
By ten.retrahc@seirotsytfin

Published on Oct 9, 2002


This story is fictional. If it is illegal to obtain material of a sexual nature where you live then you view this at your own discretion. Author is not liable for any legal ramifications. Responses to the author may be made by emailing: Thank you for supporting Nifty Archives.

Copyright 2002

From Luke Part 6<<

As I pulled up I saw Luke's truck parked in the driveway. I went inside. He kissed me passionately and could instantly taste the sex juices on my mouth. "Tastes like somebody had an awesome fuckin' time today, man." He said. I fell onto the bed like a falling tree and Luke got naked. He squatted with his ass over my face. I licked his asshole until I tasted a very weird taste. It was a load of cum. But it tasted different. It was very very musky, though not in a bad way. I continued to lap at his hole until Luke stopped. We grabbed some chow without any conversation and went to bed curled up next to each other. Tonight though, he was curled into my arms my cock resting in his crack. We were both sawing logs before the clock struck 10 p.m. Tomorrow Mom and Dad would be home.

LUKE Part 7

Luke and I got up at the same time. I had to get to school and he just always got up early. Never understood why a guy would wanna get up if he could sleep in. I threw on some boxers and jeans grabbed my docs and went into the bathroom. It was funny, but as I was brushing my teeth I noticed the hair on my face. I was gonna hafta start shavin soon. I kinda laughed . . . I'd hafta talk to Dad about that later tonight when they got home. I continued to get ready as Luke got out of bed and stretched his lithe body this way and that. His long thick cock tilting one way then the other. He was remarkable. He was so big and beautiful. I put on some deodorant and threw on a t-shirt and was headin downstairs for a bite. Luke casually walked down the stairs behind me completely nude. We went into the kitchen and I started makin some cereal. After havin that I had my one raw egg that I usually ate before school to help with protein and muscle growth. "You have school and then football practice?" Luke asked, "Yeah" was my reply. "I might stop by and check out practice if that's cool with you bud." It was more a question to see how comfortable I'd be. "Dude - that'd rock. Then you can maybe give the coach some tips on how to get our front line to protect the quarterback instead of caving in like a bunch of pansies!" I realized as soon as I'd said it that I said pansies and didn't want Luke to think that I was talking about him, but he laughed and said, "Dude, I have NO football experience other than watchin the game you played Friday man. I would be of no help." I kinda chuckled and said, "Trust me, you couldn't be worse than what we're dealing with now." With that I finished my cereal and was getting my shit together to head out to get Jim. Jim was this little dude about 5'6" and maybe 120# if he was wearing a parka that was soakin wet. It was about 20 minutes to school since we lived way on the north end of the district. Between Jim and I we would've made the bus trip a lot longer since it took a lot to get back to our houses. Jason's was the next closest and he was like 10 minutes away. Jim was a runner. Loved to run in the woods and could literally run for days . . . . he was on the track team so that prevented him from getting more razzing than he took about his size. He was good looking with blond/brown hair a nice smile and green eyes. Not every chick's fantasy, but a lil' hottie nonetheless. He hadn't dated a chick since we'd been in HS. One of the main reasons he rode in with me was because my parents and his were friends, he couldn't afford a car and it was only a mile down the road on the way to the county highway that would take us into town.

Usually Jim was pretty talkative but not this morning. "somethin up there dude?" He looked at me. "What did you say?" He obviously had been off in lala land . . . "I said are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine Trent. How are you?" he asked me emphasizing the 'you'. "I'm doing great, is something eating you man?" He didn't want to talk about whatever it was that was bothering him so I let it go. He leaned back into the corner of the door and the seat and kinda looked at me. He was staring and I could see it from the corner of my eye. I let him stare and put on some music. Finally he started talking. "went for a run yesterday . . . " he began. I didn't say anything thinking he would start to spill. He kept talking . . . "was running over by Jason's place. I've always loved running over there. It's beautiful. The trees, the hills, especially at this time of year with the leaves on the ground." I was beginning to see where this was going. I let him finish . . . "I saw your truck, Jake's car and some other car out by the cabin and was gonna stop and say 'hey' and see what was up. Dude - please don't be mad at me . . " He looked at me now and I pulled off to the side of the road about a mile before the turn onto the highway. He must've thought that I was gonna punch him because he had undone his seatbelt and was out the door before I even got the truck all the way in park. I chased him. Now like I said, Jim's a runner, but one thing he's not faster at is sprinting. I could kick his ass in the 100. I caught him about an eighth of a mile away. He'd gotten that far only because I had to shut off the truck. He'd been running towards home through a small field and I caught him. He instantly pounded against my chest. Why do people ALWAYS do that? It's so futile. Like he could hurt me or something. I pulled him really close and hugged him strong. "What did you see?" I asked him. He squirmed, "Y-y-y-you you won't hurt me will you?" "No, damnit! Tell me what you saw." "I saw you. I saw you and Jake in the bedroom." "Oh." I said in realization. "So you saw Jake and I making Love." "Yeah" He replied in a very small voice. "And how do you feel about it now, Jim? Are you going to tell the whole school that we're fags? Cuz we're not. I like ass just as much as I like pussy, dude. Jake's in the same boat." "I'm gay" I looked at him a little surprised. "Dude, I didn't know man, I'm sorry," I apologized to him. He just hugged me. "Ever since we were little kids I've always been in Love with you Trent, I always wanted you to do things with me. You're my Hero, I Love You." I didn't know what to say so I just continued to hold him. "You remember the time that we were in Junior High and all the guys on the defense sat there and picked on me while I watched you guys practice? How they were all just calling me names and shit?" "Yeah" I replied remembering the day. He'd called his mom to come pick him up and my Dad had picked me up after practice. I'd had Dad drop me off on the way home at Jim's and had gone up to visit him despite his Mom saying that she didn't want me to. Jim had been a trainwreck crying and not feeling for shit when I got in. I just hugged him then much the same way I was doing now. "I was gonna kill myself that day, Trent. I decided not to after you told me that it didn't matter what they thought because you and I were always friends and would always be." He said. I was shocked. "You didn't see all the Aspirin I had sitting on the bed. I had been about to take it when I heard you talking to my Mom. You saved me, Trent. You might not remember this, but once when Jeremy Shinilski was picking on me you told him that he should stop picking on other people who might not be as big an asshole as he was and he should focus on catching the damn football instead. 'Your fingers flab like your jaw in a damn game and you cost us points bitch so shut up until you start catching balls'. Do you remember that? I do and Jeremy does too. To this day he doesn't like me but he stays away from me." "I vaguely remember that, dude, but that was a few years ago." "Trent, would it be okay if I spend more time with you after school and stuff?" "I'd really love to hang out with you . . . " "Here's the deal, dude . . " I started . . "You have your running schedule after school for Cross Country and I have mine for Football. During the week we can hang out after practice and stuff. During the weekends I'll try to include you in some of the things that I do . . . that cool with you?" "Anything is, Trent, anything." And he reached up and pulled my head down to his and we kissed. I let my hands wander down to his ass as I bent to kiss and fondle him a bit. I put my hands inside his jeans and boxers and kneaded his hands in my ass. It was completely smooth and felt like heaven. I groaned and broke off the kiss. "What's wrong," He asked, "School, dude, we have to get our asses there now. We're gonna have to study at my place tonight man." I told him as I let go of the embrace and grabbed his hand as I started walking toward the truck. When we got in Jim sat in the middle part next to me and put his head on my shoulder for a while. "How do you know you're gay?" I asked him. "I just don't like girls and I LOVE you. I like guys a lot. I look at them online all the time and jerk off." "So you've never done anything with a guy then?" "The time when you and I were kids and you stayed over and we were mimicking sex was the only time." I laughed out loud remembering that and Jim did too. Jim slid back over to his seat and put on his seatbelt as we got into town. We were a few minutes later than normal, but still got there with enough time for me to shoot the breeze with some buddies on the team and bullshit about the team coming up and how we were gonna score some after the game. Little did these dudes know I WOULD be scoring some after the game and they didn't have a fuckin' clue about it. I didn't feel the need to brag about it though so just shut my mouth and went to class when the bell rang. Jim, who normally takes off when we get to school to go do whatever hung around with me. He stayed by me and we walked in the building together. Nobody in the parking lot thought it strange or different at all. Some guys talked to him some didn't. No big deal.

School went well. Practice was better. Nothing out of the usual at all. Jason and Jake were playing well and pretty soon we were done. I went into the locker room to shower and change with the rest of the team. A few minutes later the men's cross country team came in. Jim was with them. Jake and I were at showers next to each other and Jason was a few down from there shooting the shit with one of the other guys on the team. Jake's cock was rock hard, but it was no big deal. Half the dudes on the team who were in the shower were half hard or completely as they sat around talking about pussy and getting all soaped up. We'd been in a few minutes when Jim came over and asked us if he could share our showerheads with us. I looked at Jake and he smiled at me as his eyes lit up and he said, "Yeah man, c'mon over." This wasn't all that uncommon a practice at our school since we only had like 16 showerheads against the walls. Not the kind that stood in the center and sprayed out as guys stood around in circles like the larger schools we played against. Jim started talking which set me at ease that things were okay. He was completely masculine and everything, but talked quite a bit. He was talking about one of the English teachers and how she was always drooling over us football jocks. "Well you could join the team," Jake said, "We could use some wide receivers." WOW . . . talk about your double entendre. I shot Jake a look that told him to back off a little and he just winked at me. The showers were clearing out and Jake moved down a few so that he could talk to Jason. They were down there talking and Jim and I were shootin the shit about all the homework we had when the coach came in. "Van Den Elsen!" he shouted. "Yeah coach" I replied. "I left the keys in your locker, you guys are the last ones in here. I have to go home and change for dinner with the wife. Lock up and head out when you're done. I'll get the keys from you before school tomorrow." With that the coach took off. Jake had this look on his face and Jason did too. Jim was still facing me and Jake indicated that Jim should leave. It was so funny . . . I was trying not to laugh. Here Jake didn't know that Jim was into dudes and Jim didn't know that Jason was into dudes cuz he'd only seen Jake and I together. I actually just laughed and grabbed Jim and started making out with him. Our hard cocks bumping into each other and sliding against each other with the soap all around us. Jim was uncut and a good 7 « inches long. He had a nice knob and his cock was completely straight and had some heft to it due to it's thickness. Jason also had a lot of body hair - more than any of the dudes who were our age or younger. Jim responded by making out with me and pushing his cock into my balls. I hunkered down a bit and started licking his nipples and getting him worked up. He was really enjoying this. I twisted Jim's body a bit so that I could check out the action between Jake and Jason. I'd been thinking that they would be making out as well. They weren't. They started walking over to Jim and I when they saw me looking at them. They came over and Jason crouched down between my legs and started servicing my cock as Jake started servicing Jim's. He moaned and I kissed him to quiet him. He got the point. He started kissing back. He was really enjoying his first blowjob. So much so, that he started cumming in Jake's mouth. Jake just took it like a pro and then stood up and meshed his face in with ours. He shared Jim's load which had been considerable and then kept some on his tongue. He laid down on the floor and rimmed Jason's ass and pushed some of Jim's cum inside Jason's hole as Jason continued to work on my thick 8 « incher. Jim looked down and his eyes got big as Jason came off my cock to moan as Jake rimmed his ass. I moved over one shower head to the next one and pulled Jim with me. I bent him forward against the wall and leaned over him. I soaped up his crack and started humping his ass with my rock hard cock while feeling his tits, his cock and his body all over. He was panting and moaning. I licked at his ears and he was really loving it . . . he started pushing his ass back to meet my thrusts . . . I pulled away and let the water wash down his back into his asscrack. He was rinsed now and I pulled him away from the water. I made him watch Jake and Jason fuck around. I had him grab his ankles and pulled his ass back to my face. Jake and Jason were now 69ing each other and having a good time of it. I started licking Jim's ass as I reached around and jerked him. He came in about four strokes. I stood him up and we moved under the warm spray of the shower to clean ourselves off. Jake and Jason were getting close and you could tell when they orgasmed. Jake's was so strong that cum was running around the outside of Jason's lips as he tried to swallow faster. It was a truly amazing sight. They just kept pumping into each other until their orgasms subsided. We all washed off and got dressed without saying too much. We headed out. Jake and Jason were headed over to Jason's place to 'study' and Jim and I were heading to my place to 'study'. We were about to leave the locker room when Jake grabbed me and kissed me deeply and then Jason did. I kissed them back and they each gave Jim a big hug. Jim was tearing up a bit when we walked out of the school together. He said that this had been the best day of his life.

When we got to my place Luke's truck was gone. Dad's suburban was in the driveway along with a new car that looked like it was a rental. It had weird parking stickers on it from the airport an hour and a half away. We walked in and I greeted my parents and got hugs and kisses all around. I asked who had the new car out in the driveway and Dad explained that it was a rental and it belonged to a couple who had been his close friends when he'd been in the corps and that they were in the living room. Jim and I walked in to be introduced to Mike and Michelle. I later found out that Mike was 28 and Michelle was 27. They lived somewhere out east near Maryland. Dad and Mike had been in together and Mike had served under my Dad. They had bumped into each other at the county airport my parents had flown back into. My father had asked them to come stay with us for a few days. Since they had no prior plans and Mike still had some time to kill before he went back they agreed.

Mike was hot. He had short brown hair in the typical Marine Corps 'Jar Head' style that drove me nuts. He had a nice chest that was visible through his white t-shirt. He had powerful legs of which the muscles stood out even through his jeans. I went back up to his face and could see that he was checking me out just as I was checking him out. I shook his hand and his grip was very warm. I felt a current as my hand was grasped a moment too long. I heard the blood flowing through my ears and something really primal was happening. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I was hard through my jeans. My dad was bantering with my Mom and quickly introduced Michelle before going into the kitchen to see what she was talking about. Mike let go of my hand and I took Michelle's which was warm and moist . . . just as I imagined her vagina would be. Michelle was beautiful with brown hair and eyes and a very nice figure. She had breasts, which seemed large for her petite frame. I imagined that Mike spent many a night giving her backrubs from the tits that probably gave her a backache, which I wanted to worship with my tongue. She also looked me over like she was sizing me up. She looked down at my waist and licked my lips. I held her hand in the one-count-too-long handshake and Jim coughed and introduced himself to them both. They both looked at Jim and Michelle dropped my hand. As she turned to shake his briefly she turned and I saw her voluptuous ass, which I wanted to nail after a good tonguing.

Jim said something about studying and he and I went to my room. We got up there and I wanted to fool around with Jim, but he seemed somewhat more interested in homework for some fucked up reason. So we started working on the English assignment that we'd been given. Who fucking cared about sentence structure. ((Certainly not the author of this story - lol)) It was about an hour and a half later at seven that my dad knocked on the door and waited for me to say, "come in" before he came in. That was weird, normally he just knocked and walked in. He came in, "Sorry to interrupt guys. Trent, Mike & Michelle would like to go out for dinner and your mother and I would like to stay home, could you go with them and show them where the local establishments are?" "Sure, dad, lemme just finish up here real quick. Be down in ten minutes." "Okay." He said and Jim and I started to pack up. Dad left and closed the door behind him. Jim grabbed me and started kissing me like a fiend. He did this for a few minutes and I just layed against my bed while sitting on the floor. He opened his jeans and put his cock in my mouth. He started fucking my face. I slipped a finger in my mouth next to his cock and put a lot of spit on it. I pulled it out and fingered his hole. He started backing onto it and moaned. Half a second later he came in my mouth. I rolled his cum around on my tongue like I'd done with Luke and then pulled his face to my and forced the cum into his mouth. He moaned against my mouth and took it and swallowed. "Thanks, stud." He said and packed up his shit.

I went downstairs with him and with a thick voice announced that I was ready to go. Mike and Michelle said that we could take my truck. So Jim, Michelle, Mike and I went out to the truck. Jim offered to get in the bed of the truck but Mike said, "naw man, you can sit on my lap. It's only a ways down the road, right?" "Yeah," Jim said, "How'd you know that?" "I asked Trent's Dad where you lived." Mike replied. With that we settled into the cab: me in the driver's seat, Mike on the hump with Jim in his lap and Michelle in the passenger's side. I thought it was different that Mike would prefer that Jim sit on his lap versus Michelle, but knew better than to say anything and kept my mouth shut. Especially since it was a friend of my dad's.

On the way down the road I noticed that Jim let go of the dash and was wiggling on Mike's lap. Mike had his head resting against the back window and his eyes were closed as I looked in the rear view mirror. He was now biting his lip and Michelle was looking and where Jim's butt met Mike's crotch. I could see her tits get hard through the tight sweater she was wearing. As we went over a bump Mike moaned and Jim gasped. We pulled into Jim's driveway and he said, "Thanks for the ride." Looking more at Mike than me, "No problem, man. I'll see you tomorrow morning bright n early." I replied with a chuckle in my voice. Michelle got out of the truck and Mike moved him and Jim to the side and thrust his hips up to bounce Jim out of the truck. "Up you go" Mike said as he did this. Jim just gasped and turned and said he'd see me in the morning. "Let's get goin a little earlier tho Trent, okay?" He said as though he had something going on in the morning. I didn't think he did, but said, "Okay." with a puzzled tone in my voice. Mike and Michelle got back into the truck and we headed off to dinner. Mike was again in the middle and Michelle was on the side. Michelle started rubbing the bulge that I'd noticed in Mike's jeans when we left Jim's place. I was driving towards a bar on the opposite side of town where the school was so we had a while to go. We'd gone barely three miles down the road when I heard the unmistakable sound of Mike's zipper. "Baby, I'm gonna rest my head down here. I'm so tired from the travelin'." She had this southern drawl goin for her which I hadn't noticed before. Then Mike started talking to me, "You got a girlfriend, Trent?" "No" I replied. "They all want marriage and no fun." "Yeah, I know that type. Michelle and I just want to relax and enjoy life and not worry about the politics that go along with being married. We're both adults and like to do things together and have fun together." Michelle slurped a little and my cock got hard knowing that Mike was getting head as I drove them. We came to a stop sign at a lighted intersection about four miles later and Mike sucked in some air. I could see half of his fat eight inch cock in Michelle's mouth. And when I say fat I mean FAT. This thing had to be about as thick around as my fucking WRIST! It put Jake to shame easily. I was staring and we weren't moving when mike moved his big hand over mine and brought it down to his cock. "Jack it a little, Trent." He said in a whisper. "Damn, that feels awesome man. I love your callused hands, Trent." I kept moving my hand. "We'd better keep drivin, dude. You know of any barns around here?" There was this one about a half mile down the road and then a mile in from the road on old dirt trails. I started to drive there instead of town.

As I turned off the road I put the truck into four-wheel drive and turned on my bright lights. The overhead light bar came on and we headed back into a thick forest. We kept going and as we went over bumps Mike lifted his ass off the seat and slid his jeans down. He hadn't been wearing any underwear. I heard Michelle choke quite a few times and mike had his hands behind his head resting against the back window. I moved my hand back to his cock after putting the truck in four-wheeled drive. I decided to try something. I wasn't sure what would happen, but didn't think Mike would hurt me since my Dad had been his CO. I put my finger in Michelle's stretched mouth and then worked my way to his asshole. As I reached down to get to his bud Mike grabbed the wheel in a lightning fast movement, his bicep now in my face and pulled us from nearly hitting a tree. "We almost there little stud?" He asked as he moved his bicep from my face and massaged my cock through my jeans. "Yeah" I half moaned as we pulled up to a clearing where the hay barn stood.

Old man Mosston had owned this barn for generations. Now that he was too old to keep working his farm he'd sold some of his nearly 1200 acres for some cash to go into a retirement home and leased the rest to farmers. He never returned to the barn anymore so upkeep had been left to Jim's dad who was a distant relative, but the only one living nearby to keep an eye on things. Jim's dad was home tonight so I knew he wouldn't be coming out there. Especially not on a Monday night when kids would be at home with school coming early and with pro-football Monday night there'd be no trouble. And the three of us certainly weren't trouble. We got out of the truck after Mike pulled Michelle off his stiff monster. Mike pulled his pants up so he could walk, but left his cock hanging out. We climbed up to the hayloft and Mike split a bail open. He laid Michelle down on it and stripped her. It was warm in the hayloft from the day's sun and the heat rising throughout the barn. The hayloft had light pouring in from the moon in the window at the top of the mow. The moonbeams hit the hay and bounced to the walls to give the place a very romantic glow. I'd have to remember this place in the future for fun with the guys.

"Trent." Mike brought me back from my thoughts, "have you done a lot with guys?" "Yeah," I replied. "Have you been fucked?" I replied affirmatively. He squatted over Michelle's head so that she was rimming him. "Have you fucked men before?" Again I replied to the affirmative. "Good. Why don't you come here and let me suck your big cock. Go ahead, dude, drop those jeans and boxers and lemme take care of that thick beast." And I did as I was asked. Mike took my whole cock right down his throat and didn't choke. He did this amazing swallowing thing that felt somewhat like the milk machines that Jim and I had used a long time ago playing in this very barn when it actually housed cattle. But that had been 10 years ago when we were both six. Now it was a completely different feeling. I felt my balls beginning to churn and as they drew up Mike pulled them gently away from my penis not allowing me to cum. The feeling was somewhat uncomfortable, but he made me turn around and he bent me over. He licked my asshole for what seemed an eternity. My member never going soft he twisted his body so he was now getting rimmed by Michelle in the crab position and sucked my cock this way. I stood up and started forcing my cock down his throat. A tear rolled away from his face and for a second I worried that I might be hurting him, but he was a Marine. He could take it. I gave it to him harder and he groaned. All movement stopped. I withdrew and he came up off of Michelle. "He likes your dick," she started and Mike looked down. "He wants you to tell him when he can cum. He wants you to make him beg for you to fuck him. He wants you to tell him exactly what to do and how to do it. He'll do anything for you now that you've shown him you can force him to do anything." I was astounded. This dude's biceps were the size of my fucking CALVES! For fuck's sake what the hell. I didn't let my surprise show though. Instead I ordered in a very authoritative voice, "Lick the bitch's cunt. Get it ready for me to fuck." And while he got into a doggy position to follow my orders I got behind him and rimmed his ass. His cock still hard he was so thick and heavy that even hard it hung almost straight down to the floor. The moment he moaned I stopped and moved to Michelle's head. I faced Mike and hunched over her like he'd done. I then stopped and backed up and put my cock in her mouth. She greedily accepted and I shoved the whole thing down her throat in four strokes. Being used to Mike's thick meat she had no problem acclimating to my size. My length might be new to her, but she like it a lot.

As I looked at Mike I noticed how completely beautiful he was. He had a smooth chest that jutted out like a shelf over his protruding abs which were covered with fur. His chest was smooth, though. His fur which was soft and curly was a light brown whereas the fur covering his ass and legs was a much darker shade more closely resembling the hair on his head. He had nice fur-free nuts about the same size as my big low hangers. On him they looked more in proportion with his thick meat which was now dripping. I wanted to taste that, but first there were other things to try. I made him sit to the side of Michelle and finger his hole while he watched me fuck her. I lifted her legs onto my shoulders and entered in one deep thrust. She came instantly. Her pussy vibrating from the moaning she was doing I nearly came as well, but instead thought of fishing in the river. It worked. In a few seconds while she was still coming down from her post orgasmic bliss I started fucking her hard. I withdrew all the way and slammed all the way back in. I kept going harder and faster until she came again. I was about to come. I shouted at Mike to come over and as I withdrew it was too much. I pulled Mike's head down on my cock and shoved my pussy-juice laden cock into his mouth. I pulled down on his balls so he wouldn't cum. "That's how a man fucks your bitch." I told him. He agreed and smiled saying, "yes, sir." I backed away from Michelle and she said she had to go to the bathroom that she'd be right back. She climbed down the ladder and Mike waited for his next order. I made him lay down exactly where Michelle had and then squatted over his face. My ass was smelling a bit by now as I'd worked up a sweat that had trickled down to my crack while fucking Michelle. I told him to eat it up. He did and I moaned and moaned. I thought I heard something but assumed it was Michelle and went back to where my thoughts were already drawn. Mike's cock was standing up and looking huge as ever. I jacked it a few times and he grabbed my wrist to stop me his big bicep bulging again. He was getting pretty much his whole tongue up my ass and wiggling it around which felt fucking awesome. So I bent down and started to return the favor. He moaned as he took my balls in his mouth which caused them to vibrate. My cock thumped up and down off his somewhat stubbly chin causing a slight chaffing on my cock. It was time to fuck him. I moved down between his legs as I'd done with Michelle and put them on my shoulders. He flexed his leg muscles and rubbed his rosebud against the tip of my cock. "Please Trent, Please fuck me. Fuck me hard, slam it in just like you did to Michelle. C'mon . . . please sir, fuck me, fuck me." It was like a mantra. I pulled away from him. I squatted over his head and force fed him my cock for a few seconds. I made him get into the doggy style position again and kept feeding him my cock. When it was dripping with his spit I got behind him in a squat. "If you want it, you need to fuck yourself on it like you mean it, Mike. Take the whole thing to the bush in on stroke or you're not gonna get it man." He thrust back that had I not been holding onto his waist I might have been thrown. He fucked himself like a pro. He was panting hard as was I after a minute of this and between pants said, "Trent, please sir . . . . . squeeze . . . squeeze my balls . . don . . . don't let me . . . agh . . cum." So I pulled his balls away from his cock. I had him flip over and lay on his back so that I had complete control of the fuck now and started into him. I pulled all the way out and slammed all the way back in several times until he begged for more. I was about to cum and he started saying, "Can I cum, Trent? Can I cum, Sir?" "Yes" I shouted and he started to erupt. Being in this position I quickly grabbed his spewing prick and placed my lips over the tip and took wave after wave of cum off his cock. I started spewing into him. He was pinching my left nipple with one hand while he shoved a finger he'd quickly rolled in in his cum halfway up my ass. I came so hard.

"My turn" he said and told me to follow his orders. He laid me down where he and Michelle had been and squatted over my face. He made me eat my cum from his ass and made me kiss him when it was on my tongue. He was completely in control and he let me know it when he kissed me. After a few minutes of some very sensual kissing Mike moved my hands over my head and began licking my face slowly. Like an animal licks it's young. He moved down to my neck and began biting gently at first and then became more intense. It was tickling me and driving me nuts. I started to squirm and Mike just held me. I could see his right bicep bulging as he held my hands over my head. I tried to push him off because this was really driving me nuts, but he just kept biting and licking. He made his way down to my armpits and started licking those as well. The blond hair was turning brown as he added his saliva to the sweat that was created fucking Michelle and then him. He was loving it. I hadn't put any pit stick on after the workout at school because I didn't think I'd need it. I was right - I didn't. Mike switched hands as he started to work my nipples over. He was masturbating his dick as he did this and before long I felt his cockhead pressing into my asshole. He started cumming into my hole. He was careful not to thrust though. Soon, however, he started pushing into me. It hurt like hell. I let out a long deep breath so that I wouldn't have to make him stop. I could feel inch after inch slide into my cum-slick hole. Soon he was in all the way and I could feel his bush tickling the area surrounding my hot, moist hole. He started to move back and forth and pulled all the way out. He began biting my neck. I was squirming and flopping around like a fish out of water when he pushed his thick eight incher all the way back in. He never stopped biting, so I never really had time to think about how bad it was hurting since I was so distracted by his teeth on my neck. He started fucking rougher and was moving his freehand between my cock and my tits while he continued licking and biting me all over wherever his mouth could reach. I started flexing my asshole around his thick cock and two strokes later he was cumming deep inside me. He grunted like an animal and thrust hard. A little too hard. It hurt like hell. But I just grunted out my pain. He appreciated this. He just kept moving in and out of me. He started pulling all the way out and shoving my cock all the way in. Before long it started to feel really good and he started really slamming my ass. It felt so good to take him so deep now. He slapped my ass with his free hand no longer biting and licking me he started kissing me. My ass tightened in response to the slaps and he moved his hand around my cock. He started masturbating me in time with his thrusts. Before long I started to blow my load. "Yeah, that's it, cum so your ass milks my cum out of my cock, Trent. Oh yeah, man. I'm cumming!!! Aaaagggghghhhh!" And he was thrusting with lots of depth as he emptied his second load into me.

This time he softened somewhat. He pulled out and kept my hands above my head as he put my mouth on his cock and made me clean it off. "Good boy" he told me as I licked all the cum and my own ass juice off him. I licked around the base of the cock as well. He really enjoyed this and pretty soon was hard again. He placed some hay under my neck and really fucked my face good. He pulled back just as he came leaving several thick globs of cum on my tongue. "Oh yeah man . . . take my load." He'd enjoyed this. He pulled out and lifted me off of our clothes. He put me into a squat and slid under me like a mechanic. He ate my ass for all he was worth. Soon he was rewarded with his own cum and my ass juices. He just moaned and I could see he was hard again but just touched his cock and marveled at it's width. This had been inside me. Completely. It had taken me. Luke was almost as thick . . . maybe he didn't appear as thick as Mike because he had more length, but he was. When I put middle figer around and tried to touch my thumb tip it didn't reach by about a half inch just like Luke's cock. This was amazing. Mike had a big blunt head that felt really really good while I was being fucked by it. I moaned as I felt more cum slip out of my ass into Mike's waiting mouth. Then I heard a moan. It was Michelle. She was downstairs somewhere. Mike finished up and pulled me around into his lap and kissed me deeply. I could taste his cum and my ass juice on his tongue and it was very sensual.

As we went to the edge of the loft to find out why Michelle was moaning, we saw the most amazing sight. There was Michelle in the moonlight streaming in from the door laying on her back . . . breasts in the air and pointy from the cold. Between her legs was a body and a thick cock plunging in and out of her pussy. I recognized that cock . . .

Sorry it's taken so long to write . . . been friggin busy . . . lemme know whatchya think . . . thanks for the feedback. Later!<<

Next: Chapter 8

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