Luke and the Red Canvas Shoes

By Damian

Published on Sep 7, 2012


This is the continuation of my story about Todd, 25, a physician assistant, and Luke, 20, who first meet in a medical appointment that doesn't quite go as either expected.

No minors were harmed in the writing of this story, but if you are one please go find something else to do. Please do not reproduce this story in any form without the permission of the author. Your feedback would be appreciated.




Luke took a shower and washed his hair and then put on some of the new clothes I'd dried for him while he slept. Then he ceremoniously dumped his Sunday clothes -- shoes and all -- into the dumpster for the next morning's pickup. He was done with that part of his life and was ready to move on.

Freshly bathed, suited out in new duds, and rid of his former ones -- he flashed me a grin that warmed my heart.


Luke and I had never talked much about where I came from or my family situation, so a day or two after our shopping trip we sat down with Lloyd on the back patio and I opened up about it to both of them.

I hated to overplay it in front of Luke, who had had such a terrible upbringing, but mine was pretty much the quintessential American experience. I grew up in Boulder, where my father was an administrator at the University of Colorado and my mom was a part-time accountant for a retail store. I was raised with two brothers, Matt, two years older, and Kyle, three years younger, and a sister, Louanne, five years younger. We were a tight-knit , loving family and often did things together, like hike the Rockies in the summer and skithem in the winter.

The only "fly in the ointment" was my being gay, but I didn't mention that in front of Luke and Lloyd -- although I knew I would have to pretty soon. My family had a bit of a rough time accepting it, but they eventually did.

"After high school I attended UC, where I majored in pre-med and beer busts," I joked. "I decided to go for my license as a physician's assistant when my grades were just short of allowing admission to full medical school. I hadn't been working in that field very long when I met you, Luke."

"So you've always lived in Colorado?" he asked.

"Yes. I did a summer driving trip around the U.S. and parts of Canada with a couple of buddies after college, but I decided that Colorado was where I wanted to live. So here I am!"

"Well, we're glad you're here, Todd," Lloyd piped up, obviously not feeling comfortable asking me any questions of a more "personal" nature. "You can just stay here with Luke and me for as long as you like."

"Thanks, Lloyd. I'll stay for a few more days until I feel like you guys are going to be all right. But you know I'm always only a phone call away at worst."

I had some thoughts about future living arrangements, but it was too soon to bring them up just yet with Luke and Lloyd. What I really wanted was to return to my own apartment with Luke in tow, but for now I'd have to be content to sleep across the room from him in our own separate beds.

We settled into a routine of sorts. I went back to work on Tuesday, and I enjoyed the company of Luke and Lloyd very much over the rest of the week. I'd forgotten how nice it could be to live family style again after several years of living alone or with incompatible roommates. We ate together, played cards, watched TV, and talked. Even if my relationship with Luke never moved beyond the friendship stage, I felt like I was very welcome there and would remain good friends with both Luke and Lloyd.

But of course I wanted more.

When the weekend rolled around, we talked about it and decided that it was probably time for me to move back to my apartment. The immediate danger of retaliation by the Mathesons seemed to be waning. I worked on Saturday, so Sunday would be my day to go back to my own place. Luke was scheduled to go back to the doctor on Monday for the appointment he had missed.

Lloyd usually excused himself to go to his own room by 9 p.m., but on Saturday night he was tired and retired at 8:30, wishing Luke and me a good evening. And a good one it was going to be.

We were alone together in the dimly lit living room watching TV. Nothing good was on, so we turned it off. To my surprise, Luke laid himself out on the couch on his back and put his head on my right thigh. Looking up at me, he pulled my right hand down and just held it against his chest. We were both wearing a tank top and shorts in the early September heat. I felt his chest rise and fall with his calm breathing.

Across the room Lloyd's grandfather clock tick-tocked quietly. Nothing else was moving, and I reveled in the stillness and in the unexpected intimacy of Luke's body. It occurred to me that if I hadn't met Luke I might still be spending my Saturday nights with Brian. Even though Luke and I weren't really doing anything, this simple act of togetherness was a thousand times more satisfying.

"I don't want you to leave, Todd."

"You gonna miss me?"

"Like crazy. I wouldn't be here now if it weren't for you. You saved my life -- or at least my sanity -- by coming to the farm to get me. You're the best friend anyone ever had."

Tears came to my eyes, but I blinked them back to try to keep the mood light. With my left hand, I stroked his hair gently.

"I didn't do it just for you, you know."

"Yeah, I know Granddad needed me around here. He's gonna be 80 pretty soon. Did you know that?"

"Actually not. I thought he was closer to 75 or so. But I was talking about me."

"What do you mean?"

"Why do you think I came to rescue you? Why do you think I've been hanging around here ever since?"

"Maybe you felt sorry for me?"

"Guess again."

"Maybe you didn't have anything better to do?"

"You're getting close."

Luke pondered that a bit while I thought about my next move. I realized that the time had finally come for me to be honest with him. As my heart started beating faster, I slid my index finger under his tank top and began making slow circles around his left nipple, which turned hard as a little pebble.

"God, that feels good," he purred. "No one's ever touched me there before. Except for you, no one's ever touched me anywhere except..."

"Except what?"

"Except to hurt me."

It felt like a punch in the gut to hear him say that. I suddenly realized that only a week ago his family was doing that very thing.

"Those days are over forever now, Luke. If I have my way, no one's ever gonna hurt you again."

I reached over with my left hand and wiped away a tear on his cheek.

"I never knew what a good touch was like till I met you."

"Then it's okay if I touch you?"

"You bet," he said, squeezing my hand. "I didn't know that friends did this to each other."

"Only very special friends -- like you and I."

It was beginning to dawn on me that Luke might really not know where the line was between friendship and romance -- if he really understood anything about romance at all. His parents were hardly good role models, and with the limited access he'd had to things like TV, books, magazines, and computers he had probably seldom if ever seen how loving couples -- gay couples in particular -- could be affectionate with each other in ways that mere friends are not.

I thought I knew him well by now, but I was only beginning to understand how sheltered his life had been. Helping him overcome it was going to be a huge responsibility, but I knew I was up to the task.

"Luke, I..." That's all I got out before he interrupted my long-considered entrée into telling him just how I felt about him and our `friendship.'

"Hey, do you know what we've never done that I would really like to?" he said, giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

My head was reeling with the infinite possibilities. Could he really mean what I was hoping?

"I have no idea, buddy, but I doubt that there's anything you could come up with that I wouldn't enjoy doing with you."

From his upside down position, he looked up at me and smiled.

"Well, do you remember what you said during my physical about `buddying up with someone' to check for lumps on your...well, down there?" He pointed to his crotch.

"I was kind of kidding you, but there's no reason why two guys couldn't help each other out in that way I suppose."

"Have you ever done that with a friend?"

"Only in my medical training when we paired off to learn how to do that properly, but the other guy wasn't really a friend -- just a classmate."

"Would it be okay if you and I...well...checked each other?"

He looked away, apparently embarrassed by his own candor, but I thought I could see some movement in his shorts. I know I could feel some in mine at the thought of Luke doing that to me while I stood naked in front of him.

"Of course. I'd like that. Did you mean now?" My heart was suddenly racing faster, and my cock was definitely hardening in my own shorts at the thought of it.


"Okay. works best if you've just taken a hot shower so that your balls are hanging down in your scrotum as loosely as possible. Would you like to take a shower with me? You already know what I look like naked."

"Yeah, you're right about that, but I...never get to see you up close...or touch you when you're like that. Would that be okay?"

"Might be fun. Let's do it."

He was up off the couch in no time, pulling off his shirt and holding his hands out to me to pull me up.

"You didn't have to think about it very long," I chided.

"I've been thinking about it for weeks."

Who knew?

"Well, let's be sure all the doors are locked and turn out the lights. Why don't you go start the water and I'll be right there?"

He helped me with the lights and the locks and then scooted down the hall in a flash. I stripped off my shirt and followed him. He was already naked before I could even get to the bathroom. He hopped in the shower while I finished stripping, and I joined him. Both of us were half hard, and we pointed and laughed at our mutual arousal. But there was also a look of genuine wonder in his eyes.

"Okay, go for it," I said, handing him the bar of soap from the holder. "Just let me get good and wet, and then you can touch me all you want."

I broke out in goose bumps when I felt his soapy hands on my shoulders and back for the first time. He took his time and washed me lovingly. When he dropped his hands below my waist, my cock went all the way hard, even though he couldn't see it just then. He washed my ass but seemed hesitant to go very far into my crack until I told him it was all right. The touch of his fingers on my hole nearly sent me through the ceiling with pleasure. Then, getting down on his knees in the tub, he washed my feet and legs.

"You can turn around now," he told me, making it sound almost like a command. I think he liked taking control of my body for the first time. I knew I certainly was enjoying it. His eyes widened when he saw my complete erection for the first time ever. By now he was fully hard as well.

"Why don't you do my chest now?" I reminded him, as he stood there transfixed. He looked up at my face with a smile and went to work on the front of my upper body as lovingly as he'd done the other parts of me already. I nearly fainted when he took my rod and washed it slowly with one hand and the boys downstairs with the other. I hadn't realized just how much I'd wanted this until now. I certainly couldn't remember the last time I was this aroused.

"That was fantastic, Luke," I said, when he finally let go of me. Before the water could get cold, I returned the favor and washed every part of him, savoring the feel of his young, naked skin in my hands. We were both still hard, and I had a strong suspicion that we were going to stay that way for a while yet.

My favorite part was watching the soap suds flow down his back and over his sweet young ass, some of the soap funneling right into his crack. As I washed his ass, I let my middle finger graze over his virgin anus, and -- just as I had -- he nearly jumped at the pleasurable feelings. I continued over his taint all the way to the back of his scrotum.

Turning him around to face me, I washed his chest and shoulders with both my hands. As much as I hated the thought of him slaving away on that farm, I did have to admit that it had done wonders for his upper body. Although Luke was slender and not all that tall, his pecs, his shoulders, and his abs were sheer perfection.

I then dropped my hands lower and washed everything below -- and I do mean everything. I'd never washed an uncut cock before. Even though he was hard, there was a part of his hood that was still pliable enough to pull back and expose the entire head and corona. It was the most beautiful sight I'd ever seen, and here I was actually touching and washing every centimeter of it.

I wanted in the worst way to take it into my mouth, but I restrained myself so that I could do something else first. This opportunity would not be wasted on a mere act of temporary lust and release -- I wanted this to be a memorable first act of eternal love and romance with this wonderful man.

After I rinsed him off with the shower wand, taking my time to be sure I reached every curve and crevice of his body, we got out of the tub and took turns patting each other dry with big fluffy towels.

"So is this what special friends do for each other?" he asked with a grin, as we hung our towels on the rack.

"I think we've gone a bit beyond that point, don't you?"

"I don't know -- this is my first time to do anything like this."

"I'll betthere are some more things I could teach you, if you're open to that."

I leaned back with my butt against the countertop and pulled Luke into the space between my open legs. When he put his hands on my thighs, my cock stood up tall and throbbing between us. It was clear from the look in his eyes that there were no obstacles to anything I might want to teach him.

Raising his chin with my hand, I leaned into him slowly and he met me halfway. He closed his eyes, and I did what I'd only dreamed about for weeks -- I kissed his soft virgin lips and ran my tongue between them until he opened them voluntarily and copied my actions. He put his hands on either side of my face, and I did the same. As we kissed, he groaned with a hunger that only years of pent-up sexual repression could reveal.

I could have kissed that delicious mouth of his from then until morning, but I broke the kiss finally and took him by the hand to our bedroom, where I closed the door and turned on only one dim light.

"Let's do that ball check now, shall we?"

He nodded wordlessly, like someone in a trance. He had just experienced his first kiss -- and, I hoped, the first realization that he and I were going to be much more than just "special friends."

I sat on one end of my bed.

"Stand here between my legs and spread your feet apart a little. You can put your hands on my shoulders for support if you want to." He did.

I explored every part of his scrotum, rolling his balls between my ten fingers gently for a good five minutes. It was easy to see them, with his cock standing at full hardness. Declaring him to be in "perfect shape" down there, I moved my hands so that they were on his hips and then on his round buns. Pulling his body closer to me, I allowed my eager tongue to come into its first-ever contact with the tip of his cock and licked it gently. He jumped a little at the unexpected feel of my wet tongue on his rigid male organ but soon started groaning at the pleasurable feelings that were coursing through him for the first time.

"Oh, Todd, that feels fantastic," he cooed, as his hands slipped from my shoulders up the back of my neck to the back of my head. As he pulled me closer to him, I knew he was ready for the next step -- one I had desperately craved to take since the first time I saw him naked in front of me. I opened my mouth and engulfed his rock-hard cock completely as he took in a big gulp of air and just held his breath. I knew from our first encounter in the doctor's office -- the only other time he'd come to orgasm in my presence -- that he had a hair trigger, so it was no surprise to me when the sweet taste of his fresh semen flooded over my tongue and down my throat in just seconds.

As he came down from his first orgasm in someone else's loving presence, he held tightly to my head and I waited for the final drops of his love juices before letting his manhood slip from my mouth.

"That was absolutely the best moment of my life," he said. "Was it all right to cum in your mouth like that -- I didn't have a chance to warn you."

"It was more than all right, Luke. It was everything I've been dreaming of for weeks now."

"You've been wanting to do that to me? I had no idea. Why didn't you say something sooner?"

"I didn't think you were ready yet, after all you've been through. I wanted to be sure it was the right time and that you wouldn't have stopped me."

"I guess I've got a lot to learn, don't I? I never guessed thatwhat was going on in your mind was pretty much the same thing that's been going onin mine. You have no idea how much I've been wanting something like this."

"That sure makes me happy, Luke. What else has been going through that mind of yours?"

"If you really want to know, I've been thinking a lot about that time I first saw you naked -- when you were standing on that stepstool in your kitchen and your towel fell off."

"You liked that, did you?

"Yeah," he admitted. If the light had been less dim in the room, I'm sure I would've seen him blushing. "You were so awesome standing there on that stool with your hands up on the smoke detector and your dick and balls swinging freely. I couldn't take my eyes off of you -- it was so unexpected. And so hot..."

"You little devil -- you never said anything till now."

"I didn't know what to say. I was embarrassed at myself looking at you like that, but I couldn't stop. I'd been wanting so much to see you naked after you saw all of me during that physical exam, and that was like a dream come true."

My cock was already hard while I was sitting on the bed in front of him, but now it was absolutely throbbing hearing his confession about wanting to see me naked -- and succeeding beyond his wildest dreams.

"And then you didn't even put your towel back around you -- you just hung it on your neck. You explained to me why our dicks don't look the same, and then walked down the hall with your butt on display and invited me to go back to your room with you. And then you just leisurely took your time putting your underwear on. I thought I'd died and gone to heaven..."

"Don't you think now that I wanted you to see me that way?"

"You did?"

"Hell, yes. I've been beating off thinking about that day -- a lot. As much as it was hot' for you to see me that way, it was hot' for me to know you were looking at me."

"Besides my brother you're the first guy I've ever seen naked. I want to look at you now even more. Let's trade places and let me check your balls like you checked mine."

"Take your time, my lad. They're all yours for as long as you want to feel them."

"Is this how I do it?" he said, as I stood before him and he sat in my spot on the bed and took hold of my boys.

"That's pretty good, but you can use a little more pressure. I can barely feel you."

Luke examined my genitals thoroughly -- for quite a long time. I think he was impressed with my larger equipment and at how much lower in their sac my boys hung than his -- although there was certainly nothing unappealing at all about his. He stroked my throbbing cut cock with his fingers as if he wanted to memorize every ridge and every inch. The touch of his hands on me was sending me into delirium with pleasure.

At first I just stood there with my hands on my hips as he conducted his thorough examination of my junk, but then I moved my hands to his hair and ran my fingers through it invitingly. I didn't want to make him feel like he had to reciprocate with everything I'd done to him, but at the same time I was hoping against hope that he would at least lick me a little.

It was like he had to work up the nerve to taste another man's cock for the first time, but he finally did it -- much to my extreme joy. At first his licks were soft and tentative, but as he got used to the taste of me he got more and more excited. My stiff eight-incher was a bit much for his virgin mouth, but he took as much of it as he could without gagging.

After a while I had to tell him that he was going to get a mouth full of cum if he kept that up, but to my amazement he didn't let up a bit. So I let 'er rip, and out came the greatest quantity of cum I'd ever released at one time in my entire 25 years of life. The pleasure was so intense that I almost fell over on him and had to put my hands on his shoulders to keep from falling.

I sat down next to him and just fell back on my bed like a rag doll, while my gradually subsiding cock waved in front of me like one of those partly inflated clown balloons that you see bobbing around in the wind outside of stores having a sale. Luke couldn't resist squeezing it again with his hand.

Eventually I sat up and pulled him over onto my lap, facing me, and we kissed again. With his soft hairless buns resting on my cock, I laid my head on his chest and squeezed his naked body against mine with both arms.

"I love you, Luke. I really do. And I don't care how narrow my bed is, but we're going to sleep in it together and I'm going to hold you all night long. Can you deal with that?"

"I've been wanting to do that since the first night you slept here."

"So have I, my friend. So have I."



"I love you, too. I really do."

(To be continued in Part 9 soon)

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Next: Chapter 9

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