Lukas and the Shah

By Emri S.

Published on Dec 24, 2022


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Thanks for reading. Feedback appreciated. I should be finishing this series soon:


Story Recap: Lukas, an athletic, California 17 yr-old with blonde hair, blue eyes, and tight body, loves Ari, a wealthy, muscled, 25 yr-old Persian. After a fire destroys the Khorasani home, they work to rebuild and get their lives back together. Ari awakens after realizing he needs to take firmer control over his boy and stop deferring to his father for guidance.

Lukas & The Shah

Ch.19- Finding a Nest For My Princess

By Emri

Seeing my boy ready and in proper position for his spanking had me nearly lose my resolve as I came out of the shower. His pale bubble butt pointed up at me and his legs were spread to offer his hole.

He knew the site of that pretty, pink rosebud made me lose all reason. I shook my head and reminded myself of the long game here. Lukas needed a heavy hand to become a respectable and responsible man. A daddy had to make the tough choices and not be swayed by a pretty face or tempting bottom.

I went over to the dresser Lukas had filled with our clothing while we stayed here. I pulled out an ordinary pair of grey boxer briefs then struggled to pull them up over my raging cock. This wasn't erotic, it was discipline. The boy needed to learn.

I went over to a stuffed armchair near the window and sat down. I looked over at my silent boy. He turned his face from the pillow and looked at me with confusion.

"Come, boy," I said and patted my lap. He flashed his frightened eyes at me then pushed off from the bedspread. He patted over to me and started to lay across my lap in spanking position.

"No, sir first. We should talk," I said. I turned him and pulled him down to my lap. I cracked him like I'd done earlier with Nima. Lukas fit better and felt right. I hugged him and kissed his forehead.

He went silent for ten seconds then broke into tears. "Just do it. Please! I'm so sorry!"

"I want you to understand first. I'd never put a hand to my boy in anger. Daddy will never do that, but he need that you learn. Do you think I want work today? I love to be home with my princess and play game. But in life we must meet responsibilities. I work and you study. You think is not important that you do well in the high school?" I asked as I rubbed his back.

"No, daddy. I know you want me to finish and stuff. I know you care about that. You're so good to me," the boy answered. He was franticly trying to talk his way out of punishment.

"More important, when daddy or his father tell you what you must do, we shall trust that you do it! This is basic for my princess! I need know you can follow my orders," I tried to calm my voice. I could feel him shake in my hold.

"I will. I promise I will. I'm almost done now! You can check it! I just have some tricky math, daddy. Please," Lukas whined. He sniffled back a little tear and his lower lip pouted out in a display of pink perfection.

"Good. Next time you can complete it on time without the need for a spanking. Let us finish this and then join the others for dinner. It is nearly seven," I told him. Lukas threw his arms around me. I gently lifted them off and slid him off of my lap.

He nodded, turned to face me, and then bent over my lap. His cock and boy-balls crushed against my right thigh with his chest over my left one. I rubbed his smooth, bare ass and then gave it a soft practice swat.

"You will count to ten. This is your first and hopefully your last. I do not wish this to be how we spend evenings" I said.

"Yes sir! One, Two, Three," Lukas started. He was already sniffling back tears.

"No, little one. You will count ten swats. Not ten seconds." I started to laugh. He was endlessly cute. I remembered the seriousness of this situation and quickly stifled my amusement.

"Oh, sorry, sir," Lukas apologized then looked back at me with those baby blue eyes.

"Head down," I said. I pulled on his hair and pushed his head down. I couldn't spank him when that beautiful little face was looking at me. "You will lower your head when being punished!"

I put one hand in the center of his back to steady him on my lap and raised the other one. I thought about bringing it down at full force, but I wanted to start easy. I started to swat, but as I got close his body shook. He was scared.

I sighed and gave his ass a little rub.

"One," he sniffled. I started to laugh but stopped myself. I didn't think this would be so hard. I'd disciplined Amiri and I'd used countless cute little bottoms since then. I sighed and knew I had to be strong for him. Lukas needed this.

"No, little one, this is one," I corrected and gave his bottom a hard swat. He jumped but stayed on my lap. He let out a yelp and whined.

"One, sir? It felt like two," Lukas sniffled again. He rubbed his snotty wet nose against my thigh to show me he was very upset about this. I was too, but I was a daddy and my boy needed to learn. No one said it would be easy.

I raised my hand up and brought it back down again with the same force as the first one. Lukas yelped in pain again and lurched forward.

"Ow," he croaked and started to sob. "Two, sir."

His legs flailed beside me. I grabbed his right foot and pulled it back towards my face. I rubbed it against my cheek and told him to settle down. I wanted to kiss it. His little toes are perfect and I love sucking on them when I fuck his pink pussy... but now wasn't the time for that. I couldn't get lost in my perfect, beautiful boy. I couldn't forget the discipline he needed. Daddy had to make the tough choices. I let his foot go. He settled a bit.

The third one was a little easier, but Lukas made a louder yelp. I didn't want him attracting attention. I spotted one of the socks I'd worn to work. I held him steady on my lap and reached down to get it.

"Your noise will attract eager tourists... This house of hunters!" I stretched out the sock. "Raise your head, boy." Lukas looked up at me and opened his mouth knowing what I wanted. I put the center of it over his lips and then stretched it behind his blonde hair and tied it.

"Better. What number we are on?" I asked to test out his noise-making ability.

"Orrr," he chirped with his lips muffled.

"Four, ok." I rubbed the blush that had settled in on his pale boy butt. His perfect round globes were milky perfection with red spots on the lower half. I have big hands that adequately covered his petite princess orbs.

I was careful to keep my swats to the lower half. Not only was it the sturdiest part of the bottom and away from important internal organs, but also the place he would feel when he sat down, when he walked, when he squirmed. He would remember disappointing his daddy. I brought my hand down again, this time a little harder.

"MMM orr!" Lukas squealed as his legs flailed around beside me. I kept my left hand on his back, pressing him squarely against my lap.

Before he could settle down again I brought my hand against his ass hard. He sobbed and whined into the sock. It probably smelled of my sweat from the day, but I knew that scent always comforted him. I wanted him surrounded by his daddy, to know how much I gave for him.

"Myyy!" he counted the fifth one and squirmed on my lap.

"Be still or I start from one again!" I said. I rubbed my hand gently over the expanding redness that had swept over his perfect boy cheeks. I knew I wasn't swatting enough to leave more than a few hours of discomfort. I couldn't bare to see him with purple cheeks. I hoped this would last long enough to remind him the next time he wanted to goof around.

Some boys actually become addicted to this punishment and some daddies too. That wasn't the point of this.

It's not a kink. It's a reminder to both of us of our roles here and our responsibilities to each other. I made a promise to his father that I would keep him safe and focused. I promised to help him finish high school and go on to college. Steven was able to relax and give himself fully in service to my Uncle Mirteza because he knew his son was being raised properly. There was no one else who could help shape Lukas into the respectable boy he desired to become. He needed a daddy who could do his job. I was that man.

"Meh Mir," he agreed. He laid there sobbing quietly. His tears and snot soaked my boxer briefs on the left side. He was using my thigh to muffle his little cries in his attempts to follow orders.

I swatted again, harder than any of the others. Lukas lurched forward and let out a deep groan. He whimpered and rubbed his cheek against my thigh like he hoped to soothe me. But he misunderstood. I wasn't angry. I was focused.

"Mihhh, mirrr," Lukas counted between sobs. I rubbed his ass again. My fingers grabbed at his pink, blushing bum. I rubbed it harshly so he could feel the sting then I raised up and swatted hard again.

"MEHHH-MEN, MIR!" Lukas wailed. His tears soaked my boxer briefs and I could feel warm mucus leak out of his nose and coat my hairy thighs. I swatted again before he could settle down.

"MAYYT, MIR!" He cried. It was time to wrap this up. I gave another hard smack. He twisted but didn't try to slide off.

"MIME! MIRRRR!" Lukas sobbed. His chest heaved on my lap and his legs bent at the knees like he was trying to kick me backwards. I rubbed his ass and his back, pushing him down against my thighs.

"Almost done, little one," I whispered as I leaned down and kissed the back of his neck.

My boy nodded. His little blonde hair flopped forward over his tear-streaked face. I'd just taken him to the barber shop a few days before. I got him the same cut every time. I kept him shaved close on the sides, just a little bristle when I pet him. On top I was growing out his hair. His soft flop of blonde hair was too much fun to grab and pull when I fucked him.

He loved it too. It was his leash. It was long enough now to pull back into a little short ponytail when he worked out. I wasn't sure how long I'd let it grow, but my boy knew to look at me whenever my mother wondered aloud when he'd cut it. The barber was Persian and he knew to not even address Lukas other than a little scratch behind his ear and a smile in the mirror. He knew who was in charge. He'd cut Lukas' hair and then the boy would sit quietly next to the barber table while the man cut mine. Like my father, my hair was starting to thin on top, a stark contrast to the full, thick forest of cornsilk my princess sported.

I lost myself in thoughts as Lukas trembled anxiously awaiting his last swat. He stayed quiet though. He assumed I was just building things up. I shook off my daydream and gave him one last swat. It met his bottom with full force and pushed him forward. He squealed through the sock gag and let loose on the tears.

"Mem... mir," he sobbed. I rubbed his ass. It was over. Both cheeks sported red flames on their lower halves. I leaned down and kissed the center of his back then helped him to his feet. He shook unsteadily on his feet and I put a hand on his bottom and the other on his chest to hold him. He looked at me with red rings around his baby blue eyes. He looked so pitiful and immediately lowered his eyes to the floor. I pulled the sock gag up from his lips and put it over his nose so he could smell the scent that calmed him.

"We won't be doing this for awhile, correct?" I asked him. Lukas nodded and wiped at his face.

"No, daddy. Never ever ever again," he swore. He leaned in against my chest and I wrapped my arms around his tiny, muscled waist. He was getting that perfect V like his father only his chest and shoulders weren't as filled out yet. I pulled him in against my chest, my princess was ready for comforting.

"I love you too much, princess. I do not wish that you become like Ryan. You will learn to follow my directive," I whispered and kissed his neck. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and lowered his head to my shoulder.

"I won't, sir. I promise. I'll finish everything and get a hundred, ok? A hundred, daddy!" Lukas was desperate to please me.

"I know you will, boy. We get clean and go for dinner. Is nearly time," I told him.

"I'm not hungry, sir." He said and melted against me. I pulled him to straddle my lap so his ass could hang freely between my knees. I held him and he held me.

"I did not ask if you are hungry. I said we will clean and then eat. You will eat, yes?" I stared him down. His eyes widened realizing he'd just fucked up again.

"I will eat. Yes! Thank you, sir." He nodded vigorously.

"Do you argue with daddy when he tells you plans?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"No, sir." He shook his head. I bounced him on my lap and smiled. He was learning.

"We eat then finish your work packet. If there is time, you will service me before we sleep. You have not earn my seed in your pussy tonight." I told him. He nodded again.

"Yes. Thank you, sir!" he smiled.


We arrived for dinner just as Brandon was dishing out the food to everyone. He started with Mr. Hadid, his master, then my father and then the boys. I noticed Ryan was at the table. I made my way to the two empty seats next to my father.

"You finished your work, little one?" Dad asked in English. Lukas started to answer, but I cut him off. I took the seat next to my father and put Lukas on the end.

"He has a little more to do, but he will finish after he eats," I said. I looked over at Lukas who winced as he sat down. I'd put him in a long-sleeved t-shirt and soft sweatpants over a white thong that wouldn't touch his burning cheeks.

"Ryan is by himself in contemplation. He will eat when everyone has finished," Tavi said.

"Withholding food from Lukas isn't a punishment, the boy prefers to skip meals," I said in Arabic to switch the conversation from a language Lukas would understand.

"I apologize for Ryan leading him astray. That boy is an embarrassment and I administered a stern punishment myself. If he wants to stay in this family then my son will get him under control", Mr. Hadid said while giving Tavi a stern look.

"Lukas has a mind of his own. We can't place the blame solely on Ryan. My boy needs a stronger hand and I intend to give it to him," I responded.

"He's just a boy, and a very innocent one at that. He has no problem following the rules in my home. I think it's just all the anxiety from the fires and being away from everything he knows." My father made excuses for Lukas.

Brandon put a heavy helping of lamb and rice on my plate then gave Lukas about half the amount he'd served me.

"You will clean your plate then go back to work," I told the boy and put my hand on the back of his neck to give a gentle squeeze.

"Yes, sir," Lukas said and immediately began eating after thanking Brandon.

"He is growing, father. You can't be his buddy when he needs a daddy. I had to spank him. It wasn't pleasant, but now he knows. Whether in your house or mine or far away, his home is with us and he should never forget he is expected to follow the rules," I told dad in Farsi.

"You spanked him? Is he bruised? Did he understand it? He's just a tiny little flower!" Father started to get up to go and check on Lukas. Lukas looked up, not understanding our language, but seeing the anger in my father's eyes. Lukas looked at me with confusion. I put a hand on father's arm and urged him to sit back down.

"He is MY tiny little flower and I discipline him as he needs. You told him to do his work and he chose to disobey you. You never would have put up with that from me or my brothers. You disciplined us like a good father does. I must do the same for my boy," I told him. Father stared me down, but his anger subsided quickly. He knew I was right. He saw I was a man like him.

"Did he cry much? Were you too harsh on him?" Dad sighed. It broke his heart to think of his little flower in pain.

"I took a shower first and calmed myself. I talked it out with him. He cried, but I used light swats so he won't have bruising. He understands now the importance of following our directions. He knows he has a daddy who expects the best of him," I explained calmly.

"I used Brandon's old paddle on Ryan. Tavi took a try with his belt, but I stepped in when he got out of hand with it. We offered to send Ryan home instead, but he chose to stay and accept his punishment," Mr. Hadid said.

"I don't use tools on my boy either for pleasure or punishment. I prefer skin on skin with him. It helps me judge his reception, feel some of what he's feeling," I said.

"I like that. Brandon doesn't need discipline anymore, but when he did I liked just using my hand too. The first paddle I had for him cracked once! It split right in half on that little white bottom," Mr. Hadid laughed. Brandon looked up when he heard his name, but he hadn't learned enough Arabic to understand.

"I was doing ok until you stopped me!" Tavi defended.

"You were not! But I am proud of you for standing up to your boy. If you want to build something that will last with him then you need to get him under control. It was a good first try, but you seemed to enjoy it a bit too much and the point isn't to see how hard you can strap him. The point is to monitor him and take him to the point where he breaks and no further. You would have either left him resenting you or getting turned on by it!" Mr. Hadid shook his head.

"It should never be done in anger or for the man's pleasure. Playtime and discipline must be separated. And a boy must understand why it is happening," My father added. I looked over and nodded.

"Speaking of this," I said, sensing an opportunity. "I met the most delightful Persian houseboy today while getting papers signed by Uncle."

"He is Persian? From Iran? Where did you go?" Father perked up instantly.

"Mirteza is staying with Mr. Shahid in Palos Verdes. He had a boy he is not interested in keeping. His name is Nima and his family took refuge in Turkey where Mr. Shahid met him," I explained. Both father and Mr. Hadid looked up at this.

"You went THERE?" Father asked as if I'd visited a brothel near the city dump.

"I had to get your papers signed. You know he prefers light boys like Lukas. He rescued Nima from Turkey and brought him here but is having trouble getting him papers so he can go to university. I thought maybe you might be able to help him." I said it as if I could care less and was just passing along information out of obligation.

"What is he like? Mr. Shahid can't have corrupted him too much. He is not to his liking," Father wondered aloud.

"He is untouched. He is only used to prepare the other boys, but he has not opened to a man. He runs the house there and is very good at domestic skills. If you decide to replace the lost home with something bigger, you might consider hiring staff. You know mother would love it and he is a respectable boy who would happily put up with her demands," I told him.

Father sighed, then nodded. "I am looking at more secure properties with space for more of us."

"I would love that. I could rent out my condo and Lukas would love to have a permanent home. I know he is excited to live with me, but worried about leaving you and mother," I admitted.

"You would stay there permanently? I have found a few properties to look at. They have much larger lots and are farther from the fire prone areas with good schools for your future children," Father glowed. We hadn't discussed living together, but I knew it would be the best solution for Lukas so long as we could have separate quarters within the same wall.

"Yes! Lukas would have someone with him during the day and help for when we have our babies," I said. Father lit up with a smile. He loved the thought of more grandchildren.

I felt Lukas' head against my arm and turned to see he had finished his plate. I sent him off to complete his school work while I finished the evening with the others. He kissed my father's cheek and got a strong hug, then padded off quietly towards our room.

"He is silent! He is upset," father said angrily when he'd left.

"No, he is focused. He knows it will please me to find that he has finished his work and gotten ready for bed when I return to the room. Let him be." I put my hand on father's shoulder. He nodded reluctantly. He wanted to save his little friend from punishment.

We went back to happier conversation and Brandon brought us a round of drinks. I tried to distract myself from wanting to bolt from the table and run to claim what I needed from my princess. I needed to give him time to finish his work.

Father brought out his tablet to show me some of the properties he was considering. Each had a separate little house with kitchen and bathroom for Lukas and me. There were some older mission-style places and some super modern places with big windows and views of the mountains.

"Mother will like that garden! Lukas will like the pool." I noted as he flipped through pictures.

"This one has nice, high walls around the whole perimeter and security cameras throughout. It will be close to a running trail where I can take Lukas for practice," Father explained. It made me happy to know Lukas wouldn't have to choose between living in my home and disappointing my father. If we could all be together yet still have a separate apartment for me and my princess, that would be the best.

We looked through other options and debated their merits while I gave Lukas time to finish his work. I was sure he was back there furiously writing and reading. He had been properly refocused for the day and would not want to displease me further.

"I better go check on Ryan. He's probably pretty hungry by now. Would you like to come and see him? Maybe you can speak to him," Tavi offered. Brandon quickly darted from the table.

"That might be good. It'll give Lukas time to finish his work," I said. We got up from the table and went back inside the house. Brandon met us in the living room with a plastic box that had a sandwich and cut up vegetables inside. He handed it to Tavi along with a bottle of water and then went back out to the men on the dining patio.

We found Ryan in a back bedroom. He was knelt on the floor and stripped. Tavi had a blindfold on him and black ropes tying his hands behind his back and secured to the bottom post of a large bed. Ryan looked up when he heard us but he didn't speak.

"We are finished with dinner. I brought Arisht with me so you can apologize for today," Tavi said. He went and sat behind Ryan on the bed then reached over his head and pulled up his blindfold. Ryan blinked up at me as his eyes adjusted to the light in the room.

"I'm sorry, sir. I just wanted him to have fun with his master gone. He's so serious and I... just wanted him to have a nice day," Ryan tried to explain. I knew his motives weren't that pure. He was putting on a show for Tavi to hear knowing that the young Egyptian had a soft heart for him.

"Lukas would have had plenty of fun if he had followed orders. He chose to disobey and you chose to tempt him. What did your master leave for you to do for the day?" I asked. Ryan looked back over his shoulder as if searching for Tavi's touch, or possibly food. I held the plastic box with the sandwich and vegetables though and I intended to make him earn them.

"I told him to be good and help Brandon around the house," Tavi said as if this was good enough.

"And did you help Brandon?" I asked. Ryan looked back at me with a flash of annoyance. He thought he had been punished already and was eager for food and comfort from his alpha.

"I tried, but Brandon's so specific with how he wants things done and he kept putting me off. Really, I tried, sir," Ryan said through gritted teeth.

"Let me see his bottom," I told Tavi. Tavi untied the ropes from the bedpost and pulled Ryan up to stand. He turned the boy so his ass was towards me and then bent him over his lap. His skin was pale like my Lukas, but his ass was a nice cherry red. He had been given a proper paddling, but his attitude had not changed much.

"He will need more than a paddle if you are to break him in. He sees this as light play. The boy cries for discipline. He makes excuses for his bad behavior and fully expects you to buy them," I told Tavi in Arabic.

"Father has already demanded a schedule for him for tomorrow. Unless he wants a trip back to his parents' home, he will comply," Tavi answered in English.

"No! Please don't let your dad send me home! Let's just go back to your apartment." Ryan begged. For the first time, his tone sounded repentant.

"It's not up to me, dude. You know who pays the bills. Dad won't have you around anymore with all the fuck-ups. You really gotta try this time. You're adorable and all, but this shit gotta change, yo." Tavi told him. He spoke to him like an equal.

"I know. I know! I will. I love you bubby. Don't let him send me away," Ryan begged. He looked up at his boyfriend from his lap and I watched as the start of a smile spread on Tavi's lips, but then he quickly stifled it.

"Then prove it," Tavi said as he leaned down to kiss Ryan's forehead. He took the rope that led to where Ryan's hands were tied behind his back and handed it to me. "Prove it."

I took the rope and pulled Ryan from Tavi's lap. He stumbled backwards then turned on me with an angry look.

"Kneel, boy," I said. Ryan started to resist, but I pulled the rope and wound it around my arm. I pulled it down harshly and it brought his wrists down so his back arched. He fumbled forward and hit the carpet on his knees. His legs spread and his soft cock dangled between his thighs. He looked up at me as I squatted down beside him, holding the rope down so he couldn't get back up.

We glared at each other as his chest pounded with an angry heartbeat. He knew he couldn't sulk or charm his way out of this. That cute shit didn't work on me. I had already disciplined my boy who was more innocent and sweet than Ryan had ever been. Whatever boy charms he thought he had, they were wasted on me. I was ready to freshly pound his ass until he broke.

"Please, sir," Ryan gritted his teeth and looked directly into my eyes like a rogue boy.

"Please what? You try to undermine my boy to make him choose the path of wrong! What is this please you beg for?" I growled against his ear.

"I..." he sighed and realized he was beaten. "I am sorry, Master Ari. I was bored and he was being such a little puppy with your dad. I wanted to see how easily I could fuck it up for him."

"You did that very well. He is not innocent in this either, but you make it easy for him to make the choice for wrong," I said. Ryan nodded.

"I'm sorry, sir. I was jealous," he admitted.

"Your master does not treat you like a boy. He does not help you to grow as he should. He should be the leader you need. A boy will reflect the man who owns him. You are being raised by a child," I said. Tavi looked at me with a hint of sadness. He knew what he needed to become to make his father proud. Ryan hung his head, but then nodded. I realized I'd been harsh. They were both quiet.

"You must be hungry," I said. Ryan looked up and I sat next to Tavi on the bed. I lifted the plastic food box as Ryan knelt before us humbly. He reached for it, but I pulled it back.

"When I was younger, my father take me to the park sometimes," I started. I took the sandwich from the box and started to tear off a piece of it. "I like to feed the ducks and squirrel." I tossed the piece of turkey sandwich onto the floor and Ryan bent over and grabbed it with his mouth since his hands were tied up.

"If you toss the food to the ground, they scurry around and eat. They fight like dogs and behave wild." I tossed another piece and Ryan went for it. I watched his ass as his cheeks spread and his pink little hole showed. He had a pretty pussy, not like my Lukas', but good enough.

"But if you hold it in your hand and reach out to them. One or two are brave enough to come and eat. Soon they come expecting to be fed. They learn to be patient and obedient. They do tricks for your attention. They wait for you and position themself ready to feed," I noted. I tore off another piece and put my hand out. Ryan leaned forward and lapped at it. He kissed my hand as he chewed. I put it to his head and pet him.

"He is not a bad boy. He just need the right direction and motivations. He needs a daddy." I handed the box to Tavi so he could finish feeding his boy.

"I do, sir," Ryan said and looked at Tavi.

"Give him what he need and he will only eat out of YOUR hand," I said. I had my own boy to feed. I left them to finish the meal without me.

I found Lukas sitting in the armchair in the corner of the room with one of his textbooks he had with him when we evacuated from the fire zone. He looked up at me but then quickly looked back down at his book to show me he was working.

"I finished the packet. I'm reading ahead. It's a chapter about the Civil War. Did you know California has a battlefield? We should go see it! They have a museum and everything!" Lukas was trying extra hard to show his interest in his schoolwork.

"We can do that someday. Do I need to check over your work?" I asked. His math was pretty shaky. Sometimes I helped him with it if Father was busy.

"No, sir. Mr. Hadid has one of those fancy copiers here so tomorrow I can email it in pdf to the teachers! How cool is that?" Lukas beamed proudly.

"Good. Come and let me check on your bottom," I told him. I went to sit on the bed while he put his work away in his backpack. He came over to the bed and I pulled on the collar of his t-shirt to get him on all fours beside me. I pulled at the back of his sweatpants and peeled them down along with his thong.

"Is it bruised? It hurts," Lukas whined, hoping for sympathy.

"Is barely red. I will not bruise my princess. I own this pussy and I keep it safe," I told him. I rubbed my hands over his cheeks and his body shivered with a chill of anticipation, but he would not receive my seed in his hole until he was off punishment.

"Are you sure?" Lukas wiggled his ass and spread his cheeks, hoping to hypnotize me with that pretty pink hole. "Maybe check inside, daddy?" he begged.

"Do not try to tempt, boy! I have told you your punishment. Do you want to make worse for yourself?" I asked. I rubbed his ass and leaned forward to give it a quick kiss.

"No, sir. Please. I'll be good... You said... you said I could um... you know... can we still do that?" Lukas asked nervously. He looked at me as his head dropped forward between his shoulders. He eyed me with hunger. I smiled and nodded.

"Princess needs her pacifier? I asked. Lukas nodded. He turned and crawled towards me with his pants down around his knees.

"Please, daddy. I need it," he begged. His blue eyes twinkled as he tried to look at me with pitiful, pouty lips. It did the charm. He had finished his work and learned his lesson, the least I could do was give him his bottle before bedtime.

"Pull your little thong and sweatpants up. You did not earn that today, did you, little one?" I asked. I reached for his head and pushed my fingers into his soft blonde hair. I gripped it and brought his face towards me as I laid back against the pillows.

"No, sir. I will do better." Lukas looked up at me humbly from my lap. He showed sad little eyes desperate to please me. I let go of his hair and put my hand on his cheek.

"I know you will, little princess. My flower blooms." I pet his cheek and fed him my thumb to suck on. He took it and closed his eyes, savoring the feeling of pleasing the man he desired. Lukas is the face of innocence, sweet surrender. He knows his daddy won't let him down, won't let him fall. I never will. He is the one for me.

I hooked my thumb to his lower teeth and brought his head down to my lap. He lipped at the waistband of the shorts I'd put on after my shower. I was hard as a rock and ready to burst for him. It had been churning inside me all day and now it was close to the one I loved, a safe spot to give my seed. I'd never waste it on one who was undeserving. As much as Lukas was mine, my seed belonged to him. I'd made that vow and I'd die before I broke it.

"You want daddy's cock?" I asked. Lukas nodded and rubbed his cheek against my throbbing bulge. He let out a little whimper and looked up at me with needy eyes.

"Take it, baby. Let daddy in that throat," I said as Lukas fished my cock out. It flopped angrily against his chin. He dove on it and I felt the release of pleasure as it glided over his tongue and rubbed back against his throat. He gagged a little, never quite used to me. I laughed.

Lukas always gets this look on his face when I'm in his mouth. It's different from the ecstasy that washes over him when I seed that pussy. His little eyes search my face as if he is desperate to see my pleasure, to know he can bring that out of me. He worries about his inexperience, but his natural instinct of suction, the way his tongue flattens around the underside of my shaft, the boy has a natural gift and the right instinct to overexert himself for his alpha.

"That's my baby, so good," I praised. I put my hand on his throat and felt it bulge as he dove on me. I fought to keep my eyes open as my cock forced into him. His eyes teared up but he kept going for it, anything to get the seed his body craved. I rubbed his throat with my thumb and put my other hand on his head.

"Fuck, baby girl. You make daddy to feel so good." I pushed my fingers through his hair. My pubes tickled his nose. He put a hand on my balls and gave them a squeeze. He loved my heavy, bull nuts. I would get him to suck them, but right now I needed to unload in my boy.

"Take it baby. Fuck, so good." I pulled his hair back as he bounced on my cock. It kept sliding in and out of his throat making him gag and whimper like the needy little boy he was. He kept his eyes on me, those baby blues watered as I piston-fucked his throat. I never had to hold him or push him further, he went for it all on his own. He knew what his daddy needed.

"So close, baby," I hissed as I leaned back against the pillows. My perfect boy between my thighs was the best view of my day. I wanted so badly to push him off, flip him over, and ride that pussy till he cried... but I had to be strong. I had to be the man he needed.

"I cum, Lukas!" I growled as I felt the cum shoot up my shaft. I started to fire off down his throat. He pulled back a little, wanting to taste the salty treasure before he slurped it down.

"Mmm-hmmm," he moaned as I stuffed his mouth. I thrust my hips up and pushed the tip to stretch his throat open and I shot a superload down him. He gagged on it and it leaked out around his lips, but he kept pushing on me for more. I wrapped my palm around his throat and felt him swallowing desperately. He wasn't about to waste what his daddy gave him. I filled his belly with my cream as my body jerked in an intense orgasm that had been building all day.

"Fuck!" I hissed again and gritted my teeth as I shot deep inside him. I gave one last jerk then collapsed back against the bed. I came so hard it sent a sharp pain through the back of my head. I gasped for breath to calm it. My jaw gaped open and I looked up at the ceiling as the stars danced in my eyes.

"Oh fuck," I gasped. "That... fucking intense!" I laid back against the pillows, catching my breath as Lukas nursed at my cock. He let it slide from his lips and pumped my shaft only to find a last batch of cream drizzle out. He lapped at it, sucked me in again, and then swallowed. He laid his head on my stomach and wiped my cock across his lips to collect what he could. I pet his hair while I fought through ragged breath.

"Was ok, daddy?" his sweet little voice called up to me.

"Yeah... yup... fuck... good," I said weekly. He cleaned my dick with his tongue then tucked it away in my shorts. He crawled up to put his head on my chest and I wrapped my arms around him. I kissed his hair and told him what a good boy he was. He thanked me for my seed then yawned. It was bedtime for both of us.


The next morning found us packing up. I was taking Lukas home and not letting anyone tell me otherwise. The smoke was mostly cleared by now and the fires were almost completely contained. The winds had shifted and were blowing cleaning Glendale from the tragedy that had scorched a large patch of it.

My father's old house would be redeveloped for other families and our family would come out ahead on the sale. We would find a new, larger home where we could live together. Lukas would be with me in my condo, and my father could stay there as well until things were settled.

I made my announcement at breakfast that it was time to take my boy home. My father nodded. He was ready to go too. He didn't want us wearing out our welcome with the Hadids and he was anxious to get back to the office. Brandon brought us plates of pancakes and eggs then brought out a small book that looked as if he had bound it himself.

"This is for Lukas. He's been helping me cook and these are some simple recipes he can do at home for you," Brandon said. He handed me the book. He had printed out a few pages of things and covered them in clear plastic. It was very thoughtful.

"That's so awesome!" Lukas took it and gave Brandon a hug. The two had bonded well through this and Brandon had proved to be an admirable boy. He had done his best to make us comfortable and look after my boy as one of their own. Mr. Hadid beamed proudly and got an approving nod from my father.

"Thank you! Is so kind. He will learn to take care of the home as good as you do someday. Maybe he can call you if he has questions," I said. Mr. Hadid liked that idea. He told us Brandon would do whatever he could to help. Brandon nodded.

We hugged everyone goodbye and thanked them for their hospitality. I loaded up our things in my car and helped father load his. We had a meeting with a realtor to show us some of the compound properties today. I couldn't wait to see them and choose a home for my princess where he could settle in without worrying about changes when his birthday came in a few weeks.

I wanted to leave Lukas at my condo for the day to work on his schooling, but my father persuaded me to bring him with the realtor. He said it would be good for the boy to not be alone all day. He promised to help him with his studies during the weekend.


Our realtor, an older Persian man, met up with us at his office. He had prepared a leather portfolio with pictures and specifications. He pointed out a few he thought would be perfect for us. They had the opulence and space, but we would have to go further in than we wanted. My father wanted a lot out of the house and that kind of space was usually only found in the hills. But the hills brought brush and brush was what quickly spread fire.

The large homes that weren't in the hills were often wide open to streets which meant an increased likelihood of break-ins and crime. Or they were farther from areas that had a nearby muslim community. My mother would not want to go far from markets and stores that had the things she needed or a mosque or community where she could have her friends.

"I do have something that isn't quite on the market yet, but it is very unique," the realtor told us with a smile. "I think it might be what you're looking for! It's a little strange up front, but it offers the privacy you will want and it is close to Persian land."

We piled into his SUV with blacked out windows. I sat with Lukas in the backseat and held him under one arm while I looked at the spec sheet for the home. It had no pictures, but it was on nearly two acres of land in a neighborhood I wasn't familiar with.

"It's right up the street here," he said as we drove through South Pasadena. The houses were nice enough and the neighborhood looked like my father's, but the houses certainly weren't on two acres of land or even one acre for that matter. He pulled up in front of a small, unassuming one-story house at the end of a winding cul-de-sac. It was an older, dark green home with large oak trees covering the side and a wall of italian cypress growing behind it.

"This is small and not for us," father said and sighed to let the realtor know he had wasted our time.

"Patience, patience! You must see it. It is exactly what you are looking for," he laughed. He pulled right up the short driveway and hit a garage opener. The garage door opened to an empty two-car garage.

"We have three cars between us and more if my other children visit," father protested.

"The sheet says a six car garage! Where do the other four go?" I asked as I looked over the spec sheet. This had to be a joke.

A man came out from the house. He was a security guard. He came over to the SUV and spoke with the realtor who showed him some paperwork. He nodded and stood in the driveway behind us as he spoke on the phone with someone.

"Just you wait. There is a full, beautiful garage. First we most close the door," he told us. He left the car running inside the small garage and the door closed behind us. When it hit with a thud, he hit another button on the opener and the wall in front of us started to slide upwards.

"Holy Shit!" I yelled. The wall was the backside of a garage door made to look like a dirty garage wall. It slid up and we saw that the driveway continued. Not only that, behind this door was a full open garden with a huge, two-story mediterranean mansion that spread out across the backyard.

"The front house is merely the gate. It does have a nice home office inside if you want to use it for that. There is also a small apartment if you wish to rent it out. The owner used it to house his security men." the realtor laughed at our shocked expressions. Lukas crawled up between him and father to get a look at the place.

"It's beautiful," Lukas said. He turned back to look at me with surprise.

The realtor drove the car around to the side of the huge house and there were six wooden garage doors side by side. He parked in front of the first one and we got out.

He led us through the house which had four bedrooms and five bathrooms, a huge kitchen, a living room, entertainment room, home gym, dining hall, etc... It was newer construction and everything was beautifully done. My mother would love the kitchen with it's view of a garden she could use to grow vegetables.

Out back, there was a pool that curved around an outdoor covered patio with a huge stone table and built in grill. Behind that was a little path that led to a small apartment with a bedroom, kitchen, living room, and bathroom. It would be a perfect nest for my Lukas. It even had a large kitchen bar where he could sit and do his homework.

"There are twenty-two cameras throughout the property and you already saw the guard. You can keep him on or contract with his company for round the clock monitoring. There is a special app you can download to monitor the cameras when you're away, or when home!" The realtor glowed. He could tell how much we loved it.

"I only show this to serious buyers. It's not even put on satellite images. It's blurred out with greenery. The two homes on either side of it are similarly designed so this is a very security minded neighborhood and everyone looks out for one another. On this side is a nice Saudi family, the other side is shared as a vacation property for several families from the Emirates. The rest of the cul-de-sac is Persians and one Chinese family. It's a covenant street and buyers must be approved, but with your family's background that won't be a problem," he assured us.

He toured us around the rest of the property. Every detail was perfection. I wanted it.

"What do you think?" Father asked me as the realtor left us to take a phone call.

"The price... We could sell some properties. I would certainly rent out my condo. We could make it work. Lukas would be so happy here," I said. We sat at the counter in the kitchen and watched Lukas walking around excitedly in the backyard. He stopped and bent down to put his hand in the pool.

"Your mother would love it as well. Is the back apartment big enough for you two?" he asked.

"It's larger than my condo. And there are two master bedrooms in the main house as well," I noted. "Once we start having children and they grow past babies, we can move in here."

"That would be wonderful. I am so proud of the man you're becoming. I can't wait to see the father you will be. You know your mother will help care for them." Father smiled.

"Help care for them? Are you kidding me? Lukas will barely get to hold them!" I laughed.

"True, true. She can be a bit overbearing, but Lukas doesn't seem to mind. He will quickly become her favorite daughter-in-law, especially with babies." Father joked.

"The pool, Ari! It's salty!" Lukas yelled as he came in from the backyard.

"You tasted it?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well... no... I mean... yeah. I just... I put my hand in it and then it felt weird and I kind of tasted it..." Lukas fumbled for an explanation.

"Please do not taste things, little one," Father reminded him with a smirk. Lukas nodded.

"It's a saltwater pool, much cleaner and better or you than harsh chemicals," the realtor explained as he came back in from his phone call.

"It's pretty salty," Lukas agreed.

"So what do you think? It's perfect, isn't it? A hidden gem. This block used to be a private club! There was a small golf course and country club. It was quite exclusive for old Hollywood elite, but fell on hard times in the 80's. A developer held onto it and then broke it up into these hideaway lots. Each looks like an unassuming small home from the street. Pretty clever, no? And behind you is a protected habitat for the speckled western yellow frog. The state won't let any developer near it!" The realtor explained proudly.

"We'd like to make an offer. The price is..." Father started.

"Very negotiable!" The realtor cut him off. "That was the seller. He is in a bit of financial trouble in Hong Kong. He built it as an investment and home for his son who was supposed to be going to UCLA, but apparently his grades didn't make it. He was caught in a cheating scandal and now his GPA is tanked. If he can't sell it within the month then he will have to rent it out. His son is now going to try for a college in London. So make us an offer."

Father smiled. If there's one thing Persians love, it's making a deal. Better than having the house of his dreams will be the endless amount of times he gets to tell his friends about the amazing deal he scored. Father cracked his knuckles and nodded.

"Let's see what we can do," he said.

Lukas came to stand beside me. I pulled him in for a hug.

"You want live here, baby?" I asked him.

"Yes! This place is awesome!" Lukas said excitedly.

"Ok. We buy castle for my princess. Is nicer than Hadid home, no?" I tickled him. He had been so impressed with Mr. Hadid's home in Orange County.


We wrapped things up in only three hours. There was a lot of shouting and we learned some new curse words in Chinese (which we did NOT explain to Lukas) and then we headed for father's office. He got to work on the paperwork and called my mother. I sent her some pictures I had taken with my phone and she was overjoyed. It would take awhile to get things together, but she was already planning for new furniture and decorations.

I left father to catch up on things at his office and I took Lukas home to my condo. He had looked through the recipes Brandon had sent and picked out one to try for us that evening. The grocery store down the street delivers things so we ordered the ingredients from their app and then I got to work on my laptop while Lukas waited.

My father came home and we shared the meal that Lukas had made of chicken baked with oranges and the rice he had learned to make from my mother. It wasn't the best, but having us together in my condo was the best I'd felt in days. My father insisted on cleaning his plate to show his approval for the boy's efforts.

Uncle Mirteza brought Lukas' father over after dinner. Steven was covered up appropriately in a long-sleeved t-shirt and jeans. It was a different look from the tiny white bikini briefs I'd seen him in at Mr. Shahid's house. He put his fatherly affect on and comforted his boy from the loss of our home. It was good seeing the two of them together.

They looked over the pictures of the new house and heard my father's increasingly courageous tale of the deal he worked on it.

We had made it through the difficulty of loss and were together. Soon enough, we'd be moving into the new house and Lukas would be picking out new furniture with my mother. I'd have my boy to myself in our cozy apartment in the family compound. All would be right again.

-- Thanks for reading. Let me know what you'd like to see next: My Stories: My blog:

Next: Chapter 20

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