Luke and the Red Canvas Shoes

By Damian

Published on Aug 4, 2012


This is the first of several chapters of a story about Todd, 25, a physician assistant, and Luke, 20, who first meet in a medical appointment that doesn't quite go as either planned. If you're looking for a quick jack-off story, you may wish to go elsewhere. This posting is an in-depth relationship story that will build slowly. I plan to post subsequent chapters often, so please check back.

No minors were harmed in the writing of this story, but if you are one please go find something else to do. Please do not reproduce this story in any form without the permission of the author. Your feedback is appreciated.

-- Damian



The young man had gotten it wrong, but I didn't mind at all as I walked back into the room and saw him sitting on the end of the patient examination table with nothing on but his socks and the thin paper gown I'd given him a few minutes earlier.

I wondered if I'd been intentionally vague with him about which way the gown should have been put on, but I didn't think so. As a young physician assistant in training for Dr. Graham Webberley in downtown Denver, I did this several times a day -- retrieving patients from the waiting room and giving them an initial interview to get them ready to see the doctor.

But this particular patient -- with his lean but muscular frame and his brown puppy-dog eyes -- had touched something in my gut that no patient had recently. I had offered my hand to Luke as he first came into the examination room, aware that this was someone who was not used to playing the patient role. In fact, he had looked quite nervous.

"How are you this afternoon, Mr. Matheson? I'm Todd, Dr. Webberley's assistant."

"Er, fine, sort of. I'm just here for a checkup. Been feelin' kinda funny lately."

"Oh? Funny how?" I had said, directing the young man to sit on the end of the table. He was wearing a faded pair of jeans, a short-sleeved Broncos t-shirt, and some red canvas shoes. Those shoes had really caught my eye.

"Just kinda low on energy lately."

"Hmm...well, let's see if we can do something about that," I had said as I put a blood pressure monitor on the young man's arm. As my fingers grazed Luke's arm, I noticed that goose bumps broke out on it, which made the same thing happen under my scrubs. We exchanged nervous glances, leaving little doubt in my mind that we were sharing a strong mutual attraction.

"One twenty-five over 85 -- a bit on the high side for a young fit man like you.

How old are you, Luke? It's okay if I use your first name, isn't it?"

"Sure. I'm 20."

"Have you ever been told your blood pressure was high?"

"No, but I don't think it's been checked in a long time. Maybe never."

"Well, it's probably nothing to worry about. Lots of people have high readings when they come in here. It's normal to be a little nervous in a doctor's office, especially one you haven't seen before -- or have you?"

"No. My granddad comes here, and he thought I should make an appointment with Dr. Webberley."

"I see. Well, let's take a quick temperature check. Don't worry -- we don't take it down there," I'd said with a smile, looking briefly into Luke's lap, causing the young man to pull his knees even tighter together than they already were. "Just let me slip this clamp on your finger."

Normally I would've just held the clamp and let the patient insert his middle finger into it, but I'd found myself putting my hand under Luke's to support it and gliding the clamp on his extended finger. For some reason I couldn't bring myself to break the hold until the 15 seconds were up. It just seemed natural in this case. The young man looked like he needed some physical reassurance in this strange environment. There was something in his demeanor that told me he'd not had an easy life.

"Ninety-eight point six. Right on target," I'd noted, writing it down in the file. "Luke, Dr. Webberley is going to be giving you a full physical today to get to the root of your problem with low energy. Hope you don't mind being poked and prodded a little. Don't worry -- the doctor is thorough but gentle. You'll be out of here in no time."

"That's good, I guess. Do I have to get naked?"

"That's how it works, my friend," I'd said with a smile, trying to picture what the doctor would be seeing and doing on Luke's body and wishing it were myself seeing and doing it instead.

"I'm going to step out of the room now and let you get undressed. Take everything off but your socks, and slip this gown on. There are some strings on it to tie it closed around your neck, although you're going to feel a definite draft."

It seemed that my professional but friendly manner had been going a long way toward making Luke feel more relaxed, and I'd had the feeling that he didn't really want me to leave.

"Are you coming back in?" Luke had asked, melting my heart with those soulful brown eyes.

"You're not rid of me yet. I need to get your weight and height, so we'll take care of that in a few minutes. Okay?"

"Okay," Luke had said, already pulling off his shoes and t-shirt. I found my heart racing and was happy that this wasn't my day off. "What did you say your name was?"

"It's Todd -- Todd Burnison. I'll be right back." I had resisted a strong urge to give my already half-naked patient a wink on the way out the door.

My hands shook as I put Luke's file in the holder on the outside of the door, quite aware that I was reacting to this young patient -- only five years my junior -- in a way that was quite uncommon for me. Most of the patients I saw in a shift were old, fat, or creepy -- sometimes all three. It was rare to see someone like Luke walk in the door, but even when it did happen I'd always been able to maintain my composure better than this. I was determined to remain professional, but hey -- I'm a gay man in my hormonal prime and I can't help getting revved up once in a while, especially by a guy as cute as this.

"He's naked now," I thought, as I tried to picture what was going on behind the door that I stood near, trying to think of some way to look busy while I waited. After a reasonable interval I tapped on the door while turning the knob, eager to see what my young patient looked like in his flimsy gown.

"All set?" I asked. Luke looked up with a shy grin -- and with the gown on exactly 180 degrees from what it should have been.

"I sure feel funny wearing this," he said, tightly holding the flaps across his torso to conceal his nakedness -- the flaps that should have been hanging down his bare backside.

I resisted the urge to say "...and you look pretty funny in it, too."

"You, uh, well, sort of have it on backward, Luke. The doc will want to see you the other way. Why don't you hop down off the table and let me help you?"

"Sorry. I've never worn one of these before," Luke said, with a red face. "I didn't know how they were supposed to go on."

"That's okay -- you're hardly the first. Just face away from me and let me untie these strings," I said, stepping up to my near-naked patient and reaching around to untie the knot he'd made in front of his neck. As I rested my forearms on his strong shoulders, I had a little trouble getting the knot free but finally succeeded.

"Now I'm just going to slip your gown off and hold it up between us. You turn around and put your arms back in the holes and I'll re-tie it for you behind your neck," I instructed, in my best professional voice. I wanted to yank the gown off and watch Luke turn around, but I resisted the urge. I desperately wanted to see all of him, but I didn't want to freak the guy out. He would be naked soon enough, although without me in the room, unfortunately.

That lucky Dr. Webberley, I thought to myself. Someday maybe I'll be doing all that poking and prodding myself on one of these young bucks -- sans gown.

Luke did as he was told and soon felt my warm fingers around his neck as I reattached the strings. We were standing only inches apart, and I could smell his freshly washed hair. Glancing down quickly, I noticed his cock tenting the front of his gown. Something similar was happening in the front of my scrubs. I tried to think of my older, fatter, creepier patients to get myself under control.

"Like I said, you're going to feel a draft now since the gown doesn't cover your butt, but you can hold the flaps together while we go out and weigh you."

"Out? Like in the hallway?"

"That's where the scale is. It'll only take a moment, and no one's going to see you except the staff."

"Whatever," Luke said, grasping the folds of the gown behind him, which only made his hardening cock more noticeable in the front. He was blushing furiously now, and I could understand why. Normally I weighed patients before they got undressed, but it had been such a busy morning that I had slipped up.

We stepped out in the hallway and walked to the scale, which was 20 feet away. Being even this exposed was apparently getting to Luke, and I knew he was probably dreading the exam to come. He stepped up on the scale. As no one was walking nearby, I told him to just let his hands fall to his sides, which of course exposed his beautiful round butt cheeks to me. I stood just behind him, effectively blocking anyone else's view.

"Here, you're not centered on the scale," I said, lightly guiding him a half step to the right with my hands on the young man's hips momentarily. Luke seemed to flinch a little at the touch but didn't resist.

"One forty-five. Very good. Now turn around and let me measure your, uh, height."

As Luke turned, I noticed that the tent in his gown was now complete. Red-faced to the max, he looked straight past me and didn't breathe. My eyes dropped to the evidence of his full arousal. I might have felt sorry for him if I hadn't been so turned on myself.

I pushed Luke's shoulders back so that he was standing erect -- even more erect than either of us had bargained on.

"It's okay to breathe, Luke. In fact, you should."

Not even realizing that he was holding his breath, Luke exhaled and at the same time looked down the front of my scrubs, seeing evidence that he wasn't the only dude with a hard-on. Rather than relax him, the sight made him even tenser, as he tried to breathe more normally.

"It's okay, Luke. We're almost done here. You're five-foot-eight -- maybe a hair more. Are you ready to go back now?"

"Yes, this is so embarrassing," he muttered, almost inaudibly.

As we were walking back to the examination room, Dr. Webberley, a kindly looking white-haired man in his 50s, passed us.

"Todd, I've got an emergency on my hands over at the hospital. You'll have to reschedule Mr. Matheson, unless you want to do an initial workup on him. You know what to do. We can confer later in the day or in the morning.

"Mr. Matheson, I'm Dr. Webberley. I know your granddad well, and he said you were coming in. I'm so sorry I have to leave. Please allow Todd to use his discretion in starting your physical, if you like, and I'll make it a priority to see you again to go over his findings with you. Don't worry -- you'll be in good hands."

"Um...okay," Luke said hesitantly.

Luke looked at me as Dr. Webberley rushed off. I couldn't tell if he was disappointed, relieved, or maybe even excited at this unexpected development. I knew which emotions I felt, and disappointment certainly wasn't one of them. I had a gigantic sense of anticipation in my gut, and I wasn't at all interested in walking away from a situation that was just getting interesting.

"Let's go back in the room and discuss this, Luke," I said, with a light touch on his shoulder as we walked. He was still clutching the back flaps of his gown. "Have a seat back on the end of the table."

"Luke, I'm so sorry about this delay. I know you wanted to get to the bottom of this," I said, ignoring the pun in the air as he tried to figure out how to arrange the gown that barely concealed his naked backside. "I'm not a full-fledged doctor, but I could save you and the doctor a little time by going through a few preliminary steps, if you're up for it." Oh, God, not another pun...

"What would you be able to do?" he asked warily, still looking at me with those inquisitive puppy-dog eyes.

"Well, I think we should start with another blood pressure reading, just to see if the first one was an anomaly. Then I'd like to listen to your heart and lungs for any abnormalities. I think I should check your lymph nodes, too, for any possible swelling. Dr. Webberley will probably want some lab work done, but he'll write the orders for that next time. Shall we begin?"

Luke took a breath and then nodded his head. I could only imagine how he must be feeling, knowing that I would soon have my hands on most of his nearly bare body.

"Okay, Luke, I'm going to start with another blood pressure reading. Hold your arm out for me."

I doubted that I'd get a lower reading, under the circumstances, and I didn't. I felt like my own blood pressure was going off the charts.

I used my stethoscope on his exposed back first and had him take several deep breaths. No problem there. His lungs seemed clear.

"Let's loosen the strings on your gown so I can check your chest. Just let it drop into your lap for now and hold it there."

I held his back with my left hand while I moved the stethoscope around his smooth chest with my right. The kid's heart was racing a mile a minute. So was mine.

"Okay, Luke, now I'm going to have you lie down on your back. I'll pull out the leg rest, and you can keep your gown over your lower half, for now."

He looked up me with questioning eyes when he heard "for now." The way he had the gown bunched up in front of him, I couldn't tell if he was still hard or not. He flinched when I poked and prodded around his neck, and then in his arm pits. They were quite damp, I noticed, but then so were mine.

I moved the gown below his navel and slowly palpated his abdomen, looking for anything abnormal. What I had seen of his body so far was almost hairless, save for a thin blond line under his navel. I wanted to see if his pubic hair was the same color, but I detoured to his feet and legs, going over them carefully with my hands, after pulling his socks off.

So far the kid was the picture of health and vitality, and I couldn't figure out any reason why he should be feeling run down. But I hadn't checked everywhere yet. The time had come to explore the last frontier.

"Luke, I know this may be a bit awkward for you, but I need for you to hand me your gown now so we can finish up and let you get on your way."

Reluctantly, he let me take hold of it and I dropped it on a chair next to the table, leaving him completely naked. Neither of us breathed for a moment. His body was stunningly beautiful. The only thing I regretted was that his dick had settled back down to mostly flaccid. My own had not.

"I'm going to put your leg rest down and have you stand on this little platform for me so I can take a look at your genitals."

Despite his general lack of body hair, the kid did have an impressive bush, which was only slightly darker than his treasure trail. His 6-inch uncircumcised penis jutted out invitingly over his ample balls.

"I'm going to check your testicles now. Lads your age should check them often for any lumps. Do you do that?"

He blushed and shook his head.

"Well, let me show you it's done," I said while slowly rolling them between my fingers, one at a time. They were perfect, just like the rest of him. "Just do this to yourself once a month or so, after a hot shower, and call for an appointment back here if you feel anything unusual. Better yet, buddy up with someone and check each other."

Did I really just say that? I looked up at him with a smile, and he almost grinned back -- almost as if he could read my mind and knew that I'd like to be that "someone."

"I don't know anyone here that well," he said shyly. "I just moved here a few months ago."

"Well, I guess you'll have to do it yourself for now, but don't forget -- okay?"


I had him turn his head and cough while I pushed my finger up his nuts, one at a time. I could tell he didn't like that very much, but his quivering dick was suggesting that maybe he didn't hate it entirely.

"I should check this, too," I said, lifting his penis and pulling back gently on his foreskin. That did the trick -- it lengthened and took an upward climb in just seconds. I wanted to go down on him so bad that I could hardly stand it, but I restrained my natural -- some would say unnatural -- impulses.

"Whoa, you're pretty sensitive down there, aren't you?" I said, stating the obvious. "Don't be embarrassed -- that's a good sign and perfectly normal. I see you keep yourself clean under your hood -- very important, you know."

Whether he was aware of it or not, he was starting to noticeably move his penis in my hand. I didn't want to let go of his beautiful erection, but I had now inspected everything I had a medical right to inspect. As badly as I wanted to check him out between his butt cheeks, I knew the doctor didn't usually do finger waves on men this young.

"No, please don't stop..." He was rapidly reaching the point of no return, much to my surprise. I knew I should let go of him, but he had begged me not to. Several ropes of hot spunk suddenly shot up like a Roman fountain and splashed to the floor beside me. He looked at me, terrified of my reaction.

"I'm so sorry..."

"Hey, no problem," I assured him, holding him by his hips. "Some guys just have a hair trigger. Here, let me get you some tissues to wipe the end of your dick with. You're still dripping a bit."

Luke cleaned himself with shaking hands and then hopped down on the floor and proceeded to mop up the evidence of his unexpected eruption. He was thoroughly humiliated, I could tell.

"Can I put my clothes back on now?" he said, after depositing the tissues in the trash. He looked like he was about to cry. I wondered if I had been the first person to ever witness one of his orgasms.

I busied myself writing notes in his chart while he got dressed, never once looking in my direction.

"Luke, I need for you to make another appointment with Dr. Webberley so he can decide what to do next. I don't see anything at all wrong with you -- but there must be some reason for your concern. You can take this slip to the front desk, and they'll see that you get back in soon. I'm sorry you have to make two trips, but we'll see you again soon, okay?"

Looking stricken, he grabbed the slip from my hand and bolted for the door. I wondered what I could have said to make him feel more comfortable. I'm no psychologist, but I sensed that he needed something more than this office could provide. I thought about him for days afterward.

(To be continued soon)

Thanks for reading Part 1 of my story. If you have any comments, I'd be happy to hear them. Your feedback is the only "pay" we Nifty authors get for our efforts. Please put "Luke" in the subject line so I know your message is not spam. Sign your first name and location, if you don't mind, so I can respond appropriately. I answer every message.

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Next: Chapter 2

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