, "Well, don't come alone, I need to see Luke also, I have missed him too you know."

We said our goodbyes and left it at that.

We called around the following week after a tough exam and he welcomed us with open arms. We got take out and honestly had a really good time, Luke's mum was with us, I think perhaps she was being a little overprotective.

I told him our plan to take a year off and do a bit of travelling and he agreed with us, it had been a big year for all concerned.

We decided to have our joined party at dad's place on saturday afternoon while the sun was out so friends could bring their swimmers, he would do the barbecue steaks, hamburgers and sausages and Mrs. Lewis would do the salads, rolls and desserts, there would be only one cake with both our names on it.

I offered to buy the beer and wine but dad said he had it covered. We also made a list of friends but could only come up with about twenty-five that we really wanted to share our day with.

I could tell by the way he looked at Luke and me that he was warming up to us as a couple, he mentioned to me that we looked good together but was sad when we started to leave, I guess he's the one on his own now but we promised to do it all again when the exams were over.

Party day arrived and Luke and I went to dads early to sweep and set tables up. We just wanted a casual affair, everybody was virtually brain dead after the exams so it would be a relaxing day for all we hoped. The guests started to arrive around noon and in no time everyone was in the pool, I noticed Brody was wearing his red Speedos and filled them out very nicely, he noticed me looking but I turned away red faced. Why did I do that?

I had seen him in the showers often enough, I know what's in those bathers I chuckled at myself. When I saw Luke he had a pair of oversized boardies on, no boners from looking at him today, his hair had started to grow back and it looked great when he flipped it at the front, he walked past me and said,

"Hey mate having fun perving on the big guy in red?"

I blushed and started to say, "Luke I wasn't ..."

"I know," he said.

He put his finger to my mouth and walked to the side of the pool, turned, put his finger in his mouth and dropped his boardies and said, "Take that."

My eyes nearly popped out of my head, he was wearing the smallest of nylon Speedos I've ever seen, the colour was pale blue and they matched his eyes. He looked at me again and gave a slow turn, winked at me over his shoulder and dived in, it's a wonder he didn't lose them.

That was a boner plus moment and after that I spent the next hour trying to get him to put the boardies back on but I said he had to do a private dance for me later in them darn Speedos.

He said, "Will it be the man in blue or the one in red doing the dancing?"

"Always the blue Lukey, always."

Brody was looking also, well just about everyone was looking at Luke, Brodes came up to me and said,

"Alex that's one fine piece of ass you have got yourself."

I looked at him and raised my eyebrows but decided word had got around so I thanked him and said, "I absolutely love that piece of ass Brodes."

He said, "If you and Luke want to expand your family sometime, I'm available."

I thanked him again, his offer was most generous but I said looking down at his half hard cock, "But it's just Luke and me, I really don't think he could handle your nine inches."

He just laughed and said. "All's good Cap, I understand completely, I wouldn't share him either."

I cleared my throat when Luke walked by, it sounded more like a growl. He rubbed his ass and did a sexy dance rolling his hips around to the music, then went inside to change. Fuck how did I get so lucky.

"Fuck you lucky bugger Alex," Brodes said.

I had the biggest smile on my face, "Yes I am at that Brodes."

The speeches were short and loving and we cut the cake which just had Happy Birthday Alex and Luke on it. Luke's mum gave him a delicate gold chain and the papers to her car, she had changed it over to his name and paid a years insurance on it, he was so happy. I think he loved the chain better than the car as he just handed me the keys and said, "You drive it."

Mrs. Lewis also surprised me with the identical chain to Luke's, she kissed me and hugged me and said, "Happy birthday son."

We got plenty of nice stuff with gag presents thrown in, Brad and Jen gave us sheets and a big box of KY.

My Dad pulled us aside and gave me two envelopes and Luke one. I already knew what was in one of them as I recognised the handwriting, it was mums. A tear developed in my eye and I decided to read it later, she had left letters for me to be read on my birthdays, it started after she died when I was five.

I cherish these letters and keep them in her oak letter box that's next to my bed. Many a night I would read and re-read them and I knew them off by heart, they are so full of love. The other envelope had a birthday card from dad in it with a business card of his with an appointment time and date to see him.

I looked at him and spread my handstand said, "What's this?" He just laughed and said,

"You have an appointment with your accountant monday, don't be late. I sort of thought he had lost it, maybe he's going to offer me a job?

Anyway it was Luke's turn to open the rather fat envelope from my dad. The card read, "To my other son Luke, Happy Birthday son, what's not to love about you. Love Mr. S."

Luke looked at me and his jaw was dropping slowly, dad had given him two thousand dollars and two airline tickets to Bali, he hugged dad and I guess he decided to not cry this time. Dad said, "Enjoy your school holidays sons but don't drink the water and for god's sake don't touch any drugs, I want you home in one piece."

We were over the moon, birthdays over, exams over, school soon over and now a ten day holiday in Kuta. Things are looking up for us, later on we danced together and it was a defining moment in our relationship, everybody let us slow dance together on the patio and clapped when the music stopped, I guess moonlight serenade is our song now, it was just magic.

That night alone in our room, Luke and I exchanged gold rings we had bought each other, they were engraved with the simple word, "Always." He slipped mine on and when I put his on we kissed gently, then I said,

"What about my lap dance?"

He stripped his shorts off and began to dance for me in his blue Speedos, he gyrated his hips, pulled at them, lifted them and put them in my face, all the time grinning he turned around and picked something up off the floor spreading his legs apart, he whispered in my ear while he put something in my hand, "Happy Birthday Alex, I hope you enjoy it."

I looked down and in my hand was a tube of KY, I swallowed and stuttered as I said, "Are you sure babe?" He said, "More than sure."

We had got a little better with our lovemaking mainly because we watched porn to get ideas and I now could take Luke in my mouth without gagging, swallowing all his cum. He can't quite get me all in but he does swallow my load and he sucks just fine. Now he was offering his tight ass I was nervous and laid him on his back, I kissed him from head to toe, I took his tiny bathers off and thought we would revisit that scene later. I wanted this moment to be very special for the both of us and I said, "I don't want to hurt you Luke, you tell me when to stop."

He said, "Alex you know what you're doing, I love you and want you to make love to me."

I got down between his legs and lifting his tight bum slightly I put my tongue in his hole, he went crazy, I licked it, probed it and wet it, I've never tasted Luke so raw, all I could smell was his body wash, it was the sexiest thing I had done to him to date, I munched down on his tight hole till he cried, "Alex just do it." I lubed up my fingers and started with one, it was so tight I had trouble inserting the second one as he bucked and rolled his head from side to side, at last I had three fingers in and was touching his prostate gland, he went wild.

"Alex do me, do me." I greased up my dick and lifted his legs over my shoulders, I nearly cum as the sight of Luke in that position was impossibly incredible. I started to insert my dick slowly. "Luke your too tight, it won't go in." He pleaded, "Push harder Alex, it will go in." I pushed a bit harder and the head popped in.

Luke let out a scream and started to cry, oh no, oh no. I thought I've done it now so I quickly pulled out and dropped his legs, I started to kiss his neck and said,

"It's too soon Luke, we don't have to do this now." I started to rub his back and kiss his face. and I said, "Lukey, did it bring back bad memories, you know I was trying to be gentle but you're so small."

He stopped crying, put his hand between his cheeks and rubbed his hole, I had gone semi limp, you asshole Alex I said to myself, you can't do this to him.

"Sorry Luke do you want to talk about it?" He looked at me and said, "Alex what are you fucking talking about, it fucking hurts, that's all just fucking hurts, now give it another go."

Now it was my turn to be dumbstruck, I didn't need another invitation so we tried again and he said it felt much better. I got my cock in to the pubes waited a few minutes then rode my Luke's ass like no tomorrow, I was gentle though, he just moaned and kept saying, "It feels wonderful Alex, don't stop."

But I did stop, I had to, I had already cum after the eighth pump.

Luke said leave it in, I pulled his cock and pumped a little, I felt his muscles spasm in his ass as he cum, my dick was growing again, Luke was in his own world so I pumped out another load into him which took a little longer, he just groaned when I finally pulled out. I once again got between his legs and opened his hole, I checked for blood and seeing none, I gave it a kiss and whispered, I love you.

Luke was nibbling on my ear, singing happy birthday to me he was still in his own world, so I rolled him over and spooned him, we were both asleep shortly after but not before I whispered in his ear, "Thank you, thank you"

We made love again the following morning and it was better than last night, Luke was hot for cock and it was my cock he was hot for.

At noon we all went back to dads to help clean up, there wasn't a big mess and it didn't take us long, We fired up the barbecue and had a pleasant lunch. I asked dad what was the appointment for?

He just said wait and see Alex, it's all good then I remembered my mums letter so I pulled it out of my back pocket and went to the den to read it, I sat there reading it over and over for ages, eventually I folded it neatly and put it back in my jeans pocket. When I walked out my eyes were red and everyone hugged me and dad said, "Everything all right mate?" I said, "Best one I've ever had dad, she was an amazing human being." He just nodded, "I know," he said.

I didn't show Luke my letters and he didn't ask but if he wanted to he could read them but he wouldn't understand the contents, they were words written for me alone.

Monday I kept my appointment with my father's accountant, this should be good I said to myself. "Come in Alex," my dad said, "Sit down." I said, "Hey dad whats happening?"

He handed me some papers with numbers and writing on them and said, "Happy Birthday from your mother, grandmother and myself."

I looked at him with a bewildered face and said, "Dad I can't understand this, what's it all about?"

"Well, Alex that is the total sum of your trust fund your mother and grandmother set it up after you were born, you know you have one, you get a cheque once a month from it."

"Yes I know that, it was from mum's insurance policy wasn't it?"

"No Alex, let me explain, when you were born your grandmother and mother set up a trust fund for you in case anything happened, they wanted to make sure you were well looked after."

"When your mother died she left you her personal money, she gave me some but Alex I didn't need it I had my own. Anyway her money was added to the trust then when your dear gran died she left you more for the fund, mostly what I have been doing is looking after it for you till you turn 24 but some of it was earmarked to be released to you on your 18th birthday for university or if you needed a car or a place to live, it can be used for any of those purposes. The bulk is still tied up till you turn 24 and can handle your own affairs, I suggest you do your uni courses around accountancy, or stockbroking, anything along those lines will help you manage it, but hopefully I will be able to continue doing it for some time to come."

"Dad what are we talking about?" "Umm four million now and about twenty-million plus when you turn 24, okay?"

"Your grandmother was a very wealthy woman Alex, old money made in early mining."

When I picked my jaw off the floor, he said, "Let's go to lunch, I think you need a drink."

I glided out of his office across the road and he ordered a scotch and soda for me, I threw it down then said, "Another please."

It arrived and I just sipped at it, I really didn't like it, I did like beer though.

"Dad why is this the first time I've heard of this?" He said, "Your mother and I decided to keep it from you because we didn't want you to grow up all spoilt, we wanted your childhood to be natural and good, the cheque each month was there to enable you to save and handle the banking and spending of it. I know you haven't spent much of it anyway."

"But dad you should have it."

"No son I have money, you never wanted for anything, you got all you asked for, didn't you?"

"Yes I did dad, I'm so numb at the moment I just can't think."

"Well Alex that's maybe the scotch, you better catch a taxi home and get Luke to pick the car up later. The papers I gave you give you a rundown on where the money is invested, what shares you own, what properties and so forth, I suggest you go home and study it. I'll call you a cab, you also better have a lie down, you don't look so good."

He chuckled as I tried to find the mens room and walked straight into the ladies, it's okay, I was alone in there.

I finally arrived home and fell through the door then went to make some strong coffee, Luke came downstairs and said, "Everything okay bud?" I just looked at him and sang, "Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me."

He must have thought I had gone mad he said, "Err Alex do you want to lie down?"

I said, "That's a very, very good idea Luke my babe, my bud, my friend, my juiciest fuck."

"Alex! Come with me mate, best you go get to sleep whatever it is off." Four million bucks Lukey, four million and another twenty when I turn 24."

"What? Alex go to bed babe you're not making any sense."

"Come with me my horney little devil, we have a date with this surfer type hunk in a blue Speedo he's going to do a lap dance for us."

"Alex Somers get upstairs, if there's any lap dancing to be done it will be just us, no horny little surfer hunks for you."

"yess thir I'm on my way."

I had sobered up enough to let Luke know he had to go pick up his car, his mum drove him downtown and followed him back. Since his breakdown he doesn't trust himself behind the wheel, he reckons he's too nervous, I reckon he's wrong. There is a marked improvement in his self esteem now thanks to his honesty and his therapist, he has much more confidence in himself and preens in front of the mirror constantly. I love this Luke, I could just kick back and watch him all day.

The next day I went out early, I thought I might just make my two housemates a little happier. I went to Myers for a gift voucher for Mrs. Lewis and then I went elsewhere for Luke's present. When I got home I ordered pizza for lunch and put the wrapped gifts on the table. "What's this Alex?" Mrs. Lewis asked. I said, "Just some small gift to say thank you for the roof over my head and thank you for having the most beautiful son in the world."

"Aww Alex that ís so sweet of you."

Just on cue Luke walked in, "Yumm pizza for lunch, what's the occasion?"

"There's a present for you on the table but you both can't open them till after we all eat, I'm starving."

We stuffed ourselves silly, well Luke and I did. After we washed up, I said, "Pressy time, go on open them up, you first Mrs. L."

She opened her card which read to the best mum in the world, her face dropped, she said, "Alex what's this?"

"Oh that? That's a Myer gift voucher for you to use to upgrade your wardrobe, furniture and electricals, I think it's time you were brought into the 21st century." "25 thousand dollars are you insane?"

She flopped into her chair, "Alex where did you get this money?"

"I've been saving it Mrs. L, just thought it would make you happy a bit."

"Alex I can't accept this."

"Yes you can and yes you will, what you don't use, Myers will cash out the balance for you, now you Lukey."

Luke gave me such a wary look as he slowly opened his small parcel, inside was a key, "What's this for Alex?"

"Well light of my life, that's a key to the safety deposit box at the National Bank downtown, inside the box is fifty-thousand dollars in cash."


"Well my blue eyed, blue speeded surfer hunk the money's yours, it's there for emergencies in case you decide you really want to join the hobos in the park. I thought at least you should have some wine and pie money, just in case you get hungry."

"Happy Birthday to us," I sang.

Next: Chapter 9

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