Lukas and the Shah

By Emri S.

Published on Aug 10, 2018


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Story Recap: Lukas, an athletic California 17 yr-old with blonde hair, blue eyes, and tight body, is in love with Ari, a wealthy, muscled, 25 yr-old Persian bent on dominating the "innocent" boy. When a weekend mix-up happened, Lukas had nowhere to stay so his dad agreed to let him go to San Francisco with Ari. Will Ari prove he can be responsible with his boy and earn both fathers' trusts or fail miserably and lose Lukas to The Castro?


{Lukas & The Shah}

[Ch.8- A Boy & His Bodyguard]

~By Emri~

"I will! But I really need to brush my teeth! I taste gross!" I protested and wiggled out from under his arm where I'd woken up against his chest. He'd kissed me and I'd realized with embarrassment that I had crazy morning breath from lipping at his nipple all night.

"No, you do not leave, princess! You want to taste what is gross? Here," Ari said and laughed. He gripped me by the hair and forced my face into his armpit. He's twice my size so it's useless to struggle, but I still put my hand on his chest and tried to push away as he laughed.

"Grosssss!" I protested and inhaled his warm funk from a night of sleep. We'd showered before bed and he hadn't put on any deodorant so his pits had a natural rank. I wrestled with futile effort but his scent turned me on. His heavy musk went straight to my brain and reminded me how inferior I was to this dominant specimen of alpha perfection.

"You say you want gross! Lick it clean then I let you go!" Ari was enjoying himself and had woken up extra playful. His muscled, furry body easily bent me to it's will. I had little hope of resistance.

I gave in. I lapped at his salty grunge. It wasn't the worst... and having my head nestled there all night had heated it up, so I kind of owed it to him to clean up after myself. I got my tongue in there and slurped and sucked till his skin was clean. He mumbled little things to me as I rooted around and slurped up his pungent, male scent.

"You love that. Don't you, princess... yeah you do... eat what daddy gives you... clean it all... that's daddy's good girl. Get it all," Ari encouraged. His voice turned from playful to that deep daddy tone that sent chills through me.

He let me go when he was satisfied. We'd both slept naked so there was no way to hide how rock hard I was under his control as I lifted off from him. I gasped for air and smacked a hand against his chest.

"Where is my thank you? You hit daddy when he reward you with what your pussy boy heart need?" Ari faked a look of disbelief. He knew full well I'd enjoyed cleaning his pit.

"Thank you, daddy," I said with sarcasm and rolled my eyes. I started to crawl away to go brush my teeth. He pulled me back.

"Is not sound sincere from you. Where is gratitude? Try again!" Ari growled.

"Thank y..." I started to say but then he hooked an arm around my shoulder and quickly brought me down under his other arm. He gripped my hair again and made me lick out his other pit. His wrestling moves were fierce, not that I could really fight back.

"Ungrateful pussy boy... lick it clean then we see the gratitude! That's it... good girl... eat your breakfast... take your medicine... maybe you grow big and strong like daddy if you get this every day." Ari was growling with pleasure at how easily he could make me do this.

I'd licked it clean before I realized he was barely holding me down now. He knew I understood my place. He knew I'd given up the struggle and liked pleasing him.

"Thank you [gasp] sir [gasp]," I said it with sincerity this time as I raised my head.

"Can I go brush my teeth now?" I begged.

"Yes, but first," he said then grabbed my hair again. He pulled me down for a kiss. His tongue slipped past my lips and licked around mine. He didn't care how bad I tasted. I was his.

"Now you go. Your breath stink! Go brush clean for me!" He laughed and shoved me up playfully. I sat up on him, straddling his cock. It rubbed against my bare ass. He put his hands on my pecs and squeezed them.

"I love these tiny boytits and pink nipples." He beamed up at me with those huge, brown, Persian eyes.

"Thank you, sir," I whispered with confusion. He loved referring to me as a girl and named my body parts like I was somewhere in between.

"You may go now." He nodded and I turned around on him to crawl off the bed.

I was on all fours crawling away when I felt his hands on my hips. He grabbed them roughly and dragged me back over his chest and towards his face, ass-first. I didn't even try to struggle.

"I give you permission to leave and then you wiggle this beautiful pink pussy in my face! You beg to be taken by your owner! How you can think to leave my bed when you present me with this offering?" Ari asked with hunger in his voice.

"I wasn't, sir! I was trying to crawl off of you! You're just so huge, sir," I started to protest but then felt his warm, wet tongue push into my hole. I gripped the comforter that was gathered just below his knees as I lunged forward weakly. I melted on him and my head dropped between his thick, furry thighs as he ate my hole.

"Oh fuck that feels so good!" I screamed out. His tongue made wide, pressured circles inside me. My body lit up with electricity as he plugged my socket.

"Huhhh! Oh fuck! Dude! That's so! Oh my god! Yeah! Daddy!" I started to push back against his tongue as he worked his magic inside me. His hands gripped my cheeks and kneaded them. He warmed up my oven to prepare it for his meat.

"Yes sir! Please, daddy! Eat my pussy!" I used all the phrases he liked to hear as he opened me. His tongue touched every spot he could get to, every spot that made me moan and spasm. My cock was rock hard and sliding between his huge pecs. His monster was fully awake and poking against my chin.

I bowed my head and started to suck on his cock like a pacifier. It was the least I could do to pay my fare for the laser show he was producing inside me. I bobbed on his thick cock. I could only get a few inches in from the weird angle but I sucked out his precum and swallowed it hungrily.

"So tasty, my love. I need to breed my baby. It is time," he said as he pulled his tongue out.

"Really? We can? Yes sir! Please!" I whimpered and stroked his massive cock. I raised my head and looked back at him. He had his hands on my cheeks and massaged them then gave them both a rough smack.

"The potion... is in my shave bag... go and bring," Ari said as he stared hypnotically at my hole. I looked with confusion.

"Potion... oh the lube!" I laughed.

"Yes! Pussy potion. Go and bring," Ari didn't share in my amusement. He smacked my ass again and I jumped. I hopped off the bed and went to grab it. It wasn't called pussy potion. There bottle read, "VirginGlide" but he could call it whatever he wanted.

"Here!" I bounced back to the bed excitedly like there was a pony waiting outside.

"Lie down. Is easy to start this way for beginner but I don't like position... no, my love... lie on your baby belly. Next time we can do on your back so I watch this beautiful face twist in pleasure. For starting we try like this," Ari said as he positioned me.

He'd stood up from the bed and was stroking his cock. He had me lie down on my stomach and then he grabbed my leg with one hand and dragged me so I was lying parallel to the pillows.

"This is good. I can see your face in the mirror. You need tell me what hurt. I know you won't. You are so eager. I can not trust that you will know when to say stop. My innocent boy want more than he can handle." He said as he squeezed lube over his cock and slicked it up.

He dragged me back so my ass was in the air near the edge of the bed. He poured more lube between my cheeks and his fingers pushed it inside my hole. I'd slept with his finger inside me the whole night so I was a little opened from that and his tongue.

Ari looked at me in the mirror. He leaned over me as he worked his fingers into my hole. He slid them in slowly and kept pausing for me to get used to them. I was squirming as his fingers lit up my happy spots again.

"Yes! Oh daddy! Uh huh! Mmmm!" I whined under his expert touch. He just chuckled at my pleasure. To him this was just work before he could sink that thick brown snake where it belonged.

"This position easiest for beginner. Will help me get in deeper to plant my seed. I fill your belly with Persian babies. You want that, princess? You want little Persian warriors to grow inside you?" He asked with a cocky smirk.

"Yes, sir! Please, daddy! Please breed me," I begged. His fingers dug in and he started to expand my ring as he twisted them and pushed out with gentle force.

"That's my good baby... open for daddy... fuck this pussy is so tight!" He encouraged. He started to slide the fingers in and out of me. I was begging and crying for more.

"Those big blue eyes beg me in the mirror... so happy my little Lukas!" Ari was sliding them in and out faster now. He was jerking his cock and mine was leaking precum onto the bed.

"Uh huh! I need it, daddy." I wiggled my ass as his fingers slipped out.

For weeks I'd thought about his cock fucking my hole. He'd put in the tip and even moved it around a little, but I wanted more. I wanted to be worthy of him, worthy of getting it all and having his seed planted deep inside me. I wanted his cock to hit the spots his fingers had reached. I wanted to know what it felt like to have his thick Persian monster pushing inside me.

"Here we go, baby love. Tell me what you need," Ari said. I felt his tip press against my hole and he pushed into me until I gasped and my throat made a croaking sound. I inhaled and then buried my face in the comforter until I felt his hand on my hair pull my head up so our eyes met in the mirror.

"Look at me, little one. I need see you," Ari whispered as he bent down over my back. We locked eyes in the mirror and I watched his face turn from lust into this intense focus like he was about to perform surgery on me. He let go of my hair and slid his hand down to my neck like he was going to strangle me. I felt so helpless in his hold. He rubbed his other hand over my chest, pulling and twisting my nipples playfully.

"Yes, sir. Please fuck me," I whimpered. I kept my eyes on him, but he still held my neck to keep me facing the mirror. His cock started to push in so slowly that I almost didn't feel it until he hit a new depth that made me clench my teeth and squint.

"There, is ok, my princess. See how serious this can be? A real man knows the first time with brand new pussy is not for the man's pleasure. It is to go slow and safe so the boy can see how good it is. You need good daddy here. This why I must watch you." Ari stroked my neck with one hand and rubbed my chest with the other.

"Yes, sir," I sniffled. I felt full inside, but it didn't hurt, not really. He held us there and his face disappeared behind my head to kiss and bite on my neck. I moaned and whimpered, wanting to push back on him, but I knew he wouldn't approve.

"Breathe with me. You feel my stomach against your back. Breathe in deeply with it." Ari sucked in air slowly as his face re-appeared in the mirror beside mine. He pursed his lips and I sucked in with him. I felt his abs expand and it pushed down on the center of my back. I inhaled and exhaled with him. I felt my body open up and then his cock slipped in deeper.

"There you go, so good my princess. Your pussy sucks me in when you relax and breathe. You feel me, princess? You fit me so perfect. Feels like made just for me," he praised.

"It's so big... but I want more." I watched him inhale again and I joined him. He pushed in a little more. We did this again and again until he stopped. He held me there for the longest time. His cock pressed on every happy spot inside me and sent this continually rolling wave of chills through me. We stared at each other for the longest time.

"Is it in all the way?" I asked with confusion. He'd stopped pushing.

"No, love. About half," he noted as he raised up to check.

"I can take more. It feels ok," I said and wiggled my ass on his pole.

"I can not. If I move it will erupt." Ari confessed. He smiled weakly. I understood. His hand that rubbed my chest moved down to my tummy. He rubbed in slow circles on my sensitive flesh. It made my cock bounce against the comforter.

"I love this. It feels so full in there. I don't want it over so soon," I confessed. Ari was a man who took his duty seriously. He'd been so patient working it inside me. I wanted him to pound me like in the movies.

"One more minute, my princess. We have a lifetime to perfect this. I did not expect it would feel this good. It's so different with the one who hold my heart," he said and offered a thin smile. I got an idea. I would distract him.

"What are we doing tomorrow? I read on Yelp there's an ice cream place with red beans. It's a Chinese thing. We should try it," I said coolly. I was on my knees, bent forward onto my elbows with my legs spread and my hole stuffed with his cock. I had my arms folded in front of me with my head resting on my hands while staring at my alpha in the mirror. Of course we'd talk about our day.

Ari laughed. He kissed the back of my neck then kissed my cheek. He knew I was trying to distract him.

"I love you, Lukas. You are my perfection," he praised.

"I love you too. I can't believe we got to be here. I thought right now I'd be in my bed alone and you'd be out partying without me," I confessed. He sighed and pushed inside me again. It hit a new spot and I gasped and grabbed the edge of the mattress.

"I take care of my love. Soon you will be in my bed every night and sleep in my arms I fill you with my seed until my babies grow in your belly." Ari perked up with confidence. He pushed in again and my fingers pulled at the mattress.

"Fuucckk that feels good!" I muffled my scream into the comforter as he went in deeper. It felt like an arm reaching up inside me.

"No, no, love. Eyes on me or I will have to spank this perfect bottom," he reminded. He put a hand on my neck again and raised my head. I'd never had something like that in my hole. It stretched and filled me. My eyes were watering and I sniffed back a tear.

"It's okay. You're safe with me," he assured. He held for a minute then started to slide out.

"No! No! I can take it. Don't go," I begged. His retreating cock sent a shock of electricity through me as he rubbed every happy spot inside me.

"I know you can. I don't want to go too far your first time. You were made for daddy's cock. Is time to breed you," Ari growled in my ear.

He started to nibble on it as his cock slid back inside me. He took it so slowly, but didn't stop for breaks this time. Our eyes locked in the mirror and I felt his heavy muscular frame crush me down into the mattress.

"Uh huhhh!" I whined as he started to slow-pound me. He was grunting and groaning; sliding in and out of me and picking up speed but not going as deep. It had my eyes fighting to stay open as warm waves of chills and jerks shot through my muscles and made my brain feel like I was floating. I gasped desperately for air. His hand held up my neck and he massaged my throat, squeezing a little and watching me like a hawk would its prey.

"Fuck my baby so beautiful. I love how this pussy awakens to me. It know who owns it." He started to speed up and kissed my neck as he fucked me.

"Yes, daddy. Take what's yours," I panted and nodded at him. It felt so fucking incredible to have him crush me into the bed and own my hole. I knew I was his and made him so hard. My cock was rubbing back and forth, trapped between my stomach and the comforter. I was going to shoot soon. Every inch of my skin felt electrified under his hold.

"Those blue eyes stretch so wide when I fuck you. And those cherry lips look so empty," Ari mused as he plowed away at my hole. He slid his hand up and put two fingers in my mouth to suck on.

"I cum soon," I gasped and slurped his fingers. I sucked them like a pacifier and felt the cum building in my shaft.

"Cum for daddy, yeah baby girl. Let my cock push it out of that pussy." Ari raised up from the bed and brought me with him so we were both on our knees facing the mirror. I arched my back as he held me from behind and pressed into me, his hips swaying as he drilled my hole.

My cock was wagging in front of me. It had a line of precum flying around every time he shoved into me. We looked so hot together. His muscles and larger frame outlined mine from behind. His face next to mine. He had one hand rubbing my chest and holding me back against him while the other cupped my cheek and pushed his fingers back against my throat.

"Fuck, baby. So beautiful, princess. Cum for me," he said. My body reacted to his command. I threw my head back and my mouth opened wide as I screamed. My chest heaved and my cock swung up and jerked of its own accord.

"I cum!" I screamed and my cock started to fire off hot missiles of boy spunk. I shot long ropes over the mirror and he twisted my head so his lips could meet mine. I screamed into his mouth and his cock sped up inside me as my body jerked and twisted.

"Mmmm," We yelled and I could feel his cock go still then twitch inside me as he shoved in deeper and buried his cum. He supported me against his chest as we came together.

"Take me boy, take the seed you work for," Ari growled as he pulled his lips off mine. He gripped my hair and kept my head at a weird angle as he pumped into me and shot his seed deep into my... pussy.

"Yes, sir. Thank you, daddy," I said weakly. If he hadn't been holding me I would have fallen forward. I was spent and exhausted. He rammed me a few more times then went still. We were sweaty, sticky, and stuck together. I felt his cum dribble out from around his shaft and slide down my thighs. He stayed inside me, held me against his chest, and then slowly lowered us to the bed to spoon me. He held me and I went straight to sleep as his lips nestled into the back of my neck.


We woke up around lunch time. Ari was holding his phone in front of me and sliding through emails as I blinked myself awake with a yawn. I saw the time on his phone was just before noon. We really were going to spend the weekend in this room.

Ari's emails collapsed and I saw him swipe to the camera app. He changed it to selfie mode so he could check on me. I watched myself on the screen and blushed. His warm eyes looked at me with concern.

"You are in pain?" he asked without humor.

"I don't think... ahh yeah! A little," I said as I shifted and felt his soft but thick cock lodged inside me. My hole ached a little, but not too bad.

"I will clean it then put the cream I bring. Will help you." Ari kissed my hair. He hooked an arm around my waist and dragged me off the bed. His cock slid out of me and he brought me to my feet. He turned me to face him and kissed me.

"You are so beautiful to wake up to. We need food." Ari said as he led me off to the shower.

"I'm not hungry. I feel so full," I said. He bent down and kissed my tummy.

"That won't last. I go too far and your stomach is upset. Food will settle it," Ari noted.

"Eww," I blushed. Ari just shrugged. He squatted in front of me and put his ear to my stomach like he was investigating. I squirmed uncomfortably.

"I can hear the babies in there. They will grow to be little warriors like their daddy." He rubbed my stomach and laughed.

"Stopppp," I laughed and backed away. We cleaned each other and then he bent me over the counter and put some white cream from a tube on my hole. It tingled for a minute then felt really good. He ordered brunch food for us and we ate in our underwear while watching tv.

Ari called down to the front desk and asked them to clean the room and change the bedding. We'd made a mess. I felt bad for the housekeeping, but he left them a twenty and a note in Spanish. We headed out so he could meet up with another investor group.

I sat quietly and played a game on his phone while he went over the presentation binder with two older men. He didn't explain me or why I was there. They didn't ask. I smiled and nodded respectfully when they addressed me, but otherwise I kept my head down and mouth closed.

"I think they will invest!" Ari said when we walked away from the restaurant.

"Of course they will. You were so good!" I glowed. It really was incredible to watch him work. He was passionate about his job and wanted to bring people in to make his father proud.

"You like the games I download for you? You stop the zombies?" he asked. He'd put this game on his phone where I had to set up defenses as an endless stream of zombies came through my town. I had to stop them before they made it to the other side or my people would be eaten.

"It was! I got to level five! but... then I kept dying but I was getting better each time," I said with pride.

"Yes! I find trick for zombie Queen. I show you later! She is not invincible." Ari guided me into a car and we went back to the hotel where our room had been freshly scrubbed with the bed back to useable condition.


That night we met up with the investors from the night before. They took us out to a late dinner at a restaurant that was tucked into an old alleyway with lights strung back and forth overhead. It was a french place and we had a big table in a basement that was decorated like an old Parisian bar... or what I'd imagine one to look like.

"I don't know what any of this is," I whispered to Ari when the table began to fill with dishes. It was all stuff I'd never seen before and we had little plates to try everything.

"Hmm, yes. My princess has simple taste," Ari agreed. He pointed me towards what looked like roasted chicken and a simple green salad.

"You must try the aubergine! It's a specialty," One of the men said and pushed a dish of little fried circles in front of me. I put two of them on my plate and thanked him with a quiet nod. I was learning that Ari liked me to be silently at his side. He offered me a wink to show his approval.

I took a bit of the chicken and realized it was not chicken. It was squishier and more moist. I took another piece on a fork and held it up to show Ari. He tried it and nodded like it was good.

"Is duck. Very good! You like duck, yes?" he asked.

"I've never tried it before. It's ok... just definitely not chicken," I said with a shrug. Everyone laughed. I did like the aubergine which turned out to be a fancy word for eggplant. I had more of that. I didn't eat much and Ari was distracted charming the men so when I finished he passed me his phone and I got back to the zombie game. I was feeling like his child. It was definitely better than being out in the desert with my dad and his girlfriend.

After dinner, the guys took us on a walk and showed us around the neighborhood. It was the gay neighborhood in San Francisco and it was filled with little stores, restaurants, and lots and lots of men of all shapes, sizes, ages, and ethnicities.

"This, young Lukas, is the Castro!" The lead investor told me as he waived his hands around a sleepy looking street. It had a few clubs and shops, but it wasn't exactly the wonderland you think of when thinking of San Francisco.

"It used to be bigger... and better, but the gays of yesteryear can't afford it anymore," the man lamented. He pointed out several small businesses that were now cafes and stores. He told me what they used to be and what he used to do there in his youth. Ari looked at me with wide eyes. He didn't like me exposed to this side of the gay community.

"This has been a perfect evening! Thank you so much for show us around," Ari said when we went down a few more blocks.

"Oh no! Let's stop and have a few drinks first. It's still early!" One man said and the others agreed.

"The boy, he is not of age and is past his bedtime," Ari said and pulled me in front of him. He slid his arms around me from behind and put his head on my shoulder. I yawned to back up his story.

"Oh he's old enough! I know the bouncer here and we just have to promise not to give him any alcohol. They'll let him in. They know how much we spend here," the man laughed. The others backed him up.

I could feel Ari's pulse racing as he held me. He knew a bar was not a place either of our fathers would approve. I yawned again like that would help. It didn't.

"Yes, well maybe one, but... only one and then the boy need to get to bed. He is very worn from the day," Ari sounded helpless. He squeezed me a little too tightly then walked around me, took my hand, and led us behind the group.

The first guy talked to the man at the door. He grumbled, then stamped my hand with purple ink that read, "DO NOT SERVE." Ari looked at it with unease, but he followed the men inside. The club was thumping with loud music and a wild throng of guys dancing on each other.

Ari held my hand tightly and then pulled me in under his arm as we waded through the crowd towards the bar. By the time we got to the bar he had me directly in front of him with his arms around me and his legs on either side of mine. It was an odd position, but kept me away from the crush of bodies around us and wandering hands.

"I do not like this," Ari whispered to me through gritted teeth. The men ordered drinks and I got a bottle clearly marked as water.

Ari kept me squarely in his cage as he sipped his drink and made sparkling conversation with the investors. I kept looking over at the dance floor and thinking how cool it would be to go there with him and join in.

"I love this song! Can we go dance? Please?" I finally spoke up when the DJ played a dance version of a current radio hit I loved. I looked back at him excitedly.

"Yeah! Let the boy dance," one of the guys said.

"No," Ari whispered to me in a threatening voice. "We finish drink and go! No time for dance!" He was unhappy here. He wanted me back in the hotel room tucked into bed. I let it drop.

Ari finished his drink and the guys ordered another round. Before he could protest, they shoved a fresh whatever-it-was in his hand. I was still working on my bottle of water.

Ari started to loosen up with the second drink. The men were laughing at his jokes and treating him like he was one of them. He'd told me earlier that they were very wealthy and successful. He seemed to emulate them and said they had portfolios much larger than his family's.

By the third round, Ari's hold on me had eased up considerably. He was laughing with the guys and backed off of me while I watched the dance floor with sadness. I would have loved to be out there with him just sliding against his chest. The crowd was growing thicker and I saw guys groping each other, openly making out, hands down the front or back of other guys' pants. It was crazy. I'd never watched a scene like this. I wanted Ari to do that to me. I was ready for him again.

I noticed a younger guy closer to my age was checking me out. He moved closer but hung back when he saw Ari's hand squeeze down on my shoulder.

The guy was cute, just a little taller than me and skinny with just a little more muscle than I had. He looked Latino and had the biggest brown eyes and puffy pink lips. His black hair was perfectly done in that messy look that takes about an hour and eight kinds of products.

He caught my eye and wagged his eyebrows at me. I blushed but didn't look away. He took it as a sign and came closer. Ari was oblivious to this and deeply involved in the group we'd come with. I was on the edge and the loud music offered cover.

"Hey there. You look lonely," the guy said. I hadn't expected that to be his opener. I pulled back.

"Pretty! I meant to say you look pretty. Sorry... Fuck, I'm blunt sometimes..." he corrected.

"It's cool. We're just chilling here until his clients let us go back to the hotel," I said. I patted Ari's hand on my shoulder to show him who the 'we' was.

"Oh. I thought that was your bodyguard... I'm Rico by the way," he said.

"Lukas!" I patted my chest. "And my super hot bodyguard, Ari." I patted Ari's arm and laughed. Ari didn't look over. He was lost with his clients.

"Do you think Mr. hot bodyguard would let you dance?" Rico asked.

"Doubtful! He's a pretty strict bodyguard... I can ask!" I joked. There was no way he'd let me dance.

"Do it! Just try! I love this song and you really look like you want to!" Rico reached for my hand.

I turned to Ari who was listening to his group. I pulled on his arm and he gave me a hazy look that told me I was bothering him.

"What you need, princess?" Ari asked, then looked back and forth between me and his clients.

"Can I go dance for a little bit? I'll stay right there like five feet away. Please?" I asked.

"Yeah yeah. No problem. I get it," he said and turned back to the group. I was shocked.

"You're sure? You don't mind?" I asked Ari again. I couldn't believe he was ok with it.

"Yes, yes ok! I know!" Ari barked like I was interrupting him. Before I could think about it, Rico pulled me to the dance floor.

It was only a few feet away since the crowd had pushed the dance floor almost to the bar. We started dancing and the crowd closed in around us. I looked over to see Ari was still talking and laughing with his group. They'd gotten another round. I guessed he really was fine with this. He'd gotten a bottle of water, so maybe he was trying to sober up.

It felt so amazing being under these pink strobing lights and dancing. Rico kept his eyes on mine, laughing and doing crazy moves. He wasn't trying to get with me or anything. He was just getting into the beat. He was really good at this. I'd never been to anything other than a cheesy high school dance.

I was having fun until this guy behind me kept getting closer and bumping into me. I looked behind me and it was this tall wasted dude who looked like he'd wandered away from his fraternity. His eyes were glazed over and he was knocking into people while laughing and waving his arms like an idiot. I backed away from him but turned to watch him. He was strangely fascinating.

He pushed into this muscled guy and that guy knocked him back with force. That upset the wasted dude so he took a wild swing at the muscle guy. Muscle guy dodged his punch then hit wasted dude right in the gut and knocked him ass-backwards into me.

It all happened really fast and someone screamed in a overly dramatic voice. I got knocked to the floor next to Rico and hit my shoulder hard.

"Dude! Bodyguard! Help!" Rico yelled and squatted down beside me to check on me.

I looked up and saw Ari rush over. He picked wasted dude up by his arm and punched him right on the jaw. He tossed him to the floor away from me. Wasted dude landed with a wounded animal sound and then proceeded to vomit some funky, green-colored liquid.

Rico helped me up and then Ari lifted me up to my feet. He hooked an arm under my ass and lifted me up into his chest. He carried me back to the clients and told them he had to go. His chest was heaving and his body was pumping adrenaline. He looked like a Persian Hulk and I sat silently on his arm and leaned in against him.

Every muscle in his body was tensed and pulsing. He pushed through the crowd and took me out to the street. He went down the block then set me down beside a newspaper box.

"What is wrong with you?!" Ari yelled at me. He was furious and yelling so loud that it made me jump. His face was red; seething with anger and concern.

"You... you said I could dance! I asked you," I shot back as he pulled and dragged me down the street and away from the noisy clubs.

"You scare me so crazy! I think you are kidnapped! You are just a tiny precious boy! You can not wander like this! You are there at my side one minutes asking for new bottle of water! Then I turn to bar to get it for you. I turn around again and you are being attack on dance floor! You do not stray from me! Ever like that!" Ari fumed.

He dragged me to a quiet corner and pushed me against a wall. My shoulder touched it and I cried out in pain. I looked at him with wide eyes filled with fright. I knew he wouldn't hurt me, but he was so angry I didn't know what he'd do.

"You are hurt! Oh fuck! I can not bring you to my father with injury. I know I should not have bring you here! Is all my fault. Let me see your pain to inspect!" He commanded. He started to pull on the collar of my shirt and it made me angrier.

"No! You're being a dick! Get away from me!" I pulled away from his grip. My voice was all choked up like I was about to cry, but I fought the tears. I didn't want to do that here. I'd been too shocked to speak when he pulled me down the street, but feeling the intense jolt of pain in my shoulder pulled me back to reality.

"I'm... a dick? Baby, you sneak away in club then get yourself into a fight! Two minutes away from my arms and you are on the ground with injury! I will look at it now to see the hurt!" Ari was not happy about being challenged. He pulled at my shirt and I shoved his chest.

"I asked you! You were ignoring me but you said `yeah yeah' like you heard me. Then you went back to ignoring me!" I told him. My heart was pounding like crazy. He looked at me and suddenly registered that he'd scared me. He backed away and took a deep breath to calm himself.

"I did not hear this. I thought you ask for water. I have scared you, haven't I? You won't let me touch you because you are frighten of me... I was so scared for you, Lukas! You are my world. You think I'd hurt my pink princess?" Ari asked and looked at me with frustration. I nodded but then shook my head.

"I went to dance with Rico. I thought you are ok with it. You were busy with the investors. The guy knocked into me and then you pulled me out of the club" I put my hand on my hurt shoulder and tried to rub it, but it hurt.

"Who is this Rico? Ahh nevermind! If you will not let me look we will get you to emergency doctor." Ari offered me his hand. I reached for it and his body relaxed. He ordered us a car from his phone and within minutes we sped off.

I didn't lean against Ari in the backseat and his frustration grew. My shoulder was throbbing and it hurt everytime the car went over a rough patch. He was quickly sobering up and tried his best to rush the driver. Everytime I made a little pain noise, Ari looked over at me and tried to reach for me. I shook my head. I was still mad at him. We arrived to a small emergency room that was nearly empty.

Ari filled out some forms while I sat in the chair and looked at myself in the mirrored wall. My shirt was torn at the sleeve but there wasn't any blood.

A nurse called me back and Ari went with me. She stopped him and said it was only for the injured person.

"He is minor... under eighteen. I am legal guardian! He is step-son," Ari lied.

"Oh! OHHH! Ok sorry. I didn't mean to sound racist or anything... you just don't look... uh... right this way sir! Please!" she said.

We were ushered back to a room that had six beds sectioned off by rolling curtains. She led me past a man who was clutching his stomach and coughing like crazy. She put us on the last bed by the window. It overlooked the lights of the city.

"A very drunk man knock him down on the street! He falls hard on the curb and hurts the arm," Ari rushed through a lie. I sat quietly and felt my shoulder throbbing.

"Let's get that shirt off," she said. I tried to lift my arm but it hurt too bad.

"Please, Lukas. Let me help." Ari whispered.

"Ok," I said. Ari carefully lifted my shirt and got it off the uninjured arm then eased it over my head and off the bad side.

"That's pretty bruised! We can do an x-ray and see what the doctor thinks." She helped me off the table and I watched as Ari looked with wide, guilty eyes. It wasn't his fault. I'm not a toddler and bad things happen. But I was mad at him so I looked away and followed the nurse.

They did the x-rays and then the doctor checked me over. She said it wasn't broken but I'd be sore for a few days and have a bruise for awhile. I felt better having everyone stand over me, but then I got chills from being shirtless in the cold room and my shoulder started to ache.

The nurse brought me a blanket wrapped in cellophane like the one from the airplane. She opened it and wrapped it around me so I wouldn't have to put my shirt back on or get more chills. The doctor gave me some pills for the pain and a prescription for more. Ari sat next to me on the bed and put his arms around me carefully.

"I hate that you are hurt. I should have keep watch over you better. I should have not take you to this bar. My father will be upset. We have to be so careful, my young love," Ari whispered when the doctor and nurse left us alone.

"I shouldn't have wandered off. What about my dad? He's going to be pissed... But he's also used to me being clumsy. He always tells me I need to pay more attention. Maybe we should stick to the drunk on the street story," I laughed. It wasn't all that implausible.

"For my father it will not matter. He will say I could have left you with Sajid or Arash since your father was unavailable and it was irresponsible for me to take you away from our home in the first place. Then he will say I should put you in hotel room and only take you for safe fun in the daytime. Tomorrow we fly home to... how you say see music?" Ari asked.

"Face the music," I guessed after a minute of thinking it over. Sometimes his English was just off enough to be completely incomprehensible.

"Yes, a lot of music to face! I'm fucked." Ari laughed. He hugged me, careful to avoid the shoulder. The nurse brought back the prescriptions and we headed to the little pharmacy next to the hospital then back to the hotel.

"You think your dad would have wanted me to stay with one of your brothers?" I asked. It sounded weird. Arash had been so warm and protective of me. I wondered how I would do in his home with his wife and children.

"My father think of you as his youngest child. He is very attach and treat you like a young daughter, not a son... more like tiny baby girl. He want that you can stay with us. He is fond of you. He is so happy to have you spend time with him and listen to his old man stories with interest. He will be very upset you are hurt under our family's care," Ari shrugged like it was a serious matter.

I thought about how I felt around his father. I felt protected, but not entirely pure. When he touched me, or was close, it made me excited in a way I should have only felt with Ari. Mr. Khorasani had obviously worked hard to keep his body in shape like his boys.

Ari gave me a warm bubble bath and then we passed out together in bed. I slept on his chest and tried to put the bad day behind me.

The next morning, when the pain medicine had worn off, I felt worse than the night before. Ari eased me off his chest and then went to get me some pills. I laid on my stomach and he checked the bruising, telling me it wasn't as bad as he'd expected. He told me he hadn't slept much last night and was worried about me. He helped me get dressed and then he packed our things while I sat on the bed with the stuffed panda bear, "Kherse Panda."

We had an uneventful flight back to Palm Springs and he insisted on carrying all of the luggage. Once the medicine kicked in I was passing out against his chest until we landed. We got to his car and I was still kind of groggy, just clutching Kherse (panda bear) and plodding behind him.

He called my dad from the car when we got onto the highway. Dad wasn't too surprised I'd hurt myself. I told him I hadn't cried so that put him at ease.

"If he didn't cry then he'll be ok. Lukas used to melt down over any injury!" Dad laughed.

"I did not!" I snapped out of my happy haze to argue with dad. Ari just laughed.

"When he was four, I faked like I was going to hit him with a pillow. He put his hand on his head and bawled like it really hurt," Dad laughed.

"You traumatized me!" I defended.

"If we'd had a little brother or sister for you, I could have spread the bullying," dad joked.

"I hurt, dad," I said, suddenly feeling the pain in my shoulder as I sat up.

"I know, buddy. I'm sorry. I know the Khorasanis will take good care of you. Love you, Lukas," he said. I told him I loved him too and we wrapped things up. He wasn't worried about me. He knew Ari and his family would take care of things.

"That went well," I said when Ari disconnected.

"Your father is easygoing. Now for the tough one," Ari said and told the car to call his father.

His father answered and they spoke in Farsi excitedly.

"The investors love me. They all wanted in and are pledging enough for both projects!" Ari translated for me with excitement.

"Lukas is in the car with you? You picked him up from his father? Hello, little one. How was your weekend?" Mr. Khorasani asked me. I realized there was a lot to catch him up on.

"I... um... good... sir," I fumbled for words. Ari took over and launched into an explanation in Farsi. His father's tone changed dramatically. I didn't need to know the language to understand his anger.

"You spoke with your father, Lukas?" Mr. Khorasani changed to English and asked me.

"Yes sir. He knows I get hurt easily," I tried to explain.

"You are too small and fragile to be out at night like this in an area with... My son should not have taken you away like that. You were to be with your father, or you should have been placed in a safe home with my family. Arash would have welcomed him warmly!" Mr. Khorasani was not pleased.

"There was not time. I would miss the flight and meeting!" Ari tried to explain.

"Come home immediately. You have a lot of paperwork to get started on for these deals and I will tend to the injured boy. This is exactly why I insisted he stay in my home and not... come home," Mr. Khorasani held his anger. Ari assured him we were heading there.

We didn't speak for the rest of the drive. He reached to take my hand in his and brought it over to his lap. He pushed his fingers between mine. I always felt so small when he did that or anytime he held me. He's twice my size even though we're only a few inches apart. He makes me feel so small, so protected. I knew he was feeling bad, beating himself up over this. It wasn't even his fault. My father wasn't even upset. I didn't get it.

We pulled into the driveway and Ari parked. He looked over at me and then leaned across to kiss me. He put his arm around me and our lips wrestled together until I had a full bulge in my shorts. That was not a good way to greet Mr. Khorasani.

"Wait. I need to... settle," I told Ari. He smirked and backed off.

"Kittens! Grandmother hugs! Bad holiday foods!" Ari tried to help. It got me laughing and my cock went down. He put his hand on my cheek and swiped his thumb across it.

"I love you, Lukas," he said.

"Love you too," I told him. We both sighed and then he hopped out and went for our bags. I hugged Kherse and followed Ari. He took our bags in and delivered mine to my room while I went to the kitchen to look for Mr. Khorasani. He was sitting at the table looking over some files, no one else seemed to be home.

"Come, little one. Let me see your injury," he said and pushed back from the table. I went to his side and started to undo the buttons on my shirt, but then raising my arm made me wince in pain. He put his hands over mine and stopped me. He undid my buttons for me as I stood in front of him. Like Ari's, his imposing presence made me feel small and helpless.

"It's not too bad. The doctor said it's just a bruise. I had medicine this morning, maybe I need more," I told him. He smiled at me like I was being a brave little boy. He opened my shirt and the cold draft from the air conditioner hit my bare, smooth chest. He eased the shirt over my shoulder then slid it completely off.

"Oh, my perfect boy," Mr. Khorasani noted as he turned me sideways and looked. He gently rubbed his hand over the bruised area and looked at me with sad eyes.

"It's not too bad. Just I hit the curb and... I always trip over stuff. I'm really clumsy," I laughed. He rubbed my lower back and it made me yawn. Something about his touch always made me sleepy.

"Well let's get your medicine and then get you to bed. I'll lie with you until you fall asleep," Mr. Khorasani said with a gentle tone. He put a hand up to brush my hair away from my face.

Ari came into the kitchen and they exchanged their customary hug and kiss on the cheek. They talked back and forth in Farsi for a moment. He didn't look at me or ask why I was shirtless. Ari dashed away suddenly and Mr. Khorasani grabbed a bottle of water from the pantry for me.

He took me to my bedroom and Ari was there with the pills from the doctor. They kept talking in Farsi like I wasn't there, or like I was but my input wasn't wanted. Ari handed the bottle to his father who looked at the label and then took one out for me. He put it to my lips and I opened them. He opened the water then held it up for me to take a sip.

"Good boy. You'll feel better soon," he said and rubbed my hair. I had become their pet.

"I'll be a few hours at the office. I need to get the papers ready to send to the investors for tomorrow," Ari told me. Well I assumed he was talking to me. He didn't look at me, but he was using English. He turned to leave then stopped. I knew he wanted to kiss me, hug me goodbye. He looked like he was debating it, but then his father said something in Farsi and Ari walked away.

"Are you hungry, do you need anything else?" Mr. Khorasani asked.

"No, sir. We had breakfast this morning then some cheerio trail mix stuff at the airport," I said.

"Good. Let's get those shorts off," Mr. K said. He went to my dresser and pulled out a pair of white, stretchy, thermal sleep pants. I stood there in a pair of skimpy blue briefs Ari had chosen for me. They showed off my ass and were very thin. I covered my package.

"Oh!" Mr. K looked at me with surprise when he turned around.

"My son picked those out?" He laughed. I nodded and blushed. He helped me into the pants. They hugged my legs and he pulled them up for me. I wondered why he hadn't picked the loose flannel pajamas.

"You're feeling better?" He asked. I realized the pill was kicking in. I didn't feel the throbbing ache in my shoulder or back. I yawned and nodded.

"I have to sleep on my stomach," I said lazily as he led me to the bed.

"Of course. Do you need a shirt? It's cold in here. We Persian men run hot." He put his hands on my shoulders and looked down at my chest.

"No, sir. It feels weird when the fabric rubs against it." I stifled a yawn. He went and turned off the overhead lights then put on a soft lamp.

He laid down on his back and patted his chest. He had on a sleeveless t-shirt and running shorts like he had been on his way to the gym. I crawled onto the bed and laid down next to him. He pulled me over onto his chest and rubbed my back.

"You had a nice weekend other than the fall? Did you see much of the city?" He asked.

Maybe it was the pill kicking in it the comfort of his arms around me and lying on his chest. Maybe it was the soft lights and the fact that I wasn't looking him in the face. But for whatever reason I forgot I was talking to my boyfriend's father.

"We mostly played around in the room. It was great," I yawned and then smiled against his chest.

"Yes I'm sure you did. That's why he should have left you here with family," he chuckled and rubbed one hand down to my bottom while the other went to to pet my hair. It didn't feel dirty.

We laid there for awhile without speaking but then he said something like he'd been thinking it over for a few minutes. My head was feeling hazy from the pill and his heartbeat against my ear was so soothing. I rubbed a hand up to his pec and rested it there like I did with Ari.

"He didn't hurt your bottom, did he, little one?" He asked.

"No, sir. He took it so slowly. He kept stopping and I kept pushing back to get more. It hurt some but then it felt really good," I admitted.

"Good, I worried he would be too rough. My boys aren't good at being delicate. Maybe he is growing up. When I was his age, I was too eager when I found a light-boy like you. I'd feel bad afterwards, but in the moment it was hard to tame the beast inside." Mr. K rubbed my bottom.

"A light boy like me? What's that, sir?" I asked in confusion.

"You're smaller than us, tight-muscles but on a narrow frame with milky skin and soft, golden hair... and those eyes blue like sea-glass... So big and trusting, the picture of innocence. Those eyes drive Arisht to keep you safe. They are like beacons to dominant men looking for unopened boys." He pushed his fingers through my hair.

"I feel so small when I'm around you guys... I love that," I admitted.

"My boys haven't been your size since they were 12 or 13, but your father is smaller as well. You will always be smaller than my Arisht." Mr. K had me on his chest with my left leg resting between his which put my packaged pressed into his left hip. I was drifting between sleepy haze, horny excitement, and deeply interesting conversation. He didn't seem to mind or think this topic was taboo.

"I love it when he picks me up. I like how small I feel in his arms. It felt so good when he... you know [yawning]," I said into Mr. K's chest.

"Wait..." I said and sat up with a start. It just sank in he'd said he used to be into guys. "You had a boy like me?" I asked. He laughed and pulled me back against him.

"Oh a long time ago when I was young and feeling out my power... I played around It was in Tehran and there weren't many boys like you, but I was young and clumsy. I didn't take my time like I should have. Even if I hurt them, they still wanted more. It is a need in you to please men like us," Mr. K said.

"I feel it. I wanted his seed so bad like having it would complete me... It felt so good and made every part of me just... explode like crazy," I whispered.

"You were made for us. It's in your DNA. The need for weaker men to find stronger ones for protection. Persian men are warriors. We protect what is ours. You were made to serve a man who can take care of your needs, your body, your heart," Mr. K. rubbed me in a smooth, gentle motion that made me feel so relaxed.

"Were you made to protect boys like me?" I asked, feeling bolder.

"I was. It is who we are. When I left for Europe, I found so many more of you. I grew up so much there and finally felt like I understood the beast inside me. I fell in love again and again, but never found what was meant to be. I knew I would have to return home though and I wanted a wife and children. I don't regret that at all. But my sons have more options and I can see that my Arisht wants you as his mate. He has found what was meant for him." He sounded so confident in this. He rubbed my back and I yawned then he yawned too.

"I bet you had a lot of guys after you. [yawn] You're still really hot." I was losing my filter.

"Those days are behind me, but it's still nice to hold a boy on my chest and comfort him. There's just something special about having a beautiful one in your arms and making a space for him to sleep without worry. I see why my son is so protective of you. You are his world," he told me.

"I just hope I can stay here. I want to live with him. It felt so good sleeping in his arms [yawn]." I nuzzled into Mr. K's chest and closed my eyes sleepily.

"Well he must prove he can be more responsible with you, and letting you be injured will not bring confidence from your father... Though your father seems easily drawn into our authority. He agreed so quickly to let you stay here for the summer. It will likely be easy to persuade him your schooling would be better off here with us," Mr. K sounded like my father was weak.

"He can be pretty stubborn sometimes," I assured him. I think Mr. K picked up that he had insulted my dad slightly.

"Yes, of course... Well you must be more careful and not stray from my son's care. I will make sure you are at my side in the office as well. Arisht was distracted with the clients, but he should not have mixed you with his business. You should have been in bed that late at night, not wandering the streets." He yawned too and pushed his chin against my hair.

"I know he feels really bad [big yawn] about taking me to the club [another big yawn]. The clients wouldn't let us go. I shouldn't have gone to dance like that without him," I mumbled as I fought to keep my eyes open. I don't know why I said that. My hazy brain forgot that we hadn't told either of our fathers about the club.

"It's ok, little one. There are no worries for you here. Go to sleep. You are safe in my arms," Mr. K said. I drifted off to sleep against him. He held me protectively. I didn't realize the problems I'd created for Ari.

-- My Blog: My Stories:

Next: Chapter 9

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