Lukas and the Shah

By Emri S.

Published on Oct 30, 2023


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Story Recap: Lukas, an athletic California 17 yr-old with blonde hair, blue eyes, and tight body, loves Ari, a wealthy, muscled, 25 yr-old Persian who dominates his boy. Lukas found out that his father was more than just "staying" with Mr. Khorasani's younger, but no less alpha, brother Mirteza.

Lukas & The Shah

Ch.15- The HouseBoy

By Emri

"You can do this, little one. 7 minutes is the goal. You're almost there. I know you're going to blow them away at the try-outs next week!" Mr. Khorasani said when I sat and straddled the bench to face him. He wrapped a towel around me and I leaned forward to catch my breath.

"I haven't run outside in over a week! [gasp] It's so different on the treadmill," I said. He handed me a cold bottle of alkaline water but only let me sip a little.

"You're only over your goal by 13 seconds. You can cut that quickly. Maybe it's this trail? I tried to find one that is flat like the track, but I noticed you jumping over things. Breathe, little one. Relax for me," Mr. Khorasani came up behind me and straddled me on the bench. He put his hands on my shoulders and rubbed them.

"It's a little bumpy, but not bad. Will they... be cool with me, you think, sir?" I asked. I was glad for the chance to try out, but also a little scared.

"The Muslim Youth Sports league has boys of good character and there is a mix of Persian, Arab, African, and East Asian. I know many of the families and can help you if any problems occur. We have supported them for years. You will have no problem with safety." Mr. Khorasani worked his fingers into my shoulders until I sighed and felt the tension slide out of me.

I ran the mile one more time, but only improved by 7 seconds. I was ready to go again, but Mr. Khorasani said I'd done enough for the day so we headed home.

He was sweaty from running with me at the park so we both headed for the showers when we got home. I cleaned up then put on a tank top and shorts. Ari was still at work and Mrs. Khorasani was out for the evening at a lady's club event so I went to the Khorasani's room to see if Mr. K wanted me to make him a protein shake.

When I got to his room, his door was ajar. I didn't hear the shower running, so I thought he must be finished. When I got to the doorway though, I could see he was staring at his phone and rubbing a towel over his damp hair.

I'd never seen him naked. I'd seen him in boxers or a robe or some other state of undress, but never naked. I'd imagined it before. I'd even fantasized about it on several nights with happy ending dreams... but I'd never seen it.

I looked him up and down while he was distracted with his phone. He had the chiseled torso of a man who'd never let his body go. He was lighter than Ari, with a proud Persian nose, hard pecs with small brown nipples, and a v-shape any model his age would be proud of. His cock was soft but swung around as he rubbed his damp hair. It nestled between two huge, furry balls and was crowned with a proud bush of thick black hair. I watched it swing back and forth, hypnotized by it.

"What do you need, little one?" he said as though I wasn't standing there staring at his cock.

It snapped me out of my haze. I looked up at his face and felt a deep blush sweep over my cheeks. He looked up at his phone and stared at me without embarrassment. He had nothing to cower from. He was built like a god.

"I'm... sorry... um what, sir?" I swallowed and froze in position.

"What do you need, little one?" he asked again. He lowered the towel to swipe across his chest but made no move to cover himself where it counted. I fought between urges. I should have run, but the urges didn't take me there. Instead I was caught between wanting to look back down between his thighs and wanting to fall to my knees in front of him and hope for the best.

"Are you ill? What is wrong?" he asked. He set his phone down on top of the dresser and moved towards me.

"I was... going to make... a... um a shake... with the protein stuff... I... can make you one," I choked out. His lips turned into a smile and he rubbed the towel down to his cock.

"It's on the high shelf in the pantry. I'll help you," he said. He opened the top drawer and took out a neatly folded pair of green briefs, the skimpy kind only foreign straight men or American gay men wear. He stepped into them and pulled them up his legs. His bull-sized package filled out the front of them and he put his hand in there to tuck it away like all well-endowed men must do.

"I got the unflavored kind. I know you didn't care for the fruit punch one. My Arisht finished that off yesterday so I stopped by The Weight Bench on my way to get you." He noticed my eyes had wandered back down to his package. He took out a pair of grey fleece shorts and stepped into them as well. He walked to me and put a finger under my chin to lift my head so our eyes met again.

"Yes, sir... fruit punch yuck," I stammered. He laughed.

"Come, little one. My starving little champion... Let's get you fed." Mr. K put a hand on my shoulder and turned me back towards the hall. I looked down and noticed my shorts were tented obscenely, but he didn't say anything about it. Maybe he'd always been a hot guy and the show of appreciation from lesser men was just part of his daily existence.

We made protein shakes then settled in at the kitchen table and got to work. I had some homework to do and he had a few reports to look over.

"Oh!" I said suddenly when I opened up my school agenda. "I forgot I have an online article to read. The teacher sent it to our student emails. Can I use your laptop?"

"Sure, let me just close this report," he said. He slid over next to me and opened a web browser so I could check the school email. I logged in and found the email from the history teacher, but then Mr. K noticed another email below it.

"What is this? A friend? You're emailing with a friend from a class?," Mr. K asked.

"I don't know, sir. I don't recognize the name. Devin O'Hare?" I didn't know anyone by that name. "Look! The address isn't from the school system. Maybe it's spam."

"They should not allow spam! You are a child. Let me see this," Mr. K slid back his computer and opened the email.

There was one line written and then a link. It said: Yo, is this your dad? Pretty sick, dude!

"I don't like this. What is this link? It says porn in the title," Mr. K said but then he clicked on it anyway.

The web browser launched a new window and it was a porn site with all kinds of ads on the side. But right in the middle a video began to play. It showed an empty room, but we both recognized it as Mr. Teza's living room with the stained concrete floors and colorful art splashes.

"Here, pup!" a voice called.

My dad bounded into the room completely naked except for a tiny white thong that held his package. He had some kind of headband with pointy brown dog ears. He held his hands up in front of him and panted like a dog.

"Down, pup!" the voice yelled.

Dad dropped to his knees on the rug and then leaned forward to get on all fours. He panted happily then turned around in a circle and I could see something poking out of his ass. It was a brown rubber dog tail. He wiggled his ass and it shook back and forth.

"You want this, boy? Yeah little slut puppy?" Mr. Teza's voice said then the camera panned down to show a huge, hard brown cock. He gripped it with one hand and wiggled it. Dad came back into the camera's view as he eagerly crawled over to put his face under it.

"You think you've earned this, little pup?" Mr. Teza growled. Dad looked up at him and cocked his head to the side as he whimpered. He looked up at him with begging eyes and stuck his tongue out.

"What the fuck?" Mr. Khorasani boomed. He closed the video out and looked at me with wild eyes.

"Who is this Devin? I will call the school immediately!" He growled.

"I don't know a Devin O'Hare. It's probably a fake account. Oh my god, what is my dad up to?" I asked with panic.

"Someone is playing a joke on you." Mr. Khorasani understood. "I'm sorry you had to see that. My brother... this is shameful. He should not be posting things like this for the world to see."

"Hey!" Ari's voice called as the front door opened.

"We are in here, come at once!" Mr. Khorasani was pissed. Ari came in looking guilty like he thought he was in trouble.

"What happened?" he asked as his heart sank. He came over to kiss the top of my head and tossed his keys and phone on the table.

"You must see this! Someone sent our boy a link to a very disturbing video." Mr. Khorasani got up from the table and took the laptop with him. He set it on the counter and Ari opened the link.

I heard the scene played over again though Mr. K had turned the volume down. I looked over at them. I couldn't see the screen but I watched Ari's face turn from almond to white.

"Who send this to him? Why does this need to be wave in front of his face? My boy does not... Fuck!" Ari's eyes bulged. He must have watched past what Mr. K had allowed me to see.

"Yes. It is shocking! I will speak to my brother at once!" Mr. K took his laptop and left the room.

I sipped my protein shake as Ari looked at me with sympathetic eyes. He came over to the table where I sat and took my hand. He lifted me to stand and then he took my shake and set it on the table. He hugged me against his chest and rubbed my back.

"I am so sorry you are to see this! Is not right. I will kill the one who send you this. Then I will kill my uncle then bury his camera deep in the earth," Ari swore like this was all a clear and reasonable plan of action.

"It's weird, but... dad looked happy," I laughed nervously then added, "But what do I say to him? Ugh it's so weird!." Mr. K came back into the room and hugged me from behind. I was in the middle of a man sandwich.

"I told them I'm not going away this weekend. I'll cancel the trip. Lukas needs support," Mr. K said. He was seething with anger and I could feel his pulse race against my skin.

"No, father. I will be with him at Uncle's house. I protect my boy. And you know maman will be upset if you cancel! She look forward to this trip and want to shop," Ari pointed out. The Khorasanis were going to Palm Springs for the weekend and I was going to stay with my dad and Mr. Teza.

"I am not sending him there! That house is not fit for my little one," Mr. Khorasani boomed.

"I will be with him and he need talk this over with his father anyway," Ari assured.

"He's just a child. He shouldn't be exposed to such things! His innocence must be protected. He needs his family," Mr. K said though his tone softened. He eased off of me and rubbed my hair as I turned to the side to look between them.

"I will handle my boy. I am careful with his heart. I am all the father he need." Ari pulled me protectively against his chest. He kissed my forehead.

"Ok. I will call Mirteza and lay down some rules for the weekend. He is not used to having children around! He will tame his house of filth." Mr. Khorasani continued to grumble as he walked away.

"It's going to be so awkward seeing dad after this!" I told Ari. He shook his head.

"You are not to go to there! You will be in my home this weekend. Your father will come for dinner and talk things through IN MY HOME. I do not want you near this stupid puppy mess!" Ari whispered with agitation.


Ari was waiting for me after school when I got out on Friday. He had on a nice suit to show me he'd been working all day and rushed here for me. He was looking at something behind me when I walked up to him. He took my backpack and turned me towards the parking lot.

"That boy who hurt you, Riley. He follow you. I thought he is to stay away." Ari said as we walked to his car. He looked back at the school with threatening eyes.

"He is staying away. I guess he was just trying to leave like everyone else. I don't think he was following me. It's dismissal time," I laughed. Ari looked unconvinced.

"No. His eyes are on you until he see me then he turn quickly and flees," Ari noted.

"He hasn't talked to me or anything," I shrugged.

"I do not like this. My boy will be safe. I will handle," he said as he opened the passenger door for me and put me inside.

We headed for his uncle's house. He planned to leave our cellphones there for the weekend so his father could check in on the tracker apps and see us there. He got a cheapie phone and forwarded his calls to it in case he had business or his father called. Mr. Khorasani wouldn't call my phone knowing Ari would be with me and likely put it away. No one was at his uncle's house when we pulled up.

Ari didn't want me going inside and reliving what I'd seen in the graphic video. I still didn't know how I felt about it. One side of me was grossed out since it was my father. The other side of me wondered how it felt to be his puppy.

I'd dreamt about it the night before. I was on the floor in front of Ari who waved a squeaky toy in my face and told me I was his good pup slut. I'd crawled around excitedly, growling and whimpering.

In the dream he was naked except for an open robe and leather house slippers; something I imagined a daddy dog owner would wear. His cock swung back and forth as he teased me with the toy. What I really wanted to lunge for was his cock. I had on the dog ears headband and the puppy tail shoved in my hole like I'd seen my dad wear. My nose was painted black and I was panting excitedly at the toy I wanted.

I'd woken up to Ari petting me gently and asking why I was humping against his leg as he held me on his chest. I didn't have an explanation, but I was rock hard and desperate for him. It was 3 in the morning and he urged me to go back to sleep, but after some begging, he'd let me suck his cock. Filling my tummy with his warm seed lulled me back to sleep... and back to the puppy dream.

"Ok. Phones are charging in the Lukas bedroom. You will like to see how they fix it up for you! There are pictures on wall and the new bed look so nice," Ari said when he got back to the car.

"Really? They fixed it up for me?" I asked and felt suddenly guilty. My dad had been excited about me coming to stay with them this weekend. Before I'd seen the video and Mr. Khorasani had called and yelled at them, dad had planned a nice weekend for us. I felt bad that I hadn't talked to him since seeing his porn, but Ari and his father had agreed that we should wait until this weekend when we could talk things through. Dad was coming over the next night for dinner and we'd spend some time in awkward conversation.

"Yes... You will see it. Don't worry, my love. I will not have you around things you are too young to see. Is not good they behave like this and show the world. I protect my little one." Ari reached for my hand and held it as he drove to his condo.

The twist of guilt in my stomach quickly dissipated when the gate to the parking garage at Ari's condo slid open. I hadn't been there in so long and all I wanted was to move in with him, to be his boy.

Ari carried my backpack, his bags, and my travel bag from the trunk and led me to the elevator. We rode up in silence, but offered each other hopeful smiles.

"The maid comes early today so all should be clean for us," he noted as he unlocked the door to his place.

He opened the door and I was instantly hit with memories of the few days we'd spent together there. It felt like so long ago. I raced in and looked around, remembering the modern, sleek look of leather and steel that was his style.

He set the bags down and opened the huge curtains that showed the sweeping view of Los Angeles. A bright blue sky hung over the endless cluster of offices, apartments, and city life.

"It's so perfect," I said and ran to the window. I looked down and saw the old apartment I'd shared with my father when I first met him. I saw my old window where he'd peered in at me through binoculars to watch me sleep.

"My view is now perfect with my princess here," Ari corrected. He came up behind me to hold me and rub my chest. He kissed my neck and rubbed his bulge against my ass.

"I wish I could live here and you could pick me up every day. We could work out together and make dinner and just... chill," I sighed and put my palm against the cool glass.

"Come, my love," he said with a kiss to the back of my neck. "We shower and enjoy each other."

He eased off me and I turned to face him. He put his hand to my cheek then leaned in and kissed me. His scruffy cheek scraped against my skin as his lips found mine.

He led me through his bedroom and we got out of our clothes. It's still so exciting to see his dark, muscled form emerge from a suit. His work clothes make him look like a refined, intelligent man of wealth. Unwrap him and he turns into the hunky warrior who bends me into a desperate little boy.

He took me into his bathroom and left me in front of the sink while he went to turn on the hot shower. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my bare chest. His dark frame outlined my pale, smooth body. He made me feel so small. He rested his chin on my shoulder and looked me over in the mirror.

"My pretty boy... milky soft skin with pretty pink nipples." His hands rubbed up my chest then down towards my rapidly hardening cock. He pressed his thick rod between my cheeks and kissed down my shoulder until I shivered in his arms.

"You are hard," he noted. He reached down and gave it a squeeze then pumped it lightly. He smiled like it amused him.

"It's much smaller than yours," I observed.

"It is perfect for a boy your size... Look at this," Ari said and let go of my cock. He turned me to face him with my back to the mirror. His right hand reached for my cheek and he turned my face back over my shoulder to look at us in the mirror.

I saw my smooth, pale back with the edges of the muscles that I'd developed with running and light weightlifting. His body still dwarfed mine and framed me in a rich, almond tone. He put his left hand on my back and slid it down to my ass. Our cocks rubbed as I pressed in against him, but then mine pointed up while his heavier cock fell down between my thighs.

"This is view I most love of my princess. Aside from beautiful face and delicate features there is her pink rosebud," Ari whispered into my ear in his gruff, daddy voice. He put both hands on my ass cheeks and spread them. I looked in the mirror to see his finger slide down and strum my hole. I shivered when he poked inside it.

"Do you like to see this?" he asked.

"It's hot seeing you play with it and feeling you inside me," I answered.

"But the sight of a pretty pussy, even one as beautiful as yours, does not excite you, does it?" he pushed. He rubbed his finger around my hole and I shuddered against his chest.

"No, daddy... I guess not," I admitted with a gasp as he poked inside me.

"Is natural, my heart. You are boy who needs man, a princess who need her protector. Weaker men were bred more beautiful to attract the stronger ones for protection. Is how you were born and nothing to feel shame for. Your body craves a man who can fill it as it needs. This little pussy is made to please me," he said. He kissed my shoulder and stared at me in the mirror while I squirmed and moaned from his finger opening my hole.

"You like it, sir? It's made for you." I looked up at him and bit my lip as I stared with wide eyes.

"I show you, come princess." Ari kissed my cheek again then pulled me to the shower. I soaped up his chest and back while he worked soapy fingers into my hole.

"Huhhh," I kept making this squeaky moan that made him smile with accomplishment. He cleaned me out while I worked the soap into his armpits, down his back, up his chest.

"My love, my pretty pink princess. I can finish just from adore your pretty little body. I love so much," Ari growled as he rubbed soap over my back.

"I'm your pretty pink princess?" I gasped as he massaged my body with his rough, daddy hands.

"Smooth little boy with budding muscles and tasty pink boy-titties. I can suck them all day. And this little pink pussy that open for it's master. Is perfection, my baby. You are all I dream of, my Lukas." Ari kissed my shoulder and let his teeth glide along my skin.

"You're all I dream of, daddy. There way you pick me up and hold me against your chest. I feel so loved and protected with you. Like nothing can hurt me." I kissed his neck then rubbed my smooth cheek against his scratchy stubble.

"Come, my love. You are clean for me." He pushed is under the shower head to rinse off then led me out and wrapped me in an oversized, fluffy towel.

We dried off then I followed him out to his bedroom and into his closet. He'd added some new things to the Lukas section. He pulled on a pair of fleece shorts then rummaged around to find what he wanted for me.

"I see these panties and think of you. Pink satin will feel good on my princess pussy. Is your size and snug to keep you remind of how treasure your pussy is to me," he said with a wide smile as he held them up.

I stepped into them and pulled them up. They fit ok in the back but I was rock hard and the pouch in front didn't have much room for my cock. Ari helped me. He gripped my cock and pushed it down to the right against my thigh. It stretched out the pink satin but it felt nice against my dick.

"And these for your legs. You don't have much hair yet, just light blonde sorts of manhood. No need to shave them yet." He held up pink stockings. He stretched them then squatted in front of me and looked up at me with the happiest grin.

"Oh... really?" I asked with uncertainty. I wasn't sure how to feel about this. He bit his lip and stared up at me with those huge Persian brown eyes. This massive, muscled warrior looked up at me in hope that I shared his fantasy.

"Yes, princess... for me," he whispered like there was someone watching he needed to impress.

I nodded. I raised my right foot and he helped me into it. He slid it up my leg then kissed my toes. It came up to my thigh. He kissed up my right foot, then leg, then thigh. My cock pulsed with excitement and a drop off precum leaked through the fabric.

Of course I'd go with his fantasy. He'd fulfilled every one it mine.

"Thank you, daddy," I whimpered as his hands caressed my leg. His smile returned.

He did the same to my left leg. I thought he'd fuck me right there in his closet, but instead he rose to his feet and kissed me.

"You like how I pick you up?," He asked. He put his hands on my ass and lifted me up against his chest. I wrapped my legs around his waist then threw my arms around his neck and put my head on his shoulder.

"Yes sir," I whispered. I kissed his shoulder.

He carried me back to the living room. The lights were off and the sun was going down being the skyline. He bounced me a few times like a little boy then sat down on the leather couch and held me in his lap. His hands rubbed down to my legs as I knelt with my knees on either side of him and settled in against his chest.

"My princess is home finally. I need more time with you here. You want this, my love?" He asked.

"More than anything, sir." I nodded against his neck and kissed it.

"I wish so much to keep you here. My heart belong in my home. Soon, my love. Soon you will be of age and no one separate us," he assured.

He kissed me again then lifted me off his lap. He laid me on my stomach against the cold leather couch. He laid down on his side next to me and rubbed my back as I looked back at him over my shoulder. His hand rubbed down to my ass and pulled at the back of the panties.

"Pussy look so pretty in the moonlight. Your little rosebud quiver at my touch." He leaned down and kissed the back of my neck. "My pretty white boy so needy for his Persian master. Aren't you, baby?"

"Yes, daddy. Please fuck me. I need it so bad." I blinked up at him with needy eyes. He smiled and reached for my lips. He put two fingers to them and I sucked them in.

"My pussyboy. Suck on daddy's fingers. Get them wet for that tight little peach." Ari pushed his fingers back and forth over my tongue. I swirled it around his thick fingers, tasted the hair between his knuckles, rubbed it over his smooth fingernails. He pushed them back until he felt my throat and made me gag.

"So fucking hot when you do this." His lips curled into that mischievous grin. He took his fingers back, swiping a line of spit against my nose. He used his other hand to pull aside the back strap of the panties then put his wet fingers against my hole.

"Fuck me," I whined. I pushed my ass up and wiggled it impatiently. Ari laughed.

"So fucking sexy. Little panty ass wiggle for me... and these sexy legs. I love my pink princess." He leaned over and kissed my thighs then rubbed his scratchy cheek against the smooth, silky material. His fingers gently opened my hole and he pushed in slowly.

"Ohhh fuck," I gasped as he got the spots inside me that made my mouth open wide.

"You want daddy in here? You need it?" Ari asked in that deep daddy tone that wasn't really a question. He pushed the fingers in and rubbed back and forth over a spot that made me whine.

"Yes, daddy! Please, sir. Fuck, that feels good." I looked back at him. He had the sweetest look like his eyes. He loved to see what he could do to me.

"Your pussy grab on to my fingers. It knows its master. Doesn't it, my love?" Ari pushed in deeper and strummed my hole with insistent pressure in just the right places.

"Feels so good, daddy," I whimpered. I pushed back against his fingers, wanting them deeper, but then he pulled them out.

I looked up at him in desperation thinking I'd done something wrong. He reached over me and pulled a small towel from the coffee table and wiped his hands. He took a deep breath then looked down at me with a sigh. He patted my bottom then laid back down beside me.

"I need break. I want fuck you as you deserve, but I begin warmup in the shower and just to play with your sweet flower mane be ready to bust... let me hold you," he said. He wrapped his arms around me then turned me onto my side. He spooned me from behind and pressed his hard bulge against my ass.

"You are my fantasy, Lukas," he admitted. His warm breath felt good on the back of my neck. His muscled arms held my chest protectively.

"What's this?" I asked as I spotted a string of turquoise beads on his coffee table. I reached for them and brought them to him.

"They are the beads for prayer... is the 99 for the 99 names of Allah. Is made from precious Iranian turquoise." His fingers pulled over each bead one by one as if counting them.

"You have to say all 99? How do you remember the name for each bead? Like Chuck, Frank, Thomas, Barry..." I giggled.

"Is said as prayer, little one. I meditate on the blessings I have and go through them so my blessings can keep safe and grow. I am given beautiful things to take care of and I need that he looks over them." Ari was being serious but he didn't sound annoyed at my joke.

"I pray thanks for give me you and I pray that I can be the man you need, the one who is worthy of your love." He kissed the back of my neck again.

"You're everything I could ever need or want or dream of," I assured him.

"Then the prayers work," he laughed.

"Will you show me some time? I want to know all about it. You never talk about your religion stuff." I lowered my lips to kiss his arm that crossed my chest as his hand continued to slide the beads in front of my face in a rote manner.

His other hand rubbed up and down my right thigh. He was really into the stockings he'd picked out for me.

"I will. You shall learn, but I don't want that you pray only to impress me. If you wish, I will show you... but not tonight. Is night for our love," Ari rubbed both hands down between my thighs. He pulled at the stretchy material of the stockings. Half of me felt weird having them on, but the other half loved how much they turned him on. His hard bulge pressed in against my ass.

"Do you ever think about me being a puppy... you know... like my dad?" I asked. Something about being in his arms under the moonlight without having to look him in the eye let me open up. Feeling his hands rubbing between my thighs and his warm breath on the back of my neck, his nose rubbing into my hair; it lulled me to safety.

"You mean from the video? No, my heart. What we have is very different. I do not wish for you to be my puppy," Ari said in a serious tone. "I do not even wish for you to see such things. You are my innocent, my princess. Pussy and panties is as far as you go." Ari rubbed a hand up under my nuts and pressed on this spot that made my stomach jerk and my heart flutter.

"I think of you like that though... sometimes it's in my dreams," I admitted.

"You dream of me in dog collar with plug like puppy tail shove inside me?" Ari asked with alarm

"No! Eww! Dude!" I reached back and smacked his chest then burst out in giggles thinking about it. "I meant I think of you like... like your uncle. Like when he was giving orders and being harsh with my dad, that way he pushes him around and tells him dirty things."

"Oh! If you want harsh Persian master, this I can do! But we will not do this in front of the others! I never treat my love like this in public. I do not wish others to think of you as little cock slut. This is what you want to be?" Ari asked, sounding as if the idea intrigues him greatly.

"Yes, sir... I mean, when I saw my dad like that... He's been so happy and it's like he doesn't have to worry anymore, like pleasing Mr. Teza and playing with his toys is all there is to his life. I wish I could just be here with you like that... not worry about school or college," I said. I hadn't thought that before, but it just clicked in my head and came out of my mouth. I wanted to be his like my dad was Mr. Teza's. I wanted to belong to him like that, be his boy.

"Oh my little one. I wish you can just be here like that for me too, but I also want you have education and future. My father will never permit for you to just be my housewife, and he is correct in this. You mean a lot to us and we want for you to have the options! Of course your father is taken care for. He has no bill or job to worry for. My uncle is very taken by him. He may pretend to be harsh master, but I hear what he say when your father is not there. He does love him as I love you. He is pleased to have him as his mate." Ari kissed my neck.

He rubbed a hand over my ass and pulled at the back of my panties again. My hole twitched in anticipation. Even with our intense conversation I hadn't forgotten my main goal here. I needed his seed. It had been a long week waiting for it. We'd played around every night. He'd eaten my pussy until my cock shot and I'd sucked his beast until it gave up his swimmers, but we'd held off on the main event. We still worried about Mr. Khorasani splitting up our sleeping arrangements. As much as I needed his jet fuel to fly, I couldn't go back to sleeping outside of his arms. It just wouldn't work like that anymore. My body craved his.

"Soon you will be of age. We have a lifetime together and this will seem like such a small and fast time that you are not living in my home. I promise, Lukas. I promise you will always have a home with me once you are finish with the high school," Ari slipped his fingers back inside my hole while the other rubbed up my chest and played with my nipples.

"I'll clean your place every day and learn to cook and take care of things! I promise, daddy. I... Ahhh!" I cried out when he hit my happy spot and gave it a steady rub. My cock was rock hard and stretching the soft, silky panties he had me in.

"I know, my love. You will learn to run my home, manage my suits for the work days, and someday raise my children. My mother will teach you and you will make my home your own. You will be safe here, always in my care." Ari spoke in that deep, slow daddy tone that crept up my spine and made my heart bounce. I nodded and gasped as he worked my heart and my hole.

"You are ready for me," he said and kissed the back of my neck. He kept rubbing inside me but used his other hand to reach over me for a small bottle of lube on the coffee table.

"Fuck me, daddy. Please," I whined as his fingers slid out and poured the cool lube over my heated hole. He pushed the fingers back inside, squishing the slick liquid over my sensitive spots. I pushed my ass up to get more of him. He clicked his tongue and shook his head with a smile. He used his other hand to push down in the center of my back.

"My princess must learn the patience. I do not seed her before care is taked." He laughed to himself like he thought I was being cute. He gave my pussy a few sloppy shoves and then withdrew his fingers and gripped his pulsing cock.

"Your pussy beg for me. Look at it, pretty princess." He turned my ass sideways and I craned my neck with no luck. Even a young track star isn't that bendy.

"It winks at me, invites me in. It is hungry for its master. Isn't it?" Ari asked me in a low growling whisper as if my pussy was an ancient temple that would suddenly collapse around him.

"Yes sir, It needs its meat. Please, daddy," I begged. Ari gripped his cock and pumped it. He was rock hard and that thick, angry, Persian snake winked at me as if taunting me for the pummeling I was about to endure. He gave it a hard squeeze, smeared the lube over it, and then put the tip against my hole.

My cock bulged the panties out in front. I wanted to take it out, but I knew better than to touch it. If he wanted it out, he would take it. Like the rest of my body, it belonged to him. I watched the spot of precum spread out. Every time he touched my pussy, it made my cock give up a little spurt. The panties were soaked, stretched, and holding on valiantly against my throbbing boyhood.

"Oh fuck, baby," Ari grunted as he began to shove into me. His thick head spread me open and pushed against the little sensors that made my runway light up. He gripped his cock and pushed it in deeper with a deep growl. When he was satisfied it wouldn't flop out, he let it go and reached over me to wipe the lube off his hands on a small towel.

"Fuck me, daddy!" I whined. He spooned me from behind and slowly pushed into me. His arms wrapped around me, holding me in a tight cage of muscles. His hands rubbed up to my nipples and he teased them with little twists as his hot breath covered the back of my neck.

"That's my boy. Open that pussy for daddy. Yes, baby. Fuck, yes," Ari hissed. He shoved in deeper and put his teeth on the back of my neck, biting gently at my skin like a lion collecting his cub. His hands rubbed over my chest and down my tummy. He put his right leg over me, getting a better angle to shove into me.

"Muck Maddy," I buried my lips against his arm and muffled my screams as his snake pushed up inside me and stuffed my hole.

"That pussy grab me so good. That's it, baby princess. Grip my cock, so good." He pushed in deeper and I felt the tears in my eyes as my body tried desperately to adjust to his size. I wanted him so badly, but my body was confused by the waves of sensations and fullness.

"Is in, my love, so deep. You feel this?" Ari asked. He pressed down on my tummy by my belly button and I could seriously feel the head of his cock near his fingers.

"Oh fuck, what? Oh woah!" I gasped and jumped a little. I didn't know it could go that far... or should go that far. Was that even safe? Ari laughed at my reaction.

"Is ok, my love. You can handle. I know what my princess can take. I will never harm my precious angel pussy." he rubbed his hand over the spot. It felt so weird yet really crazy hot.

"You trust, daddy. No? This creamy white ass and perfect pink pussy... I know what it needs," he assured. He rubbed my bottom then squeezed it.

"Yes, daddy. I do," I told him. He gave my ass a playful smack then started to slide his monster out of me. It left a trail of happy inside me. He pulled it out halfway then plunged back in.

"That's my princess. Grip daddy's cock. That's it. That's my good baby," he praised. I wasn't doing anything, I couldn't. My body shivered with calming waves as he started to fuck me gently. He pulled out then shoved back in. I jerked and twisted helplessly.

"Huh! Huh!" I fought to keep my eyes open as my cock pulsed with excitement each time he pushed into me.

"You're so wet, my little pussyboy," he noted as his hand swept down over my stomach and came to rest on my bulge. He gripped the panties soaked with my precum and gave my shaft a tug.

"I'm so close, daddy. Fuck me harder. Please!" I begged through ragged breaths as he squeezed my cock and fucked my hole.

"Cum for me, baby. Let my cock push the cum out of you." He started to fuck me with force. He rubbed my shaft through the panties and held me tightly against his chest. I felt my eyelids flutter as wave after wave of pleasure pulsed from my asshole with his ramming hot poker. His warmth spread over me and made my nipples stand at attention as his muscled hand gripped my shaft through the satiny stretched panties.

"Fuuuuuuck," I moaned and bit on his arm. He rocked me back and forth. His cock stretched me and rubbed every sensor inside me. It made my heart flutter to know my powerful master was using me for his pleasure. He rubbed his nose against the back of my neck and whispered sweet things as he pounded my pussy.

"Beautiful princess, so fucking hot. Your pussy ride me so good, baby love. I want never leave this place with you," he grunted and pounded away at my hole.

"Fuck, daddy. Seed my pussy. Give me what I need. I love you, Ari. So fucking much," I gasped.

He squeezed my cock until a fat dollop of precum leaked through the fabric. He swiped it with his finger and brought it to my lips. I sucked it in while he stuffed the other end of me with what I needed. He pistoned his cock in and out of me. His fat, furry balls slapped against my thighs and he held me so tight I felt faint. I sucked his finger, tasted my boy juice and moaned.

"I ummmm," I said around his finger. My cock started to fire off and globs of white shot through the stretched fabric of the pink panties. My body twisted and jerked in his hold. I gasped and he took his finger out to listen to me beg and whine, moan and grunt.

"Fuck, daddy. Please, fuck. I'm cumming, daddy. I'm cumming!" I wailed. He sped up his pounding. I could feel my ass squeezing down on his shaft as I sprayed my cum over my tummy and the expensive leather couch.

"Yes princess, feel so good. I fuck you good, yes? I give you my babies for your belly," Ari growled. He rammed into me and wrapped his arms around me, trapping me as my body fought to give up the last of my juice.

"Fuck! Fuck! Yes, daddy, please! So good!" I whined. I shot my last spurt and then settled down into his hold as he continued to pummel my hole.

"So good, my love. I am close!" he warned. He pistoned in and out of my hole as I laid there spent and helpless yet still overtaken by the pulsing waves of pleasure. My cock never went down. It was rock hard, but he wasn't paying attention to it anymore. He was so focused on seeding me. He held me back against his chest and rocked his cock in and out of my hole. The lube was proving its worth as he glided in and out of me. I felt nothing but warm happy ecstasy.

"I cum, my love! Fuck! I cum!" Ari growled. He shoved that cock as far as it would go until his balls were against my ass and his tip was lodged in my tummy. He slid it out just a little then rammed it back in with a deep groan.

He held there for a second and then gasped. I felt warm shots inside me, like a little 4th of July show going off. He let out this deep animal growl like a lion claiming its prey and then his teeth sank into my shoulder.

"Ahhh!" I cried out. It didn't hurt, just shocked me. He collected my skin in his teeth and his cock shook me like a hurricane. His arms squeezed me tight and his hot cum filled my hole.

"SO! Fucking! Yes!" Ari hissed. He gave my hole three more slow pumps and I felt his last explosions fill me. His thick daddy seed leaked down his shaft and between my thighs. He shoved in once more with a deep growl and then collapsed onto me.

"Fuck I love you so much," he said in a soft voice. He kissed my neck and held me like a teddy bear and we nodded off.


I woke up to the doorbell. I stirred in his arms. He sat up and his cock slipped out of me, along with a gush of his seed.

"Is chinese" Ari said sleepily. He got off the couch and pulled on a pair of shorts then trudged to the door. I laid on the couch, hidden from the delivery guy by the back of it. I listened to Ari thank him and then the door closed and he locked it and set the alarm.

"We eat, my kitten," he said as he brought a plastic bag back to the couch. He set it down then went to get a towel. He wiped up our mess and then wiped me off. He laid back down behind me and turned on a movie and fed me noodles and kung pao something-or-other.

I didn't eat much. I was starving, but wiped out and being naked in his cold apartment had me clinging to his chest. He radiated heat from his well-worked muscles and I shivered every time he pulled away from me.

We watched some sports comedy movie that I paid no attention to. I only looked at it when Ari laughed. He kept putting food to my lips, but I was more interested in snuggling into his chest. He finally stopped trying to feed me and just held me while he ate with one hand.

We took a quick shower before bedtime. The fantasy clothes he'd put me in were kinda ruined so he tossed them out. He picked out a pink thong that was tight on my ass. I wore it under a warm pair of long-sleeve pajamas with a spiderman print.

It felt so good to sleep in his bed with him. He had one of those ultra luxury mattresses that conforms to your body and supports in the right places, but I only felt it for a minute until he pulled me onto his chest and covered me with a thick down comforter. He put on the cartoon network for us to fall asleep to.


I was the first up the next morning. I was snuggled into his side and he had fallen asleep on his back. He had his phone on his chest. He must have fallen asleep looking at it. I picked it up to see what time it was. I'd gone to bed so early that I was wide awake at 6 am!

When I held the phone to his face, it unlocked. I knew I couldn't move since his arms were wrapped around me so tightly, so I thought I'd amuse myself by looking at his pictures.

When the phone opened though, I could see what he had been looking at as he fell asleep. It was the video of my dad and Mr. Teza. I looked at him with alarm. Why was he watching it? It was a long video, about 45 minutes. I had only seen a few minutes of it before Mr. Khorasani cut it off. I quickly turned down the volume so it wouldn't wake Ari.... I had to watch it.

I know it's wrong. I know it's gross. I know I am a total... TOTAL perv for seeing my dad like that, but as I looked at the video, it quickly dawned on me why I wasn't as grossed out by it as I should have been.

I wasn't watching it to see my dad. I was watching it to see myself. Watching my dad crawl around in a tiny white thong with a puppy tail butt plug wasn't exciting to me in a sexual way. It was exciting to me in understanding how I felt towards these alphas.

I didn't see my dad. I saw myself.

I had always felt like a pet around these Khorasani men, these Persian gods.

I had been carried around, pet, hugged, played with, dressed up, fed, put away for the night, taken out for exercise, and other things people did with their pets.

I had been talked about in another language as if I couldn't possibly understand the decisions they were making for me.

I had been taken to a doctor and they had explained my condition, made personal choices, and administered things as if I was completely incapable of making my own choices.

I was a pet. I didn't mind it either. I loved when Mr. K took me out to play or ruffled my hair or just pulled me into him and pet me. I loved when Ari picked me up, kept track of me, thought me incapable of any kind of malice. I liked being their pet.

They had been upset about Mr. Teza filming this and treating my dad like this so openly. But watching my dad's cheeks bulge as he chowed down on Mr. Teza's Persian monster I realized how I looked when I was so desperate for Ari.

I got lost in the video. I watched Mr. Teza's thick brown snake disappear into my dad's throat as he gagged and sputtered on it. I laughed knowing how it felt and wondered if I looked so hungry and ridiculous to Ari when I did that. I wondered if I looked so deliriously happy and so desperate to please him. I heard Mr. Teza encourage him and rub his throat as he talked dirty to him. I nodded my head when Mr. Teza slipped his cock out and made dad beg for it.

"Baby, no!" Ari said and suddenly snapped me out of my new favorite program. "This is not for you to see! Bad Lukas, bad, bad!" Ari gave my ass a swat as he berated me like... a pet.

"It was open," I said and looked up at him with my best innocent boy eyes.

"Oh! I fall asleep and forget to close it. Is my fault," he said, assuming that like a pet I was too naive and innocent to have chosen to do wrong.

"I sorry, sir," I said in my most innocent voice.

"Is ok. I should not have look at it last night, but after you tell me you want this, I go back to watch it," Ari confessed. "I need know what fantasy run through my boy's little mind."

"Yes, sir." I nodded.

"Your father come this afternoon. You will talk it out with him. He feel bad that you have seen this. It was not meant for you, but when thing is posted on internet it spread so quickly," Ari said.

"He didn't send it to me. Someone else did," I reminded him.

"Yes, we want discuss this with your school, but it may only bring more shame to your father," Ari sighed. I hadn't thought about that. There wasn't much we could do.

"Maybe if we let it go then the guy won't know he got to me," I offered. Ari nodded and kissed my forehead.

"You are my sweet boy. I want protect you from all this. I am sad that I could not evade this." Ari cuddled me and turned on the sports channel.


Mr. Teza showed up mid-morning carrying a bottle of some dark alcohol in what looked like an expensive bottle. He gave me a tight hug and kissed my cheek then went to greet Ari. Dad was behind him carrying two big bags of groceries that looked heavy. I took one of them and showed him to the kitchen.

Ari's apartment has a big open room with the kitchen by the door then a dining area just behind the couch. The men settled into the couch and put on a soccer game while dad and I silently unpacked the groceries.

"We got stuff to make steaks on the grill. Dah... Mister Teza will grill them, but we need to prep the marinade." Dad had almost called him daddy, but corrected himself. I just nodded and pulled out a cutting board for the veggies. He had a recipe on his phone for the marinade and we worked together to make it and then put the steaks in. There were three large steaks. I knew without saying that one was for Ari, one for Mr. Teza, and one for us to share.

"So listen, Lukas," dad sighed when we got the steaks prepped and went to work on the salad.

"It's ok, dad. I get it," I said. He looked at me strangely.

"You're not upset? I mean... you get what? That worries me." dad shifted into father mode pretty quickly. His eyes narrowed in on me and I ducked into the refrigerator to get us bottles of water.

"Well, um... I mean you two guys love each other and um... that's great... right?" I took a big swig of water.

"We do. I've never felt like this about anyone. I kind of get why you ran away and did all that stuff to be with Ari. I thought you were unhappy with the life I could give you, but... now I get it. They have this pull on us. It's something I can't control," dad said.

"I feel it too." I nodded.

"I never thought I'd feel like that for a dude, but he's not like a regular guy. He's so confident and dominant and it all just feels so natural with him. He doesn't nag me to change, he helps me change. He makes it easy. Look how much I've toned up! I'm eating better and working on my body... for him. He makes me want to be a better guy... and a better dad too. He got me set up with savings so I can help you pay for college... and I'm not drinking anymore. I feel so good when I wake up," dad started to glow.

"You look great and so happy. I'm really happy for you," I said honestly. Dad smiled and hugged me.

"Still, you shouldn't have seen that. It was dumb to share it. I swear I didn't put it online! I just... I was feeling so confident with him. He loves my body, always tells me how hot I am. I've never felt hot... It was dumb, really dumb. He said the videos were just for us, but then I shared it with some of my new friends... I met them through him. There's other couples like us, guys like me dating guys like him. They understand what I'm going through. They know what it feels like." Dad lowered his voice.

"They all said how hot the video was and I guess one of them put it up on that website! I didn't know! I swear I didn't know! Anyway, he took away my phone privileges. He is keeping all our videos and pictures only on his computer. He was upset with me for sharing it. He punished me." dad hung his head.

"I'm sorry. That sucks." I hugged him.

"I'm sorry you had to see that. I hope it doesn't get out and embarrass you too much... or me." Dad sighed. We hugged for awhile then finished making the salad. Mr. Teza and Ari went out to the patio and grilled the steaks.

We had a nice dinner and snuggled in with our men to watch the rest of the game. Ari and Mr. Teza had drinks and dad helped me clean up the kitchen.

After they left, I told Ari about how the conversation went while we curled up on the couch together.

"This is lesson for you. You should not post things without my approval. The social media is not a place for innocent boys. You will not be on these things! I forbid, yes?" Ari asked. He turned my face to look up at him and I nodded.

"Yes, sir. I won't." I smiled and he kissed me. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the back of my neck.

"My good princess. I love you," he whispered and rubbed his nose into my hair.

"I love you too." I laid my head against his bicep, my favorite pillow.

-- My Stories:

Next: Chapter 16

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