Luke Lewis

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Oct 15, 2013


Luke Lewis 6

Alex Author Maxieplus Email Maxieplus@

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An hour passed and still no sign of Luke, I was getting very agitated, his mum had arrived home, poor lady was back to where she was a day ago. I told her what I knew and said I had looked everywhere for Luke but he had just disappeared. Mrs. Lewis said, "Come with me Alex. I got in the car and we drove around for another hour then we stopped at my place. She said, "You can come in or you can stay here Alex but I need to talk to Lance." I opted to stay in the car, I didn't want to see him at the moment but I did go in after twenty minutes. I had made a decision and needed to get some clothes from my room so I went in the side door to my room, I could hear Mrs. Lewis in the kitchen asking over and over again, "What did you say to my son, tell me again?" I heard the words poofta and gay and stay away from Alex .

I couldn't stand it anymore so I stuffed as many clothes in my knapsack as it could handle and calmly walked to the front door. "Alex!" my dad called, I went into the kitchen and did what I never thought I would do in a million years, I kissed him on the cheek and looked him in the eye and said,

"Goodbye dad."

"Alex you're scaring me what's this about?"

"I'm saying I love Luke just as much as I loved you, if you can't accept it then I have to make a choice."

"I am saying goodbye to you dad."

"Mrs. Lewis I'll wait in the car."

My dad looked like I had hit him with a baseball bat, I quietly opened the door and slipped out into the night I left Mrs. Lewis still talking to dad.

I heard her say, "Does that give you any answers Lance?"

I sat in the car for ages and it finally dawned on me that one place I didn't look was the school. I quickly started to run up the street towards school. I really need a car but the exercise was good for me, when I arrived I searched all the out buildings then the schoolyard I finally got to the footy field and walked around the boundary, I saw the tree I was sitting under at lunchtime where I had kissed Luke and we gave each other boners.

There was a bundle on the ground and it looked like a rubbish bag but when I moved closer I saw it was Luke, I went to him and gently knelt down close to his head, he was asleep, I stroked his cheek with the back of my hand. His eyes opened and he stared at me like he had done at the hospital, the lights are on but there's no one home look.

I said, "Hey babe you taking to joining the hobos sleeping under the stars?" He looked at me blankly then all of a sudden he sat up and started to shake, he was babbling on about me getting married and girlfriends and his kind, he said,

"I'm sorry Alex I tried to pull you into my world, I didn't mean to ruin your life. Please forgive me I won't ruin your chances, it was only one night and we can put it behind us can't we? I don't know what I will do but I'll be okay you don't have to worry about me, it was only one night, we didn't do much, it really doesn't count. I'll be good from now on, I'll find one of my kind and try to forget that one night happened.

I'm sorry Alex, I said I couldn't do this, but I know I can, you watch I am stronger than you think I am. I'm sorry Alex, I'm sorry. It was only one night." Then he started to sob his little heart out so I held him to me, he struggled to get away, I said, "Not this time babe, no option, not this time."

I got him on his feet and brushed him down with my hands, his clothes were filthy and I suspected he had partially wet himself when I looked at his face. I could see the dirty dried tear lines etched in his cheeks and he shook like he was in a snowstorm, I hugged him to me and rubbed his back and repeated,

"It's okay Lukey I'm here, Alex is here and no one's going to hurt you, I'm here and I love you".

He whimpered, "I'm sorry Alex it was only one night and we didn't do much, I will treasure last night for eternity but you must go, it was only one night, I'm sorry." I knew I had to get this man of mine home cleaned up and into bed. I rang Mrs. Lewis' mobile and she answered on the second ring, I told her where we were and that Luke was in bad shape, she said, "Stay there, I'll come down now."

I kept repeating, "It's all right Lukey everything is okay." I gave him small kisses on his head and face but he just kept saying, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to ruin your life, I'll go on, it was only one night." As soon as Mrs. Lewis found us we managed to get Luke into the car and he was still repeating his mantra, she took one look at me and said, "Alex we have to get him to hospital, I'm so scared he's been pushed too far."

"What did my father say to him?"

"We can talk about it later."

We took Luke to emergency, he was seen by the same doctor that admitted him before. He gave him a shot and found a bed for him, the nurses cleaned him up and put a gown on him and wheeled him away.

"Hi Mrs. Lewis, Alex, well what brought this on, he's almost comatose, has he been taking his pills?"

"I don't know, he was so happy yesterday maybe he's been skipping his medication, I don't know."

"What happened?"

Mrs. Lewis looked at me and said,

"I'm sorry Alex but I must tell the doctor all I know to help Luke."

"It's okay Mrs. Lewis I'm ready to hear it."

"Alex's father called to the house today and he started saying how proud he was of Luke for facing his fears and in the next breath he basically called my son a pervert who was trying to corrupt his son and was trying to turn him into being his gay lover. He told Luke that plenty of girls called at his house looking to date Alex and he would appreciate it if Luke found some of his own kind to hang around with. He didn't want Alex to be distracted from his exams and his dreams of marriage and family. Luke's in love with Alex and I guess this was the last straw, he panicked and ran, Alex found him in the schoolyard and he was exhausted and very agitated."

"I understand Mrs. Lewis, he's withdrawn into himself where he feels safe and warm. I'm not going to gloss it over but he is going to need to go on the pills again, maybe a stronger dose and have intensive therapy. Also, I'm not all that convinced that that's all that's causing the problem."

I looked at Mrs. Lewis and said,

"He's wrong you know."


"My dad, there aren't any girls calling at the house, not for a long time and I certainly don't want marriage and children, all I want is Luke and as far as my father goes, he can go to hell. I'm thinking when I told him about Luke's email he guessed something was going on and I got the feeling he was plotting something, I know how his mind works." I continued,

"Now I know he wanted to screw with Luke's head while he was at his weakest."

"Well, Alex we don't know that for sure but we are going to get to the bottom of it, Luke will be in here for a few days depending on how soon the medication kicks in, you can see him now for a short time if you want, the nurses have him settled."

"Thank you doctor."

"Hey babe, you not feeling so good today?" He blankly looked at his mother then me, his big blue eyes were a sort of green shade, his lips were devoid of any colour and his face was just blank, he looked back at his mum and started to whimper. He whispered,

"I'm sorry mum, I'm sorry, I'm ready to move to aunty Fay's, I can't live here anymore, I feel so stupid and dirty."

She rubbed his back as she pulled him to her breast, almost singing a lullaby to him with her words.

"It's okay Luke my one and only son, I love you with all my heart, you come back to me when you feel a little better. Alex and I will be waiting for you, you're staying here with us the people that love you."

My heart broke to see him like this, I went to hold his hand but he pulled it away and whispered to me in a sleepy voice,

"It was only one night Alex but I will treasure it forever, we didn't do much, I'll tell your father it was my fault. Oh Alex why couldn't I have that one memory, he wept, "I'm sorry, so sorry."

I said, "It was more than one night boyfriend, it was four years packed into one night but I agree it was perfect, I love you Lukey, come home to me, I will be waiting for you in our room."

He gazed at me like he didn't understand what I was saying so I repeated, "I will be waiting in our room for you, you have a new roommate and he's going nowhere."

"Get some sleep my baby, I will be back first thing in the morning," his mum said. With that I gave him the softest kiss on the lips I could come up with and he went to sleep.

We drove home in silence and when we arrived I made us coffee and we sat at the kitchen table together.

"Where do we go from here Alex?"

I replied, "Mrs. Lewis, I didn't even consult you before I told Luke he had a new roommate, I apologise but can I move in with you and Luke?"

"Alex you don't have to even ask but yes of course you can, I appreciate the thought but do you think Luke will ever come good?"

I replied that I knew for certain he would be okay.

"I will see to that."

"He's a strong boy Mrs. Lewis and with our help we will see him right soon enough. Tomorrow's saturday, do you think you could drive me to the hardware shop? I'd like to buy some paint and freshen up his room before he comes home, if it's okay with you."

"Sounds like a good plan Alex but I'll leave the keys for you and you can take the car, just be back by ten so we can go visit him."

"Thank you, your just like your son, amazing."

"Do you think you should call your father and tell him where you are?"

"No, I don't think I will, I've said goodbye, there's no going back. I still get a monthly cheque from my mum's estate, I think it's insurance money or something like that. A trust was set up for me when I was born so I don't need to worry about money, oh and you have to work out how much I will owe you for rent."

"Oh Alex let's just see what happens first maybe you can buy a pizza every now and then, I''m too tired to even think about it at the moment," she said.

I washed the cups and steered her to her room, said goodnight and went to Luke's room. I flopped on the bed and pulled his pillow to my nose, I breathed in his scent and cried myself to sleep.

The next morning I showered, had toast and coffee and headed to the hardware shop where I picked out a bright green paint with a darker tint for the door and windows. I also got some brushes and plastic sheeting and headed home. I wanted to paint the room and maybe get some new covers to change the appearance of the room, make it different and brighter, sort of cheerful for when Luke comes home, there's that knot in my stomach again.

"You ready Alex, we better be going?" Mrs. Lewis said.

The nurse told us he'd had a restless night, she said he was crying in his sleep but she sat with him and stroked his arm and he quietened down after a few minutes. We said a heartfelt thank you.

As we walked into the room Luke was sitting up eating some kind of fruit dish, he didn't seem to be enjoying it. I said, "Want me to go get Chinese?"

He looked at me then he saw his mum and broke into a smile.

"Hi mum."

"Hi baby, how you feeling?"

"Okay I guess, a bit tired but I'm feeling much better."

"Mum can I talk with Alex privately for a minute?"

"Sure you can, take your time, I'll go get some coffee."

She walked out the door and when it shut he looked at me and said,

"Alex I'm so sorry I put you through all this, I want you to know I do love you with all my heart but you have to go home and be with your dad. I don't have one but you do and he loves you and only wants the best for you."

"Well he's got a funny way of showing it," I said.

"He put you in here for a start, the only man I've ever and I stress Luke, ever loved, is in here because of the shit he dealt out yesterday, I'll never forgive him Luke."

"But Alex we can't be together now, I had a wonderful time the other night that's enough for me, you need your family and I'm not included."

I just stared at him and thought about my answer carefully.

"Luke you are my family, we are lovers, mates, friends, best buds and the best thing of all is I am totally in love with you and you, thank god love me, nothing else matters so don't talk about one nights to me again, I intend to spend thousands of nights with you in my arms."

He broke down and cried I took him in my arms and held him till his rocking stopped then I kissed him and kept telling him I loved him. I also said I needed him at home, that I was moving in with him and to get better soon. Also, he needed to talk with his therapist openly and to get well because I had a plan for him and I, to make love in every part of the country.

He smiled and pulled me to him and he just started to give me those small kisses all over my face, yep got another boner. This guy of mine is such a horn dog.

When his mum came back we talked for a while and she said she had a house showing at one o'clock but would come back tonight. I told her I would hang around for a bit so she left and Luke and I just kissed, touched and talked about our futures. We decided to defer university for a year then we were going to go to the same one, maybe get a small apartment, part time jobs and start a life together in the following year. I told him he would be too busy, I would be fucking him all over the country, he laughed so hard at the thought that I was finding it hard to hold him. Things just might be looking up, I thought.

Next: Chapter 7

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