Lukas and the Shah

By Emri S.

Published on Jul 14, 2018


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Story Recap: Lukas, an athletic California teenager with blonde hair, blue eyes, and tight body, meets Ari, a wealthy, muscled Persian bent on dominating the "innocent" boy. Lukas' father's new girlfriend was threatening to send him to anti-gay therapy and he escaped to find Ari in the city and beg for help.

. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ . {Lukas & The Shah} . [Ch.5- The boy is mine, almost] . ~By Emri~

"You could be hurt or kidnap! This is no good, Lukas. I love you so much I hurt to think of danger can happen to you alone on train! And your father does not even know you go! Give me phone, now!" Ari was pissed.

His father had brought me home from the office to have lunch and wait for him. When Ari arrived, he found us making sandwiches and talking in the kitchen. His mother was out shopping. His father left us to go back to the office.

"I'm sorry. I had to get out of there! Please don't be mad. I didn't know what else to do!" I gave him my phone and sat on the edge of the bed as Ari paced back and forth in one of the bedrooms of his parents' home. He set my phone on the dresser. I wondered if he was taking it back from me.

"You run to daddy for help, didn't you? My princess was scared and make bad choice because his protector was not around for him. I was too busy with meeting. This is my fault, Lukas," Ari sighed. He stopped pacing and knelt in front of me, looking so handsome in his work suit and tie. He slid his hands up my thighs and looked at me with hunger.

"I did. I need you daddy," I whispered and tried to look as innocent as he thought I was. I leaned forward until our foreheads touched and the thin line of his disapproving lips turned up at the corners to form a smile.

"You are so beautiful. So much trouble, but so beautiful! Your father will be angered with you. How to punish an angel?" Ari reached up and pushed back the hair that had fallen over my face. He kissed me then gave me a playful shove so I fell back against the blanket.

"You're taking my phone back? No, please!" I begged as I was sitting back up.

"I should! You were bad and if your father was not come to punish you then I will have to do it myself and spank the pretty pink ass, but no. You need phone. I find apps I need put on it so I keep eye on my Lukas." Ari called me his Lukas. My heart gave a little jump. He kissed

"I get changed and then we get ready to deal with your father," Ari said. He got to his feet and struggled out of his suit. He stripped down to a crisp white pair of boxerbriefs that contrasted beautifully against his almond-toned, chiseled physique. They hugged his ample package and showcased the beautiful orbs of his ass.

"Is this your room?" I asked when he went to a dresser and pulled out a yellow t-shirt and red shorts. He slid them on with a nod.

"It was before I buy my condo. When we move to America this is room I stay in," he said. I looked around to see little clues like the bottle of the cologne he always splashed on and a few pictures of him with friends.

We barely had time to snuggle before his mom came home. She hugged me and berated me for running away then hugged me again. I knew her opinion of my family life was low and me escaping from conflict with my father's girlfriend brought it down a few more notches.

"You come help me prepare for dinner! You poor boy," she said as she pet my hair.

We made kabobs with beef and vegetables. She had Ari cut things up then I skewered them while she worked on an exotic rice dish. Ari and I grilled the kabobs in the backyard and his family started to filter in for dinner.

Sajad, Ari's oldest brother came out to find us in the backyard and Arash was right behind him. Ari was into his grill and didn't notice his brothers sneaking up behind him. Sajad looked at me and held a finger up to his lips then gave me a wink. I nodded.

He sneaked up behind Ari and quickly wrapped his arms around him from behind. Ari jumped then yelled something in Farsi. Sajad just laughed and squeezed him tightly then started bucking his hips and singing some Persian tune while he ground his bulge against his brother's ass. It was incredibly hot.

Ari elbowed him hard and Sajad pulled back but still held him. They were both laughing so I guessed it wasn't too serious.

"What is wrong, my love? You find replacement for me?" Sajad laughed. He winked at me and it was clear he was speaking English for my benefit.

"Forgive him. His wife is repulse to him so he must find pleasure in others," Ari clapped back.

Arash wasn't interested in his brothers' play, he walked around them and pulled me in for a hug and kiss to each of my cheeks. "Is good to see you, Lukas. He is heart-sick without you, and we all worry for your fate," Arash whispered to me. That made my heart leap.

Sajad gave me the same greeting. He was the middle brother and more playful than Arash. I loved being in the middle of them. My own private Persian fortress. Ari's dad came out last. There's something about an outdoor grill that makes men want to stand around it. Ari tended to the kabobs and I stayed just behind him as the other men talked.

My dad was the last to show up just as we finished setting up the food. He had changed out of his work clothes and into a nice shirt and pressed jeans. Denise wasn't with him, but her influence on his attire showed through. He was holding a duffel bag in his right hand.

Mr. Khorasani went to greet him and called me back down a hallway with my father. We went to his home office and he closed the door.

"I'm sure you two would like some privacy to speak," Mr. Khorasani said, but he made no attempt to leave.

"I don't even know what to say anymore, kid. I brought you a bag of your stuff. I don't want you running away, but I can't lock you up," Dad sighed. I expected him to be angry and yelling, but instead he just looked deeply sad.

"Lukas you belong with your family," Mr. Khorasani said.

"I don't want to go to an anti-gay camp. There's nothing wrong with me," I started to say.

"What camp? When did I ever bring up a camp? I'd never do that to my son! All I wanted was for you to reconnect with your friends and family and get out of the house to stop being glued to your phone all day. Believe it or not it kills me to see you sad." Dad looked at me with concern.

"Denise said it! She set up a therapy appointment for me tomorrow and said I only like guys because I didn't have a mom!" I protested.

"She what? She had no right to do that! She said she knew a counselor who could help you through this. I'd never send you to something like that and I know you're gay. I've known since you were little and I loved and accepted you!" Dad sat down on the couch and spread his hands as if seeking help.

"She said you talked about it and agreed to send me to therapy and that Jesus would make me straight. She said muslims try to convert boys like me because we're weak and easy. I heard her tell you that and you didn't even defend me," I continued and felt my cheeks flush with anger.

"Well she did say that, but look. She just has a different opinion than you do on things. It doesn't mean you two can't get along. You have to be open to other people's ideas. She's conservative, but I know she cares about you. She's a good person if you'll give her a chance," Dad reasoned.

"You still defend her! That's fine dad... But if you get to choose her over me then I get to choose Ari over you!" I shot back.

"I'd never choose anyone over you! You're being dramatic, but I do like her and she likes me. I know you two will get along if you just give her a chance and get to know her. It's not easy being single, Lukas. I have needs too. I can't be alone for the rest of my life. You can't ask that of me," Dad sighed.

"And you can't ask me to give up Ari, dad! I hate this. We both hate feeling like we have to choose. I love you and this sucks," I said and sat beside dad. He put his arm around me and pulled me to his side.

"It does... I love you too. I just don't know how to fix this," dad shook his head. "You're my son and I can't have you just taking off and disappearing on me. Do I lock you up? Take you to work with me? I don't know what to do."

"I might have suggestions if you'd like my help," Mr. Khorasani offered.

"Please! I'm out of ideas," Dad said.

"Would you like a beer? We can work this out on the patio while Lukas goes to eat his meal," Mr. Khorasani offered. Dad lit up at that. He hadn't been allowed alcohol since Denise took over.

I went and joined Ari at the table while dad and Mr. K went out through the kitchen. Ari had saved me a seat between himself and Arash. Ari tried to make conversation, but I was straining to listen as they debated my fate outside. I couldn't hear them of course, but I had to try.

I got excited when I heard the door open, but then the clinking of bottles told me they were just getting more beer. Dad laughed at something Mr. K had said so it sounded like things were going well. Ari nudged me to eat my food and told me to stop being a "sneaky spy."

"I fix your phone," he said and set it next to my plate. "I add apps so I know where you are and I get alert when you move more than 100 feet."

"That's kind of crazy," I noted and chewed on a grilled pepper.

"Is very crazy! I go crazy for you, Lukas. I love you and want that nothing happens bad," Ari whispered. His family was growing interested in our conversation.

"I buy a new leash for my dogs that is retractable cord!" Sajad joked from the other side of the table. "You can try with Lukas and see if collar does not irritate his neck too much."

"Is not joke." Ari barked. I stifled a laugh and earned another wink from Sajad.

"What else do you put on his phone? I need tips for spy on Hana. My wife buy four kinds of lotion this week. I need app to approve her spending. Why does she need four kinds?" Sajad raised his hands and looked around for sympathy.

"To put up with you she deserve a gold bar every week," Ari shot back then continued, "Lukas is young and need protection. He does not need to be out on his own like this."

I was enjoying the conversation and it distracted me from the impending doom of hearing my father's verdict after talking with Mr. Khorasani. As I was finishing my plate, the back door slid open and I squeezed Ari's hand under the table.

"Mehri, Arisht, join us in my office please," Ari's father said. I didn't know who Mehri was but his mother rose and I realized I'd never heard her first name. Ari gave me a hopeful look then kissed my cheek and got up. They followed him to his office, but dad held a hand up for me to sit and wait. I sat back down with a sigh.

"Don't worry. Your father look happy. I'm sure it brings good news. My father would not let you to wait like this if it was bad," Arash said. He put his arm around me like Ari would. He had kind eyes and offered a smile that said he wanted me to feel better.

I waited for another ten minutes that crawled past on the extravagant clock that hung in their dining room. The second hand moved at a snail's pace like the battery was running out.

"Lukas, we are ready for you," Ari said as he came back out. He looked at Arash's arm around me and I swear I saw his teeth grind together as his eyes narrowed in. I got up and he shook it off, took my hand, and led me back.

I sat on the couch between Ari and his mother as dad and Mr. Khorasani leaned against his desk like they were about to give a presentation.

"Everyone here is in agreement and Ari has agreed to follow our terms," dad said and then deferred to Mr. Khorasani with a wave of his hand.

"Lukas will stay here in my home for the summer. There are six weeks left and he will be bored and get into trouble in the desert," Mr. K said.

"Plus it will give me some time to get to know Denise and introduce you slowly to each other. In exchange, you'll come home when school starts with no arguments," dad added.

"And you will visit home or your father will come here at least once a week. You will be polite to Denise the girlfriend and save any comments to her for private chat with your father. You will be polite and respectful to her face," Mr. K said.

"There will be no therapy from the church guy. That was a ridiculous idea anyway, and I'm sorry you went through that. I will talk to her," Dad sighed.

"But! There are rules you are to follow in my home and Ari has agreed to them," Mr. K. turned.

"Anything! Yes, sir. I'll follow them. I can clean and help out and do whatever you need! I make good coffee too," I said excitedly. Ari put his arm around me and brought me into his side.

"You do not leave or go anywhere without permission... Never! We know where you are at all times like my own children when they were younger," Mr. K said.

"Of course, sir. I'm so sorry for doing that. Won't happen again. I promise!" My heart was pounding and about to rip through my chest with excitement.

"And Ari has agreed to rules as well," Dad pointed. "This isn't going to be some wild party summer for the two of you."

"You sleep in your own bed in OUR home. If Ari spend the night it will be in his room... alone," Mr. K. eyed his son with a suspicious scowl. Ari nodded along in agreement.

I didn't know how to respond to that. I just nodded. I'd agree to anything they wanted. I couldn't believe this was happening. They went on covering more rules about how I would go to work a few days in the family office so I could finish paying off the expensive phone Ari had bought me and save up some for new school clothes. It all sounded like a dream.


"I don't know if this is for the best or I'm being a total dumbass here, kid. But I just can't have you lying around torturing yourself, hating me, and trying to run away. If you need anything you call and I'll come." Dad hugged me for the longest time.

I felt bad at not going with him, but he seemed to have accepted it and it would only be for a short term. He said goodbye to everyone, gave Ari a private speech in a side room, and then headed home. He left the bag he'd brought for me. It had clothes, the monkey Ari had given me, and a small photo album with some pictures from my childhood. He'd packed it thoughtfully.

Ari helped me set up the few things from my backpack and the duffel bag in my new room. He gave me his old one and said he would sleep in the next room whenever he slept over. There was a small bathroom connecting the two rooms so we'd have a secret tunnel if we needed it.

His father came in and supervised for a few minutes, but then got bored with us once Ari pulled out a deck of cards. We weren't even playing a game, just holding five cards in each hand and occasionally laying one down on the pile.

"He is ready for bed and lights off by 10:30! Lukas works at my office tomorrow after shop with your mother and you have meeting and errands for me," Mr. Khorasani said before leaving. He left the door open and told us it was to stay that way. Neither of us minded, we were so happy to be together after a long week apart. Ari and I laid back against the pillows, holding the cards in our hands and talking. I was desperate for his arms

"Your parents are like so cool! How did they talk my dad into this?" I wondered aloud.

"My father is very persuasive man. He is good businessman. He speak practically with your father. None of us want that you run away or be sad or fight with his lady," Ari noted. He set his cards down and pulled me over to his chest.

"We must be very good, little princess. Best behavior. Today was mark against us, and your father is not happy."

"But it worked out ok. If I hadn't run away then I'd be there now, sad and worried about going to the therapy. At least now that's off the table," I pointed out.

"Yes, but is not way to get what you want. We have new opportunity here. We show your father you can be law abiding and happy here. We show my father I am responsible with you and he does not need to watch over you as much. You can be my good boy for a few weeks and I know your father will let you stay here. This is goal, Lukas," Ari is good at inspirational speeches.

"The gooooooaaallll," I said it like the soccer announcers on the spanish channels do. Ari laughed and then tickled me until I begged him to stop. I sat up to escape him and saw his mother hurriedly rush away like she'd been watching us. Ari hadn't noticed.

"Is serious, my baby. I want life with you. I want when this finish that you are in my home, the nest I will make for you. I want that you wake up in my arms every morning and wear my ring someday. This is goal. You are goal, the best I can hope for." Ari got really serious and put his hands on my cheeks. It felt so good to have his touch again. I realized just how crazy I'd been this week without it.

"I missed you so much. I went crazy without you. I never want to feel that way again," I told him.

"Then we work to make sure of it. Yes, my love? You will be my good princess?" Ari asked.

"Yes, sir," I swore. He held me on his chest and we watched dumb funny youtube videos until his father came to tell us it was bedtime. Ari left and headed to his place to get clothes. He promised he'd look in on me when he got back.

I took a shower and got ready for bed. I found an old t-shirt of Ari's in his drawers to sleep in. I got dressed then opened the bedroom door as his father had said. By 10:30 sharp I was in bed and the only light in the room was coming from the hallway. I was so horned up from wearing his clothes and the smell of his cologne I'd dabbed on after my shower, but the door was open and I had to be good here.

Ari's father passed and poked his head in to check on me. He looked concerned that I wasn't asleep yet. He came inside and looked at me.

"Almost asleep, sir. I'm trying! I am!" I sat up and told him. I really wanted this to go well.

"Relax, boy," Mr. Khorasani laughed. "You had a big day and are too excited. Shall I sit with you? I used to put my boys to bed when they had trouble sleeping. The girl never needed help."

I sat up against the pillows and patted the bed beside me. Mr. Khorasani settled in next to me and pulled me over beside his chest. I turned towards him. He rubbed my back until I started to yawn.

"There you go, little one. Ready for dreamtime." He talked to me in a quiet voice leaving lots of space between each word in a rhythm that lulled me into more yawning.

"You're... getting... sleepy... little... one... So... sleepy... safe... in... my... home." His deep, rhythmic lull made my eyelids feel heavy. I snuggled in against his heartbeat, another relaxed rhythm that made me give up the fight to keep my eyes open. I dropped off.


The next morning I woke up before anyone else. The house was silent and I crept to the kitchen to get water. I poured a glass and then went to the window and watched birds hovering around a feeder hanging from a tree. I sipped my water and just watched them.

They were so free and had nothing to worry about. No one expected anything from them or told them how to fly. No one was pressuring them to do anything other than sing their songs and enjoy the free seed.

"My wife loves them so much in the mornings. She stands at that very window and watches them with the same look," Mr. Khorasani's voice surprised me and I wondered how long he'd been there. He turned on his coffee maker and then came to hug me from behind.

"They're amazing, sir. Your house is such a beautiful place," I said and turned to watch him shuffle around the kitchen in a t-shirt and sleep shorts. He had thick muscular legs like his son.

"I make a nice nest for my family to enjoy. It is the goal of every man, to provide a place where his family is safe and happy. Ari will do the same for you someday," he noted without looking away from his coffeemaker.

Mrs. Khorasani came in next. She kissed her husband, then me. She had a long silk robe covered in a pattern that looked like a maze. I kept searching it for the exit. She made breakfast while Mr. K sipped his coffee at the table and flipped through the news on his tablet. He invited me to sit next to him. He told me about a wildfire burning in Valencia and some missing students in Mexico. I admitted that I never really got into the news.

"Is ok, Lukas. You are a boy and should be worried more about new clothes and the latest shoes," he smiled and kissed my cheek.

Ari stumbled in looking tired. He paused behind me to kiss the top of my head then went to make coffee. He was shirtless and wearing the plaid boxers he must have slept in.

"I check on you when I return last night, but you were sleeping so peacefully I dared not wake you," Ari said as though a little disappointed that I hadn't waited up for him.

"He was restless and I put him to sleep with my boring stories," his father said as though he had done Ari a great favor. Mrs. Khorasani came and set a glass of juice in front of me then ruffled my hair.

"We need to get this cut. It is shaggy and wild," she noted the mess of blonde hair on my head.

"No! You will make him get the awful haircut of my youth! No, momani! You may have them shave the sides, but leave alone the top. I like is grown out and gets longer," Ari said.

"If that is what he wants," she shrugged.

"Of course. Yes, that sounds good!" I chimed in. I didn't care about my hair, but if Ari liked it then that's how I'd get it done. Ari beamed at me proudly. I was his.

"Ok. I take him today and he need new clothes. If he is to work for the company he need to look professional. I buy him nice button shirts and new pants," she said. "He will be so handsome!"

"Thank you! I don't think I have any office clothes. I'll pay you back when I get a paycheck." I thought that would be reasonable, but they all just looked at me like I'd cursed or farted.

"My children do not pay us. While you are here, you are our boy," Mr. K said.

"Thank you, sir," I said and got started on the bowl of strange oatmeal she'd put in front of me. Ari and his parents switched to Farsi and talked while we ate.

My jeans are the nicest pants I had there and I put on a green polo shirt that was old and had been washed too many times, but it had a collar which seemed more appropriate. I wanted to go to the office with Mr. K, but his wife decided I needed a shopping trip and haircut first. I finished getting ready and then Ari came in to kiss me before he left for work. He told me to humor his mother and let her overspend on me since none of her kids let her shop for them.

Mrs. Khorasani stuffed me into her Mercedes and we headed into LA. She took me to a salon on a street in Los Feliz that had lots of little boutiques and interesting stores. Ari had sent her some pictures of approved hair ideas and she shared them with the Persian stylist while they chatted in Farsi. Convinced that the guy knew what Ari wanted, she left me there to get her nails done.

"Her son is all about you! He gave very specific directions on how to cut your hair," The stylist laughed. He was a tall, skinny guy and obviously gay.

"He's so hot, dude." I sighed. The stylist demanded pictures so I showed him some from my phone I'd taken of Ari and told him all about him while he got started on my hair. He went slowly because he kept asking for more info.

"Well just be careful and speak up for yourself. Persian guys are steamrollers. We mean well, but we sometimes forget there are two people in the relationship. I do it to my guy all the time. You're a cute kid and I'm sure he sees you as his innocent, naive little treasure. Don't lose yourself in him," he cautioned.

I thanked him. He finished up with me and my hair looked pretty dope. He'd trimmed it down on the sides and left the top alone except trimming the ends off. He styled it and then delivered me to Mrs. Khorasani at the nail station on the top floor of the salon. She approved and gave him a nice tip.

I sat with her until her nails were dry and then she whisked me off to some boy stores on the street. She had me try on close to a hundred different things and her car began to fill up with bags of things for me. She didn't really ask my opinion on anything. She mostly talked to the sales associates and seemed to be having fun dressing me up. She kept me away from things that showed too much skin, saying that Ari would not approve.

I zombied through it, just changing clothes and texting with Ari. He said his mom was sending him pics of things and he liked my hair. He thanked me for being good for her and said it made her so happy to have a boy again to play dress-up doll with.

Ari met up with us at lunch time and put all the bags into his car. His mother had a committee lunch for some charity thing she did. I felt like a kid being passed off between parents. I didn't mind it. Ari took me home to put away the clothes and change so I could go to his dad's office.

I wanted to play around, but Ari said his father had called in the lunch order and would be waiting for us to bring it. I needed so much to taste his cock again, but I didn't want to disappoint his father, especially not on my first day there.

"I guess we're forbidden from the sex stuff, right?" I asked Ari as we drove to the restaurant to pick up the take-away.

"Actually no. This does not surface in the conversation," Ari laughed. "I promise them I keep your body, mind, and heart safe. We agree for no alcohol, drugs, smoke, anything un-pure for my baby which is easy because I never will let you do these things anyways."

"What about when I'm older?" I asked. Ari put his hand on my hair and laughed again.

"No, my love. Is not for you. If I find anything like this in your perfect princess body I will spank your bottom until it is the color of dark cherries. Then I hunt down whoever give these things to you and beat them harder," Ari said in a tone that sent a chill up my spine.

"You are too you and your little brain still grows. Is very harmful and we must always know what enters our temples. I am responsible for you now. I keep you safe," Ari assured.

"So we can still play around?" I asked excitedly.

"We will be careful and not present it to their faces, but they know we are in love and they know I will never hurt you." Ari put his hand on my leg and rubbed up between my thighs.

We grabbed the lunch then headed to meet his dad. I started to get nervous when he pulled the car into the parking garage.

I'd put on one of the nice pairs his mom had bought for me. It was a very thin long-sleeved blue sweater with a simple v-neck that showed the top of my pale, smooth chest. She'd put it with dark pants and a nice leather belt with some way over-priced black leather shoes that made me look like I could kick ass in them. Ari approved of it.

"What if I mess something up and cause problems? What if I don't know what he wants me to do and he gets upset?" I started to protest when Ari parked.

"You are serious?" He smiled like I'd just said something adorable. I nodded and looked scared.

"Lukas, the job here is not to do work. The job is you keep my father entertained and listen to his boring stories and old jokes. He miss having a boy to idol him. If he give you something to do, he tells you exactly how to do this. You just listen and obey and smile a lot. I know he cares very much for you. Light boys like you are not for serious work. You will see this. Just listen and obey to him," Ari assured. He grabbed the lunch bag and then led me up to his dad's office.

Mr. K was on a call when we came in. He waved us towards his desk and Ari set the bag down. I started to unpack it and noticed each of the three cartons had a name written on it. I handed the one labeled "Arisht" to Ari then set the one labeled "Boss" in front of Mr. Khorasani. The one labeled "boy" must have been mine. I held it up to show Ari and he just smiled. At least it didn't say princess on it.

"You look so nice, Lukas. Very professional," Mr. Khorasani said when he hung up from his phone call. He opened his carton and got to work on it.

"He is nervous about doing good job for you, father," Ari said as he ate.

"I go easy. First day! I promise no tears," Mr. K laughed.

"No, sir. I can do whatever you need. I just want to do a good job here," I said

We finished up our lunches and then Ari went off for a meeting. Mr. K's secretary gave me some envelopes and a stack of flyers. They were promoting a new low-income housing complex in LA and the flyers advertised a fundraiser for it. He gave me a little squishy sponge in a plastic case and told me to go add water to it.

His secretary was a tall, twiggy Persian guy who looked to be a few years older than me. He spoke in a slow, polished manner that quickly dissolved into an overly gay, gossip-hound once Mr. Khorasani walked away.

"So you bagged the son? I've been after that one for over a year now. Isn't he just so incredibly hot? I just know his cock has to be huge. His pants just have that permanent bulge mark in the front that runs halfway down his thigh. I mean how are you even walking right now? You have to tell me! Tell me everything!" He gushed.

"I better get started on all this," I blushed. I told him nothing.

"Fine. I know Ari isn't into dark meat anyways! But a boy can dream," he laughed. I took the boxes and went back into Mr. Khorasani's office.

I sat in the corner and spread everything out on the floor then worked for an hour putting the envelopes together, sticking mailing labels on them and then using a stamper machine so we could mail them. Mr. K talked to me between his phone calls and emails. It wasn't anything important. He rambled on about politics and how kids these days are all so angry with each other for no reason. I wasn't sure what that meant.

By 5pm I was ready to go home. I'd only worked a few hours, but crawling around on the floor and stuffing envelopes had me bored and also left me with a few papercuts. I was glad when Mr. Khorasani said it was time to go.

"Come, Lukas. I find something for you," he said and waved me towards him.

"Yes, sir?" I asked as I walked to his side. He had some page open on his computer that had a pictures of teens and a big rainbow banner over them,

"There is group for lgbt youth! They are at the high schools, but they have meetings to all come together and socialize for summer. See? There is one tomorrow evening with high schoolers from around the area. You can go and make friends like your father wishes. This could be good for you and build ties to community your father will like," Mr. Khorasani put his arm around me and pulled me in to perch on the arm of his desk chair.

"Oh they're going to play mini-golf! But I'm not a member," I said.

"No, look. Is open to all teens who are lgbt or allies. See? If your father see you will already have friends at the high school maybe he reconsiders and we keep you longer," Mr. Khorasani said. It hit me that he was in on the plan with Ari to keep me here.

"Ok! That sounds really cool! Dad will like that I'm doing that! They do look nice," I scrolled through their pictures. Dad was always on an endless quest for me to make friends he would approve of and this group looked like well-dressed, respectable people.


My excitement lasted right up until Ari came home and his father told him. He painted a smile on his face but then asked to speak with his father in the other room. I was doubting his excitement for this plan as I watched them walk away and heard them raise their voices in Farsi.

I went to my bedroom and changed into shorts and a t-shirt since work was over. I went to the kitchen and found Ari's mother starting on dinner. I helped her chop up some vegetables while the two men were off discussing my future at the mini-golf course.

I was kind of excited to make new friends, but Ari didn't look happy about it and that's what mattered most to me. I thought of how I would politely decline it if Ari's dad was unmoved by whatever Ari was saying to him. I didn't want any trouble.

I helped his mom finish the stew she was making. Ari and his dad came back and we ate dinner in the kitchen together at the smaller table. There was no discussion of whether or not I would be going to the lgbt mini-golf night. I didn't ask. I'd just let it happen.

"I love having my boys here." Ari's mom smiled. The three of them switched over to Farsi once we started eating. I think they forgot I was there, but I was ok with it. It's not always about me.

When we finished, Ari took my hand and led me back to the bedroom where I was sleeping. He closed the door even though his father's instructions were to leave it open. He sat on the bed then pulled me to straddle his lap. He bounced me on his knees a few times then kissed me.

"Your dad said to keep the door open," I reminded him when he settled down.

"He know I am not happy and need time alone with you... but we keep quiet, ok?" Ari cautioned. He laid back on the bed and brought me with him. He slid his hand down the back of my shorts and went straight to fingering my hole. I pulled at his tie and loosened it then started to unbutton his shirt.

"Has been so long since I touch my princess like he needs. I will do my best to find more privacy time for us," Ari said and kissed my neck. I opened his shirt and rubbed my hands over those huge, furry pecs. I squeezed his little brown nipples and watched them puff up. I kissed down his chest then along the valley between his abs. I tasted his salty skin and inhaled his musk from a long day at work.

"I need it so bad. I feel so empty down there when you're away," I said and looked up at him with the blue eyes he couldn't say no to. He reached down and put his hand on my cheek then fed me his thumb to suck on.

"We have a lifetime together, Lukas. Is hard now, but someday you will remember fondly the times we have to sneak around and follow everyone's rules. I'll make a nest for you nicer than my father's. I'll build a castle for my princess and we will fill it with little ones of our own. You want this, baby?" Ari growled. He gripped his cock as it snaked over his thigh in his thin dress pants.

"The cock or the dream?" I asked then added, "Do I really have to choose?"

"You do not. The cock is yours and the dream is my promise to you. You are mine," Ari said.

I kissed down to his belt and then gripped it with my teeth. He pursed his lips and sighed as I rubbed the outline of his thick Persian cock.

"You want that big ass daddy dick, princess?" Ari asked when I got the belt open.

"Please daddy! I need it," I begged and looked up at him with wide eyes.

"I should make you beg for it since I let that you go to golf night," Ari reasoned.

"I can go? Really? That's awesome! For serious?" I smiled up at him.

"For serious is not good English," Ari said. I almost laughed because he speaks with a heavy Persian accent, but I didn't.

"Sorry, sir... daddy... sir," I said and laid my head against his thick bulge.

"I forgive this, now you get prize for being my good princess today," Ari said. He moved my face then gripped his underwear covered cock and brushed it against my cheek. He sat up for a second like he'd just gotten an idea.

"No, Wait! First, you will dance for me until naked," he added. He took his phone from his pocket and turned on some music for it. He crossed his arms behind his head and watched.

I started to move around to the beat and gripped the bottom of my t-shirt. I slid it up then looked down like I was surprised to see myself. Ari laughed. I turned around for him and stuck out my ass then slowly slid down the waistband of the shorts. I'm not a trained stripper, but he seemed to be getting excited. He slid off his pants and his open shirt as he watched.

"Fuck, baby so pretty. Tease daddy with that pussy," Ari encouraged. He was keeping his voice down, but that low-Persian-daddy rumble is such a fucking turn-on. Ari leaned back against the pillows in a pair of black dress socks and black briefs that struggled to contain the hard monster that snaked across his right thigh. I licked my lips watching him rub it.

"Don't stop! You are stripper for me! I pay for the hour!" Ari laughed. I'd gotten distracted with his growing cock trapped in those briefs. I started to dance again. I felt a little awkward, but he kept praising me so I kept dancing. I got my shorts down and tossed my shirt at him then I pulled my briefs down in the back and shook my ass for him.

"Mmm, very good, princess. But I also pay for lap dance," he said and waved me towards him. I got on all fours at his feet and crawled up over him until I was bouncing on his bulge. I rubbed my ass along the obelisk in his briefs. His hands went for my waist and he ground against me.

"It's so big, dude. That's wow, even your secretary asked about it," I laughed. His eyes bulged at that.

"The secretary asks you about my cock? That is not appropriate." Ari's lips formed a hard line as he thought about it. "I do not like this."

"No! Don't say anything. He was so nice to me. I don't want problems there," I begged. I shouldn't have told him that. I didn't want to get the secretary in trouble.

"You were right to come to daddy with this. I will handle discreet. No worry, my love." Ari kissed me. He pushed his cock up against my ass and started to grind on me. My cock was rock hard in my briefs. It rubbed against his abs as he nuzzled his bulge into my ass.

"I want your cock, sir. Please," I whimpered and gave him my best innocent boy look. He rubbed one hand down to my ass and the other up my chest. He grabbed at my left pec and squeezed.

"Fuck! I love these little tits. Pink boy nipples... fuck so perfect." Ari put both hands on my pecs and squeezed then roughly. I bounced on his lap and reached down to squeeze my bulge.

"Let's get these panties off of you. I've missed that boy-pussy all day... so hard thinking about it." Ari lifted me off his lap so I could push off my briefs. My cock was rock hard and I'd left a big wet spot in the front pouch.

"I'm so hard, dude. I'm not gonna last long if you do that thing you do," I whimpered.

"I know, little one. You are young and wild. I must train this pussy so it will only cum when I tell it to. This take much time and patience, but this is what good daddy must do." He grabbed my cock and gave it a tug. I doubled over as a deep chill shot through me. I feel forward against his chest and he caught me. Inhaling his cologne and sweaty musk sent another jolt to my brain.

He slid his hands up my sides then lifted me up by my armpits and brought me up so my ass hovered over his face. I felt his warm, wet tongue slide around my hole then poke inside.

"Huh! Oh! Yeah! Oh woah!" My eyelids clamped shut and my cock started to rock and drool precum as I rode his tongue. He held me there above his face with his nose ticking my balls and his tongue forging a path in my tunnel. His hands gripped my waist and he pushed me to bounce up and down on his long, thick tongue

"Ohhhhhh daddy," I hissed. I leaned forward until my forehead bumped against the wall. This weird, high-pitched whine escaped my lips and I quickly clamped my hand over my mouth.

"That feels so crazy. Oh!" I bounced on his tongue as it drove deep inside me. How long was that thing anyways? It wormed its way up and over the spots that light me up. He was so good at this. I rocked back and forth on him as his tongue darted in and out. My cock was leaving trails of pre-cum in his hair. I put my hands on the wall to steady myself. It felt fucking awesome.

"Mmmmmm," I kissed the wall and tasted the paint. That's weird but I couldn't help myself and I was losing control. He pushed his tongue around in slow circles and raised me up then dropped me on his tongue. I felt like a cowboy riding my horse; a big-fucking Persian stallion. I laughed at that image and then fell over against the wall again when he hit another perfect spot.

"So good, baby. What I won't do for this pussy," Ari said as he took his tongue back. I felt a shot of panic at the loss of his tongue. He moved my ass back to rest on his chest and stared up at me from between my thighs. Those huge brown eyes and dark nose that dominated his face made me melt. He looked up at me with a big, goofy grin. I just nodded, lost in hazy ecstasy.

"It's yours, daddy. That felt so good," I assured. He slid me down to his bulge again and pulled me in for a kiss. He held me against his chest and then rolled us over so he was on top of me. He kissed me once more then raised up and pushed off his black briefs.

"Fuck," I said. It was the only reaction I could possibly have when that thick dark meat came into view. His cock bounced out and his huge balls swung low under it.

"Are you thirsty, princess?" Ari looked at me with a smile as he grabbed his cock and wagged it.

"You're going to piss on me? That's gross... well... ok," I said. It took me three seconds to adjust to that, and it would be weird here in his bed.

"No. Why I will piss on your bed?" Ari asked. "I meant do you wish to suck me?"

"Oh! Yes. That's... um... much better. Yes, please," I blushed. Ari laughed at my awkwardness.

"Yeah you want this, baby. You beg for it so good," Ari said as he walked on his knees over me. He wagged his cock in front of my face and then swiped it across my lips.

"Please, daddy. I need it. Please let me suck your cock, sir," I begged. He kept swiping it across my lips and pushing it in a little when I spoke. He looked down at me with approval. He pushed the tip against my nose and I inhaled his salty, sweaty, manfunk that hit my brain like a drug.

"Good princess. My boy know his place. My little one knows to wait until is given by his man," Ari said. He squeezed the shaft and a thick pearl of his pre-cum formed at the tip.

"Tongue out, boy. There you go, good little princess. Taste it, swallow what I give you," Ari said. I lapped at the precum and felt a wave of happy slide through me. I closed my eyes and savored his taste.

"So good," I said to myself. I put my tongue out again wanting more.

"Good, you swallow me. You may suck," Ari laughed. He put the tip to my lips and I eagerly dove onto it. He put a hand under my chin and another on my head. He gripped my hair and held me still while he slid his cock over my tongue. When it hit my throat and made me gag, he pulled back a few inches and then went in again.

"There you go, princess. Relax and open to me. You can learn to take more. I train my new love, so innocent and sweet. There you go, baby, good good," Ari coached me as he slowly fucked my face with his thick cock. It stretched my lips and made my jaw hurt after a few minutes, but he was loving it.

"Eyes on me. There we go, baby girl. Look up at daddy. See how happy you make him when you finish your bottle?" Ari asked. He had this serious look of pleasure on his face and I felt a pride in my chest for bringing it.

"Oh fuck, Lukas. That mouth is so soft on my hard cock. You work hard for daddy," Ari praised between hisses and gasps and those low moans that came from deep within his chest. He pursed his lips and bared his teeth as he sped up on me.

"Fuckkk," he groaned; drawing out the word in long gasp. "So fuckin' good. That pussy's going to feel so good when I finally get in there." He pulled my hair and started to face-fuck me with urgency. I gagged, sputtered, and moaned as my eyes watered and my jaw ached. I fought to keep my eyes open and locked on his like he'd commanded. I wanted so badly to make him happy and show him I could do this; I could please him.

"So pretty, little one. I make you cry, but you need it, don't you?" he asked then pulled my hair so I had to nod at him. I would have anyways. It felt so good to be his toy. He kept ramming it back against my throat and I felt sore and dry but not nearly finished.

"That's a good girl," he laughed. "I am so close, but there is more to do."

Ari pulled his cock out of my throat and I gasped for air then rubbed my jaw. I turned away from him to wipe my tears on my bare shoulder, but his hand caught my cheek and he turned me back to look at him as he slid down to lay next to me.

"It hurts, baby?" he asked with concern, snapping out of the hyper-masculine sex machine that had just fucked my throat.

"No, daddy... it's ok," I lied. I sniffled back the little snot bubble that had formed in my nostril.

"Do not tell lies to your daddy. You must tell me when there is ouchie." Ari massaged my jaw and kissed up my cheek.

"It hurts a little, but I love it," I admitted. I looked him in the eyes then lowered my gaze to his chin. He didn't like that and he slid down to meet my eyes again.

"You are so beautiful and so precious for me, my princess. Is why I take so much time to please you the right way. No one is more close to my heart than my Lukas. I will get toy for help open you without the hurt, ok?" Ari kissed my jaw and then my lips. He rubbed it until the numbness and pain went away.

"Yes sir. I love you too," I said. I reached down and grabbed for his cock. I pumped it. He did the same to me. His hand on my dick reminded me he knew I was a boy. As much as he liked me in panties and called me princess, he knew I was a boy.

"I want you inside me. I know it will feel so good in there," I whispered.

"I will, but I want that it is special. I want your first time to be so huge that you never forget a second of it," Ari said.

"Something we'll tell our grandkids about in 40 years?" I laughed.

"No, gross. They do not want to hear this," Ari laughed and looked at me like I was crazy.

"If you make it super epic then everyone will want to hear about it," I pointed out. It felt really weird to be laying here with him joking around and jerking each others' cocks.

"I love you so much. I want that I come home from work everyday and satisfy my princess, eat a meal, and hold you til you fall asleep. Is simple life I want and you will make it special," Ari sighed. He let go of my cock and slid his fingers down to my hole. I spread my legs and tugged his cock while he slipped inside me.

"I'm so close to shooting. That feels so good," I gasped and squeezed his cock hard. He took the fingers from my ass and pushed them into my mouth. I lapped at them and coated them with my spit. He fed them to me, back and forth, pushing against my tongue.

"Baby girl," he moaned and chewed playfully at my ear. "Feel me inside you. You love it so much." He slid two fingers up into my hole and slowly stretched it. He massaged my special spot and it made my cock jerk back and forth.

"Yes, daddy. Don't stop. I'm so almost there," I whined. I started to grab for my own cock while I jerked his, but he caught me by the wrist and put both my hands on his heavy tool.

"No, princess. Let it happen on its own. I know how to work this pussy til it cums. I always make my girl to cum first," Ari promised. "The princess always cum first."

"Uhhh, that feels so good. Oh dude! Daddy! Right there! Oh My... Oh! Yah!" I felt chills slide through me as his expert fingers sought out the deepest parts of me. I fought to keep my eyes open and look at him as he nibbled along my jaw and kissed my ear again while he finger-fucked me deep.

"Cum for daddy. Show how good he works that pussy. Yes baby, shoot for me," Ari encouraged. I jerked his cock furiously and he started to hump against me as his fingers worked my hole with urgency. He rubbed again and again on that spot that makes my cock thump and body shiver.

"Oh yeah! Oh! Oh! Daddy! Uhhhh," I whined. My cock started to shoot thick globs of white juice over my tummy and chest.

"Oh baby. Look how I make you cum. Fuck yes, baby. My princess squirts for me," Ari praised as he drove deep inside my hole. My cock swayed back and forth, shooting globs of cum like missiles. My body bounced against the bed and my abs went rigid as I emptied out.

"Ohhhhh! Uhhh!" I groaned. I was jerking him furiously and I watched his smile fade to a look of deep concentration. He bared his teeth then grunted loudly and shot cum out of his angry snake. It shook and sent volleys of thick, persian seed over my thighs, my tummy, my chest.

"Yes! Fuck! Baby! So good," Ari growled. He hissed through gritted teeth as he emptied out his thick load. It made mine look pale and runny. His cum splattered over me and he put his mouth on my neck to muffle his pleasure.

"So good," I echoed and laid back in exhaustion.

"Lukas," Ari said weakly and lowered his head to kiss my shoulder and nuzzle into me. I raised my arm then snaked it under his neck and held him on my chest. It felt so strange being the one to hold him. This heaving mass of overheated muscles. He slipped his fingers from my ass then slid his arms around my chest. He pushed his nose against my neck and kissed me again.

He kissed down my chest then started to bite at my right nipple. He sucked on it like he was trying for milk.

We laid there recovering and then remembered his parents were home and we were behind a locked door. Ari pushed me off to the shower and we washed each other down. He opened the windows and collected the sweat and cum coated blanket from my bed.

"We must wash this," he laughed. "It smell of our achievement!"

We got dressed for sleep then checked the hallway to hear his parents watching tv in the living room. We sneaked out to the laundry room and loaded the washer with the blanket and some dirty clothes we had. He had no idea how to work it, but I figured it out. We closed the laundry room door. We went out to the living room to greet his parents like we hadn't been fucking around in their house.

"Is that the washer? I didn't put on laundry," his mom said. She set down her book and looked at us with confusion. It was kind of strange that Ari had a thicker Persian accent than his parents did. I wanted to ask about that, but now was not the time.

"Lukas like to clean. I try to tell him no, but he does not want cause trouble for you," Ari swore.

"Oh dear. It is not trouble at all," she smiled and then went back to her book. I sighed with relief but then caught Ari's father's eyes. Mr. Khorasani looked at me with a little smile on his face like he knew what was up. I quickly looked down at my feet.

"Is nearing bedtime for the boy. You have kept him up late enough," Mr. Khorasani said.

"I'll put the clothes in the dryer when they finish. You get to bed," Mrs. Khorasani added.

"Yes, father. I will put him to bed now," Ari took my hand and led me back towards my room. We found a fresh blanket in the hall closet.

He held me and did the same things his father had done to get me to sleep. He talked in a slow rhythm and rubbed my back. He held me against his chest until I yawned and drifted off.


The next evening found me in Ari's car in the parking lot of the Golf N' Kart. It was a sprawling place squeezed in between two freeways. They had an arcade, go-kart track and mini-golf. They had a small check-in table near the entrance for the lgbt youth united. Ari eyed the kids working the booth with suspicion as we waited in the air conditioned car. It was early evening but the sun was still blazing.

"They look normal, but I don't trust the Persian one. See how his chest puffs out? He is scoping his prey." Ari was sizing him up.

"He is not! He's selling wristbands for the event. C'mon, let's go check it out." I tugged at his arm. He had the wallet with the money I'd need to get in. Ari sighed, gave me a kiss, then rubbed my bottom.

"Ok, we go. I will keep eye on you from distance. If you need me you text. If I text, you answer. Deal?" Ari looked so uncomfortable with this. He was wearing a tight tank top and small shorts with new running shoes. He'd picked out a white t-shirt and the blue sweatpants his mom had bought me. They were way overpriced and so comfortable. They had ridiculously huge white drawstrings in the front that dangled under my shirt. I wore the crisp white keds she'd bought.

"Yes, sir. I promise," I held up my phone to show it was fully charged with the volume on full blast. He kissed me once more and then sighed again.

"You are so beautiful. They will pounce quickly." He nibbled on my ear. "Fuck, you even smell incredible. This is no good, princess. Maybe you should eat onion first. Are you hungry?"

He laughed and I smacked his chest. I got so turned on seeing him jealous and we hadn't even gone in yet. He finally let me out of the car when his friends pulled up. I hadn't met them before. Ari led me up to the booth and asked to buy a wristband.

"This is for high school kids.... Sir," The Persian guy said and had a tone like he thought Ari might be a creeper. Ari waved at me and brought me to his side.

"Is for my boy. I am clearly not for your event," Ari growled. I could feel the tension rising off of him, but he was keeping it calm and trying hard so I'd have a nice time.

"Your... boy? Oh, hey! Didn't see you behind him. What high school are you from?" he asked and offered his hand. I started to raise mine, but Ari took it and told him I was new here but would be attending Glen North.

Dylan gave Ari a clipboard to put down my information. I noticed he put his cell number instead of mine. I was surprised to see he knew my birthday. I realized I didn't know his.

"Me too! I'm Dylan! Friends call me Dyl. Cool! We need more guys in our club. It's mostly girls." His eyes lit up and he handed me a wristband. Ari took it and handed him a few twenties.

"Oh, it's only ten bucks, sir. This is too much," Dylan said and tried to hand some back.

"Is donation. I want that Lukas has club of friends for fun time," Ari said.

"Thanks, sir. We have fundraisers but they don't get much." Dylan was warming up to Ari.

"I'm Lukas. Nice to meet you," I said with a little embarrassment. Ari secured the wristband on me then nudged me towards the entrance.

"Just go inside and look for the Glen North sign! I'll be there in a few," Dylan said as Ari guided me away from him. I could sense Ari's anxiety. He didn't want me here, but we knew it would be good for our plan.

Dad had sounded so excited for me when I'd called him earlier. He said he missed me, but knew this was for the best right now. He said things weren't going too well with Denise so he was glad I was somewhere she couldn't upset me. He apologized again for what she'd said about me being gay as a result of not having a mother in my life. That really got to him. He'd been the best dad he could be and I reminded him of that.

Ari parked me under the Glen North sign where a few girls were chatting. They introduced themselves and Ari hung back with his hand on my shoulder for support until he felt safe enough to go meet his friends.

Two minutes after he left, Dylan showed up with two other guys. He smiled at me and moved right into my personal space. I backed up against the wall and looked around for Ari.

"Lukas! I want you to meet Talha and Bagram. They go to Glen North too! I hope you'll join our club. We do lots of fun stuff," Dylan said. They were both skater looking Persian guys with their socks pulled up over their calves, long shorts, and tank tops. I got head nods from each of them.

They joked around while I hung back and followed them. We got a quick speech from an older lady with a clipboard who reminded us we were representing an organization and to be on our best behavior.

I finally saw Ari when we got our putters and balls. He was laughing with his friends, two muscled, dark guys in tight shirts and shorts that showed off their bodies. Ari caught my eyes and looked as if to ask if I was ok. I raised my hand to wave. I wanted to run over there and bounce on his lap, but I knew that I needed to make friends here and be good so I could lock that lap down for a long, long time.

"You ready, Lukas?" Dylan asked. He handed me a ball. I nodded and took it.

I was ready to do this. Just two months ago I couldn't have imagined living in LA with a wealthy Persian family and dating their muscle-hunk son. I couldn't have imagined being in a group of gay kids and being out in a community that didn't even raise an eyebrow at them. I was definitely ready. I wanted all of this so badly and I'd do whatever it took to be here, to be his.


Thanks for reading. Please let me know if you'd like more chapters: My blog: My Stories:

Next: Chapter 6

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