
By ten.retrahc@seirotsytfin

Published on Aug 31, 2002


This story is fictional. If it is illegal to obtain material of a sexual nature where you live then you view this at your own discretion. Author is not liable for any legal ramifications. Responses to this author may be made by emailing: Thank you for supporting Nifty Archives.

Copyright 2002

Being an only child and not having other siblings sometimes gave my parents the feeling that they could take over the entire house as their territory for just about anything and everything - especially sex. I remember when I was seven and coming home from school one day I found them on the couch. My dad, who'd been 17 when he joined the Marines, had a great body at 25. He had my mom kneel on the couch while he long dicked her from behind. Shoving his long cock all the way up her pussy and then pulling all the way out.

My parents were young. My dad had decided to leave and join the Marines right after high school. But not before getting my mom pregnant with me. It was so funny. They never cared if I saw them having sex. A few times I think it actually sent them both over the edge.

This continued through my sophomore year in high school when I was 16. My mom was just celebrating her 34th birthday and my dad was now 33. Me being the horny teen I would sometimes watch them and jerk off or spy on them and think about what they were doing later. My dad was a workout freak and made sure that I was also. At 33 he was still a Herculean man. Being six-foot-four and weighing in at 212 - none of which was fat - and having a strong Scandinavian heritage, he was an impressive looking man. My mom was only two years older and was an impressive brunette. My buds all gave me shit about the size of her breasts. I was never offended about it because I'd seen them. I'd seen my dad sucking on them, fucking his cock between them, eating his own cum off them. There weren't too many things I hadn't seen them do together . . . it seemed perfectly natural to me.

One afternoon after football I came home. My parents were arguing. Dad's best Marine buddy - Luke - would be moving into our house. The thing was Luke was only 8 years older than I. He had joined under my dad's command when he was 18 and had been in the marines since. I'd only met him a handful of times and never really thought much of it. My mom was concerned about the house being too small and my dad was explaining that it would only be for a few months while Luke got settled here in the Midwest.

I really didn't think much of it, but did notice that my parents weren't having sex anymore anywhere except their bedroom. But being busy with Fall sports and homecoming and being one of the better athletes on a football team in a small school that really wasn't very much competition, I was popular and didn't notice as much. I was also busy working out and with practices and games I was having a good time. I had a body to keep up. Almost 17 I was already 6'2" and 175 pounds of lean muscle. My brown hair and blue eyes were gifts from my parents. Call it good genetics. The best part was my thick 8 inches of cock. I had a mean looking cock. It wasn't like my dad's. His was thick and longer about 9 and a half inches. But where I didn't have his length, I did have much more width. All the better to split the bitches open with when I finally found one who didn't have 'this thing' about having sex before she was married. Small towns were like that . . . I longed for a larger city.

So my days and nights rolled on. On a particular Friday Night my parents were taking a vacation two hours away and missed the game that I was playing. We lost, as usual, but I wasn't worried. I'd helped to score some serious points. I was leaving the field when I saw a blond haired-blue eyed guy approach me. Luke. He certainly had gotten a lot bigger. More muscular. Damn . . . I had to find out what he was doin with his workouts and what kinda protein he was on! Even through the cool-weather clothes he wore I could see his chest pump out and his arms straining the sleeves on his flight jacket. He approached and slapped me on the ass and said, "nice job, sport. Wassup?" "Not too much, man, you?" I responded. Luke filled me in that he was only here for the weekend and that he'd be coming back later in the week.

Well Luke beat me back home and asked why I hadn't brought a chick home. I told him I didn't have one. He teased me saying he wouldn't tell my 'rents if I gave her a lil' bump bump while they were gone so long as I used a condom. I told him about the chicks bein' the marry-me-now, fuck-me-later type. He understood. He was actually goin' to the bar and was gonna pick up a chick and bring her back. I told him cool so long as he knew how to do laundry so mom didn't get pissed if the bed sheets were fucked up. He said with a wink that he hadn't planned on usin' their bedroom. Made me think for a minute . . . .

So I went and stowed my shit and went to hang on my computer and download some shit from the internet. Just your average shit - porn, music, whatever. Didn't have any homework. I was about to crash when I heard the front door open and close. I heard a couple of voices and figured Luke had found what he was looking for - pussy.

I crept down the stairs to the lower level and was peeking around the corner into the living room. Luke had gotten her kinda drunk and she was all over him. She was about 5'6" and probably 120 pounds. She had blond hair and a lighter eye color I couldn't distinguish. She had a skinny lil body and a nice ass and really nice breasts. The kind that point up when a chick's on her back. Luke wasn't really kissing her. Just rubbing her and watching her squirm. He had built a fire in the fireplace. It was easy to see that she was putty in his hands. It seemed that Luke knew exactly what to do. Pretty soon she was clawing his clothes off his body. At this point I saw him lift them up and move them to the floor . . . I could now see everything as the back of the couch wasn't in the way any longer. She was naked . . . and damn if she didn't have a nice rack.

Then I recognized her . . .this was Missy's older sister! I had dated Missy for a while, but ended up breaking up with her when I needed to concentrate on football and grades. I told her my dad would kick my ass and that was good enough for her. The truth that she wouldn't even touch my cock was something that even at 16 I knew better than to tell her. And here was Luke, about to nail her sister. Damn . . . I watched him lick his way all over her body . . . she had taken off his shirt to expose his tan, muscular chest that stuck out like a shelf over his washboard abs. She was in the process of freeing his cock while as they were moving into the sixty-nine position when he started to munch on her clit . . . she threw her head back and moaned really loud. Luke finished taking off his pants - he didn't wear underwear - and inserted his cock in her mouth . . . well as much of the 10 inch beast as she could . . . . Luke was just as thick as I was and longer than dad!! I was instantly jealous - both of the fact that he was going to get some and of the fact that he was totally brawny and powerful. I was having a case of penis/body envy.

I started stroking my eight inches through my jeans as Luke put her through her paces. He eventually got between her legs and had her lie back on the floor. Kneeling like he was at a church pew he pulled her onto his thick cock fast and hard . . . . too fast . . she shrieked. He yelled at her to take it all and stop bitching . . . she shut up for a second and started yelling in a few seconds. Apparently Luke wanted total silence because he took his shirt and rapped it around her head covering her eyes. She instantly tried to remove it but Luke kept her hands at her sides with his big ones and continued to pound into her. Drawing all the way out and slamming back in until his pelvis connected with hers. She'd stopped screaming from the lack of sight and her cunt became used to his size. Luke was now lying on top of her but keeping his upper body held way off her. His hands were on the floor and if I'd been able to see a profile shot it would've looked like he was doin' 'shups. Only he wasn't . . . he was fucking the hell out of Missy's older sister Tammy. All of a sudden Luke started really slamming and you could tell he was coming as he roared in pleasure. As he came inside her cunt you could see each of the sinew in each muscle of his body stand out. All of a sudden he threw his head back and closed his eyes as he withdrew. He slammed all the way into her causing the wind to be knocked out of her and leveled his head. He opened his eyes and looked right into mine and started shaking as he began having another orgasm. I was too shocked to move . . . and still we stared. He smiled, dropped his head down and pulled out of her. He stood up and walked right past me into the kitchen slapping my ass as he walked by. I think he enjoyed that he was in my parent's house enjoying his 'kill'. Tammy hadn't moved. She was still locked in a trance of post-orgasmic bliss when he returned to the living room, hairless ass cheeks bouncing in sync with his macho walk. Luke was a machine. His crew cut and Marine body was not only a killing machine, but a fucking machine. And he was going to show me how relentless he was.

Luke was still hard and spiked Tammy as he held her sit up and had her sip the glass of water that contained the crushed up 'morning-after' pill that he'd put in the glass while in the kitchen. Luke was no dummy. He kept her on his prong and had her drink the entire glass. He then pulled out of her which caused her to moan softly. He had her put her elbows on the la-z-boy and had her in doggy position. I thought he was going to fuck her this way until he waved me over and had me sit on the couch. He was careful not to let her know I was there. She never complained about the shirt still covering her head. I think we all knew that nothing good would come of her complaints except another one of Luke's orgasms from a hard fuck.

I came into the living room and sat on the couch where he'd indicated. I had full view of Tammy's now-gaping cunt as I sat across from the la-z-boy. Then Luke laid down on the floor and slid himself under Tammy like a mechanic sliding under a car. He put his bulging arms around her and pulled her cunt down on his face. Not so close that I didn't see the mix of her cunt-juice along with his cum slide onto his tongue and down his throat. She was getting all horny about 10 minutes later and was sliding her clit back and forth on Luke's tongue and nose when I didn't see any more cum. Luke pushed her back to her doggy position with her arms on the soft cushion of the chair. He came out from underneath her and approached me, all 10 inches waving around as he walked over to me. He lifted my arms and removed my shirt revealing much the same of what he saw in the mirror when he looked at himself . . . a muscular chest with nice arms sitting over an eight pack of abs. I however, had a small patch of hair over my jeans on my abs. Luke brought me over to Tammy and had me get on my hands and knees behind her. He indicated to lick her cunt and proceeded to push my face into her.

I didn't know what I was doing at first, but Luke quickly grabbed my head with his large hand and pushed my neck up and down and stuck his finger in Tammy's pussy next to my tongue. Pretty soon I was licking his finger. He'd move his finger around where he wanted me to lick. He soon had me licking her clit and she started moaning. He pressed on her clit and within a matter of about a minute her sweet nectar started to flow stronger. I was addicted. As I got into it Luke pulled me off and sat me on the couch again. He stood and moved around to Tammy's face and had her take as much of the shaft as she could . . . I knew that her teeth had to be scraping his massive pole but Luke didn't seem to care . . . he was only concerned with getting her drool all over his cock.

As he pulled out of her mouth he had me stand at her side just opposite of where he'd been standing a minute ago. My jeans were tented and he took in the sight with a quick lick of his lips as he knelt between Tammy's legs and started to slowly enter her ass. She started to scream and he quickly jabbed about two inches into her and that caused her to really wail. No need to worry about the neighbors though as we were smack dab in the middle of forty acres of land that my parent's six year-old house sat on. All the same Luke told her to shut up. She didn't . . . he withdrew the four inches he had in her and slammed about six back in. She quickly got the point. I'd never seen anything quite like this . . . even Mom and Dad never did this . . . it was interesting and I thought that it must feel really good for Luke to put Tammy through all this pain. Luke never put his whole penis in her ass, just did quick short strokes for about forty minutes until the end. All of a sudden he slammed into Tammy's ass and started shaking all over . . . Tammy started moaning like a wanton whore. She was cumming all over the floor. Luke continued to shake and looked at me and smiled a sexy confident smile. Luke pulled his cock out of her ass and pulled my face down to drink his cum. I was grossed out at first and tried to pull away, but was no match for Luke's brute strength. Good thing that Tammy had no idea what was going on. He held me there and soon cum started to ooze out of her used butt-hole. The funny thing was that once I tasted it, I didn't mind it so much. It was actually starting to taste pretty good when the flow subsided. Luke pulled me off and had me kneel between her legs. He quickly removed my jeans and grabbed my cock.

I was a bit shocked. I'd seen other dude's cocks in the showers and stuff, but never touched another dude's aside from my dad's when we'd shower together. Even now sometimes when we'd shower together he'd let me touch his penis and stroke it. We had a huge shower stall upstairs across the hall from my room and sometimes just walked into the shower when the other was already in there. We had shower heads on each side of the stall so it wasn't a big deal. But dad had never touched me anywhere except my ass. But I trusted Luke. He gently rubbed my asshole with his finger while he moved my cock head around and slightly inside Tammy's used pussy and asshole. I was about to cum when he squeezed the head to prevent it. How he realized when I was about to cum I'll never know. He pushed me back onto the couch. I just sat there as he picked up Tammy, her clothes and shoes and carried her out to her car. I watched from the couch in the firelight as he made her kiss his cock goodbye - she was driving home nude. She wanted a kiss and he said no. She kissed his cock again and left. As Luke was walking back to the house, his cock hard once again from God knows what, I noticed how incredibly sexy the lines were around the sides of his torso stretching down in a V to where his huge cock and big hairless balls were swaying with each step he took.

This was going to be a helluva weekend.

Next: Chapter 2

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