Lukas and the Shah

By Emri S.

Published on Jul 4, 2018


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Story Recap: Lukas, an athletic California teenager with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a tight body, meets Ari, a wealthy muscled Persian bent on dominating the "innocent" boy. It took Lukas forever to figure out Ari liked him. Ari holds back because Lukas is 17, but he's quickly losing control to what they both want and need from each other.


. - {Lukas & The Shah}- . [Ch.3-Boys Don't Cry] . ~By Emri~

"Lukas, baby. Your father calls," Ari said and pushed the phone to my ear. I mumbled something neither of us understood and reached for the phone. I was trapped in his warm muscles as he held me in his bed. I'd had the best sleep of my life in his arms.

"Luk! My boy! Sleeping in? How was your night?" Dad sounded extra chipper. I wondered what he was up to. I told him things were good and that I'd met Ari's parents. I was going to say more, but he cut me off.

"Good, good. Listen. I talked to Ari and he's ok with it, but um. Well you remember Denise?" Dad asked. Denise was this church lady he'd been semi dating before we'd left Desert Springs.

"Uh yeah, why?" I raised an eyebrow. Denise was ok, but she was super Christian and not in the nice way. I thought I knew what was coming next.

"Well I got the job done last night and I ran into Denise when I was loading up the truck in Desert Springs. We got to talking and she ended up riding with me down to Imperial. It was real fun. We had a lot of catching up to do. Anyhow I ran her back and spent the night on her couch. Since I got the day off and it's a long weekend, I thought maybe I'd stick around here for a day or two. Ari says you can stay with him no problem. But um..." Dad trailed off. He wanted my approval. He was always a dad first and a human second. He deserved this break.

"Yeah, it's cool dad. I'll go home and get some clothes. Don't worry about me. I have cash for food and stuff," I tried to reassure him. Ari pressed his nose into my neck and started kissing while I balanced the phone on my ear.

"Ahh damn. I forgot about that. Tell Ari I'll pay him back for whatever you eat or need!" Dad chimed.

Ari popped his head up and shook his head. There was no way he'd take money from my father.

"I'll tell him dad, don't worry. I have cash. You have fun." I giggled when Ari dove back into my shoulder and started running his teeth against my skin.

"I love you, Luk. Call me for anything you need or even if you just need to talk. You be good and listen to him. Don't cause any trouble. I raised you right," Dad said. I could hear Denise in the background making noises that sounded like cooking.

"Love you too, dad. Have fun," I said. He waited for me to hang up. He always waited for me.

"You are mine for three more days! I own you! You hear your father! He say you are my slave!" Ari laughed.

"He did not say that.! He said to be good and not cause trouble," I protested.

"He say to be Ari's slave for whatever he wish you to do!" Ari rolled over on top of me and pinned my arms up over my head. "Do you challenge your master?"

"I do not," I said weakly and looked up at him with pouty eyes.

"Then we can begin. First rule. You will only wear tiny girl panties around my home! This is at all times to be done. Do you have question?" Ari demanded in a fake tone of stern authority.

"Yes. Where do I get tiny girl panties? Is that a brand? Is there a special store? Are they open on Fridays?" I asked.

"These are details we work out later. Rule the second! You will call me sir or daddy. This is way you will end all sentences in my home. If not show proper respect to your authority elder, you will be punish. Are you have question?" Ari kept my arms pinned above my head with one arm and had the other across my chest.

"Yes. Can we get pancakes for breakfast... sir or daddy?" I asked.

"Pancakes will be had! Rule the third! You will follow all orders without hesitate! You will do as told or there will be punish for you! Do you have questions?" Ari was trying to keep a straight face. His arm had slipped up my chest so his hand was close to my lips and I started to suck on his pinky.

"I have so many questions..." I started to say, but he cut me off.

"No more questions! We get dressed and go for breakfast. You do not work today so you will accompany me. I have only few things to do." Ari let me up and he sat back on his heels. I noticed his cock was hard in his shorts. I was dying to satisfy it. We got up and got ready for our day.

Ari dressed down in a business casual look with a button up tucked into nice pants with leather shoes. He spent a good fifteen minutes gelling and blowing his hair into the perfect coif on top while I sat on the counter and kept him company. My hair doesn't do much. Like his it's grown out on top and shaved down on the sides. I usually just do a slight messy look with a tiny bit of gel and my fingers.

"We buy you some clothes to keep here. If your father is interested in this Denise woman then hopefully you can spend many more days as my boy servant," Ari said.

He walked me down to my apartment and I changed into jeans and a t-shirt. I got a few more clothes for the weekend and then we stored the bag in the trunk of his car to take up later.

He had a meeting way down in Orange County so we went for breakfast at a place on the beach and had pancakes. There's something about food on the beach that made it taste better.

We went to his meeting and he parked me at the coffee shop on the first floor. I had my new phone to play with and he got me an iced tea with orange slices floating in it. He was pretty quick with the meeting and I was only there for about 45 minutes. He came back to me with a triumphant nod.

"They love my proposal! They will do big business with us!" Ari said excitedly when he found me. "Thanks to you I have bright smile and confidence to seal the deal. We go celebrate!"

He took me to a giant mall and we walked around looking at stuff. He bought me some clothes to keep at his house, mostly shorts, underwear, and shirts. He bought more clothes for himself. He got me a pair of dress pants and a button up shirt with a tie. He said his parents were having their 35th wedding anniversary soon and I had to go. He bought me a pair of leather shoes that matched his for the event.

We were walking back to put the bags in the car when he stopped me with his hand on my chest. He pointed to a large pink store that sold lingerie items.

"This! I tell you we work out details later and look, it comes to us! The universe has spoken, let's go," He said excitedly and pulled me towards the store.

"No! No! Seriously no!" I protested and pulled back.

"Please, baby. Is rule number 1," Ari laughed. "You will look so beautiful."

"I'm a boy. I like being a boy," I said though my resolve was weakening as I watched his eyes light up. He really seemed excited by the idea.

"You are very handsome boy, most beautiful perfect boy I ever see. Now come!" He pulled again. I let him drag me. I was blushing furiously but I didn't want to cause a scene in the mall.

"Yes! Hi! I need things for my girlfriend," Ari said to the first salesgirl we met in the store. I squirmed uncomfortably behind him.

"Ok, What does she like? What size is she?" The girl asked. The store was nearly empty so she seemed happy to make a sale on a slow morning .

"She love pink and things that are silky. She is crazy for things that show her body. She is same size as him. They are twins!" Ari shoved me in front of him. The girl looked me up and down then did a circle around me.

"You're helping him buy lingerie for your sister?" She asked me with a surprised tone.

"Yes! We are to be married and he helps me plan because she is picky and he know what she likes," Ari covered without the slightest hint of panic. My face turned bright red.

"Oh congratulations! That's so great. We have some nice bridal stuff for your honeymoon!" She lit up and waved us towards the back of the store. She picked out a selection of white and pink panties that were silky and had see through parts. I had to lift my shirt so she could measure me. She commented on my skinny waist.

Ari picked out two pairs and then said, "I wish we can try these on to see how he looks so I know how she will look!"

"No!" I growled. Ari relented.

The salesgirl wrapped them up in a gift box and Ari handed her a credit card.

"I can not wait to see you in these when we get home. I think you will like Rule 1! You will be so adorable, my little princess," Ari said as we pulled out of the mall parking garage.

"Princess? Now I'm princess? Wait! If I'm wearing this stuff then that means I get to see you naked, right?" I asked excitedly. If putting on some panties was the key, I was all in for that door.

Ari looked at me like he hadn't thought of that. He chewed it over for a minute then suggested we head out before the traffic got bad.

When we got onto the freeway, his phone rang. He hit a button on the infotainment center and whispered to me, "Is my father." The two started talking in Farsi while I sat back in the passenger seat and started to look around the interior of his car.

Ari drives a very expensive sports sedan, but he had weird stuff in it. I found small packets of cheerios and a few empty water bottles. Under my seat I found a pair of his running shorts with a pungent jockstrap inside. I held them up and his eyes lit up like he'd been looking for them. He grabbed them and tossed them in the backseat. I wasn't finished looking at them. He had about eight different phone charging cables in random spots. There were a few under the seat and two in the side pocket of the passenger door.

"I need those. You find them!" he whispered to me with surprise as he spoke with his father.

"You have a lot," I laughed.

"Is that Lukas with you?" his father asked.

"Yes, papa. I am watching him while his father is away on pleasure," Ari said.

"Bring him for dinner! Your mother loved him. Tell him hello," his father answered.

"No, we can't. I promise to take him to see cartoon movie at the cinema diner," Ari lied. I raised an eyebrow at him. He shrugged at me and dodged a slow car trying to merge in. They went back to talking in Farsi. I reached over and put my hand on his leg, he covered it with his and gave it a squeeze.

"Lukas, there is no special cartoon movie cinema diner," Ari admitted to me when he'd hung up.

"There's not? But you promised me we'd go," I laughed. Ari reached over and pinched my nipple.

"In my culture there is no way to decline a family event with honesty. You see that my parents like you very much, but I need time with my boy. We just begin together. Why I need to share you so early?" Ari said. I thought about that. We'd only known each other a few weeks.


On the way home we stopped at a weird warehouse in an office park right off the freeway. He had to sign some papers. Apparently that's what his dad was calling about.

"Will be quick, I promise, but is too hot to leave you in the car," he said as he whipped into a parking spot and texted someone.

"Ok, he is here." Ari hopped out of the car and I followed. He locked it and we went into a small old office warehouse building. We went inside and Ari looked around until he found a guy about his age. The guy stood up and they started to talk in Farsi. They did a weird bro handshake that slapped hands and bumped fists then laughed. The guy looked about Ari's height with a muscular build but slimmer. He was dark like Ari but looked more Hispanic than Persian.

He spotted me waiting in the doorway and stopped talking. He said something to Ari and pointed at me. Ari just shrugged. His eyes zeroed in on me and he pushed past Ari to come over.

"Hello there. I am Pairav." He swaggered towards me like he had something huge between his legs. He held that hot boy confidence guys put on when engaging someone that holds their interest. I held his interest. I looked at Ari who's eyes squinted with anger.

"Um, Lukas, hi," I said. I offered a handshake and he used it to pull me in and give me that side bro hug that ended with one hand on my back and another against my chest.

Ari said something in Farsi and looked angry.

"Ok, ok. We sign the papers. Is that folder there," Pairav nodded towards a table. He looked at me like he thought Ari was being unreasonably impatient. He kept a hand on me. "You are friend to Arisht? I have no see you with him. How you know him?"

"I work at his gym," I said, not sure if Ari was out to this guy.

"This is the folder? You are sure of this?" Ari interrupted and tried to get Pairav's attention back.

"Oh!" Pairav exclaimed. He used my statement as a chance to squeeze my arms and shoulders like he was checking me for evidence of gym employment. "Yes, nice nice. Which gym? I should join! I work out at the home. I have weights in garage."

"You can't afford it," Ari grumbled. He walked towards us with the folder in one hand. He used the other to slide in between Pairav and me. He pulled me away and headed out the door without a goodbye. Pairav called something in Persian and Ari just flashed him a peace sign.

"Goodbye, Lukas. I see you again!" Pairav called as if he was unoffended by Ari.

I turned to wave goodbye but Ari pulled me against his chest and kept walking. I could feel Ari's heart beating like crazy and his face was red. He pulsed with anger. He was silent as he walked me to the car under his protective arm. He was grumbling some Farsi that sounded like cursing as we walked to the car.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked after a long silence. He'd sped out of the parking lot and through the office park until he got to the freeway. He hadn't said a word and I started to think I'd offended him.

"No, of course not! My angel is not to blame for this! How you can think this? He is poorly raised and know better. He has no right to touch what is mine, to even address you when I have not introduce you. He is fucking..." Ari switch to Persian and continued his rant like I could follow.

"He seemed friendly," I shrugged.

"Is not friendly, Lukas!" Ari sighed and collected himself. "I not mean to yell. You are not fault."

"His family does business with yours?" I asked, trying to settle him.

"We know from Iran. His family is Tajik but he is born in Tehran. My father does them favor to use their workers for new project and this is how he behave! In my culture is not acceptable for a man who does not know another man's weaker one to touch. Even to address you he should have introduction from me and seek a sign of approval. I give none to him, and he know this!" Ari explained.

"Oh... weird. That's like the whole Middle East or just Iran?" I don't know much about his culture, or any other cultures really.

"Is basic manners! He know this. He is jealous for what I have. He makes clear eyes for you and take advantage of that which is normal for your culture to be open and friendly," Ari sighed.

"Your mom hugged me. I hugged her too," I pointed.

"Yes, she is family. For family is different and they clearly see you are under my protection, you are mine to possess so they look after you and welcome you. Pairav does not have this and I do not even introduce you to him," Ari continued.

"So you own me?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No! I do not mean to sound like this. You are a weaker one and I take you from your father's protection. Is my place to ensure you are safe. He touch you as if you are... is not proper and he know this! You are special to me do want to be mine?" Ari asked like he was suddenly unsure.

"I do! And you will be mine too," I said hopefully.

"So is not accepted that strange men can put hands on you. Is not done. It show disrespect for me that he will do this. You have my heart. You are special part of me and I want for this to grow between us. I care for you, Lukas, so much it hurts to be apart from you. You are my innocent to protect," Ari pushed. He took my hand and put it on the gear shifter then covered it with his. He laced his fingers between mine and squeezed my hand.

"I want that too. I've never felt like this for someone," I admitted. It was true. He pulled off of the freeway and stopped at the light. He leaned over and kissed me.

"I will protect my little one. I promise you this," Ari said. He put his hand on my cheek and rubbed his thumb over my lips until the car behind us honked to signal that the light was green.

"I'll protect you too," I said. He reached over and squeezed my thigh then laughed.

"Ok, Lukas, you protect me too," Ari said as though it was a ridiculous thought.


We got back to his place and he cleaned out a little space in his closet and proclaimed it mine. He had a big walk in closet with built in organizers and drawers. He gave me a drawer that was right at my chest level and hanging space next to it for the nice clothes he'd bought me. We put the things away and he lingered a bit over the panties he'd bought. He looked at them but then put them away without a word.

"What we will order for dinner?" He said as he led me to the kitchen. He opened a drawer and pulled out take-away menus. "Baby's choice." He splayed them in front of me.

"Why don't we make something?" I asked.

"I do not keep much foods here. There is frozen pizza or some bread in pantry but maybe is old. I don't know," he said and pointed me back towards the menus.

"It's still early. There's a market down the street I walk to. I have some money. You bought breakfast. I can get dinner." I pulled out my wallet. I had a few of the 20's he'd given me as tips.

"Cook? Oh... yes! I can grill a meat if we buy! But I pay. This money if yours." He took my wallet and tucked it in my back pocket then rubbed my ass.

We walked a few blocks down and got a shopping cart outside the store. I got stuff to make a good salad and then we went back to the meat counter and he picked out some steaks to grill that were muslim safe. The butcher was an older Persian guy and Ari charmed him. They talked about the best meats and they bonded over grill talk.

He was having fun and told me to pick out some things for breakfast. We ended up buying two big bags full of things and Ari insisted on paying even when I suggested we split it. He seemed uncomfortable talking about money with me.

"This is the life, Lukas," he said as we walked back to his place. He insisted on carrying the bags.

"The grocery store is your dream?" I laughed. "I go there all the time since dad hates to shop."

"Yes, these things a nice couple will do. Being in a grocery store with my boy and buying foods for us to go home and prepare for nice dinner together. My baby in the kitchen making the foods. Is my dream. I want this with you so much. You are perfect boy," Ari glowed.

We got the groceries up to his place and he fired up the grill while I got things together for the salad. It was kind of cool making things in a brand new kitchen. He had all of these items that looked like his mom had chosen them and he'd just put them away to never be used.

"So what do you usually do on a Friday night?" I asked when we sat down to eat.

"When I don't have my angel to look after?" He joked. "I go to clubs with friends. There is nice hookah lounge in Hollywood or good parties around here."

"That sounds awesome. I can't wait to be old enough to do that! I usually just watch stuff with Dad or we go to mini golf or sometimes the batting cages or rent a redbox and get pizza," I said.

"These thing are much better than club. Family is important. I want nice family with many children. I grow tired of the party every night with boys I do not care for. It is no way to find happiness. I want come home from long day of work to have dinner my angel-boy make for me. I want share a meal with him, take care of him in bed, and put him to sleep in my arms." He looked at me like this was something he'd thought about forever. He set down his fork and put his hand on mine.

"I like cooking!" I said it excitedly like I was applying for a job. He looked so sad and serious like he'd been lonely in this beautiful place.

"Your salad is delicious. It is better than the takeaway menus. The steak is good? I like to use the grill," he asked.

"It's so good. Steak is from cows, right?" I tried to lighten the mood. He nodded his head and then laughed.

"Yes, my heart. Is good part of cow." He got his look in his eyes like I was a box of puppies.

We finished dinner and I cleaned up the kitchen while he checked the sports scores on TV. It felt like we were playing house here and I did like it. I would miss this when Dad came home. I suddenly thought about my dad.

I asked Ari if I should call and check in with him. He called me over to him and pulled me down into his lap. He showed me his phone where he'd texted my dad a few times to let him know what I was doing throughout the day. Dad had thanked him and said things were going well with Denise. They were going dancing at a country bar. I couldn't remember the last night out my dad had. It was good to hear he was having fun.

"He is having fun with his lady. I make sure he never worries for you," Ari assured.

We watched the sports highlights. Well he did and I just enjoyed being in his arms. When I yawned he paused the TV and took me to get ready for bed. He walked me in then closed the door to his bedroom so I could have privacy. He went back to his show.

I took a shower then dried off and went to his closet to put in pajamas. I remembered the panties he'd bought and got them out of the drawer. I knew he was going to object. He made it clear he was being responsible with me, but I was so ready to play with him. I needed it.

I thought it over for a few minutes until I heard him knock on the door of his room to see if I was ok. I went for it. I put them on then ran to the bed and got under the covers. I laid against the pillows and pretended to be asleep.

"Baby?" He called as he opened the door.

"Oh, you sleep," he said and I heard him come closer. I felt his hand on my head but I kept my eyes closed. He said some things in Farsi and then went away. I heard the shower turn on and I half-opened an eye to see him in the bathroom. He stripped down to a pair of boxer briefs then looked at himself in the mirror for a minute.

"Turn around," I mouthed. I wanted to see his cock. I was so desperate for him. I felt my own cock growing in the silky underwear he'd chosen for me. It was pink and had these see through parts but felt so good on my skin. The front is a little tight, but I'm not exactly huge there.

As if he could hear me, he turned around and was about to slide off his boxer briefs, but then came towards the door and closed it. I groaned against the pillow and rubbed myself.

I got another chance when he got out of the shower. He came out of the bathroom holding a towel over his junk. He crept over to me and I snapped my eyes shut. He checked that I was still asleep and then turned and went for his closet. I got a view of his full, muscled ass. It was perfection. I watched it bounce as he walked away.

He came back out in a small pair of sleep shorts and I opened my eyes like I'd just stirred.

"Sup?" I yawned like I'd been asleep for awhile. I rubbed my eyes and looked up at him.

"Is time for sleep," he said and came to the bed. He slid in next to me and pulled me over into his side. His chest felt warm against mine. I laid my head against his shoulder and his arm came around and slid down my back. That's when I remembered what I'd put on. I opened my eyes with alarm and looked up at his face to see the surprise when his hand slid down to my ass.

"What do you have..." Ari's lips turned up into a smile when he felt it.

"You bought them for me. It was rule number 1," I said defensively.

"I did..." he kissed my forehead and rubbed them. "I can see them?" He patted my ass and sat up to turn on the side table light. He pulled back the covers and I got up on my knees.

"They feel like silk or something," I said. I knelt in front of him on the mattress and spread my knees. I clasped my hands behind my back and stretched my chest. I looked down, afraid to meet his eyes. My cock was rock hard and to the side, filling out the front.

"You are like beautiful painting, my dream boy," Ari appraised. He got up on his knees and went to look at me from behind. I felt his hands on my ass. He rubbed and squeezed my cheeks, stretching the fabric.

"Is so beautiful, Lukas. How do I get so lucky?" he asked.

"I'm not beautiful! Just a regular guy," I laughed nervously.

"That is most beautiful thing of this. You do not see your perfection, it does not corrupt you. You are unspoiled." Ari came back around to face me. He put his hands on my ass and squeezed it while he leaned in for a kiss. I pressed in to his warm chest and felt his rock hard cock between his thighs. I wanted to grab for it, but I couldn't.

"Stop," I blushed and buried my face into his chest. He leaned back and raised my eyes to meet his. He kissed me again and looked at me like I was crazy.

"How you do not see this? This perfect face, beautiful blue eyes, this cute little nose. Tight little pecs and these nipples I want to suck. Everything is perfection, Lukas. And this bottom I can never stop from touching. I can not wait to taste you." Ari was breathing heavily. He started to grind his bulge against mine.

"You feel so big down there. I'm not that big." I bit my lip wondering if he'd be disappointed.

"You have no need to be big like me. Mine was made to please you... to give my angel the nectar his flower needs. My body has no desire to receive, only give. I promise you will get what you desire. Is my duty to bring you to pleasure," Ari assured.

"When do we start?" I asked. I put my hands on his pecs and squeezed them as his hands worked my ass. He kept grinding his bulge against me. I was ready for him.

"This is problem," Ari sighed. "I want so much to be with you. You are forbidden to me."

"I'm 17! I'll be 18 soon..." I lied.

"You just turn 17! You are small child and too young to give your innocence to me," Ari smiled. He knew my birthdate. I lost it and started to beg.

"I can't wait a year. That's not fair. Please! You bought me these and brought me to your bed. I put on panties for you! Girl panties! You can't..." I started to whine, but his lips found mine and he silenced me with his kiss.

His arms held me close and he ground his bulge against mine. I was so hard and leaking precum. He slid his hands down into the back of the panties and rubbed a finger between the cheeks. I felt my hole twitch and awaken at his touch. His tongue wrestled mine and subdued me to quiet ecstasy.

"You feel me? Feel how hard you make me?" Ari growled into my ear after kissing up my cheek.

"Yes. It's huge!" I admitted.

"Is all yours. This flower will take so long to open to me. I promise you will be ready when it is time to breed you. This will be mine and never know another's nectar." Ari kissed over my shoulder and then raised his eyes to meet mine.

"Has yours... you know... like known others?" I asked. Ari looked at me with confusion. I instantly regretted my question and cursed myself.

"I do not have a need for... nectar," he said.

"No! I mean like... have you given?" I wanted to shut my mouth. I told myself to shut my mouth. Things were going so well and I should have not asked that.

"I am man, Lukas. I am not proud of all that I have done. It was lonely to come to new country... so lonely even with family... and the boys here are more forward in offer themselves... many flowers to sample and they throw them at me so easy... Was not good and I do not want that my boy should know this life. But I use that to learn and I will know how to open you so it feel good inside. I promise your needs will always come first. But this is not proper to speak of." Ari nodded thoughtfully then shook his head like it wasn't somewhere he'd wanted our conversation to go.

"I need it," I gasped as he dove into my neck and nibbled sensitive spots. I slid my hand down his abs and gripped his cock through the material of his shorts. He didn't resist.

"I know you do. See how it awakens at your touch? Feel me, princess. Feel what you do to me," Ari whispered in a low growl. His teeth found my earlobe and he bit and sucked it into his lips.

"Yes, It's... wow. That's huge." I shivered as I tried to get my fingers around it and pulled at the stretchy material of his shorts.

"You want it inside you, princess? You want daddy to satisfy that need inside you? You feel it in your hole, don't you?" Ari groaned. His finger pushed against the ring of my asshole like he wanted to try it on.

"How did you know? It makes this feeling when you get close to it. What is it?" I asked. I knew about anal sex of course. I knew that a guy like me was the one who receives and a guy like him is one who gives, but I hadn't ever felt my hole like that. It responded to him.

"You were made for a man. It is who you are and what your body needs. I know this from moment I see you and smack Zabir for bother you at your work. He feel it too, but he is younger and does not have yet what you need. He feels need to dominate you, is why he tease you like this... to try out his power. If I do not stop him then he will eventually turn the tease into pursuit to conquer you." Ari poked his finger inside me and I winced. It was too big and dry.

"He wanted to... do me?" I asked with confusion. Ari took his finger from inside me and put it to my lips. I sucked on it to get it wet.

"He is your same age and figuring out his power. He knows boys like you are drawn to him and submit easily. He probably has played with some like I do at his age. He knows he is attracted to you as well. He is clumsy though and would hurt you not knowing how to treat a prize boy like you." Ari pushed his finger in and out while I sucked on it. He took it out, leaving a trail of my spit over my chin.

"I don't want him. I want you," I said. He pushed down the back of my panties with one hand and then put the wet finger to my hole.

"Take deep breath and relax," he said. When I did, he slid the finger inside me. My body instantly lit up and I was soaking the front of the panties with my precum.

"Oh fuhhh!" I gasped. "Yes, yeah, please, oh yeah!" I was mumbling nonsense and I fell forward against his chest.

"I am yours, Lukas. He see that I mark you and he know he cannot challenge me. He is man like me, but not develop yet. He moves on to easier prey. He know you are mine." Ari shoved in another inch and then stopped. He rubbed his finger in pressured circles as my eyes rolled back and I splayed helpless against his chest. He held me steady with one hand and explored my hole with the other.

"Huhhhh," I whined. I put my lips against his shoulder and sucked on his flesh. I completely lost control with him.

"My princess feel so good inside. You are so tight, Lukas, so new. My virgin baby," Ari said.

"Yuhhh," I was just mumbling nonsense. My brain filled with rainbows and fireworks at his touch. I felt this warm buzz slide in waves through my hole, my chest, my stomach. My legs went weak and I would have slid down to the floor if he wasn't holding me.

"You can not even speak," Ari laughed. "Is what happens when you are opened by the one who is meant for you."

"Yeff sir," I mumbled against his shoulder. "Yaff yaff."

"I love you so much, Lukas. Everything with you is brand new. I get to see fresh world through your eyes," Ari said. I could feel him smiling through his tone.

My head snapped up at that. Did he really just say the L word? He did.

"I love you too," I told him. It was clear and obvious, but we hadn't said it yet.

"It feels good?" he asked as though I wasn't flailing around and mumbling nonsense in his arms.

"You know what you're doing down there," I gasped. He hit that spot again and I felt my cock drool precum in an endless stream.

"I show you! Here. We lay the baby down first," he said and took his finger from inside me. He ran and grabbed a towel then put it down next to me and moved me on top of it. He laid me down against the bed and I protested the loss of his wonder-digit.

"Easy, settle. I promise will feel even better. He gave me the finger to suck on and I tasted myself. I sucked it clean like a pacifier as he got between my legs. He used his other hand to pull at the panties until he freed my cock and slid them off my legs. He tossed them across the room.

"Spread for me. There we go, baby princess. Oh, Lukas! Is perfect little pink bud. Even more beautiful than I think," Ari praised. I felt my chest swell with pride that my asshole wasn't unattractive. I'd never really looked at it before.

"I have a nice hole?" I laughed and let his finger slide from my mouth.

"Is perfect pink and smooth." Ari nodded like he was a connoisseur of these things.

"Can I see yours?" I asked, suddenly curious.

"No. Mine is not to be admired and tasted," Ari popped up from between my thighs and shook his head. He looked like this was a vile thought. "No, no. Is not to be done."

I started to say something, but then his head disappeared again between my thighs and I felt his tongue wiggle inside me. It felt weird for half a second and then my body lurched upwards as I gasped. My abs tensed up and my eyelids fluttered as he hit this perfect spot inside me that made me feel like I was floating.

"Ahhh Fuck!" I screamed. I put my palms down against the bedspread and gripped the comforter to steady myself. My back arched and my chest raised up. My vision went blurry and I has to close my eyes from the overwhelming sensations he made me feel.

"Fuck. Oh shit. Oh my God! What is that? Oh fuck!" My father would have yelled at me for so much cursing, but I lost control. I spread my legs for him and he pushed that tongue inside me like a wet snake. It swirled and danced and wiggled as fireworks shot through me.

He was licking in these circles that kept sweeping over my special spot. Then he did these little ripples that made my body flop around like a fish in the bottom of the boat. He knew what he was doing down there and it had my cock flopping around and dropping spots of precum all over my tummy.

"Thank you! Fuck Thank you!" I howled. I probably sounded like a total dumbass but he just kept plowing me with his tongue and finding new places that sent me over the edge.

"Oh my God! Oh fuck! I'm gonna shoot. Baby! Don't! Stop! Fuhhhh," I let out this deep growl I didn't know I had in me. My cock was rocking back and forth and felt like someone was jerking it off from the inside. The boy had skills. I shuddered with this deep chill and then it started to fire off and spray over my chest.

"I'm cumming! Dude! I'm not even... ahhhh! Not touching it!" I started to reach for my cock as it fired off, but his hand raised up and caught mine. He held my hand and kept right on tongue-fucking me with a vengeance as my cock shot cum all over my chest, face, hair.

I squirmed and moaned as it fired off. He laced his fingers between mine and pressed our palms together, telling me it was ok and natural. His tongue did a few last swirls around inside me until my cock gave up the last of its juice. I collapsed back against the bed, exhausted and gasping for air. I was spent.

"Woah. I... wow... thank you," I felt my pulse raising as I fought for air and crumpled into his comforter. I felt his tongue slide out of me and his head popped up again with a big smile.

"So beautiful," he said. He came up over my chest and leaned down to kiss me. I sucked on his tongue. It deserved a medal for that one.

"That was so crazy," I said when he broke our kiss. He nodded.

"I know how to work my princess' hole. You finish so beautifully. I love your little noises. So perfect," Ari noted with a wide smile of smug satisfaction at what he'd made me do.

He kissed me again then went to get a small towel. He wet it with warm water then came and wiped the cum off of me. His shorts were pulled down enough to see his thick, black pubic hair and the top of his furry ass. I was ready to give him his turn.

I reached for his lap as he wiped me. I felt his cock rock hard and full. I felt this overwhelming need to have it inside me. I knew it was too big and would hurt. I knew he wouldn't give it to me yet, but I needed it.

"You're going to fuck me?" I asked, but it was more begging than asking.

"Don't say this. Is vulgar. My boy does not use this language... No, my heart. I will make love to you. I will fill you with my seed. I will give your body what it crave so we are joined forever. I give your flower what it need to blossom. Is not the same as fuck. I love you and make you mine," Ari assured. He cleaned me then kissed me again. He folded the wet towel and tossed it towards the bathroom then pounced on top of me and kissed me again.

"You love me?" I stared up at him and bit my lip.

"I do. We will go slow and take our time. There is no rush for this when we have eternity." He got between my legs and I spread them for him. He steadied himself on his elbows and looked down at me. I rubbed my ass against him. He pushed down his shorts and I looked down to see his cock pop out. He reached down and gripped it then hit the tip against my tummy.

"That's a beast," I laughed nervously and my eyes widened. He had a full, thick cock that dwarfed mine. It made my cock rise to attention again.

Ari just nodded like this was a fact he'd come to accept. He put his cock on top of mine then gripped them together and started to push his cock in and out. The undersides of our cocks rubbed together and I was ready to go again.

He pumped a few times and I felt the warm wave of chills sweep through me again. I reacted so easily to his touch. He leaned down to kiss me.

"That feels... so good," I gasped. He kept pumping his cock back and forth, kissing me and rubbing his pecs against mine.

"You look so beautiful when you're... engaged," Ari decided. "I am so close. I have idea!"

"Ok," I said as he let go of our cocks. He hopped off of me and turned me over my stomach was flat against the towel and comforter. He spread my legs again and got between them. He laid down so his fat cock was between my cheeks. He slowly slid it back and forth so the shaft rubbed against my hole. He slid his arms under my chest and held me back against him as he started to slide that cock between my cheeks.

"My love, my sweet princess feel so good," he grunted. He kissed the back of my neck then sucked on my ears and rubbed my chest. He pinched and twisted my nipples. I moaned into the pillow.

"Oh am so close, Lukas. So close to finish," Ari gasped. He sped up, ramming his cock between my cheeks as he pressed me down into the towel. I mumbled encouragement. It felt so good to bring him pleasure, to be in his hold.

"Fill me, daddy," I whined. I looked back at him and saw his face screw up in focus.

"Yessss, Uhhhh. Take, baby. So good! Yes," He let out a deep growl and I felt his hot cum spray over my back. It landed in heavy thuds like little missiles.

"So! Good! Baby! Love!" He punctuated each word by ramming into me. He slammed and spit his seed over me while he gripped my pecs and kissed on my neck. His hot, sweaty chest rubbed against me as he finished and collapsed.

He pressed me down into the bed and I realized how heavy he was. He regained his breath and then rolled over onto his back and brought me on top of him. We laid there together for awhile then went off to shower together. There was no more need for privacy.

We washed each other and I got to stroke his cock. It was soft now but no less huge. I was fascinated by his huge nuts that hung down. They felt so heavy in my hands. He let me explore him, though I didn't go near his ass. That was off limits.

We dried each other off and then went back to the bed and curled up naked together. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me to his chest. He kept one hand on the back of my head and the other held my bottom. I snuggled into his warm cave of muscles and quickly drifted off into a deep sleep.


I woke up to the sun coming in through the drapes and Ari rubbing my back while he flipped through channels on the giant wall tv. I looked up at him and he leaned down to kiss me.

"You sleep so heavy," he said and rubbed my hair.

"I'm too heavy?" I asked, feeling like I shouldn't have eaten those pancakes yesterday.

"No, my heart. You sleep heavy like no noise, no tossing, and even though I turn on tv and talk on phone call you do not move." Ari kissed my forehead.

"I could sleep here forever... I wish my dad was staying away longer," I told him. I pet his chest hair and settled back into his hold. He found soccer on the tv and set down the remote.

"I wish for this too. Soon you will be old enough for this. I must continue to be responsible with your father and he lets us be together," Ari sighed.

We stayed there together in bed as long as we could, but I eventually had to pee and he went for coffee. I caught up to him in the kitchen and I made breakfast for us while he looked through emails on his phone.

"I have tiny amount of work to do and then we have big lunch with my parents today. They insist on seeing you. My brothers and family will come too. We always gather on weekend," Ari said as he bit into a cinnamon roll and opened his laptop.

"Family? Like all of them? What do I wear? What do I say to them? Do they speak English like your parents?" I felt a panic rise in my chest.

"Is no worry. I tell them I look after you while your father is away. There is no worry. Just stay with me and be yourself," Ari laughed. He looked at me curiously like there was no reason for panic. He set his cinnamon roll down and reached over to take my hand.

We finished breakfast and then he made some calls while I cleaned up the dishes and the kitchen. I liked being his houseboy. Everything in his place felt like it came from an overpriced catalog. I doubted he'd ever been in a dollar store of any kind.

I was going to wear a t-shirt and jeans, but Ari picked out clothes for me. He chose a long-sleeved blue t-shirt and preppy blue shorts with my white converse. He dressed in a tank top and beach shorts with sandals. We headed over to his parents' house just before noon.

Their house was just on the other side of the freeway where the streets narrow and start to wind up into the hills. They had a high wall of stucco covered in old vines. He opened the gate with a button on his sun visor and we pulled into a long, circular driveway littered with fancy cars. Two small boys who looked like miniature versions of him ran over and jumped into his arms as soon as he got out. He picked them both up together and introduced me when I got out.

He carried the boys inside and I met a wall of people as I trailed in behind him. I got introduced to two brothers and their wives then a sister and her husband. There were kids ranging from babies to a boy about my age. I heard a volley of unpronounceable names and I couldn't remember a single one except for his two brothers who looked like older versions of him; Sajad and Arash.

They both looked so much like Ari. Both were in good shape, but not as muscular and polished as Ari. They had families and children so they probably couldn't devote as much time to the gym, but they were handsome men and welcomed me kindly. His father came out and hugged me tightly then kissed each of my cheeks. He was a quiet man, but accepted me into his group.

I stayed behind Ari mostly. Only his brothers offered me hugs. I wondered if that was part of the cultural custom he'd talked about. They all looked at me with hints of pity in their eyes. I wondered how much he had exaggerated my life with a single father. To them it was probably unspeakable for a boy to be without a mother, and I'm sure Ari milked it so they would welcome me more eagerly. I decided I was ok with that if it meant I could be by his side without question.

We found his mother in the kitchen. The wives and sister followed us in there to help out. His mom wiped her hands and offered me a big hug. She acted like she hadn't seen me in years.

I asked what I could help with and she handed me some vegetables and a peeler.

"He is such good boy," she said and I caught her looking at the ladies in the kitchen like they needed to step up their game. They ignored her and poured drinks while she chopped and I peeled.

"I can help too, momani," Ari offered, not wanting to leave me alone.

"There is game on! Take beer and go! I will tend to him," she waved him off and the ladies closed in around me. I nodded at Ari. I felt so at home with his mom.

"Lukas' father is away. On business, dear? He sells exotic cars?" She asked me. I started to tell her about the lady he was seeing and that he had stayed out in Desert city to hang out with her.

"He is dating a new woman? Will she be good mother for you?" she pried.

"I guess so. She'll be good for dad," I offered. Ari's mom had a million more questions. She asked about my mom and they all leaned in close while I told them of my "tragic" life. I was met with looks of pity and reassuring hands on my shoulder. The more sympathy I got, the more I opened up to them. I could hear Ari and his brothers laughing and yelling from the other room as they watched the game.

"Well you have family here when you need us. You are welcome here," his mom assured. She hugged me again and I thanked her. We finished making the lunch and then everyone gathered in the kitchen to grab plates. I ate at the table with the adults. Ari's mother put me right between her and his father. Ari looked annoyed by that, but he sat on the other side of his mom and kept giving me looks to check in with me.

I was glad for the food. I got to just fade into the background and eat while they all talked, drifting between English and Farsi. I wanted to hold Ari's hand and be next to him, but I stayed politely between his parents and ate my food. His mother tried to push more on me, but Ari told her we'd had a big breakfast. His father added something else in Farsi that made her pull back and nod.

We stayed at the table for hours. The conversation was lively though I only understood half of it and zoned out at times. I liked being around a big family and they were all so nice to me. People went back and forth between the kitchen and dining rooms to bring more food, but no one pushed more on me except for dessert.

I finally got pulled away when Ari got a phone call. I realized I'd left my cell phone charging at his place. Ari jumped up from the table and went into the kitchen to take it. He came back out a minute later and squeezed my shoulder then nodded towards the kitchen.

"It is your father," he whispered. He followed me into the kitchen and handed it to me.

I made small talk with dad but it sounded like he was driving. He said he was heading back to LA early and had good news. I told him I was at Ari's parents' home for lunch.

"You weren't coming until tomorrow. What happened? You fought with Denise?" I asked. I sighed knowing I wouldn't be in Ari's bed that night like I'd thought.

"No no! I have good news. I wanted to wait until I got home, but... well. You remember how upset you were leaving Desert Springs and all your friends and school?" Dad sounded giddy.

"Oh, no!" I knew where this was going and I was hit with an instant wall of dred.

"I got an offer! Head of service for the new Toyota dealership! It's almost double the money I'm getting in LA and we can find a nicer place, maybe even a house!" Dad was overjoyed.

"We just moved here though, dad..." I felt myself on the edge of tears. I reached for Ari and he came for me. He backed me against the counter and brought me in for a hug.

"I know, but the city... it's not for me and all my friends and family are back here. Everyone we know is out here," Dad said, realizing I wasn't jumping for joy.

"I don't want to go back, dad... please," I begged in a whisper. The conversation in the next room had hit a lull.

"Well you can't stay there without me. You're my kid. You go where I go," Dad said.

"I'm not going. I won't. You can't. I won't," I had that tone to my voice someone gets when on the edge of tears but trying to talk.

"Oh, Lukas... Listen, I'll be there in an hour or so. I'll come get you and we can talk. Ok, kid? I love you, Lukas," Dad said in that fatherly tone that knew he'd just shattered my world.

"I'm not going..." My voice was cracking.

"We'll talk. Love you." He hung up.

I handed the phone back to Ari and he put it in his pocket then pulled me into his chest.

"I can't. Please. I can't," I pushed away from him. I knew if he held me a second longer I'd burst into tears and I didn't want to make a scene in front of his family and embarrass him.

He held on tight, but I pushed him away. I went back into the dining room and sat between his parents again. I felt numb. They were talking again, not noticing the boy silently imploding at the table. Ari tugged at my arm, but I didn't get up. I couldn't fall apart in front of them.

"Please come," Ari said as he knelt between me and his father. I couldn't look him in the eye or I'd cry. Everyone around us went silent.

"I'm fine," I whispered as I looked down.

His mother said something in Farsi and Ari responded, then his father did. I had no idea what they were all saying, but his father reached over and put his hand on my shoulder. I looked between them and was met with stares of curious pity.

"I'm ok," I said and forced a smile... then felt the tears slide out. Ari pulled me out of my chair and into his arms. I don't know if he carried me or walked me, but I felt myself heading down a side hallway to a bedroom.

Ari closed the door then pulled me up into his chest. I threw my arms around him and soaked his shirt with my tears. He held me and bounced me like a child. He rubbed my back and supported me with one hand on my bottom. I wrapped my legs around his waist and sobbed into his shoulder. I couldn't imagine going on without him.

It was over. Everything was over.


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Next: Chapter 4

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