Lukas and the Shah

By Emri S.

Published on Aug 1, 2018


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I might wrap up this series. Let me know if you want more:


Story Recap: Lukas, an athletic California 17 yr-old with blonde hair, blue eyes, and tight body, meets Ari, a wealthy, muscled Persian bent on dominating the "innocent" boy. After Lukas ran away to get help from Ari because the father's new girlfriend threatened him, Lukas' dad agreed to let him live with Ari's family (The Khorasanis) until school started again.

+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ . {Lukas & The Shah} . [Ch.7- A Boy in The City] . ~By Emri~

"Fuck, look at those pretty blue eyes watering from choking on my cock," Ari praised as he paused at the traffic light and looked down at me bobbing on his cock.

We'd just dropped his parents off at the cruise terminal. They were taking a four day trip down to Cabo and Ari was delivering me on the other side of Southern California to my father's house in Desert Springs. I'd wanted to stay with Ari, but I hadn't seen my dad in a few weeks and neither he nor Mr. Khorasani were going to leave me alone for the weekend with Ari.

"I will miss these baby eyes staring up from my lap. What we will do to survive the long weekend?" Ari asked. The plan was for Ari to drop me off at my dad's and then go to the Palm Springs airport. His father was sending him on business up to San Francisco. Ari and I both knew that surviving apart from each other was going to be an impossible task.

"What will I do without my pussy for three whole days? I go crazy and my poor cock without attention," Ari said as he rubbed his hand over my hair. We were in his sporty sedan with tinted windows. It was awkward to lean over the console, but I was desperate for a taste of him before I had to spend a weekend with my dad's crazy, Christian girlfriend.

I couldn't answer with my mouth stuffed. I was learning how to get him into my throat. It hurt and made me gag, but it also made him let out this moan from deep inside his chest. It sent shivers through me. I'd do anything to hear it.

"Fuck, princess. You get so good at this. Soon you will take it all." He praised me and steered us through the traffic.

"Cop! Up baby! Fuck!" Ari pulled over to the right lane on the freeway as I pulled off his cock. He steered to the slow lane with his massive Persian meat wagging happily like a dog's tail. The cop sped past us with sirens and lights flashing.

"Ok not a good idea," Ari laughed. "We save this. Maybe your father will let me pound you before I leave for the weekend?"

"Yeah, I'm sure he would be totally cool with that!" I wiped the spit off my cheek and grabbed a tissue to blow my nose. My eyes watered like crazy when I gagged on his cock and it made my nose run and my cheeks flush. It's not easy dating a bull.

"We should call to let him know we are on the way," Ari said and stuffed his cock back in his shorts. It was 100 degrees in LA and we were both dressed in shorts and tank tops. I knew the desert would be scorching if it was this hot in the basin.

"I want to go with you. This weekend is going to suck," I lamented.

"No. It will be useful. You will be on your best behavior. It is time to show your father how happy and well behaved his boy is with me. He will see the change. He will be happy to see you do well here," Ari said. He reached over and rubbed my thigh.

"I am, but Denise. I know she's going to say stuff." I shook my head.

"Let her! She is fool but my boy is good. You will nod your head and be polite. You will listen to her and know is meaningless whatever she say. You will be the good boy I am proud of. A princess does not lower herself to fight with garbage. She know her protector will defend her." Ari was using that sex talk that made me bend to his will.

"But she's so gross and all that fake-spiritual nonsense she uses to control my dad! I know she's going to convince him I'm evil or something," I panicked.

"What she can do to you? You are my boy, my heart, my treasure... and I protect what is mine. You represent me here and you will be on best behavior. Your father will see I am good for you and make your sadness heart to be at peace. He will value that you put up with his lady and do not upset things no matter what she do. He will see she is unmannered and not you," Ari said.

"But she'll try to get me to the therapy and the anti gay camp again. I know she's been working on dad about that stuff. I can't go there," I worried.

"You think I will let this pass to you? You think there is any place they could send my sweet princess that I will not come and rescue her? You think my father who love and care for you like his youngest child will not agree to save you? Your own father even says this camp is not for you. He may be your father, but I am daddy. You are not to fight or argue. You are not to worry. If she bother you, you just nod and think of pleasing me. If she stress you, you call me and I will come or talk you down." Ari assured. He rubbed my thigh as we drove along.

"You will?" I asked. I imagined Ari in a spandex suit with a cape kicking the door in and carrying me off to safety. It looked pretty hot in my head.

"You doubt me? I will always come for my princess. Always. You will not fight with her or argue or even look angered. You will make me proud by showing nice weekend for your father. It will please him and he will give me good report. I am proud of my boy when he show submission and follow orders. Your father will trust me as good influence and see his son blossom." Ari's voice got that deep, Persian daddy tone that sent chills down my spine. He made it clear this was a command, not a request.

"You will do this, princess? You will make me proud so I can reward you instead of spank to your bottom?" Ari asked.

"Yes, daddy... but maybe you can spank me if I'm good too..." I suggested. I'd put up with whatever Denise could throw. I'd do it for him. If make him proud of me. Ari wagged his eyebrows at that.

Ari pushed a button on the steering wheel and said "Call Baby's Baba." A ringing sounded through the car.

"Baby's baba?" I laughed.

"You are baby and Baba means daddy. Is easy to remem... Oh hello, Mr. Smith! We are thirty minutes away. Lukas is excited for see his family," Ari said when my dad answered.

"Headed to where?" Dad asked. His voice sounded confused and alarmed.

"To the house, dad. Why? What's up?" I asked.

"Oh... shit. I thought you were coming next week," Dad said.

"No. We agreed on today," I said. Dad and I hadn't been talking much lately, but we texted back and forth at least twice a day. He was caught up in Denise and she was taking over. I was happy for him and he was happy for me.

"Oh... I'm not home. Denise invited me to Arizona to meet her family... Maybe Ari could drop you at the bus station... Hey there's an idea! You could take the bus from Palm Springs to Mesa. Denise has a nephew your age," dad said. That sounded absolutely horrible.

"No! Seriously, dad?" I groaned. I didn't want to see even one Denise, much less a hive of them.

"I know... I know. We're going to be sleeping on a pull-out couch. I'm not too excited about it either... Your grandmother is in Vegas so you can't stay there. I... Let me call Jed and see if he can come meet you guys somewhere." Dad was grasping at straws.

"Not Uncle Jed! They have roaches. Remember when I sat on their couch and three ran out from under the cushion?" I saw my weekend options crumble before my eyes. I'd be on the streets of Desert Springs begging for change.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that," Dad laughed. "I guess I raised a snob! Too good for a few critters."

"That's not funny, dad! It's gross!" I laughed.

"I can take him, Mr. Smith. If it is ok. I have very busy work meetings all weekend in San Francisco, but he can hang out in the hotel room and use the pool and gym. I'd make sure he doesn't wander the city and get into trouble," Ari jumped in. He reached over and took my hand.

"Oh... Well a hotel in SF sounds like a step up from Jed's roach couch in Indio, but I don't know... I mean..." Dad was wavering like he could go either way. I had to guilt him.

"I can't believe you forgot about me, dad. You get so caught up in Denise." I went in for the kill.

"I'm so sorry, Lukas. I really just got my calendar mixed up... Denise just..." Dad started but then he sighed. I could feel him giving in. "I guess it's ok. But you will call me every day to check in! I'll need it. Denise's family sounds awful."

"I promise!" I said and tried not to sound too happy. Something felt wrong though. I couldn't explain it. I had been dreading seeing Denise this weekend and being away from Ari, but... something felt off.

"And Ari..." Dad said.

"Yes sir?" Ari asked with a respectful tone.

"He's my son. Ok? Just... he's a kid. He's my boy," Dad's tone sounded almost like begging. He was torn between following his new girlfriend and keeping his underage son away from adult things.

"Of course, sir! I treat him with respect and care. He will be safe. You have my word," Ari vowed. They made a little small talk and then hung up. Ari and I sat in stunned silence for a few minutes. We were definitely getting what we wanted, but something felt weird inside me.

"Lukas... I'm sorry your father forgets you are coming. I promise I will make it up to you. Your father loves you, he just is busy with new lady I promise to make your weekend fun, ok?" Ari reached over and put his arm around me. He pulled me into his chest.

I hadn't realized until he put it into words. My father had forgotten about me. I'd said those exact words to my dad, but I hadn't thought I'd meant them. That's what hurt.

"He did. He forgot about me," I said and looked out the window as the scenery changed from green to brown. It made the pieces churching in my stomach click into place.

"He love you. It is just that his mind can relax because he know that you are cared for and safe with me. But it still does not feel good to you. I hurt for you. I will try to make you better," he said.

"Thank you." I rubbed my cheek against his shoulder.

"We will stop at your house to grab a jacket and warmer clothes. It is cold in San Francisco, always so cold," Ari said. He took my hand and put it on the gear shifter then covered it with his own. He held it until we got to my house and then he found the house keys inside the center compartments between us. He ran to the trunk and popped it open.

"I get this gift for you to give when I leave you here, but now I take you with me so is gift to celebrate," Ari laughed. He pulled a pink gift bag from his trunk and carried it with us up to the front door. We went inside and to my bedroom to find a jacket and warmer clothes.

He handed me the gift bag and sat down on my bed. I opened it and pulled out the fluffiest, softest, most adorable panda bear.

"He has name, is Khers." Ari looked so pleased as I hugged the bear.

"Oh he's perfect! I love him! What does Khers mean?" I hugged it to my chest and lit up.

"It mean bear," Ari laughed like the name wasn't as exotic as my tone implied.

"Khers," I tried to say it like he did. He just laughed at my attempts to murder his language and pulled me onto my bed.

"Khers," I said again as he spooned me and rubbed my chest.

"So cute," Ari laughed and kissed the back of my neck.

"Baba," I said the other Persian word I'd heard from him.

"Del baram... The one who steal my heart," Ari sighed and kissed me.


The Palm Springs airport wasn't too far away and Ari sweet-talked the ticket counter lady into getting two seats together. The plane wasn't that full so he really just had to hand her his credit card, but he likes to shmooze. We checked our bags in but I kept my new panda under one arm. He wasn't huge but was just the right size to hug at night.

We got all the way to a long narrow hallway ramp that led from the terminal to the airplane when I confessed that I'd never flown before.

"You are scared for this?" Ari asked, watching me clutch Khers like a stuffed panda bear could protect me from an airplane.

"Kind of. It goes pretty high, right?" I asked foolishly.

"Well yes, it need to fly and get over the mountains. Is too fast to go on the highway," Ari laughed. He put his arm around me. "Is ok. I protect you."

It was a small plane with a center aisle and two seats on each side. We found ours, two together, and settled in while a stream of people poured in behind us. Ari got a blanket wrapped in cellophane from an overhead bin and unwrapped it. He raised the armrest between our seats and covered me with the blanket. He showed me how to work the seatbelts and then held me under his arm while the plane got ready to take off.

The lift-off wasn't as bad as I'd expected. He pulled the window shade down when he saw me staring out with worry. It felt like an elevator rushing forward and then upward. I gripped his arm and tried to not panic and make a fool of myself.

"There we go, up in the air now. See? It is all good. That was the scary part, all done," Ari said and hugged me against his side. He rubbed my shoulder and nodded at me with a reassuring smile. I felt a churn in my stomach and my ears felt like someone had blown a balloon up in my head. I kept trying to swallow to relieve them. My heart was pounding and my ears hurt.

"You look ill," Ari said. I nodded. He reached into the pocket on the back of the seat in front of us and pulled out a white bag that looked like what they give you at the donut shop. He opened it and then told me to breathe into it. He held it over my nose and mouth then cupped his hands around the opening.

"Breathe, moosh-moosh-am," Ari said and then some other Persian things I didn't understand.

"What's that mean?" I asked as I took my mouth off the bag.

"Baby mousy mouse,' but used for meaning my beloved one.' Is what to say to a precious one," Ari said. He rubbed my back and put the bag back to my face. I breathed until I felt normal again and then settled into his chest with a yawn.

The waiter guy came by and looked at us with an adoring smile. Ari explained that I wasn't feeling well and the waiter said he'd bring me some crackers. Ari ordered a ginger ale for my stomach and got a beer for himself. The waiter brought our drinks, crackers, and an advil for me. Ari slipped him a twenty and thanked him for his care. I could tell the guy was hoping more for his phone number.

Ari took out his phone and we shared his earbuds, one for each of us. We watched an action movie that made me forget about the fact that we were hurtling through space and time (well... not time since SF is the same time zone, but you get the point).

The landing was better, but my ears popped again and were red and sore by the time we pulled up to the gate. Ari got me a juice from a cafe and had me sit while he went to get our checked bags. I texted my dad to let him know we were ok. He wrote back that he felt like an asshole for confusing the plans we'd made. I told him not to worry about it and that I hoped he had a nice time with Denise. I really did hope that. As much as I disliked her it was good to see him happy. He deserved to be as happy as I was.

"The Lyft is arriving. Let us go, princess." Ari came up from behind me carrying both of our bags in one hand and typing on his phone in the other. I tried to take my bag, but he looked at me like that was a ridiculous thought.

"You have Khers to carry. He is very heavy," Ari laughed. I hugged the stuffed panda under one arm and held my juice with the other.

"Hello, my friend! Welcome to city by the bay!" A Middle Eastern accent attached to a handsome face greeted us as we made it to the curb. He opened the trunk of a white Mercedes for Ari to put his bags in and then opened the back door for me to get in. I slid along the black leather seats behind the driver and Ari came in next to me.

Ari immediately started talking to the driver in their language. I was starting to think that maybe it was his way of keeping me private to himself. He didn't like other men to engage with me and this way I was cut off from them and things went through him. Or maybe I was just overthinking it and it wasn't about me at all but just Ari speaking in his home language since it was more comfortable for him. The world wasn't always about me, as my dad was fond of saying.

Our hotel was on a narrow street between huge old buildings. It definitely didn't feel like we were in California. Everyone had coats on and the dress code seemed more formal, but we could have just been in a business district. Ari held my hand until the driver got to the front of the hotel and stopped. He hopped out and got our bags from his trunk. Ari thanked him and pulled me out of the backseat.

Our room was on one of the top floors and it had the most amazing view of the city and water. We had a corner room and Ari pointed out the Golden Gate and Bay bridges. He pointed out the densely built cities of Berkeley and Oakland across the water one way then the lush greenery of Marin county the other way.

"Is a beautiful city, no? We will see none of it," he laughed.

"None of it? Really?" I asked.

"Well we could, but I have meetings to go to and then I plan to feast on every inch of my beautiful princess. You would rather see city?" Ari joked.

"No, sir. This room is good enough for me," I laughed.

He slid his arms around my waist and sidled up behind me, pressing me against the window. I could see straight down and it made my stomach flutter. He ground his bulge against my ass and rubbed his hands up under my shirt to my pecs, squeezing them like he'd do to a girl.

"A beautiful boy with the view make it irresistible," Ari said as he started to bite on the back of my neck. He gripped my pecs harder, squeezing them as he rubbed his thickening cock against my bottom.

"Fuck, baby. So pretty. Feel so good to hold you. No one else here to worry for," Ari continued.

"We can be noisy. Are you going to... you know..." I started but then got embarrassed.

"To breed my princess? I will, tonight. We have appointment and not much time. I can not go without release. We can play and release so tonight will last longer." Ari wanted a blowjob.

"But I really need you to... you know... do stuff in there." I rubbed my ass against his hard bulge to show what I needed.

"I will, my love." He kissed the back of my neck and squeezed my pecs. "I want nothing more than to squeeze your pink boytits and fill you with my seed the whole weekend. This is important meet tonight to bring new funding for projects. If I fail, my father will lose faith that I am ready to own my princess and soon take her from his home. Is proof I must give that I am grown enough in the business and ready to care for family on my own."

"You want me to live with you? You think our fathers will allow it?" I asked.

"They need to know I am responsible and can provide for my little one. I want future with you, Lukas. I want wake up in our own bed and eat your meals and come home to my princess every night. You are boy and can think only of today. Is my responsibility to make future for us and plan far ahead. Is great responsibility to have a cub of my own. My father know you are his until I can prove my right," Ari explained. His deep growl and thoughtful words had me rock hard in my shorts. I found myself panting desperately and fogging up the glass as he pressed me against it.

"I belong to your father?" I asked, thinking about my dark fantasies involving Mr. Khorasani. Ari was freeing his cock behind me. I turned my face to get a look at the beast I needed deep inside me. He pumped it with one hand and used the other to push down my shorts in the back.

"For the summer... He tell me he is one responsible for you in our home. If you were of age there will be no question you will live with me, but for this we must prove I am responsible for you. He does not want that your father doubt we can take care for you and will make better opportunity for you to stay when school begins," Ari explained.

He gripped his cock and rubbed the tip over my hole. It sent shivers up my spine. He put one hand on the center of my upper back, pressing me against the window. I had my head turned with one cheek smooshed against the glass so I could look back at him.

"I don't want to go back!" I said. That thought snapped me out of the erotic moment that was building between us. Ari realized he'd derailed the mood and pushed the tip of his cock against my hole to bring me back to him.

"Princess need her pacifier. Don't think of other thing. Suck it in, baby. Take what you need," Ari growled as he leaned over me. His lips found the back of my neck and he chewed softly on my skin as the tip of his cock poked back and forth against my hole.

"Fuck! Oh... yeah," I whimpered as the head pushed against my hole. It stretched it just a little. I wasn't lubed or anything, so he didn't press it too hard. But it flipped the switch inside me and sent a rush of calm and happiness that made my chest burst with pride and accomplishment.

"There we go. I know what calms my boy. Let daddy do his job." Ari rubbed his hands up my stomach and then grabbed onto my pecs as he applied a little pressure to my ass.

"It feels so good. Please fuck me. Please fuck my pussy," I begged. I added the word he liked me to use for my hole. I'd call it whatever he wanted if it got him there.

"We need much time for this," Ari said as he squeezed my pecs and kneaded them with his rough hands. "You have me so hard. I can play with pussy while you suck. We go to bed."

Ari rubbed his hands to my armpits and lifted me off the ground. He carried me over to the bed and set me down on my ass. He spun me around so my head was at the foot of the bed and then he laid down beside me. We quickly struggled out of our clothes and tossed them onto the chair by the window. I scooted up the bed so I could get at his cock.

"I never get over how big it is," I laughed when I used both hands to grip it. I lapped at the tip with my tongue, tasting his salty sweat and inhaling his musk.

"Is always so hard for you, my fantasy love," Ari reached down and gripped my hair. He pushed me onto his cock. It stretched my lips and went right back against my throat until I started to gag. I heard him laugh. He liked the sound I made. It pleased him.

"If I hurt your throat, imagine what I do to your pussy," Ari laughed. "Is why we take time. This is not to rush, my love. You are sure this you can handle?"

"Yes, please." I gasped for air as I pulled away from his cock. He nodded then his face disappeared between my thighs. I felt his tongue push in as I stroked his cock.

"Ahhh! Yeah! Oh! Uh huh!" I whimpered weakly as his tongue dove in and started to wiggle inside me. He licked in circles that stretched my hole and lit up my happy spots. I felt ripples of warm pleasure slide over me and I let out a long gasp. My eyes were twitching and my muscles started to tense and jerk in weird places.

I went back to his cock and forced it past the gag point. I slurped his shaft and grabbed his bull-nuts to massage them. I started to bob on him, breathing through my nose even though my eyes were watering and making me sniffle.

He wiggled that tongue making me squirm like a puppet and then pulled it back. He put his hands on my ass and parted my cheeks. He gave it a hard smack as his cock was sliding out of my mouth. He added two more rough swats and then spit on my hole.

"Ouch!" I cried and looked at him with hurt eyes.

"I must train the pussy to know its owner. Continue your work," Ari said without remorse. He put a hand down to the back of my head to push me back onto his cock.

"Mmm," I whined with my mouth full as he gave my ass two more swats and then spit on my hole again. I sucked at his cock like a pacifier to ease the sharp pain.

"These cheeks get red so easy. I need leave my handprint so my pussy is marked as owned. I don't want it stolen. This city is known as danger zone for pussy thief," Ari said like it was a very logical idea everyone was currently doing.

"That hurt," I said softly. My hole felt empty, except for the spit, and my ass was stinging. I stopped bobbing on his cock and glared at him. This wasn't feeling so good. He looked at me with genuine confusion.

"I forget how delicate my princess is. I treat pink pussy with more thought," Ari assured in that deep, daddy tone that sent a shiver through me. He put two fingers down to my lips and pushed them in so I could wet them with my spit. I sucked on them and swirled my tongue around his thick fingers with hairy knuckles.

"That's a good baby. Get them ready to open you. We will have easier time tonight when I can finally breed my baby and fill her with my seed." He said. I nodded and he pushed the fingers back against my throat until I gagged and sputtered. I was getting used to him invading my holes as he pleased.

"Mmm that throat needs more practice for me. I know you take all of my offering one day. I not push you too hard." He pushed his two fingers back one more time then took them from my lips and brought them down to my hole.

"This pussy so tight, Lukas," he remarked when he put the fingers there and pushed at the ring.

"I need it," I whined and started to push against his fingers. He pushed at my hole and used his other hand to rub my tummy as I stroked his cock and looked at him with needy eyes.

"Relax for me, baby. Breathe deep. You are too excited and pussy closes," he coached me. "Easy now, there we go. Open, princess." He slowly got in to the first knuckle.

"Mah!" I sucked at the tip of his cock while I jerked the shaft and looked down at him with squinted eyes fighting to stay open. I felt so full as he pushed into me. The tip of his cock had been bigger, but it was squishier and didn't have bones in it. He stopped pushing and told me to breathe again.

"Is ok, pretty blue eyes. We not force this. I take it very slow with virgin pussy. I do not wish that you hurt," Ari said with concern then added, "My cock feel so good in your mouth."

I started to bob on his cock again, pushing it back against my throat. I massages his nuts in my hand and pulled at them as he started to push his fingers inside me again.

"So pretty how your body move when I am inside you," Ari noted. He gripped my cock which was rock hard and dripping. He jerked it as his fingers worked my hole. I slurped and dove on his cock. I worked his nuts and rubbed a hand over his chiseled abs.

"I so close, baby. Fuck your pussy so tight. Pretty little pink rosebud need much to open." He pushed his fingers in deeper, eliciting a loud gasp from me as the knuckles worked their way in. His fingertips hit spots inside me that made my stomach tense up and my body jerk as a wave of warm happy shot through me. He pumped my cock and then let go of it. It flopped back against my tummy and shot a thick drop of precum up to my belly button.

I bounced on his cock, gripped the shaft, worked his nuts, and did everything I could to get him moaning. He put his free hand down on the back of my head and pushed me past my comfort spot. His thick head pushed into my throat and I started to struggle with it.

"Suck it, boy. Take what daddy give," Ari growled. He lost the patient daddy tone as he got closer. I could feel his balls tighten up and his shaft was rock hard as I did all I could to accommodate it. He started to spread his fingers and my mouth formed a wide O he used to shove his cock in me deeper. He started to fuck my face as his fingers twisted and spread my hole.

"Mmmmm!" I moaned with my mouth stuffed as he gripped my hair and fucked my throat. His fingers started to slide in and out of me. He spit on my hole each time he slid them out then pushed them back in. I felt his spit slid down between my cheeks towards my nuts. He'd let go of my cock, but it started to flop back and forth as he massaged that spot inside me that made precum drool out.

"Fuck! I so close. I need in here," Ari said. He pulled his cock out of my mouth and his fingers from my hole. He jumped off the bed and ran for the bathroom.

I laid there gasping and feeling my empty hole. I reached down and touched it.

"No! You do not play with pussy. Is for expert daddy only," Ari laughed as he came back from the bathroom.

"I need it," I whined. I looked at him from the bed. He was upside down as he came towards me with a bottle of lube. He opened it with his teeth and poured it along his shaft.

"Pussy is not a toy. It can be hurt and you are too young to know how to use properly. Is not for touch!" Ari came towards me, jerking his cock and lubing it up. He grabbed my right leg and dragged my ass over to the edge of the bed.

"I am so close. I need cum and we must hurry," Ari said.

He put the tip to my hole and I felt my cock twitching in anticipation. I was on the edge too, like holding a sneeze. I looked up at him with hazy eyes as he pushed the tip in. It was somewhat loosened, but his thickness still stretched me.

"Ahhh, fuck yeah!" I whined. The head pushed past the ring and immediately lit up my happy spots. He hovered over me, looking down at me as I laid on my back with my legs in the air. He rubbed his hands up my thighs and put the soles of my feet against his pecs. He leaned down and kissed them as he pushed into me.

"Fucccckkkkk," he growled like a wild animal. He popped the head in and rubbed something inside me that made my cock flail back and forth.

"I'm gonna cum!" I screamed.

"Me too, princess. Ahhh fuck!" He screamed. He leaned down and our gaping mouths met in a liplock. His tongue slid in and I felt my cock start to fire off. My body bucked and spasmed. His arms slid around my back and he lifted me up off the bed. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. He backed up as I was squirming and firing, soaking our chests with my cum.

"Fuck, baby. Cum for daddy, so good. Your pussy squeeze my cock so tight," Ari praised. He backed up against the wall and I slid my legs around his waist. He bounced me on the small part of his cock that was inside me and caught me with his hands on my ass.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed. I felt hot spurts from his cock shoot up inside me. It's the weirdest feeling ever to have someone shoot cum in your ass. He pumped his hot seed into my pussy as my cock shook and shot my cum up over his stomach and chest. He kissed me deeply as we came together.

"So fucking good, love," Ari said and pushed deeper into me. His balls emptied inside me and his seed drove deep into my ass. He pumped me a few more times as I collapsed against his chest. I murmured appreciation as I caught my breath.

"I love you so much, baby boy," Ari swore as he finished. He held me tightly against his chest and we both gasped for air and sucked at each other's skin. He buried his lips just behind my ear and sucked at my skin.

"Beautiful princess. I give you my seed so you grow big and strong," Ari laughed. He carried me off to the shower. We washed each other sleepily, but there was no time for a nap.


"There is dinner soon with client and we are behind with the late flight... and beautiful playtime," Ari said. He opened our bags on the bed and started to take out nice clothes to change into. I'd brought clothes intending to go to church with Denise on Sunday so I decided I would wear that.

I put on a short sleeved white button-up shirt that had tiny cartoon cactuses all over it, khaki jogger pants and crisp white slip-on shoes. His mom had picked it out for me.

"Is this ok?" I asked Ari who was wearing a blue suit minus the tie. "I feel underdressed compared to you."

"You're a boy. You don't need to dress like a man yet," Ari assured. He kissed my forehead then ordered us a ride on his phone. He left my phone charging in the room. He didn't want me hanging out on it in front of his clients. I left my wallet too. It was useless when I was with him.

The car sped through the crowded streets as the sun set in front of us. We got away from the towers then through gritty, dirty buildings and into crowded row houses that spaced out a little when we climbed into hills.

"It's so beautiful. Everything looks like a movie set," I noted of the narrow, tall houses painted in every color known to man.

"It is nice city. I will like to live here when I make my money," Ari noted. The Khorasani family was very well off so I wasn't sure what he meant.

We turned up some sharp, narrow streets until the driver found the right one. It looked like a very old house that had been redone over the years but kept it's historic charm. It had steps leading up to a wide door between two huge bay windows. The upstairs had equally grand windows with the drapes open to show the opulence inside.

Ari thanked the driver then led me up to the front door. He nudged me gently behind him as he rang the bell. An older, Asian guy wearing a velvet sport coat and button-up shirt answered the door. He looked maybe mid-30's and was tall, close to Ari's height.

"Welcome, come in. It's so good to finally meet in person," the man said. >From his looks, I expected him to sound really gay, but his tone was masculine and his accent was pure California. He caught me peeking out from behind Ari and he winked at me.

"Oh this must be Lukas! I recognize him from your posts! He really is adorable," the man said. Ari introduced me and said the guy's name was Andrew, or Mr. Chiu to me.

"What posts?" I whispered to Ari as we followed Mr. Chiu inside his home. I hadn't seen Ari put any pictures of us up. The house was insane. It looked straight out of a design magazine with expensive art on the walls and a modern, gray aesthetic to everything.

"Nothing to worry for. I am proud of my princess," he shrugged with the slightest hint of a blush.

We followed Mr. Chiu into the kitchen where three other guys were making a pitcher of some exotic drink. I was introduced to Mr. Wong and Mr. Lu with the third man telling me his name was just Jade. They all looked Chinese and well-dressed and had masculine tones that made me think they were just four upper class straight dudes.

They poured drinks, but made a juice with no alcohol for me. Four other men arrived. Two looked Indian or Middle Eastern and two looked Chinese or... I'm really not good at assessing ethnicity.

We all stood around in the large kitchen and dining space taking and laughing. Ari joined in and naturally became the center of attention with his looks and outgoing personality. He was here for business and charmed them so easily while I hid by his side and tried to blend into the wall. When the focus turned to someone else, I leaned into him and whispered, "I need to pee."

"Lukas needs the toilet," Ari announced to the room of handsome, older men. I was horrified, but he continued, "where can we find?"

"No I don't! I... wash hands!" I yelled and felt my cheeks burn bright crimson. I held up my hands awkwardly as if to show them how dirty they were. Everyone looked at me like I was insane.

"It's right through there," Mr. Chiu pointed.

"His tummy upsets from the airplane. Let's go love, I'll take you," Ari said. He took my drink and set it on the counter then nudged me towards the side hallway.

"I'm not peeing!" I swore as Ari pushed me from the room.

"That's so embarrassing!" I whisper-yelled when we got to the bathroom.

Ari chuckled and put his hands on my shoulders. He closed the door behind us.

"Why do Americans never talk about this? Everyone need toilet. You will discuss graphic sex thing but nobody poops!" Ari laughed.

"They talk about it in your culture?" I asked. I put up the lid and unzipped my pants. Ari leaned against the counter and folded his arms to watch me.

"In every culture but here is normal topic. I never see you pee before. You hold it between two fingers?" Ari's fascination made it hard to get started.

"Yeah... I can't go if you stare at me." I was getting a little pee shy.

"I join you," he said and came to stand by my side. He unzipped his pants and hauled out that brown snake that dwarfed my cock. He gripped it like a fire hose and immediately started to piss with a satisfied sigh.

"Dude, I can't..." I started to say but then I felt my stream get going. It worked.

"There you go, baby princess. You just need daddy to show you how to do this," he laughed.

"I am proud of you to be here with me. Everyone see my beautiful, respectful, quiet boy who wait by his man side. You make me proud," Ari beamed and shook the last few drops from his cock.

"They're nice. It's cool. I've never been around a group like this. I think we're the only non-Asians here!" It was the first time I'd been the minority. It was kind of cool.

"What do you mean?" Ari asked. My heart dropped and I thought I must have sounded offensive.

"Oh! Um. You know. Like they're all uh.. Asian-American? Is that... I'll shut up," I was blushing again. We went to wash our hands.

"Where do you think I am born?" Ari laughed and raised an eyebrow at me.

"Iran, right? But that's not like ASIA-Asia... Right?" I felt awkward under his amused stare. I should have kept my mouth shut.

"Yes, a country in Southwest Asia. I was born in Asia. Is a big continent." Ari looked at me like I'd done something cute.

"Oh... sorry. I guess I sound pretty dumb," I said. He came up behind me and put his arms on either side of me at the sink. He turned on the water and washed our hands together. He kissed the back of my neck and gave me chills.

"Is ok. My princess is young and there is much for me to teach her," he assured.

After dinner we all settled into the living room and Ari gave his presentation to the clients. He had a slideshow on their big screen showing properties they wanted to buy and city approvals for new things they wanted to build on them. I sat quietly and watched him work. He was pretty impressive. If I had any money, I'd certainly invest with him.

The men asked some tough questions and I thought things weren't going well. But Ari turned up the charm and answered with ease. He knew a lot of numbers and figures that left the men nodding and smiling. Ari ended by telling them he wanted them to take time and think it over and that he had sent portfolios of the presentation to their emails. He winked at me when it was over. He was pleased.

"Well I hope we get to see more of you two in person instead of just online. You're definitely earning a lot of followers with this romance!" One of the men said excitedly when it was over and everyone had gotten another round of drinks.

"What are these posts?" I spoke up with interest. The men looked at me with surprise. I hadn't opened my mouth much in front of them since I'd arrived... aside from the bathroom scandal.

"Oh! He hasn't seen? Oh let's put them on the big screen!" A guy said. They grabbed an iPad and loaded up a popular picture sharing site. Ari had a page just for us.

"Here we go! Let's start at the beginning! I love the gym uniform. Why is it so tight?" A man said and the screen showed a picture of me from the side. It looked like he had taken it from an angle where I wouldn't see him. I was folding towels outside the front desk.

"Had to save a boy in distress TWICE this morning from a punk. Think he'll reward me?" The caption under the picture read. There was an emoji with two eyes looking sideways and then a happy face with its tongue hanging out. He'd liked me from the beginning.

The second pic was Ari looking like a muscle god in a tight tank top with sweat dripping over every inch of his perfection. It was a black and white shot in the mirror of the gym bathroom.

"BID (boy in distress) was personal trainer for me today. He definitely work me over." The caption was followed by another tongue hanging out and an eggplant emoji

"This one's my favorite!" A guy said and scrolled to the next pic. It was me, but he'd added a filter that put a rabbit nose on my face and big floppy ears on my head. It was from the afternoon where he'd come over to pick up the gym clothes I'd gotten from his locker. I cringed as I saw the caption.

"Little bunny found jock I leave in my locker. Pretty sure he like it," the caption said and no emojis were needed.

I turned in absolute horror and buried my face in Ari's chest.

"Oh I embarrass him again. Is ok, bunny. I leave jock for you to find," Ari admitted. He was definitely drunk and opening up. I just wished it wasn't in front of this group.

"It gets better!" One of the guys in the room said. I didn't look up to see who it was. I was completely horrified... but then Ari seemed ok with it. He'd planted it like bait. He knew I'd take it. He knew I liked it and he still wanted me after that.

I looked up from his chest and saw him staring down with a smile. He rubbed my hair gently.

"I love you princess. I know from moment I see you that you are one for me, only one for me," Ari assured. He leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"Love you too," I said. He pulled me over to sit in his lap and turned me so I could watch again.

The next picture was another hidden camera angle. He must have sneaked up on me. I was training that Ryan guy who had booked me just to get info on Ari so he could lust after him.

The caption read, "Had to save bunny from this wolf. Dude was all over my princess." It had a bunny then the NO! and then a wolf emoji.

There was a picture of Glendale at night taken from his patio with the caption, "My bunny in his burrow somewhere down there in the city. Wish I can hold him." It was followed with a bunny then a baby emoji.

There were pictures from our video chats he'd snapped on his phone. I was always covered up to my nipples with the blanket. He didn't post anything of me in my underwear or worse. I had no idea how much time he spent thinking about me. The men made murmurs of appreciation each time another one popped up.

There were pictures of our dates and me in his lap or me cooking in his kitchen. I loved the ones he took of me sleeping on his chest. His handsome, furry chest of muscles cradled my head so perfectly. He had a lot of pictures of me sleeping with little angel emojis. The emojis and comments kept a happy, filthy tone. There were more of me in my gym uniform...

...but then things got sad. We got into the separation, the realization I was leaving. His comments turned darker and the emojis he regularly used were replaced by rain clouds and broken hearts...

There was a picture of me sitting on the floor with my knees pulled into my chest. My head was resting on my knees and my face was streaked with tears. I'd thought he was just checking his messages. I didn't know he'd taken a picture.

The caption read, "When your heart is in another body, is so much more fragile. I need be strong. Princess need me strong."

The next one was a little happier. It was me in his parent's kitchen from behind. I was pouring his coffee. The caption read, "Was ever an ass so beautiful?" Peach emoji and tongue followed.

Then more sadness. Pictures of an empty moving box, my spongebob pillow, and more of me in moments of distress - some of them with me being comforted in his lap. There were pictures of him too... one holding up the phone where he was talking with me and it had my picture with the title "baby princess" for the label. He must have taken that one in a mirror. He looked devastated and his eyes were red. I'd never heard him cry. He was always so positive for me.

The captions were worse: "My heart pulled 100 miles away." "Does he know how much it hurt to be away from what I need most?" "Nothing ever hurt like this... so bad."

I hadn't realized how hard it hit him that I'd left. I'd only focused on my own needs and heartbreak. He was carrying it for both of us.

I felt my eyes filling with tears and I got off his lap. He reached and caught my hand then got up to as I headed for the bathroom. I squeezed his hand and kept my other clapped over my mouth as I dragged him with me.

I turned to say something as he closed the door behind us, but he just shook his head. His hands went for my waist and he raised me up and set me on the counter. I leaned forward into his chest and sobbed against his shoulder. He slid his arms around me protectively and buried his lips against my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on tightly.

"I love you so much. Fuck that hurt so much to see," I sniffled. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were having a hard time too. I feel so selfish... I love you so much. I didn't think you could hurt."

"I am man. I am strong to protect you. I did not want to make this worse for my love. You have enough to worry for. When you hurt, I hurt," Ari said and sniffed like he was tearing up too.

We held each other for the longest time. Ari washed my face with a damp tissue and I could see his eyes were red.

"Can we go fuck now?" I laughed and blew my nose.

"Yes, we must give the viewers happy ending to story," Ari joked.

"You can NOT post us having sex!" I gave a playful swat to his chest.

"I will never show this princess body in nakedness. I already have hard time keeping your suitors at bay," he assured. "I go to make our goodbyes. You need minute or you are ok to walk?"

I wondered what he meant, but then he pointed down and I could see I was rock hard.

"Oh woah! That sneaked up on me," I laughed.

"Is a trickster. He always awaken for me." Ari nodded confidently.

I got off the counter and ran in place for a few seconds until it calmed down enough to not be a walking hazard. He started to rub my back but I pushed him away, that would only make it rise again. We went back out together. He held my hand and I stayed just behind him to the right. He hugged everyone goodbye and thanked them for listening to his presentation.

They felt bad for making me cry. Ari joked that it was going to get him laid. With the drinks they'd been serving him, he was loosened up and funny. They wished us well.

The Lyft driver on the way back was a thin, older guy who made lots of conversation. He was obviously gay and asked us personal questions the whole way back to our hotel.

"Oh are you two together? What a cute couple, O-M-G cute!" He commented when he noticed I was under Ari's arm in the backseat. Ari was still pretty tipsy from the drinks.

"I take care of him. He is my boy," Ari answered in a tone that sounded like he'd been accused of something. I looked up from his chest to see he had one eyebrow raised in suspicion.

"Oh I bet you do. When I was younger I was all about the hot young daddies. I woulda been all over you! Honey, I was poppin," the driver continued. He snapped his fingers and weaved between cars.

"What this means? Popping? Like corn?" Ari asked, his tone changing to slight amusement.

"Yeah like popcorn. Sure! I was cute, real cute," the driver snapped his fingers again.

"You will not be this when older, promise me no to this," Ari whispered in my ear. The driver had some dance music going so he couldn't hear him. I nodded my head then pursed my lips to ask for his. He smiled and leaned down to kiss me.

"Get it!" the driver said. Ari chuckled.

"Oh I get it, yes," he whispered to me. "I take what is mine."

Thankfully it wasn't a long ride back to the hotel. Ari thanked the driver and gave him a nice tip while I waited on the curb for him. The driver must have said something else funny because Ari laughed and waved him good night. He turned to me and shook his head.

He held my hand on the way to the elevator. None of the guests or patrons at the crowded lobby bar paid attention, but it was San Francisco.

"You are love to me?" Ari asked in the elevator. His tipsy state deteriorated his English.

"Of course!" I said, not sure what I was agreeing to. He smiled and nodded approval.

"To you I put baby inside?" Ari wagged his eyebrows. He was veering into complete incoherence.

"You want to put a baby in me?" I asked as he pulled me back against his chest.

"Yes, here." He rubbed my stomach as he held me from behind and rubbed his bulge against my ass. I understood. "I breed princess. We make beautiful babies. You know this will be truth."

"You can try but..." I started, but he put a finger to my lips.

"We arrive!" He said as the elevator dinged and the doors slid open.

We walked down towards our room. He was a little stumbly. He'd had a lot to drink at the party and it seemed to have had a delayed effect. He fooled with the card and couldn't get it to slide in right. I took it and showed him that he just had to touch it to the round pad. He laughed and kissed me.

I told him we should shower first and he nodded with a yawn. I knew this wasn't going to end in sex. I was horny as fuck. But after seeing the posts where he'd gone through pain because of me; and being happy for him winning over the clients; I was ok with just sleeping in his arms.

"Yes, I clean princess, I tap pussy, Princess sleep well," Ari smiled. He yawned again as I got undressed. He leaned back against the wall and watched me undress with a leering grin. I got down to my briefs and then looked at him with annoyance.

"You gotta get naked too, dude," I said and started to help him out of his clothes. He let me unbutton his shirt but then he He's a bulky guy and twice my size so I my attempts to wrestle with him weren't going well. He kept laughing and kissing me.

"Who is dude? I am daddy! You want steal my clothes? You wrestle for it!" Ari laughed and pulled me in against his chest.

"Hey no! Help me here! Please, daddy," I laughed. He was being impossibly cute. He growled at me and then rubbed his teeth against my neck.

"Why you are so pretty? How an ox like me land you?" he asked as he let me go. He put his hands on my cheek while I pulled for his belt.

"You didn't land me! I just needed a place to crash for the weekend since my dad forgot about me," I joked. He didn't think it was funny though. He looked at me with frustration.

"I know, little one. I promise I never forget you like this. My princess always come first. I show you this. I prove for rest of my life I can make happy for you," Ari swore. He nodded vigorously then rubbed his nose against mine.

"You can start by taking your clothes off... please, sir," I said and gave him my best boy eyes.

"Done! Your wish command me!" Ari stripped down to his boxer briefs. He patted my ass and we went off to the bathroom.

Trying to wash him was another chore. He let me soap up his chest and underarms, but when I got to his ass he jumped away and protested.

"No no! Manbutt not tasty like boybutt. I do this part for myself," he said. I handed him the soap and he got to work while I washed my hair and face.

"I can't touch your butt? I love your butt!" I asked when I rinsed the soap off.

"Is no good. A manbutt is for function. A princess pussy like yours is for pleasure. Some man like this play but no. I am not for this. I am giver, you are taker," Ari shook his head. I let it go.

We rinsed off and then he got two towels. He was starting to sober up and his yawns came harder and faster than before. He wrapped a towel around me and rubbed me from head to ass then looked at me with sleepy eyes.

"I will pleasure you... [big yawn]... then I sleep," he vowed.

"Yes sir," I said though I knew where this would end. He dried himself and we brushed our teeth then padded off naked to the bed. I loved watching his furry ass wiggle. He had two brown muscular globes that moved with intention, power. He did hard squats with the big weights at the gym and it certainly paid off.

"Come to me," he said as he flopped down on the bed and raised his arms towards me.

"One minute," I told him. I grew up with a dad who drank, though not regularly, so I knew to put some supplies on his side table. I went into his shaving kit and found his bottle of ibuprofen. I got three of them (he's a big guy) and then got him a bottle of water.

"Come! Now! Why my pussy disobeys?" Ari called. He waived his hands to motion me over.

"Take these first," I told him and handed him the pills.

"Oh... I drink too much. Yes," Ari sat up. I raised my hand to his face and he swiped his tongue around the pills while making sexy eyes at me. He sucked up each pill with a little vacuum noise and then chugged the water. I put the trash can by his side of the bed and a box of tissues. I went and turned off the lights then crawled in beside him. I could take care of him too.

"You so good to me," he said softly as I slid under his left arm. He rubbed it down to my ass and slid a finger between my cheeks. Being naked and pressed into his body, my cock was already getting hard, but a few rubs from his finger brought me to full mast.

He pushed into my hole and wiggled for a minute but then it went still. His lips came to rest on my forehead and he started to snore. He was out.

I slept so soundly with his finger inside me. It was strangely calming, like a pacifier for my "pussy."


I woke up to him rubbing his nose into my hair and inhaling me while his finger still wiggled inside my hole. I yawned and rubbed my left hand over his hairy muscled pecs.

"Good morning, love," Ari whispered and kissed my forehead as his finger rubbed around my ring. I looked up at him and felt my hard cock poking into his thigh. I don't know if it had ever gone down overnight. His body had its full attention.

"You look like you feel ok," I said and kissed his chest then rubbed my lips over his left nip.

"You take care of me last night. I feel good. Is time to please you as I promised," Ari said. His lips curled into a smile that made my hole twitch. It was time.

-- My Blog: My Stories:

Next: Chapter 8

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