Lukas and the Shah

By Emri S.

Published on Dec 8, 2023


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Thanks for reading. Feedback appreciated. Should I do a chapter from Ari's perspective next? Let me know:


Story Recap: Lukas, an athletic, California 17 yr-old with blonde hair, blue eyes, and tight body, loves Ari, a wealthy, muscled, 25 yr-old Persian who dominates his boy. After a fire destroys the Khorasani home, they work to rebuild and get their lives back together.

Lukas & The Shah

Ch.17- The Boys Are Alright

By Emri

"You have a home, my love! My condo was untouched by the fires and in a few days this will be over. We will relax this weekend then go home and start again," Ari said as he drove us to his next meeting.

"I can live in your place? What about Baba?" I asked, using the Persian word he used for his father. "Where will Baba go? And your mother? What about my clothes and our things?"

"I will always take care for you. My little one always come first! We will get new things. We have insurance. My parents will stay with one of my brothers while we rebuild." Ari squeezed my thigh and rubbed it to settle me. I hated feeling so weak, so anxious, so full of confusion. It made me feel like the scared little boy he thought I was.

"I'm so sorry your parents lost their home," I said, realizing this wasn't about me.

"I am as well, baby girl. But they are alive and memories can be replaced. When my father leave, he grab every photo album and keepsake my mother need. He store them in his office before he joins us at the Hadids. The things they lose in fire are just things. We are all safe." Ari stopped at a red light and leaned over to kiss me.

"You're right. I know you're right... Still. I'm sorry." I

put my head against Ari's shoulder as he drove on. We were heading back into LA where the air was brown and hazy. He'd stopped at an office park off the 5 freeway for a quick meeting. Now we were headed across to Westwood where he had a lunch meeting scheduled with an important investor. I tried to be good and quiet for him while he worked the clients.

We had lunch at a Persian restaurant with a nice older Asian guy who was clearly entranced by Ari. He acknowledged me when Ari introduced me, but then ignored me for the rest of the lunch meeting. I was ok with being ignored. I played a game on my phone and tried my best to fend off the endless food Ari kept trying to get into me.

I was not ok with the way the man kept flirting with Ari. He complimented his body, asked about his workouts, and felt free to grope his biceps, his shoulder, his back. Ari just smiled like it was nothing. He kept plowing through his presentation and showed him a nice folder filled with colorful charts and pictures. The man finally agreed it was a good investment and promised to convince his firm to jump in.

When they finished up, the man hugged Ari and kissed both of his cheeks. He rubbed a hand down Ari's back, but Ari backed away before the guy could get his ass. They laughed like it was a playful joke. I was not happy.

The man didn't acknowledge me when we left. He did hug Ari and then put his hands on Ari's pecs and told him to keep up the good work. Ari walked me to the car and put me in the passenger side like I needed help.

"I am happy! So nice he like what we do and my baby is there to see me in action. Boom, baby! That's how we do it! They invest so much with us. They believe in what we do!" Ari beamed an accomplished smile as we pulled out onto Wilshire. He drummed his hands on the steering wheel in celebration.

"Yeah, you were great," I said and tried to sound happy for him. It did make my heart melt to see him elated after the heartbreak of the fires. When we stopped at a light he looked over and read my face.

"You are not happy! What is... you have the angers?" Ari put a finger under my chin and turned me to face him. "For why?"

"That guy was all over you and you liked it," I said. I couldn't look him in the eyes. His daddy stare was too intimidating and I lost my nerve.

"Wait! Oh!" Ari covered his smile and looked over at me. He saw my face and his smile faded. "My princess is jealous? I never see you jealous. You are jealous of this older investor man?"

"He was touching you and..." I trailed off.

"He is horny man in unhappy marriage. He marries older man for money to begin with his investor firm. He like attention. Is just playful. You think I will choose him over my pretty pussy princess?" Ari put his hand on the back of my neck and squeezed it. "You are silly."

"I'm not silly. You would have been upset if a guy did that to me," I sulked.

"Of course I would! You are mine to protect. You think this man will force himself to me and try to take me? I am man who can fend off when thing goes too far. You are a boy and the men you attract are large animals. They see your pretty blue eyes and soft skin. They know you have delicious pink hole that begs for seed." Ari started.

"I don't beg for seed," I defended. "Well... just yours."

Ari laughed. "You are best at beg for my seed. The pouty little lips make me so hard and I see that pink pussy open for me. Your little cock get so hard just from my kiss. Your body beg for me and other men smell it. It calls for them too and they can no resist."

"But I don't flirt and stuff with them," I pointed.

"You do not see it because you are innocent. I love this about you. My baby does not know her power. Look how it confuse the boy from your school who fights with you. He does not understand why he is drawn to you. It confuse him so he react in anger and shove you in locker to try to escape it. Even now that he is ban from be near you his body respond to the call. I see how he follow you and look to you. He know he shall stay away but not can help himself!" Ari kissed the top of my hair as we inched along in traffic.

"He hasn't tried to talk to me or hurt me," I reminded him.

"Is good, but there will be others. Is why you must stay close to me and never stray from where daddy puts you. I need know where you are at all time and know my boy is protected. I go crazy when I open the app and it take a minute to load your little dot on the map. I feel relief when it appear in place you are suppose to be. If I can, I keep you at home where you are safe. You don't know what it is to be a daddy and have precious boy to protect. You do not need worry for me as I worry for you. I defend myself and keep my body for you," Ari sighed.

"I worry about you too. I see a guy flirting with you and I feel all crazy... but I didn't know you felt even worse. I'm sorry." I kissed his chest. I sometimes forget how protective he is of me.

"Not for sorry, little one. But remember when I tell you rule you think is crazy. I know better for your protection. I know what keeps my boy safe. To protect you is always in my mind!" Ari hugged me against him.

When we got back to the Hadid's house, where we were taking refuge during the fires, it was late afternoon. Ari pulled over to park with the other cars when he paused and pointed towards a red sportscar that looked like it had just been driven out of the showroom.

"Tavi must be here," he commented with annoyance, referencing the oldest Hadid son I hadn't yet encountered. He sighed and steered his car to the end of the row.

We went in to find Brandon in the kitchen chopping up a huge bowl of vegetables for dinner. He waved a knife at us excitedly and Ari greeted him with less formality and derision than the day before. I offered to help Brandon with the dinner and Ari said he had emails to send and some work to finish up. He kissed me then made Brandon promise to not allow me around the knives.

"He is not so good with the sharp things," Ari said as if I was a toddler. Brandon nodded in agreement. He put me to work washing two big bulks of celery then breaking the stalks and pulling off the leaves. I made big chunks out of them and put them into a bowl for the stew he was making.

"This is ok?" I asked.

"Perfect! You'll make a good houseboy... er... homemaker someday," Brandon stammered like he's just said something he wished he could take back.

"What are we making? Tav says I should help," a chipper voice called from behind me. I turned to see a new guy come into the kitchen.

I looked at him wide-eyed and a little turned on. He was tall and built with wide muscles and sharp angles. He looked like he belonged in one of those cologne ads where a guy lounges in a white Speedo on a black fur blanket and looks hungrily at the sunset.

"Oh! Who's this?" His oversized emerald eyes fell on me and his puffy pink lips curled into a smile that barely creased his pale, perfect face.

"Lukas. He's Ari's boy. Lukas, this is Ryan, Tavi's boyfriend." Brandon nodded between us. The muscle hunk widened his smile as he closed the gap between us and studied me.

"Oh he is perfection! Sooo cute!" Ryan declared in a voice that sounded gayer than his looks suggested. I blushed.

"Nice to meet you," I said as he pressed himself against me and kissed my cheeks like we were European.

"He looks frightened! Just how Ari likes them!" Ryan winked at me and I forced a laugh.

"He's all right. Just a little shaken from all the fires. You come over here and help me chop. Lukas, wash the green beans. They're in a bag in the vegetable crisper... the fridge," he said it like I didn't know what a vegetable crisper would be. I knew damn well what a vegetable crisper was! But then it occurred to me that Brandon was separating us. He seemed uneasy at Ryan's presence. I got to work on the fresh green beans.

"Lukas, is time for gym," Ari said as he came in to the kitchen. I turned to find him wearing a tight white tank top and gray sweatshorts that hugged his bulge.

"Ari! Hi, honey! I just met your new boy. He is darling!" Ryan snapped his head up and looked hungrily at my alpha. He dropped the carrot he was chopping and ran over to hug Ari. Ari pulled back but allowed the man to press in close and kiss his cheeks.

"Hello, Ryan. Is good to see you," Ari said in a flat voice. He looked at me and nodded his head towards the doorway.

"I'll finish those up, Lukas. Thanks for helping!" Brandon waved me to stop what I was doing and follow Ari. I set the beans down in the bowl and turned to wipe my hands on a kitchen towel.

"Thank you. They are ready," I said and smiled at Brandon.

Just as I was turning towards Ari though, Musa came in wearing a t-shirt and shorts. He sneaked up behind Ari. He grabbed him from behind with an arm across his neck and another across his stomach. It pushed up Ari's tank top and showed off those chiseled Persian abs.

"I am not play right now," Ari said flatly. He was eager to get me out of there. Musa laughed and pulled him back a step, wanting Ari to struggle with him.

"C'mon. I'm finally bigger than you. Let's see you now. Don't pussy out," Musa laughed.

"I am not play right now," Ari repeated and looked annoyed. I backed away and Brandon put a hand on my shoulder.

"He's been working all day, he doesn't want to wrestle with you. Why don't you go workout with him," Brandon said, trying to sound chipper.

"Nah, he used to pin me every chance he got! Now we're matched. Show me what you got, pussy." Musa pulled on Ari again.

"Boy fight! Clothes off! I love when they do this," Ryan said to me.

Ari ignored him. He looked at me and I nodded. His lips turned up into a smile like he was about to kick some ass. I knew the kitchen wasn't a good place for them to wrestle, but something inside me wanted to see Ari take him down.

"C'mon, bro. You're not even trying," Musa said as he pulled Ari back again like he was trying to flip him.

Ari did a quick move where he bucked back against Musa who was already trying to pull him that way. It threw off Musa's balance. Ari ducked his head under Musa's arm, turned into his armpit, then grabbed his arms and twisted the guy around. He quickly pinned him face first against the table and pulled his arms up behind him.

"Fuck!" Musa yelled as his chest slammed against the table. Ari held him from behind with his crotched pushed into Musa's firm bubble butt.

"I am not play right now," Ari repeated a third time as he leaned over Musa and held the guy's arms behind his back. He looked at me with a wink.

"That's not! I wasn't even ready! You had to tell me you were ready!" Musa whined. My eyes caught his and he turned them away in shame. I tried not to smile. I was so proud of Ari.

"Ok next time I send you facebook invite. Ok, little man?" Ari laughed. He leaned over Musa again and kissed his cheek then let him up.

"Next time maybe not in my kitchen, ok?" Brandon laughed, trying to reinforce that it was all in good fun. Musa raised up from the table and looked like a grown-up muscle-bound version of a kid who'd just been bested by his older brother. He sulked away.

"I apologize. Nothing broken," Ari assured. Brandon nodded. Ari held out a hand for me and I went to him. He put his arm around me and led me to our room to change for the workout.

"That was awesome!" I said when he closed the door to our temporary bedroom.

"He is a child. Is not good to do that in the kitchen, but Musa try for advantage where he can find it. I am glad nothing was hurt," Ari said like he wasn't proud of pinning the guy.

"He's bigger than you! He couldn't even move you much," I beamed.

"He does not use his size correctly. Is not just muscles that make man strong. Now change. We need workout before is dinner time," Ari nudged me and pulled at my shirt. I leaned into his chest though and looked up at him until I earned a kiss.

I changed into shorts and a t-shirt while Ari checked emails on his phone. I put on my tennis shoes and he yawned before leading me to the gym.

"You're sleepy?" I noted as we left the room.

"Maybe we have time for work after napout... nap after workout." Ari chuckled then stifled another yawn. He slid his arm around my waist and kissed my neck.

We got to the hall near the gym when I heard what sounded like a tiger eating its dinner. There was a series of grunts and growls accompanied by clanking metal. I felt Ari's body tense up.

He walked in ahead of me and started speaking in another language as I peeked around him to see a younger, more handsome version of Mr. Hadid. It must have been Tavi. He wasn't as big as his younger brother Musa. He was more toned and confident. He set down a huge set of weights and greeted Ari with a smile then looked past him to see me peeking from behind him.

"This is Lukas? I've been hearing about him.Very handsome boy, Ari. You always find the pretty ones." Tavi said in a deep voice that sent a happy shiver through me. Ari pulled me to his side and put an arm tightly around me.

"Say hello," Ari instructed. He pulled me to stand in front of him and slowly rubbed my tummy.

"Heh... Hello... sir," I said. The tower of almond-toned muscles studied me with huge brown eyes and a disarming smile that just intimidated me further.

"Hello, little Lukas. Are you ready to lift? Get big and strong like daddy?" Tavi chuckled.

"He does not need to lift, only to run. He is runner, very fast, my boy," Ari bragged as he pushed me towards the treadmill. I had, in fact, been lifting for weeks with Mr. Khorasani, but I could barely get out a hello in front of Tavi, much less state something contradictory to Ari. I just nodded like a dope and went to the treadmill.

Ari came over and set the treadmill for me like I was helpless. He programmed a warm-up to a running pace that was slower than what I normally do.

I started walking and luckily the treadmill wasn't directly facing the weight bench. I was able to focus on the beautiful greenery of the hillsides outside of the window as Ari and Tavi changed back to speaking in the language that was more comfortable for them.

I kept looking over at them but I turned back each time Tavi's eyes met mine. He and Ari were showing off with each other, trying to lift bigger weights in stranger ways. They seemed comfortable with each other though. All the tension I'd felt from Ari must have been a mistake.

I worked up a three mile run before Ari came over and switched me to cool down mode. He stood next to me for a minute without saying anything. He just looked at the digital display in front of me and put his hand on my back.

"Very nice! You improve. You cool down then we go for nap," Ari told me. It was weird. He'd never cared much about my running or times or anything like that. He set a five minute cool down and then went back to Tavi. I wished so badly that I could understand their language.

"That's enough, boy," Ari said when the timer beeped. "Down! Now!" He snapped his fingers. I turned to see him staring at me with crazy eyes. I stopped the treadmill and hopped off. He said something in their language and Tavi laughed then offered me a wink. I blushed and looked down.

"He can not meet a man's eyes. You keep him on a tight leash." Tavi observed.

"He is made for me. It is natural for him. He know to look to his man and not attract the eyes of another. He is made to be my boy," Ari said as if it was a matter of fact.

"Ryan is getting better," Tavi said thoughtfully. He dropped his bravado for a moment. When I looked back up, I saw his eyes were focused on me. I lowered mine uncomfortably and went to Ari's side.

"Ryan is wild when you find him. I start with younger. Lukas is uncorrupted boy. I do not need challenge of breaking in used boy. My innocent little one did not yet know disrespect for himself. He is hungry for a real daddy," Ari turned my back to him and put his hands on my shoulders.

He squeezed and massaged my shoulders, making me melt. I couldn't help myself when he hit this spot in the center of my back. I gasped and let out a little whine that elicited a knowing chuckle from Tavi. I was his boy. He knew my body.

"I don't want a boy though. I liked how wild he was. He took work to break. I like a guy who can wrestle with me. I like a boy who bites back a little and needs to be put in his place. Your boy is too delicate for that," Tavi sad as though I was just a weakling.

"I do not wish to compete against my boy. We have no need to wrestle. He should not fear harm from me. He know his place." Ari kissed my head in approval.

"It's good for you, but I like someone I can have a conversation with. Ryan has been around and we're similar in age. He knows things and can challenge me. He's actually pretty smart even if he acts like a dumbass most of the time," Tavi shot back as if I was some dumb little flower.

"Challenge you? My Lukas is very smart and does well in school. Your boy embarrasses you and challenges you in front of your peers. Lukas sits quietly by my side. He know his place and let me speak for him. He is a boy to be proud of." Ari squeezed my shoulders a little too hard.

"Ryan has improved at knowing his place. He responds to my commands now, especially when my father is in the room. Dad took him down one time... You should have been there, bro. We were at his country club where they had an open bar. Ryan was being... himself." Tavi laughed.

"I can imagine! I remember his behavior at your birthday last year! Is not something I will tolerate from my boy!" Ari shook his head.

"Well he finally made a comment to Brandon about being a broken in old houseboy. It was the last straw. Dad flipped. He took us off to a private room. I thought he was going to rip Ry's pants off and flog him. Ry was scared shitless... shaking like a pet, but after dressing him down dad pulled him in for a hug and... it just changed everything," Tavi said. "He really listens to him and tones things down. He respects dad above anyone."

"I can no even imagine Lukas behaving like that! If my father even look disappointment at him, he will go silent and stay at his side. My parents love him from first day. They see he is honorable boy who will never bring them shame." Ari beamed proudly. "Lukas respect strong men. He know who owns him. He is grateful for his protectors."

Ari kept massaging me. Even if his words made me uncomfortable, his hands felt so good and I couldn't help but yawn. His hands on me, his approving words. Even if they made me sound like a weak little boy, I still felt a jolt of pride that I was someone that made him brag.

"My princess is tired. I must keep him on his routine through this emergency. He need his nap like we do after the workouts at home," Ari explained.

"Looks like he needs more than a nap," Tavi joked and pointed at my shorts. I looked down in horror to see I had totally pitched a tent in them. I put my hands down to cover it and turned to hide in Ari's chest. He wrapped his arms around my back and laughed.

"Yes, is time we go!" he laughed. He turned us and shuffled me towards the door. I covered myself and we quickly made our way back to our bedroom.

"I liked how you were with me in front of him. That was so hot. I felt like you were really proud of me," I said when we got into the shower. Ari pressed in behind me and I felt his throbbing cock run over my hole.

"I am proud of you. You are not like Ryan is. My boy know his place. He is quiet and respectful always. I never am to worry that you will embarrass me or speak out of place," Ari said as his lips kissed my neck. He grabbed the soap and rubbed it over my chest.

"Ryan is hot. I was worried when I saw him. I thought maybe you had something with him before me. He seemed like he knew you... like more than just friendly. He sounded like you had done things," I admitted. Ari rubbed soap into my armpits then down my tummy.

"He know many men. I am not one of them. He think his looks buy him place in the family. They do not discipline him as he need. Eventually his look will fade and they will not allow him the place. My boy is more beautiful both inside and out. My Lukas is good and sweet. I protect this in him for life," Ari assured. His teeth rubbed against my earlobe. It sent a wave of shivers through me. I ground my ass against his cock.

"Tavi could do better. He could have any boy he wants. He is handsome," I gasped as his tongue licked up my neck.

"He want fun. He think he can tame Ryan but if he succeed then he will move onto next. Tavi is not for serious love right now and Ryan is ok with share him with others. His father want that he settles down and take serious the family business. He wants that Tavi has children and stops the playtime. Their family is lot like mine... ours. You are Khorasani now. My father see you as his own." Ari rubbed his cock back and forth over my hole.

"I am Khorasani? Lukas Khorasani... I like that," I gushed happily.

"I breed you. You are mine. You are my princess, my baby, my moon and stars," he whispered in that deep daddy growl.

"Fuck me," I whined. "Please, daddy!" I pushed back against his cock. I wanted it deep inside me. I wanted his seed in my pussy, to know I had him. My cock was leaking just from his touch.

"You like how I speak of you? How I let Tavi know you are my boy who is lost for me, desperate for me, owned for me?" Ari asked. His thick head pushed against my hole. He pushed firmly until it broke through and stretched my hole. I yelled out and put my hands against the wet tile walls as the hot water splashed down my back and made my pussy wet for him.

"Yes! Yes, sir! Yes, daddy! Fuck! So fucking hot!" I groveled like a hungry beggar. I knew I was nothing without his Persian seed inside me. I knew who owned me.

"You love to beg for daddy cock. Don't you? You love knowing who own this pussy, who make it cum so hard. Fuck my cock feel so good sliding into the hole that was made for it. Little princess cunt is only for me. Isn't it?" Ari growled.

"Yes, fuck. Fuck me. Oh that feels so good. Yes, daddy. Fuck!" I felt my cock throbbing between my thighs as he shoved into me. His hand rubbed up my back, gripped my hair, and pressed my cheek against the shower wall. He started to pound me slowly but insistently. His thick Persian monster rubbed against those spots inside me that had me on the edge. My eyes screwed up as he leaned over my back. He kept one hand on my left hip, holding it in place like I would somehow try to escape from him. I never would and he knew it.

"This is pussy that beg for its owner. Yes? Little princess is desperate for her lion?" Ari rubbed his teeth against the back of my neck. He bit it softly, gathering the skin like he was going to pick me up. His cock started to ram me. It hit that spot that made my chest shake and my breath ragged.

"Right there, daddy! Right there! Oh fuck! Don't stop, daddy!" I whined. I pushed back against him. He had one hand on my head with his fingers in my hair pulling my head up and the other rubbed up my chest and found my neck. He held it, squeezing and massaging it while I gasped for air.

"I know this pussy better than you do! I know how to make it sing. I fuck where I please!" Ari growled. He held my neck for a minute then rubbed down to play with my nipples.

"Yes, sir." I croaked. He was slamming me good and my cock was bouncing wildly, throbbing from the sensations spinning out of my hole. It felt like someone was jerking me off in a tight grip. He was fucking me from the inside.

"You feel that stretch your pussy?" Ari asked. He rubbed his hand down over my tummy. "I feel it, right there. Fuck is so hot, my baby princess. Feel here." He grabbed my hand from the shower wall and put it on my stomach.

"Oh woah!" I gasped. He shoved his cock deep inside me and I swore I could feel it poking out.

"That is where I plant my seed. My little babies will grow here," he growled and nibbled on my ear. "The pussy grip me so tight, princess. I am close to finish."

"Me too, daddy," I gritted my teeth and hissed as he pounded my hole. He leaned over me, pressing down on my back with his sturdy chest of warm muscles. His lips found the back of my neck and he reached under me to tug at my cock as he pistoned my hole.

I yelled out and turned my face so he could kiss me. His lips covered mine and his tongue pushed in to wrestle with my own. He gave my cock slow, firm tugs as his thick snake stretched my hole. He rammed me and I started to spray all over the shower.

"Mmmm!" I yelled into his mouth. I put my hands on the tile wall to steady myself even though he had a firm hold on me. I twisted and jerked in his hold then felt his hot cock firing shots inside me as I came. I felt uncontrollable waves of heat shoot through me and I lurched forward as he filled me.

"So beautiful, princess," Ari praised as he drove in deep and gave up the last of his seed. I felt it course through my veins as I collapsed into his arms. He pumped me twice more then pulled me back against him in a tight hug. He brought us down to sit on the tile floor as the water splashed around us. He kissed my neck and rubbed my stomach as we recovered.

We washed each other then dried off sleepily. I started to go for fresh clothes, but he just pulled me up off my feet and carried me naked to the bed. We curled up together and settled in for a nap. He held me against his chest and his heartbeat soothed me to sleep.

"Boys, it is time for dinner. Put on swimwear. We will eat by the pool and I know the little one will want to swim." Mr. Khorasani whispered as he shook Ari awake. I blinked up at him. I was under the covers except for my eyes. He smiled at me and pushed my hair back.

"You had a good day, little one?" he asked with fatherly affectation. I nodded and he kissed my forehead. "Good. I hoped you would not be too sad about the fires. They have a nice heated pool you can splash around in."

Ari assured his father we would hurry. Mr. Khorasani left and Ari wiggled out from under me to go dig through our bags for trunks. He found a pair for me that his mother must have bought. They were a dark blue with a pattern of little green dolphins. He insisted I wear a shirt and found a blue one to match the shorts. He pulled on a pair of white trunks that clung to his form and didn't cover much. It was a double standard for how covered we should be, but I didn't argue.

We found everyone outside at the big table on the patio. There were two seats open for us, but they were between Musa and Tavi. Ari sat by Tavi then pulled me to sit in his lap. It was unexpected and I yelped as he forcefully pulled me down. Tarik sat by Brandon who was under Mr. Hadid's arm. Mr. Khorasani sat at the head of the table.

"If I do not watch him, he will not eat enough," Ari explained when everyone looked at us. Mr. Khorasani nodded in approval.

Ari ignored their looks. He reached around me and took our plate as Brandon stood to serve us from the plates of food. He put a heavy helping of rice and this chicken baked in oranges and vegetables. It smelled amazing. He made us a side plate with a small bread bowl hollowed out and filled with vegetable soup. I started to reach for a spoon then wondered whether Ari had planned to feed me like a child.

"You may eat, my love," he whispered just loud enough for Tavi and Musa to hear.

I took the spoon and dug in to the soup. It was so tasty. I got another spoonful and put it to Ari's lips. He slurped it in with a happy nod then he fed me a piece of the chicken.

"Everything is wonderful, Brandon. You are artist with the meals here!" Ari praised.

"He has come a long way indeed," affirmed Mr. Hadid as if he had worked hard to train Brandon.

"My Lukas will learn to do as this too. He has great promise," Ari said like he was sending me to puppy school soon.

"Lukas will be a fine homemaker. Your mother will make sure of it," Mr. Khorasani added.

"Well even if he's not. He's pretty enough for you to hire a housekeeper to do in-home training until he can get it," Mr. Hadid laughed.

"Like you did with Brandon." Musa chimed in. Tarik nodded with his brother.

"Brandon needed extensive training... and discipline. He took a lot of work." Mr. Hadid put his hand on the back of Brandon's head and rubbed it. Brandon nodded and smiled.

"Lukas wants to be a writer. We are looking at college programs for him. He is very bright and a hard worker," Mr. Khorasani said.

"Make sure it is online. You don't want a boy like him off alone on a big campus! Those big doe eyes won't last long. Plus those campus groups with their equality. They'll have him thinking Ari is abusing him! I donated to the group at Musa's school. I even hosted a fundraiser for them at the house and they had the nerve to try and `liberate' Brandon!" Mr. Hadid raged.

"Online would be a good option, but I don't want the boy missing out on the college experience. He works very hard at his studies. Still... I don't want him getting confused by the wrong crowd." Mr. Khorasani looked over at me like I was an injured puppy.

"Confused! That's putting it nicely. These boys don't know what it takes to give them the life they're used to. They start thinking it's easy and they can do it on their own. They become ungrateful and can easily be taken in by a stronger man who just wants to use them. I rescued Brandon from that. You don't want Lukas getting strange ideas!" Mr. Hadid was warming up for a speech. I looked at Ari with confusion. Did he think I was ungrateful?

"Lukas is always the thankful one. He never ask for thing and is surprise when we buy him clothes or phone or anything. But he is very naive and does not see harm in others. He is so trusting!" Ari sighed like I was a very dumb kid.

"He is a good boy. His father is as well," Mr. Khorasani said with a wink to me.

"Yes! Your brother was telling me about it. Sounds kind of crazy. How did he manage to raise a boy like Lukas on his own?" Mr. Hadid asked.

"They lived in a very small town with a lot of family close by. Things didn't go awry until they moved to LA. My Arisht had to step in and rescue him his very first day at work!" Mr. Khorasani chuckled.

"Lukas had a job?" Musa asked from Ari's side.

"At gym club in our neighborhood. The manager put him in very tight uniform that show off his delicate feature and right away he was harass by a boy of his age. Disrespectful little fuck. I put him in check quickly and realize this poor little one has no protector there!" Ari fumed like he was still angry about it.

He went on to tell the table how he booked appointments with me and watched me through the telescope from his living room high above the city. He told them about our separation and how frustrated he was with my father's inadequacies.

"And he runs away! He ride train all the way to the city by himself! He is lost little kitten mewing for help. What man let his child escape like this? The boy need limits and controls!" Ari really did think my dad was irresponsible.

I wanted to speak up but it was apparent that the boys stayed silent during men's conversations. Brandon and Ryan made no signs of opening their mouths either.

"His father did the best he could." Mr. Khorasani defended. "He called me in tears trying to figure out what to do. He was very torn between the woman he wanted to please and the son he loved. I could see what he needed. I guided him to Mirteza and things worked out."

"And I never let him go again. This time we play by no one else rule. I make rule and rule is boy go where I go," Ari said firmly. He kissed my cheek the prodded me to eat my soup.

The conversation went back into Arabic. There was no more need to include the boys. I finished eating then Ari took his phone from his pocket and found a quiet game for me to play while Brandon brought the men a round of beer.

After everyone let their dinner settle and the conversation wound down, it was time for the pool. It was a warm evening with a gentle breeze and the water was heated.

Mr. Hadid turned on lights the shone from the bottom of the pool. They changed colors and made little rainbows ripple from one edge to the other and back. He turned on music that seemed to come from different corners of the expansive backyard that backed right up to the wild forest of the mountains behind their hours.

"Wow, it's beautiful," I told Ari as we made our way over to it. Brandon gave us each a huge, thick beach towel that felt warm from the dryer. Ari set ours by the side of the pool. He hopped in and then reached for me.

"I know how to swim," I laughed. I jumped in beside him and swam over to the side of the pool then back to his side. He looked displeased when I surfaced next to him.

"You stay with me," he said firmly in a low voice so others wouldn't hear. I nodded.

I reached for him and he turned around then took my hands and brought my arms around either side of his neck. I climbed onto his back like he was giving me a piggy-back ride. He swam over to the other side of the pool as I held onto him. I wanted to swim some laps and work off the dinner, but it did feel nice holding onto him. Plus, after that dinner talk about him needing to keep me under control, I thought it would be best to play his good boy for the evening.

He worked up a rhythm swimming back and forth across the deep end of the pool as I held on. He exhausted himself showing off for me. After a few laps back and forth and around Ryan and Tavi, he came to rest near a fountain at the edge of the pool.

"Your dolphin is tired," he said as he sat on the step and brought me around to sit in his lap.

"Best dolphin ever!" I praised and kissed his cheek. He held onto me with his arms around my tummy. He put his head on my shoulder and I rubbed his hair.

"Looks like those two are having fun," I noted as my eyes found Ryan and Tavi making out in a dark corner of the pool. It was interesting seeing them twined together. They were both bulky and muscular. Tavi a little smaller than Ari and Ryan a little bigger than me.

"Do not look. They have no shame to do this in front of everyone," he said without noting the irony that he judged them while I was currently in his lap and his hand was squeezing my bottom.

"Will we be like that when I'm older? Ryan is kinda bulked. They're almost the same size! That would feel weird with you," I said.

"You will grow, but your father, he is small too. He is very toned and fit... You like being my smaller boy? You like how daddy picks you up and uses you as he want?" Ari smirked.

"Yes sir," I said as his hand slid inside the back of my swim trunks.

"You like when daddy pick you up and bounce you on his big dick?" Ari rubbed a finger over my hole and made me squirm. I put my head on his shoulder and gasped for air.

"So fucking hot," I groaned as he plugged my hole. I looked over at Ryan and Tavi working up heat of their own. They were hidden from the patio by a row of hedges. Musa and Tarik had their backs turned to them and Ari was too busy fingering me to notice what they were up to.

Ari massaged my hole while I watched Tavi rub his hands inside the back of Ryan's tight white trunks. Ryan straddled his lap and had his arms around Tavi's neck as he bounced on him.

"I never can stop to think of how good this pussy feel." Ari nuzzled his nose under my chin, sending shivers through me. Ryan raised up off of Tavi and then sank down between his legs. It was too dark over there to see the Egyptian man's cock, but I caught the outline when Ryan moved to the side to kiss his thighs.

Tavi arched his back and opened his mouth wide. Ryan must have been making him feel pretty good. I looked back down at his lap as Ryan moved to the side and saw his erection. It was as long as Ari's, but thinner with a strangely knobby head. Ari was more of a trunk from base to tip. His was thicker and more even throughout. I'd never felt another cock so I couldn't say which was better.

I got lost in watching them as Ryan dove onto his cock and sucked him. Tavi put his fingers in the guy's hair and started to push up into his throat. Ryan made no uncomfortable jerks or attempts to get away. Ryan put his hands behind his back like it was something he'd trained for.

"Uhhh," I whined as Ari hit the right spot in my hole. He fingered me while he rubbed me back and forth over his lap. That hard lump in his swim shorts rubbed against my thigh. I looked down at him as his lips kissed my neck. He was so focused on me. I felt guilty looking in on Tavi and Ryan.... I turned back to them.

Tavi was holding Ryan by the hair and fucking his face just slowly enough to not splash the water around. It made gentle waves as he pistoned in and out of Ryan's eager lips. He shoved in deep and then held there and let out a growl. He pumped a few more times and I watched Ryan's adam's apple roll as he swallowed.

It was so hot to watch them that I forgot about what was happening to me until Ari shoved his finger in deep and my cock started to fire off in my shorts.

"Oh fuck," I whispered.

"Yes, baby. Cum for daddy," he growled in a low voice.

"I... fuck!" I whimpered. My body shook in his lap and I filled my swim trunks with fresh cream. I leaned against him, put my lips on his shoulder to stifle my gasp. I rocked and he held me tightly, rubbing his finger over my happy spots.

"There we go, baby. You feel so good." He kissed my forehead as I shuddered in his arms.

"So good," I whimpered against his skin. "Thank you, sir."

"Is what daddy does," he said and kissed my forehead again.

He held me in his lap while I recovered my breath. He rocked me gently and lipped at my skin.

"You guys are so cute together," Ryan said, ruining our quiet moment.. "I wish Tav would carry me around the pool."

"Yes, we are tired from long day," Ari said. He slid me off his lap and put me back behind him. I tossed my arms around him like we'd been before. I rested my chin on Ari's shoulder and stared back at Ryan. Ari slid off the step and waded back into the deeper side as Ryan and Tavi followed us.

"If you would behave like a boy who knew his place, maybe I would be more protective," Tavi shot back with a smile as though it was a lighthearted comment.

"Lukas does not grow up around pool and this is deep for him to stand," Ari lied.

"It's good he has you for protection." Tavi noted.

"I take care for my boy. He need a strong defender," Ari said proudly.

"He's a small guy. I'm surprised he can handle you! I'm surprised you haven't broken his little bubble butt." Ryan smirked. He offered me a wink. I felt Ari's body tense up.

"Dude! What the fuck? Not ok!" Tavi shot him a look of disgust.

"My boy does not hear this thing! Please use good language," Ari echoed Tavi's disapproval.

"I'm just saying! You took getting used to and Ari is... well, ouch!" Ryan shrugged.

"That's enough! Go!" Tavi barked. He pushed Ryan away. Ryan looked like everyone was overreacting. He huffed and swam away as Tavi followed.

"He's seen your dick..." I whispered to Ari.

"No! Is not what he say!" Ari defended. I let go of him. I could swim on my own and I didn't feel like touching him. He'd told me Ryan had never "known" him like that.

"Baby, come," Ari turned and reached for me. I was swimming for the side of the pool, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him.

"You told me you never did stuff with him. You lied. You lied to me." I said. I pushed him away, but I was outmatched by his strength.

"I do not lie to you for this!" Ari said but offered no explanation.

"Let go of me," I said quietly, not wanting to cause a scene.

"No. Princess... You must understand truth here to trust me..." Ari sighed. We struggled quietly. I pushed against his chest as he tried to hug me and still tread water.

"Ryan! Come!" Ari yelled. He guided us to the side of the pool so he could hold onto the edge and still keep a grip on my arm.

"Tell him! He think we do things. Tell him we do not!" Ari said as Ryan and Tavi swam over. My cheeks burned red. I didn't want a big thing in front of everyone. "Tell him truth!" Ari urged.

"We um... what?" Ryan acted surprised.

"Tell him truth! We do nothing together!" Ari looked at him with rage. "I never touch you!"

"Look what you started, Ry! Fuck. Why do you always cause shit? You're not worth it most days, bro!" Tavi fumed at Ryan.

"I... no? That night at the party? We were all at Sev's house... drinking, right?" Ryan said.

"Yes and I do not have sex with you! I never do this with you!" Ari pushed.

"I need to go. This... really, just stop." I blushed. I grabbed the side of the pool and wiggled out of Ari's hold. He was too busy arguing with Ryan to hold me too tightly. I pulled myself up out of the pool and went to get a towel.

"We didn't do it with each other. You had the two guys on the bed and Tavi and I were beside you. No, we didn't do it." Ryan shrugged and spread out his hands like it was no big deal.

"See? Nothing with Ryan," Ari turned to look up at me from the pool.

"Two guys... No Ryan... got it." I nodded at him and went for a towel. I peeled off the soaked t-shirt he'd made me wear and wrapped myself in a big beach towel then headed towards the house. I felt my cheeks burning with anger and embarrassment. I just wanted to get out of there.

"Lukas! Baby!" Ari hopped out of the pool and came after me.

"Dumbshit. That didn't help," Tavi scolded Ryan.

"He asked me to tell the truth!" Ryan defended as I walked away.

"You are naked, little one," Mr. Khorasani joked as I came up to the patio with the towel wrapped around my waist. His smile faded when he saw that I was upset.

"Baby, wait!" Ari came up behind me dripping water all over the patio.

"I'm going to bed, sir." I went to Mr. Khorasani's side for protection. He stretched out an arm and wrapped it around me. He pulled me against his side and put the back of his hand on my forehead to check for a fever.

"It's only 8pm. The boys upset you?" he asked.

"No sir, just tired." I looked at him and leaned my head on his shoulder. I didn't look at Ari. I could hear him catching his breath.

"I'll walk with you," he offered.

"I will take him!" Ari said, but his father put a hand up. He could tell when he was needed. He led me back through the house to our bedroom. Ari didn't follow.

"Tell me what upsets you, little one," he said. I couldn't tell him the truth.

"Just something Ryan said. It's nothing. He was just being dumb. I just... what's going to happen to us now? Our house... your house is gone," I said. I don't know where that came from, it just all came rushing back to me. The Khorasani home was where I finally felt free. I felt safe there. It was the place I ran to when my world fell apart. It was the family that welcomed me when nothing made sense. It was gone. The fire had taken it.

"We will buy another. I already have a few to go and look at. The insurance will take care of it. Plus a developer has already contacted me. The other two lots that were destroyed have agreed to sell to him. They were large lots and he can put in a gated cul-de-sac with six homes more expensive than ours. He is offering us top dollar." Mr. Khorasani smiled.

"But I had good memories there," I sighed. He took the towel from my waist and started to rub it over my shoulders to dry me.

"I did too, but we only owned it for a few years. Home is where our family is. We will find something just as good and actually come out making a profit. You'll have a new room and new bed and everything can be replaced. Life is important and no life was lost in the fire. I promise you things will be back to normal soon enough," Mr. Khorasani said in that daddy tone that let me know he would handle it. It would all be ok.

"I am finished swim. I get ready for bed too," Ari said as he poked his head in.

"Ryan upset your boy. He will not do it again," Mr. Khorasani said in a threatening tone.

"It is being taken care for. He will not upset my boy again," Ari swore. They exchanged looks like foes from an old west movie. Each was waiting for the other to draw his gun.

"I will let you two get ready for bed then," Mr. Khorasani draped the towel over my shoulders and leaned down to kiss my cheeks. He hugged his son tensely then left us alone.

"You are upset? For why? You hear from Ryan I do not touch him! I am honest with you!" Ari said when Mr. Khorasani left the room. "I do not lie to you."

"No. You don't lie, but you did it with two guys in front of everyone at a party? How could you do that? You lecture me all the time about evil men wanting to use me and you..." I shook with anger.

"I did..." Ari sighed. "You know I am grown man. I have experience before you and not all is good! You do not think I was virgin when we meet. Do you? I am not innocent like my princess."

"I mean... I guessed you had done stuff before. You're pretty good at it. But... two guys?" I shook my head like it was a crazy thought.

"Sometimes more if I feel like it. I do lots of dumb thing in my youth. Is how I learn and is why I protect you so fierce! This is before I even know of you! Nothing matter since I meet you. No one else share my bed, my heart, my eyes." Ari looked at me with sadness.

"I know. I just never thought about it. And all this talk about keeping control on your boy. You guys talk about us like we are dumb pets!" I finished drying off and slid off my swim trunks.

"Is because we love you. We know how much bad is out there. Everyone want that you are protected. Just like me at the parties. I take advantage of the ones who are free with their body. Is not like how I do things with you. Is not love. I don't want that you end up at parties with men who take advantage of your innocence. I will protect you. You are only for me!" Ari followed me into the bathroom and took off his swim trunks.

He pushed me into the shower so we could rinse off the pool. We rubbed soap over each other while I thought about it.

"Even if I went to college I wouldn't get into stuff like that. I'm not stupid," I said as we rinsed.

"Is not you are stupid. You are tasty treat. You are naive and trust that others are good. You can easily fall into trouble. Bad influence will corrupt if you do not have daddy to care for you. You need a man to look out for you. I do this for you. I always will keep you safe," Ari swore as he kissed my shoulders.

"I don't want to be here anymore. I want to go home," I whined. I melted in his hold.

"Soon, princess. Soon we go when is safe." Ari nodded at me with sad eyes.

"I want everything back to normal," I confessed.

"Tomorrow I take you for business and we stop by the condo. Maybe air is cleaner since fires move away. Ok, my love? We can have time together and maybe my father says it safe enough to return. I take you to our home where you will be mine." Ari looked at me with hope.

I nodded and held onto him. I felt safe in his arms. Maybe Mr. Hadid was right. I'd gotten used to this, thought it was something simple. I didn't realize the things Ari and Mr. Khorasani protected me from. If this fire had happened when I lived with my dad, we'd be stuck on my uncle's roach infested couch with no way to recover. We wouldn't talk about things that were easy to replace, we'd be talking about how on earth we could ever rebuild our lives. We'd have nowhere to turn, no easy recovery.

I hugged Ari a little extra hard. He lifted me out of the shower and grabbed a fresh towel to dry us off. He picked out my pajamas, the warm ones that covered me from neck to toe. He put me on his chest, pulled the covers over us, and kissed me goodnight. He'd make sure everything was ok. That's what daddies do.

-- My Stories: My blog:

Next: Chapter 18

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