Luke and the Red Canvas Shoes

By Damian

Published on Sep 13, 2012


This is the conclusion, for now at least, of my story about Todd, 25, a physician assistant, and Luke, 20, who first meet in a medical appointment that doesn't quite go as either expected.

No minors were harmed in the writing of this story, but if you are one please go find something else to do. Please do not reproduce this story in any form without the permission of the author. Your feedback would be appreciated.




"I love you, Luke. I really do. And I don't care how narrow my bed is, but we're going to sleep in it together and I'm going to hold you all night long. Can you deal with that?"

"I've been wanting to do that since the first night you slept here."

"So have I, my friend. So have I."



"I love you, too. I really do."


Sleeping in the same bed at last with Luke was everything I'd been dreaming of for the past few weeks. There were days when I never thought it would ever happen, but I was glad that we didn't rush into anything because it was all the more wonderful the way we approached it slowly, until I thought my heart would burst with anticipation.

I was still holding Luke as we both woke up about the same time early Sunday morning. I could be very happy doing this for the rest of my life, I thought. He turned to face me, and I kissed him playfully on the nose.

"Hi," he said, looking at me.

"Hi, sweetie," I replied, wondering if his last words to me last night were still a reflection of how he felt about morning.

"What am I doing in your bed?"

"Being held and loved, if that's all right with you."

"I'm just kidding. I just wanted to check and see if I dreamed what happened last night or if it really did happen."

"Well, let's see. I seem to remember taking a very sexy shower with you, then kissing you for the first time, then checking each other's balls and sucking each other off, then kissing you some more, and then telling you I loved you and hearing the same thing back from you. Is that how you remember it?"

"Yeah, that's pretty much how I remember it," he said, rolling over on top of me and laying his head on my chest. I stroked his hair as our mostly hard cocks competed for space between us under the sheet. "I still can't believe that you wanted all that as much as I did. You did, didn't you?" he added, raising his head and facing me questioningly.

"Oh, I might have -- let me think."

"Don't tease me, Todd. All my life I've heard on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings back home in church that what we did last night is a sin. But it didn't feel that way to me."

"I'm happy to hear that. You're right and your pastor was wrong. What does he know about these things?"

"Well, I don't know, but I'm not going to worry about it. It's over now, and I'm not going back for any more of those awful sermons. Wild horses couldn't make me leave you now. You don't really have to go back to your apartment today, do you?"

"Well, I'm paying rent there, and I've already told your granddad that I was going back there today, so I think I'd better. You can visit me there whenever you like, and someday soon we'll figure out a way to be together all the time -- I promise, if that's what you want too. As much as I loved sleeping with you last night, this little bed is a little tight for two people. You'll have to come over and try mine out -- it's full-sized."

"Can I come with you today for a while at least and, uh, try it out?"

"Yes, absolutely. But right now I need to get up and take a leak. Maybe I can do it without being caught in my birthday suit this time."

We didn't say anything about our budding romantic relationship to Lloyd over breakfast. It seemed too soon, and I had already announced to him my intention to move back to my apartment that day. As much as I hated to leave, I did feel the need to get back into my own place again, so I left in late morning. Luke came with me and helped me get things back in order again. Before he walked home that afternoon, we took another shower together and made love again -- in my bed for the first of what would be many wonderful times.

This time he was the aggressor. Who knew what a little tiger he could be in bed? It must have been all that pent-up sexual energy he had, but I had no complaints. He was all over me and licked and tasted every part of my freshly washed anatomy before bringing me to a mind-blowing release that was every bit as good as the one last night. What he lacked in experience and skill he certainly made up for with enthusiasm. I was only too happy to "take it" -- and, of course, reciprocate.

We talked about future living arrangements for the next several days but decided to delay a decision until after Luke's medical problems were resolved. He was in my place most evenings, but a couple of times a week I had dinner with him and Lloyd at their place. We made love often, but my days off, Wednesdays and Sundays, became our special times for a little "afternoon delight" of the extended, unrushed variety. Lloyd had to be getting the message -- two "friends" would not have spent that much time together, and we all knew it without saying it.

Besides, it was written all over Luke's handsome little face -- and mine, too, no doubt.

Dr. Webberley sent Luke for some additional testing with a hematology specialist that verified what the doctor had feared all along -- that Luke had a Meckel's diverticulum on his intestines that was causing a slow blood loss through his stool, making him anemic.

As the second diagnostic procedure was done on a Wednesday, about a month or so after Luke had returned to Denver, I was off and able to take him in for it. We had a nice lunch out afterward and were returning to Lloyd's house to rest a bit when we saw something that caused dread and panic all the way to our toenails.

"Oh my God, no!" Luke practically screamed when he saw David's dilapidated pick-up in front of the house. "He's alone with Granddad!"

The truck was vacant, and Lloyd's garage door was up. His lawn chair sat empty in the driveway where we had last seen it with him in it. This was our worst fear come true. We of course were unarmed and defenseless, but we had no choice but to get inside as quickly as possible to see what was going on.

As we burst into the kitchen through the garage, Luke yelled out for his grandfather, and I wasn't two feet behind him.

"In here, Luke," we heard Lloyd say from the living room. Running into the room we spotted Lloyd and David sitting across the room from each other. A pretty but conservatively dressed young woman was sitting next to him. I thought she looked a little familiar. Seeing us look so agitated, they both stared at us wide-eyed.

"There's no way in hell that I'm going back there again, David, so you can just get that idea out of your head and go back without me! Are you all right, Granddad?"

"Yes, I'm fine, Luke. Calm down. David has something he wants to say to you."

At first David ignored Lloyd's comment. "Who's that?" he said, looking directly at me. But then something registered and his eyes turned dark. "Yer that fella that was sitting behind me in church that day that Luke got away from us, ain't cha?"

It was clear from David's way of talking that his home schooling hadn't worked as well as Luke's had. I looked at Luke for a clue as to how to respond.

"That's my friend Todd. Yes, he's the one who rescued me that day. If it weren't for him I might still be enslaved on that farm by you and Dad and Mom. But he's made me see I can be my own person now. I don't need any of you. What's Rebecca doing here?" he said, looking at the woman at David's side.

"We just started goin' out reg'lar after you left. Sounds like you remember her from church."

"Did she come along to help you lure me back to the farm? It isn't going to work. This is my home now, and wild horses couldn't drag me back."

Rebecca laid her hand on David's and looked up to him, as if to encourage him to say what they came there for.

"Luke, this ain't easy for me," David said, hanging his head, "but you need to know that...well, Rebecca here's helped me see some things in the past month. We're talkin' about gettin' married as soon as we can afford to get our own place.

"Dad's gonna have to sell the farm when we do. With you 'n me gone, he ain't gonna be able to do all the work himself, even with Ma's help. I think they're gonna move into town as soon as he can find a buyer. This is gonna be our last season of farmin', it looks like."

"And..." Rebecca said, as she gently encouraged him to go on.

"Luke, I haven't felt right 'bout what happened between us -- 'specially between you and Dad. I wanna make things right with you and Granddad. I shouldn't of ignored him last time I was here, and I already told him that before you got here."

Lloyd smiled, but I could tell he had tears in his eyes. I didn't know how Luke was taking this, but I was in a state of shock.

"There was no excuse for how Dad...and I...treated you. Yer 20 now and you should make yer own life. He knows that, too, but I don't spect that he'll tell ya so."

"Does he know you came here?" Luke asked.

"Naw, he'd 'a had a fit. But Rebecca's from a real tight-knit family, and she thought I oughta do it. I'm still yer brother, even if I didn't treat ya too good. I jes want ya to know I was wrong, Luke, and I'm real sorry."

Luke stood there speechless. I wanted to believe David, but I was still wary that this might be a ruse to break down Luke's defenses and get him to go home with them. But Luke knew him better than I did.

"Rebecca and I'd better be gettin' back home. I was pleased to meet ya, Todd. You take good care of my little brother, hear? He never had no friends."

Luke helped Lloyd to his feet as Rebecca and David got up to leave. David offered his hand to them, but Lloyd wanted something more. Drawing Luke to him with one arm and David with the other, the three joined together in a somewhat awkward but sincere group hug as Rebecca and I looked on approvingly.

"Thank you," I mouthed to her across the room, and she smiled.

After they were gone, no one knew what to say.

"I think I need a nap, boys," Lloyd finally said, making his way down the hall. Luke and I sat together on the couch. I held him tightly as he quietly sobbed.

A few days later Luke was scheduled for day surgery in an out-patient clinic near Dr. Webberley's office.

"What's going to happen when I get there, Todd?" Luke asked me.

My duties as a p.a. don't usually involve surgery, but I figured I could give him a pretty good idea.

"Well, after you get checked in at the front desk, they'll take you back to a waiting area and have you undress completely and put a gown on. At least you know which way they go on now, don't you?" I said with a smile.

He knew I was pulling his chain, but he smiled and blushed at the recollection of our first meeting when he had put his gown on backwards.

"At some point they'll give you a light sedative to relax you. Oh, and you'll probably get your abdomen shaved and maybe your pubes."

Luke looked horrified.

"My pubes? Are you serious? I don't want anyone messing with me down there. What if it's some candy striper on her first shift? Or some old nurse with shaky hands? I'd be mortified -- maybe even mutilated!"

"Well, it could be a cute young male orderly, too. Did you think of that?"

"I'd still be mortified. What if I got an erection?"

"I'd say relax and enjoy it," I said with a smile.

"It doesn't take much touching for me to shoot, as I'm sure you're aware by now," he said with a smile of his own.

"Yes, I'm quite aware of your habits in that regard. Just think of something really gross while they're doing it to you. Use your imagination."

Suddenly Luke became very quiet as he mulled over his options.

"I'm not gonna let some stranger shave me down there. I want you to do it, Todd."

"Me? I don't think they'd let me go back there with you. They have their own staff to, uh, handle things like that."

"Then do me the night before."

"You sure?" I said, feeling my cock chubbing in my underwear at the thought of shaving my new boyfriend's crotch.

"Absolutely," he said. "But there's one stipulation."

"Oh? And just what would that be?"

"You'd have to be naked, too," he said with a grin.

" drive a hard bargain, but I guess it's a reasonable request."

And so it was. The night before his surgery, after Lloyd had gone to bed, we both stripped down and took a hot soapy shower together. We had already prepared Luke's bed with a couple of towels, a razor, and some shaving cream, and I rigged up a light over his bed so I could see what I was doing.

After we'd dried off, Luke went to the bedroom while I followed with a small tub of hot water. I had no more started coating his tummy and genitals with the shaving cream than he got hard as a rock, which turned out to be a "contagious" condition. Luke reached up and squeezed my erection playfully.

"Looks like you're enjoying this," he teased.

"Of course I am. But maybe you'd best not get me too excited if you don't want to get cut."

"Too late for that -- the excitement part, that is."

"Your part is looking pretty excited, too. Just close your eyes and think of something nice while I take care of things down here."

"I'd rather keep them open and look at you."

"As you wish, little devil."

"Have you ever done this before?"

"Yes, a few times. I was on the swim team in high school and some of us shaved each other. I don't know if it helped with our times, but it sure was fun."

There wasn't much hair on Luke's tummy, but he did have a slight blond treasure trail that most people wouldn't have even noticed without the bright light that I had shining on it. I ridded him of that in no time and then got down to the fun stuff.

As I moved Luke's hard cock around to get to the top of his pubes, the head was peeking halfway out of his foreskin. I just sort of, "accidentally" of course, pulled back ever so slightly on his foreskin and slowly managed to reveal the entire head. He moaned with extreme pleasure at this and began secreting a copious amount of pre-cum into the shaving cream. The same pleasurable oozing started happening to me, and I wasn't even touching myself.

By this time, of course, Luke and I had made love many times, but I had never really examined his cock up close like this with a bright light shining on it. I could see every ridge, contour, and blood vessel -- it was the most beautiful sight I'd ever seen, next to Luke's brown eyes when they searched mine in that soulful way of his.

"I'm gonna shoot pretty soon if you keep that up," he said.

"I don't want you to just yet. Try to hold back. I'm going to let go of you and shave your balls next. Spread your legs apart as far as you can, okay?"

It was so erotic to me to watch Luke's bare erect cock throb and bounce with each heartbeat as I gently stretched his scrotum this way and that to get each hair off. I took my time because I didn't want to rush this beautiful show, but finally I had shaved his genitals completely bare. I went over them with my fingertips to be sure I got all the hair off. By this time he was so turned on that he was finding it difficult to lie still.

I stood up and admired my work as I watched my young boyfriend thrash about in deep erotic pleasure on his bed. He had held off for about as long as he was going to, so I planted myself between his legs and quickly engulfed his cock in my eager mouth. I soon extracted what seemed to be an enormous amount of semen as his orgasm peaked and exploded down my throat.

It seemed to affect every part of his body as he bent his knees and raised his feet off the bed, while at the same time pounding his fists into the mattress and moving his head from side to side on his pillow. For about a minute afterward he seemed unable to speak.

That was to be Luke's last moment of pleasure for a few days. He was quite nervous going into day surgery the next day, but I tried to keep him as calm as possible and stayed with him for as long as they would let me.

Lloyd went with us, and it wasn't more than an hour and a half before the surgeon came out to tell us that everything had gone fine. He said that Luke also received a blood transfusion during his surgery to get his hemoglobin count back up to normal.

He was a little woozy for a while afterward, but he was able to go home with us a few hours later. I stayed with him a couple of nights at Lloyd's house and kept a close eye on him until he was feeling back to normal again. His anemia was history. Over. Done with. We were all thrilled!

A week or so later we had our "talk" with Lloyd, revealing to him what he already knew -- that Luke and I were in love and wanted to live together. He took the "news" well and gave us his immediate blessing.

"Your news doesn't surprise me in the least, boys, and I'm happy for you, of course. If things had been different 50 years ago, I might have...well, never mind. I had a good life with Alice."

Changing the subject quickly, he said, "Todd, would you consider giving up your apartment and living here with Luke and me?" It was pretty obvious from the way he brought it up that he'd already given it some thought.

"As an alternative, Lloyd, would you consider selling this place and taking an apartment in my building? There's one available."

"No, I don't think so, Todd. I've lived in this house for over 35 years, and it just holds too many memories for me to give it up. I wouldn't be happy in an apartment, even one that would be close to you and Luke. This place is paid for, so it would a lot cheaper for all of us to just live here together. If you could help out with some of the day-to-day expenses, I'm sure it would be a lot less than you're paying for that apartment. I'd be happy to pay you to redo Luke's bedroom and fit it out with a new queen-size bed for you two -- and whatever else you need to be comfortable here. I'm getting up in years now and could really use some help with the yard work and so forth. What do you say?"

I looked at Luke, and he seemed agreeable to that plan, so I said, "Sure, Lloyd. It's a deal -- but you guys know I can't cook worth squat. I even burn Texas toast in the oven, as Luke can attest to," I said, giving Luke a sly wink. He just laughed...and blushed.

"That's okay, Todd. Luke and I can handle that part. I think there's an untold story behind that Texas toast, but I won't ask right now. Why don't you guys go out and shop for some new bedroom furniture, and then you can give your notice at the apartment building?"

I couldn't have been happier with this arrangement, and Luke gave me the biggest smile I'd ever seen on his face. A few days later I moved in, to stay.

In mid November Luke, Lloyd, and I drove up to David and Rebecca's wedding in the little Laporte church where I had gone the day I rescued Luke from his "captivity." It was the first time he'd been back there since that early August day and the first time he would face his parents since then. He was nearly a basket case, and Lloyd and I were not much better.

They knew we were coming. As we walked into the church foyer, there they stood. His mother wasted no time in embracing her younger son and told him how much she had missed him. His father was another story. He grimly shook our hands but didn't say anything. I don't think either of them recognized me, and Luke just introduced me as his "good friend Todd."

This gathering was hard for Lloyd, but he wanted to be there for David. He and Luke's dad shook hands, but he and Luke's mother didn't acknowledge each other at all.

Suddenly, David appeared from a side door and motioned for Luke to join him. A few minutes later Luke came back out and told Lloyd and me to go and be seated without him. David had asked him to stand up with him as best man, and he looked pleased as punch about it.

We were seated in the row behind David and Luke's parents. Rebecca looked radiant as she came down the aisle on the arm of her father and gave us a sweet smile as she walked by our pew. David looked handsome but awkward in his Sunday suit and tie. He looked proud and happy as he saw his bride approaching the altar, and Luke smiled as he stood beside his big brother.

At the reception following the service, I found that the pastor had a better memory than I had feared of that day I had walked into his church as a "visitor."

"Hello, Mr. Emerson. It's good to have you back with us again. I see you know David and his family now."

I just shook his hand and didn't correct him. I knew it was unlikely we'd ever see each other again -- or ever know that I was now sleeping with David's little brother every night.

During the reception I was watching Luke's family carefully. They stuck to themselves for the most part, but at one point I saw Luke and his father walk off into a corner to say a few words alone. Luke looked up at the taller man, and they talked for several minutes. My heart raced as I tried to imagine what was being said.

I'm usually not a good lip reader, but I could swear I saw Luke's father say "I'm sorry" as he rested his hand on his son's shoulder. I looked over at Rebecca, who was smiling broadly. I knew she had had a hand in this. She was truly an angel on Earth.

On the way back to Denver that evening, Luke confirmed the accuracy of my lip reading skills. I asked him how he felt about his father's apology.

"Saying `I'm sorry' doesn't really cut it, but it was a step in the right direction, I guess. I don't know if I can ever forgive him."

"I think you should try, Luke. Holding onto your anger is only going to hurt you in the long run, not him. I know it'll take some time, but you can't really move on until you can put your past behind you."

"Right now I can see the past a lot more clearly than I can see the future."

"I've not given a lot of thought to the future either, but I'm starting to now -- as long as you'll be beside me all the way. Nothing in this world matters to me more than that."

Luke put his head on my shoulder. As we held hands in the front seat, Lloyd was dozing off in the back. We were all glad we had made the effort to drive up to David's wedding, but now we were happy to be going home. Our home.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thanks for reading my story. It was always my intention to end it here, but I'll leave the door open a crack for possible future expansion at some point if there's any expressed interest.

If you have any comments, I'd be happy to hear them. I answer every message and have appreciated all the good feedback I've received on this story so far. Reader feedback is the only "pay" we Nifty authors get for our efforts. Please sign your first name and location, if you don't mind, so I can respond appropriately. And put "Luke" in the subject line so I know your message is not spam.

Please don't reproduce any part of this story, or any of my stories, without permission. To see a clickable list of all my Nifty stories, please click on the "Authors" tab on the Nifty site. Then scroll down and click on "Damian" (but note that "Damian Chandler," just below my name, is a different author).

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