Lukas and the Shah

By Emri S.

Published on Feb 24, 2023


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*Emri's Note: I don't usually switch perspectives within chapters, but I'm wrapping the story up and need to show a few sides so look for the brackets to see whose head we are in.

**This is the final chapter in this series.

Story Recap: Lukas, an athletic, California 17 yr-old with blonde hair, blue eyes, and tight body, loves Ari, a wealthy, muscled, 25 yr-old Persian. After a fire destroys the Khorasani home, they find a compound for the whole family. Ari awakens to take firmer control over his boy and stop deferring to his father for guidance.

Lukas & The Shah

Ch.20- Happily Ever After

By Emri

[Lukas' View]

"I like the stuff we have now," I told Ari. We were meeting his parents at the new house and he was trying to send me off with his mom to buy new furniture for our small house in the back.

"You do? My mother picks it out. Well at least choose new bed for us. I want same size though. If bed is too big, my baby will wander," he joked as we looked around our new place. It was bigger than his condo and the cleaners had left everything sparkly new for us. We sat down on the carpet and took it all in.

"This is seriously the first time I have moved in to a new place. I mean your parents' house was already furnished and lived in. This is like our place together. How crazy is that? It's ours!" I scooted over to Ari and he reached for me. He pulled me into his lap and hugged me.

"It is our place. We make it together. If you see some furniture you like, you buy it ok? Is your home too. Just tell my mother and she add it to the order. In two days we will be here for good. My baby in her castle," Ari said and kissed the back of my neck. I got chills.

I felt his lap buzz and he reached down to slide out his phone. His parents were here. We reluctantly got off the floor to go meet them. He held my hand as we walked to the main house.

Mr. Khorasani was standing near the kitchen bar while Mrs. Khorasani inspected the cabinets and commented on how much more storage she would have in this new kitchen, She was happy with the choice and happier that Ari would be moving in permanently.

"I know Sajad would want to move in with his family. There are plenty of rooms! If it weren't for that wife of his," she mused.

"Two chief women should not share a home. Besides, Sajad's home is just a few blocks away now so there is less excuse for them to avoid a visit here. You must make a better attempt at getting along with her. She is his chosen mate, and she is very much like you," Mr. Khorasani argued back. I'd never seen them argue, especially not in English.

"I have been lovely to her," Mrs. Khorasani laughed.

"Of course, dear. My queen could not be anything less." Mr. Khorasani nodded and kissed her. I laughed watching their playful exchange. They were so cute together.

The moment was interrupted by a stranger who came in from the side hallway that led out to the garage area. He held two big grocery bags and looked like he could be a cousin or close relative of the Khorasanis. I felt Ari's body tense up and he squeezed my hand a little too hard.

Mrs. Khorasani said something in Farsi to the man and he put the bags down on the kitchen counter. He was built but not as muscled as Ari. He was just a little shorter than Mr. Khorasani and had a lighter skin tone with handsome features and that striking, Persian nose. His eyes caught mine and he froze like I wasn't supposed to see him. He quickly lowered his gaze and turned to look inside the bags.

Ari said something in Farsi that didn't sound too happy. Mr. Khorasani looked at him with confusion and the two of them exchanged words in the language I didn't understand.

"Lukas," Ari said to me when he stopped arguing with his father. "This is Nima. He is new housekeeper to assist mother."

Nima turned and looked at me. He put a smile on and nodded towards me. I started forward like I should shake his hand, but Ari held me in place. I raised a hand and waved at him. He nodded again then quickly turned away from me and started to unpack the food.

"Are you ready to look at furniture, my dear?" Mrs. Khorasani asked me. "They have assembled some sample rooms for us at the store and they're putting together a nice lunch for us. We will sip champagne and choose some beautiful things!"

"Lukas will not have champagne, mamen," Ari reminded her and used the persian word for mother. She laughed and assured him it was non-alcoholic, but then she winked at me as she ushered me out of the kitchen. I got a goodbye kiss from Ari and a hug from Mr. Khorasani. Nima did not look up to regard my leaving.

[Ari's View]

I waved goodbye to my princess and then turned on my father and Nima. We were supposed to break Nima in softly and discuss it first with Lukas. I did not want big, sudden changes in his life. I keep things very simple for my princess.

"What? I think it went well," father said in Farsi with a shrug. He had rescued Nima from Mr. Shahid two days before. He assured Mr. Shahid he could work out the student visa for Nima and put him through college here in exchange for working in our home.

Mother was overjoyed. She had been begging my father for years to get a housekeeper. In the old house they had compromised by bringing in a weekly cleaning crew to take care of things, but this house was much larger and father planned for it to be heavily used by my brothers' families who would be closer to us now. Nima being a handsome Persian man with a good body and obedient spirit pleased her greatly.

"I am sorry if I caused trouble, Master Ari. I can stay out of sight when your love is around," Nima said. He looked at me with repentant eyes. He was so grateful to be with us.

"It is not your fault, and that is not necessary... but we should go over the rules here. Let's sit for a moment." I waved my hand at the two high chairs at the kitchen bar. They were the only furniture in the house. Father took one and I took the other. Nima came and knelt in front of father, showing the obedience he had learned with Mr. Shahid.

"He knows what is expected of him. I've reviewed things with him numerous times over the last few days. He is a fine houseboy who will be of great help here," Father said in a tone defensive of Nima. Father had been staying in a hotel suite with mother while the purchase settled on the new home. Nima had been on the couch in the front room of their suite. He had been eager to leave the Shahid house as quickly as possible.

"You know to be dressed appropriately at all times? There is no skin show here around my mother and my princess!" I reminded them.

"Of course, master. I am grateful to be able to wear clothes again!" Nima smiled excitedly.

"And you know my home in the back if strictly off limits unless I specifically request a cleaning! My Lukas will learn to keep it tidy. If I require training for him, I will be there to supervise it. As far as you are concerned, he is a ghost. You will attend to his needs if he requests, but otherwise ignore him completely... but be polite." I told him.

"Yes, master. I would never do anything to upset things. I wish only to be of service here and begin my studies. I want to learn English as well! I will do whatever is asked of me, master. I promise I will be no trouble here." Nima bowed his head. I hadn't heard him speak English. I assumed he knew none.

I looked down at him as he knelt on the floor. He had on a tight, purple polo shirt and pressed khaki pants with brown leather shoes. Mother had been shopping for him. She loved playing dress up on the boys and had impeccable style. He almost looked like a real man and was growing out his facial hair though keeping it neatly trimmed.

"I know you will, boy. I don't mean to sound harsh with you, but Lukas is my world and I won't have that upset," I sighed.

"He is a well-trained boy. You were right to help him. I doubt your mother will ever let him leave. He has taken well to her instruction and puts up with her whims. He will be a good assistant for her!" Father reached down and pet Nima's hair. Nima smiled.

"It is good to see her happy... and you as well, father," I said.

I looked at my father and saw a look I hadn't recognized before. He had needed a Nima for a long time, but hadn't had the chance. He had been a husband, a father, a businessman working hard to establish an empire in a new country. He'd had his life torn apart when we left Iran, and worked hard to rebuild it here.

Now his children were grown, his business flourishing, his empire safe, and his wife busy with social obligations. He finally had time for a Nima, a boy to attend to who would worship him for all his accomplishments. Father deserved this for all he'd given his family. Mother knew it too. She welcomed the young man. She made it clear that she was over him, but she welcomed him.

"Let's show him the house! I'm putting him in the room at the far corner of the house right next to my study!" Father stood up and snapped his fingers. Nima got to his feet and I noticed a growing lump in the front of his pants. He had been trained to respond physically when men handled him.

"That will be a problem!" I pointed at his crotch. Father stopped and looked then smiled.

"We will put him in tighter briefs. But he is still a Persian man `so some is to be expected," he laughed. Nima covered his lap with his hands and followed us to go and see his room.


The internet company came and wired the entire property with superfast wireless service. Nima followed the man around and listened for instructions we would need later while Father and I got to work on finishing up some paperwork for the week. We had moved money around for the purchase. We would need more big investments coming in for the projects we had planned, but business was humming along.

Sajad and Arash came around with lunch. They hadn't seen the property yet and i could tell they burned with jealousy as I toured them around and showed them all the security features. They also cast an eye on our Nima. He followed us around quietly. He had his hands clasped behind his back and his head down in a submissive walk.

We ate lunch out back around the big stone table. Nima served us plates of the food my brothers had brought. He happily rushed around dishing food onto the plastic plates. He had not had so many men of his own kind to serve and responded happily in his native tongue. My brothers appreciated having a waiter. They quickly began to order him about with ridiculous things.

"Could you cut this for me?" Arash asked as Nima put a lamb koobideh on his plate.

"Of course, sir," Nima said. He took the plate and used the plastic knife to make it into small chunks as Arash nodded at me with approval.

"I would like some napkins. And why does Ari have three roasted tomatoes and I only have two?" Sajad laughed.

"Sorry, sir. Right away!" Nima scurried off to the kitchen to retrieve his requests.

"You'll wear him out before your mother returns to have him arrange the furniture delivery!" Father laughed but made no attempt to stop them. He knew a boy like Nima needed to be put to use so he could feel welcome here amongst us.

"He likes it, don't you boy?" Sajad asked as Nima came back out with napkins and food.

"Yes sir. It is wonderful to be here. I didn't want to be sent to Canada. It is cold there and I would be alone," Nima sounded sad. He snapped my brothers out of their playful hazing. Nima set down the items Sajad requested and my father pulled him over.

"Come, boy. Sit and eat with us," Father said. He pulled Nima down into the chair beside him. Father cut off a chunk of the lamb and raised the fork to put the meat at the boy's lips. Nima opened his lips and accepted as father pushed in. He took the bite and chewed happily.

Father shared his lunch with Nima while we discussed the plans for an upcoming project. My brothers had secured permits for a new development we were building on a former warehouse complex in Burbank. I had worked hard to secure investors and we would soon be in construction phase for the apartments and retail center.

By the time mother returned with Lukas, we had wrapped things up and assigned roles for the next phase of the project. Arash gave a brief update on financial matters as Nima cleared the table and disposed of our lunch. I watched as he went into the house and greeted mother. I could see Lukas looking at him curiously. He would have questions.

[Nima's View]

I stacked the empty containers in the large bag they'd come in. I wiped down the already spotless counter and put the trash in the bag then secured the ends with a tie as Mrs. Khorasani came in with Lukas. The boy offered me a smile as he clutched a large, white ceramic lamp with small painted pandas dancing around the base of it.

"That is beautiful," I said in my language. The boy looked at me curiously.

"He loves Pandas for some reason," Mrs. Khorasani responded. "The first delivery will come tonight. There is a box of kitchen supplies in my trunk. Bring it in so we can get things ready to cook dinner at a decent time."

"Yes, madam," I responded. I walked past Lukas and the boy kept his eyes on me. We had no common language, but I smiled as I slid around him to get to the garage.

There were new sets of pots and pans, knives and other utensils. I had helped her shop online for them last night and the store had delivered them to her trunk at the furniture store. I brought in several boxes and set them in the kitchen to unpack. Lukas had gone out back to show the men his prized lamp.

I watched with jealousy as Ari pulled the boy down into his lap and hugged him. I knew I would never have that here. Mr. Khorasani was a handsome man who made every inch of my skin tingle, but his treatment of me was confusing. He seemed perfectly at ease putting his hands on me, even patting my bottom when his wife was away. Yet his touch was more respectful and gentle than Mr. Shahid's had been. I was happy to be out of that house. I would work hard here and never disappoint them.

I hoped things would be different when we settled in here. I would spend most of my days inside these walls and work to make their home a showplace befitting a wealthy family of their stature. Mrs. Khorasani had reviewed her schedule with me. She was involved in many charity and faith activities. She had lunches with friends, drinks with planning committees, and even had a side business importing specialty items from Iran.

I would be home alone with Mr. Khorasani since he finally had room to set up a full office here. He might show more interest in me when things were settled and everyone went back to their normal routines.

Mr. Khorasani was a handsome man. He was the same age as my own father but that's where the difference ended. My father had been a fat and lazy man who sent me out to the streets when we left Iran. If not for Mr. Shahid and his kind yet lecherous eye, I would still be there in Turkey fending for myself. I was blessed to be here, fed and safe. I would do nothing to jeopardize that.

"Don't stand around gawking, get unpacking," Mrs. Khorasani snapped me out of my daydream. I realized I'd been staring out the window watching Ari fawn over his boy. Mr. Khorasani caught my eye from outside. He had on his reading glasses and was poring over papers. He waved at me with a look to ask if I was ok. I smiled and nodded at him then went to work on the boxes.

"Yes, madam. I will wash these first," I said and got to work unboxing.

The men continued their business on the patio. Lukas had wandered back to their small house in the back, but Ari and his brothers stayed and argued over something. I worked to unbox and get the kitchen in working order as Mrs. Khorasani settled in at the bar and made phone calls while she directed me silently.

A delivery truck came just before dinner. It had a house worth of beds. Mrs. Khorasani went over a list with them and showed them which rooms got which beds. I stayed in the kitchen and worked on the soup and potatoes that would go with the meat. They spent over an hour bringing things in and setting them up.

I finished the side dishes and checked on the meat in the oven. Everything would be perfect for the family. The delivery men left and Mrs. Khorasani came back into the kitchen to check on my progress.

"This needs salt. Go take a break and try out your bed. I'll take over here, dear," she told me.

I protested but she insisted One does not argue with a Persian mother. I left her in the kitchen then raced up to my new bedroom excitedly.

"Why the hurry?" Mr. Khorasani said as he stepped out of his study next to my bedroom. I nearly ran into him but he caught me. The man was older but made of solid rock.

"I am sorry sir. Your wife gave me a break to see the new bed. I've never had my own room. I was excited," I apologized. It brought a smile to his lips. He turned and escorted me up the next door.

"I hope it is to your liking. If not, the men can take it back when they bring the next shipment," he said. He turned on the light switch and my jaw fell open.

"It is huge! Oh and this comforter! It's so beautiful!" I said with a little too much excitement. It was a large queen bed with at least ten pillows and a thick down comforter covered in a satin duvet.

I pressed down on it to feel the soft layers of warmth. In Mr. Shahid's home the boys had shared one large room with twin sized bunks. He kept things spartan for us. Our hope for comfort was only granted on the nights we shared his bed. The five other bedrooms were only for guests or entertaining his fantasies. I had never had a space of my own.

"The color is perfect. Persian jade and turquoise. I love it!" I squealed embarrassingly like a young girl. Mr. Khorasani laughed.

"My wife has exquisite taste. She knows you will work hard for her and be pleasing for me. We hope you will be happy here," he said. He put his hand on my back and I turned to face him with gratitude. I would do my best to be pleasing for him and the worker she needed.

"There is nowhere else I'd rather be, master." I put my hand on his chest. He made no motion to move away. He studied me for a moment then pulled me against him. Our pecs presses together and I put my head on his shoulder.

"I know you will fit in here, sweet pet." he said. I smiled because the Farsi words he used with me were gendered as an older man would use with a very familiar younger woman.

"Thank you, master," I whispered. I kissed his neck and he rubbed his hands down my back. I closed my eyes and felt his warmth slide through me as his hands cupped my bottom.


After dinner, Ari took his boy and left for the evening. They had begun to set up the small house in the back, but most of his things were still in his condo and the boy had school the next day. I helped Mrs. Khorasani clean up the kitchen. She was tired so I told her to please let me finish while she went off for bed.

I was drying the last of the dishes when Mr. Khorasani came in wearing workout shorts and a tank top as if he had just been working off his dinner. He stopped me as I was putting away the plates and took me over to a control panel on the wall to show me how to put on music while I worked in the kitchen.

"The satellite package has channels from Iran!" He said excitedly as he moved in behind me. His muscles glistened with sweat and I inhaled his musk as a thick, chiseled arm came around me to guide my fingers on the panel.

"My wife will like this one while she cooks. Never show her how to turn it on by herself! She will be grateful every time you select it for her and she'll depend on you to bring her music. Do you know this artist? I am sure your parents liked him," he said as he turned up the volume a little. A soft, rhythmic beat filled the kitchen and he danced slowly behind me, nuzzling his thick bulge against my ass.

"I do remember him! Nazim, I think? My father used to play his CDs," I laughed.

"CDs? He must be younger than us! We had the records when I was a child! Those must seem like ancient relics to a pup like you," he teased. He put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed.

"I am just a few years younger than your son Ari, sir. My parents were young when they had me," I explained. I turned towards his chest, but he made no movement to back away.

"Just a tender, young peach with bright eyes. Have you finished your work here?" he asked. He put one hand against the wall to trap me though I made no movement to escape.

"Yes, sir. Everything is put away how your wife instructed. I have nothing more to do.... unless you require me," I told him.

"I should take a shower after my workout, but I'd hate to disturb my wife. She has gone to bed and does not like when I make noise," he said. His heavy eyes bored into me. He had no reason to play coy with me. He owned me and knew I welcomed his use of me, but he was hinting for an invitation. I wasn't used to being asked.

"There is a private shower in the bathroom of the room you allow me to use. It would be proper for you to use it before me," I said. I wanted to show him that I understood my place here. Everything was his.

"I suppose it would. I will gather my sleep clothes and meet you there. Bring fresh towels from the laundry room and make sure we have toiletries for the shower," he said.

"Of course, sir. I will prepare it," I said. I started to turn away, but his hand caught my cheek. He held it for a second and studied me intently. I hoped he found what he was looking for.

He nodded with approval as if he'd made a good decision. My stomach fluttered in relief. He backed away and waved a hand towards the laundry room. I left to gather his requests.

I made my way up to my bedroom and set the towels on the counter. I put a new bottle of bodywash and shampoo in the shower. It was a luxury brand from Iran made for men. I knew he would not want any of the rosy things his wife preferred. I didn't want to smell like her either.

I took off my clothes and put them in the hamper and my shoes in the closet. I debated taking off my new briefs. They were black with a gold band. Mrs. Khorasani had a completely new wardrobe delivered for me and Mr. Khorasani had insisted I not bring anything from Mr. Shahid's home. I decided to keep them on in case I'd misread his signals.

I'd been boned up since the moment he'd touched me in the kitchen and keeping the briefs on would make me not seem too lurid when he came. My skin felt electric as I knelt on the bathroom tile and crossed my hands behind my back. I wanted to look ready for him, prepared for whatever he wanted, but not too presumptuous as if pleasing a man was my nightly routine.

Mr. Khorasani came in wearing his sweaty workout clothes and holding a simple pair of white sleep shorts. He ignored me and walked around me to put up the lid of the toilet. I didn't turn to look as he stood behind me and emptied himself. He flushed then turned on the shower. He moved around me again and unceremoniously slipped out of his tank top and shorts.

He had on a black jockstrap that held his full bulge. That came off too and then he peeled off his black socks. Everything was discarded on the floor without thought of a hamper. I would take care of them and he knew it. He walked towards me and his thick, full cock hung down between his legs over a full set of bull nuts. He was a man with a lot to be proud of. He was a man who could walk naturally wherever he pleased.

He didn't say a word as my eyes fixed on his cock. It was half hard but hung straight down. He moved towards me until it was an inch from my nose. I inhaled the musk of his workout and looked at it hungrily. My cock leaked a spot of precum against my skin as the tight briefs held it against my thigh.

"What do you want, pup? You aren't used to a real man's cock?" he asked in a voice that sent chills over my skin. I looked up at him and swallowed the lump in my throat.

"May I service you, sir?" I asked in a voice filled with desperate longing.

"It's pretty rank from my workout. Do you like that, pup?" he asked.

"Yes, master. I've never seen one so... wow." I gaped at him. He chuckled.

"You are Persian! You should know how we are. Perhaps you have been with Arabs too long. Did they not satisfy you?" he asked.

"No, master. Not in the way that I need," I admitted with total honesty.

"You want this, pup? You want to please your owner?" He gripped his cock and pumped it once then swiped the thick brown tip across my lips. He poked it against my nose forcing me to smell his ripe head. I nodded and whimpered like a dog begging for his treat.

"Please, master. Please let me worship you," I begged. I knew better than to put my tongue out to lap at it or suck it into my lips. I looked up at him with needy eyes.

"You're a needy little boy, aren't you? You beg so much for my seed. This is what you want. To serve a real man." He looked at me as if this hadn't occurred to him before, a newfound realization. He understood me.

"It would please me greatly to serve my owner. I am yours to use as you wish," I told him.

"Is that all, little pup? I am your owner to please?" he asked. He swiped his cock over my right cheek then used it to bop me on the forehead.

"No, sir. I... I never dreamed I could find a master as handsome as you. Honestly, before Mr. Shahid I thought I would entertain older fat men in Turkey. After him I thought I would live out my days quietly studying and then working a desk job in Canada. I... I'll do anything to be here, to be yours, sir," I confessed. It came out like a flood.

Master Khorasani let go of his cock. I realized I'd said too much. He wanted a fantasy boy. He wanted a slaveboy begging for his cock and I'd ruined it. I lowered my eyes in shame.

"My pup is sad?" he asked. He squatted down in front of where I knelt. His heavy cock hung down with the tip resting against my knee. He put a hand under my jaw and lifted my head until our eyes met. He leaned in and kissed my cheek then ruffled my hair.

"Your pup is grateful, sir. I will learn to control my words to not bring me shame," I vowed.

"My pup has nothing to be ashamed for. You are very much wanted here. There will be no fat old men in your future. You are mine now. You are safe here, boy." Master kissed my forehead and hugged me.

"Thank you sir," I said. The bathroom was filling with steam and his warm body pressed against mine had my cock rock hard in my briefs. I'd stained the front with early juice. His words, his touch, had me on the edge of release.

"Come, I need washing," he said. He stood back up and took his perfect cock with him. He offered me a hand and I stood. I'm just an inch shy of him but not nearly as ripped with muscle. He put an arm around my back and pulled me against his chest. His lips found my neck and he kissed then nibbled on it as my skin warmed with goosebumps.

"I will assist you, sir?" I asked as his thick, hard cock rubbed between my thighs.

He nodded then turned me towards the shower and pulled at my briefs. He brought me into his chest and I pushed them down and off. He put his hand on my ass and squeezed it as he guided me into the shower.

"You are a handsome boy. You served in the army, correct?" he asked me.

"No, sir. My family fled Iran just after my sixteenth birthday. My older brothers served and I would have as well, but my father had to leave or risk prison," I admitted. My family was shamed by him, his debts, his careless life and disregard for us.

"Your pecs are developed nicely. I know my wife's cooking will put more meat on you. We will make sure your workouts keep you toned," he laughed. He came up behind me and slid his hands up my abs. He squeezed my pecs and kneaded them in his hands as his hard cock nestled in between my ass cheeks.

"Yes, sir. I will enjoy your gym and keep it clean for you. I would love to train with you. There is much I can learn from you," I gasped as he pressed against me. His hard pecs rubbed against my back as that thick cock strummed over my eager hole.

"I trained my sons. I will design a plan for you. You don't need to get bigger until you are ready to be a man on your own," he noted. He rubbed his shaft against my hole a few more times then backed away. He took his right hand off my chest and slid it down to my ass. He rubbed a finger around my hole until I shivered. My cock throbbed and pulsed with his touch.

"Yes, sir. However you like me best!" I groaned as his thick finger pushed inside me. He shoved it in just enough to tease me. My hole tried to open for him. I hadn't had much attention back there. His other hand rubbed over my chest and pulled me back against him. His lips found my neck and he lipped at my skin.

"Easy, boy. Relax for me. Your master won't hurt you. Don't be too eager. Just breathe," he coached. I nodded, inhaled, and tried to calm myself. It was useless. I was too excited for him. He rubbed my chest, breathed against my ear, tried to settle me.

"There you go, pup. Open that hole like a pretty boy." He pushed in deeper. I tried to breathe, tried to picture a sunny day at the beach and other calming things, but everything inside me anticipated being his, sucking up his seed, receiving his pleasure, his approval, his care.

"Ay! Ahh! Oh Sir!" I tried to stop it, but my cock had been dripping ever since he dropped his shorts. I put my hands against the wet tile of the shower and arched my back as my cock started to fire off.

"It's ok, pup. Let it go. A boy is good for several rounds," he said. He shoved his finger in deeper as my cock coated the wall with a few days of built up juice. His other hand roughly squeezed my pecs. He kissed my neck, bit on my ear, told me I was ok.

"Fuck, sir! Oh! That feels! Yes! So good!" I moaned and pushed back against his finger. I shot a few more times as I leaned forward against the tile. My body twisted and bucked as I coated the wall with spunk. His fingers pushed in deeper. He rubbed my prostate and milked my cock of all I could give. I whimpered and moaned like a helpless puppy needing his master.

"That's my good boy," he whispered and rubbed my chest while he played with my hole.

"Thank you, sir! I couldn't hold out. I haven't felt that good before. Thank you," I mumbled happily as I gasped for air and recovered while he kept exploring me.

"I love these pecs. Thick pecs and ass... tight abs... fuck, boy. This hole was made for pounding. Surprised it survived this long... Your masters passed on quality... They all want a little squirmy white boy, but a hot, Persian fuck toy is made to handle real man... Fuck, boy." Master bit on my ear as he shoved his fingers inside me.

"Huhhhh, yes, master. It is all yours, sir!" I whined. I pushed back on his fingers and squirmed on them knowing he wouldn't waste too much time opening me. His thick cock poked between my thighs as he furiously pried me open for his pleasure.

"Almost there, pup. I've waited too long for this! You feel that cock ready to breed you? You want that. Don't you, pup? Your cock is still hard just thinking about it. Look at that," he laughed. He rubbed his hand down my chest and abs then squeezed my cock. It had just finished, but still throbbed at full mast. He slid his fingers out of my hole while he gave my cock a few tugs.

"Yes, sir! Please fuck me, sir! Please!" I whimpered. He gripped his cock and smacked it against my ass. It hit with a thud that sent a chill through me. He was not a good first time cock, but his was the one I wanted.

He pushed my legs apart and then pulled my ass back towards him as I put my hands on the tile wall. He lined his cock up with my hole and I felt the thick tip push against my ring. I gasped then gritted my teeth and did my best to relax, to let him in, to help him claim what was his.

"Ahhhh!" I put my lips against my right bicep and bit down as he pushed into me. It hurt like fire. He was trying to be gentle. He rubbed my stomach, kissed my neck, told me what a pretty pup I was. I nodded, breathed, and tried to open for him.

"There's my good pup. Open for your master! Oh you feel so good. So fucking tight on my cock." Master praised me as he pushed in. My cock went soft. I panted rhythmic gasps as he pushed his manhood into its owned hole. Tears rolled down my cheeks, mixing with the hot shower.

"Yes! Sir!" I grunted. His lips found my ear and he kissed it then sucked on the lobe as if that would soothe me. The head popped inside and the thick shaft dragged behind it and then... Then my lips formed a wide O as the throbbing head pushed against my prostate and... Oh fuck... My cock came to life again.

"Ahh. I find the spot?" Master chuckled.

"Yeeeeaaahhh!" I hissed and tossed my head back. His warm muscles wrapped around my chest and pulled me back against him. My back arched and his cock slid in another few inches. He stuffed my hole and rubbed that thick, veiny shaft across the spots that made my cock spring up and leak out precum all over again.

"You push through the pain and now you are rewarded," he observed casually. He pushed in deeper and I felt shivers of lightning spread out over my sensitive skin. My body went weak but he held me up and pulled me back against his hairy, ripped muscles. He held me tight, supporting me as I lost myself in waves of ecstasy. He shoved that cock deep inside me and then held still and kissed my neck, pinched my nipples, made me his boy.

"Thannnnk you... sir!" I gasped. I felt a warmth surge through me as his pride made its home in my hole. His soft lips adorned my neck with praise. I was his.

"So fucking tight, pup." Master started to slide back out of me. He went halfway then pushed back in. He started to pound me in a slow rhythm, twisting my nipples and biting on my neck. He took his time, owned his boy properly. He wasn't a young buck trying to prove his dominance. He knew he had it. He was in it for his pleasure and that turned me on more than anything.

"Thank you, master." I should have said something better, hotter, but I couldn't. I was lost on his cock. It filled me with heat, desire, purpose. My heart pounded and my hole ached. My body filled with his warmth and my skin buzzed at his touch. All I could think of was earning his seed.

He held me tight, pounded my hole, and rubbed a hand up to my neck. He massaged it gently with his muscled hand. He squeezed it but just enough for me to catch my breath. He stroked it in a slow rhythm.

"Breathe pup. Ease it down. You will enjoy it when you learn to calm yourself." He leaned down against my back and whispered instructions in my ear to settle me.

"I will, sir. I'm trying," I said. He turned my face to the side and kissed me while he pistoned in and out of my hole. He breathed against my ear, encouraging me to follow him. He slowed his fucking rhythm to match our breathing. He'd wait for my long exhale and slide in, his cock pushing the air out of me. Then he'd slide out as I inhaled, pulling deep breaths into me.

"Feel me control your body, your pleasure, your breathing, your life. You need that, pup. Don't you?" he asked. His rhythm was painfully slow, but it did let me regain my breath. My cock pulsed and flopped happily in front of me every time he pushed in. It rocked back and forth, ready to burst again.

"Yes, sir!" I whimpered like a good puppy. He kept up his pounding and made me feel electric. Then suddenly, he reached in front of me to turn off the water. He straightened up, slid out of my hole and patted my back like he was finished. I straightened up and looked at him with confusion. Had I done something wrong?

"Come. Dry yourself," he said. He stepped out of the shower and grabbed one of the towels I'd put out on the counter. He rubbed himself with it and walked away without handing me one. I watched as his muscular frame ambled towards the bedroom. His proud chest heaved with breath as his hard cock swung in front of him. His thick thighs tensed and relaxed as he strode away.

"Fuck," I whispered. I eagerly hopped out and grabbed the other towel. I wiped myself down so I wouldn't drip on the floor. He didn't care much about that. I dried off then scrambled out to find him standing by a dresser and looking over the few items I'd brought with me. He considered a silver chain I had then let it drop when he saw me coming towards him.

"Come, kneel," he said. He went and sat on my bed and spread his legs. I knelt in front of him and put my hands behind my back. I lowered my head in a respectful bow. I felt his hand come to rest on my head. He pushed his fingers through my hair and then gripped it.

He spread his legs and pulled my head between his thick, muscled thighs. He guided my lips to his cock and I dove on. He held me by the hair and pulled then pushed me on his cock. He grunted and stared down at me with serious eyes. He pistoned me five or six times on his cock then drove it home until I felt his nuts smack against my chin and his tip bury in the back of my throat. I'm pretty good at taking cock down my throat, but his fat monster stretched my limits.

My eyes watered as I stared up at him hungrily. He locked his eyes on me then sneered like he'd tried to push me too far. I had kept up though. I'd do whatever it took to please him. I wasn't giving up. He pulled out then shoved in again just as far. He was testing his new toy. I earned an approving nod.

"Good, good," he said. He pushed me off of his cock. A trail of spit connected us as his cock swung angrily in front of my eyes. He pushed me back then stood up. He grabbed my hair again and pulled me over the side of the bed where he'd laid down his towel. I was chest first with my ass in the air as my knees pushed into the thick carpet.

I looked over my shoulder and saw him open a bottle of lube. He smeared it over his cock then pushed two slimy fingers into my hole. I was hit with a cool buzzing when he pushed in and slicked me up. My hole pulsed around his thick fingers as he worked them inside me and gave my button a rub. My body filled with chills and my stomach lurched against the bed.

"Fuck," I hissed. He took his fingers back and then knelt behind me on the floor. He put the thick tip of his monster cock against my hole and then pushed it into me. I lit up as the thick snake pushed into me. My eyes rolled back and I gasped for air. My arms spread out over the bed and I pulled at the comforter as he invaded my hole. I muffled my cries into the edge of the towel, biting and sucking on it to keep from screaming out. My body ached for him. My chest swelled with pride as he buried his cock inside me. I could make him feel good. I could be of use here. I belonged in his hold.

"So good. Yes, pup. Take it," he hissed through gritted teeth as he started to slam me. His thick chest of muscles bared down on my back. He slid his arms around my chest and pinched my nipples while his teeth bit at the back of my neck. He pistoned in and out of me eagerly. I saw stars, felt his warmth, filled with his pride as he owned my hole.

"Yes, sir. Please fuck me. Hard, sir. It feels so good," I mumbled as I chewed on the towel. I felt him growl hungrily and his chest started to sweat as it pushed me down against the bed. He slammed into me, fucking me with urgent force that made my cock rub against the towel. I was rock hard and ready to burst again as he force-fucked his good pup.

He pounded me, bit on my neck, hugged me against his chest, and grunted like a lion in heat. He pushed in deep as I whimpered helplessly under his hold. I longed to be filled with him. I wanted his seed so badly.

"Uhhhhh," he growled and I felt his cock swell and hot spunk shoot up inside me. He made a low growl of release as he pushed in until his nuts hit mine. He buried his seed inside me with a roar. It was all I needed to send me over the edge. My cock swelled up and I started to fire off against the towel. I moaned until his lips found mine. He kissed me as we finished together. His arms held me so tightly, pushing the air out of my chest. His tongue slid in and I sucked it eagerly.

"Fuck, pup," he laughed. "So fucking good." He gave a quick peck to my cheek then raised off of me. He slid his cock out then wiped it on my back. He gripped my hair and pulled my lifeless, spent body off of the towel. He turned my face and shoved his slimy cock in. I sucked it clean, tasting myself, his cum, and the lube. I slurped it clean then he pulled it from me.

He gave me a nod then disappeared into the bathroom. I heard the sink and I laid back down on the towel to recover. The water turned off and I turned to watch him come back out. He had on a fresh pair of shorts he'd taken from my closet. They were tight on him, meant for me. It didn't matter. Everything was his.

He walked past me without a word and left me there in my room. I laid there thinking he would come back. He didn't. I looked at my phone and realized it was late. I would need to be up early to help with breakfast and get the men off to work for the day. I went to rinse off again and put on a pair of briefs then crawled into bed and instantly nodded off.

I was wanted. I was safe. I was home.

[Lukas' View]

Over the next few months, the new house settled into a routine. Ari would wake me up every morning and I'd get ready for school then go into the main house for breakfast. Ari told me eventually I would need to cook breakfast in our own kitchen in the small back house we shared. I hadn't made much for him. His mother and Nima always had meals for us and she loved it when we joined in.

I was still a little weirded out by Nima. Whenever I came into the room he went quiet and almost never looked me in the eye. Ari ignored him completely except when he needed something. I was a little jealous of how the man followed Mr. Khorasani around like a puppy. I used to sit and talk to Mr. K every day, but now there was always a third wheel lurking behind us.

School was getting harder too. Ari drove me everyday and Mr. Khorasani usually picked me up. I'd go back to his office and work on my homework and projects. He brought in a tutor two days every week to help me out with stuff and get me working on college applications.

Nima always gave me a little look of jealousy when Mr. Khorasani would come home from work with me. He would be waiting in the kitchen with all his chores done and the two of them would go off to workout together before dinner. I would go alone to the back house and wait for Ari if he wasn't home from work already. We'd have dinner with the family and then go back to our place for the night. He would look over my homework and then we'd have time together before bed.

We spent every Friday night with my dad at Mr. Teza's house. They did a better job about keeping their sexual weirdness hidden. It was good to see dad so happy being Uncle Mir's boy. He was happy keeping the house, fixing up boats, and was even working on rebuilding an old Camaro. He came to my school once for parent conferences, but deferred to Ari when the teachers had questions.

We have plans for when I finish high school and turned 18. Ari wants a wedding, a big one. He wants his big family and friends and some of their important clients. I don't know how I feel about that. I don't like being in front of a crowd, but he says it will be a traditional Persian wedding where we will be seated with a covering over us for most of it.


"You look nice, my love. We are in rush. No time to change," Ari said impatiently. He was so cute when he got upset with me. He never wants to show anger but he isn't good at hiding it. I knew we weren't in a rush, but he had chosen my outfit and I didn't like it.

"I look like a 12 year old," I said and pulled at the tight neck of the long-sleeved blue button-up shirt he'd chosen. It was a warm, winter day, nearly 85 degrees, and we were heading for a backyard party at the house his uncle shared with my father. He had me covered from head to toe in a blue shirt and pressed pants. I wondered why he was covering me up.

"It is your father's birthday party. There will be many men there and friends of my uncle. I do not wish you to attract so much attention," he said as he grabbed his car keys and steered me towards the door.

That was it! That explained the outfit. He knew we would be at a party filled with the kinds of men my father and his uncle hung around. Ari gets jealous when other guys look at me and angry when they try to talk to me. When we are out, he expects a quiet, shy boy who stays close to his side. I didn't argue with him.

We were the first guests to arrive at the party. I found my dad in the kitchen wearing cut-off jean shorts and a tight tank top that showed off his lean, smooth muscles. He'd gotten so shredded in the last few months. Mr. Teza had him eating clean and working out all day.

"Hey, kid. Try this new Kale crunch I just finished. We got the most amazing organic stuff at the farmer's market in Santa Monica yesterday! It's so fresh," dad glowed. He handed me a bowl of some crispy green things that looked like green chips but probably tasted like blah. I laughed at him as I took one to try.

"What? You didn't even try it yet!" dad scolded. Ari set down the alcohol he'd brought and scurried off before dad made him try one too.

"No, you just... You're so different now. You're glowing. It's cute!" I assured him. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Eating healthier and getting in good workouts totally changes things. I only eat things that keep my system clean for..." Dad froze mid sentence like he'd been about to say something dirty. "Keeps away the colds and viruses going around... and what about your college applications? Did you decide yet?"

"I picked a few, Ari is looking them over to see which one works for us," I said. Dad was changing the topic.

"It's not his choice! I know you don't want to go far, but there are lots of good choices here in LA. You worked hard for good grades all these years! I don't want you picking a third rate choice just because it makes Ari happy!" Dad was getting angry... and being super hypocritical.

"Me? You are seriously standing here in clothes Mr. Teza probably picked out for you, living off of food you used to hate, not even eating cake on your birthday, and telling me not to let my boyfriend help me make a major decision!" I knew as soon as I'd said it that I'd gone too far. Dad's mouth dropped open and he looked down at the floor.

"It's not like that, Lukas. I'm... I know things seem weird, but... I'm still your dad." He sighed and set down his bowl of kale chips.

"I know! You're a great dad! I'm happy for you. I can see he's good for you!" I leaned in and out my head against his shoulder. He hugged me and put his chin on my shoulder.

"Everything ok in here? The grill is ready for the meat." Mr. Teza came in. Dad didn't let go of me.

"Yeah. Just talking, sir," dad said. I felt another muscled body press in behind me and felt his strong arms wrap around us then heard his lips kiss dad's.

"My little family is happy?" Mr. Teza asked.

"Yes, sir. Just telling dad how happy he looks here," I said. I felt dad relax in our arms.

"Good! He's been so excited about you coming for his birthday. He spent all yesterday cleaning like a maniac. I want my boys relaxed and happy today. There might be a present for you somewhere in your dad's pile!" Mr. Teza laughed. He let go of us and kissed the top of my head as I eased out of my dad's arms.

"For me? Really?" I asked.

"Of course. Ari said you'd get jealous watching your dad open his presents unless you got something too!" He joked.

"Oh he does! Whenever the amazon box come in the mail he look inside to see if I order something for him too. I always put a toy he will like." Ari laughed. I hadn't noticed him come in. He was giving us space. He came over and pulled me away from the men and into his chest. He kissed my forehead and held me tight. I was deeply loved.

[Steven's View]

"I love you, Lukas," I said and hugged him then kissed his forehead as Ari pulled him away to the car. We'd had an early dinner outside and Mir had made the juiciest steak. I only had a little. I was too nervous for tonight, the real birthday party.

We'd put on a nice party for my son. Mirteza and I both wanted him to have a normal sense of us, especially after the video that got posted. We'd keep things normal in front of Lukas. We both waved as Ari backed out of the carport, turned his car around, and eased down the steep hillside driveway. He put his arm around me and gave my shoulder a squeeze as their car disappeared between the thick canopy of trees.

"He's a good kid. You don't need to worry about him with Ari." Mirteza kissed my neck.

"I just don't want him giving up his opportunities and his fun time. I don't want him doing some online program trapped in that big house just to please Ari," I sighed.

"Maybe he won't choose that, but let him try things his way. If he needs us, we will step in. My nephew is a good boy. He will do right by our Lukas. He won't let him be trapped or unhappy. You arguing with Lukas about it will only push him away. He has to choose for himself. If he needs us, we are here," Mir assured me.

"I know you're right. It's just hard. He's my only kid." I looked at Mir and searched his caring eyes. He looked at me with concern. He didn't like my mind cluttered with worry.

"And you are mine, boy. Your worries are now mine. If things go bad I will step in. You never have to worry that our boy won't be taken care of. You understand that, don't you boy?" he asked.

"Yes, sir. Thank you. You are so good to us," I sighed with relief. He rubbed my shoulders and then brought me in to his hold. His hug always calmed me.

"Let's go get you ready for your party. The sun will set soon and the guests are coming expecting to celebrate my happy boy." He smiled. I nodded and we went inside.

I believed him. He loved me, loved my son. He would take care of whatever we needed. He was serious about being a good father to Lukas and taking on all my worries for him. Ari was handling him quite well too, and Mr. Khorasani was there to step in for whatever he needed. I never had to worry that he wouldn't be taken care of. I didn't even have to worry about myself. Mir made sure I had very simple choices and nothing hanging over my head.

I was his boy. That was my only concern. It was easy with him. Just hearing his voice, feeling him close by, made my skin tingle and my cock pulse. I'd never felt that way with a guy. But he was more than a guy. He was a true dom. When he spoke, something in my brain just clicked. Like a trained dog, I reacted to simple commands. I lived to get that approving nod or the simple treats he tossed to me. I felt deep pride when I was able to please him; deep shame when I let him down.

It was a primal reaction I couldn't ignore. He was master, I was pup. Life was clear and binary. I never wondered or questioned what I should do. My world was ordered and simple. My life was peaceful and protected. I was his.

The caterers arrived while I was in the shower. I cleaned myself and put on the gold briefs Mir had picked out for me. They were snug in the front and had the back cut out in a circle to let my ass poke through.

I stopped in front of the mirror to consider my form. I turned and posed to check out my progress. Sometimes I couldn't believe the transformation I'd made over the last few months. He was a master at planning my nutrition and workouts to get the results I'd wanted. I hadn't believed him when he'd said I could do it and shown me pictures of what was possible. Yet here I was. The man looking back at me in the mirror was a far form from the scrappy desert mechanic I'd always been.

I was turning 37 today and finally ready to cast off the rough bro of my past to become the chiseled boy he'd seen in me, the boy worthy of a man like him.

Mir poked his head into the bathroom and caught me looking over my shoulder and spreading my ass for the mirror.

"So fucking hot, boy. Are you ready?" He asked. I turned to him and those eyes caught me. The way he looks at me, like I'm the first human he's ever seen.

"I think so, sir. Will you help me with my pup plug?" I picked up the black rubber puppy tail hole plug off the counter and handed it to him.

"You bet. Bend over. I know my pup will make me proud tonight. You will have your fantasy," he assured. I leaned forward over the counter and arched my back to offer my hole. He lubed up the plug and started to push it in.

"Relax. Open for me. Are you nervous for tonight?" he asked.

"A little. I've been thinking about it so much. What if I fuck it up?" I looked back over my shoulder and watched him twist the plug. I took a deep breath and felt the tip push through my ring.

"You are an obedient pup. You will do well. If it goes too far for you just remember your signal. I'll be there to keep my pup safe. Amir and Hisham are experienced trainers. They will quickly learn just how far to push you to keep things enjoyable for your birthday. I promise you will be happy." He leaned down and kissed the back of my neck as he twisted the tail into position. He smacked my ass and then went to wash his hands.

"Thank you, sir." I said just as the doorbell rang.

He kissed me then left to answer the door and begin my birthday.

A few months back, I couldn't imagine being in a relationship with a man, much less spending my birthday party being a puppy plaything for three muscled Muslim daddies. With him though it felt hot, felt safe, felt right. I knew Mir would make it everything I wanted. I knew with him it would be awesome.

I gave myself one last look over in the mirror then strapped on my puppy muzzle. I smiled under the hot leather mask that covered my nose and mouth. I forgot all my doubts and insecurities. I loped off happily towards the fun that awaited me in the living room. All I had to worry about now was having fun and being an obedient pup. Nothing else mattered anymore.

+++~+++ This is the final chapter for now. Thanks everyone for sharing the journey with the Khorasanis. -- My Stories: My Blog:

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