Lukas and the Shah

By Emri S.

Published on Dec 18, 2022


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Thanks for reading. Feedback appreciated. I should be finishing this series soon:


Story Recap: Lukas, an athletic, California 17 yr-old with blonde hair, blue eyes, and tight body, loves Ari, a wealthy, muscled, 25 yr-old Persian who dominates his boy. After a fire destroys the Khorasani home, they work to rebuild and get their lives back together.

Lukas & The Shah

Ch.18- The Young Shah Becomes a Man

By Emri

[Ari's Day]

There is nothing better than waking up to a perfect boy nestled against my chest and resting peacefully in his daddy's warmth. He sleeps so soundly in my arms. He is pure innocence and everything good about my life.

I gave his little bottom a squeeze and he squirmed against me, made one of those little happy moans he does whenever I get close to that pink hole. I slipped my hand into the back of his pajama pants and pulled at the silky thong to make it ride up against his pussy. My boy arched his back and blinked up at me with those baby blue eyes that tell me he knows his lion has him safe.

"Morning, daddy," he cooed with a little yawn. I winked and put a finger under that chin, lifting his head up for a kiss. I wanted to shove inside him, wake him up properly and bury my seed deep, but I could see the sun was up and today was going to be busy. I had meetings through lunch and then I planned to take Lukas to my condo and hope my father would allow us to stay the night there.

When you're a daddy, you have to make the responsible choices. A boy can say fuck-it-all and waste a morning fooling around in bed, but a daddy is the one who bears the consequences of keeping his world spinning and I knew I needed to get going soon.

After a few minutes of cuddling my boy, my father, like clockwork, knocked on the door and yelled my name to make sure we were getting up.

For some dumb reason Lukas yelled "come in!" He wasn't much for thinking of the appropriateness of things. He was used to being in my father's house where anyone who came into his room would bring him happiness. In this house there were many wolves I needed to keep from my boy.

"You slept well, little one?" my father asked tenderly as he came in and saw Lukas wriggling out of my arms. Father smiled when he saw Lukas' face. He loved my boy as his own.

"Yes, sir! I'm feeling better." Lukas offered him a big smile as he sat up in my arms. The comforter covered where I had my hand down the back of his pajamas. Father always lit up around my boy. To him, Lukas was the delicate daughter he'd always wanted. My brothers' wives treated father with respect and reverence, but they rarely sought him out. Lukas was his the little puppy who trailed him when I wasn't home.

"Good, good. Come and get food," he said then turned to me and changed from English to Farsi, from gentle father to drill instructor.

"You have important meetings today and you're behind on the paperwork. If I have to clean up your shoddy bookkeeping again I'm taking it out of your paycheck. Soon you'll be turning to your boy for money!" Dad barked at me, using our language so the boy wouldn't understand.

Dad wasn't nearly as kind to me, but that's how Persian fathers are with their sons. It matters little if the delicate children are successful or driven. To him, Lukas' main purpose was to learn to take care of the home and look pretty. For me, his closest son, he wanted a man who could take over his company someday; though his expectations for me were much higher than for himself.

"I will do it, father. I will get it all settled today after my meetings. But... I want to talk to you, please." I answered in our language. I took my hand from Lukas' ass and patted his bottom. He crawled out from the comforter. He padded off to the bathroom to get ready.

"What is it? They're waiting for us for breakfast and you should get going before the traffic. Tavi is going with you. His father wants him to learn from you," he said. I felt my stomach twist. Tavi would ruin my plan.

"Tavi? No! He never takes anything seriously and I was going to take Lukas. I was going to take him to see his father in LA!" I protested.

"I don't want Lukas near the smoke. I downloaded a work packet his school put up since they are closed. I'll work with him today on it... But you should stop by and see his father. I have some papers I need Mirteza to sign and it will be good to make sure Steven is ok as well. He may be just as anxious about all this as Lukas is. It will be good to let him know his son is doing well," dad said. And with that, he completely derailed my plan.

"He was excited to go with me though! Please, father!" I argued.

"You should not have promised him before checking with me. The boy is 17 and under my control until his birthday. You do not make decisions for him without checking with me! That was your mistake.... Oh, you're ready, little one!" He suddenly changed back to English and changed his tone as my boy came out of the bathroom combing his blonde hair. Father went back to being the kind and gentle patriarch Lukas thought he was. I huffed and laid back down.

"Don't waste time, lazy boy. You need to get on the road soon," dad told me as he took Lukas out for breakfast with the others. I sighed. I got up and put on a shirt then went out to get some food. The table in the kitchen was full so I scooped up my boy and took his seat. He was used to eating in my lap anyways.

Ryan ate his breakfast quietly with his head down. After Lukas fell asleep last night I'd gone to speak with Tavi who assured me Ryan was being punished for his outburst. I hope Tavi could learn to keep a tighter leash on his boy. This wasn't the right type of environment for a boy like Lukas. My father would make sure he was kept away from Ryan for the day.

Tavi came to breakfast in a blue dress shirt and pants with a black tie and new leather shoes. He looked uncomfortable. I guess his father's company in Orange County required less professional dress. Clients in Los Angeles expected us to look successful. They would never invest with a man who showed up in a tracksuit and sports car. Mr. Hadid nodded at his son with approval. Tavi rolled his eyes. His father wasn't as strict as mine. It's why they never did as well.

I finished my toast and coffee then kissed Lukas and took him off with me to get changed. He liked sitting on the counter in the morning while I put on a suit and brushed my teeth. I knew to keep messing with my hair until he told me how hot I looked. I'd leave him with a kiss and a spritz of my cologne on his arm so he could smell me when he needed. I read online that puppies like that when their master leaves. That and the other tips I found seemed to apply to my Lukas.


Tavi spent most of the morning goofing around on his phone or asking for intimate details about Lukas anytime we got in the car. I knew what he was after. He'd been drooling over him and it was getting on my nerves. Any man would want a boy like Lukas, but most wouldn't want the hard work of raising a boy with proper values and working hard to provide a safe and comfortable life for him.

"You know Ryan is a very pretty boy. I'd never have let him get that bulky, but if it works for you that is good. If you disciplined him properly and set boundaries he could be a very fine boy," I pointed out.

"It's not that easy. He pouts and whines and sometimes it's just easier to give into him!" Tavi sighed. He set down his phone and looked over at me. It was the first thing he'd taken seriously all day.

"Lukas would do the same if I left him untrained. Part of keeping his innocence is keeping his choices very small. A boy needs a short leash, then you let it out a little as he earns it. Look how your father turned Brandon into a fine boy he can be proud of. Brandon had a past wilder than Ryan, but your father made his world very small and his choices very few. Now he is flourishing and so happy," I said.

"I guess so. I just don't know if I'm ready to settle down like that. For dad it was easy. Brandon filled the void when mom died. He stuck around through dad's grief and proved his loyalty. He was finished with his wild past and ready for something stable. Ryan says we should be out having fun... and I like doing it too." Tavi sounded so conflicted.

"Maybe you aren't ready to be a daddy. The day I met Lukas I knew it was time. That little face flipped the switch. That little bottom lit the fire. I knew I was done wasting time. Now when I hold him all I can picture is a life with him. I work hard all day and get excited every night to head home to him. My dream for the future is my boy in my lap with my babies in his arms. That takes much work to build, but it will be worth it." I sighed dreamily.

"I do want that too... someday. Fuck! And my dad is pressuring me to get it going soon. All he talks about is how proud your father must be to have his sons all partnered off with respectable mates. He likes Ryan but he's always on me to break him in or cut him out! I don't know that I'm ready to do either! Now he has me trailing you all day hoping I'll live up to Ari!" Tavi groaned.

"You will find your own path. I didn't think I wanted the path my father pushed on me until I met Lukas. Now I can't imagine any other life. I think our next stop might enlighten you though," I grinned. I couldn't wait to see Tavi's face when we stopped by to see uncle Mirteza. I was sure it would be a circus. He was staying with a friend of his, a friend I would never let Lukas be around.

We drove down the 405 and up into the Palos Verdes peninsula, a giant rock that juts 10 miles out into the Pacific Ocean. At the top of a crest we turned into a gated neighborhood and rove all the way to the back. I'd been to this house before. Amari Shahid was an old, Arabian pervert with millions of dollars amassed through severely questionable investments. Uncle Mir had taken me here for my 21st birthday. I was new to America and just discovering the mass of boys eager to please muslim alphas. Amari specialized in them.

"Wow, this house! Holy fuck!" Tavi said as we drove through gates and up a circular driveway. Mirteza was staying here until the smoke cleared from our neighborhood. As much as he enjoyed turning Lukas' father into his boy slave, he really did care about the guy and he knew the smoke would bother his allergies. Just like my boy, his father had a more delicate system.

I parked off to the side and backed into a spot so we could easily exit. There were several cars parked near the garage and I recognized Mirteza's big Lexus SUV he used for trips. I prodded Tavi out of his dumbstruck state. I grabbed the papers my father had sent me with and we made our way up to the front door.

I could hear the music thumping inside. For a Thursday afternoon, the place sounded like a Saturday night club in Hollywood. I rang the doorbell and a short twink with budding muscles and big brown eyes answered wearing a tiny grey Speedo.

"Mr. Khorasani? Master Shahid is expecting you!" The boy smiled and bowed for us. He couldn't have been much older than my Lukas. I shuddered thinking of what Mr. Shahid would do with a boy of Lukas' beauty.

"Take me to him, boy," I said firmly. You can't be too gentle with a trained boy like him. They wouldn't respect it.

The boy held the door for us. Tavi came in behind me. I noticed he'd straightened up and put on that intimidating stare Egyptian men are known for. It made the boy lower his eyes and a deep blush settled in on his pink cheeks.

"Please, sirs," the boy choked. "Right this way."

He led us down a series of corridors through ornate rooms until we reached the back office with huge sweeping windows that looked over the cliff to the endless blue of the Pacific.

"Little Ari all grown up! I haven't seen you in years!" Mr. Shahid stood from behind his desk and greeted me with a hug and kisses to my cheeks. I introduced Tavi and then hugged My uncle who had set up a makeshift office at a large table.

"Where is Lukas' father? I should check in with him so he knows his son is ok," I told my uncle.

"He knows. I keep him updated of course. I speak with your father twice a day at least! You shouldn't have taught him how to text. He can't stop! I'll call Steven in," Uncle Mir told me. I should have known my father would keep on top of this. Lukas was dad's baby. Of course he would look after his father.

"What brings you to us?" Mr. Shahid asked. He knew my father wouldn't approve of me being here if there wasn't a reason. The two of them were vastly different men.

"I need some signatures and papers from Uncle. I wanted to check in on my boy's father. He is with Uncle Mir," I told him.

"Oh! Yes. He has been enjoying his time here with my other pups. He's been behaving himself very well! Funny that his son is just like him. It makes things easier when you don't have to deal with an unwelcoming family like little Braiden here. His family does not support him," Mr. Shahid said. He put his hands on Braiden, the boy in the speedo. Braiden looked very confused because he knew he was being talked about but he didn't understand the Arabic we were using.

"He is a fine boy. His family turned him out to the streets and now he is finishing a college degree in only three years! With my discipline he will be ready for law school next Fall," Mr. Shahid praised the boy and kissed the top of his hair.

As much of an old perv as Mr. Shahid was, he always thought about the well being of his boys after he was finished with them. He made sure they had careers and education to start their lives after being in service to him. His boys always left him better than he found them.

"That is admirable. He is lucky to have found you sir," I said and began pulling out the file of papers for my uncle.

"Would you like to use his services while you wait for your uncle's review? Braiden is most skilled in relaxing a man," Mr. Shahid said. "Show him, boy." he added in English.

Braiden came towards me with a happy smirk and eyes that focused on my jaw. He knew better than to look a real man in the eyes. Mr. Shahid knew how to train them. He dropped to his knees in front of me and reached for my zipper.

"No! I do not." I said in English and pushed Braiden back gently.

"I will!" Tavi jumped in excitedly. As I was backing away, Tavi was moving closer and rubbing his package. Braiden crawled over to him but then stopped and looked back at his master.

"Sure, he deserves a treat," Mr. Shahid said. I turned my head and went to my uncle. I had enough at home to handle with Lukas' sexual needs. He always kept me satisfied, and as cute as Braiden was, he was second-rate to my Lukas.

"I'll get to work on these shortly," Uncle Mirteza said with a gentle laugh. He knew my loyalty to my boy. He knew this type of place was not for my family and my father would not approve.

Tavi put his hand on Braiden's head and guided him over to a comfortable chair. Tavi sat and the boy crawled between his knees. Tavi looked at me with a happy nod. This was exactly his kind of place. I hoped he hurried so we could beat the traffic back to Orange County. I needed an afternoon with Lukas bouncing in my lap.

Lukas' father came in just as Braiden was using his teeth on Tavi's zipper. Steven Smith, the father of my boy, had made quite the transformation in his time under Uncle Mirteza's control.

He'd always been slim with a little muscle from carrying around machine parts and working in the shop all day, but Mirteza had disciplined his eating and workouts to produce a man that was pure, lean muscle with a narrow waist and defined pecs and arms.

Steven wasn't bulked, Mirteza wouldn't want a man larger than him. He was cut, shredded, and at the peak of his fitness. His skin was lighter from staying out of the sun and glowed from pampering at the expensive salons Mirteza liked to frequent.

He came in wearing a small white bikini bottom matching Braiden's. He stopped at the doorway when he saw me. He looked around nervously to check for his son. Of course Lukas wouldn't see him like this. All Lukas needed to know was that his father was loved and happy with my uncle. Aside from the leaked video a classmate had sent him, Lukas would be kept from the seedier details of his father's new life.

"Come, boy. Your little one is safe at home with my brother. He would never bring him this close to the fires," Mirteza growled in a gentle yet threatening tone.

Steven started over and I noticed a little awkwardness in his step. As he closed in on Mirteza I could see a circle pressing out the back of his small, white briefs. Mirteza must have put a plug in him. Thankfully Lukas was not here to see this. He'd been exposed to enough of their sordid fantasies. I couldn't help but chuckle when he got near my uncle who reached behind the man and gave his plug a flick. He yelped and blushed a little.

"Hello, Steven. It is good to see you well," I told him. He came towards us and offered a smile.

"Thank you, sir. I can breathe better here away from the smoke. Where is...," he started to say as he went to Mirteza's side. He lowered his head and snuggled in under uncle's protective arm.

"Lukas is fine. He is anxious to go home, but he is safe and well at a large estate in Laguna." I told him. He snapped his head up at that.

"Your home is gone! I heard! Oh my god! I am so sorry! Lukas must be crushed." Steven looked at me with worry. He dropped his subservient affect. His fatherly instincts kicked in. Mirteza pulled him in, reminding him who daddy was.

"My home is always open to you and Lukas. He has a room there and we should be going back tomorrow evening," Mirteza said. I sighed and turned back to see Braiden's head bobbing in Tavi's lap. The boy was enjoying his snack and Tavi kept a guiding hand on his head. He pushed back his hair and whispered encouragement to him.

"My condo was untouched. I am hoping to bring Lukas there. He has moved around so much this year. It is time he settles somewhere permanent," I said.

"Your father may not approve of that. He says Sajad is preparing to move his children into one room so your parents will have a bedroom there while they look for a new home. He will want Lukas there or with us," Mirteza said. Steven looked at us with confusion.

"Sajad is oldest son of my parents, my brother. He has wife and children in Pasadena," I said.

"I think I met him," Lukas' father said. "He was very nice to my son!"

I smiled, but I felt uneasy. If Lukas went with my oldest brother, he would be watched like a hawk's baby in the nest. Sajad was the most religious of my brothers and very strict. He would have Lukas on a tight schedule even more so than my father. He already had developed eyes for my boy. He asked me every time we talked how I was raising him. He thought it absurd that we would send him to the big high school instead of choosing a smaller, religious one. He would make sure I had very little privacy with my boy. This would not be good.

"Whatever happens, it will be short. Your father already has an offer from a developer and the insurance check will sweeten the pot. He has found a few compound properties where you could have your own apartment with Lukas. Two of them even have apartments bigger than your condo with a kitchen and everything. He may be more agreeable to you setting up home there with your boy if it meant keeping you near him long-term," Mirteza said.

"Really? That is wonderful!" I was surprised. Father hadn't brought it up.

"One of the big properties is directly above my home! Can you imagine your mother making dinner and looking down to see this one naked in my backyard?" Mirteza said in Farsi. He laughed and patted Steven's bottom. The man blushed and put his cheek on his owner's shoulder. I scowled at that thought.

"Yes, she will be..." I started but then trailed off when I caught site of the doorway. I looked past Tavi who was enjoying stuffing the twink's face with his cock and saw a new figure in the doorway.

It was a man about my age. He wore the skimpy white underwear customary for the boys of this house, but he didn't look like a boy. He was close to my height and age and his face brought back a flood of memories.

It couldn't be him, but I suddenly was filled with a twist of bittersweet recollection. His delicate features around a proud Persian nose. His light skin and shining pale brown eyes with long lashes and an innocent look. His chest was thin but defined as if they had been sculpted by a master. It couldn't be him.

When I was 16, a new boy enrolled in our school. He was two grades below me and painfully shy. His family had moved to Tehran from a small town on the seaside in the north. Another boy in my class gave him trouble so I stepped in and saved him like I'd done in the gym for Lukas. I couldn't resist a pretty one in need, a delicate one who couldn't fend for himself.

"I see you eyeing Nima," Mr. Shahid said in Arabic. "He is one of your people, but his family comes from exile in Turkey. Come, see him." Mr. Shahid waved me over and the boy walked towards us with his arms clasped behind his back.

"Nima? Oh... I was hoping for another name," I said to the boy in Farsi.

"I am sorry, sir. I am Nima Esfahani. What name would you like?" The boy smiled, grateful to be using his native tongue.

"Nima is fine," I laughed. I am Arisht Khorasani," I said and started to offer him my hand.

"Go ahead. Explore him as you wish. He is new here and still a little jumpy," Mr. Shahid pushed us together. He'd mistaken my interest.

"No," I pulled my hand back. "How did he come here?"

Mr. Shahid prodded Nima to speak and then walked away with disinterest. He was hoping to watch me take him, make love to him in the office for all to see. He wasn't interested in conversation. Mr. Shahid went back to watching Tavi and Braiden.

"My family, sir. We immigrated to Ankara and worked where we could. I met Master at a hotel and he took pity on me. He brought me to his home in London for awhile and then to Canada where he sent me on a long bus ride to meet him in Los Angeles. He is working on getting my papers together so I can start school. He is teaching me English as well. He is very kind to me," Nima said. He kept his eyes below my chin in respect.

"You remind me of a boy I went to school with, Amiri," I noted.

"Was he your lover, sir? You are very handsome," Nima pushed.

I put my finger under his chin and lifted his eyes to meet mine. He trembled a little like Lukas always did when meeting my gaze. A pretty boy who knows his place. He was the spitting image of what I imagined Amiri would look like at this age. I'd spent so much time with him, letting him explore and worship my body. I felt such power when he knelt in front of me and kissed his way to my cock.

"I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean to..." Nima looked scared and lowered his eyes. My lips curled up into a smile. Like my boy, he was undeniably cute.

"What do you do here for Mr. Shahid?" I asked. The older man wasn't usually into Middle Eastern boys. He liked them light and tight.

"I keep the house, make food, chores. He gives me time every day to study." Nima skirted around the question he knew an alpha male would want.

"Has he opened you?" I asked more directly as I moved him away from the others. I cornered him near the window. He was tall and well built, more muscled than a boy should be, but he knew his place and was easily intimidated.

"No... no, sir. He lets me play with Braiden, but the boy's hole is only for master. I do not get to put my manhood in him. Master will put a toy in me or let me suck on Braiden or him... but he does not enjoy my hole. He says it is not for him. He prefers the fairer and younger ones," Nima confessed. He looked as if it was shameful that he didn't entice the old pervert.

"And you wish to be opened?" I asked.

"Well... Sometimes with Braiden I get to help open him and... It is enjoyable." He smiled. I could see his cock thickening in the thin, white pouch that offered little modesty. He was indeed a true Persian man, full and thick.

"Yes. I see. You do not seek a man." I nodded. He reminded me so much of young Amiri. Not quite a real man but not entirely boy. It stoked the protective fires inside me. How could he end up in a place like this? Father would be very interested in him.

"Well... for a real man... One like you... I would certainly enjoy it." Nima misread my line of questioning. He reached forward and put his hand on my stomach. "...I would give myself happily. My flower would bloom."

Nima slid his hand down slowly. The animal in me awakened. I sighed and felt again like I was back in my bedroom with Amiri with him between my legs nursing desperately on me.

"No!" I stopped him just as his hand cupped the growing bulge in my pants. "I am not the man for this." I took his hand off of me.

"Oh... sir... I am so..." Nima shook. I held his hand firmly. Seeing him scared like my Lukas melted my heart. I let go of his wrist and took his hands in mine, interlacing our fingers and squeezing him reassuringly.

"It is ok. You are not to blame. I would be honored, but I have a boy waiting at home who I love very much," I said.

"Of course you do. He is very lucky, sir. Can I get you anything?" Nima straightened up and remembered his place here. His cock went soft again though mine did not.

"Water would be nice," I said, licking my lips and feeling my parched throat.

"Right away, Master Arisht." He turned and left. I watched his full, bubble bottom - two golden orbs that strained the inadequate fabric - saunter out of the room.

"You like my boy Nima, no? I have seen pictures of the blonde boy you have at home. Why does a poor, Persian boy excite you? You wouldn't have noticed him at home," Mr. Shahid asked.

"I am interested in knowing my people are well. I am protective of my Persian brothers. I wanted to make sure you are treating him kindly," I told him.

"It is not your concern. He is fed and will be put through college. You know I never leave my boys as beggars." Mr. Shahid sounded a bit defensive.

"Of course not, sir. Your generosity is well-known. I'd never doubt that you care for him greatly. I can see he is quite healthy." I tried to smooth things over. I didn't want to make trouble for Nima.

"Indeed! He has more of a future than he could ever have dreamed of. He'd be sucking off strangers in a bathhouse for bread if it wasn't for me! He's a hard worker here and never causes problems. He keeps Braiden in line too. That little shit needed more discipline than my busy schedule could accommodate." Mr. Shahid waved a hand over towards Braiden who had finished pleasing Tavi.

Tavi was laid back in a blissful daze in a corner chair while Braiden knelt quietly by Mr. Shahid's desk. I had forgotten all about them. I laughed and shook my head.

"How long will you keep Nima on here?" I asked.

"Oh another year or two. Getting his paperwork in order is proving difficult. I may be sending him to college in Canada or South Africa if things don't work out. Pity, he's such a gentle boy I don't want him too far away in case he needs me," Mr. Shahid said as if this didn't interest him in the least.

"Perhaps he could work for my uncle and get a visa! Uncle Mir is a citizen and business owner. My father would want to help! I'll talk to him about it," I offered.

"Maybe down the road. He's fine here for now. He's a little older than the boys I typically employ, but he works hard," Mr. Shahid said. He patted my shoulder. He did care about the boy. "Now come. Let's get your papers signed and have a few drinks."

"I should get going and I don't want to drink before I get in the car," I said.

"Non-alcoholic then. Steven has been working on a health shake recipe. You'd hate to disappoint the father of your boy, right? Even if he is just a boy himself," Mr. Shahid said.

We went off to a downstairs lounge that hung off the cliff with windows on three sides of the Pacific scenery. Tavi was impressed at seeing real wealth, not the stucco warehouse his father had built down in Orange County. This was old money from a century of oil Sheiks.

"This place is amazing! Just having boys ready and waiting for you at any time!" Tavi glowed.

"There used to be more! When I first came here, you had five, Mr. Shahid." I noted as we settled in. Steven and Braiden appeared with tumblers full of a frothy green substance. Nima finally showed up with my water. He knelt at my side and handed it to me.

"There is a third boy, we call him Mowgli because he is a young and wild cub. He is in the training room right now," Mr. Shahid laughed.

"I'd love to see your training in action! Is he like Braiden?" Tavi asked a little too excitedly.

"He is younger. Just turned 18. He's a sweet boy from Nebraska. He thought I was joking about how seriously I train my boys. He assumed his sweet face would let him move to California and dictate his care. That was not the case." Mr. Shahid lazily pet Braiden as he spoke.

"Oh please let us see it!" Tavi drooled. I shot him a dirty look and he put his eyes back in their sockets.

"Another time. I don't want him being adored today. It's a time for quiet introspection. I'm hoping to turn him around so I don't have to put him on a bus home." Mr. Shahid yawned.

"I remember the harem of obedient and willing boys you kept before!" I smiled. He really was a master trainer. I'd learned much from my visits here.

"Well when you get to be my age, you need a little more rest. Meeting the needs of five boys is a bit tiring. I'm not a young buck like Ari here. I bet he keeps up well with his boy's needs." Mr. Shahid laughed. I looked over at Steven, but he seemed unphased by talk of his son in a sexual setting.

"The way that boy gets stars in his eyes anytime Ari enters the room. He is definitely more than satisfied." Uncle Mirteza said. He patted Steven's bottom, giving the plug a few taps that made the father of my boy squirm happily. He seemed totally at ease with his role and understood how his son must feel. I looked at him curiously. He accepted this fully.

"You like the uniforms on my boys? These are for work time. When they finish their chores for the day they clean themselves and change into jockstraps for night time." Mr. Shahid laughed.

"I'm sure your father keeps Lukas covered at all times," Uncle Mir chuckled. He always thought of my father as his prudish older brother.

"When he is in my home he wears a thong. He is building up quite the collection of them," I said in English. I wanted to see how far his father would go with this.

Steven looked up at me, but he didn't look surprised or scandalized, more interested.

"I thought you'd have him in a jock, easier access to what you need." Mr. Shahid raised an eyebrow. He spoke in English too, catching on to what I was going for.

"A boy should always be made aware of what he carries, where his pleasure comes from. A nice tight strap back there rubs against his pussy. Every time he walks, squats, bends over, changes position. He should feel a little reminder of where his pleasure comes from." I said in perfect English. I'd read about this in great detail. I studied what a boy needed.

I was looking right at Lukas' father as I said it. He met my eyes for just a second but then lowered them and knelt by the side of my uncle's chair. He knew what he was, what his boy was. Uncle reached a hand down to his shoulder and rubbed it down his back until he got to the back of his white bottoms. He gave the little plug a tug and then pushed it in again. Steven's mouth fell open in silent desperation. I saw the front of his bottoms tent out.

"He should always remember he has a pussy that needs its owner. I like that." Mr. Shahid nodded thoughtfully. He reached for Braiden and pulled him down into his lap. The spoiled boy looked up at him with a wide smile and begging eyes.

I looked over at Nima, knelt beside my chair. He clasped his hands behind his back and looked down at my shoes. I put my hand on the top of his head and pet him. Tavi was sitting next to me. He didn't have a boy to touch. He'd had his fun, but he looked over at Braiden intently.

"When my little one is anxious or worry or confused, I reach back and give a little tug to his strap. It push tight against his pussy and calm him. He can focus that daddy cares for him and will take control of his worry. He know I will never let him fall," I told them. The men nodded thoughtfully, but the boys, Braiden, Steven, and Nima, all looked at me. They knew their daddies would do the same.

"He is lucky to have you," my uncle said. Steven nodded in agreement.

"Perhaps Ari could demonstrate. He could use your Nima here," Tavi suddenly piped in. I shot him an angry look.

"Nima, go and fetch a thong from the boy closet," Mr. Shahid barked. Nima rose and darted out of the room. I had a moment of feeling like I shouldn't do this. This was old me and things had changed since Lukas. I was a daddy now. I was a respectable man. I was... Oh fuck Nima bounced back in with his finger hooked on a slinky, pink ribbon of a thong.

"That's the one. He used it for his Halloween costume... Well it WAS his costume," Mr. Shahid laughed. "I had a friend visiting that week and he took a special liking to Nima."

Nima turned and pushed down his white bottoms revealing those perfect, juicy orbs of his round, Persian Ass. He looked back over his shoulder at me. He bit his lip and batted those big brown eyes at me. Amiri used to look that innocent. Of course Amiri was younger and smaller then but I imagined he probably looked a lot like Nima now. My lap tented again.

"Put it on. The men are waiting," Mr. Shahid said impatiently.

Nima's attention snapped back to his master. He nodded and then bent forward, pushing out that beautiful ass until his perfect brown ring pointed at me. He stepped into the thong and slid it up his thick, muscled thighs. His ass shifted and gave me another nice look at his pretty pussy. It was perfectly smooth, an oddity for a Persian man. We are naturally hairy people. It wasn't the little pink treasure of my Lukas, but pretty in its own right.

"Seems like it's turning him on," Uncle Mir noted.

"No, he gets off on being stared at. Give him an audience and he'll do anything," Mr. Shahid laughed. "Not as bad as Braiden though!"

"You feel it tight on your little flower?" I asked Nima. He looked over his shoulder at me again and nodded as he bit his lip.

"Feels good, does it not? Makes your little flower tingle?" I stared at Nima and forgot for a moment the room of men, including the father of my boy, were with us.

"Yes, Master Arisht. It feels so good," Nima said in Farsi for my benefit. He put his finger over the fabric and rubbed down between his cheeks. He let out a little whine like a proper boy who needed his hole filled.

"Fuck, that's hot," Tavi hissed from beside me.

"Come to me, little flower." I patted my knee and the men watched us as Nima came and stood in front of me. I could see his cock was stretching out the front pouch so far that his full, shaved boy nuts were hanging out either side.

"Kneel down, little one." I urged him gently to earn his trust. I reached for his side and rubbed up as he quickly got to his knees in front of me. I pushed my fingers into his hair and pulled his face up to look at me.

"With my own boy I'd have him doing something useful with his mouth, but this is just for demonstration purposes. You are not my boy. The one who deserves my seed is at home doing his chores and preparing my dinner. You are a tool for my display." I needed to say that, not just for him, but for the father of my boy who was just a few feet away. I said it in Farsi, but I saw uncle Mir whispering translation to him.

"My master has given me for your use. Do as you wish, sir," Nima said with hunger in his voice.

I nodded to him and then pulled him by the hair to his kneeling position between my legs. I pushed his head between my thighs and held it so his face was to the floor. My hard bulge rested on his hair.

"Push that ass up. Let the men see that pretty hole," I barked. I put two fingers in the back strap of the satiny material. I pulled on it and Nima made a little moan that brought approving nods from everyone in the room.

I looked over at Steven. He knelt beside my uncle and looked at me with hungry intrigue. He swallowed nervously when my eyes met his. He understood our relationship had changed. He knew I wasn't just the respectful Persian boy who courted his son and asked his permission for things. He saw I could be as powerful a master as my Uncle Mir.

"It need to be tight on him to rub it right. I can pull and release to rub it against him. A trained hole will anticipate the pounding that is to come, the seed that it desire will be delivered where he need it. It inspire the desperation inside him, that need to please his owner." I pulled the thong tight against his hole then let it slide over it before pulling again. He shivered between my legs and tried to push his hole out.

"See how he respond? Look how his pussy quivers just from being under control of a real man. A boy knows his pleasure come from his owner. It reminds his little boy brain that he exist to serve master. If he hopes for the seed his body craves, this little strap will keep him to make the good choices through his day." I rubbed a finger down the strap and pushed against Nima's hole.

"Come, boy," Uncle Mirteza said from his chair. He put his hand on Steven's head and gripped his short, dusty blonde hair. He guided the "boy" to crawl between his legs. He bent him forward like I had Nima, but he allowed Steven to rest his head in his lap. Steven rubbed his cheek against Uncle Mir's bulge and looked over at me.

"This works too," Uncle Mir said. Steven was on his knees between the man's legs with his ass in the air. Uncle Mir put his hands on either side of the white bottoms Steven wore. He pushed them up between Steven's cheeks and exposed the black plug he had in his ass. Uncle Mir gave it a spin and pulled it from Steven's hole. It was a small plug, but it left a solid ring in the smooth, pink hole.

"Uhhh," Steven gasped as the plug came out. He made his pussy wink and moaned happily as Uncle Mir pulled the fabric so it rode between his cheeks and pulled against his pussy. Uncle Mir, clearly pleased with his boy, leaned forward and gave his ring a little smack. Steven whined and wiggled his ass happily.

"My little puppy," Uncle Mir said adoringly. He scratched behind Steven's right ear.

"He is a good one. So obedient to his master. Do you have to discipline him?" I asked as my finger rubbed the fabric into Nima's pussy. He writhed and moaned under my touch.

"Not much. It is difficult to find punishment he doesn't enjoy." Uncle Mir laughed.

"This one needs it often," Mr. Shahid said. I looked over to see he'd rolled Braiden over onto his stomach. He had the boy laid across his lap and gave his ass a swat to demonstrate. Braiden yelped and squirmed, but he didn't try to get away.

"Maybe I could borrow that Mowgli kid you have in the training room? I don't have a boy to play with," Tavi interjected, sounding like a whiny kid.

"Sorry, bro. It's BYOB," Mr. Shahid laughed. "Mowgli isn't ready for sharing yet... Wait! What was the boy's original name? Jason? Edward? Dashell? I forget. He's been Mowgli since the night he started mouthing off and demanding things like a wild boy."

"It's Derek, sir... or Joey? Yes! Joey!" Braiden said. He got another hard swat on his ass for talking out of turn.

"See? He speaks when he shouldn't. Troubled little thing." Mr. Shahid shook his head.

"You asked a question, sir! Ow!" Braiden protested, earning a few more swats. I felt Nima laugh from between my legs. His laughs quickly turned to moans as I pressed into his hole and found those little spots that made my Lukas whine.

"Hahhhh!" Nima gasped. His hole tightened around me and he pushed his ass back. It took everything inside me not to kneel behind him and ride the hole. His body begged for me. It was a mix of horny nostalgia that was almost too powerful to resist. If he had really been my sweet Amiri, I wouldn't have been able to hold off. I needed so badly to get home and seed my Lukas.

"He sounds close," Mr. Shahid said as he eyed us. He rubbed his Braiden's ass but made no move to pleasure it. The boy looked at me upside down as he was draped over his master's lap.

"This one too," Uncle Mir said as he fingered Steven. He alternated between shoving two fingers in his boy's hole and then sticking them into Steven's mouth to suck on. Steven nodded and then gagged as Uncle Mir shoved back to his throat. His cheeks blushed rose as enjoyed the attention to his pussy.

How could a man like that ever give seed to make a boy like Lukas? He spent many years lost on women until he found his true destiny. It made me think I should breed out Lukas one day to pass the favor on to the next generation. He would make a pretty baby if I found the right egg to inseminate. Maybe a soft Persian woman who wouldn't take away from his delicate features.

"Sir! I'm! Sir!" Nima cried from between my legs. I'd been pushing in roughly and it did the trick on him. He shook and moaned loudly then made a mess on the floor. He had built up quite the load. I rough-fingered his pussy. I rubbed over his prostate and made him lurch forward and then push back to try and get me deeper.

"Huhhhhh!" Nima groaned. He twisted and I tightened my legs around him to hold him still.

"Hold still, boy or I'll make it hurt!" I barked. "He should not be demanding more of what I give him." I used my free hand to swat his ass.

"He's not used to being attended to so much," Mr. Shahid said. "He will be punished."

"I am sorry, master," Nima apologized in ragged breaths under my hold.

"He should have more attention, especially for the admirable way he runs an estate such as this one," I said quickly, not wanting to cause Nima punishment. "He brings great prestige to his master. It is obvious you run a very tight household."

"He is a very attentive housekeeper," Mr. Shahid agreed.

"This is another nice feature. With the strap tight against his pussy, he feel double the pain when he is spanked." I slid my fingers from Nima's hole and gave his ass a few swats that sounded worse than they were. "As his cheeks sting from his owner's hand, his pussy reminds him that it is unfilled and likely will not be filled until his behavior improves. He is of no use to his owner, nor serving his purpose when he is on punishment." I added a few more swats for good measure. Nima whined quietly, but I knew I hadn't hurt him.

I used my clean hand to pull him up from the floor to kneel between my thighs. My cock was rock hard and needed to seed soon, but my love was not here. Nima raised up and looked at me with gratitude. I remembered that look on Amiri's face when I let him serve me.

"Thank you, sir," he whispered. I nodded to him and shoved the fingers I'd had inside him past his lips. He sucked them clean and worked his tongue between them. He clasped his hands behind his back and bobbed on them like a good boy. He finished and I took them back then rubbed them dry in his soft hair.

"Come, boy," I said and patted my lap. My cock snaked down the right leg of my pants. He came and sat on my lap. He was taller and much heavier than my Lukas, but I cradled him against my chest and laid back in the big arm chair to hold him while he recovered. I noticed the front pouch of his thong was completely soaked in his cum.

I held Nima and rubbed his back while looking over to see Uncle Mir working Steven into a frenzy in his lap. Steven had opened Uncle's pants and was bobbing on his cock. Uncle Mir was bent over him and worked on the younger man's pussy in reward.

"That's my little pup. Wag that tail for daddy. Yeah boy... daddy's good little slut puppy. Push that hole out for me... yeah suck that cock," Uncle Mir growled at his boy as he owned that pretty pussy. I rubbed Nimas back as I watched. He sat quietly on my full cock that ached for release. I would pound Lukas with fury when I got home.

"That's so hot," Tavi said to me. "Never thought I'd get off watching older dudes, but fuck!" In truth, Steven was only about ten years older than me and he was in peak shape.

"Fuck, boy. Here it comes. Swallow what I give you," Uncle Mir grunted and started to unload in Steven's throat. The "boy" sputtered just a bit on Mir's cock, but he kept it together.

I watched Steven's adam's apple move up and down as he hurriedly swallowed Mir's offering. My uncle growled and hissed as he filed his boy with the seed he needed. I had to look away. Nima was stil, but even his little breaths moved his body and my cock didn't need much encouragement at the moment. I had to get out of there and head home.

I nuzzled into Nima's shoulder and kissed it. He made a happy little sound and rubbed his cheek against my forehead. I closed my eyes and felt Lukas there.


"Dude, let's not tell the boys about this, ok?" Tavi said when we finally made it back to the car. I nodded. I hadn't thought this needed to be stated between us.

"Yes. Lukas would not understand, but Ryan could use a discipline demonstration. He needs to be broken in." I smiled as Tavi sighed.

"I know. I know! I will start. It was awesome seeing what they can do when you really get firm with them. Can you imagine Ryan like that Braiden kid? He was perfect and so eager to please me. Ryan complains about his jaw when I use him like that. It was beautiful, man. I want that. I want that with him," Tavi said.

We used the carpool lane on the way back and hopped on a toll road to make quick work of the traffic. We'd stayed out later than I'd wanted so it was nearly dark when we made it back to the Hadid house. I texted my father as we pulled in. It wasn't like I wouldn't be seeing him in just a few minutes, but it's something we always did.

"The boy is being disciplined. I have handled it, but avoid your bedroom," father texted back cryptically. I put the car in park and wondered what that meant. Lukas never needed discipline, maybe he meant Ryan.

I grabbed my work case and headed into the house. Father was sitting at the kitchen table with his laptop and a glass of water. He looked up at me with guilt when he saw me.

"Before you ask, I already handled it and Lukas is working diligently in his bedroom to finish his school packet," father said. He turned back to his computer as if that would settle things.

"My boy was bad? Really? My angel? What did he do?" I asked. I sat down across from him. Brandon silently put a bottle of chilled water in front of me. I couldn't imagine Lukas crossing my father over anything.

"I printed out his work packet from the school this morning. I gave it to him and he asked if he could go swimming first so I joined him. Then he took a nap and well... he was supposed to begin his work directly after lunch, but... I got busy with my work day and before I knew it I found him playing a video game with Ryan and none of his work had even been started. I was very cross with him," father assured.

"Ryan was supposed to stay away from him! I will deal with him," Tavi said as he came up behind me. He called Ryan's name loudly then stormed off to find his boy.

"With RYAN?" I exploded. "You specifically told me to keep Lukas away from his horrible influence. You left him alone? And how did you discipline him?"

"Keep your voice down! Don't forget to whom you speak!" Father scolded. I closed my mouth and nodded, remembering my place.

Father nodded to show I was giving him the proper respect then continued, "I told him he will have no dinner until his work is finished. He will also miss out on the movie we are watching this evening unless he does good work."

"You told a boy that we regularly have to force meals into that he can't eat until it is finished?" I laughed. I covered my laugh quickly, but on the inside I was cracking up like a hyena. This pillar of a man I had feared my entire life was twisted and humbled in the presence of a small boy with big blue eyes and pretty pink lips.

"Well... yes, but he was quite scared and you know how he gets. That little lip starts to tremble.... Ahh fuck," father sighed. He realized he'd been beaten.

"It is ok, father. You are grandpa to him. I am daddy. I will discipline my boy." I clapped a hand on my father's shoulder and he nodded. I got up from the table and kissed his cheek. I left my work case there for him to get the papers he needed and went off to see my boy.

Something inside me changed today. I remembered Amiri and how I was with him. It wasn't as strong of a love as I have with my Lukas, but I was younger then and more hard with Amiri. Today, seeing Mr. Shahid and the fine boys he turned out, made me remember what a boy needs. I had been too soft with Lukas too. It was easy with him because he was naturally compliant and broke so easily.

I would talk with Tavi later and ensure he delivered appropriate discipline to Ryan who had already been told to stay away from Lukas, but my boy was my responsibility. It was up to me.

I walked down the hallway towards the bedroom. I could see the light under the door and I heard music playing. I pushed it open and Lukas was flopped across the bed facing away from me. He wiggled that baby bottom to the beat. His small, blue shorts were pushed down a little in the back and I could see the band of a pink thong. He turned from his book when he heard me come in. He smiled up at me like he'd done nothing wrong. He probably didn't even know he was in trouble. My father had been too soft on him.

I nodded to him and he turned and sat up on the bed. I went to the speaker on a side table and turned off the music. Lukas watched me with curious eyes. He had zero idea he was in trouble. Father probably hadn't even raised his voice to him.

"You are finished with your work?" I asked as I took off my suit.

"Um... about half... I had a busy day. What's the stain on your pants?" Lukas asked as I took off the jacket. I looked down and saw a few spots where Nima's seed had leaked.

"Don't know," I shrugged. "Why is your work not complete, boy?"

Lukas smiled. He thought I was being playful and in all honesty I really did want to flip him over and fuck him senseless, but I swallowed my need and put his first. I loosened my tie and unbuttoned my shirt. Lukas got on his knees and walked towards me on the bed to help.

"I got busy with stuff! I was swimming and then Ryan found this video game that is so fun. You would love it! You get this monster, but he's not like a mean monster, he's like a happy monster and he smashes things and gets bigger..." Lukas began to ramble but I put a finger to his lips.

"Your work! Today was a school day and you stay here to do the work from your school. I went to work today and you did not. Why?" I asked again.

"I... um," his little lips started to tremble. He understood I wasn't being playful.

"I know you need daddy to guide you, but you are able to make schoolwork on your own without help, right? You have the school book online and tablet to work. Father even print this for you. There is house full of men to help with question you have. So why no work?" I unzipped my pants and turned my back to him. I knew there would be a mess of precum down there. I stepped out of my pants and then shucked the boxer briefs. I tossed it all in the hamper where Brandon would sort it out.

"I'm sorry, daddy." Lukas said. I turned to see him sitting back against the pillows and holding Kherse panda, the stuffed animal I'd given him. His eyes were tearing up and he looked down at his lap.

"If I can not trust you to use your time for good purpose then I will need to train you better," I said. I came and sat next to him on the bed. I was naked and needed a shower. His eyes fixed on my cock, but he knew better than to reach for it right now.

"You're mad at me," he sniffled. "I was going to do it! Don't be mad."

"I am disappointment for your choice to not do work. I work all day and I wish to come home and enjoy my boy. You decide to play today and take my enjoyment time in evening away. This is disappoint for me. Now I come home from work and must do more work to train my boy instead of enjoy him in my lap," I explained. "I will take shower then spank."

"Spank? What? You can't spank me! I'm 17, Seriously Ari!" Lukas looked at me with wild eyes.

"You behave like young child. Is ok. If my boy need training then training I must do. I give my princess what she need to grow. Daddy makes the tough choice so his baby can be better" I leaned forward and kissed his forehead then got up to go shower.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think." He sniffled then picked up his notes and his pencil. He looked at me with teary blue eyes but I held firm. He bit his lip then turned to his work.

I got into the shower and realized what I'd been missing all along. I'd been waiting for someone to give me control over my boy, but control is taken. His father was no longer in my way and my own father had shown he wasn't up to the task here. I needed to show my father that I was ready for it. This was my boy and I needed to take control.

I got out of the shower and found Lukas naked and bent over the side of the bed with his legs spread. He had his face pressed down into a pillow and his hands planted on either side of his chest like he was ready to do a push-up. He was ready for his punishment. I was ready to be the daddy he needed.

-- Thanks for reading. Let me know what you'd like to see next. My Stories: My blog:

Next: Chapter 19

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