Luke Lewis

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Oct 13, 2013


Luke Lewis 3 Author Maxieplus Email Maxieplus@

This is my second attempt at writing a gay related story; I hope you enjoy my little story

And I need to get your opinions on it, so please email me your thoughts.

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When the morning finally came I showered had a quick cup of coffee and caught the bus to St Mary's, I asked one of the nurses if I could see Luke Lewis but when she looked she said I wasn't on the visitors list.

I sat in the lobby for about half an hour when Mrs. Lewis arrived, she looked sadly at me, I guess I didn't look too good only having three hours sleep, she sat with me and held my hand.

"Alex I want to apologise for my behaviour last night, it was unforgivable how I treated you after all you had done, keep in mind it was only worry on my part, in no way would I try to keep you away from Luke. I'm going in to see him now, the doctor said I could take him home but he has to report to the hospital every monday to talk with a therapist.

"I will tell him you are here."

"Thank you Mrs. Lewis, tell him I need to talk with him, I have to explain."

"I will darling, try to cheer up a little, see you soon." She said.

I waited another two hours, after a while Mrs. Lewis came out and told me Luke said I had nothing to explain and that I should just go home. I still waited hoping that if he saw me he would allow me to speak with him. I did see him being wheeled out of his room by a nurse, he looked pale and very beaten, my heart broke to see him like this, I stood up as he neared and I could see the vacant look in his eyes which had turned green, he just looked through me.

I said, "Hi Lukey how you goin?" He just clenched his fists and looked me in the eye and said, "Have you come to laugh at the crazy fag or gaze at the pathetic kid that tried to kill himself?"

I was stunned into numbness I just put my hand on my heart and mouthed, "I love you Lukey."

As I watched his mum and the nurse get him settled into the car I decided I would give him time to himself, rest is what we all needed.

School the next day didn't improve my mood and after footy practice we were all in the club rooms, after the coaches talk I went for a shower; John was there and he leaned over and said,

"Do you think I could play with your cock again? I would really love to munch on it, you're so hot man."

I looked at him with the eyes of a killer wolf and said,

"You got lucky saturday night but you won't be so lucky next time, I will break both your legs if you ever even try to touch me again."

He just laughed and said, "Heard your little pussy boyfriend tried to top himself saturday night, glad he didn't succeed I have had my eye on his arse for a while now, can't wait to make him squeal."

I lost it and smacked him fair on the jaw, he went down with a thud, all the guys looked at me and cheered.

"You're the Man." They chanted.

It made me feel better but my heart was still heavy.

A week went by and he still wouldn't see me or take my calls.

Mrs. Lewis told me he just lies on the bed and stares at the ceiling although there is nothing physically wrong with him, his mind is so messed up he can't string a sentence together. He was put on Prozac and they have just started to kick in and he was at least eating a little.

"I wish he would talk to you Alex but every time I mention you he gets very agitated and has panic attacks, I'm so sorry he needs more time."

Wednesday the following week saw Luke come back to school, he didn't notice me looking his way in fact he didn't seem to notice anybody in the hall. I could see he wasn't right, no smile,no sparkling blue eyes, no bounce in his step, all his beautiful hair was shaven off cadet style he looked dreadful and my heart sank to see this beautiful friend of mine broken. He was at his locker pulling books out for the days classes so I went over and said,

"Hey Lukey good to see you I've missed you so much."

He suddenly got very nervous and kinda agitated he said in a small barely audible voice, "I won't tell anyone what I saw if you don't tell about the email."

I said, "Luke we really need to talk, I'm not worried about anyone finding out about that saturday night because nothing was happening but we do need to talk about the email." He just turned his back to me and whispered, "There's nothing to talk about, I was mistaken I can't even remember writing it, I'm sorry"

Just then John and Brad came by he grabbed Luke and said,

"Bro glad you are back in the land of the living god, I've missed that ass of yours".

He grabbed Luke's bum and gave it a shake, Luke just looked at him with utter disgust in his eyes then he looked at me and said with cold venom in his voice,

"Control your boyfriend and tell him to take his filthy fucking hands off me."

I looked John in the eye and said, "I told you what would happen if you touched Luke now be prepared to have both your legs broken." Brad stepped in and said, "Calm down guys it's all a bit of fun, no need to fight over it."

"What are you gonna do asshole?" John said. "Drop your pants again and let me fuck you?"

I heard Luke gasp.

I said, "That you would love I'm sure but you have no hope of even getting a feel of me ever again."

Then the scuffle started, there was shouting and screaming, insults flying everywhere as some of the other students joined in. In the back of my mind all I could hear was the familiar screaming, I looked around and there was Luke hunched on the floor sobbing and screaming his lungs out.

"Stop, stop, stop." He had completely lost it, everyone just looked at him.The scuffle stopped and all we could hear was Luke's sobs so I went to him and got down on the floor then pulled him up with me, he hung onto my arms like they were his only lifeline.

I got him standing, running my hand up his back and stroking it all the time saying, "It's all right Lukey, it's okay, I'm here with you, I love you."

The headmaster appeared and yelled.

"Get to your classes. Luke Alex come with me."

It was 9.30 when Mrs. Lewis got the phone call from school, there had been an incident involving Luke and could she come and pick him up.

She arrived half hour later hugging Luke in the headmaster's office with Luke saying over and over again,

"I'm sorry mum, I'm sorry I thought I could handle it but looks like I'm still not right."

"It's okay honey I'll take you home and you can get some rest, we will talk about it later and you can come back to school when you feel stronger."

"Alex can I speak with you a moment?"

I followed her to the outer office where she closed the door and began, "What happened?"

I told her what had happened and that I didn't see it coming otherwise I would have handled it differently. She looked me in the eye and said,

"Luke told me what he saw at the party, I'm not blaming you Alex, you can be with anyone you please to be with but in the light of Luke's feelings and I believe his deep seated love for you can you at least try to think of his feelings before you parade your boyfriend about?"

"He's not my boyfriend and what happened with Luke's hair." I said.

She replied, "I heard him in the bathroom two days ago, he was weeping and muttering to himself that he was ugly, that no one wanted him and he might as well be dead."

"I opened the bathroom door and he was cutting his hair off with a pair of my scissors, I cleaned him up as best I could and made him promise he would never think like that again."

"Alex you got to realise he's only ever loved you, no one else just you. We had a good talk about it last night and I'm thinking of sending him to my sisters in Sydney, he can finish school there and maybe get his self esteem back."

"No! Mrs. Lewis please don't do that, I need to talk with him, nothing happened saturday night, John came on to me and made me look like a fool in front of Luke, I need to explain to him what happened and I want to talk about the email, I wanted to tell him ...I love him."

"I know Alex, you have been friends for a long time and friends love each other."

"You don't understand Mrs. Lewis I need to come over and talk with him."

"Maybe that would be a good idea Alex but please don't hurt him, please for me, just treat him gently. He's all I've got and I'm terrified he will withdraw into himself more and I will lose him forever."

"I will call tonight Mrs. Lewis and don't worry you have nothing to fear from me, there's no way on this earth I could harm Luke, I love him."

After school I rushed home, showered, changed my clothes to jeans and a black t shirt and left a note for dad to say where I've gone and not to worry, it was do or die for me tonight I had to get through to Luke.

I arrived at the Lewis house and walked in. I've been there so much over the years I really didn't have to knock, it was the same with Luke at my place. Mrs. Lewis was sitting in the kitchen, tissue box at hand looking into her coffee cup. I said,

"Hi would you like to have a top up?"

She said, "Grab a cup Alex and we will talk a bit."

I made us both a coffee and sat down with her, she just looked blankly at me.

"Alex you don't know the full story about Luke's dad and I think you should know as it is in some way tied up in all this mess." I told her to take her time. She eventually took a deep breath and said,

"Luke's father was the most gentlest man I had ever met, I adored him and him me but when Luke was born something changed in him. He became distant and aloof, whether it was jealously or the fact he was now a new father I will never know. When Luke was four he started abusing him."

"Oh nothing like that, just tripping him up when he would walk or by calling him stupid and ugly all the time. I don't know why I put up with it for so long, maybe I thought in my mind he would get better but in my heart I knew it would get worse. On Luke's 11th birthday he ignored him all day then when I brought his birthday cake out after dinner his father picked it up and threw it against the wall saying ugly kids don't get birthday cake."

"I waited till he was asleep, bundled Luke up and drove down here, my parents had left me this house when they had passed so we moved in here, I haven't spoken to his father since the divorce. Alex what I'm saying is he's had his fair share of disappointment and I believe the panic attacks aren't related wholly to you, his father figures in there somewhere. That's why I think when the fight started at school today he lost it, so don't blame yourself for all this."

"Alex he's in his bedroom staring at the walls, I had a talk with him about you coming over, he's adamant he doesn't want to have anything to do with you."

I sipped my coffee and thought to myself, Lukey Lewis if you think you are going to blow me off this time you can think again. I said calmly to Mrs. Lewis, "I'm here to see Luke and that's what I intend to do, this has gone far enough." She looked up and I added that I should keep the shouting to a minimum, a small smile crept over her face and she lifted her arms and faced her hands in my direction, I got the message loud and clear.

"You're a very intelligent young man Alex Somers, I wish you luck."

I excused myself and started up the staircase heading to Luke's room. I knocked once, no answer. I knocked twice but still no answer so I just opened the door and stood there. Luke was lying on his side staring at nothing in particular.

"What do you want? I thought I made it quite clear I didn't want to see you." He said.

"Well, Lukey I'm here and you will listen to what I have to say. If I have to tie you to that bed I will, you can't avoid this any longer"

He said, "Okay, say what you want then get out."

"Can I sit down first?" I said.

"Suit yourself." He replied.

So I deliberately sat on the bed as close to him as I could manage, he rolled over and looked the other way. I started to tell him what happened on that saturday night, I said I had gone down the back for a piss and John had followed me, what he saw was John trying to come onto me and if it hadn't been for him disturbing us, I was about to punch John's lights out.

"Luke do you think so little of me that you would even conceive that I would be fucking John?"

"I know what I saw, you're a fucking liar, you're just trying to get out of it to make yourself feel a bit better." He was very agitated and turned to look at me with utter disgust.

I tried to explain that I wasn't lying and it's the truth, he said I wouldn't know the truth if it bit me on the bum then he lashed out with all the anger he could muster, and hit me square on the arm. It hurt, it wasn't a friendly punch, it was one filled with hatred and disgust, I just stared at him in disbelief.

"You hit me, I can't believe you would hit me."

He looked at me and started sobbing, "Why did you go with him, why I've loved you for such a long time, I would have done anything for you." He was now very distraught and I had to get him calmed down.

I rubbed my arm as it was throbbing, the little guy packs a mean punch. "Okay let's change the subject, let's talk about the email."

"I wasn't thinking straight, my mind was messed up with the booze I'm sorry I wrote it." He said.

I looked at him and said, "I'm glad you wrote it, I'm sorry you had to try to kill yourself to find the guts to type it but I'm glad you did."

My heart skipped a beat, "I love you."

Next: Chapter 4

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