Lukas and the Shah

By Emri S.

Published on Nov 27, 2023


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Story Recap: Lukas, an athletic, California 17 yr-old with blonde hair, blue eyes, and tight body, loves Ari, a wealthy, muscled, 25 yr-old Persian who dominates his boy. Lukas is coming to terms with his father's relationship with Mr. Khorasani's younger brother Mirteza.

Lukas & The Shah

Ch.16- The HouseBoys

By Emri

"We aren't going home, Lukas. I have your things. We need to go now!" Ari said with a hint of annoyance. He was still wearing the crisp suit I'd seen him in this morning and he was dodging between traffic on a very congested freeway. Behind us, the air was thick with brown haze and somewhere in the distance sirens were going off.

"How did you know they would evacuate the high school? The fires came so suddenly," I noted. It seemed like a matter of seconds between Ari texting me that he was outside and the high school intercom announcing school was letting out early for a fire that had quickly spread through the hills and close to where the school butted against them.

"I come to get you when father sees on news the fire is close to Glendale. He is pack important house thing and meet us later," Ari said. He swerved over into the carpool lane which was inching a little faster than the other lanes.

"It was fine this morning, cold and windy. I went into third period and halfway through...." I trailed off as Ari reached over and squeezed my hand.

"It start this morning in Montrose and comes over the hills with the Santa Ana winds. They are bad today. Is no good for your allergy. I hear the scratches in your baby voice." Ari squeezed my hand as the speeds started to pick up. I covered his hand with both of mine and leaned over to put my head on his shoulder.

He told me to rest. He turned up the Persian pop he was playing and drove on for what felt like hours until the city turned to suburbs that stretched out into green hills that stacked up into scrubby brown mountains. We got off the freeway onto a parkway and drove past big shopping centers. It started to lose lanes until it turned into a two lane highway winding around a neighborhood under construction.

"My uncle live up there. He has large home so we have room." Ari pulled onto a narrow grey road that crawled up the scrubby hillside dotted with towering pines hiding stately mediterranean compounds surrounded by adobe walls and wooden gates painted and weathered to look like they had survived the Mexican war.

"But I have a test tomorrow and I need my homework book from the house!" I suddenly remembered my projects due this week.

"There is no school tomorrow. We will come home when is safe. You can study while we wait this to pass," Ari assured. He squeezed my hand again.

He pulled up to a gate and spoke in his language to an intercom before the gate slid open to let us in. His car rolled up a driveway that wound between two small grassy hills that opened to show a modern mansion of grey slate and glass.

"Woah! That's where we're staying?" I asked in amazement.

"They can build cheaper out here far from city," Ari defended as if I thought it was nicer than the Khorasani estate back in Glendale. "If my father sell his home we will build twice this size!"

I nodded at him and decided to keep my awe to myself. He pulled the car around the house to where a row of luxury vehicles were parked under a large slate roof supported by criss-crossed steel beams.

"Your uncle lives here? Is he your dad's brother or your mom's?" I asked when he parked.

"Neither. They are Egyptian but he is good friend to my father for long time. They live next to us in Glendale but move here when his wife dies. Was tragic. She was nice to us and friend to mother," Ari said with a little sadness.

"That's so sad. The kids are your age?" I asked.

"They are. Three boys with two still at home. Those are younger than me, the oldest is older. You will be a good boy here. Stay in room or close to me. You are respectful and quiet as always. Yes, my love?" Ari put his hand on the back of my head and rubbed my hair. He pulled me in for a kiss as I nodded.

He took bags from the trunk and then led me to a back entrance of the house. The door opened before we were halfway there and a man who looked similar in age and build to Mr. Khorasani stepped out. He was tall and built with sun-kissed almond skin and a messy pile of black curls on his head.

His lips curled into a smile that stretched his narrow face with a strong jaw. His wide green eyes balanced his prominent, sphinx of a nose. A green, low-neck henley stretched over his well-built chest and bulging arms. It was tucked into a tight pair of khaki pants that showed impressive thighs hugging a full bulge. I was in awe... and love.

I'd never seen so many handsome, wealthy Middle-Eastern men before I'd met Ari. He was just another delicious apple off an abundant tree. He reached down to take my hand and squeezed it as he greeted the man.

"Hello, Uncle Rami!" Ari started in English but then launched into a different language as the two men closed in on each other with me in tow. They hugged and talked until Ari was ready to pull me in front of him and introduce me.

"He is a beautiful boy. Your father was not lying," the man said. He leaned down until his eyes were level with mine and offered me a smile as he appraised me. I felt the weight of his stare and lowered my eyes to his chest. I felt Ari's hand clap down on my shoulder with a gentle squeeze.

"He is a sleepy boy. He spends the morning escaping the smoke. Poor baby is taken with anxiety," Ari said as if I had wet my pants in his car.

He ignored his uncle's comment on my "beauty." I thought that was an odd way to describe me. I may pale in comparison to the rugged Khorasani men, but I'm not exactly small. Sure I was a track star, but I'd also been working out with Ari's dad and I was proud of the small abs forming on my flat stomach, the bulged in my arms and the way my pecs were filling in. But around these lions, I was a pup; a weakling needing his daddy's protection.

"Of course! Brandon is setting up the room for you. Please, come in." He waved his hand towards the doorway and Ari pushed me in front of him. He pointed us down a hallway and behind a back stairway to an open door where a shirtless man in grey fleece shorts was fluffing pillows on a queen-sized bed.

"Bran! Everything is ready for the guests?" Rami asked. The man looked up at us as if startled by our sudden appearance. He was taller than me and about ten years older with a little more muscle and a handsome face with pale green eyes and light brown hair. He looked like a model and I instantly looked over to check Ari for interest. He had his head turned to the side looking at a painting of grey, lifeless buildings on the wall.

"Yeh... yes, sir. Just finishing," Brandon stammered with a nervous energy. He lowered his eyes.

"Go put a shirt on. I don't want our guests thinking I run a home for street lads!" Rami boomed. He laughed at his own joke and Ari offered a chuckle.

"We really appreciate this," Ari said as Brandon scurried out of the room with his head bowed.

"We're glad to finally have a visit! We haven't had many old friends come since moving halfway to San Diego! You two rest up. Dinner is at six, but if you want some lunch I can have the boy bring you something." Rami put his hand on my shoulder and I watched Ari bare his teeth just a little. The older man didn't notice. He smiled at me and I couldn't help but bite my lip.

"I hope you feel better, son," he told me and then turned to leave. Ari told him thank you and then closed the door. He turned to look at me and I smiled like an innocent.

"Come, let's lie down. I have work to finish on computer. There is tv here if you wish to watch." Ari led me to the bed and I slipped off my shoes. I crawled up to the pillows and laid down while he went for our bags and started to take off his suit.

"Who is Brandon? Is he the guy's boy?" I asked, suddenly remembering I have a voice.

"The guy? Oh, you will call him Mr. Hadid. When his wife pass, her family threaten to cut off his money if he remarry. They always think he is marry to her for her wealth, but I know he love her greatly. Instead of find new woman, he find Brandon to take care of his home. He dismiss the housekeeper when they move to this new home." Ari said as he stripped down to a tight white pair of boxerbriefs.

"So he's like a houseboy?" I asked. Ari looked at me with alarm.

"How you know this word?" he asked as if it was some dark side of life I wasn't supposed to know about. "He does not share with us the nature of his relation to this Brandon." Ari smiled as if it was an open secret.

"Well he could have chosen an ugly guy, not a hot model. If I looked like him, I'd probably get a setup like this too!" I laughed. Ari's eyes narrowed in disapproval. He knelt his hulking, muscled frame on the edge of the bed then leaned forward and crawled over me on all fours until his hands were planted on either side of my chest.

"You are much more beautiful than Brandon. In ten years when you reach his age you will still be more beautiful. And what is wrong with your setup? We have more money than the Hadids, we do not need flash it around as they do. I will build you a castle bigger than this, but is a lot to clean, no?" Ari asked. He lowered his lips to my neck and grazed his teeth against my skin.

"You're right. We'll stick with the condo," I agreed. I kissed his cheek and earned his lips on mine. He smiled then pushed my arms up over my head and pinned them against the headboard. He growled and sniffed my cheek then brushed his nose up behind my ear. Another growl from him and I felt a wave of chills slide through me.

"Yes, sir," I whimpered as though he had asked a question. He hadn't. I felt my cock stir and quickly harden in my pants but it was all for nothing. Ari laughed, kissed me again, then got up to go find his laptop. He came back to bed with it and turned on the TV mounted on the wall by the closet. He found a cartoon channel and then pulled me into his chest while he clicked away on an email to some clients.

He worked for about an hour while I watched cartoons I hadn't seen since I was little. They made me laugh and took my mind off the fires, but then I thought about Brandon again.

"So do you think they have sex?" I asked out of the blue. Ari stopped typing mid sentence and sighed. This wasn't the type of conversation he wanted to have.

"I do not think he hires him because he is world cleaning champ," Ari said and then gave a little laugh. "But he does take care of the place. He is loyal to Uncle. I think has been two years here."

"He keeps himself in good shape. I wonder what they do," I pushed Ari past his comfort zone.

"Is not for you to know, little pervert. Watch your cartoon!" Ari insisted. He kissed my forehead then went back to his work until he felt my stomach rumble against his side.

He finished his email then closed the laptop and nudged me to get up. He put on a pair of green shorts and a white polo shirt. He grabbed his laptop and we wandered out to find the kitchen. Brandon was there, leaning against the counter and playing with his phone. He quickly set it down and looked up at us with a smile.

"You're hungry? I was just about to start on dinner, but it'll take a few hours. Can I make you something?" He was eager to prove his worth.

"My boy would like a sandwich. He does not like mayonnaise or olives, but he will eat most anything else... please," Ari said. His tone sounded like he was talking to a lowly house servant, but then he added manners at the end.

"Yes sir! Of course! There is fresh turkey. We ordered from the market this morning when your father called. They deliver right to the door now! It is so convenient!" Brandon quickly disappeared behind the refrigerator door and started pulling out drawers.

He made the most beautiful turkey sandwiches for us and set them on the counter. Ari opened his laptop and got back to work while he ate. I ate and watched Brandon start on dinner.

"What are you making?" I asked when he started chopping up vegetables. Ari had discouraged me from talking to people here, but I thought it would be ok since Brandon and I were of similar statuses. I was basically a houseboy in training and eager to pick up tips.

"Steak! I have to prepare it and he will grill it for us. He loves to grill! I'm also making some veggie skewers to grill with them. Do you cook for Mr. Khorasani?" he asked. He meant Ari, not THE Mr. Khorasani who was not there yet.

"Sometimes. I try. I don't know much yet. When I finish school though we can move in together and..." I started to pour out details to Brandon. He looked so interested and kept nodding and prodding me along for more. Ari didn't look up from his work so he must have approved.

"I don't know why I'm telling you all this," I said and stopped suddenly.

"It's ok. We don't meet a lot of... guys in our situations. I've only met a few," Brandon started. He told me about some of Mr. Hadid's friends and clients who had boys like him... like us. He told me he even had one as a friend whose "boss" was good friends with Mr. Hadid. He called him boss, not daddy or master or any other term that would imply more than a business relationship.

"How did you find this... job?" I asked, choosing my words carefully.

"I was doing a photoshoot for swimwear. I used to model a lot, but once you hit 25 it's hard to get the good accounts. I started getting car ads and dad clothes. I should have saved money back when it was pouring in, but I didn't. Mr. Hadid was working with a client who was running the shoot and invited him down to see things in action. There were five other guys modeling with me and we were all in similar situations," Brandon said.

"Wow! Modeling!" I felt envy eating my chest.

"When he started talking to us on the break, the guys swarmed him like piranhas. A wealthy, single Arab daddy doesn't come along every day. I hung back. They were all so desperate and I just wasn't up to it. He left, but then one of the crew brought me his card and said he'd asked for me to call him." Brandon looked down as he slid a skewer through a piece of yellow pepper.

"I thought maybe he'd given his card to all the boys so I shrugged it off but then two days later he called me out of nowhere! His friend had given him my info and he said I'd looked sad when he saw me. He asked how I was doing and if he could take me to lunch. We started hanging out and he helped me sort out some of my bleeding finances. He offered me the position and that was that. I never did another shoot or looked for another gig," Brandon sighed.

"That's so romantic! He chose you because you weren't desperate like the other guys," I glowed. I looked over at Ari who was pretending not to be listening but I saw the smile on his lips.

"I chose him because he was broke and had cleaned houses before," Mr. Hadid said as he came into the kitchen to check up on us. I didn't know he'd been listening. I quickly went quiet.

"I hope I have lived up to your faith in me, sir." Brandon smiled.

"Some days more than others. Finish the preparations and then double check the other guest room. I don't want anything forgotten for my dearest friend," Mr. Hadid said. He came up behind Brandon and rubbed his back. I tried not to stare because he was looking right at me! So instead, I looked down at the vegetable skewers like they needed studying.

"My father will be very comfortable here. We are grateful for your hospitality," Ari said in a polished tone. He sat back from his laptop and put an arm behind me across the back of the high chair. I wondered what about this situation made him extra protective. I could feel the warm tension from his arm as it hugged my back.

"You are welcome here for as long as you need," Mr. Hadid said. He watched Brandon load the marinating trays into the refrigerator and then scamper off to check the guestrooms. I noticed he gave a pat to Brandon's bottom as the younger man left.

"Could we use your gym? Lukas is used to a hard workout with father in the afternoon. It is good to keep the boy's routine," Ari asked as he closed his laptop.

"Of course! State of the art! Brandon ordered new cardio machines just last month so he could get back into his running. It's just down from your room on the left!" Mr. Hadid bragged. Ari thanked him and we went to change.

It did feel good to get on the treadmill. It was a brand new one with a touch screen and a coach to guide me through a simulated cross country trek. I ran up and down hills on the machine and got a good five miles in before I started to wear out. Ari used the weights and did a little cardio of his own on the stair climber. He finished before I did so he sat on the weight bench and played with his phone.

We were just getting out of the shower when I heard a knock on our door. Ari wrapped a towel around his waist and went to check it. I heard Mr. Khorasani speaking in their language and I quickly grabbed a towel to wrap around myself and scurried out to the bedroom.

"Little one," he said with relief and came over to me. He lifted me off my feet into a crushing hug and his lips kissed my neck. "You are safe. Everyone is safe." He held me for a minute and luckily the towel around my waist stayed on. He finally set me down and then tousled my wet hair. He smiled and gave me one last kiss on the cheek.

"Yes, sir. I am safe. Everyone else is ok?" I asked.

"They are fine. I settled them in a hotel in San Diego and then came back up. My wife is with the other boys and their families. They will have a nice vacation while we wait this out. Your father and my brother are staying in LA. They are away from the smoke and staying with friends. You boys gets dressed and ready for dinner. The other boys will be home soon." Mr. Khorasani pulled me in for another tight hug before giving us some privacy.


Ari put me in pants and a long-sleeved t-shirt for dinner. He wanted me covered around these guys. I was glad he hadn't packed a winter coat for me. We found Mr. Khorasani on the back patio with Mr. Hadid and Brandon. They were standing in front of a grill that was giving off the most delicious smell.

Under the patio there was a long high table with seating for ten. Ari put me in the center seat facing the grill and settled in next to me. As soon as we sat down, two guys came out from the house behind us. I turned to see they must be Mr. Hadid's sons.

The older one was a mirror image of his father though much younger. He was tall and muscled with a stride that said he owned the world. His eyes quickly found me and his lips turned up into a smile. Ari squeezed my hand as he held it under the table. I quickly lowered my eyes.

The younger one looked like his father but was closer to my height and age. His frame was toned but not as bulging and bulky as his brother's. He offered me a kind smile that said we were equals and a nod that said I was welcome here. Like their father, they had a pile of black curls on top of their heads shaved down neatly on the sides.

"My boys, Musa and Tarik," Mr. Hadid said. Ari got up and greeted them both with a hug. I got up and stood by his side until he introduced me. The older one was Musa and the younger was Tarik. Both of them said hi and Ari kept his hand on me while they hugged me.

Musa went over to where his father was at the grill. He started talking in their language to him. Tarik stayed by us and Brandon came over to him. They hugged and Brandon reached up to push back his stray curls. He paused and then put the back of his hand against the Egyptian boy's forehead like a parent would do.

"You look tired, but you don't feel warm." Brandon looked at him with parental concern.

"I'm fine! The fires are up in LA, we barely got any smoke at the college," Tarik said.

"I know, but you're so sensitive to it. Bring me your inhaler. You sound a little scratchy," Brandon replied. Tarik rolled his eyes but then turned and complied.

"His allergies get pretty severe and he doesn't take care of himself. Poor kid!" Brandon shook his head with a laugh.

"Is good you look over him so well," Ari said.

"He's a good kid," Brandon said as Tarik came back out with a blue inhaler.

"I can do it myself," Tarik said.

"You don't hold it right and you end up coughing it out. Here, tip toes," Brandon said. Tarik stretched up on his toes and Brandon shook the inhaler then held it up high. Tarik lipped at it and Brandon gave him two pumps. He brought the inhaler back down and then put his hand on Tarik's back and rubbed it gently.

"There you go. You'll feel better now," Brandon said. "His ENT doctor showed us how to do it that way so he stretches his chest and takes it all the way in. It would be easier if he learned to stand up straight all the time."

"Thanks," Tarik said and put his head against Brandon's shoulder. Brandon hugged him then said he needed to get the plates and utensils for dinner. Tarik followed him to help.

"Did you see that? Dude, something is up with this," I whispered to Ari.

"Is not for our concern," Ari said under his breath. He pulled me into his side and seemed more interested in the conversation around the grill going on in his language between his father, Musa, and Mr. Hadid.

"What are they saying? I don't know Persian," I reminded him.

"Is Arabic. He brags of his two older boys in their business. Musa and Tavi work for their father. They do what we do but for down here. Tarik is in school, university." Ari rubbed my shoulder like a pet while he listened.

"Oh." I wasn't interested in business talk, but Ari listened intently.

"Now they speak about you. My father tells him how you are boy we take into our home... you run away to be with us... and we take your father in too," Ari chuckled. I looked at Mr. Hadid and he offered me a sympathetic smile.

Brandon came back carrying a little bucket of silverware and napkins with Tarik behind him carrying a stack of square plates. They set them in the center of the table and then Brandon went back to the kitchen. Mr. Hadid put the meat and kebabs on a big plate and brought them to the table as Brandon came back with a bowl of rice.

Mr. Khorasani came to sit on the other side of me from his son and the Hadids sat across from us with Brandon between Mr. Hadid and Tarik. Musa sat across from Ari and they started talking in Arabic while they grabbed food for their plates. Mr. Khorasani took my plate and put a few pieces of steak and some grilled veggies on it for me. I wasn't very hungry, but it looked delicious. We ate while Mr. Hadid told us about Brandon taking college classes online to get a degree in business.

"He's a simple boy, but he can learn the basics. If anything ever happens to me, he should have some skills and be able to work for my sons. Tarik is working on his degree in the arts. He wants to make films. He has a small collection online. I did make him take at least a year of business courses in case his plans change," Mr. Hadid laughed.

"He's so talented!" Brandon chimed in but then closed his mouth realizing he wasn't spoken to.

"Our Lukas will work on a writing degree when he finishes high school. He is very gifted in track and field events as well," Mr. Khorasani shot back.

"He has the body for it. He is a very handsome boy. It is fortunate he has your son to guard him," Mr. Hadid said. He offered me a wink. I blushed and looked down at my plate.

"Yes. My Arisht will guide him well. At his young age a boy can go bad very quickly. His father tried his best to protect him, but he needed real men." Mr. Khorasani rubbed my hair.

"Boys raising boys never brings a good outcome. Brandon is good with the care and nurturing of my boys, but he doesn't have the heavy hand they need. They melt him so easily. He babies them more than their mother ever did." Mr. Hadid kissed Brandon's cheek and left a little steak sauce.

"Do you know what they did to him the first week I brought him home? They had him doing secret errands for them. He was doing their chores and even some homework for Tarik. One night I came home to find Brandon making a pizza for them because they didn't want the nutritious meal he had prepared! I put a stop to it and two boys went to bed hungry that night!" Mr. Hadid continued.

"It's called being nice to us! He doesn't treat us like children," Musa said in defense of the houseboy.

"I am very nice to you! Nice enough to grow you into responsible and well-behaved men like my Tavi, not spoiled Orange County boys with no ambition," Mr. Hadid replied with a glare to his son.

"You see the boys here racing BMWs at all hours blasting the rap music and flashing their gold around. I won't have my boys wasting their youth like that," Mr. Hadid continued and turned to Mr. Khorasani for support.

"I agree! I pushed my sons to get good degrees and my Arisht is helping expand our businesses. Now he is helping to raise a boy of his own!" Mr. Khorasani beamed.

"These do-nothing rich boys out here get into trouble. I caught Tarik sucking on one of those vape sticks one night! He said all his friends were into it. I shut that down!" Mr. Hadid fumed.

"I have seen it at Lukas' school. He knows what will happen if he tries one! Right, little one?" Ari asked with bravado like he was in the same league as the older daddies.

"You will spank me and beat up whoever gave it to me. Then you will punish their friends, family, and everyone they love. You will banish them to a deserted island never to be seen again." I knew the speech. He warned me all the time about drugs, alcohol, smoking, anything that could harm me.

The other men laughed and Ari nodded proudly.

"Lukas is trying out for the Islamic youth league track team soon. He will meet the right kind of friends there!" Mr. Khorasani said.

"Those kids were no fun. Very traditional parents who push them too hard," Musa shook his head.

"They will help him stay focused and studying for a bright future," Mr. Khorasani pointed.

"You don't expect Lukas will work for you or work a real job, do you?" Mr. Hadid asked with genuine interest.

"No. He is a good boy best suited for home care like your Brandon," Mr. Khorasani replied.

"He will take care of my home. He has no need for business," Ari agreed.

"I could run a business too. I can do stuff!" I chimed in without invitation. The thought that my future had already been decided without my input suddenly struck me the wrong way.

"What kind of business?" Ari asked and looked at me with amusement.

I looked at him as I tried to think. I hadn't really given it any thought. He turned his head and smiled then rubbed my head sympathetically when I couldn't think of an answer.

"You are good at cleaning and you can make toast. It is a start." He offered.

"I make coffee too," I corrected.

"Yes, he does a fine job of putting the pod in the coffeemaker. We are working on pushing the right button next. Some mornings I get half a cup of espresso with a giant glob of foam," Mr. K laughed.

"I'd never let a boy like Lukas out of the house." Musa winked at me playfully.

"That is smart. Any boy worth looking at... will try for escape from you!" Ari teased. Musa glared but laughed like no offense was taken.

Ari pulled me in proudly against his side and nudged me to eat my dinner. I took a bite of the steak and saw Musa's eyes on me again.


After dinner I helped Brandon clean up while the men went in to watch a game on tv. Brandon didn't let me do much. He had his own system and worked like a machine through the dishes until the washer was humming and the kitchen was back to showroom standards. He did let me wipe down the counters, but he seemed to just want company.

"Are you worried about missing school and your home?" he asked me as he got us bottles of water from the pantry.

"I hadn't thought about it. This place is so... interesting! You have a beautiful house and you work so hard to keep everything nice. It feels more like we are on vacation," I praised. I was envious of him. He did all this and he still looked like a fitness model and cooked like a television chef.

"It's not so hard. Most nights the boys come home already having eaten and it's just me and the boss. They can be pretty messy, but I keep a daily schedule for laundry and cleaning. Musa's room is the real mess. Tarik is pretty clean and quiet." Brandon shrugged like it was nothing.

"I hope I can do as good of a job when I'm ready to live with him. At the Khorasani's house I don't do much. His mom is like you and she runs a tight ship." I nodded to Brandon.

"Do we have any more of those kiwi things?" Tarik asked as he came in to the kitchen. He raised his arm to scratch the back of his neck and his shirt lifted up to expose small but toned, almond-colored abs. He was smaller than his brother and father but held that sensual aura these men were so good at.

"Sit at the counter. I don't want spots on the carpet when it melts like last time," Brandon said. Tarik nodded happily and pulled up a high chair. He looked at me and I quickly turned my eyes. I could feel him appraising me.

"What college are you going to, Lukas? I'm at UC-Orange County. They have lots of Persians like Ari there." Brandon took a sudden interest in me.

"Would you like a Kiwi pop, Lukas? I made them last night. It's just crushed kiwi and some sparkling water frozen in a popsicle," Brandon said as he brought a tray over from the freezer.

"They're so good. Everything he makes is so good. It's why Musa and I still live here," Tarik laughed. He took one from the tray and foisted it at me. I took it and of course it was delicious.

"I haven't picked a college. Ari is looking at online programs so I can be home and work," I said.

"No way! That sucks! Don't let him do that to you. You're too young. Brandon barely leaves the house unless Baba takes him out for a special night, but at least he had a wild life before this," Tarik said with a wrinkled nose as he dove onto his iced pop.

"It's not our place," Brandon interrupted with a look of displeasure. "I'm sure he and Ari will work out their own path. Every couple has their own formula."

"I... I don't know. I mean we haven't really talked about it. Right now he takes me to school and then picks me up or Mr. Khorsasani comes for me. They have to schedule their meetings and business to make it work and I know it is difficult for them," I said. The two men did a lot to take care of me on a daily basis.

"That was their choice. Schools have buses! Do you know how to drive? Brandon can drive but we don't let him out alone unless it's the shopping center down the hill." Tarik was intimidating when he wanted to be. His eyes narrowed in on me as he sucked his popsicle.

"That's enough, Tarik. Leave the boy alone," Brandon said softly but firmly.

"I didn't mean to upset you. Just... you could have any guy you wanted and sometimes quiet guys like you get run over pretty easily." Tarik shrugged. He went back to his popsicle and Brandon offered me a sympathetic look.


I joined Ari on the couch to watch the last quarter or inning or whatever of the game. There wasn't much room so he pulled me into his lap and held me against his chest.

"Is almost your bedtime," he whispered as he nibbled on my ear.

"It has been a long day for him," Mr. Khorasani agreed with a yawn.

"Is almost over! We finish and I prepare him for bed," Ari said.

"It's only 9," Musa laughed from his chair next to Ari.

"A growing teen need 10 to 11 hours each night," Ari informed him.

"When I was in high school I was up til 11 and up at 6 for soccer practice!" Musa said.

"We have higher hopes for Lukas," Ari retorted. He always took shots at Musa and was holding me a little too tight. I wondered why. I didn't mind the extra cuddling, but I didn't like how anxious he felt.

I yawned just before the next commercial break and Mr. Khorasani insisted I go get ready for bed. I knew Ari was into the game so I told him I could go get ready on my own. He looked at me guiltily but then kissed my cheek and let me go.

I went back to our room and took a hot shower. Brandon had stocked it with an assortment of products that smelled like fresh oranges and I kept trying everything until I was clean.

I toweled off and found a bottle of citrus body lotion since my skin felt dry from the fire weather. I rubbed it on from head to toes. My skin soaked it up quickly and it left this soft feel to everything.

I put on the pajamas he'd packed for me in his rush to evacuate. They were blue, kid print flannel pajama pants and a matching T-shirt. The pattern was cartoon dinosaurs dressed in pajamas and looking sleepy.

I didn't want to go to bed without Ari. I brushed my teeth and went back out to find him. He reached for me and pulled me into his lap then kissed my cheek. Brandon offered us a blanket and Ari covered me with it and brought me in against his chest. I fell asleep in the warm cocoon of his arms and blanket as the game was winding down.


Waking up against Ari's bare, strong chest and warm heartbeat as he cradled me against his side was the best way to greet the day. My tummy was pushed against his chiseled abs with my left leg slung over his and his hand gripping my bottom. I yawned and rubbed a hand over his furry pecs as he let out a peaceful snore. I kissed his nipple and rubbed my teeth against it. My cock stirred in my pajamas and I rubbed it against his abs.

He'd put Kherse Pande, my stuffed panda bear, in my arms while I'd slept. I put the innocent bear on the pillow above his head so I could explore my man properly.

He snored again, oblivious to my morning exploration. I rubbed my hand down his love trail, feeling the ridges he worked so hard to achieve. I put a finger to the waistband of his boxerbriefs. They were the silky stretchy ones that could accommodate his healthy package.

I slid my hand inside and my fingers pushed into the thick forest of pubic hair. I have a healthy smattering of my own down there, but he is a man, a real man. He grows hair in places I probably never will. He likes my body as it is... but everytime we touch I'm reminded of the man he is, the man I'll never be.

I pushed through the forest until I found his prize. Like its owner, the heavy snake was sleeping. It laid between his heavy balls about six inches. I slid my fingers over it and gave it a tug. His stomach rose and fall with his steady snoring, but his cock began to awaken in my hand. I gripped the rising shaft and pumped it. I used my other hand to push his underwear down over his thick, furry thighs.

I kissed his chest while slowly wanking his cock and rubbing his balls. His snoring came to an abrupt stop and I felt him stir under me. His hand that had held my bottom through the night began to squeeze and rub it. He slipped it into the back of my pajama pants and cupped my cheeks.

"This is what you do while I sleep? I am just toy for you?" Ari's low, rumbling morning voice asked. His other hand found the top of my head. He slid his fingers into my hair and pulled my head back to look up at him.

"No, sir... I was sleeping? I thought this was a dream?" I offered but then my smirk gave me away. He leaned down to kiss me as I stroked him. He kept his fingers in my hair and then pushed my face down to his throbbing monster. I'd angered it so it was my duty to please the beast. I licked my lips then dove on it. He pushed his cock straight back to my throat.

"My hungry little princess. So needy for daddy's cock, aren't you?" he growled. He rubbed my hair and pushed me down until I gagged on him.

"Meh mirr," I agreed as his cock stuffed my throat. I bobbed on him, licking the fat, salty shaft that I craved. The tip pushed against my gag reflex and it made me drool and sputter on him. It was embarrassing, but it seemed to turn him on knowing my body couldn't take him. He was too much for me. I inhaled his musky cock and the scent went straight to my brain. I felt a weird sense of achievement that I could serve him like this. No matter how inadequate I was, how clumsy I sucked him, he wanted it. He wanted me.

"My beautiful princess," he praised as if knowing I needed reassurance. "I am so fortunate to wake up to this face, so lovely and talented." Ari turned my face to look up at him while he kept pumping his cock in and out of it.

He had this smile on his full, brown lips, this twinkle in his deep, soulful eyes, this look of amazement like he really did treasure this. It was too much for me. It warmed my heart... but I had to look away.

"My love," he whispered in concern. He let go of my hair and put his hand on my cheek. He turned me back to face him, but kept his cock in my throat. "I love you so much, Lukas. Is so good fortune to have you as my boy." His hand caressed my cheek. His thumb pulled at my already stretched lips.

I nodded and slurped on his cock. His thumb pulled my lip up into a smile and it made me laugh and let go of his cock. His slick, floppy monster bounced against his abs. I reached for it and pumped it then pulled it up and kissed the flared tip.

"I love you too, daddy, so much," I said. I dove back on him and kept my eyes locked on his.

Behind us there was a quick knock on the door and before I could pull myself off of his cock I heard it open.

"What are you doing? This is not your home!" Mr. Khorasani's voice whispered angrily. I froze with his son's cock in my mouth. I didn't dare to look back at him and see his disappointment. Ari quickly pulled the blanket up over my head.

"The boy fills with anxiety. He need me," Ari explained to his father. I wasn't bouncing on his cock, but the tip rested at the opening of my throat. He kept his hand on my cheek sliding his thumb back and forth to reassure me.

"I suppose so. Come out from there, little one. It's ok," Mr. Khorasani said. I felt his weight sit on the edge of our bed. Ari's hand pushed me off of his cock. I pulled his boxerbriefs back over it and then rose from beneath the blanket.

"Oh. Hi... um... good morning, sir," I said like I hadn't realized he was there.

He looked at me strangely then just laughed. He leaned in and rubbed his nose against mine like he thought I was a cute little kid.

"You must be very confused and worried, but I promise you that things will be ok. We are all safe and whatever happens you will have a home with us. It will be ok." Mr. Khorasani pulled me over to his side. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck. I was still hard from playing with Ari, but luckily my excitement wasn't pressed against him.

"Thank you, sir." I laid my head against his shoulder. He pet my hair for a minute then kissed my forehead and let me go.

"Well, we need to get going soon. We have business meetings later this morning," he said to Ari. "But take care of his... anxiety. It's best to not leave that when he's in a house full of hungry men."

"I know, father," Ari agreed. "I see how Musa look at him and I hear Tarik tell him to rebel from me!"

"Yes... their father has eyes as well, but I know my friend will protect what is mine and what belongs to my son. He is trustworthy... but perhaps the boy can come with us today. It would be good to get him out of the house," Mr. Khorasani suggested.

"Yes," Ari agreed softly. The two stared at each other awkwardly for a moment. Mr. Khorasani had his hand on my back and he rubbed it gently which only made things weirder.

"You settle your boy then come for breakfast. Family comes first," Mr. Khorasani said. It was a weird way to put that, but something about his approval made my heart leap.

Ari nodded then pulled me back from his father. Mr. Khorasani stood then left us. I looked at Ari with fearful eyes. He pulled back the blanket then freed his cock from his boxer briefs.

"You hear him, baby girl. Come and get your pacifier." Ari winked at me and grabbed his cock to shake it at me. I leaned down and he smacked my cheek with it. It left a sticky, wet kiss on my nose and I wiped it while he laughed.

"Yuck!" I whined but he knew I loved it. He put his cock to my lips and I sucked it in.

"That's my girl, bring me the pussy I love." Ari reached down and grabbed my thigh then pulled me around as I slurped his thick cock. He grabbed at the waistband of my pajama pants and pulled them down over my thighs then ripped them off my legs.

"I love see your little pussy in pretty pink thong. It hug your little boy-cunt and keep you eager for daddy touch. Yes?" Ari grabbed at the strap of the thong between my cheeks and pulled it up my back so it pressed into my ass tight on my hole.

"Yes, sir," I said then dove back onto him. His fat monster stretched my lips. I kept pushing onto it, choking myself as he praised me with a growling moan.

"Daddy love his pretty pussy boy." Ari pulled aside the strap of my thong and I pushed out my hole to wink at him. He dove into it with his tongue and slid inside me. I got an instant shot to my brain of happy warm pleasure. I pushed back against his tongue and he dug in deeper. He licked in slow circles lighting me up and making me moan on his cock.

"So fucking good," Ari said when his tongue slid out. He put a finger to my hole and shoved it in, making my body jerk and twist as I straddled his chest.

"Pretty baby," he laughed at how he could make my body dance just from fingering my hole. "Look how hard your baby cock get in the little panties." He put his other hand under me where my cock was stretching the pink pouch of the thong. He squeezed it and made it leak out precum. He pumped it a few times then collected the juice on his index finger and took it back to slide it inside my hole beside the finger from his other hand.

"Hungry pussy. It suck daddy's finger in. It know who own it," Ari said in that low daddy rumble that sent chills through me. He pried my hole open then leaned up and shoved his tongue back inside me while I bobbed on his cock. I slurped, sucked, inhaled his cock. I grabbed for his big, daddy balls and squeezed them until he grunted in protest.

"Be nice to daddy. Look how nice I eat your boy-cunt. I give my baby what she need and she try to hurt me?" he joked. He took his right index finger out of my hole and gave my cheek a smack.

"I Orry" I mumbled with his cock in my mouth. I rubbed his balls in the nice way he likes and gripped his cock with my other hand to stroke it. It appeased him and he gave me a happy rumble before he dove back onto my hole. He licked my pussy like a pro and put a hand back on my package to rub my hard cock through the soaked pink pouch.

"This fuckin hot pussy so tasty and all mine. I see how Musa look at my baby bottom when you lean over calendar. He lick his lips like the dog he is, but this pussy is owned, yes?" Ari asked like it wasn't obvious. He squeezed my cock and pushed another finger into my hole.

"He did? I didn't notice," I said, taking my lips off his cock. I looked back at him.

"You have interest? Hmm? You want that, baby girl?" Ari rubbed his fingers over that spot that makes my eyes roll back in my head.

"Nuhhhh No, sir.. Nuhhh!" I whined as he worked my hole as only he could.

"Who own this pussy? Who make this little boy-clit cum so pretty?" Ari growled. He was breathing heavy and rough-fucking my hole with two thick fingers that spread my pussy and sent chills through me. I gasped, whined, moaned, and looked back at him with desperate eyes while I tugged on his Persian monster and licked the tip.

"You, daddy. You make me cum so hard. Fuck!" I whined. I wiggled my ass on his fingers and he started to piston them in and out of me while squeezing my cock in the pouch. He put two fingers under my shaft and rubbed back and forth like I was a girl.

"That's right. That's my good baby. You're so close I feel it, my love. Cum for me while I fill your mouth with a real man's seed." Ari rough fingered my hole. I was close to the edge, but I was always close to the edge when he played with my ass. Something about his touch always had me flying on clouds. I locked eyes with him.

"Fuck you're so beautiful. My pretty little Lukas... Ahh fuck that feel so good!" Ari growled. He reached down and grabbed my hair then shoved me down deep on his cock until it made me gag. His tongue dove back into my hole and his other hand rubbed two fingers against my shaft.

"Ahhh!" I squealed when he let me off his cock. I could feel my cock on the edge of blasting and his tongue inside me made me twist and jerk on his chest. I lapped at his cock and jerked it, feeling the hot load rise the mile length of his thick brown shaft.

"Mmmm!" He moaned with his tongue lodged deep inside me. My cock gave one last jerk and then started to fire off in my pink panties. It shot right through the fabric and onto his chest.

I yelled out, maybe a little too loud. I forgot we were in a home full of men. I stroked Ari's cock and he started to fire off into my mouth. I flailed on his chest helplessly, shooting and moaning and diving deep onto his shaft as his salty treasure filled my throat. He growled, rubbed my cock, and took his tongue out of my hole only to bite on my cheek. His hulking frame twisted under me as he filled me with his seed.

"Fuck, yes! Oh fuck you feel so good!" Ari groaned. His cock shook and spit hot shots of his seed into me. He kept rubbing the shaft of my cock until I gave up the last of my seed. He squeezed the soaked pouch hard, pumping out the last of what I had. He bucked his hips up so his cock went into my throat again as he finished inside me.

"Huhhhh yeah. Fuck that's my good girl. Daddy makes that pussy feel better?" Ari asked with the last of his energy.

I backed off his cock, swallowing the last of his seed and then looked back at him hazily and nodded. He laughed, rubbed cum-soaked fingers into my hair, and then kissed my hole again.

"That's my girl. That's daddy's good baby," he praised. I rested on him, ready to go back to sleep. He rubbed my ass gently and caught his breath.

"We must shower. We have meeting today!" He took one more deep breath then patted my ass. I scooted off of him and saw the mess I'd left on his chest. I sat up then leaned down and licked up my mess. He rubbed my hair and told me I was his good girl again.


We went to take a shower then he got dressed in his suit while I dug around in the bags he'd hurriedly packed. He was used to dressing up for work every morning so he made quick work of his blue shirt and tie. He pulled black dress pants over that glorious bubble butt and huge package. He was finishing while I was still searching for what I wanted to wear.

"Dress quickly, my love. I go for breakfast, come out soon!" Ari said. He squatted next to me and gave me a kiss, ruffled my hair, then went out.

I found a pair of white sweatpants I'd never worn before. His mom had picked them for me in one of her buying frenzies. I paired it with a black tank top and white zip-up hoodie. I found a new pair of crisp, white tennis shoes that would look nice. I got dressed. The pants were a little tight, his mom bought me kid sizes. I wasn't as tiny and fragile as she pictured me when shopping. They did fit though and I didn't want to rethink my whole outfit. I went and brushed my hair then headed out to find them in the kitchen.

"Woah! Good morning!" Musa said in a flirty tone when he passed me in the hallway. He had on workout clothes that emphasized how seriously he took his exercise. He looked at me with happy hunger then turned to follow me into the kitchen where everyone was seated on barstools while Brandon served up pancakes and eggs.

Ari looked at me with a nod then did a double-take and looked back at me with displeasure.

"These are so tight on you! Go and change," he barked. I frowned and looked down at the floor.

"I... your mom bought them," I defended.

"Don't be harsh with your boy! You are his caretaker and should choose things for him. He doesn't know any better," Mr. Khorasani quickly came to my rescue.

"I can see the outline of his... is that a thong?" Musa laughed.

"Keep your dirty eyes off my boy!" Ari jumped up and hooked an arm around my waist, turning me to back up against his chest.

"The front is pretty nice too," Musa joked, loving how easily he got under Ari's skin.

Ari huffed and spun me around again so my chest was against his. He lowered his hand to my ass and pulled me up against his dress shirt. He carried me back to the bedroom and found a pair of jeans that were a little more modest.

"I don't intend to yell at you. I apologize, but you must be modest in this house," Ari said, realizing he'd offended me.

"I didn't mean to upset you," I offered.

"Is not you. I was in hurry and should approve your clothes before you leave the safety of my bed. Is ok, my love. I am not angry for you. I do not wish my boy is on display for others. Your body is for me," Ari sighed. He sat on the edge of the bed while I changed.

"We have breakfast and go to business. Do not worry. Our life is back to normal soon. Ok, my love? Is just for a few days we are here." He watched me pull off the tight sweatpants.

"I can't believe she buy you this. Is like tights for ballerina boy!" Ari laughed.

"She thinks I'm a tiny boy," I laughed back.

"You are tiny boy. My ballerina boy." He leaned forward and kissed me while I put my hand on his shoulder to steady myself as I pulled them off my right foot.

Mr. Khorasani opened the door quickly, just in time to find me bent forward with my ass to the door covered only in a fresh white thong. I froze and turned back to look at him. He kept catching me in compromising moments.

"Father, you must knock please!" Ari growled.

Mr. Khorasani ignored my nudity and spoke quickly in Farsi.

"Fuck! No!" Ari said. I didn't know what was going on but Mr. Khorasani was agitated and Ari seemed suddenly defeated.

"What? What?" I asked. I turned to look at Mr. Khorasani and saw Mr. Hadid come in behind him. Ari quickly pulled me into his lap and put his hand between my legs to cover the white pouch that held my cock. He pulled the comforter until it covered my lap.

"The house... is gone," Mr. Khorasani said. He looked stunned, like saying it out loud would make it true.

"Gone?" I asked, understanding but not believing.

"Gone. The fire burned the first three houses on each side of the street from the hillside. It's gone." Mr. Khorasani came to sit next to us. He leaned against Ari and put his arms around us. I put my head on his shoulder.

It didn't seem real. It couldn't be real. I'd just been there the morning before. I'd had breakfast at the table with him before going to school. I'd left a project I was finishing on the desktop in my bedroom. Most of my childhood was in boxes at Mr. Mirteza's house where my father lived, but I had clothes, memories, important things in the Khorasani home. It couldn't be gone.

"I am so sorry, my friend," Mr. Hadid said.

"No," I said. "No way. Maybe they got confused. It can't... No way."

"I got pictures from the Al-Harthis down the street. There is charred foundation and a fireplace. Everything else is gone," Mr. Khorasani explained in a choked voice.

"I'm so sorry... This sucks. No way. Our house! I..." I trailed off as the two men held me.

"We are safe, my love. Insurance will build new home. We have each other. Everyone is safe," Ari said sadly. He kissed my cheek and held his father.

And that was that. It was real. It was gone. We had each other and nothing else.

"We are safe," I repeated in a slow, stunned voice. "We are ok."

-- My Stories: My Blog:

Next: Chapter 17

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