Lukas and the Shah

By Emri S.

Published on Jul 23, 2018


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Story Recap: Lukas, an athletic California 17 yr-old with blonde hair, blue eyes, and tight body, meets Ari, a wealthy, muscled Persian bent on dominating the "innocent" boy. After Lukas ran away to get help from Ari because the father's new girlfriend threatened him, Lukas' dad agreed to let him live with Ari's family (The Khorasanis) until school started again.

. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ . {Lukas & The Shah} . [Ch.6- A Boy Needs His Daddy] . ~By Emri~

"Breakfast pussy is the most important pussy of the day!" Ari said happily after pushing his tongue inside my hole and licking me. I was on all fours on his bed and he squatted behind me to get at the ass he loved.

I'd woken up early that morning since the Khorasani family kept insisting on an early bedtime for me. I'd found the stack of clothes and folded blanket perched neatly on a desk in the room where I was staying. His mother must have folded them and put them there.

I wondered if she'd had any idea the dirty things her son had done to me on that blanket. I'd gone to take a quick shower and then peeked in to see Ari sprawled out on his back and snoring like a bear.

I'd crept out of the bathroom that connected our two bedrooms with a towel around my waist. I took my towel off and finished drying myself while watching those massive, furry pecs rise and fall with peaceful breath. He was so warm when he slept that the blanket was pushed down around his thighs and his bulge rose like an ant hill in his white fleece shorts. I rubbed the towel through my hair and then hung it up back in the bathroom.

I should have gone to get dressed. Mr. Khorasani would be up soon and expect to see me while he made his coffee. He liked our morning talks. But the sleeping giant in the next room drew me back like a magnet. I went and crawled naked into his side. He didn't move for a minute. I just laid my head on his chest and snuggled into his warmth.

He let out a half snore and then slid his arms around me. It finally registered with his brain and he awoke with a start. He kissed and snuggled me then I started to feel the lump in his shorts grow. I kissed down his chest and slid down his shorts with my teeth until his cock popped out and hit me in the face.

Ari stretched out on the bed and spread his muscled thighs while I went in for what I craved. I sucked on his chicken egg nuts and slurped up his thick shaft. I dove onto the tip and made myself gag as his hand found my cheek and rubbed along the outline of his cock where it stuffed me. He let me bob on his cock for a few minutes.

He yawned and checked something on his phone, then I heard a photo snap sound as I was looking up at him.

"Mmmm," I said with my mouth stuffed.

"Is so precious, those baby blue eyes staring up at me with those pretty pink princess lips stretched on daddy's cock. I love my Lukas so much." Ari snapped another then put his phone down and stopped sliding his cock in and out.

"So good, baby, but daddy need his morning Vitamin P," Ari growled. He gently pushed my head off his manhood and then got behind me, squatting down so his tongue met my ass. He squirmed inside me and made little kissing sounds with his lips on my ass. His mouth latched on and I felt him sucking while he swiped his tongue inside me.

"Ohhh," I groaned and grabbed the blanket in my fist. His tongue worked my hole and I was panting like a dog at the beach, lost under his control.

"Mmmm," I muffled my cries in the blanket. His wet muscled pussy licker was jammed inside my hole and wiggling like crazy. He dove in and then I felt his hands on my hips. He gripped me hard and then slowly lifted off the bad.

"Ahh!" I squealed as he got to his feet and held me in an inverted position with his face buried between my cheeks. I dangled helplessly and grabbed onto his cock as it poked angrily near my face. I dove onto it and slurped it over my tongue while he hate his breakfast.

"Fuck," Ari hissed, sliding his tongue out of me. He held me firmly by the hips. I was upside down and felt the blood that wasn't pumping my cock rush down to my head. I bobbed on his massive fuckstick and he lifted me up and down on him. He rubbed his scratchy chin over my hole and I felt a ripple through my stomach.

"So good, pussy baby. Suck your bottle and I lick your pink hole," Ari said. He drove his tongue back inside me and made my cock dance around. I slurped on his thick Persian salami and tongued the tip of his cock. He wiggled his tongue inside me and I pulled off his cock with a moan.

"Please fuck me. I'm so ready," I whimpered. "Please, daddy."

"Fuck so beautiful," Ari took his tongue out then kissed my hole.

He sat down on the bed then turned me around. He looked at me with serious eyes and his finger played with my hole while I bounced cowboy-style on his lap. I put my arms around his neck to steady myself. He brought his other hand to his lap. He jerked slowly on our cocks as he thought.

"Please daddy. My pussy need you," I whined in a low voice and flashed begging eyes at him.

"Just the tip, ok? We save other for later, but I can see you need it. Sad little princess," Ari sighed with pity. He gave our cocks a few more tugs then swiped the precum from his tip over to mine. He mixed it with my precum then brought it to my lips.

"Come with me," he said and put his hands on my ass. He lifted me up against his chest and stood. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me off to the bathroom. He turned on the shower as he balanced me with one hand.

"Woah," I said and hugged my arms around his neck thinking he was going to drop me. Ari laughed and used the one hand he held me with to bounce me.

"Huh? You think daddy drops his precious princess?" Ari laughed. He bounced me again and again until I eased my grip on his shoulders and relaxed.

"There you go. You must trust me before you can let me inside you, little princess." Ari kissed my cheek.

"I do... I just." I lowered my eyes knowing I'd panicked.

"When you trust me, your body relax and you know Daddy will take care of you. Ok, little one?" Ari set me down on the cold marble counter. He leaned me back against the mirror and took a rolled up decorative towel from a bowl of them next to the sink. He put it behind my head so the hard mirror wouldn't hurt.

"I know this pussy. I love it and will protect what is mine. I have study it." Ari assured. He opened a sliding drawer and dug around in it looking for something.

"You studied my... hole?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course. What you think I do in there? I know how pussy thinks. I know what pussy needs. I know what make pussy purr," Ari said with dead seriousness.

"Do we have to call it that? I'm a boy," I reminded him. He gave my cock a tug then went to dig in another drawer. I wondered what he was looking for.

"You are boy. I know this, but a boy with a pussy is different. He is either princess to be loved or fucktoy to be used. It is something he is born with. It is in his heart and what he desires. You are my beautiful princess who is to be treasured gently not used and passed along. You need a real man to get in there and show what your pussy is for while also protect your heart. I am the one you need, the one born to serve and protect," Ari growled.

"To protect and serve? Like a cop for pussy?" I joked. He didn't get it.

"Like a warrior, my love. I die before my princess is harmed. I never pass you along to another. A real man does not engage a pussyboy unless he can identify him and give him what he need. I know you are princess and meant for my cock," Ari swore as he rooted through the drawer.

"I'm your princess?" I asked. I liked the way he put it. I could live with that.

"Of course! I tell you this every day," Ari said like this was an established fact, then exclaimed, "Ahh! Here is." He held up a black bottle and flipped open the lid. He squeezed clear lube over his fingers then closed it and tossed it back in the drawer.

"Remember which drawer is lube. We will need it always. I am too big for my baby," he laughed. He slicked up the top third of his cock which held the fat, flared tip of his hungry cock.

"Yes sir. I will," I nodded.

"Where you want I put this?" Ari asked.

"Inside me," I begged. "Please, daddy."

"Inside where? Mouth? Ear? Nose? Many good options," Ari smirked.

"In my hole, please," I begged impatiently. He pumped that slick cock. I put my feet against his pecs. They slid up over his shoulders when he pushed between my thighs. He rubbed the tip against my hole and leaned down over me until our noses touch. His lips were an inch from mine, but he didn't kiss me.

"What's it called, boy? What do we call that hole that wants its master's cock?" Ari growled.

"In my pussy, sir," I gave in. At first it had been hot in a dirty way then a little weird. Now though, under his muscles pumping out heat and man-scent... after his explanation and vows of love, it felt just right. He wasn't putting me down. He was helping me learn what I needed.

"My princess wants her pretty pink pussy fucked? She needs a real man to own that pretty pink pussy?" Ari's deep, Persian rumble sent shivers through me and made my cock pump out a fresh glob of precum. My blue eyes met his mocha brown ones and I nodded.

"Yes daddy. I need a real man to make that pussy his," I agreed.

Ari's lips pressed against mine and I felt them curve into a smile of approval. His tongue slid past my lips and wrestled with mine. He pressed the tip against my hole and I felt it push open the ring. He pushed just a little more then stopped. He broke our kiss and raised up to stare down at me.

"You trust me, princess?" he asked. He put his left hand on my neck. He rubbed his thumb over my adam's apple as I arched my neck and squirmed on his tip.

"Yes... Huhhh... yes," I gasped as his tip shoved in. I closed my eyes and bared my teeth. I so wanted him inside me.

"So fucking tight, baby," Ari laughed then grunted when he found the spot he wanted. "Feels so good, Lukas. Fuck... my beautiful baby. I never dream of find such perfection to have in my arms." He let go of my neck and slid his hand down my chest and abs until he found my cock.

"I'm so close, fuck," I whimpered. He gripped my cock and jerked it in a slow, tight tug. He stopped pushing into me, letting me get used to him.

"If I move, I cum," Ari warned. "This feel too good, Lukas. I laid back against the mirror with ragged breath. He stretched my ring to what felt like the limit. I whined and bit my lip, but didn't want it to stop. The tip was resting on my special spot, that first one he always hits. The only movement between us was him tugging my cock painfully slow. I was right on the edge and the thought that his cock was inside me drove me nuts. I so wanted more, but then I really wanted to cum. I gave up though. It didn't really matter what I wanted. Daddy was in control. I relaxed and let him do his job.

"I... almost... ohhh," I groaned. It was that last tight tug on my cock and my cum started to shoot out in a well-choreographed display. I hit the mirror, my nipples, my cheek. My body shook and my muscles tensed then spasmed. My eyelids fluttered and I fought to meet his stare.

"Eyes on me, baby. Cum for your master," Ari commanded. He looked down at me, studying me as I bucked and shot under his control.

"That pussy squeezes my cock when you shoot... Oh fuck baby! I cum! I breed my princess!" Ari growled and started to fire off inside me. His tip was just inside and it pulsed and flared as he pumped into me. The juice went deep and touched new places in my canal. I shot harder and hit my lip. I gasped and whined.

"I love you, Lukas. This is heaven! So fucking good! Fuck, princess!," Ari moaned. He fell forward against me and buried his lips on my neck. He kissed and nibbled as his body hunched and jerked. I felt a few more hit inside me and then he went still and gasped for air.

"So good, daddy. I have you inside me now. I have your seed. I'm yours," I said, remembering his promise. I felt a jolt of pride in my chest. I was his.

"I am yours for eternity, Lukas," Ari sighed and kissed my neck. He squished me against the counter and laid over me. His lips found mine and locked in a dance of sweaty passion.

We showered together then dried each other before going off to change for the day.


I was the first out and went to the kitchen to find his dad sitting at the table wearing an open robe that showed his hairy, muscled chest. He turned when he heard me and offered a smile. He brought me in for a morning hug and I got a look at the blue boxer briefs that covered his lap and hugged a large lump between his furry, muscled thighs. I hoped Ari grew to be just like him when he was that age.

I felt pains of guilt lusting like that after my boyfriend's father, but his body was slammin. He was even older than my own father, but something about the way he moved, spoke, touched me... I couldn't help myself. He was pure man, the kind you never thought you'd jerk off thinking about but ended up cumming like a rocket. I was turning into this cock obsessed hound around the men here.

"Good morning, Mr. Khorasani," I said as he hugged me and kissed my cheeks.

"Good morning, little one. You are being a good boy?" Mr. K asked.

"Yes sir," I swore. "Best boy ever."

"I know you are, sweet boy. You are dressed for office. This is good. We have much work today. There is breakfast on the counter," he offered. I had on khaki joggers with white converse, and a long-sleeved green t-shirt with little dolphins swimming across the chest. I grabbed a bowl of oatmeal and a glass of juice then slid into the chair next to Mr. K while he played with his phone.

I ate my breakfast and stared at his lap. He never closed his legs or crossed them. He had them spread open and his fat bulge rested on the seat. He made conversation, but I couldn't fully focus. I kept looking down between his thighs and thinking about how good Ari had felt inside me.

"Good morning. Lukas, you woke up early?" Ari asked as if he hadn't been breeding me in the bathroom. He kissed his father's cheek from behind then came to do the same to me. He had on a black suit and tie. He was dressed for work.

"You're going in early?" Mr. K asked as Ari sat down. I got up and went to make him a plate for breakfast.

"I have meeting in Corona then some in Orange County. Thought I'd get early start with the traffic. It would help if I can take Lukas and use carpool lane. It would save me at least an hour there and back," Ari said. I got him a plate of eggs, toast, and some weird bean thing his mom had put out. I got a little spark of hope. It would be awesome to spend the day tagging along with him.

"Lukas has his own job," Ari's father said. "I have him filing today. We need to get through those boxes so we can redo the conference room."

"Fine, fine, but if I don't make it back for dinner I'll tell mom it's your fault and you can face her wrath," Ari laughed. I set his plate in front of him and then went to get him a fork.

"Your brothers are coming over tonight to watch the football match. They're bringing friends. Oh, Lukas! Why don't you invite a friend from the mini-golf you went to? Have any of them called you?" Mr. Khorasani asked. He reached down and adjusted himself in his boxer briefs as I came back to the table and sat down.

"I don't think so. Have they, Ari?" I asked. I remembered he'd put his phone number on the registration form. He fished his phone from his pocket and scrolled around.

"The Dylan boy sends two texts. I do not reply," Ari said bluntly. He hadn't been happy seeing me with other guys while he was with his friends at the mini-golf. Dylan had been nice and respectful under Ari's watchful eye, but Ari didn't trust him.

"Ok then invite him over! We can order pizza for the boys and I can see if he will be a good friend for Lukas. It's important we build a network for him here. His father will be pleased if we find him a respectable crew," Mr. K said.

Ari looked uncomfortable, but he followed his father's command and typed out a text while he ate. He sent a few texts back and forth but didn't show them to me.

"Ok, your little friend come at 7. I must go before the traffic is unbearable," Ari said. He finished his food and then kissed my cheek as he headed out. He left his plate on the table for me to take care of.

"I know he is not happy, but is important you make friends here. A boy needs friends and I intend to find you good ones your father will approve of." Mr. Khorasani leaned over towards me and put his elbow on the table. His robe slipped open and I stared at his bulge.

"I don't want to upset Ari," I admitted. "I want to make him happy. I just want to be with him."

"As pretty as you are, your father did not send his son off to become a lap boy for Persian men." Mr. K laughed. I looked up at him with alarm at his blunt language. He knew what I was to his son and seemed to appreciate it. "You are here to make friends, little one. You are here to have a fun summer and grow. You are on the edge of becoming a man and your father wants you to make good choices."

"I am, sir. I love it here. You've been so awesome to me." I caught his eyes and felt a flutter in my stomach thinking about how he probably knew exactly how far I'd given in to his son.

"We love you, Lukas. You make my son so happy and I know you will be a good match for him. I never have seen him care for someone like he does for you. I am pleased with his choice and I hope you can be happy here," Mr. K said. He put his hand on my cheek like Ari does and gave it a little rub then sat back in his chair.

"Thank you, sir." I ate my oatmeal; unsure what to say.

"One caution though," Mr. K started. He put his hand on my cheek again and pushed back my hair. He looked at me with a serious expression.

"You are a respectful and gentle boy... It is what we love about you most, but you must learn to speak up with my Arisht. My son is loyal and his heart is clearly with you. But Persian men can be bulldozers. We often treat our weaker mates as children. Our women learn early to speak up and be heard in appropriate ways. If you do not do this, he will think it is his duty to know your heart rather than ask it what it wants or needs. You must learn to force you opinion to remind him your voice works." Mr. Khorasani rubbed my cheek.

"Sometimes it's hard," I admitted. I hated to contradict him. Disappointing Ari felt like a stab to the heart.

"You should know when it is appropriate. Never in front of others. And NEVER in front of family. A Persian man does not like others involved in his relationship. If you were not so young and still under your father's protection, we would leave Arisht alone in his care for you. But I gave my word to your father you would be protected here, body and heart. I try to give it over to Ari as he proves he can handle it," Mr. K assured.


Mr. Khorasani kept me working in his office for most of the morning. He was busy with calls and meetings, but he'd check in on me periodically I was doing mostly meaningless work. He had me refiling his files. Apparently his old file folders weren't good anymore. Some were tearing and others had broken tabs on them. His secretary gave me two boxes of folders that were heavier and more durable. I crawled around behind his desk emptying old files and putting them into new folders.

Between calls he would roll his chair back and check on me. I found lots of duplicate forms and made a stack for him to go through. He was pleased with my work.

For lunch, he sent me down the block to pick up Japanese food. I had to go around the office with a menu and then write down everyone's orders. His secretary said the girl who usually takes the orders was out for the day and he seemed happy to have me doing the grunt work. I didn't mind and it was good to be off the floor after filing all morning.

When I walked outside the building I realized it was the first time in awhile that I'd been out on my own without a Khorasani man to supervise me. It felt strange. I passed a group of businessmen and I looked down, like meeting their eyes was forbidden.

I realized I'd come to view important looking men as higher life forms. There were submissive boys like me and dominant men like Ari. Then of course there were other guys who didn't participate in this dynamic at all. I'd never seen the world like that before.

I made a game of meeting their eyes and then dropping mine when they were of Ari's breed. They came in all ages, shapes, and colors. They'd look me in the eye and I'd instantly register them. Boys like me would get an upward head nod and smile. Men like Ari would get a downward head nod of respect, and I'd move out of their way. I knew Ari would be proud of me for learning my place. I didn't want to send any of the real men a wrong signal. I was respectful and moved away from them to avoid confrontation.

I made it to the Japanese place and found it bustling with a lunch crowd picking up orders.

The place wasn't much bigger than two freight elevators side by side and there wasn't really a line at the counter, just a glob of pushy people. I waited for my turn, but new people came in and moved in front of me. I hung back hoping one of the two guys taking orders would wave me forward. They didn't.

"You have to push in or you'll be here all day." I heard a voice just behind me to the right and then felt a heavy hand on my shoulder pushing me forward. "Excuse us, we were here first." He guided me up behind a girl who was paying. The crowd around us didn't object.

"Oh, thanks," I said and looked over to see a wide smile of pink lips and almond skin. He looked Japanese, but that could have just been the restaurant around him. I'm sure other people of Asian descent eat Japanese food too. There isn't much diversity where I grew up in Desert Springs. He had these warm brown eyes that were focused directly on me.

I met his eyes and instantly registered him as a real man like Ari. I lowered my eyes respectfully but there wasn't a place to move to. The crowd kept me front and center for him. I knew Ari would disapprove.

He had black hair that was shaved down on the sides but long on top as it poked out from beneath his backwards Dodgers cap. He kept his hand on my shoulder, and gave it a squeeze as we made it to the front of the line.

"I need this," I said like an idiot and handed the order list to the cashier. I could feel my voice shaking. I couldn't focus with this man's hand on me. He smelled like light cologne and good soap as he pressed in beside me. It wasn't the heavy musk like Ari held. His air was cleaner, but just as clearly masculine. He was almost Ari's height but not nearly as thick and muscled. He was lean and toned but had a firm grip that let me know he could protect what was his.

"Sure, boss." The cashier looked at the slip and started punching it into an iPad.

"Looks like you have a lot of friends to feed," the guy holding my shoulder said.

"Oh, it's the office where I work. They sent me... You want something? You can add it. I have cash!" I said and pulled a stack of 20's out of my pocket. A man like him, a man who had helped me navigate the chaos to place the order, deserved a meal from me.

"Woah, high roller. We could go somewhere nicer with that stack," he laughed. He gave his order to the cashier and I handed him the wad of bills to give the cashier.

"We could, but the office might fire me," I laughed. I felt the need to entertain him. He had a permanent smile and got our number to go and wait. We shuffled off to the side and found a tiny spot to wedge into between an aquarium and the wall. I ended up on the aquarium side and he had me trapped with his back to the crowd.

"I'm Kaito by the way, and you?" the guy said as I looked at the colorful fish swimming around.

"Lukas. I am Lukas," I stumbled through my name like I was new to speaking.

"Cool name. What do you do at the office?" Kaito asked. He put an arm up on top of the aquarium, blocking any escape route. I felt guilty knowing Ari wouldn't approve of me being out alone for this very reason. He wouldn't want a strange man cornering me in a crowded place. His lips would curl up angrily seeing me touched by another.

"This morning I crawled around on my hands and knees taking things out of old folders and putting them in new ones." I joked. I laughed nervously and looked down.

"Sweet! Maybe if you get the lunch order right they'll let you staple something this afternoon," Kaito laughed. He had a great laugh, the kind that would make any statement seem hilarious.

"Dare to dream," I shrugged and tried to play it cool. I would disarm him with dumb jokes until I could get the lunch order. I felt my heart pounding and forced a smile. "What about you?"

"Well my business card says software engineer, but I mostly eat popcorn and play video games." Kaito pushed back a few locks of hair that had fallen from his baseball cap down over his intoxicating eyes. He winked at me.

"They give you a business card? I don't even have a nametag," I lamented.

"You'll get there, kid. It took me six months before they'd let me touch the files. Sounds like you're climbing that ladder fast," Kaito laughed.

"Oh! Hey!" He said suddenly. Someone bumped him from behind and he lurched forward. He slid his arm around me to buffer me as he knocked me against the wall. His chest rubbed against mine and felt different from Ari's but no less strong. He had hard pecs and my nose brushed his neck. I closed my eyes inhaling his light cologne. He pushed back before I could hit the wall.

It was a weird moment. Our eyes locked and he kept his hand on my back, his arm around me. He used the other hand to push us off from the wall, but then we just froze and stared at each other awkwardly. I felt his heartbeat pounding as fast as mine and I felt a stab of guilt at having another man's hand on me. He was a really hot man at that. Ari would be upset.

"Sorry, kid. You ok? That guy backed into me and we almost knocked over the aquarium. Had to save the fish," Kaito said but didn't back away.

"Yeah... No... gotta save... the fish... good fish," I was letting whatever words I could find escape me. Kaito laughed at my awkwardness.

"You're cute. I'm sure you get that a lot, but well... you're cute," Kaito said and bit his lip like he shouldn't have admitted it. Seeing him look shy and guilty added a whole other dimension of handsome to his face. I had to get out of there. This had gone too far.

"Oh um... I have a..." I wasn't sure how to finish that. I'd almost said owner, then daddy. Something about what I had with Ari didn't feel like "boyfriend" was appropriate.

"Right! Yes. Of course you do." Kaito backed off and checked behind him.

"I mean. You're totally..." I smiled like I wanted to say he was hot. I couldn't say that.

"Yeah, fuck. You're totally... too," Kaito joked.

He looked behind him as someone called a number from the counter. "That's us!" We both sighed relief that this awkward exchange was over. Kaito went to the counter and grabbed two large bags filled with take-out containers.

"Oh! They put yours in with everyone else?" I realized I'd been gone a long time from the office.

"Looks like it. But you probably need help carrying anyways. I'll help you and then get mine to go. I get a long break when I want it." Kaito smiled.

We argued back and forth about my carrying ability. I didn't want Kaito going to the Khorasani office with me. I didn't know how Mr. K would react to me bringing a new friend.

He insisted on helping though. He carried both bags for me and followed me back to the office. He told me about a new game he was working on and tried to make light conversation.

When we got to the office, we put the bags on the table near Mr. Khorasani's secretary who eyed us with suspicion. We opened a few cartons until Kaito found his. He grabbed a fork and napkin then turned to leave.

"Hey, um," he said and looked back at me awkwardly. He set his carton down and then reached for his wallet. He looked at me like he was unsure of something and then sighed.

"Since you bought me lunch, maybe I can return the favor some time. As friends, of course. You seem pretty cool." Kaito fumbled with his wallet and pulled out a card. It was sky blue with little animated birds flying over it and his info. I didn't reach for it so he pushed it towards the front right pocket of my pants. It slid into my pocket and I felt instantly guilty.

I said nothing. I looked down awkwardly.

"Cool... well," Kaito fumbled for words. "Thanks for lunch." He turned and grabbed his carton then headed towards the elevators. I watched him leave as everyone came towards me to root around for their lunch orders.

"Who is that?" Mr. Khorasani's voice came from behind me. I wheeled around and looked at him with scared eyes.

"He helped me order and then carry stuff back... I told him I have a..." I again didn't know how to finish that sentence. Mr. K looked at me and registered my guilt and shame.

"Ah, yes. I should not have sent you alone. Arisht will be upset if he learns of this. It was my mistake and not yours. A boy should be chaperoned in this city," Mr. Khorasani sighed.

"No! It wasn't like that. But um... here. He put this in my pocket." I took Kaito's card from my pocket and handed it to him. It made him sigh even deeper. He studied it then put it in his pocket with a nod. He took his lunch container and then waved for me to follow him back to his office.

"I wasn't flirting, sir. I promise! I..." I started to explain but Mr. K held up his hand to stop me.

"You are a very handsome boy. It is natural for you to attract suitors. This is not your fault. You are young and from a very small town that preserved your innocence. There are many in this city who will see your innocence as an invitation," Mr. Khorasani explained.

"I think he was just being nice," I tried to reason. I must have sounded desperate because Mr. K put his food down and reached to squeeze my shoulder.

"His intentions were clear, and it is not your fault. I don't want you to feel ashamed of your beauty or of what it inspires in other men. My son chose the best and others will seek it as well. Your father was right to be cautious of leaving you in Los Angeles," Mr. K explained.

"I love Ari! He's the only one I want," I exclaimed.

"Of course you do and he loves you very much. I will make sure you are accompanied next time you are sent on an errand. Arisht is right to be cautious with you. To me you are just an innocent boy, but to other men you look like prey. Don't think about it anymore. I'll make sure you are chaperoned. This is not something you are expected to stand up against. You need a man's protection." He patted my back and then sat down to eat his lunch.

I picked at mine, not feeling very hungry after all that. I felt guilty and dirty. I knew Ari would be upset. I should have ignored Kaito and not let him help me bring the food back. I had failed.


"I'm stuck, baby. I try to get to you soon! These cars do not move, my love," Ari said when he called late that afternoon. He'd gotten behind in his meetings and traffic was exceptionally awful. I could tell he was stressed, hungry, and exhausted.

I felt so bad for him. His brothers and my new friend Dylan were coming over soon for pizza and the game. I really just wanted to get him home and go to his bed and do more of what we'd done that morning. I knew it was important to make a friend here outside of the family. My dad would be so happy for me and from our phone calls it sounded like he was doing well back in Desert Springs.

I talked to Ari until his brothers came with the pizza and a ton of beer. They found me in the kitchen leaning against the counter and heard me talking to Ari while he inched along in traffic. Sajad set the pizza boxes down and came towards me motioning for me to give him the phone. I told Ari his brother wanted him and I passed Sajad the phone.

"Hello, little one." Arash smiled at me and set down a box of beer bottles. He pulled me in for a hug against his warm cave of muscles. I was worried about Ari and his brother's arms felt good. He held me for a long time and kissed my cheek.

I helped him put the beer into the refrigerator and talked to him while Sajad was on the phone with Ari. Sajad was laughing and yelling in their language. I knew Ari was probably annoyed with him, but when a Khorasani man asks for the phone, I pass him the phone.

Arash kept me company and kept his hands on me. He touched my shoulders, the center of my back, pulled me in under his arm, rubbed my chest, and calmed me. He felt free to comfort his younger brother's boy physically without fear of upsetting Ari. I was learning this rule with them.

We went out to the living room to find Mr. Khorasani greeting Dylan. The two spoke in Farsi and Mr. K was showing him something on the wall. Dylan was from their culture and seemed to be well-mannered. He nodded happily as Mr. K went on talking. They stopped when they realized we had come in. Arash nudged me towards Dylan.

"Hey, Lukas. What's up?" Dylan nodded at me then came toward me to engage in a complicated bro handshake that I fucked up. He laughed and winked at me.

The doorbell rang again and I thought it was Ari, but it turned out to be a white guy about Ari's age named Jace. He was tall, handsome, and built like the other men. He looked me over but didn't address me until Arash introduced me and said I was "Ari's boy." Jace just nodded at that and waved at me. He seemed to look at me almost like he didn't approve. He shook Dylan's hand and talked to him, but ignored me. I could tell he didn't like me.

Sajad put on the "football match" which turned out to be a soccer game. Dylan and I got pizza and sat in the kitchen with Mr. K while the other guys grabbed pizza and beer then headed back to the living room.

Dylan told me about the high school I hoped to go to. He said there were lots of clubs to join and people were mostly chill. He said it was mostly Asians, Persians, and Armenians but they wouldn't be rude to me and he would introduce me to his friends. He didn't know much about the track team or running club, but he knew they existed. Dylan said he was on the wrestling team and was in the weightlifting club.

"He bothers me," Sajad interrupted us as he came back into the kitchen. He set my phone on the table and I saw Ari had been messaging from traffic.

"Don't torture your brother," Mr. Khorasani admonished his son. He took the phone from me and typed something back to Ari without letting me read the messages. I was a child here.

"He seems pretty protective of you," Dylan said as he sipped a can of sprite.

"I guess so. He's stuck in traffic and probably hungry," I shrugged. Sajad went back to the game.

"I dated a guy like him for awhile. I couldn't handle it," Dylan whispered as Mr. Khorasani got up from the table and called someone (probably Ari) on my phone.

"Really?" I leaned in. Dylan wasn't a shrimpy guy like me.

"It's pretty intense sometimes. I didn't like feeling locked down. He didn't get along with my friends, but my family liked him. I just broke up with him a few weeks back," Dylan said and looked a little sad.

"I've never dated a guy like him. I mean I've never really dated, but definitely not a guy like him." I admitted. Mr. K was ignoring us and talking in Farsi.

"It's hot at first. But he took over so quickly and I didn't even realize it until my friends were getting pissed at me for ignoring them. I got lost in him. I need more independence. At least your guy let you go to the lgbt club." Dylan said as he got up to get more pizza.

"Well my dad wants me to move back to Desert Springs when the school year starts, so we're trying to show him I can make friends and do well here," I said.

"That's intense. I'd hate to be stuck out in the desert," Dylan shook his head and grabbed more pizza. "I'd go nuts out there."

"There's like two out guys in my old high school. I have friends but my dad doesn't really approve of them because they get in trouble. No one really bothers us, they just kind of ignore us. I can't imagine dating anyone there, especially not after Ari," I confessed.

Mr. Khorasani stepped out to make a phone call and the conversation took a dirty turn in his absence.

"You like the control he has, don't you?" Dylan asked with a smirk.

"It's so hot, dude," I laughed.

"I used to like that to, but now I'm not a boy like that anymore. I like to be the one in control now. Especially hot muscle guys. They act all tough, but they're so easy to break down. They just beg you for it. It's the best. They'll do anything to get my cock. I couldn't go back with a man like Ari." Dylan went for more pizza and left me there with a lot to think about. He'd been a pussy boy but now was a man. Would that happen to me as I got older? Would Ari let it happen?

It was kind of cool hanging out with Dylan. He was easy to talk to and Mr. K supervised but pretended to be distracted by his phone. I noticed that he rarely left us alone in the kitchen after his phone call.

Ari came in and found me laughing with Dylan. He nodded at Dylan and clapped his hand on Dylan's shoulder as they exchanged greetings in Farsi. He kissed my forehead and put his hand on my head like a pet. He complained about the traffic and spoke with his father in Farsi as he got his pizza and a beer.

"What are they saying?" I whispered to Dylan who had an interested smirk on his face.

"He's complaining that his father sent him off so far and he missed time with you... The father is saying it's his job and he should have planned his week better... Ari is saying he should have taken you with him like he wanted... Father says you are not his son's pet... Ari says you are his to decide for and not his father's son... Father says you are under his care until you return to your own father... Ari says for me to stop translating for you," Dylan finished with a guilty laugh.

I looked over at Ari and saw him eyeing me with a laugh so he wasn't too upset.

"My little spy can learn Farsi if he want listen in on my family discussion. No cheats!" Ari laughed and shoved pizza in his mouth.

"You'll teach me?" I asked.

"Never. How will I discuss you if you understand what I say? I would have to switch for Arabic!" Ari shook his head but gave me a kiss on the forehead, leaving a smear of pizza grease. He took his plate and went to change out of his suit. He nodded for me to follow.

"I need to... pee," I said and left to follow Ari. Dylan just nodded knowing what I was going to do.

"I'll check out the game and that cute white guy," he laughed and went out to the living room. Mr. Khorasani followed him. The boys were always supervised here.

I followed Ari to his room. He held his door open for me while holding his beer and balancing his plate on his arm. He set his food down and then closed the door behind us.

"I miss time with you and your new friend. He seem ok. My father approves. I think he is good for you. He does not hold eyes for my boy," Ari said as he unbuttoned his shirt and took off his tie. He tossed them on a chair and then unbuckled his pants. He looked tired and stressed out.

"I missed you too," I said and walked towards him. He started to undo his pants, but I put my hands there and unbuttoned them for him. He reached for his beer while I slid down his zipper and let his pants fall to the floor. He sighed happily after taking a swig of his drink.

"Is so nice come home to my love," Ari said as his pants fell down his muscled thighs. He leaned back against the dresser and I knelt to untie his shoes. He had on black briefs with an awakening bulge in the front. I rubbed my cheek against it and looked up at him while I fumbled with his shoe laces.

"So beautiful, my boy. Princess makes my coming home best part of the day." Ari put a hand on my hair and pet me as he sipped his beer. I took off his shoes and he stepped out of his pants. I nuzzled my nose in just under his cock and got a heavy hit of his balls.

"You smell so hot. Is that gross? It's just... the sweat and your cologne mixed together... I just want to lick it," I admitted and stared up at him with blue eyes full of lust. His musk from a hard day of work hit my senses like a jolt of electricity. I kissed his thighs and he pet me while sipping his beer.

"Is natural for a boy to be attraction to the smell of a real man. It overwhelm your little princess brain. You are no accustom to how a real man smell," Ari growled in that Persian daddy tone.

"It's crazy... I can't help myself," I confessed. I was so fucking hard just from inhaling his lap.

"I am man. Is my job to please my princess like she beg for. My body is made for you as yours is for me. You always are so clean for me and ready to please. I love my Lukas," Ari smiled. His posture relaxed and he started to get playful with me. He gripped my hair and guided my lips along the growing shaft of his bulge. I lipped at it and licked the salty fabric. He was pretty rank but it made me so hard.

Ari held his beer in one hand and kept the other gripping my hair as he turned me and walked me slowly on my knees over to the bed. He sat on the edge of it and spread his thighs, keeping my face buried in his briefs.

"You need your bottle, baby? You need your dinner from daddy?" he asked. I nodded and begged... though my mouth was muffled by his bulge. He laughed at my attempts but kept my head between his thighs.

"I am so hard today thinking how hot it is to play with the pussy I own. I want always to wake up and snack on my princess. So beautiful, my baby. I wish we can play but the others wait for us out there," Ari reminded me that we had a house full of guests.

I tried to answer, but he kept my face planted in his bulge and I slurped at the fabric outlining his shaft. He moved me to where the tip poked out over his thigh. I lapped at it and tasted his precum.

"So hard to stop you. You feel so good on me," Ari said. He pumped my head three times then pulled me back. I gasped and looked up at him with helpless eyes. I needed him so bad.

"They'll forget we're here," I whined. "I think we have time."

"No, princess," Ari laughed. "We must be good. Soon enough you will be mine and share my home. Then we play whenever we need We must be good so you are not sent home."

Ari leaned down and gave me a kiss then helped me to my feet. He took off his socks and then put on a long-sleeved blue gym shirt that hugged his pecs and abs. He pulled on a pair of sweatpants and then nudged me to the bathroom. We washed up and he cleaned the sweat and precum off my face. He fed it to me then wiped me clean He finished his beer then led me to the kitchen to get another one and more pizza.

We found his brothers and father with Jace and Dylan in the living room with the soccer game over halfway finished. They ignored us when we came in. Ari took the last open seat on the couch and then pulled me down to squish between him and Arash. He put his plate of pizza on my lap and held his beer while cheering on the team in red. He tried to feed me a bite of his pizza, but I'd already had a slice and it was pretty greasy.

"Eat, little one!" He swiped it across my lips and then tried to poke it in, but I refused. The game was pretty loud so we had a little privacy in the corner of the living room, but Arash was keeping his eye on us with a disapproving look.

"I already had some, but thanks," I declined quietly. He kept trying to shove it in then smeared it over my cheek. I tried to wiggle away but he used his other hand to tickle me and hold me against him. His father laughed at me as I struggled to escape his son's hold. Ari was a steel cage. There was little hope for escape.

"Your father says you must eat more. You need your pizza," Ari said with a calm voice. He held me easily with one arm and used the other to try and get the pizza inside me. He was showing me there was no point in struggling against what he wanted. He was alpha and I would submit to his will It took little effort for him to keep me firmly planted in his lap, or wherever else he wanted me.

"Noooo!" I whined. He used my protests to take advantage of my open mouth and he put the pizza between my lips.

"Bite it. Take what daddy gives you... There you go... Good boy," Ari whispered against my ear. I bit off a piece and he took the pizza slice back. I chewed it and turned to glare at him.

"My face is sticky now. Gross," I whispered angrily. Ari just winked and smiled. No shame.

"Princess," he mouthed wordlessly with those pillowy brown lips that knew how to turn my asshole into a desperate pussy. He rubbed the sauce into my cheek to show his approval for my obedience. Something happened on the game because everyone suddenly yelled excitedly then groaned. I was too lost in his eyes to check it. He used the distraction of the game to kiss me.

I saw Dylan sitting across from us by Jace and it looked like he was trying to make small talk. The hunky white jock was more into the game, but kept stealing glances at him. Whenever a commercial came on Jace would give him attention and he smiled like he was interested. Dylan was showing him things on his phone and the two looked like they were getting along well. Jace looked at me once, but then turned his eyes back to the tv. I wondered why he didn't like me.

Ari was oblivious to the other men. He divided his time between the game, his beer, and nibbling on my ear with his greasy pizza lips. He managed to get two more bites in me before the game ended.


His mom came home from her girls night and Dylan said he had to head out. Sajad offered him a ride since Dylan only lived down the street. The two of them left together and Mr. Khorasani followed his wife off to bed.

"It is late, Lukas should be in bed soon," Mr. K warned as he left. Ari grumbled, but sent me off to shower while he, Arash, and Jace went to the kitchen for more beer.

I ran to the bathroom and scrubbed down quickly under the hot shower then put on a tank top and pajama pants.

I got ready for bed then opened my door to hear the three guys laughing in the kitchen. I crept down the dark hallway to listen.

"He gives you his number?" I heard Ari's voice laugh. "He's kinda young for you, but you are slave for Persian cock!"

"He's 18 and a champion wrestler! Looked like he's got a thick bulge too. Didn't even have to say I like to bottom, he seemed to know it. He told me to show up at his skate park at sunset tomorrow to watch him and his friends." Jace sounded excited.

I had completely misjudged the situation. Dylan wasn't crushing on Jace! He was sniffing him out to fuck. Maybe that's why Jace ignored me. He knew his place around the dominant men. He'd been trying to play coy with Dylan, but the Persian boy knew what he was.

"You sound really into him," Arash spoke up.

"You must be careful. He is young and is friend to Lukas. I don't want that this friendship is ruined for your poor behavior," Ari cautioned.

"Yours isn't even legal! And he looks fresh out of the box. That cock of yours is going to break him in half. Definitely not a good starter one," Jace countered.

"Yes and I am careful with him. He is not like one night boys. I take my time and raise him to be good boy. Lukas is very young and naive," Ari started, but Jace interrupted.

"And gorgeous. You and your blonde boys with blue eyes!" Jace laughed.

"He is a beautiful boy. Do not treat him like the others you used," Arash spoke up. His tone sounded light, but there was a hint of anger behind it.

"Of course I will not do this! Why you think this? I love him!" Ari was getting agitated.

"I worry for him. He is good boy and we all care for him," Arash defended.

"Yes and he is MY boy and MY Lukas to take care for. I have not need for you and father to tell me how I should do this! Always with the directions. I am not young boy who is careless with his heart." Ari lit up with anger. He and Arash switched over to Farsi and argued back and forth in low voices to not wake his parents.

I didn't like Ari getting upset and I wondered about the other boys Arash mentioned. What had he done to them and would he eventually do the same to me? I leaned back against the wall, staying in the shadows. I hadn't thought of him having other guys like me before we'd met. Of course he'd dated other guys and had sex; Ari was a god. I just hadn't thought about it before.

I was lost in my thoughts and bumped a picture frame on the wall. The men stopped talking and saw me in the shadows. Ari came towards me.

"You should be in bed, little one. I come put you to sleep," he said.

"I needed some water... sorry, sir," I said. Jace and Arash watched us from the counter.

"Yes, water then bed," Ari said.

"We should get going," Arash said. "My wife will worry."

"Me too... well no wife, but my dog will worry," Jace laughed. Ari said good night to them. He hugged them and even kissed his brother's cheeks.

Arash came and hugged me next. He kissed my forehead and wished me sweet dreams. Jace just waved a hand at me and said, "Nice meetin' ya." I nodded at him.

Ari walked them to the door while I got water. He came back and led me to the bedroom then tucked me in. He took a quick shower then came to lay beside me. He was tipsy and let his hands explore me. He rubbed my bottom and told me how pretty I was until I fell asleep in his arms. It felt so good to fall asleep against his heartbeat.

-- My Stories:

Next: Chapter 7

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