
By ten.retrahc@seirotsytfin

Published on Sep 12, 2002


This story is fictional. If it is illegal to obtain material of a sexual nature where you live then you view this at your own discretion. Author is not liable for any legal ramifications. Responses to the author may be made by emailing: Thank you for supporting Nifty Archives.

Copyright 2002

Author BS (skip this part if you're really horny)

Aight y'all . . . just wanted to say thanks for the feedback. Those of you who've written I really appreciate it and you might see your names in this episode and more to come. For those of you who are reading for the first time and going through all of these I'd like to explain that some of my 'inspiration' and hard-ons are coming from the people who write me with their fantasies. Their fantasies become mine, and now yours as I share them with you. This story is not just the culmination of one author's fantasies, but the fantasies of the readers who email me as well. I hope that you like these and will let me know if you do. I especially appreciate the feedback from the females - great to hear from you ladies! I guess I was wrong about you not being as 'into' this as the dudes. Sorry this cums to you so late. I've been working extra shifts. Catch u l8r! -M.


We finished showering and threw on some jeans and T-shirts. We were shootin the breeze about what my parents might be doin. I said that dad probably had mom bent over the couch and was nailing her. Luke laughed and said, "yeah, I can just see him long dicking her 'til his legs are sore!" And he chuckled as though recalling a memory or something. I was thinking about things that might have transpired prior to my knowledge of Luke when he broke the spell by saying, "dude - what's up with you. Most dudes usually get grossed when thinking about their 'rents fuckin'." "Dude," I said, "Some dudes have seen their parents fucking on the counter as they're coming home from school. And there isn't any fucking way that they couldn't hear the goddamn door close behind me." Luke jus chuckled. "So your rents are a bit of voyeurs, are they?" "I dunno man" I said, "But prior to last week they were fuckin all the time man." "Hmmmm . . . nothing having to do with my arriving." "I don't know." I replied, which was the truth.

To avert this onslaught of questioning I said, "Aight, stud . . . let's check out what mom left us for grub, dude." "Fuck that man . . . let's go out for some food." "Uhhhh . . . lemme call the guys quick and tell Jason that I won't be comin over for college ball night." "Well hey man," Luke said, "if you wanna go over there I can head out by myself." He was looking at me waiting for a response of some kind. "Naw - it's cool, Luke, we can hang . . . I just don't want them to think I'm comin when I'm not." "Alright you do that and I'm gonna finish getting ready, man." As Luke turned to walk out I looked at him and all you could see were the lines of muscle in his back. Each individual muscle stood out and as he walked under one of the incandescent ceiling lights the shadows cast on the shirt made me hard. He turned again to go up the steps and his chest stuck out like a shelf. I was surprised that I hadn't noticed it before. "Ahh fuck it." I said under my breath and called Jason. As was usual at 8:30 his parents house was noisy when I called. They said that they'd already started the UNLV vs. Penn State game and were waitin on me to start the Badger Game. I kinda chuckled . . . "Started with the shit, didja?" He chuckled back and said, "Well ya know we couldn't watch Wisconsin without the stud star of our team, could we?" I said, "Damn, Jason. You're so fuckin sweet man. When did you turn into a sloppy pussy like that?" He laughed and said, "So what the fuck you doin that you're not here yet." I explained that Luke was in town and that he was dad's Marine buddy and that we were gonna grab some grub. He told me that we should stop over. I declined and explained that we were just gonna grab some grub and hang and shoot the breeze. "Alright dude - but it's not like you to miss college ball night." "I know," I said, "but I'll make it up next week." So with that we said our goodbyes and I got some shoes on and threw on my flannel in case it got cooler out. Luke had on a dark Nike running jacket and chuckled when he saw me. "What's so funny smartass?" I said. "You're funny my sexyass." I felt weird that he'd called me 'his' and 'sexyass'. He wasn't looking at me and I was getting better at not betraying myself through facial expressions so he didn't notice when I started thinking about this. "You're dressed like an farmboy." I just laughed and said, "It's Wisconsin dude, what were you expecting? A sequin jacket in coordinating colors?" He just laughed and said, "Let's go dude - your truck or mine?"

This was the one thing that I really loved. My truck was a 1997 Chev Z71. Black with rollerbars and a kickass Bose sound system. I had it all tricked out with foglamps, overhead lightbar and just about anything you could ever want in a truck including a gun rack which had been used while out in Montana with my dad the autumn before for Elk Hunting Season.

Luke's truck was a new Toyota 4-Runner that he'd purchased just after he got out of the Marine Corps a few months ago. He'd spent some time roadtripping prior to coming to Wisconsin to hang with my family and I. It was jet black with dark tinted windows and full power. It was a nice vehicle, but mine was definitely more souped-up.

We took the pickup to a bar, which was about 45 minutes away. Luke just said, "What's about 45 minutes west of here?" and said, "Okay, drive there." So here we were . . . pulling into Bob's Riverside somewhere on the Wisconsin River. It was somewhat crowded but dim with lots of cigarette smoke. We went in and sat down and Luke ordered us two beers. The bartender looked at the USMC tattoo on Luke's right bicep as he leaned forward on the bar and didn't ask any questions. She was a hottie. I would later learn her name was Terri. She licked her lips as she slid the bottles across the bar sliding her hands down the Corona Longnecks. I was starting to get a little hard. Luke had been watching me check this babe out and said, "whoa . . . . . . Down boy. Damn, dude . . . . are you drippin down there or what?" He asked of the bulge in my pants. I was embarrassed. Terri had heard the whole conversation and just looked at me and said, "How old's the pup?" "Luke" he said as he extended his hand and she said "Terri . . . with an 'i' and a lot of stamina behind the dot." "Nice" Luke replied. "This is Trent. Trent this is Terri" he let go of her hand and offered it to me. She had this rack and a low cut white top showing off her nicely tanned upper breasts. "Hey" I said. Introductions having been made, a gentleman at the end of the bar called Terri over for another drink. She helped him out and Luke checked over the menu.

"Dude!" I said. "Why aren't you keeping her over here by talking to her? She's TOTALLY into you man." "Dude," Luke replied, "You seriously gotta let me work this man. If you're too forward or jumpy she'll just bolt, so sit the fuck down and I'll get her to follow you home." "Okay man . . " My stomach rumbled. I was hungry. We ate listening to the jukebox playing while Terri chatted to a slender looking dude down the bar a way. He kept talking to her and they'd occasionally look our way. He got up halfway through our meal and Terri just stayed put waitin for him to come back. I noticed that he was about six feet tall and probably weighed in at 175 lbs. with great definition. His arms were nice and his lats were really defined. He tipped his baseball cap back and scratched his head as he went into the bathroom. He had nice black armpit hairs to match the jet black hair on his head. He looked like he could be the mechanic in the area. I looked at Terri. She was now smoking a cigarette looking at the bathroom door the dude had just walked through. With her profile I could see her nicely rounded bubble ass (have a thing for those) and her perky breasts. I could have sworn that she wasn't wearing a bra. Her nipples had perked up suddenly. I looked up to check out her hair and she was staring at me right in the eyes. She quickly exhaled and checked on her other customers.

The dude came back from the bathroom sometime later. I didn't notice as Luke had engrossed me in conversation about the Marine Corps and what a good time it'd been and how he loved hangin with the guys - and my dad - and havin a good time. We were the only ones left in the bar when Terri came over and said, "closing time fellas." "Well, time to settle up, I guess." Luke said. He threw a fifty on the bar. "Actually . . . " Terri said quickly licking her lips and putting a hand down the front of her faded blue jean shorts . . . "you could settle up the RIGHT way if you wanna follow me back to my place." "You live solo?" Luke asked. "Yeah - rent this cabin on the river every summer and work here." "Okay, but we'll follow you." So with that she threw some glasses in the dishwasher, threw the beer bottles out and headed toward the door after turning a bunch of switches off. "Let's go boys . . . it's gonna be a Looooooooonnnnng night." "The longer the better" Luke muttered under his breath.

We followed her roughly three miles to a small cabin that was completely dark. I parked the truck next to her car and got out with Luke. Terri got out of her car and I could barely see her. Luke, however, had no problem and had gone around the back of the truck and her car to come up behind her. She hadn't heard him and neither had I until I heard her breath catch as he grabbed her naked breasts from behind and softly tickled the hard nubs. "AAAAhhhohhhhh, you scared me . . ." she half said, half moaned. "That's what you get for taking off your top while driving." I was starting to see better now and could now see her. She was beautiful. Her breasts were very round and firm under Luke's hands. C'mon guys . . . let's go in. So we did. She led us into a two-room cabin. As I walked in the door I had eight feet of kitchen to my right separated from the sixteen-by-twenty great room with a bar and stools. The whole cabin had cathedral ceilings and separating the great room and what I assumed was the only bedroom was a fireplace and stone wall. It was massive and beautiful. I could see the light of the moon coming through the fireplace from the window in the other room. It was beautiful and there was a bear-skin rug in front of it over a thicker burbur carpeting in a light color. I was looking around until I realized that Luke was making a fire. Terri came up to me and groped me through my jeans. She pulled me by my growing meat to the rug. Luke continued to make the fire. Blowing and adding some woodchips from a tub near the side of the great fireplace. Terri wiggled out of her daisy dukes and I could now see that she was clean shaven. She lifted my shirt over my head and started licking my nipples. I let out a soft sigh. Luke quickly got the fire going and was getting naked as Terri was kissing my chest and down my abs toward my blood-engorged cock. It was clearly tenting my jeans and she undid the button and slid the zipper down and it popped out at her getting some pre-cum on her cheek. "Wow Kid! All your friends have tools this big too?" I just smiled this dumb smile. Luke was just dropping his jeans and she saw his cock. She stroked it lovingly. He was standing next to me and it was inches from my face until he squatted so she could take the tip in her mouth. "Maybe this night won't be as long as I thought" she said before taking him in her mouth. He held the back of her head with his hand and pushed her a little further down his cock. He let her back up for air and had her lay down on her back. He positioned me over her head and had me more or less squat over her head. My low hanging balls were now in her mouth and the insides of my legs were almost suctioning themselves to her ears. I moved my legs out but Luke made sure that she couldn't hear by repositioning them where they'd been. "Look, Trent . . . I know that this will be your first time with a woman, but I need you to pay attention to what I do because in order to be good and to have them want you, you need to do more than you do for dudes. Pay attention to what I do and listen to what I'm telling you. I'm going to teach you to make her orgasm several times and then it's up to you whether that happens. With women you need to make sure that they orgasm more than once and the first one should come preferably before you do. Do you understand?" "Yes." I said. "First he said you should start by nibbling on their ears and necks and working your way down to their breasts. Stay there for a while. When their breathing slows down you can move down to their belly. Stay in their navel a while unless they push your head down. If they do that part their vagina and try to find their clitoris." I laughed - thinking of South Park - The Movie. But Luke gave me a look of curiosity. I told him I'd tell him later. He continued, "The clit is this little nub that will protrude a little bit and is usually at the top of their vagina. It's like a little man in a canoe. Only he's sittin in the front or near the top." "Okay." I said as he moved and started kissing and nibbling the underside of her jaw as best he could. He gave my nuts a few swipes with his tongue and my cock was dripping more. "Take your nuts out of her mouth when I finish talking in a second and slide backward and put your cock in her mouth. Make her take it ALL the way after about five minutes and drop a load in her throat man." I followed his instructions and slid back removing my balls from her throat. I slapped her chin a few times with my cock and she responded by taking it in her mouth. She could only take the first inch or so and I could feel her teeth. I didn't like that. So I drew back. Luke was laying on top of her licking her ears now that they were exposed and pulled me forward by my ass until my cock was in his mouth a few inches. He then slowly spit it into Terri's mouth. She started sucking like it was the last blowjob she'd ever give.

Luke continued to work his way down as he'd told me to do. When he reached her breasts and started licking her nipples they puckered right up and she arched her back. This helped her to take another two inches of my cock. Her teeth weren't scraping so bad now and she was taking it pretty well. I was moving my hips back and forth as Luke moved down to her belly-button but she groaned and he kept moving. He licked her vagina and his tongue flicked across her lips at first and then a few deep licks right up the center before he gently parted her lips with thumbs and forefingers and exposed what he'd been looking for. He started with a slow sucking motion much like what you'd do with a straw in a shake and then moved on to flicking his tongue. As he did this Terri's skin turned to gooseflesh and she was relaxing her jaw and her throat and was able to take me about 6 and a half inches into her mouth. I wasn't impressed. Luke had deep-throated me taking me all the way to the balls. I got close to Luke's face and he had me lick her clitoris as he licked around it. It was weird and our tongues kept bumping into each other. I could see that he'd slipped a finger into her dripping cunt and was moving it back and forth. He kept doing this as he watched me lick her clit. He was jacking his cock with his free hand really getting into the show he was getting. I had remembered what he'd said about the female orgasming before my first one. So I redoubled my efforts and moved one hand to her breasts slowly flicking and playing with her erect nipples which were a beautiful rosebud pink. All of a sudden she started bucking and moaned and all this fluid started shooting out her cunt. Luke moved his face down there and licked her hole in the deepest part and hummed like it had tasted good. He slowly pulled me off Terri into a deep passionate kiss. Terri watched Transfixed as I tasted her jism so different from Luke's or my own. I felt weird about Luke and I kissing in front of someone. I wasn't a fag. I tried to back away, but he just pulled me closer with one hand and stroked my fat cock with the other. I instantly forgot about Terri and started to really get into this. We parted lips and as we did I opened my eyes and he looked into mine. There was something there.

He moved me into position on my back. I was laying down as Luke moved Terri into an upright sitting position over my head. Now her legs were covering my ears. I could tell they were talking but I couldn't make out what they were saying. Luke continued to play with my cock as I tongued Terri's pussy and clit. The remaining juices that had been left inside her were now draining into my mouth and it tasted good. I kept licking and a few minutes later they finished talking. Terri leaned forward and was licking my abs and my cock. Luke was licking my asshole. He found what he'd left there earlier and just sucked it into his mouth. He kept doing this for some time. Eventually his tongue came out of my ass and he deep-throated my cock leaving his jizz that he'd taken out of my throat over my cock. He stood up quickly and pulled Terri so that she was laying on her back the opposite way and knelt over her head covering her ears. He put his balls in her mouth and then pulled her legs so her toes were touching his shoulders. "Long-dick her deep. NOW!" I thrust into her and she screamed into Luke's balls and jumped around like she was being shot up with electricity. "I love it when they rattle my balls like that." He smiled at me. I was worried that I'd hurt her or something, but Luke lifted his balls out and she was moaning with each of my strokes - all the way out and all the way in. Luke grabbed a pillow from one end of her couch and put in under her head and pushed his cock back behind his ass as he bent forward to lick my nipples. She grabbed it and was licking and sucking it. As he did this he reached around and stuck two fingers up my ass hitting my prostate head-on. I started bucking and moaning as I shot a huge load up Terri's pussy. Luke let my orgasm subside before he moved Terri to the couch and sat her upon it with her ass hanging over. He had me stand behind the couch, close to the bar and hold her legs in the air. He quickly inserted and pushed into her no more than a dozen times before he started cumming. Terri came again with the second long thrust as Luke slammed all the way back in. Luke was satisfied. Eventually after a few minutes of sitting on the bar stool I had to piss. I asked where to go and Terri indicated that I'd have to go outside to the treeline about 20 yards away. I thought this was weird because I wondered if she did this every time she had to piss.

I must've been pissing out all the beer I'd had 'cuz I was pissin forever. All of a sudden I felt a large fart coming and thought I might have to shit so I squatted with my ass toward the treeline and was pushing out. I sat there for a few minutes just farting. I looked at the river just past the cabin and thought it was beautiful. I stood up and started walking back to the cabin and heard Terri moan again so went to a window instead of going in. Luke had her facing the fire bent over grabbing her ankles and was dicking her deep. I just couldn't tell if he was in her ass or her cunt. He was really enjoying it and fucked her harder when she moaned. He pulled out of her all of a sudden and pushed her to the floor. He then stroked his cock twice to an orgasm that made cum shoot all over her face and tits. He looked up at me and smiled and signaled for me to come in the cabin. I did so shocked that he knew I was there. I came in and he had me lick all the cum off Terri. He then told her to flip over. He pushed the pillow she'd had her head on earlier under her belly so that her ass stuck in the air a bit. He indicated that I should fuck her and do it deep and hard. I did and was shortly rewarded with moans. Luke decided that it would be cool to lick my ass. After a few minutes I could feel him kneeling behind me slowly inserting his cock. Terri was still face down and moaning. She didn't look to see why the strokes had died down. She just didn't moan as loud. I was slowly sliding into the slushy mixture of cums that Luke and I had left inside her before when Luke slid all the way in aided by some of the cum he'd left before when he'd fucked me so hard. He pushed me hard to get me started again and the harder I slammed Terri the harder Luke's cock pounded into my ass. It started with Terri moaning and cumming and then I started cumming which caused Luke to cum up my ass. We were all moaning and sweating when Luke finally pulled out of me and me out of Terri. We were loving it. Terri was visibly and audibly exhausted. She was about to get up when Luke said, "I got it. Where are your glasses?" She collapsed back on the floor and then told him where to find a drinking glass. He grabbed the magic pill from his jeans pocket and headed over to the kitchen to get Terri a glass of water.

He came back and helped her drink it. He left us with her glass of water in the great room while he went into the bedroom. All of a sudden I heard running water. Luke came back a minute later and carried Terri like she was a bride into the bedroom. I heard him helping her into the bathtub and walked through to investigate. Here was a huge bathroom right in the open in the bedroom. What the fuck?! I was thinking to myself. Reminding myself of how I'd had to piss outside. Terri was in the tub facing the fire and if she'd turned her head to the left 90 degrees she could see the bed. It was a beautiful room and I was instantly jealous that she lived here. Maybe I could rent it some time this winter? Terri was seated in the bathtub with her head on the back of the Queen Ann tub. You know - one of those really nice ones on legs. Luke turned to me and brought me out to the great room. He sat on the couch and pulled his knees to his shoulders and said, "Lick." I did. Very shortly we were both hard and breathing heavy. "Fuck me Trent." He said and I did. I slid my dick in and out slowly and then harder and pulled my cock out of his ass three inches before slamming it back it. "Harder" he moaned. And I started really slammin him. I wasn't gonna last long like this. He realized this and started jerking off. He came so hard he shot right in his mouth. His asshole spasming around my cock created such vibrations that I came up his ass. I came so hard I could feel the sperm and semen shoot out of my cock. I collapsed on top of him and he rested his feet on the small of my back. We kissed deeply. Then he said, "do you have to piss again?" "Yeah," I said somewhat confused. I started to back out, but he pulled me closer and deeper into his ass with his muscular legs. "Piss inside me." He said. It wasn't a question. I was weirded. "What the fuck, dude?" I was getting kinda freaked. Was Luke turning into some kinda gay fuck? He'd talked me into all this shit and now he wanted me to piss in his ass? Wait . . that actually seemed kinda hot. "I told you to piss in my ass. Now do it man. If it doesn't turn you on, think about how much it'll make me hot. Now fuckin PISS MAN!" It was an order and I didn't have time to think anymore. I started pissing. "Aw fuck yeah dude. Love the feel of hot piss inside me. Feels like loads of cum getting shot up there. Aw yeah man - make me your pisshole. Love it man." He could tell when I was finished and clamped his ass tight around my still-hard cock. He then pushed me out of him and went outside.

I heard a soft moan from the other room and went in to see how Terri was doing. She'd just cum as evidenced by her look of complete relaxation and a hand on her clit. Luke came back in shortly and put her on the bed. He tucked her in and we went into the other room. Luke grabbed our clothes and my car keys. He dumped the remaining bit of water in the sink rinsed the glass and we headed to the door. He locked it and made sure the cabin was locked as we got into the truck naked. We headed back toward the bar to catch the county highway we'd taken to get here. On the way we saw a car. It was rocking and the windows were all steamed up. A little further up the gravel path leading to the road to the bar was another car - an old T-top trans-am -- only this one was empty. "Hmmmmmmmm . . . looks like a popular place stud." "Yeah I said and Luke slid over and started suckin my cock. It felt good so I just left him in place and drove back home. We took a shower together and went to bed after a long kiss.

Next: Chapter 5

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