Lukas and the Shah

By Emri S.

Published on Jul 1, 2018


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Story Recap: Lukas, an athletic California teenager with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a tight body, meets Ari, a wealthy muscled Persian bent on dominating the "innocent" boy. It took Lukas forever to figure out Ari liked him. Ari holds back because Lukas is 17, but he's quickly losing control to what they both want and need from each other.

.- {Lukas & The Shah} .- [Ch.2- Mr. Independent] .- ~By Emri~

"I'm glad you made up with your friend," Dad said. "This could be good, Luk. It's good to have more than just gay friends, and Ari seems like a very responsible man." He'd given me a pep talk over breakfast thinking I was still upset about seeing Ari out with a girl the night before. I told him we talked and things were cool. I didn't tell him Ari had pretty much confirmed that he liked me.

"Yeah, he's cool... I guess," I tried to play it off. We had to keep it under wraps.

Over the next week Ari booked an hour every day with me at the gym. We did work out, but we also found a ton of reasons to put our hands on each other. He'd spot me on the chin-up bar and put his hand on my ass pretending I was going to fall. Or he'd pretend like I wasn't doing the workout right so he'd get right up behind me and press in tight so I felt his hardening bulge press in against my ass.

We'd spend the night texting or video chatting and watch each other in our underwear, but it didn't go farther than that. He'd insist on my going to sleep at a good hour and he'd stay on the video chat and talk to me until I fell asleep. I never actually saw the screen go dark and disconnect. He put me to bed.

Ari stayed away when my dad was around. He was careful not to raise any alarms. We both knew that would be the end of us. He never went over the line... we didn't even kiss.

By Friday though, he'd had enough. He showed up right at my lunch break and we went to eat in his car. He'd parked behind the gym on a side street away from my dad's auto shop. He'd brought me a little Persian picnic with grilled meat and rice in a big foil container.

"This is your people's food?" I asked excitedly. I didn't know much about his culture.

"Is meat and rice, Lukas. Every people make this... well not hindus," Ari laughed. He took a fork and scooped up some of the food and then fed it to me. He took a bite of his own and we made those "mmm" sounds to show each other how good it was.

"I want to kiss you, Lukas. I can not. Your father trusts me as adult in your life to not violate this," Ari said with a look of sadness. He set down the container and put his hand on my cheek. I turned my face and kissed his palm.

"He'd get over it like super fast. My dad's cool. He wouldn't mind," I gushed. I desperately wanted to feel those full, brown lips on mine. I leaned towards him and his eyes pleaded with me to stop.

"I am adult. I have to be strong here," he said with weakening resolve.

I leaned over the console until our noses touched. He angled his towards me until our forehead met. He blinked and our eyelashes brushed each other.

"I need it," I whispered. "Please." I bit my lip and tried to look at him with innocent eyes.

"You must eat," Ari said and pulled back. He dove for the window buttons and rolled them down like it would let out the heat we felt for each other.

He reached for the container he'd set in the backseat. He picked up the fork and offered me another bite of the food. It was cold, tasty but not what I wanted. I needed him. My cock was rock hard in the tight shorts and all I wanted was to crawl over the console and bounce on him.

We finished the food and he walked me back to the gym so I could finish my shift. I spent the rest of the afternoon folding towels and playing out in my head how a kiss from him would feel.


"You're cooking? Why? I thought Ari was taking you for dinner with his friends?" Dad asked when he came home from work. I was just taking a box of pasta out of the pantry and deciding what to do with it. My ears perked up.

"What? Where? When?" I asked. I slammed the box down and went towards him.

"He stopped by the shop this afternoon to ask my permission. He's such a polite guy. Did you know his family's company owns a ton of rental properties including this one? I was complaining about that loose step and there's a guy out there working on it right now!" Dad was happy.

"I... uh wow that's great." I didn't care about the step. Ari had asked to take me out. We were going out! What was I going to wear? I hugged dad, showing a little too much excitement for just going to hang out with a friend.

"You are making friends here. I'm really happy for you, Luk. I felt so bad pulling you out of Desert Springs like that, but you're staying out of trouble and making better friends. This was the right call," Dad said as I sailed past him and went to dig through my closet.

"Yeah, great call! Thanks, dad," I brushed him off.


Ari showed up at 7 wearing tight jeans and one of those too-tight t-shirts that had a low v-neck collar and short sleeves to put his pecs and biceps on display. I had on a grey t-shirt with red stripes, jeans, and some white converse that I'd spent the last 20 minutes scrubbing until they were as crisp as the day I'd bought them.

He knocked on the door and came inside to chat with my dad. They did some back and forth about the Lakers and how the team was doing this season while I finished making dad's dinner for him.

"Well you boys look like you're off to a fun night!" Dad took the plate I handed him and nodded at us. He was ready to watch his basketball game and enjoy some quiet time.

"I promise he will be safe. Here is my cell and home address and phone number for my parents." Ari handed him a folded paper. Dad put it in his pocket and laughed.

Ari put me in his car and sped away. He got on a freeway and then another and another. We were going pretty far so it must have been somewhere special. We talked the whole way, just dumb stuff like the upcoming orientation day for my new high school.

"It's like five times the size of my old one! I doubt I'll make the running team there. They probably have a ton of competition," I told him. He took my hand and placed it on the gear shifter then covered it with his as he encouraged me.

We kept driving past downtown LA and then towards the coast. He turned off the freeway and down a wide boulevard until he pulled into a parking garage built into one of those giant centers with shops and restaurants. We'd driven for nearly an hour. I wasn't complaining. His fingers in between mine made my stomach do flips.

"This place must be awesome!" I joked.

"I have not been, but is far from Glendale and we enjoy our evening with no worries," Ari said. He put the car in park but kept his hand on mine He turned to me and his lips cracked into a smile. He leaned over and I thought he was finally going to kiss me, but he just pecked my cheek. I groaned. I was so ready for him.

"Worry for what?" I asked, lost in his touch.

"Everyone know me and Persian eyes are everywhere! They gossip so much like old women! I not doubt that one will leave note for your father to speak of concerns!" Ari huffed. He calmed himself and leaned over the console to slide his arms around me. He brought me in for a hug and I swear he sniffed behind my ear like an animal. He tickled my skin with his nose.

"I'm sorry, that sucks," I whispered when he pressed his face into the nape of my neck.

"I do not want you should worry for this, Lukas. I am adult. Is my concern. You do not worry for this, ok, sweet one?" Ari asked. He kissed up my neck and I filled with warm ripples.

"Ok... yeah, um... kay," I mumbled as my lips tasted the cologne on his neck.

We went to an open-air restaurant on the very top of the building where you could hear the waves crashing on one side and see the city on the other. It was a weird half-booth where the table was pushed against a glass, half-wall that let us look out over the water from a padded bench seat on the other side. They had folded blankets under the seat and Ari took one to cover our laps. He put his hand under it and squeezed my thigh.

Our waiter brought us these really good fake cocktail drinks since I was underage and he was driving. It was like a sparkling juice in a tiki cup with fruit and umbrellas. Ari kept one hand on my thigh, dangerously close to my rock hard erection.

"It's so cool here! I didn't grow up going to the beach. It's amazing." My attention was torn between Ari and the waves, but mostly I was focused on how good his hand felt on me.

"I want special night for us. I like you so much." Ari locked his eyes on me. He set his drink down and put his hand on my cheek then rubbed his thumb over my lips. I kissed it. He laughed.

"You are amazingly beautiful. I sit here with sunset over the ocean and all I see is you," he whispered. I melted into a puddle right there.

"You're the hottest guy I've ever met," I blurted. It sounded so stupid. I should have said something as poetic as he did, but I was way out of my league here.

"I must be, to have a boy like you in my arms." He smoothed past my rough comment and slid his hand up my thigh while the other held my cheek. He inched dangerously close to where my cock was straining the front of my jeans, but his hand slid down between my thighs like he wanted something else. I felt my asshole twitch. Was he going for that? I'd give it to him.

I'd never had a guy down there or anything other than my fingers. I'd played with myself and it felt good to put a finger inside me, but I'd never done that with another person. I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked at him for his next move.

"Chicken Nachos and Kale Salad. Here you go, guys!" Our waiter interrupted us and Ari took his hands back like I was made of lava. He turned to the waiter and flashed that smile that made people ask what they could do for him.

"Yes, this is us," Ari said, still hazy from our... whatever it was.

We shared the dishes, but my stomach couldn't take much food. With the sun setting, a chill wind blew in off the water and he hugged me into his side. He didn't put his hand back down there and eventually my cock lost hope and went back to sleep.

After dinner, we went walked along the promenade and just talked. I kept hoping he'd hold my hand, but he didn't until we were away from the crowds and in the shadows. It hit me that he wasn't out. Maybe he wasn't even gay or just didn't think of himself like that.

Even though I'd grown up in a small town, my dad was always cool with who I was and raised me to be proud of it, though not too loud about it. He didn't want me getting hurt or made fun of, but he also didn't want me to be ashamed of how I felt.

I knew Ari was from the Middle East or somewhere over there, so maybe things were different for him. He didn't look gay or act like a stereotype. He was a muscled, aggressive, rugged but well-groomed man who either sex would find appealing on a variety of levels.

He stopped when we got to a quiet place past the pier. There was a rocky ledge near the water and he climbed up one and then offered me his hand. He pulled me up and then we sat on the rock. A few other people were milling about, but it was dark and quiet here. No one knew him.

I shivered and he put his arm around me. He pulled me over to his lap and then set me between his thighs so my back was to his chest. He slid his arms around my waist and pulled me back against his pecs. His face came up over my shoulder and he rested his chin there then kissed my neck again.

"You make me so hard," I admitted.

"I am hard for you as well, beautiful boy. Is hard to slow down with you. I want so much to make you mine," Ari whispered against my ear. Something about our position, not looking each other in the face, had us spilling things we probably wouldn't say otherwise.

"We could go to your place. We still have a few hours." I felt my voice break. I needed him.

"Tonight I will have you home early to earn your father's trust. I promise him I keep you safe. I took you as a virgin and I will return you the same," Ari said in a deep growl that made me shiver. He could have said anything at that moment and it would have turned me on. He could have read from a cupcake recipe and I'd still be filling my briefs with precum.

"Yes... sir," I sighed and closed my eyes. His arms held me tight and he rubbed a hand over my stomach. It was so sensitive to his touch and I wanted so badly to cum with him.

"Soon though," he added.

"You have me right on the edge..." I blurted out. Fuck, why did I admit that?

"Me too. I want so much to touch your body, to hold you naked in my arms and cradle you on my chest, my perfect boy," Ari whispered. His teeth found my earlobe and he bit softly.

"That feels so good," I said. He kept it up and slid a hand down between my thighs. I spread my legs a little and his finger rubbed down under my bulge.

"Oh!" I gasped as it rubbed over where my hole was. I turned my face into his shirt and muffled a little whine.

"Feel me, boy. Feel me make you mine," he whispered in a low growl. My cock was throbbing and nothing was touching it. I whimpered into his bicep and begged for more. His finger pushed in and rubbed a slow, deliberate circle that made my hole twitch.

"I... so... yes... close," I mumbled nonsense against him. The whole evening I'd been working on the edge and my cock was right about to pop.

"Feel me show you what that hole is for. Let me in, boy. Let me in," Ari whispered. He had one hand rubbing my stomach and the other pressing my underwear into my hole. I raised my ass up a little to give him more. I forgot we were on the beach and in public. I was ready to strip down and pounce on him. I needed him like air, like blood, like life.

"Your little sounds are music to me. I can not wait to explore you for properly. You want to be mine, boy? You want that, baby Lukas?" Ari asked like there was any need for the question.

"Yes, yeah. Oh yeah. Please, sir," I whimpered. I started to push back against his finger like somehow it would push through my jeans. My cock started to throb again and I could feel the cum rising in my shaft.

"That's my boy. My beautiful boy. Finish for me, Lukas. Cum for me," Ari growled. My body followed his commands.

"Fuhhh," was all I got out. He cradled me into his chest and muffled my moans while he roughly fingered where my hole was. My body twisted and jerked in his muscled cage while my cock fired off.

"Mmmmm," I moaned with my mouth agape and stuffed with the fabric of his shirt. I sucked on it while I twisted and spasmed in his tight hold. I filled my briefs with cum and my eyes rolled back in my head. I looked up at the stars and sucked on his right pec muscle like a baby needing milk while I fired off.

"That's my boy, My sweet baby boy," Ari growled while he held me tightly and muffled my cries. I shot a few more wads and then collapsed against his chest. He held me, rocked me, soothed me as I calmed in his arms.

I gasped for air and looked at him with helpless eyes. He beamed down at me proudly knowing what he could make me feel. I stared at him like a god. I'd never done that before, with anyone, and certainly not in the open beach under the moonlit sky. I wanted to stay here forever. Everyone else could fuck off. Ari was life.

He held me for the longest time, rocking me gently while I was in and out of a half-sleep haze. I felt the cum dry and harden in my briefs. I'd definitely be the one doing the laundry this week even though it was dad's turn.

He helped me down off the rock and we walked back until we found a Starbuck's where we could use the bathroom. He ordered two very intricate coffees that would take a few minutes to make and then got the code for the restroom. He looked around and then pushed me inside and locked it behind us.

He went to the toilet and put the seat up so he could piss with his back to me while I cleaned myself at the sink. I wiped myself down with a warm, wet paper towel and then tried to clean up my briefs so I didn't reek of cum when I got home. Then I pissed while he washed up at the sink.

Even after all we'd just done at the beach, he wouldn't let me see his cock and didn't look at mine. We finished up and he poked his head out of the restroom to see it was all clear. We got our coffees and headed out.

I rode home with his hand over mine on the shifter and my head against his side. He zoomed around LA and guided us home an hour before my dad had set. He walked me up to the apartment and talked with dad for a few minutes while I went to change. I shoved the briefs to the bottom of my laundry hamper and inside a pair of rank gym shorts.

Ari hugged me good night and then left. I jerked off two more times that night remembering what it felt like in his arms.

We didn't see each other the rest of the weekend. He had family events, but we texted constantly and talked when we could. I'd had a lot of crushes on guys, and even dated one back in my little desert town, but I'd never belonged to someone before; not like that.

I belonged to him. I had a boyfriend!


Monday came and it was back to my routine. Dad and I had breakfast together and then I walked him to work so i could get in an early workout at the gym before my shift started.

I wore regular gym clothes for my workout since my tight uniform wasn't the best for movement and I didn't want anyone bothering me thinking I was on the clock. I stored my uniform in a locker and went for a quick warm-up run.

I was five minutes into my run when this beefy, hot Latino guy, who was probably a year or so older than me, swaggered by. He gave me a bro nod and then climbed onto the stair stepper in front of me. He had on a flimsy pair of white shorts that clung to his muscled ass and a grey muscle shirt that traced his huge pecs and biceps. His abs weren't a six-pack, he must have played football.

He got to the top of the stair-climber and leaned forward over the rails, using it to stretch out his calves and thighs. He did some sideways twists as he climbed up and his shorts started to sag from all the movement. Every time he bent forward, his shorts showed the outline of the straps on his jock. They squeezed and lifted his muscled globes upward.

It's near impossible to get hard while you're running. That was fortunate because his ass had my full attention. He did this sideways twist and our eyes met. I must not have looked like I was perving on him because he just smiled and nodded at me then leaned forward again.

This time, his globes parted and the white, flimsy fabric of his cheap shorts showed a faint hint of his brown asshole. I licked my lips and cursed myself for being such a perv. Maybe it was just that season of my life, but it didn't take much for me to get turned on. I needed Ari. I missed his touch and was so ready to do more with him. It was building in me like a slow-moving disaster.

He had my full attention until another guy came to use the stair climber next to him. This one looked Asian and had a leaner, tighter body still bulging with muscles. He squatted down in front of the machine to set down his workout bag and then rummaged through it in search of something. His runners shirt slid up and his gray workout shorts slid down to show the waistband of his briefs and smooth back.

I watched as the two of them climbed, stretched, and spread their asses for me... well it was for fitness, but I was enjoying the show. I got so into it as I ran that I lost track of time. Mr. Allen came over to let me know I was on the clock in ten minutes. I did a quick cool down then hopped in the gym showers and changed into my uniform. I stuffed my workout clothes into my locker and dashed up to the front desk.

My phone chirped with the first message of the day from Ari and I lit up, but just as I was opening it Mr. Allen swooped in and swiped it from me.

"No phones on the clock. What is it with you kids?" Mr. Allen shook his head and shoved my phone into his pocket. My hands felt so empty. I grabbed a towel and got to folding.

The morning rush came in and I was folding towels like crazy. I was getting the hang of the check-in system and I went to check for trash every time there was a lull. No one had booked me for training that day, so I was chained to towels, check-ins, and trash. I did help an older Asian man choose his workout classes for the week and had to explain to him what happens in yoga, zumba, pilates, gut-blast, and jazzercise. He needed me to act out a little for each one, but then he settled on the senior dance class he always goes to! Other than that my morning passed without any excitement.

On my lunch break I went to Mr. Allen and begged for my phone. He got it from his desk drawer and gave me a little speech about just keeping it in my pocket on silent. I saw I had just one message from Ari.

"I can't wait to see you for the workout. I have gift to bring!" He'd written. I wrote him back. I wondered what he was bringing me. I didn't have a gift for him.

Ari came in at 3 wearing his work suit and holding his workout bag. He nodded at me and squeezed my shoulder as he passed then went off to the locker room without any mention of a gift. He came back out and tilted his head towards the workout equipment. I told Mr. Allen I needed to do a trash run and make sure the weights were reset. The members sometimes left them strewn about the gym carelessly. He grunted and took over the front desk.

I followed Ari around the gym and straightened up while he did his workout. We talked a little, but he just kept an eye on me while he went through his weights. He seemed a little too happy when I told him no one had booked me for training that day. He promised he would book me for the rest of the week to make up for it.

By the time I finished my shift, Ari had changed into street clothes, shorts and a tank top, and was waiting for me outside. He walked me home without mentioning the gift. It wasn't until we got to the my apartment that he hit his forehead like he'd forgotten to do something.

"Oh! I forget. I bring gift for you!" He exclaimed with a laugh. He pulled a pink gift bag out of his gym bag. It smelled like his sweat.

"I didn't get you anything," I protested and put my hands up.

"You give me best gift of all last Friday. I hope for much more," he winked. I opened the door to my apartment and he followed me inside.

"Your father is working," he said as he looked around. I nodded. He tossed the bag on the couch and pulled me into his chest. He smelled like musky bodywash mixed with even muskier cologne. I didn't care. His warm muscles gave me that sense of security like nothing else in the world.

"Ok ok open you need open!" He said and let go of me. I reluctantly turned away and picked up the pink bag. There was a box inside and I recognized it instantly when I slid it out.

"No! Way!" I screamed.

"Yes! Way!" Ari laughed. He pulled the box out and showed it to me.

"I was going to work the whole summer to buy this! Are you serious? This is like a thousand dollar phone! No! Is this a joke? For real?" I babbed excitedly.

"Is for real! Of course! Would be mean joke to play! Your old phone has bad video and hard to hear you at time. I need access my boy and know he is safe," Ari said. He opened the box and pulled out the most beautiful, state-of-the-art phone.

"This one has the new quadrophonic processor and 1290p graphics chip! Gaming on it is supposed to be crazy good! Plus it has supercore built right in and three gigapix cameras! This is way too nice! You can't!" I rambled on. He looked at me with a proud smile.

"You are nerd. I do not know this before," he laughed. "Is phone. I buy phone my boy wants."

"My dad," I sighed. I heard him coming up the steps. I knew I only had a minute or two left before he'd make me give the phone back. He'd been so proud of me for working and saving up for it. The front door opened and Ari backed away from me.

"Thanks for let me use your bathroom!" Ari said as dad walked in. "Was emergency."

"Oh hey Ari! You're always welcome here," Dad's face lit up when he saw him. He had really bonded with him and thought he was a good influence on me.

"Thank you, sir," Ari said to my dad. He went to pick up his gym bag like he was leaving.

"No, stay! Have you had dinner?" Dad offered. I realized dad hadn't made friends here yet and he liked Ari's company. Dad looked down at me on the couch and saw instantly what I was holding.

"You bought it? You already earned the money?" Dad looked at me with confusion.

I locked eyes with dad and he knew I hadn't. He looked at Ari and then back at me.

"My company has program to get them for cheaper. I buy for Lukas and he pay me back. Was half price!" Ari said. I didn't know if that was true or not, but I was betting it wasn't.

"Oh! Well that's smart. Are you sure though? It's a lot of money. Even half off that has to be over $500. That's very very generous," Dad said. He didn't like us taking charity.

"I already earned almost 200 from work and personal training!" I cut in.

"Personal training? Training who? For what?" Dad looked like he'd just uncovered a bucket of worms. He sat down expecting a long story.

I told him about the gym and how some people just wanted someone to work out with. I didn't tell him it had only been Ari and that Ryan guy who was just using me to scope out Ari.

"I don't know about this," Dad said.

"I don't like it either," Ari interjected. "He is young, impressionable boy and is not good. He does not even know who clients are before they come for appointment. And some of the men who visit the gym look at him with an eye that is not pure. You know what I speak of."

"Yes! I certainly do! Why would someone book a 17 year old boy... I have concerns. This doesn't sound good. I don't want you doing that. I thought you were just working the desk and picking up trash." Dad was getting fired up. This was not heading to a good place.

I looked at Ari with confusion and hurt. He ignored it and pressed on.

"I tell him is better to work at yogurt place where he only see families and the obese," Ari said.

"That would be better. Plus, this uniform they have you in is way too tight and small. Those shorts are practically underwear, but I thought you were hidden behind the desk," Dad agreed.

"I say same thing! Is not proper for handsome boy of his age. He is too small to defend himself." Ari and dad were working together and I didn't like where this was headed.

"No! I'm not quitting the gym! Plus I have to pay for this phone and school clothes," I interrupted.

"I don't think you should either. But I'm going to talk to this boss of yours about getting you a uniform that fits and not taking private clients. I just want you at the desk and whatever other little duties he has for you. You're under age and he should have talked to me before renting you out like that." Dad put his foot down. It wasn't what Ari was pressing for, but he nodded along.

I knew it was useless to protest. One thing about dad. He's always willing to listen to what I want, but when he gets in a protective mode there is no arguing with him and pushing only makes him firmer in his resolve. It's better to let him chill on it and then slowly chip away.

"You like new phone?" Ari asked when dad went to use the bathroom and change out of his work clothes. He wore coveralls at work, but his shorts and t-shirt underneath were pretty ripe from a hard day in the garage.

"What was that!?" I asked but kept my voice to a threatening whisper.

"Your father has concern and I do too. You are young and do not know the danger of this. Trust me we know what fits best for you," Ari said. He rubbed the phone in my hand and I realized he had planned this. He'd brought the phone to soften the blow. I looked it over, it was such a beautiful piece of machine... and so was he.

"I just need know you are safe. I care for you so much it hurt," Ari whispered. I frowned at him.

"I like my job. It's my first job and I like it. You had no right to interfere," I said. I should have put the phone back in the box and handed it to him, but he put his arm around me and rubbed my shoulder. My body melted into his side and my stomach did a happy flip again.

I wanted to be back on the beach, back in his arms. I wanted him playing with my hole again even if it was from the outside of my jeans. We heard my dad turn on the water in the bathroom and Ari knew he had a few minutes.

"You are my boy, Lukas, no?" he asked and turned me to face him. He put his hands on my cheeks and leaned into me. Our eyes locked as he awaited a response.

"I am..." I felt my pulse racing and wanted so badly to kiss him. His eyes lit up and he started to put his lips to mine... but I pulled away.

"This is NOT how we do our first kiss. I like you so much and I want to kiss you so bad. You make my stomach feel all weird and my head feel light just looking at you, but... I choose where I work, with my dad's permission of course... but it's my choice. And I will pay you back for the phone. Ok? It was incredibly awesome of you and I will earn enough money to pay for it." I felt a bolt of pride in my chest.

I may be putty in his hands, but I come from stubborn people who work hard and make their own destiny. I wasn't going to throw that away no matter how beautiful he was. Even for the most high end phone currently on the market, I'm a man.

He looked a little hurt. He thought about it and then kissed my cheek. I kissed his too.

When dad came back from the shower and changing, Ari was linking our phones up so we could share music, games, and other stuff. He told me the app store was linked to his card so I could get whatever games or music I wanted.

Dad was happy for me and insisted on taking us out for dinner. We walked down to a sports pub that had burgers and other stuff. We watched a basketball game and had dinner then he and dad did some samples of local area beers. It was good to see dad laughing with him and bonding over the game while I played around with my new phone.


"Oh no!... Yeah I'll head down today... Jeez!" Dad got an early morning phone call on Thursday. He was pacing around the kitchen while I ate my oatmeal.

He'd talked to Mr. Allen on Tuesday and arranged for me to get a uniform that fit right and also keep me from doing private training. Mr. Allen actually said he felt bad about the uniform and had just forgotten about it. He had them express a set from the main office that day.

"Bad news, kid. I gotta head back to the dealership in Desert Springs. Dale left over a hundred thousand dollars worth of tools in the old garage! Mr. Sarkisian wants them collected and delivered to a buyer out in Imperial. Dale skipped off to Arizona after he got his last paycheck. Lazy ass! The dealership is paying me mileage and a bonus if I can get it done today," Dad said.

"I have work today," I said. "I can stay here alone. It's fine."

"No. No you can't... wait! Hang on," Dad said. He dialed his phone and disappeared into his bedroom.

"Ok, good news, Luk!" he said when he came back out. I was washing the breakfast dishes. "Ari'll be by the club to work out and then you're spending the night with him. I won't be back until early tomorrow morning so you be sure to text me when you get up tomorrow, but I know you'll be ok with him."

"Really? That's awesome! I have tomorrow off too!" I bounced excitedly.

"You be on your BEST behavior and don't give him any trouble. I'm trusting you," Dad said with a stern look.

"I promise, best behavior," I nodded and held up my hand like I was in court.

"I know you will... maybe I'll get a hotel for the night, have a mini vacation. They're giving me a paid day off tomorrow if I get it done tonight," Dad laughed to himself.


Ari showed up at 3 and gave me a wink when he checked in. He did his workout while I was chained to the front desk. I was so nervous about what would happen that night. He seemed to eye me with a little more respect since I'd stood up to him about interfering with my dad. I was worried he wouldn't like me as much, but it seemed to make him try harder.

At 4, I was off the clock and went to grab my stuff. I realized that I'd packed nothing for my night with Ari. I realized this when he followed me to my locker and commented that my bag was light.

"I didn't bring anything! Like nothing! I have to go home and get stuff!" I groaned.

"Mmmm, no," Ari laughed. "Your father entrust you to my care. I promise full service baby sitter. I have things you can borrow."

His smile told me he had plans for us. He took my bag, put his hand on my shoulder, and guided me out of the gym and down the block to his apartment tower.

I'd only seen his place in the video chats, the building was so nice. There was a security guard at the front desk who greeted him happily and waived us through an expansive lobby with marble floors and gigantic art on the walls.

"My home is at your service," Ari said when he opened his front door. "The cleaning lady comes this morning so everything should be perfect."

"It's huge," I noted. It was just a one bedroom, but it was larger than our two bedroom and everything was brand new.

"I live with my family for first two years I move here so I can buy my own place," he said and showed me around. He had an oversized L-shaped couch in front of a huge flat screen that hung from the ceiling in front of a wall of glass that opened up to a terrace with a view of the LA skyline. There was a high dining table that looked like an old piece of industrial wood with black steel legs and heavy iron high-chairs. The kitchen was steel from the countertops to the appliances that looked like he'd never used them.

"I thought you had laundry service," I noted when he led me down a small hallway with a laundry room on one side and bathroom on the other.

"I do. I don't know how to use these," he laughed. He wrapped his arms around me from behind and walked me towards his bedroom. It was another expansive room with a door that led back into the bathroom, a huge bed on a raised platform with drawers underneath, another flatscreen tv mounted on the wall, and framed sports collectibles for soccer teams around the world.

"This is kick ass," I said. He had autographed posters and jerseys mounted in frames.

"I like football," he shrugged. He nudged me towards the bathroom. "You take shower and I find you things to wear, ok?"

He turned on the shower for me and pointed out his various products then put a towel on the counter and left. I stripped down and hopped in then slid the metal door with glass cutouts closed. I sniffed his bodywashes until i found one that wasn't overpowering and soaped myself down. His shower pulsed the water so it massaged my skin. I didn't know how far he'd go with me, so I made sure to scrub out every part I could get to.

When I finished showering I got out to find he'd put a stack of clothes. They looked older and worn, leftovers from his youth, but they smelled clean. It was a red t-shirt that had been washed so many times that it was impossibly soft and grey fleece shorts that were a little loose but had a drawstring to tie them. There was no underwear, but he had left a packaged toothbrush for me. I brushed my teeth and dressed then went out to find him.

"My boy is clean?" he called from the couch. He'd changed into a pair of grey lounge shorts and no shirt. He was propped up and watching soccer on his giant tv.

"I am, thanks for the clothes. These are yours?" I asked.

"I put them in for the clothes service with my things this morning after I talk to your dad. I do not have much in your size, but thought would be comfortable. Come, boy," he ordered and patted his chest.

I went to him and he pulled me down onto the couch next to him. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me against his chest. He smelled the top of my head and then kissed it.

"This is how we shall spend every night. I love this. It feels that my home is complete," he said and watched his team kick the ball up the field. He rubbed my back while I settled in against his heartbeat. I rubbed his pecs then slid my hand down his abs. I stopped there, afraid to go farther.

"We must be good, Lukas. Your father trusts me," Ari reminded me. I sighed.

"Just be here with me, is all I need," he said and rubbed my back. I laid my head down again and rubbed his abs, tracing my finger between the ridges while he flexed them for me. He got into his game and relaxed. He kept one hand on me and then put the other on top of where I was touching his stomach. He kissed my head whenever his team did something good and then sighed dejectedly when they did something bad. It felt so good to be under his hold, in his home, on his chest.

We laid there forever and I dozed off under his hold. I hadn't slept on a man's chest since I was a small child, but his warmth and beating heart put me out. He woke me when the sun was just starting to set and I realized there was a doorbell ringing.

Ari nudged me off of him and jumped off the couch. He ran and grabbed a t-shirt from his room then scrambled to answer the door. I heard voices that sounded like a male and female but they were talking in Ari's language. Things sounded heated. I peeked up over the couch and saw an older couple. The man looked just like Ari, their eyes zeroed in on me and I ducked back down.

"Lukas, is my parents," Ari said in what sounded like an unhappy tone. I raised up again and offered them a smile. I wiped the sleep out of my eyes and went over.

"Oh he is handsome," Ari's mother said and smiled at me. She threw her arms around me and pulled me in for a hug. She was a soft woman, overweight and cuddly like a mother should be.

"This is my mother and father. Mr. and Mrs. Khorasani," Ari pronounced their last name in a way that I couldn't replicate.

"Nice to meet you," I said. His mother let go of me and his father offered his hand and a warm smile. The two of them pushed their way into the apartment and Ari looked around like he'd forgotten to hide something.

"You poor boy. Ari tells us about your situation. I am so glad he can be there for you while your father is off," Ari's mother said. I wondered just what he'd told them.

"He's been so great," I said, not wanting to cause trouble.

His dad ignored me and talked to Ari in their language, but he looked me up and down with a face I couldn't read.

"We bring dinner!" his mother said.

"No, Momani! Please! We get take-away delivered. I am just ready to order it," Ari protested. There was a slight whine to his voice a man only uses with his parents. I stifled a laugh.

His mom yelled back something in his language and the two argued politely back and forth. She went back to the doorway and brought in a plastic shopping bag filled with containers.

"He needs real food. Look how skinny. The poor boy probably never gets home cooking like this. You will love, Lukas. I promise. Persian food is the best in world!" Ari's mom smiled.

"I can't wait!" I said excitedly. "I'm starving."

"See? Even he knows he is starving. Don't just stand there, grab plates and things. Come, Lukas, sit sit," She pushed me over to the table and unloaded five containers of food. There were meats and rice and little pastry things I had no idea about.

"It smells awesome. Thank you, Mrs. Khorasani!" I said with sincerity.

"So handsome, little Lukas." She pinched my cheeks and laid out the food in front of me. Ari brought plates, spoons and forks for all of us. His father settled in next to me and his mother took the chair on my other side. Ari was left by himself on the other side of the long table. He sulked, but then helped himself to some food while his mother piled my plate.

We worked through the food and his parents asked me a million questions. Every time they heard another detail of my life they would declare, "Oh poor boy."

I have a pretty good life and my dad works hard to give me everything I need, but I wanted so badly to make a good impression on them. I wanted Ari to see that I fit in. He warmed up and started to participate in the conversation. He smiled watching his mother fawn over me and his father warm up to me.

They taught me that their language is called Farsi and they taught me that the word for hello is Salaam which means peace. I asked what Momani meant since Ari had said that to her.

"It is like to say mommy in English. Arisht use it when he whines. He is our youngest," she laughed. I noticed she'd called him "Ar-EEsht" instead of Ari.

"I don't whine." Ari shot her a glare. They taught me how to say good morning and good evening then laughed at my pronunciations. They told me about the part of Tehran they'd left and how they started over in California with their whole family.

"Wow. I came here with just my dad. We don't see our family much," I noted.

"Poor boy," the said their favorite phrase for me again. "Well you have family here. Anything you need," his mother assured me.

We finished dinner and I tried to help his mom clean up. She declined and just shoved all the containers back into her plastic bag. They hugged us and left.

"I know I should not have tell them you are staying with me! They cannot help themselves," Ari fumed when he closed the door.

We went to brush our teeth.

"No, it's cool. They were nice!" I laughed and shoved the toothbrush in my mouth. He finished brushing his and then explained some more.

"They invite me for dinner and I tell them I am busy then they push until I confess you are here. They know of you from when I talk to them before. I did not know they will come over!" Ari was half apologizing, but it wasn't necessary.

"They're so nice and they like me!" I said happily.

"Of course they like you. Who will not like my perfect boy? You are so nice to them and listen to their stories. I am proud to have you here." Ari came over and wrapped his arms around me from behind. He kissed the back of my neck and then spun me around to face him.

"Is first kiss time," he growled.

"Definitely," I nodded. He leaned in and put his lips to mine. I parted my lips and his tongue slid through to wrestle with mine.

I wanted so badly to slide my hands down to grip his bulge, but I knew he wouldn't approve. I thought about how I would feel if he touched me somewhere I wasn't ready for. My body was open for him, but his wasn't there yet for me. He wanted to hold back, prove to my father he could be a good match for me before we proceeded with things. I kept my hands on his sides just under his pecs and let his lips dance with mine.

Ari was an award winning kisser. I had no proof of that, but I'd swear to it in court. He made my cock stand at attention in the loose shorts and he filled my body with warm burst of fire that spread throughout me.

He kept his lips locked on mine and lifted me up off the ground with ease. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist as he walked towards his bed. He laid me down without breaking the kiss and then climbed on to the bed and straddled me with his knees.

He broke his lips from mine but then kissed down my cheek, along my jaw, down my neck and then down to the collar of the shirt he'd lent me.

"Oh! Yeah! Uhhhh, Ari!" I moaned as he nibbled down to my collarbone. He put his hands down to my waist and pushed them up inside my shirt to peel if off of me. He kissed down to my nipples. He bit and sucked each one until they were raw and hard. He looked up at me with that frat boy grin that said he knew I was his.

"You feel so good," I told him. "Don't stop, Arisht!" I called him the name his mother had used. His head popped up in surprise.

"You are not Persian. Why do you call me this?" Ari looked at me in alarm.

"Your momani said it," I used the Farsi word his mother had taught me. Ari laughed. He sat back on his heels and looked down at me. He gave my nipples a tweak and then tickled my armpits until I tried to crawl away.

"I am Farishtollah Khorasani," he said and it was my turn to raise an eyebrow.

"What does it mean?" I asked.

"Is old old family name from my mother side and comes from a Hindu word mix with Farsi for to say Angel, or holy man who serve the most high. Khorasani is one who is of Khorasan, a region of central Iran," Ari explained.

"Wow. That must be cool to have a name that means something. Mine is just a name," I said.

"Lukas come from Luke, like the saint and Smith is English word for someone who makes things," Ari noted.

"Now you're just showing off," I laughed. Ari pulled off his shirt and came to lay down beside me.

"You are naked under here?" he asked and pushed down the waistband of my loose shorts a little to check. He caught sight of where my light blonde pubic hair started and then pulled the waistband back. We were both rock hard in our shorts. Mine was pointing straight up and his was a massive snake laying across his thighs.

"You didn't give me any underwear," I said. I turned to my side and snuggled into his chest, my cock rubbing his thigh.

"We cannot just lay here hard all night or we never go to sleep," Ari hugged me tightly.

"I'm not tired anyways." I rubbed his chest until I felt his heart racing.

He stared down at me and I looked up until our eyes met. He looked lost and desperate.

"You are never tired," he laughed. "Until I talk you to sleep. I love watch you fall asleep, my little angel. Your baby blue eyes get heavy and you try to fight it." He put his finger on my cheek and traced it down.

"Then you yawn but try to hide it in your pillow. Your eyes water and you rub them like a little boy. You do this a few times and then slowly drift off while I talk. I wait, whisper your name a few times, pray a good night over you and then watch you rest until I am ready to drift after you," Ari said.

He talked so soft and slow that it made me yawn and blink.

"Baby in dreamland," he whispered and kissed my nose. "Baby go sleep."

I closed my eyes. My cock was still hard and pressed against his thigh, but his words, his warmth, his hold, put me out.

I half-woke a little later to feel his arms around me. He was cradling me against his chest and standing, pulling back the covers of his bed. He laid me down in it then pattered away. I heard him lock the door and switched turning off. I heard beeps from what sounded like an alarm system and then he came back to me.

"Sleep, baby Lukas," he whispered and crawled in beside me. He brought me back into his chest and held me tightly. He kissed my forehead and brushed back my hair then said what sounded like a prayer in his language.

Lying there in his warm cage of muscles I drifted off to the best sleep of my life. I was his.

-- My Stories:

Next: Chapter 3

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