
By ten.retrahc@seirotsytfin

Published on Sep 2, 2002


This story is fictional. If it is illegal to obtain material of a sexual nature where you live then you view this at your own discretion. Author is not liable for any legal ramifications. Responses to this author may be made by emailing: Thank you for supporting Nifty Archives.

Copyright 2002

The fire was dying out but I could still easily make out Luke's muscular form as he entered the living room. He asked me about my dad and what I knew about sex. I told him everything including about dad and mom fucking sometimes even when I thought they knew I was watching. Periodically Luke would get hard and when he got up to throw more logs on the fire in the middle of our conversation I saw a string of precum hit the ground by the fireplace.

Luke asked me if I'd ever done anything with guys. I said, "fuck no" and he instantly asked why not. And I said because I wasn't queer. He sat there and said that just because you fucked a dude or were fucked by a dude or even sucked a cock or had your cock sucked by a dude didn't mean you were queer or a fag. He started to tell me about life in the barracks and how a few guys had taught him some cool shit. He was explaining to me that it wasn't about being gay or not . . . it was about pleasure. And how much pleasure you could give and receive. How satisfied you and your partner were.

I asked him how he found out about all this and he started telling me this story about how one of his co's caught him whacking off while on watch. He quickly showed Luke some things about man-to-man action that changed Luke forever. I noticed that while Luke was telling the story he got really hard. At the end of the story I was staring at his thick cock sitting against his abs when he gently took my arm and pulled me over to him. I was still naked and had been hard the whole time. He gently rubbed my cock while he brought my face down to his thigh. "I can show you things, Trent, but you have to want to learn." I said 'okay' in a half daze being so close to his cock. "Lick it," he said. Still a bit unsure, he stuck his finger in my mouth and told me again to lick it and ordered me to close my eyes. I licked his finger. He moved his finger down to his thigh and I licked his finger and his thigh around it. He moved his finger up to his abs and his nipple and I licked them . . . wherever his finger went, Luke got licked.

Luke sat on the couch with his legs spread wide and had me move to the floor on all fours. He told me to keep doing what we were doing. Pretty soon I was licking Luke's leg and he was no longer leading me with his finger, but with his hand on the back of my head. Gradually he moved me to the area under his balls where his legs met. He pulled my head up and he sighed heavily as I took one of his huge, hairless nuts in my mouth. He was breathing heavy now and pulled my head over his huge cock. I licked it. At first it was different. Softer than the rest of his skin . . .and slightly salty with a fluid that tasted very similar to that which I had licked out of Tammy's ass.

I started to suck Luke's dick and he let go of my head with his hands. I was getting his head in my mouth and opened my eyes to see how much of that ten- inch monster I had in my mouth. I looked down and I saw that I only had like two inches in and the rest was too intimidating to even contemplate taking. So I just continued . . . moving my tongue around more. I looked up and saw Luke staring with his blue eyes into mine. His eyes were glazed over with Lust. I saw this in my dad's face sometimes when he'd fuck mom. He had his hands behind his head and damn his biceps were big. I noticed that the blond hair in his pits was slightly moist from his sweat. I closed my eyes and continued licking his cock and going down the shaft. He growled his approval every now and then. Luke shifted around after a few minutes and when I opened my eyes he had his feet up on the cushions and his ass pushed out more. He indicated to close my eyes and he moved my head with his hand. He kept pushing me lower and lower. I started to move away from his asshole, but he was stronger and pulled my tongue right to it. It smelled a little musky and tasted a little bitter, but overall wasn't too bad . . . I started to lick around there with my tongue . . . wetting the little hairs that were soft and blond. I tongued the center of his hole and Luke moaned. I kept doing this for some time, just licking lightly across the center of his hole. Luke was moving his head from side to side. "Oh yeah, Trent, tongue fuck me, man . . . . Dude - you gotta sweet fuckin tongue. That's it, tongue fuck me dude." And I did. I licked his hole and then after a while, stuck my tongue in. His hole was relaxed and he had let go of my head. He was into it and so was I. By this time my cock was oozing and I was ready to shoot. I hadn't touched myself, but I had never in my life been so turned on. Luke sensed this and moved us onto the floor. He laid me flat on my back and we were 69ing with him on top. He was pushing his ass on my face and was licking me. This was my first blowjob. And Luke knew what he was doing! Soon I was thrusting up to meet his mouth. I was getting really close when Luke sat straight up and rode my tongue inside his warm ass. He was moaning and arching backwards. Luke got up then.

He told me to close my eyes and I did. To make sure I didn't see what was going on he secured his shirt around my eyes like he had with Tammy. But I knew what was going on. He slowly sat on my prick. I was all the way inside him. He was riding me! HOLY FUCKING SHIT! Luke was riding my COCK! Damn this was hot! He was warm, moist and very slippery inside. I would later find out that he'd been using his dildo prior to going to the bar. All of a sudden I got curious and just ripped the shirt off my head and started touching Luke and looking at him. I played with his chest, his abdomen, and when I got to his nipples he stopped moving. His ass was clenching my cock like a fist. He came up off my cock and went back to the sofa . . . he sat down with his ass off the cushions and I followed. He threw his hairy legs over my shoulder and pulled me inside of him with one hand. "Dude," he said, "This is your first time and I want you to fuck me hard with that beer can cock dude. Pull all the way out and slam it back in me. It feels REAL good when you do it man." So I did as he requested and started slamming the hell out him. At sixteen and in great shape I was able to last all of six strokes when I started shooting my wad. Most of it landed inside his hot hole. I was still long-dicking him - pulling all the way out - when I started my last shot some of it hit him square in his open mouth and the rest went in his hole and I stayed there. I was about to collapse when Luke forced my head to his cock to engulf his spasming cock. I drank down as much of Luke's cum as I could, but a lot had streamed down his shaft when the flow had subsided. Luke told me to clean it up . . . so I did. And then he made me eat his hole, which I'd flooded earlier. I licked and lapped for about twenty minutes and had the treat of my life. Luke's hole tasted so good and he was very appreciative of the fucking and sucking I'd done. It was only after I ate my own cum which had mingled with that which I'd missed and had run down the crack of his ass that he made me sit back.

We were both still hard and had just finished panting heavily when he sat up. He lifted me onto the couch and put the blindfold back on. He told me if I took it off I would regret it. Luke started kissing me. It didn't seem weird at all because I couldn't see what or who I was kissing. But I thought it was cool - I mean after all - it was Luke.

Luke was using his hands to play with my body. He certainly knew what he was doing. He was playing with my tits and moving his hands down my sides to my legs and ass. He started fingering my asshole with his fingers and I instantly tensed up. He whispered in my ear to relax a bit. I did and as I released a deep breath, he stuck just barely the tip of his finger into my hole. I nearly shot my load then and there.

He then started moving his mouth down my body, playing with my tits and licking my abs and then lower. He teased me with his mouth licking just to the sides of my penis and on the sides of my balls slowly driving me mad. I tried to move, but he saw this and held my hands down. I was under Luke's control and he told me to submit and let him do what he wanted. He said it in a voice that made me believe I'd regret it if I didn't let him have his way. I was getting super hard and my cock had been dripping a steady stream of precum all over my abs. Luke licked it up and then engulfed my raging cock down to my pubes. I instantly started rocking my hips pushing my cock in and out of his mouth. After just a few moments of this I started cumming in his mouth. He just took it all in his mouth swirling his tongue around the crown of my cock.

"Boy, you've got some sweet cum." He said after he'd finished. I was feeling a bit tired and light-headed, but Luke obviously wasn't. He decided to keep going. One of the advantages of being so young I was able to stay hard the whole time. He went down on me for a while longer and then moved down to my hole. He started licking and as I relaxed, a world of sensations opened up to me. He physically made me kneel on the floor and lean forward on the couch as he had been when I fucked his ass a few minutes ago. He kept licking and started pushing a finger in. After a while I came to the realization that I had his whole finger in my ass. He was still licking and frenching my asshole like it was a chick's mouth. Occasionally he'd spit in there and I'd feel the cool breeze inside me. I was losing track of time and he eventually got three fingers in me. All the way. I wasn't in pain. I was pretty close to an orgasm. Luke took the lube off my dripping cock and put it on his own. He knelt behind me and in one steady move slid his cock all the way in me. I came all over the couch as he hit my prostate. He started moving in and out. And still I was cumming. I was having what might quite possibly be the best orgasm of my life. Luke kept pumping away at my ass as I started to drift down from my climax. As I caught my breath and enjoyed the new sensations for the third time tonight Luke started giving me orders. "Clamp your ass like you're trying to hold in a fart, dude." He said sternly. I did and was rewarded with a low moan. Then he stopped moving. He told me to push out like I was taking a shit. I complied wanting to give Luke a great ride like he'd done for me. He started fucking my ass again. This time he was a bit rougher and drew his huge cock all the way out and then slammed back in to the balls. He did this for a while. My abs were getting sore as I was still pushing out, so I stopped. He noticed right away and slapped my ass open-handed telling me not to stop until he told me I could. So I pushed my ass to meet his thrusts and kept pushing my asshole out. He started getting really rough and told me to clench my ass again like I'd done before and do it hard! I did and he plunged all the way out and back in several times. I could feel the cum hitting the inside and outside of my ass as he went in and out of my ass while cumming. I had been hard the whole time and started cumming when he slammed me again for the last time. I was exhausted. So was he. We got up and went upstairs to my room where I fell asleep against him.

Saturday Morning I woke up in my bed alone. I felt sort of weird about things. I decided to take a shower and clear my head. Had last night really happened? I showered and went downstairs in my boxers like I usually did and went about pouring myself a glass of milk and started getting cereal. I really didn't think too much about last night - or was trying not to. As I was closing the refrigerator door Luke came around the corner into the kitchen. He'd gone for a run to God knows where and was sweaty as hell. I just stood up holding the milk and looked at him. He was glistening and had a pretty easy breathing pattern for having worked up that much of a sweat. I noticed because his chest was expanding to even larger proportions every time he took a breath. He saw me checking him out and the corner of his mouth lifted in a cute grin. He farted. Then laughed and groped me and said, "Thanks for last night, stud. That was just what I needed." I was feeling a bit weird about it now. I didn't know what to say. What do you say after you've fucked a dude's ass and he's fucked yours? 'Yeah, no prob? Anytime . . . ' So I said nothing. He understood my silence and went upstairs without saying anything further. After finishing my breakfast I headed downstairs like I always do Saturday mornings to workout. It totally increases your metabolic rate if you workout in the a.m. That way you burn more calories throughout the day. This was my philosophy. And my dad's as well.

I was downstairs still in my boxers doing a set of inclined bench press to work on the shelf that is my chest when Luke came downstairs. His hair was still wet, but sticking up as guys with the jarhead cut usually does. He was wearing jeans and nothing else. He sat down at the leg press machine across from me and watched me finish my set. I was doing a set at about 160 which was a fair amount of weight and pushed out a good eight and then really pushed for two more. Luke didn't come around to spot me. I was cool with that though. I still wasn't feeling really sure about what'd happened. What if Dad ever found out? What would he say or do? Would he be cool with his son gettin' dicked and dicking a dude he'd served with? I put it out of my mind as the barbell hit the rack. I was breathing a little heavy and Luke said, "You always workout like this?" I asked what he meant and he said, "Do you always exhaust the largest part of your muscle first?" to which I gave an affirmative reply. He explained to me that sometimes - about once every four times he worked a muscle he'd start by working the accessory muscles and then work the larger ones at a lighter weight. He said by doing this I'd be able to lift more weight more quickly than if I continued to lift the way I had been. So I worked out and he gave me little tips here and there. It was just like old times. After working up a sweat I smelled pretty funky and started to head upstairs. Luke followed me to my room. I was grabbing a towel from the closet and he grabbed my arm. "Trent," he said in a very gentle voice, "are you okay, man? I don't want to confuse you or hurt you dude. I care a lot about you." "I just don't know what to make of it." I replied. I was confused. He moved a step closer and we were standing toe to toe. He said, "look bud - I know you're probably confused about some things, but I can help you with that. It doesn't matter what people think so long as you're happy and healthy man." "It's cool for now dude - just don't bring it up to my dad." I told him. "Fuck no, man! He'd KILL me." Luke said. I was relieved.

I started to turn to go into the bathroom, but Luke pulled me back unexpectedly and pulled me over to the bed. He pushed me down so my legs were hanging off the side of the bed and pulled my boxers off. I wasn't sure what he was going to do. He started by licking my cock and balls and the insides of my thighs. It felt really good and I'd squirm when it got ticklish. I was hard and barely noticed Luke pulling his jeans off. This was great. I was in heaven. As he kept working me over he was massaging me in different areas with his hands. He'd worked me over pretty well so far, but started tonguing my asshole like he'd done last night. As he did this he crawled up on the bed so that we were in a 69 position with my mouth on his hole and his on mine. He worked his tongue into my raw hole and eventually a finger. When he got his finger in to the knuckle he pushed up and I felt a wave of horny heat flow over me. I would learn that he was literally massaging my prostate with his finger. It felt hot. I was about to shoot when he pulled his finger out slowly and sat up so that he could be in control and really force my tongue into his now somewhat loose hole. He started bouncing a little and moaning. A little of my cum dripped out from the night before. He must have missed that in the shower earlier. I licked it up and it was still warm and clean and tasted a bit sweet. He bent back over and went back to work on my cock, which still hadn't touched my abs or the moderate covering of hair there. He got me nice and slick spitting several times and eventually barely touching my cock with his lips. After somewhere in the neighborhood of five minutes dude got up and turned around and started riding my cock.

"Squeeze my right hand when you're getting close." He said. Luke was going up and down much like an equestrian. Pretty soon I was squeezing his hand and he stopped with just an inch of my cock out of his ass. He looked into my eyes and smiled. He told me that he wanted me to learn how to control my orgasm so that I could last longer. "What's the use in lasting longer when I can go a few times in a row?" He told me that the chicks really dig it and it'd be something to make them beg for. Guys too. I wasn't sure how I felt about that until Luke started moving up and down again. I was all for it! He rolled to his side while I was still inside of him and pulled me over so I was standing on the floor and he was the one laying on the bed. He moved his hairy blond calves up to my shoulders and told me to pound him good, but not to cum yet. I started moving my hips and before long was slowing to a stop. When I stopped I was pushing my pubes against my skin from the contact with the bottom of his pelvis. As soon as the feeling passed I started fucking Luke again. This time as I was fucking him he told me that I would fuck his ass by just plunging my mushroom headed cock in and out of his hole as I was cumming. I should grunt as I felt the onset of my orgasm. He told me to be as verbal as I wanted. No one would hear.

I was plugging away and it was about two minutes later when I grunted. I was long-dicking Luke and he was yellin, "yeah, c'mon man! Give me your seed! That's right plow my ass you fuckin stud!! Drill me with that big cock!" And I did. He yelled at me to just fuck with the head of my cock. I started doing that and he tightened his hole. "Oh yeah, man! Just like that! Oh FUCK that feels good, Trent!" This sent me over the edge and I started cumming. I came so much that it was spilling out around the edges of his hole and on my cock. It was dribbling on to the shirt that had been on the bedpost, which Luke was now holding under his ass. After my orgasm subsided he pulled my head down to his cock and told me to suck just the head in and out. I did as he told. He was jerking his cock up and down the base while I did this. He told me he was going to cum in my mouth and that I should keep it on my tongue. He started cumming and started bucking his hips and groaning as he shot six large hot volleys into my mouth. The first four had gone directly to my throat so I was sure to pull back and keep the last two in my mouth. I was successful. As Luke's orgasm subsided he told me to show him his cum which I did. "Awesome, Trent. Now keep it in your mouth and lick my asshole clean." I had to think for a moment, but put it off to the side of my mouth and went about licking Luke's hole. He brought his hands down and opened his ass cheeks and then pushed cum out of his hole as I was licking. IT was fucking hot! I was loving this. Still hard from fucking him, I was stroking while I licked up all my cum. Luke told me to keep some on his tongue.

Comparatively speaking, my cum was much sweeter than Luke's. Later I would come to find out that it was because I ate more fruit and he ate more veggies in the 24 hrs preceding our little session. Luke had me show him my cum and I did. Then he shocked me by grabbing my neck and pulling my face to his and kissing me. Both of our cum from my mouth was sucked into his by gravity and some kinky tongue movements by Luke. Then he started REALLY kissing me. He rolled us over so that I was on my back. He continued to make out with me for a while which was making me really hot and then told me that he wanted to fuck me. I didn't say anything. I had just fucked dude's ass so in my mind he had a right to return the favor. He sensed the hesitation and said that if I didn't want it he would go away. I was torn. This was all so fuckin new and weird. But I didn't want Luke to go away. I told him to go for it. "Okay, Trent, but before we start I'm going to tell you some things and then ask you again if you want me to make Love to you." I nodded. He said, "You and I are buds. But if you let me fuck you now I'm going to fuck you hard. REALLY hard. You might bleed just a little bit inside. But my cum will be with you forever dude. And once that happens you will be mine forever. This means that you'll please me and do as I tell you to do when I tell you to do it. You'll be happy this way, Trent, I know you will. And if you're not you're free to end it, but know that if you end it, I'll be gone and we'll never cross paths again. Ever." I was thinking about this. I wasn't sure. But the thing I did know was that Luke was fucking awesome and would never hurt me. Not intentionally. He would be there to hang out with and stuff like that. Not only that but he'd make me into a man. What was I to do?

Next: Chapter 3

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