Luke Lewis

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Oct 15, 2013


Luke Lewis 5 Author Maxieplus Email Maxieplus@

While your waiting please read my other story Never Give Up

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We didn't live more than five streets from the school, we walked there every day but as I watched my new boyfriend walk up the street I couldn't help but feel a little lonely.

He was the perfect guy in all ways, self assured, clever, awesome body, broad shoulders, big arms and chest to die for, he swaggered up the street with the confidence of a panther out in the wild.

I retreated indoors and prepared for my run.

When Alex walked to school he was walking on a cloud .

"Alex, Alex wait up buddy," it was Brad and Jenny walking 100 feet behind him, he waited till they caught up. "Hey how you both doin?"

"Great," they both said.

"You look a lot happier this morning what's happened?"

"Luke's talking to me again, I spent the night there and we talked for hours, he's good, I think we both feel a lot better now about things"

"Great Alex, I know how you feel about him."

I had told Brad of my love for Luke a year ago and he was cool with it, he had tried to get us together a couple of times but figured Luke was straight so he didn't push it.

"Alex I have to tell you that the little episode with John is all over the school."

"What! How the hell did anybody know about that?"

He looked at me and said, "One name, John."

"He spread the rumour that you were his bitch and you had wet his dick plenty of times even at the party in the backyard. Alex why does he hate you so much?" Brad said.

"I don't know Brad, he's been trying to get me into bed for ages now, I'm so over it I don't care who knows, schools out in a couple of months then uni so I can leave this hick town behind for a few years. "I told Luke I loved him last night."

"Oh and?"

He said he had loved me for years but thought I was straight, I asked him to be my boyfriend."

"Alex you're blushing like a shy schoolgirl. Way to go man so all's good then?"

"All's more than good Brad, it's awesome."

"Couldn't be happier for you mate," he said.

I got hugs from both Brad and Jen, I was one happy guy.

We arrived at school and I went directly to my locker, there were a few sniggers but plenty of slaps on the back, I wasn't only the football captain and I was also very popular. I had dated a bit in the past couple of years but nothing heavy, if the chick wanted just to get into my pants I never asked her out again and there were plenty of them around. I did date some great girls and they became good friends but I never slept with anyone just me and Mr. five fingers.

Because of my god like status (blush) I didn't cop much flack but I was ready to tell any of my fellow students to go get fucked if they started any gay shit with me. The school had a tolerance policy on gay bashing amongst other things and I really do think no one was all that interested in my sex life.

Lunchtime came around and I went to the cafeteria, got myself an apple and some juice and decided to sit outside and ring Luke. I found a shady tree at the far end of the football ground, settled in and pushed his number. The phone rang out so I redialed but same thing. I thought now where can he be, he was only going for a run then was going to rest up. I tried once more and while I was waiting I spotted a small figure running across the oval, I could tell by the gait it was Luke, god he looked good in his tight shorts. His basket was flopping from side to side in his pouch it was almost obscene, his pale blue singlet was sweaty from the run and he pulled up and said, "Hello new boyfriend."

I said, "Hello my beautiful man."

I pulled him to me and gave him a passionate kiss that made both our knees weak, "What are you doing here I thought you were resting?"

"I missed you and Jenny said she saw you come down here so here I am, you had lunch yet?"

"Not yet, just grabbed an apple and drink wanna share?"

"You're not trying to seduce me Mr. Alex, are you tempting me with your apple?"

We both laughed and I said I had other apples he could chew on if he liked. "Not here boyfriend too many eyes about but maybe if your good I'll make a welcome home effort for you after school."

We sat down and shared the apple and drink and we talked about John's rumour and decided if anything was said we would deny it. I said,

"Luke I'm almost out at school and I don't really care what people think, I have read too many stories about rednecks at school but I'm not seeing any here except John and his mate Carl maybe, but John's gay, I just don't get it with him."

"Babe" Luke said, "I'll go along with whatever you do, if you want me to out myself I will, I'm not scared of a few idiots who should know better."

"Okay beautiful we will cross that one when we get there but for the moment all I want is to be with you, in your arms."

"Likewise," he said.

After giving Luke a long kiss I let go as the bell had gone and I had to get to footy practice. "Now you go home and get some rest."

"Okay," he said then added, "I hope my boner goes down on the run."

"And don't play with it when you get there, that's my job," I said. "Bye."

When I got to the change room John and Carl were horsing around flipping each other with towels.

"Alex how's my man?" he said. I looked at him, shook my head and started to changed into my footy gear as fast as I could. He came over just as I got my jockstrap on and made a grab for my cock, I quickly pushed his hand away, he said in a not so quiet voice,

"Okay my shy guy we will attend to that tonight after school."

He then winked and slapped my butt. I thought about laying him flat on his back but then it wasn't worth the trouble, Carl just sneered at me. I sneered back laughing at him. "Wanker," I said.

The other guys just watched shaking their heads, Brody came over to me and all he said was, "We have got your back Cap, nothing's going to happen here."

I looked at him puzzled at the comment, he just winked and walked away.

Training was hard, the coach had us running, hand balling and kicking for the next two hours, I was beat but I managed to do one hour in the gym afterwards. I figured by this time the showers would be empty as the guys were slowly moving out the door to meet girlfriends, mates and should I say groupies ha-ha, yes we had a few of them also.

I took a shower and let the hot water wash over me, I loved long showers so by the time I had finished the place was empty. I met up with Brad and Jenny and walked home with them then I left them after two blocks. We talked about my upcoming 18th birthday and Brad said, "Any idea what you will be getting?"

I said my dad had promised me a big surprise, I was hoping it was a car not that I needed one but it would be nice to drive the eighty miles to the city now and then. Luke and I had both got our driver's license two months ago but neither he nor I were interested in getting a car. Then I immediately cracked a fat thinking of one of my fantasies which was to take a drive out of town to one of the many lakes and fuck Luke in the backseat.

I never thought it possible before last night but now I'm a bit more positive, I have to say at this time it was only Luke I wanted to screw on the backseat, I never fantasised about anyone else. I thought maybe when I got to the city I would connect with others I liked but my stomach turned when I thought about them, in the back of the car it was my fantasy for just Luke and me, no one else.


I went for a run for just a half hour as I wasn't up for anything longer and I was exhausted by the time I arrived home so I headed for the shower, soaped up and immediately got a fat. I avoided playing with it but my mind was on Alex sleeping in my bed, he had slept there on many occasions but only sleepovers when nothing could happen. When he did I managed to smell his shampoo and musky odour, sometimes our legs would touch and I would wake up and move to the edge of the bed not wanting to embarrass him if he woke. It would be safe to say I didn't get much sleep when he was there. One night I remember waking up, I opened my eyes a little and he was propped up on one arm staring at me, I felt silly and moved around so he couldn't see me. I was scared I might have touched him in my sleep and he was mad at me, nothing was said the next morning so I started having less and less sleepovers, we were getting too old for them anyway I thought.

I did have a sleep after the shower but was bored with my own company so decided to run down to the school and see if I could catch Alex at lunchtime. I ran into Jenny and she said he was over the other side of the oval under the tree so I trotted over there. He was glad to see me and lashed me deeply, we talked and I shared his apple then it was time for him to go to training. He didn't see me in the car park but I watched him train for twenty minutes, god I was hooked on that man not just his body which was mighty fine but his mature attitude to everything, he always had a solution to a problem.

And he sure did look after me, five years ago I was being bullied every day, it was relentless because I was small and skinny so anyone bigger than me decided I was their personal punching bag. Alex found me in the toilets after a particularly very hard day of bullying. He said, "I want names Luke, now write them down."

I was so out of it I wrote three names on his pad. He cleaned me up and said, "Let's get to class, you sit with me."

All of a sudden over the next three days the bullying stopped and I was never in their line of fire again. He started to take me to the gym and we became firm buddies after that, I don't know what happened with Jimmy Thomas and his mates but they ignored me from that day on.

I was lying on the couch just remembering things as they were when the doorbell went, I got up and moved to open the door, "Mr. Somers good to see you, come in."

I offered Alex's father a cup of coffee which he accepted.

"How are you feeling Luke? Alex tells me you had some trouble a few weeks ago, I hope all's good with you again."

"I'm fine Mr. Somers just a setback in my personal life but I'm much better now, I should be able to get back to school monday. I'm still seeing a counsellor on mondays after school but all's good."

"That's great Luke, just remember there are a lot of people in your life that love you and if you need anything and I mean anything just let me know, now on another subject, where's Alex?"

"I'm sure he will be here shortly," I said. "He was calling in after school, he had training sometimes and they hold him back for meetings but I'm sure he won't be long."

"Okay I'll wait, I need to have a talk with him, do you know if he has any major problems that are bugging him at the moment, it's just he told me there was a problem at the party you both attended a few weeks ago and he was pretty upset about it to the point he was crying?"

"I'm sorry Mr. Somers it's not up to me to tell you what happened, that has to come from Alex himself." I was bloody nervous and a bit frightened for Alex but if he wanted to tell his dad, I would agree to back him up.

"Okay Luke I won't push you for answers, I'll ask him, it's just I am a little worried that's all. Luke I do know about the email?" I nearly fainted at this point and tried to make myself invisible. He said,"Sorry I know your not comfortable talking about it and I am also sorry Alex doesn't feel the same way about you. I can't imagine the pain you gays go through when you insist on falling in love with straight men.

Don't fret over it too much, there's someone out there for you and when you meet him, he's going to be a very lucky boy. Could you do me a big favour Luke and don't push your lifestyle onto Alex? I really don't want him mixing with your kind of people, he needs to get himself a girlfriend and settle down a bit, there's plenty of girls calling him just waiting for him to ask them out but I feel your friendship with him maybe keeping him back."

"I'm sorry Luke but could you just hang with your gay friends and leave Alex out of it? I would very much appreciate it. Alex doesn't need your problems at the moment, exams are coming up and I do not want any girly dramas going on in his life."

With that I excused myself and went upstairs to the bathroom where I collapsed on the toilet seat and burst out bawling, what timing. Alex walked in the door and yelled, "Babe I'm home." He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw his dad in the kitchen, he hadn't noticed his car out the front.

"Ah hi dad, what are you doing here?"

His dad just stared at him for what seemed ages and said,

"Alex this is not your home and you don't have a babe."

Alex was speechless but quickly recovered and said,

"Where's Luke?"

"He went upstairs to the bathroom, probably crying like a baby."

"What did you say to him dad?"

"I just told him as it is that's all, not my fault he's so weak he can't handle a few suggestions."

Alex once again rushed up the stairs, Luke wasn't in his room but he did find him in his mum's bathroom, he was crying and very upset.

"What's happened Luke, what did he say?"

Luke just stared at Alex and said,

"I'm sorry I can't do this" and bolted for the front door, Alex chased him out the front but his father caught him by the arm and said, "Let's go home son." "No, I have to find Luke." "I said let's go home Alex" with that he pushed Alex into his car and he drove off.

As soon as they pulled into the driveway Alex jumped out of the car and ran up the street, his father yelled, "Alex get back here now." He took no notice of him and kept running.


Alex's dad called me 'your kind' and I could imagine what he was saying behind my back. I lost it in mum's bathroom, what if Alex was straight and wanted to get married, was he just using me as a bit of fetish material, I know he had dated but I didn't know the girls still called, what the fuck do I do now? I feel like a slimy worm that's slithered into Alex's life and wrapped itself around his heart, I loved him so much but if what his father says is right, I've read it all wrong. Oh my god now this hurts, it hurts bad, when is it gonna stop? I sat under the tree at school and my panic attacks took over again, I wept for Alex, my mum and the little boy that was inside me, he was talking to me trying to calm me down with little kid talk.

Next: Chapter 6

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