Luke and the Red Canvas Shoes

By Damian

Published on Sep 3, 2012


This is the continuation of my story about Todd, 25, a physician assistant, and Luke, 20, who first meet in a medical appointment that doesn't quite go as either planned. This posting is an in-depth relationship story that will build slowly. I post new chapters often, so please check back. Or let me know if you'd like to get an e-mail from me whenever I post one.

No minors were harmed in the writing of this story, but if you are one please go find something else to do. Please do not reproduce this story in any form without the permission of the author. Your feedback is appreciated.




"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Todd," he kept saying over and over. I squeezed and rubbed his thigh to try to calm him down. He was making me cry, too, which wasn't exactly helping my quick getaway driving efforts.

"I think someone else needs to be let in on the good news," I said after a few miles, handing him my cell phone. He shakily pushed the numbers for Lloyd's phone.

"Granddad -- this is Luke. I'm with Todd in his car. I'm coming home!"


I didn't pump Luke for much information on the way home. I knew Lloyd would want to hear all the details, too. We were just so happy to be together again that words seemed unnecessary. About halfway to Denver I looked over and noticed that he was nodding off -- no doubt exhausted from his ordeal. I reached over and pulled him toward me so that his head was resting on my shoulder. It was like a miracle to have my Luke next to me again, and I was going to do everything in my power to keep him from any more harm.

As soon as we pulled into Lloyd's driveway, Luke bounded out of the car and gave his grandfather a long, tight hug. It was a touching sight. I went inside and made us some drinks to share on the back patio while Luke filled us in on what had happened over the past three weeks.

While his mother did have a brief health scare, he had really been lured back to the farm for only one reason -- slave labor. His dad and brother had been having trouble keeping up with things without him and decided that Luke's original banishment had hurt them worse than it had hurt him.

They still treated him like little more than a farmhand, getting him up before dawn and making him work in the fields and tending the livestock all day every day, with only a few hours respite on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. Even the farm came in second to church in their priorities, and it would have been unthinkable to miss going there.

With no apparent transportation options, he probably gave them little reason to think he might bolt like he did. He gave me all the credit for making it happen, and I just squeezed his knee under the patio table.

When he had finally worked up the courage to give me a phone call on Friday, he'd been caught by his dad and had to hang up quickly. In his fury his dad yanked the phone so hard that it disengaged from the wall socket. He read him the riot act and told him he'd be sleeping with the hogs if he ever tried a stunt like that again. He was going to make him sleep in the barn that night before he realized he could keep a better eye on him confined to the house.

"Did my son ever lay a hand on you?" Lloyd asked, his eyes squinting with suspicion.

Luke denied it, but I had the feeling that he wasn't being totally truthful about that. I saw no marks on his body -- the parts that I could see, that is -- but I was going to press him further on that issue when we got a chance to be alone.

"Did you tell them about your anemia?"

"Yeah, but Dad said there was nothin' wrong with me that a little hard work wouldn't take care of."

I shook my head sadly. Ignorant bastard!

"Didn't you get tired?" Lloyd asked.

"Tired doesn't begin to describe it. It was all I could do to even put food in my mouth at the end of the day. I was in bed by 8 or 9 every night -- and up and working by 4 every morning. It was hell, pure and simple."

"Why didn't you try to escape?" I asked.

"They hardly ever left me alone, except to take a bath -- someone was always watching me. If I'd tried it, they would've come after me. Dad and David are both a lot bigger than I am, and they had me completely intimidated."

As we sat there sipping our drinks, the subject of possible retribution came up. I was concerned for both of them in case David or their dad came back and tried to lure Luke back to the farm -- forcibly or otherwise. I knew they were a strong-willed family and pretty much got their way.

Lloyd tried to pooh-pooh it, but I knew he had to be at least a little afraid of what might happen. I wanted to be their guardian in that regard, but I couldn't be around all the time. I did have to go to work 40 hours a week after all.

We talked it over and finally agreed that I would sleep in Lloyd's house for a few nights until he had time to think things through. I would rather have had Luke sleep with me in my apartment, of course, but I didn't really have room for both of them there and we didn't want to leave Lloyd by himself.

We did agree that Lloyd should change his phone number the next day. I suggested that they both get cell phones and just disconnect his landline phone. He thought that was a good idea. It would make it easier for all three of us to stay in touch 24/7.

We ordered a pizza for an early dinner -- Luke and I hadn't even realized that we'd skipped lunch in all the excitement of the day -- and then I went over to my apartment to pack a few things for a temporary stay at Lloyd's, after being sure they locked the doors behind me. I returned as soon as I could because I didn't want to leave them alone for long.

After Lloyd turned in for the night and we were in Luke's bedroom, I took the opportunity to ask him again if he'd been physically abused. He looked down at the floor without comment, and I knew my suspicions were founded.

"Let me see, Luke," I said as I helped him remove his shirt. I felt sick when I saw that there were bruises all over his torso and back. They weren't dummies -- they knew that whatever they did to keep him in line couldn't show when he went to church.

"And that's not even the worst part," he mumbled. With shaking hands he loosened his pants and let them fall to the floor. He turned around and lowered his boxers. His buttocks were red and had scratches on them, like he'd been whipped.

"Step out of those, Luke. We're going to get you into a warm bath right now."

"I didn't want you to see me like this, Todd," he said with obvious embarrassment.

"I know, buddy, but I'm a doctor -- and also your best friend, aren't I?"

"More like my only friend actually. I still have to wonder why you're being so nice to me -- and especially why you took the risks you did to rescue me."

"We'll talk more about that, but right now I'm going to look for some Epsom salts in the bathroom while I fill up the tub. I'll call you when it's ready."

Ever the modest sort, Luke pulled his boxers back up and waited for me to do what I said. I found the Epsom salts and put some in his bath water.

"Ready, Luke. Come on in. Would you like for me to leave you alone now?"

He nodded, and I reluctantly went back to the bedroom while he pulled his boxers off and immersed himself in the bath water. I busied myself organizing my stuff and finding a place to plug in my cell phone, but 15 minutes later I heard him call me.


"What is it, buddy?" I said, standing at the bathroom door.

"I'm done now. Can you get me a towel?"

I hadn't even noticed that there were none hanging in there. I pulled one out of the linen closet and took it to him. Despite his bruises, he looked beautiful to me. I hadn't seen him naked since the first day I'd met him in the doctor's examination room.

"Help me out of here, would you?"

"Sure. Give me your hand. How 'bout if I dry you off?"

He looked a little embarrassed, but he agreed.

"I see you shampooed your hair, too. I'm sure you're glad to have a clean body and hair again," I said, as I patted him dry all over while sitting on the closed toilet seat. I used the blow dryer on his hair and then playfully aimed it between his butt cheeks. When he turned to face me, his penis was at half-staff.

"Did they hurt you there, too?" I asked.

"No...thank God. I guess I can be grateful for that at least."

I was grateful, too.

"Sorry about getting hard in front of you," he said with a grin.

"Nothing I haven't seen before, you know."

"Yeah, I remember. Don't rub it in."

"Speaking of rubbing, have you got some body lotion? I think you could use some."

"It's under the sink. Would you put it on for me?"

"My pleasure." If he only knew how much...

"Please don't let Granddad know about my bruises. He feels bad enough already about what my dad's done to me. He doesn't need to know everything."

"Okay, I understand," I said as I gently rubbed the lotion all over his body. He moaned contentedly. I included the perfect globes of his tender bottom, but not his genitals. I yearned to lick them and take them into my mouth, but now was not the time. I knew he needed rest, and we hadn't yet had "the talk" that I'd been rehearsing in my mind about just how I felt about him.

Now apparently over his modesty, he walked naked back to the bedroom, shoving his boxers into the clothes hamper on the way. I tucked him in, and he was asleep almost instantly. He hadn't bothered to put anything on, so I decided I would sleep that way too. I kissed him on the back of his neck while he was purring away, and I slipped naked into my own bed.

I turned off the light but grabbed a couple of tissues from the box next to it. I was pretty charged up over seeing and touching Luke so intimately. I couldn't go to sleep until I had taken care of business. My orgasm was quick and wonderfully intense, and I soon drifted off -- yearning for the day when I could hold my Luke all night long and share our orgasms with each other.

Early the next morning I stumbled out of bed to head for the head. I hadn't counted on Lloyd being up already, but he was walking down the hallway toward his bedroom from the kitchen, carrying a cup of coffee. He was still in his pajamas. I was in my...well, nothing. Oops.

"Good morning, Todd. I see you're up early."

I didn't know if he was referring to me or my morning wood. In either case I was mildly embarrassed that he'd caught me that way.

"Er, good morning, Lloyd. Sorry -- I didn't bring any jammies with me," I said with a smile as he scanned me up and down.

"No problem. We're all guys around here. Sometimes I run into my grandson when he's that way."

Luke? Modest Luke? I had to hope he wouldn't do that again for a while, until his bruises went away.

"Why don't you take care of business and join me in a cup of coffee -- unless you were planning to go back to bed."

"What time is it?" I asked.

"It's about 6:15. Are you going to work today?"

"No, I thought I'd take the day off to help you and Luke with a few things -- like getting some cell phones for you and checking your locks again to be sure everything's as secure as possible. He probably needs some new clothes, too, since he came back down here with only the clothes on his back."

"That's really nice of you, Todd, but you're starting to do the full bladder dance there, so go relieve yourself while I find some clothes to put on."

Living alone in my apartment, I wasn't used to closing the bathroom door -- ever -- so I lifted the toilet seat and let my stream drain from me. I was quite used to being naked at home and at the gym, so it was really no big deal to me. I had to wonder what Lloyd thought about it, however. He didn't seem to flinch.

After peeing, I went back to Luke's bedroom. He was still soundly asleep in the same position I'd tucked him in last night. Talking to Lloyd in the nude had made me fully awake, so I figured I might as well take a shower. I grabbed a clean pair of boxer briefs and made my way back to the bathroom. Then I remembered that the only towel hanging there was the still slightly damp one that I'd used on Luke last night.

Lloyd was coming out of his room fully dressed as I was retrieving a dry towel from the linen closet.

"You planning to go like that all day, son?" he said with a smile.

"Not likely. Just needed a towel for my shower. I promise to get dressed before joining you for coffee."

"Whatever. Make yourself at home here."

"I already have. Thanks."

The shower felt great. I just stood there and let the hot water massage the back of my neck and head for a long time. That always relaxes me. Then I soaped up.

All my apprehensions and angst over Luke's sudden and prolonged disappearance washed down the drain with the suds from my body. I couldn't believe he was now sleeping safely in the next room after his ordeal, but I couldn't have been happier about it.

As I was getting dressed back in the bedroom, Luke stirred.

"Where am I?" he said with a start. He must have been in dreamland only seconds ago.

"You're home where you belong, kiddo."

"Oh, wow. I thought I'd slept through the milking. Dad would've killed me."

"Relax -- there's nothing to milk here." I did think of one thing he could milk, but all in due time.

"I gotta pee. Is Granddad up yet?"

"Yes. I ran into him when I went to pee."

"Um, what were you wearing?"

"Nothing, but he didn't seem to mind."

"I can't go out there like this. He might see my bruises."

"Is there a robe in the closet?"

"Oh, yeah -- one of Granddad's old ones. Would you get it for me please?"

"Why? Are you afraid I'll see you naked?"

"I guess that is kind of stupid after what happened last night," he said, turning red. He whipped his covers off and made a dash for the closet. My heart rate went up like it always does when I see him naked.

When he returned from the bathroom, I told him I should take another look at his body now that we had some natural light in the room. He shyly removed his robe and stood in front of me completely bare while I sat on the edge of my bed.

"Turn around slowly so I can see everywhere."

He did as I said, and I touched him a few places.

"Does that hurt there? How about here?"

"Only a little. I think it's getting better already."

"I think you're right, but it might be a good idea for Dr. Webberley to examine you, too."

"Do I have to go there? You're a doctor, aren't you?"

"Well, not quite, but almost. I don't think your injuries are bad enough to call for treatment, but I think I should keep an eye on them a couple of times a day to be sure you're healing properly."

"Honestly, Todd -- I'm starting to think you like looking at me naked," he said with a little grin.

I didn't have a good comeback for that, so I just kept quiet and smiled back. Something passed between us wordlessly as he turned to put some clothes on. I wanted to give him some time to recover from what he'd just been through, but I wasn't going to be able to wait much longer. I just wanted to grab him and pull him onto my lap and hold him all day long.

I called into the office before we sat down to eat breakfast -- outside of earshot from Lloyd and Luke -- and told them I needed the day off. I asked to speak to Dr. Webberley, and they put me through to him. I told him about how the weekend had gone and that Luke was now safely back in Denver with his grandfather and would be rescheduling his next appointment later that week. He seemed relieved to get the news and told me it was fine to take the day off.

"There's something else, Dr. Webberley," I continued. "Luke was physically abused several times in the past three weeks -- particularly last Friday when his dad caught him trying to use the phone. He roughed him up pretty good. Luke let me take a good look at his body last night and again this morning. There were no open wounds or sores, but he has a number of bruises and scratches that are starting to heal. I wondered if you wanted to take a look, too."

"I'll trust your judgment on that, Todd -- you're certainly qualified to ascertain if he needs any special treatment. Keep checking him regularly, if he's okay with that, and let me know if things aren't improving. We could report this to the local authorities if he'd like to press charges or file a restraining order against his family."

"I'll discuss that with him, but I think all he wants now is to have no further contact with them. He's not a juvenile, so it's entirely up to him."

I told him I'd be back at work the next day, and we hung up.

After we'd had breakfast, the three of us got in my car and headed for the nearest mall, where we equipped Lloyd and Luke with their very first cell phones. Lloyd looked at his somewhat dubiously, but Luke was like a kid with a new toy. When we got back home, I showed them how to program my cell phone number into their shortcuts so they would be able to push only a single number to reach me, and I had them record a busy greeting and demonstrated the other features of these strange new devices.

Of course Lloyd paid for the phones and signed up for the monthly service plan, and then he gave me his credit card and told Luke and me to go back to the mall and buy him some clothes and take him to a barber. He'd had few clothes to begin with, and now even fewer since his unexpected departure from the farm with nothing but what he was wearing -- his Sunday-go-to-meetin' shoes, a plain white shirt, and some dark pants and socks.

With some sadness, I learned that Luke's dad had confiscated his red canvas shoes when he went back to the farm, thinking of them as something only "city sissies" would wear. The rest of the time on the farm he had mostly worn some ill-fitting hand-me-downs from David. Even the boots they gave him to wear were two sizes too big for him and kept slipping off while he worked.

I took Luke in for an overdue haircut, and then we shopped for two hours. Luke was thrilled with his new threads. He even bought a new pair of red canvas shoes! He carefully unwrapped everything when we got home, and we threw his new clothes in the washing machine. After lunch, he removed the unwanted church clothing -- never to be worn again -- and slipped back into bed in his underwear.

While Lloyd and Luke napped, I toured the house and checked to be sure the locks were secure and that the windows couldn't be opened far enough for anyone to crawl in. Fortunately, Lloyd had already installed a chain and a deadbolt lock on each door.

After Luke woke up I had him stand between our beds so I could check his bruises and scratches again. He was finally getting over his modesty around me and stood in front of me totally nude like it was no big deal. It was a big deal to me, however, and I took my sweet time examining him. His slight but muscular body was recovering just fine, which was good, but I was going to have to come up with some other excuse pretty soon if I wanted to continue to see him that naked.

Luke took a shower and washed his hair and then put on some of the new clothes I'd dried for him while he slept. Then he ceremoniously dumped his Sunday clothes -- shoes and all -- into the dumpster for the next morning's pickup. He was done with that part of his life and was ready to move on.

Freshly bathed, suited out in new duds, and rid of his former ones -- he flashed me a grin that warmed my heart.

(To be continued in Part 8 soon)

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Next: Chapter 8

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