Lukas and the Shah

By Emri S.

Published on Jul 9, 2018


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Story Recap: Lukas, an athletic California teenager with blonde hair, blue eyes, and tight body, meets Ari, a wealthy, muscled Persian bent on dominating the "innocent" boy. Ari holds back because Lukas is 17, but he's losing control to what they both want and need from each other. Now Lukas' father is tearing him away.


. {Lukas & The Shah} . [Ch.4- This Boy is on Fire] . ~By Emri~

"Lukas, baby. Your father calls," Ari said but didn't hand me the phone. He talked to dad and gave him directions to where we were. I realized I'd fallen asleep. Our last few hours together and I'd wasted them. I'd cried myself to sleep in his arms.

"I go to let him in," Ari said as he wiped his face. I wondered if he'd cried too. We hadn't said anything to each other. He'd held me and then laid down with me on whoever's bed this was at his parents' house. Ari left the room talking to my dad on the phone.

I sat up and saw there was a bathroom in this bedroom. I went in and washed my face. It was red with dried salt from from my tears. I was so embarrassed. The first time I'd met Ari's family and I'd had a major breakdown like some mental person. I couldn't show my face in there, but I guess I had no choice. It would be even weirder if I climbed out the window, left all of them.

I heard my dad greeting Ari's family. He was commenting on how beautiful their house was. He could be pretty charming with new people. I smiled thinking someday the three of them, dad and Ari's parents, would meet up at Ari's place and we'd make dinner for them. Maybe I could fix this. I went to the door of the bedroom and opened it.

"He's pretty upset. I know. I don't get it. He threw a fit when we moved here and I felt awful making him leave all his friends like that." Dad said.

"He is sensitive boy. He find good friend here. We care for him greatly and he makes our Arisht settle down. Is nice to see Arisht with a younger to take care of. There is hope he will be a good father some day," Ari's dad said.

"I guess that's it. I didn't approve of the boys Lukas ran with in Desert Springs. They always got into trouble. You've been a good influence for him and looked out for him. Thank you." Dad must have been talking to Ari.

"You must be hungry after your long trip! Won't you have a plate? Lukas did not eat much. Perhaps he is hungry too," Ari's mother said.

"Oh no thank you. You already have things put away. We've been enough trouble," dad insisted.

"Is no trouble! Please! We have so much and will never finish it!" Ari's mother countered.

"Well if you don't mind!" Dad could never turn down food. I peeked out to see them standing in the kitchen. I stayed in the shadows.

Seeing my dad next to Ari and his father made me realize the Khorasani men are hulks. Both Ari and his dad are towers of muscle and exude this power like real men. My dad's in good shape too. He's a few inches shorter than Ari but has the lean muscle of a man who works with his hands all day where Ari and his dad obviously did a good deal of lifting and sculpting.

My parents had me when they were young and Dad just turned 36. Mr. Khorasani had to be in his 50's since Ari, at 25, is their youngest. Seeing Dad with the bulkier men just made him look so young. I wondered if I looked like that in Ari's hold.

"Sit, please! Son, go check on the boy," Ari's dad said in that low Persian rumble that was friendly but commanding. I heard chairs shuffle around.

Ari came towards me and pushed me back inside the room. He slid his arms around me and kissed me deeply. He rubbed my back trying to calm my anxiety.

"We must go now, princess. Your father worries," Ari told me. He made no move to leave though. He held me so tight against his chest. He suffocated me with his pecs. He grabbed my ass and ground his bulge against me. I wanted him to take me right then and there.

"Mmmm," I said into his chest. Ari laughed. He gave me one last kiss and then held my hand. He led me out then let go of my hand when we came to the kitchen.

Dad was sitting at the table with Mr. Khorasani, while Ari's mom was scurrying about the kitchen making a plate piled high with food.

"If there is anything we can do to help. Please don't hesitate to ask," Ari's dad said.

"That's really kind of you, Mr. Khorasani. I hope you'll let us out of our lease without too much penalty, sir!" dad chuckled. He'd added sir. He couldn't help it around these men.

"You live in one of our properties! Oh yes! Here is my card. Tell the manager to call me if he has any questions," Ari's dad handed the card to my dad and then looked at me as I came in.

"Lukas. How are you, dear boy?" Mr. Khorasani asked. He pulled me away from his son and put his arms around me. His solid pecs felt warm like Ari's and I laid my head against his shoulder. His hold calmed me and I held onto him a little too long.

"Embarrassed, sir. I'm sorry for that. I didn't take it well and overreacted," I said.

"It is nothing. You are young and not used to change. We understand," he said and kissed my blushing cheek. He brushed his chin against my neck and whispered, "You're ok, boy."

"You feel better? Do you want some food?" Dad asked. He looked at me with guilty eyes. He hated upsetting me. He'd turned my life upside down moving us here and now he was doing it again.

"Yes. Let's eat, Lukas," Ari said when I didn't respond. His mother beamed, always trying to get rid of food. She came over with a plate for my dad and then hurried back to get more for us. His father let me go and I sat down on the other side of him. Ari pulled in a chair beside me and put his arm across the back of my seat.

Dad and Mr. Khorasani talked about dad's new job prospect. It did sound like what he'd been working for. He would be in charge of the service department and supervise everything.

"It sounds like his dream job, Lukas," Mr. Khorasani said.

"Oh it is! And our family is all around the area!" Dad said between bites.

"It sounds very nice," Mr. Khoarasani said. His mother came over with plates for me and Ari. I thanked her and tried to eat.

"This chicken is amazing! And the rice. This is the best. We never eat like this," Dad exclaimed and Ari's mother beamed proudly. She was a beautiful woman.

"Is nothing. Just dinner I make," Ari's mother played it off.

"Lukas makes most of our meals. He's a pretty good cook," Dad said between bites.

"You can cook?" Mr. Khorasani looked at me with strange eyes and a little smile like I interested him. He gave my head a pat and chuckled.

"Oh you poor boy! None of my sons know how, but Arisht can burn the toast without even plug it in!" Ari's mother laughed. She pet my head with pity. I knew she was thinking that I needed a mother. I beamed up at her as I ate, hoping they'd adopt me so I could stay with Ari.

"Thank you, Mrs. Khorasani. You've been so kind to us," I said to her.

"You are very good boy, Lukas. Anytime you need meal you stop by." She slid in next to dad and asked about how things were going with Denise. The parents bonded and everyone got along. I didn't want this to end, but it did.

Dad gave me a minute to say goodbye to Ari. Ari told him I'd left some things in the bedroom and he took me back to collect them. We kissed, hugged, almost cried again, and held each other. It was so hard to say goodbye to him. My body started to ache in his arms.

"My parents love you. I am so proud to have you meet them." He slid his hands down the back of my shorts to rub my ass. I grabbed his cock and gave it a tug. He put on a brave face then walked me out to say goodbye to his parents. I got hugs and dad got containers of leftovers to take home.

We got in his car and left.

"I really like them!" Dad said when we pulled away.

"Maybe I can stay with them," I offered, knowing it was too soon to drop that bomb.

"No, son. You belong with your family. I know it sucks but you'll feel better when we're settled and once school starts and you're back with people you know," dad assured as he drove us the short distance back to our apartment.

I sat in silence as he drove along, but couldn't contain it when we got to our front door.

"I'm not going dad! You can't do this to me! I like it here," I said as he unlocked our door.

"You can't stay here by yourself. You think your gym job will pay the rent?" dad wasn't taking me seriously. He nudged me inside the door and locked it behind us. We'd been gone and the place was hot and smelled weird. He opened up the windows and turned on the fan then put the leftover containers in the fridge.

"I'll figure it out. I don't care. I can't go back there," I said. He didn't even stop to look at me.

"I think there's a game on tonight! Want to watch with me?" he asked.

"I'm not going, dad. I'm not," I said again. Dad looked at me with annoyance.

"Fine, sit down. Let's talk," Dad pointed to the couch. He went and got a beer for himself and a cold bottle of water for me.

"Remember when you were little and you'd throw a tantrum? You'd get so upset and overheated and you'd start taking your clothes off. I'd get an icy cold bottle of water from the fridge and put it on the back of your neck. I'd pull you into my lap and hold it against your forehead then your cheeks and neck then all the way down to your feet. I'd just hold you and cool you off until you settled down and fell asleep in my arms. Remember that?" Dad asked.

"No, and I'm not a little kid anymore. I'm almost 18!" I was getting angry.

"Exactly. You're 17 and acting like 7. You belong with me and this job means a better future for us. You'll be going to college in a year and that takes money," Dad was doing that annoying thing he did with me where he kept his voice calm and cool to show he was in charge.

"If you make me go then I'll leave the day I turn 18 and never come back. I'll never forgive you! Never." I was losing it. I was on the edge of tears and it was so hot in there.

Dad put the cold water bottle against my face. It was the last straw. I wasn't a child anymore. I didn't need to cool down. I knocked it away and then ran to my room.

"Lukas get back here!" dad yelled. I closed my door and stripped down to my underwear then threw myself on my bed. I hugged my pillow wishing it was Ari and cried until I fell asleep.

I woke up throughout the night. I missed Ari's chest and the way he held me. I was so mad at my father. He couldn't do this to me.

There was a knock on my door the next morning. I was staying in bed and didn't want to talk to him. I'd never talk to him again.

"Lukas," a voice called and then Ari's head poked in the door. I lit up and lunged off my bed to hug him. He closed my door and held a bag for me.

"You look so tired. I didn't sleep either and you left your phone at my place. I couldn't text you," Ari said.

"I forgot it... I'm not talking to my dad ever again. He's being a dick," I swore.

"He's doing his best to take care of you. He love you so much," Ari defended him. I took the bag from him and tossed it on the bed then dove into his arms.

"We are in your father's home, we must be good. He will let me see you and maybe even take you for visits on weekends. Is not the end of world, Lukas," Ari said as he hugged me close.

"It feels like it," I added.

"He feel terrible. Come out with me so he sees I am good for you and bring you to him. He will allow us greater freedom," Ari pushed. I took his hand and held it. He led me out of my room to where my dad was sitting on the couch.

Dad got up and hugged me. I wanted to scream, beg, and cry, but Ari's presence reminded me to be good. He showed me a stack of unfolded boxes Ari had brought.

I went to take a shower then found them packing up the kitchen laughing about the engine choices on some new car that was coming out. Ari nodded towards the stack of boxes and suggested I pack up some things. I took a flat one and tried to figure out how to make it into a useable box. It had directions and numbers on it but it didn't make sense. I tried but it wouldn't go together.

"Fuck! This doesn't work! Everything sucks!" I yelled at the box. I threw it on the floor and went to the couch.

"Lukas! Language!" Dad yelled. He came over and quickly undid the folds I'd made. I pulled my knees up into my chest and rocked. Ari came and sat next to me. Dad fixed the box and put it on the floor then went back to the kitchen. He banged around for a few minutes then came back to us.

"Ari. Would you maybe take him somewhere? It might be better if I start the packing alone. The crew is coming tomorrow and it's not like we have a ton of stuff." Dad looked at Ari with eyes that asked for help.

"If you think is best, sir," Ari said. He was being extra respectful. He wanted so badly to earn dad's trust. Dad thanked him and I went to change into nicer clothes. I found the bag Ari had brought me that I'd tossed onto my bed. I hadn't stopped to look inside.

"Is present for you," Ari's voice surprised me from behind. "I can not sleep last night so I walk to the drugstore and wander. I find little monkey and he make me think of you."

"Oh that's so cute!" I pulled out a little stuffed monkey holding a heart. Ari closed my bedroom door then pressed on the heart. The monkey beeped and Ari said hello. He pressed the heart again and his phone beeped in his pocket.

"He connect to the wifi. When you need me you press and send me message!" Ari exclaimed. He hit something on his phone and I heard his recorded voice say "Hello."

"That is so awesome!" I lit up with a smile.

We left my dad to pack and headed for the coast. We spent hours walking along the beach and talking about how we'd stay in contact and how 70 miles wasn't too far away. No matter what we said or promised, it still felt like my heart was ripping in half. We made out a lot, but we didn't get the chance to play around like we should have.


The next morning my cousins and uncles showed up. My dad has a big family but it's rare we are all together. It took less than two hours to load everything we had brought here into a moving van. This was all happening so fast. Toyota wanted dad to start right away.

Ari showed up and helped load the truck. My dad agreed to let him drive me out there in his car rather than squeeze into my uncle's SUV with my cousins. Everyone was nice to Ari. Dad must have warned them. No one made a comment about him being darker or muslim or why he was so close to me. Dad knew how to keep his rough and tumble, hyper-masculine, uber-conservative family in check when it came to his child. I was allowed to be me. It was the best gift any parent can give.

The house my grandmother had hurriedly found us to rent turned out to be in a nicer area than where we'd lived before and just down the street from her own house. It was townhomes inside a larger neighborhood that had a community pool and rec center. It was under the blazing desert sun and in a little finger of valley that poked into the mountains. I had a larger bedroom that had its own bathroom and closet.

"This is nice! It look safe and clean," Ari tried to sound hopeful when he pulled up.

"Will you spend the night?" I asked. I hadn't let go of his hand the whole way. He'd held it over the gear shifter and moved it around as he sped across Southern California trying to tell me how close my new place was to him. I missed our run down old apartment. Having him just a block away was the best thing ever. It had only lasted a few weeks.

"Maybe! If we show your dad we work and are ok then we work too late for me to drive," Ari said thoughtfully. He parked in front of the new house and held my hand in his lap.

We sat in his car kissing and listening to music until the big truck rumbled up with our things. He kissed me before we got out. Thankfully his windows were heavily tinted because our shorts were heavily tented. I wanted so badly to play with his cock, but I could see my dad getting out of the truck and looking over at us.

We took a minute to cool off and then went to help unload the truck. Working for an hour, it took all of us to empty out the truck and put things into the right rooms. Ari and I got to work on the kitchen while dad and my uncles put the furniture in the right places and got the beds set up.

Dad ordered pizzas and I rode with Ari to go buy beer for the men. We worked until well after the sun went down. Ari and I worked on my room. We slowed way down when we noticed things were almost finished.

"We have to run out the clock," I laughed. Ari laid down on my bed and got caught up looking at a photo album he'd snatched from the living room. I turned on some music, hooking the new phone he'd gotten me to an old bluetooth speaker. I locked my door.

"You are always so little," Ari remarked as he looked through the pages of my youth. My grandmother is one of the last people who actually printed out pictures at the drugstore. She always took a bunch and then sent a copy to my dad.

"I'm average size!" I defended. "Your family is just big Persian giants. Even your dad is super tall." I hoped Ari was as handsome as his father when he reached that age, assuming we were still together after today.

"Such a beautiful boy, always hide in your father's arms. You need a man to protect you," Ari noted as he flipped through the pictures.

"Did I?" I came to sit down beside him. He flipped back through the pages to show me the evidence. "I guess I was kind of clingy with dad, maybe because my mom left us. We held on to each other."

We laid there looking at pictures for the longest time. My bed is twin-sized so I sat up by the pillows and he stretched out with his head in my lap. I played with his hair while he asked about pictures and I told him stories of my track meets, family gatherings, the church we'd gone to for awhile, the friends I'd had growing up here.

"This is your home, Lukas. Your people are all here," Ari said with sadness in his voice.

"It's not home anymore. My person won't be here," I countered. Ari sighed.

"We will make it work. My heart is in the desert now. I follow to end of earth to be with my princess," Ari said. He put the photo book on the side table and pulled me down to snuggle.


"Lukas?" Dad's voice called as he rattled the doorknob. "Is this locked?"

"Oh! Sorry!" I jumped off the bed and Ari sat up. He went to a box of old dvds and started to sort them. I ran and opened the door for dad. "I was playing with it. I thought I unlocked it!"

"It's after ten! You guys are still working?" dad asked as he came in. Ari looked over his shoulder at dad as if he wasn't paying attention.

"Oh! We lose track of the time, Lukas! Is so late," Ari said and stifled a fake yawn.

"Do you work tomorrow?" Dad asked with concern.

"No, sir. Is day off for me," Ari yawned again.

"Well why don't you just crash here? The couch is old, but it's somewhat comfortable. LA is just too far of a drive when you're tired and wiped out," dad offered.

"I have the blow-up mattress! He can stay in here with me. It's in that box there!" I interjected.

Dad agreed to that. Now if I could just find an excuse to have him here every night for the next 11 months then we'd be good. Dad helped us pump up the mattress and brought in some quilts to cover it. I offered one of my pillows and dad said good night to us. We heard his door close and looked at each other with accomplished smiles. Ari went and got his bag of clean gym clothes out of his trunk. He had everything he needed for a night here.

We set up my bathroom and Ari put in the pricy wash and shampoo he used at the gym. He had a toothbrush and everything. I started to think he had planned ahead on this, but I was happy he did. We showered together and he washed me thoroughly. My cock went rock hard as soon as his soapy fingers found my bottom. He slid them inside me and I bent forward against the tile wall and started to whine.

"Quiet, my love," Ari laughed. He didn't take his fingers back, but he used his other hand to put two fingers in my mouth so I had something to suck on while he cleaned my hole.

"My princess needs her pacifier?" Ari growled as he leaned against me.

I nodded and moaned a muffled "Yaaa." Ari laughed at how easily I responded to his touch. He gave me that look again that told me I fascinated him.

"This little hole is so tight. Will take much work to give my princess what she need," Ari noted as he rubbed inside my hole. He was working up a slow but steady rhythm that had my cock hard and drooling. I sucked his fingers hoping he'd give me his cock. He took his fingers from me then spread my cheeks to get a better look.

"Pretty pussy all clean and ready for sleepytime," he noted. He rubbed a finger over my hole. He had me so worked up but was holding back. He gave my bottom a playful swat, then turned off the water. "We better go. I cannot resist my beautiful princess."

He got out swinging that thick cock between his thighs as he got us towels. He let me tug it a few times, but stopped me when I started to kneel in front of him to suck it. I licked my lips hungrily, but he was firm.

We dried off and put on underwear then curled up on the air mattress we'd set up on the other side of my bed. His thinking was that if my father found us, we could say I had rolled off in the middle of the night. It seemed logical.

The problem was that we couldn't just lie there together. Ari was spooning me from behind on the narrow bed and his cock pressed against my ass had me sliding back against him. He'd told me that when he put his seed in me I'd be his forever. On some level, my brain held onto that. I needed it, needed to be filled with his offering so I wouldn't lose him.

"We should not, dear one. In your father's home, would be disrespect to him," Ari said.

"I need it. I need to know I'm yours," I said. I tried to reach behind me to grab his cock, but there was no space for my hand. He moved it away and just held me.

"Of course you are mine, silly one." Ari kissed the back of my neck and held me tightly under the quilt. "Why else I am here? I must look after what is mine." I tried to be still, but we were both rock hard and desperate for each other. I squirmed against his cock.

"Settle down, little one. You are safe in my arms," Ari said. He pressed his nose in behind my ear and kissed my neck. We tried to sleep, but both of us were worried about what tomorrow would bring and how this would work.

"You feel anxious. How do I settle you?" Ari asked after a long silence.

"You know what I need," I laughed and rubbed my ass against his cock. We had another long silence. He rubbed my chest and gave soft kisses up my neck; leaving chills in his wake.

He raised up and turned on the small bedside lamp. He looked down at me and rubbed a hand over my cheek. He nodded with a sigh. My lips turned up into a smile and he kissed them.

"How I can say no to this beautiful one? You make me so weak, my heart," Ari said.

He looked so conflicted. He was trying to be good, but all I could think about was time running out for us. I thought if I could take his seed, have him inside me, I could secure him. I knew he would go back home, back to the gym, back to his life. I knew he would find a thousand boys like me who were cuter, closer, begging for him. The thought of losing him made me panic.

"Please, Ari. Please," I whimpered. I lipped at his thumb then sucked it into my lips. I tried to give my best begging eyes. He melted.

"We go to floor so is quiet, and none of the beautiful little noises that I love to hear when I open your flower. We must be quiet," Ari cautioned. I quickly rolled off the air mattress and onto the carpet. I laid on my back and he crawled on top of me. He laughed at my eagerness. He kissed me then slid his hands up my sides and cupped my pecs. He kissed down my neck then went straight for my nipples, biting and sucking them lightly.

"Yummy pink parts," he said to himself and then kissed down my tummy. His dark, muscular hands roamed my body and sent shivers through me. I always feel so small when he puts one in the center of my chest. I feel so small anytime I'm in his hold. He pulled at my briefs and slid them off my legs. I looked up at him, naked and waiting for his touch. He towered over me and looked down at me like a Christmas present.

"You are my dream guy," I said. I'm not good at sexy talk, but it was the truth. "I can't even touch myself without thinking about you."

"You know what, Lukas?" Ari asked. He lifted my legs and brought my feet together on either side of his face. He turned to the right one and kissed the bottom of it then kissed up until he got to my toes. He sucked them in one by one and filled me with chills.

"What?" I begged with ragged breath. I'd never thought about my feet being played with and I instantly wanted more. I wiggled my toes on the foot he was ignoring. He rubbed his cheek against it and stared down at me.

"You are first person I feel this love for. Is like a new level of it. My chest burns for you and you never leave my thoughts. My sweet, innocent princess. There is no other for me," Ari always knew the perfect thing to say. My heart leapt and my stomach was doing flips.

"Can I suck it?" I asked. I pointed to the thick, full cock hanging between his thighs. I licked my lips when he gripped it. He let go of my feet and motioned for me to get up. I sat up then crawled between his thighs and looked up at him.

"You need your bottle, baby?" Ari asked in that deep Persian rumble. He wagged his cock in my face and then swiped the tip across my lips.

"Yes, sir. Please, sir," I begged. I looked up at him with the most innocent face I could make and watched his hard lips melt into a smile.

"When I feed you, it is daddy. Ok, princess?" Ari whispered, keeping his voice down to not wake my actual father. I nodded.

"Yes, daddy. Please feed me." I put my tongue out, desperate to lap at his thick meat. He put the tip on my tongue and I tasted his salty, musk. We'd just showered, but he always had that man smell that made me thirsty for him. I dove onto his cock. It stretched my lips and I couldn't get much of it in, but I sucked him like my life depended on it.

"So good, princess. Your lips feel so good on my cock," Ari praised. He leaned down over me and went to work on my hole again. I felt his warm, thick tongue wiggle inside me and light up the spots that made my cock thump on its own.

I pumped his cock with one hand and reached under it to feel his heavy balls with the other. His nuts were almost the size of a regular egg and I could only hold one at a time as I rubbed them together and stuffed my mouth with the thick head of his cock.

"Beautiful princess pussy," Ari mumbled as he took his tongue from my hole. He put a finger in there and started to wiggle around inside me. I moaned on his cock and sucked it to pacify the warm chills he sent through me.

"See how it responds to its owner? You need a real man to show you what it can do, little one," Ari said thoughtfully. He didn't sound like he was bragging, more like he genuinely cared about fulfilling me. I mumbled agreement as I pumped his cock and slurped the head.

"You think a boy will know what to do with a pussy this nice? He will hurt it, fumble with it and ruin my princess. This is only for me and need my expert touch, ok?" Ari asked. He pulled his cock out of my mouth so I could answer.

"Yes, daddy. All yours," I said and tried desperately to get his cock again. Satisfied with my assurance, he slid back into my mouth. He reached down with one hand and gripped my hair to hold me still. He pushed his cock back until I gagged on it while he rubbed inside me and made my eyes flutter.

"I take care of my baby. I make sure her pink parts are satisfied," Ari said. He leaned back down and kissed my hole while he started to fuck my face. He made me gag but didn't push in farther. He started to slide it in and out. His thick cock stuffed my mouth and made me sputter, but I kept up. I wanted his seed inside me. I wanted to show him I could make him feel as good as he did to me.

"So beautiful, Lukas. I love you," Ari said as he fingered my hole. My cock was throbbing and pulsing with precum. I was on the edge and about to fire off.

"Mmm mumm," I mumbled a warning though his cock muffled it.

"I know, princess. Your boy part is close to finish," Ari said. He reached under me and gripped my cock gently. He pulled it like he was milking a cow as he rubbed the spot inside my hole that was making me drip.

Ari stopped for a second and pulled his cock from me. He flipped me over onto my back so we were in a sort of a 69 position with him hovering about me. His cock dangled between his thighs and rested on my lips. I rubbed the underside of the thick meat with my tongue and inhaled it as it rested on my nose. He slid his hips back and forth, liking the feel of me under him. His heavy nuts smacked my forehead. I parted my lips and he started shoving into me again. His right hand went back between my thighs and his finger pushed into my hole. He started jerking my cock again at a painfully slow rate that kept me on the edge and drooling precum.

"You can cum now. I always make sure my little one come first. A man take care of what is his and put his loved one needs first," Ari vowed. He stroked my cock so slowly that it kept me on the edge and my legs went weak and shaky. I slurped his cock as he slid it back and forth.

"Feel good, baby. Feel your daddy give his princess what she need." Ari grunted and hissed as he fucked my face and stretched my lips. He worked up a good pace and his nuts rubbed back and forth over my forehead as I inhaled his scent and sucked on his cock.

"Mmmm," I moaned and felt my cock start to fire off. It exploded like a fountain, earning praise from Ari.

"Oh wow! It shoot like crazy," he laughed. I shot thick ropes. I couldn't see since he had my face covered with his cock, but I felt hot missiles fire out of me as my body spasmed under his hold.

"Fuck, baby, so pretty," he praised. He was fingering my hole with fury and gave my cock slow, tight tugs to milk my load as I squirmed helplessly under him.

"See what I do to my princess? Daddy makes you feel just right?" Ari asked in that confident tone that already knew the answer. I mumbled assent from under him as I fired off the last of it.

"I am close too. You get the seed you beg for. Your medicine make you grow stronger," Ari assured. He sped up, sliding his cock in deeper and making me gag and sputter as I tried to keep up. He pushed in and out then shoved it in deep and held there. I felt his hot, salty load fill my throat and spill out over my tongue. It was thick and suffocating. His nuts came to rest just above my nose and I inhaled a deep scent of his musk that went straight to my brain.

"Uhhhhh fuck," Ari hissed as he unloaded down my throat.

"Swallow, boy. Swallow what I give you," he said in a low, threatening tone that made me want to obey any command he could think of. I swallowed the thick cum, feeling it slide down to my throat and coat it with his Persian goodness. He shoved in and out a few more times, firing off as I struggled to keep up.

"So good, princess. You are my perfection," Ari praised. He rammed a few more times then went still and leaned forward to kiss my thighs. He recovered his breath then took his cock out of me. I swallowed the last of his seed and gasped for air.

"That was so hot," I said between ragged breaths. He turned and came to lay beside me. He pulled me into his chest. We were covered in sweat and cum. I'm sure the room reeked of it. We just laid there together though; kissing, rubbing, recovering.

We got up to take a quick shower and Ari opened the windows to air things out. There was a cool desert breeze that swept through the room and made me shiver. Ari washed the cum and sweat from us then we brushed our teeth and dressed for bed. He held me so tightly on that squeaky air mattress. I fell asleep against his heartbeat, worried that I'd never feel it again.


I watched his car drive away the next morning and it felt like he was dragging my heart behind it. My dad could see the tears forming and he moved in to hug me, but I pushed him away. He looked at me with hurt in his eyes. He reached for my shoulder and squeezed it. I ignored it and went to my room. I was spiraling into a panic attack. I hugged the pillow Ari had used the night before and cried until I fell asleep.

Dad called goodbye before heading to work. It was his first day at the new job and I didn't wish him well or make him a lunch. I gave him the silent treatment when he poked his head in. Sadness makes me really tired. All I felt like doing was lying in bed.

I got up for a little while and texted with Ari. He video-called me from his tablet when he got home and left it running while he worked at his dining table. He'd look over at me every few minutes and urge me to eat something or go workout so I'd feel better. I didn't want him thinking of me as a sad, mopey guy in the desert so I finally told him I was going for a run. We did a long, sad goodbye with neither of us wanting to hang up.

When dad got home he brought dinner from the chicken place we used to love. I sat at the table as he commanded, but I didn't say a word and I didn't feel like food. He tried to make jokes, ask questions, offer ideas for summer fun, but I just stonewalled him.

"I don't get it, Lukas! I really don't! Is it the job you miss? We can find you a job here. What is it?" Dad put his fork down and looked at me with desperation. I couldn't meet his eyes. I stared at the full plate he'd served me. The thought of food disgusted me.

"You took me from him... He was all I ever wanted and you had to ruin it," I whispered.

"Oh... Oh!" Dad was getting it. "But he's...." Dad started but then trailed off.

"I love him," I whispered. "The first time I find someone who loved me and you ruined it."

"Lukas. He's a man... and you're... my boy. You're not old enough for that and he..." Dad couldn't quite find the words. I looked up to see him processing it and shaking his head.

"He loves me too... or he did until you took me away. Now he'll probably find someone else. You dragged me there and ripped me away from everyone I knew. Then when I actually liked it you had to punish me again. You're so selfish," I was picking up steam.

"I did it for us so we could survive. We aren't like them with tons of money. This job will mean a better life for us. I did it for us, son," Dad tried to reason.

"Better life for you and no life for me. All I wanted was Ari and you only care about yourself. You don't care about me at all. You want me miserable and you got your wish!" I knew I was over the line. I didn't even really believe that. The words just poured thoughtlessly from my lips.

"You really think that? After all I've done to give you the best life I could? You think I would intentionally cause you pain? Really?" Dad was hurt. He doesn't cry, not often. He gets upset and usually goes to cool off, but this time he stayed.

"No... I'm sorry." I knew I was wrong. I started to cry and he came and lifted me up to my feet then hugged me. He held me for the longest time. We'd never really fought like that before.

"I have to go back, dad. It hurts so bad. Please let me go back," I sobbed into his shoulder.

He walked me over to the couch and we talked for the longest time. He said he would have to have a long talk with Ari and we could work out visits and time together, but that my home was with him and would be until I turned 18.

"I'm not ok with this, Lukas. You're underage and so young. You're not ready for that and... he's a man, Lukas. It's not right," Dad sighed.

"It's only 8 years difference and in a few years it won't even sound like much. Plus, he won't even do more than hug me yet. He doesn't want to be disrespectful to you. You'd rather I date one of the guys I hung out with here? You want me to go out with Derek? He's my age!" I pointed.

Out of all my friends, Derek was the one my dad liked least. He was always getting into trouble and dad knew his parents from high school. They weren't friends. His parents let him drink. Dad had forbidden me from going to his house.

"No! God no, Luk! Please!" Dad laughed. He thought about it for a second then said, "I know Ari is the guy I would pick... if I had to pick. But you're so young. You're my little boy, Luk."

"He's the one I want, and I know he wants me too. Please, dad," I begged and hugged him. He sighed and squeezed me tightly.

"It's just so hard to think of you as grown up, honey. To me you'll always be the little guy who cried whenever I set him down! I'll give him a chance. I'll try... Time just goes by so fast, too fast," he thought aloud. He was trying to be reasonable.


The week dragged on and I tried to be happier as dad tried to accept things.

He and Ari had a long talk and somehow Ari put dad's mind at ease. He was good at making dad feel respected and he honored dad as my "keeper." We tried to videochat as often as we could though dad wanted me to see some friends and hang out with my cousins more. I made an effort since he was being cool about Ari.

Denise started showing up every night. She made dinner and hung out with dad. I didn't mind her at first, but the more she talked to dad the stricter he got about me spending so much time on my phone with Ari.

Like most women dad dates, she was opinionated and wanted to change him. He started changing into nicer clothes when he got home from work instead of the usual shorts and tank top he lounges around in after a long day.

They even talked about us going to her church. She said I'd like it and there were nice girls to meet. She knew I was gay, but she seemed to ignore that fact and think her church girls were what I needed.

On Sunday dad made us go to her church. It was one of those churches that had a rock band and served coffee. It wasn't too horrible until afterwards when she kept pushing me onto girls I knew from growing up and had no interest in. Denise tried to set up events for me during the week with their youth group. I wasn't excited about volunteering at a resale shop, but it would be something to do and Dad seemed happy I was trying.

I told Ari about it and he laughed at the thought of me working there. He said to see if they had any golf clubs or old bowling balls he could buy.

Denise kept pushing me to hang out with church people. I ignored it until one night I overheard them talking in the next room. Denise was telling him how much she disapproved of Ari and me and Dad was just listening instead of defending me.

"He's in rebellion. I can see it in his eyes. He needs a strong father's discipline, that's why he seeks it out from other men and confuses it with love," Denise said. I wanted to go in there and smack her. I waited for dad to speak up for me.

"You think so? His family seems nice, but you're right. Lukas has always been so easily led," Dad said. I went and sat next to my door so I could hear them.

"Of course they seem nice. Those muslims will do anything to get a convert! They see a weak little boy needing guidance and they move in on him. That's how they get us. I read a news item online about it. They train for this stuff. You just have to put your foot down, babe. If you don't lead him, they will." She was really working dad. I heard her seal it with what sounded like a kiss then dad made this loud sigh like she was doing more.

"You're right. I just... After his mom left I felt so guilty and tried to make up for it. He never asks for things and I feel bad saying no to him. He'll be so hurt if I make him end it," Dad said.

"Are you more afraid of hurting his feelings or losing him to a destructive lifestyle? You're his father and you need to man up about it. He'll be upset but he'll come around. We need to get him in church and feed his soul with things that are good for him," Denise cooed. She was relentless. I felt my pulse racing and sweat break out on my neck.

"He needs to be around people his own age. Maybe the church would be best," Dad said.

"It's what's best for him. He's a good looking kid like his daddy. He'll open up and make new friends. It'll be better for him. You'll see." She was pushing him hard. I hated her, but dad was in her web. I know how he gets when he's under

I tried calling Ari, but his phone just rang. I sent him a message on the wifi monkey he'd bought me, but he didn't respond. He'd said he had dinner plans with his family. I had a terrorizing thought that he was really out with some other boy who was probably better looking than me. I took my pillow and went to sleep in my closet.

I woke up to voicemails and texts from Ari. He went from happy to worried to frantic that I would do something crazy. I called him and he talked me down.

"I'm so sorry you hurt, Lukas. I wish I can be there to protect you, but he is your father. You must do what he says and be good," Ari said. I could hear he was in the car and driving.

He was rushing to a meeting and couldn't talk for long, but he did his best to console me. He told me to be good and talk to my dad when I could be alone with him. He said he would check-in with me in a few hours when he finished his meetings.

"Hey there, kid. Dad left for work," Denise said when I left my room to find my dad.

I didn't know what to say to her. She was making breakfast and told me to sit down.

"Listen, Lukas. Maybe it's time we have a talk. Eat some breakfast," she said and set a plate of eggs and toast in front of me.

"Things with me and your dad are goin' pretty good and we're thinking about a next step. I want you to know that I care about you a whole lot and I plan on being around a long time," Denise said. She got a soft tone to her voice like she was trying to have a special moment here.

I didn't know how to respond. I chewed a piece of toast so she wouldn't think I was rude.

"Anyways, I know you've been talking to that muslim man. What's his name, Ali?" she asked.

"Ari. My boyfriend's name is Ari," I corrected her.

"Your father and I think it would be better for you to have friends here instead and focus on school. It's your senior year and you should be enjoying it. Maybe you could try for the baseball team or band? I was a cheerleader and volleyball champ in my day!" Denise laughed like she had a fond memory. I wanted to stick my fork in her eye.

"I was cross-country and track teams," I pointed out.

"Oh yeah? Yes! I do remember your dad talking about that. Well, listen now..." Denise adopted an awkward stance like she was about to drop a bomb.

"You remember that Mr. Finlen I introduced you to at the church? He's a counselor and he specializes in therapy for kids like you," She said. Bombs away.

"Kids like me?" I asked, knowing exactly what she meant.

"Well kids who are confused. I know you didn't have much of a mom growing up so your dad probably was a little weak with you and that probably led to you having feelings for... men." She bobbed her head around, weaving through the landmines that littered this conversation.

"It doesn't work like that," I said. I set down my toast and looked around the room for a way out of this conversation.

"No, I know. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with you! That's not what I meant, Lukas. Don't get defensive with me. We just want to get you help. You have to see it from your dad's side. He loves you so much and just wants you to have a normal life. This older muslim man has his claws in you deep, kid. You can't see it now, but it's bad," Denise was spinning.

"That's not true," I felt panic rising in my chest. I was not going to cry in front of this lady. I was not going to show her she could get to me. I hated everything about her.

"Don't get upset. I'm just talking to you, ok? Your dad and I just want you to go see Mr. Finlen. He's agreed to squeeze you in tomorrow. No one's trying to change you. We want to free you. Ok, kid? Your dad just loves you and wants to get you help," she said.

The way she spoke with such confidence and control, added to the conversation I'd overheard with her and my dad, I knew he was going to go along with whatever she wanted. I knew what dad would do to keep a happy woman in his life. She would convince him that I needed to go to some camp and they would fix me and give me a happy life.

I started to answer back to her, but then it dawned on me that I had to go. If I could get to Ari, he would help me. He would know what to do.

"If you think it's best," I said and sighed. She put her hands over mine and her face lit up like Christmas. She laughed and nodded.

"I'm so glad you're open to it, Lukas. It gives me such hope. Sometimes kids are in such deep rebellion that only Jesus himself can save them. Don't you worry, Lukas. It's going to be all good," Denise floated back to the kitchen and washed the dishes.

She cleaned up the living room and then told me she had to go to work. She popped her head in my doorway and waved goodbye.

"Don't lie around all day, kid. I left my bike in the garage if you want to get some sunshine," she said before floating away.

I heard her car drive off and hurriedly grabbed my backpack. I stuffed some clothes and supplies inside and went to the garage to find her bike.

I knew I couldn't bike all the way to Los Angeles, but I could bike the few miles down to the train station in Palm Center. I knew dad would be pissed. He'd blow up and track me down, but I wasn't going to go down without a fight. If he wanted to rip me away from Ari and send me to anti-gay therapy stuff then he'd have to find me first.

I made it just as the train to LA was pulling in. I ditched the bike at a rack and secured it with the lock. I put the key into the little bag attached to the bar on it and ran into the station. The ticket machine was easy enough to figure out and I fed it twenty bucks hoping that would get me far enough. I hopped onto the train and sped off towards Ari.

I fell asleep on the train and woke up when it was pulling into Union Station. No one had come by to ask about my train fare. That was kind of a waste. I got out and looked around for a transit map to figure out how to get to Ari. There was another train that went up to Glendale and then a bus would take me a block from his apartment.

I checked my phone on the ride up there. Ari must still be in meetings and dad was at work so he wouldn't know I'd left. I thought about that for a minute. No one knew where I was or where I'd gone. There was something strangely freeing about that. The bus got to his block and I got off. I went to a juice place and played with my phone until Ari called.

"Are you heading home?" I asked after we'd said hello.

"I wish. I'm stuck in Ventura. I need go to Santa Barbara for quick assignment. My father has me busy. How are you, my love?" Ari's deep voice stressed by a day of hard work made my stomach flutter.

"I'm here. I took the train to surprise you," I said, feeling dumb for not checking on when he would be there.

"In my home? You are at my home? Your father sends you? Oh my love!" Ari glowed through the phone. Then the practical side of him hit. "I am far away and will not be back for hours!"

"It's ok. I'm at the juice bar," I sighed.

"No! I send my father for you. He work nearby. He will watch you," Ari said as though I was his small child.

He called his father and then called me back as he drove up to Santa Barbara. He stayed with me on the phone until I saw his father come into the juice bar. I jumped up at the sight of him.

Mr. Khorasani had on an expensive looking suit that hugged his muscled frame. His lips curled into a smile when he found me. He brought me in for a hug then took the phone to talk to his son. He took my backpack and put it on his shoulder then led me out of the juice bar while he talked to Ari.

"My son worries for you," he said when he'd hung up. He tucked my phone into my pocket and walked me down the block to his office. "Your father should not put you on a train without someone to receive you. What was he thinking?"

"Oh. He just... I mean... It was a... surprise?" I scrambled for answers and he saw right through me.

"He does not know you are here, does he son?" Mr. Khorasani's eyes bored into me though he already knew the truth. I shrank under his intimidating glare. He opened the door to his building and nudged me inside. It was a long elevator ride up to his floor. I hadn't answered him, there was no need.

"Please, sir. You can't send me back there," I started to beg when we got to his office. He had a top floor office overlooking the city with the LA skyline in the distance.

"It is your home, Lukas. A boy belongs with his family," he sighed. He pulled one of the reception chairs up next to his oversized leather swivel-chair. He took a bottle of water from the small fridge behind his desk and offered it to me.

"Not anymore. They're going to send me to therapy and probably one of the camps and..." I started to spill things. I couldn't help it. I didn't even know if Ari's parents knew he was gay, but something about the power Mr. Khorasani held had me telling him the absolute truth.

I told him about Denise and what she'd said about them and about the anti-gay therapist. I told him everything except that his son and I had done sexual things. I was probably ruining Ari's life, but I was holding on to a lot and my bag was full. It had to burst.

"Ok, it is ok. Come here, my poor boy," Mr. Khorasani said. I stood and he pulled me in between his legs and into a hug. He felt so warm and he breathed against my ear like someone trying to soothe an angry baby. He rubbed my back and didn't pull away when I collapsed against his chest.

"You're going to be ok, Lukas. It's going to be ok," he said. He held me and slid me over so he could balance me on his thigh. I hugged him and cried, feeling drained of all that I'd been holding onto. He smelled like Ari and had his reassuring touch.

"Can I live with you?" I said when I finished with the tears.

"I wish. My wife would be so happy to have another little one to care for. But you belong with your family. Family is everything and I know we can fix things with your father," Mr. Khorasani assured. He smiled and moved me back to my own chair.

"I hope I didn't get Ari in trouble... I mean..." I trailed off and realized I'd kind of outed his son.

"I know who my son is and I support his choices. We do not discuss it, but he is good boy and make us proud. We care for you too," Mr. Khorasani said.

He called my dad then and put him on speakerphone. It was lunch time at dad's job and the two of them talked for a few minutes. Dad said he would come pick me up after dinner when the traffic died down. He sounded embarrassed and angry. He apologized to Mr. Khorasani and said he didn't know what to do with me anymore. He sounded pretty deflated and hopeless. All he said to me was that he'd be there in a few hours.

I didn't know what would come next. I didn't want to go back with dad, but I couldn't argue in front of Mr. Khorasani. He assured me he would help talk things out with dad and that I would be ok. I hoped he was right.

-- My Stories: My Blog:

Next: Chapter 5

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