Luke and the Red Canvas Shoes

By Damian

Published on Aug 16, 2012


This is the continuation of my story about Todd, 25, a physician assistant, and Luke, 20, who first meet in a medical appointment that doesn't quite go as either planned. This posting is an in-depth relationship story that will build slowly. I plan to post subsequent chapters often, so please check back. Or let me know if you'd like to get an e-mail from me whenever I post one.

No minors were harmed in the writing of this story, but if you are one please go find something else to do. Please do not reproduce this story in any form without the permission of the author. Your feedback is appreciated.




Brian finally shut his whiny trap and found his way out, not trying very hard to close the door quietly. I was just glad that he was now on the other side of it. I knew he wouldn't darken it again. I brushed my teeth twice as long as usual and swirled some mouthwash to get the taste of him out of my mouth. Then I took a long, hot shower and changed the bed sheets so I could get some sleep.

I had a mission tomorrow to rest up for.


I woke up the next morning feeling a mixture of emotions -- regret that I had ever allowed that shallow dork Brian into my life to begin with, relief that I'd never see him in my bed again, and hope -- and doubt, unfortunately -- that I might ever get Luke to even look me in the eye, much less warm up to me.

Most young men probably would have laughed off what happened during that genital examination, but Luke clearly had been troubled by it, if not humiliated. Although 20, he acted like someone younger -- someone who had been spooked so much by trauma in his life that he couldn't be comfortable with his own sexuality.

I'd never been this affected by a patient in my brief time as PA. I knew I should just try to ignore my feelings about Luke, but something was gnawing at me and telling me that this situation had presented itself to me for a reason -- that Luke needed something that maybe I could provide. The goose bumps I inadvertently raised on his body during my examination of him exposed what I saw as an aching virginal need in him of some sort. But I was the one who was left aching when he ran out without a word at the end of our session.

But then I'd seen his familiar red canvas shoes in his grandfather's garage when he was building shelves for him last weekend. The same grandfather I'd seen several times waving to me as I coasted by his house on my bicycle. The same house that I was about to stop at for only the second time this very morning. And I'd be hoping against hope that I'd see those same shoes -- and the young man in them.

Still feeling Brian's unwelcome hands on my dick, I took another hot soapy shower to rid myself of that sensation. I slipped on some tight biking shorts and a colorful jersey that I thought would highlight my blue eyes -- which I've been told plenty of times is my best feature -- and got myself some breakfast. By 9:30 a.m. I was ready.

I gulped air deeply as my bike found its way back to Lloyd's house, seemingly on autopilot. To my deep disappointment, the garage door -- which had always been up every time I'd gone by before -- was down and there was no sign of life. I stopped anyway and just stared at it, willing it to rise and reveal to me what I had come there for. But it didn't, and I had to accept the fact.

I biked on with no further destination in mind, but I knew I'd be back. I wasn't going to give up so easily. A block or so later I spotted a couple of guys walking toward me -- one gray-haired and a younger one, wearing -- was I seeing clearly? -- red canvas shoes! My stomach did a complete flip. They'd just gone for a walk. My heart rate doubled and my mouth went dry as I neared them. It had been 10 days since I'd first seen Luke, and he looked even cuter than I had remembered.

Lloyd recognized me and waved. I still had a helmet and sunglasses on, so Luke was just looking at me blankly, wondering who his grandfather was waving to.

"Good morning, Todd," Lloyd said pleasantly and offering his hand for me to shake as I pulled up and stopped beside them.

"Good morning, Lloyd. Hi, Luke," I said with my best smile, removing my helmet and shades and shaking out my curly brown locks as seductively as possible.

Luke looked puzzled that I knew his name, but when he saw my eyes his own eyes got as big as the end of the stethoscope I'd used on him a week and a half earlier. He almost took a step back, obviously reeling in shock and embarrassment at encountering the man who'd seen him involuntarily ejaculate all over the floor of the doctor's office.

But I noticed with interest that his eyes trailed down my bare arms and legs before he looked down at the ground.

"I'm Todd from Dr. Webberley's office, Luke. Nice to see you again."

I extended my hand, and he reluctantly shook it but couldn't maintain eye contact with me. All he managed to get out was "Uh, hi." Lloyd noticed, but he probably chalked it off to his grandson's innate shyness. Luke was no doubt wondering how his grandfather and I knew each other.

"Nice day for a bike ride -- huh?" Lloyd said, trying to break the obvious tension. "Did you go by my house? Luke and I decided to take a walk around the neighborhood after breakfast."

"Yes, I did," I replied. "I always look forward to getting a nice wave from you, Lloyd."

I was still facing the opposite direction they'd been walking in. Luke, wearing a tank top and shorts that showed off his body nicely, was looking anywhere but at me. His hands, hanging awkwardly at his sides, seemed to close up with nervous tension.

"Why don't you come back to the house with us and have a cup of coffee? You can spare a few minutes, can't you?"

"Sure, Lloyd, why not?" I said, turning my bike around and following them wordlessly. I noticed that Luke slipped to the other side of his grandfather, apparently not wanting to walk right next to me.

Lloyd had a garage door opener with him and pushed the button as we approached the house. I was starting to wonder if this had been such a good idea. Luke was clearly uncomfortable with it. But I was determined to push him a bit. I had nothing to lose...but him, of course.

Lloyd had only two lawn chairs in the garage. We pulled them out and set them up just outside the door while Luke went in the house to bring us some coffee. He did manage to ask if I drink it black, and I said yes. Still no eye contact.

I made neighborly chit-chat with Lloyd until Luke emerged from the house with two cups of steaming coffee. I made sure our fingers touched as I took the handle of mine from his hand.

"Thanks, Luke. Is there another chair you could bring out for yourself?"

"Uh, no. I'll just keep working on the shelves I'm building for Granddad while you two talk. Let me know when you're ready for a refill."

You can fill me up any time you want to, I wanted to say, still savoring the electric touch of his fingers on mine, however briefly it had just been. I was disappointed that he had opted not to sit with us, but from where I was sitting I could see that he often glanced over furtively in my direction as he worked on the shelves. I was doing likewise, and I think that Lloyd was finally catching on that I wanted him to make himself scarce.

"Well," he said, looking at his watch, "it's time for one of my favorite TV shows. You're welcome to hang out here with Luke if you like, Todd. It was nice chatting with you. Stop by any time."

"Thanks, Lloyd," I said, standing up and grabbing my helmet off the garage floor. Seconds later, Luke and I were alone for the first time since our initial meeting nine days earlier. I could hardly breathe. I made no move toward my bike, even though I sensed that it would be the better part of valor to make my exit. But I wasn't about to pass up this opportunity to connect with Luke. Who knew if I'd ever get another one?

"You're doing a great job there," I said, admiring his handiwork.

"Umm...thanks. I like working with my hands."

How about working on me? I wanted him to touch me all over, like I'd done to him during that erotic physical.

"How long have you lived here with Lloyd?" I asked, fumbling for a way to keep the conversation going between us.

"Oh, a couple of months, I guess," he said, as he kept working. My tight bike shorts were showing a pretty good bulge, which he couldn't help but notice when he glanced over at me.

"What brought you to Denver? Going to school here?"

"I hope to in a few months. First I have to figure out why I'm not feeling up to par."

"Have you seen Dr. Webberley yet?" I asked, knowing the answer but not letting on. I was standing as close to him as I reasonably could...but not as close as I wanted to.

"Yeah, I saw him last Wednesday. He sent me to the lab for some blood work."

"That was my day off. Sorry I missed you. When do you go back for the results?"

"Next Wednesday."

I could see I wasn't getting anywhere with making Luke feel more comfortable around me, so I decided to take a big risk.

"Luke, I, uh, just want to make sure you know that it's cool what happened. I know you felt uneasy, but there was no reason to."

For the first time Luke turned directly facing me. His dark brown eyes flashed something...was it anger? Frustration?

"No reason?!? You saw me completely naked and hard! I shot all over your floor! Do you have any idea how humiliated I was? It was the worst moment of my life! Or maybe the second...I don't know...whatever, it was awful. And now I find out you're friends with my granddad. How am I supposed to react to you?"

"You can start by calming down, Luke," I said, laying a hand on his shoulder. "I see naked guys a lot in my line of work. True, most of them don't look like you do, but what happened was perfectly normal. You shouldn't feel bad about it. If you want to know the truth, I...kind of liked it actually."

"You did? What are you saying?" he said, suddenly calming down and searching my face for clues.

"I'm saying I think you're kind of special, and I'd like to get to know you outside of the office. If the idea of seeing me at Dr. Webberley's freaks you out, just keep going there on Wednesdays, and we won't run into each other."

"I know. I actually asked what days you worked before I made my last two appointments so I wouldn't have to face you again."

Ouch -- that hurt.

"Luke, I'm so sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I'm gonna go now and let you get back to your shelves. But if you'll go inside and get me some paper and a pen first, I'll write down my cell number for you in case you ever just want to talk. I'd like that, if you would."

He looked up at me curiously, as if to gauge whether I was really serious or not, and I think he could tell from my smile that I was. I was still holding onto his shoulder, but I let go of him and took a step backward to give him some space. He stood there for a while looking at me and then turned and went into the kitchen from the garage. I wasn't sure he was going to come back, but eventually he did, carrying a slip of paper and a pen in his hand. The faintest trace of a smile appeared on his face as he handed them to me.

I quickly wrote my cell number on it and pressed it back into his hand along with the pen.

"Don't lose this...I'm counting on getting a call from you -- okay?"

"Okay. I'll see. I need some time to think."

I squeezed his shoulder again and reluctantly turned to mount my bike to continue my ride. I gave him a wink before putting my shades and helmet back on and mounted my bike in such a way that he couldn't miss how well my tight shorts showed off my ass. When I got out of the driveway onto the street, I looked back and waved, but he didn't.

But he was still watching me.

The next few days seemed to crawl by at glacial speed. I went through the motions at work, but my heart wasn't in it. I knew I wouldn't see anyone as cute and adorable as Luke in the examination room, but what came in on Monday and Tuesday were worse than usual, especially the whiny hypochondriacs that seemed to gravitate to Dr. Webberley's practice.

I was glad when Wednesday rolled around, although I didn't make very good use of my day off. I wasn't about to go out biking past Lloyd's house because I didn't want to appear to be stalking Luke if he wasn't interested in talking to me. I knew he was going back to see Dr. Webberley that day for his lab results, but I didn't even feel like talking to Lloyd.

So I just did my laundry, shopped for some groceries, went to the gym, and started happy hour in front of my TV an hour earlier than usual. Around 6 I warmed up some leftovers and vainly tried to enjoy my solitude.

When my cell phone rang at 7:05 I nearly jumped out of my skin because I was half asleep. I looked at the display to see if it was someone in my contacts list, but it wasn't. It just said "Colorado."



"In person."

"It's Luke. Luke Matheson."

Saints be praised!

"Hi, Luke. Good to hear your voice. How are you?" I said, with all the enthusiasm I suddenly felt.

"I've been better."

"What's wrong, buddy?"

"I need someone to talk to. Are you busy?"

"Not at all. Would you like to meet somewhere or just talk on the phone?"

There was a pause.


"Any chance I could come to your place?"

"Sure. I'm only six blocks away. Do you have a bike?"

"No, but I can walk. Where are you?"

I gave him directions and told him I'd buzz him through when he got to my apartment building. Excited as hell at his impending visit, I scurried around tidying up my dinner stuff and found a clean t-shirt and some shorts to throw on over my boxers. Forty minutes later, he buzzed me from the intercom in the lobby. I told him to take the elevator to the fourth floor and that I was in 403. I paced nervously for three minutes until I heard a soft knock on my door.

"Come in, Luke," I said when I opened it. "Good to see you again." I extended my hand and he squeezed it nervously. His palm was damp, but all I could think about was how cute he looked. And he was actually here -- in MY apartment -- in the flesh!

"Can I get you something to drink?"

"You got any beer? I could use one."

"Sure. Go sit down on the couch and I'll pop open a couple for us."

"Did you go to Dr. Webberley today?" I said from the kitchen.

"Yeah. That's kind of why I'm here -- one reason anyway."

"What did you find out from your lab results?" I said, returning to the living room with our beers and sitting next to him on the couch. I put one knee up and stretched my arm in his direction on the back of the couch, but he sat three feet away with his knees together and his hands entwined together on his lap.

"Don't you already know? I figured you'd know everything Dr. Webberley knows."

"Luke, I don't go looking in patients' charts unless they've arrived for an appointment, and I was off today -- remember? Anything you want to share with me will be strictly between you and me."

"He says my hemo-something count is 10.4. That's not good, is it?"

"You mean your hemoglobin count. That's your red blood cells. It should be around 15 for a guy like you, so 10.4 is low -- yes. No wonder you're feeling a little run down. What did the doctor say he wants to do about it?"

"I have to go in for an in-do-scope of my stomach, or something like that. He's sending me to another office for that. He says I have to swallow a little camera, and I'm scared it's going to hurt."

I'd never had an endoscopy, but I knew it was no walk in the park. I had to come up with something reassuring to say.

"It's not so bad really. It's called an endoscopy of your upper GI tract -- gastro-intestinal. He wants to see if you're bleeding anywhere internally. That would cause you to be anemic."

"I'm really nervous about it, Todd."

"No need to be -- it may be a little uncomfortable, but they'll give you something to relax you, and pretty soon it'll be over and you can go home. When do you go in for that?"

"On Friday. I wish...someone like you could be there."

The way he looked at me when he said that really moved me. Then he quickly looked away as if embarrassed.

"Why is that?" I asked. He looked across the room like he didn't know how to respond.

"I dunno. You just...know how to put me at ease, I think. I really appreciate what you said the other day in the garage. I'd been freaking out over...what happened the first time I met you. I mean...what I did probably thought I was a pervert of some kind."

He looked away again, red-faced.

"I hope you know now that that's not the case at all."

"If you say so. I just...maybe I should go now. You're probably busy."

"I'm never too busy to talk to you, Luke. I want you to stay. I sense that you could use a friend, and I'd like to be there for you."

"I appreciate that. I've never had many friends...especially in the real world...and if it's okay with you I'd...sure like that."

"I'd like that very much," I told him, reaching over and squeezing his shoulder. "What do you mean about `the real world'?"

"What did Granddad tell you about me?"

"Not very much really. He just said there were some...`issues' at home and that you'd moved down here to deal with them. You don't have to tell me anything, but I'm here for you if you want to talk."

"I want to, but it's hard."

"Try me."

"Can I sit closer?"

"Come here." I put my arm on the top of the couch cushions right around his shoulders as we met in the center of the couch, and he hesitantly laid one arm in the narrow space between our bare legs, touching mine ever so slightly. This was heaven, but I still felt the need to tread carefully. I had the sense that this was one very vulnerable young man -- which only made him more attractive to me.

"The `real world' is what I call the one I didn't grow up in."

Luke took a deep breath, working up the nerve to start his story.

(To be continued in Part 4 soon)

Thanks for reading my story. If you have any comments, I'd be happy to hear them. Your feedback is the only "pay" we Nifty authors get for our efforts. Please put "Luke" in the subject line so I know your message is not spam. Sign your first name and location, if you don't mind, so I can respond appropriately. I answer every message.

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Next: Chapter 4

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