Lukas and the Shah

By Emri S.

Published on Sep 28, 2023


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Story Recap: Lukas, an athletic California 17 yr-old with blonde hair, blue eyes, and tight body, loves Ari, a wealthy, muscled, 25 yr-old Persian who dominates his boy. Lukas found out that his father was more than just "staying" with Mr. Khorasani's younger, but no less alpha, brother Mirteza.

----------------- Lukas & The Shah Ch.14- The Pup & The Master By Emri -----------------

"Get down from there! The client could be here any minute," dad said as he slid out from under the engine he was working on and saw me climbing up the rolling ladder onto the boat.

"Ok, ok!" I grumbled. I climbed back down and went over to where dad was tinkering with a motor he'd pulled out of the classic yacht he was rehabbing. It was freshly painted a glittery white that sparkled under the workshop lights.

Dad had picked me up from school. I didn't have track practice anymore and both Ari and Mr. Khorasani were working. Mr. K wanted to reschedule his meeting, but dad had said he could run and get me after school. He'd brought me back to Mr. Teza's shop so he could finish his work. Ari would pick me up on his way home from his meeting.

"All this energy you have! You need to get back on the track team!" Dad said as he loosened or tightened something on the engine.

"The school put Riley on a two week suspension because I kind of was rude to him too and his jaw was messed up from my elbow. Mr. K and Ari don't want us crossing paths again." I sighed.

The whole week I'd wanted to get back out there, but Ari said I was still bruised and shouldn't exert myself. I knew he was just looking for an excuse to get me away from it. He wanted me to learn what I needed at school and then get home where he wouldn't have to worry about me.

"Well they have their reasons. They just want you safe," dad sighed without looking up from his engine. I went and flopped down on an old leather car seat in the corner of the shop and decided to finish homework while dad worked.

Dad looked pretty cute in his blue coveralls unzipped to the waist to show off his white tank top. His muscles were getting bigger and leaner than I'd ever seen them before. He was really working hard on his body with Mr. Teza.

"So I have to ask..." I started. Dad raised up from behind the engine with a look of panic.

"Yeah I guess we should talk about this... It's not the kind of conversation I really envisioned having with my son," dad said. He set down his wrench but then picked it up again. He needed to be busy while we had this talk, something to keep him from having to look me in the eye.

"Well it started so simple. I mean he was showing me all this cool shit... stuff, and then he brought me up here to see the warehouse. Isn't this place a dream? It has everything! The latest equipment, tons of space, and he keeps the air at 70. I've been sweating my ass off in a metal box since I finished high school. Don't get me wrong. I'm glad we had you. You're the best kid anyone could ask for and I busted my ass to make sure you had what you needed." Dad ducked behind the engine and started clanging metal.

"You did, dad. You always took care of us," I said and went over to stand by him.

"It was just so nice to see a shop like this and be able to use everything I've been learning to work on some high end stuff. Plus all that managing mechanics. Do you know how sick I am of hearing excuses why some a-hole kid couldn't throw himself together to make it to work? And the shit they would steal! Too many meth-heads out in the desert towns. I was barely keeping things running and then coming home to Denise every night to listen to her whine." Dad popped his head up from behind the engine like he was looking for sympathy.

"I know you were unhappy out there! You deserve to be happy," I assured him.

"Thanks, button." He sometimes pulled out weird pet names for me. "He showed me around here and let me play with everything. I think we were here till almost midnight. It was too late to go back to the Khorasanis and wake everyone up so I crashed at his house. His house! I mean you've seen the place. Is that not the sickest house you've ever seen? Hand me that c-screw on the toolbench." Dad went down under the engine and kept talking.

"Yeah. It's crazy! He has every toy you'd ever want." I went for the toolbench and grabbed every screw I could find and brought it to him. He picked out the one he wanted and I put the others back where I found them.

"Seriously! We got to playing a video game that isn't even getting released for another month! We were up til 5 in the morning drinking fancy beer and making it through the levels. So much fun. I hadn't had a chill night like that in... forever. It was so easy to talk to him about everything. He didn't judge or tell me I needed to grow a spine or... all that other shit the women I date have said over the years. He just listened, told me I was doing too much and he was right," dad sighed and put his hand back out to ask for another c-screw. I went back to the bench.

"You know, he had some good advice. I mean you're pretty much taken care of here and it's good to see you so happy. You know I'll always come running with whatever you need, but it's nice you finally have a big family to take care of you. You know what my brothers did when I got beat up at school at your age? They made fun of me for losing. These guys all came running. Even Teza was looking up that kid's father's business and was ready to destroy him. Mr. Khorasani talked him out of it. They really protect you like I never could." Dad took the right screw and I stayed there with the rest of them in case he needed more.

"Well anyways, we talked and drank til the sun came up and then fell asleep in his bed. I was there on his chest and it was like I'd gotten everything out. I just unloaded all this stuff... just years of like... bad, man. All this stuff with trying so hard to keep everything running and then trying to be happy but ending up making my kid miserable... You know how bad it felt when you ran away from me?" Dad popped his head up and looked at me then sniffled with emotion.

"I didn't know, dad. I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking," I sighed.

"I know you weren't. You're 17, kid. Your brain doesn't run that many tracks. But it fuckin sucked. Even my own kid knew I couldn't handle it all anymore. I just opened up to him and unloaded it all and... I felt so open to him like... Fuck, it felt good. He got it. He understood and... he held me and... it felt right. He made me feel ok," dad sighed.

"I know what you mean. I feel the same with Ari or even with Mr. K. It's like we get to slip into their world where everything is safe. When he holds me I lose all my anxiety," I agreed.

"I know he's a guy and... I never thought about that, but it doesn't even feel like he's a guy. It feels like..." Dad trailed off like he didn't know how to finish his comparison.

"Like they're gods. Like some alien race of super-protectors," I laughed.

"It is. I know... It's like he meets this list of things I didn't even realize I was searching for and everything feels like a dream with him... Jesus. Can you even imagine what Denise would say?" dad laughed.

"Have you talked to her?" I asked.

"Nah... well. Kinda. I told her I needed to be closer to you. Which is true. I mean you're finishing high school and about to move on with your life into who-knows-what. I knew I might be able to keep you out there for your senior year but you'd be miserable and leave as soon as you turned 18. You'd be gone and... I hate to say it but maybe I was lonely and jealous a little bit." Dad didn't look up from under the engine.

"Dad! I would have come to visit and..." I sighed and felt like an awful brat.

"I know, kid. Don't feel bad. I mean I'm not doing this for you! It's like... I feel like a different person with him, like the person I was meant to be. Look at all this cool stuff I get to play with! And being with him just feels right. He gets me. He makes me feel good... and all happy inside." Dad sat up and wiped his hands on a towel. He had a blush in his cheeks and a wide grin.

"So you two fell asleep together." I prodded him back to the conversation even though I didn't really want to know about the gory details, only part of me really did want to know...

"Well yeah. I fell asleep there with him and he held me all night. It was the best sleep I'd ever had, Lukas. It's crazy. I mean his bed is killer premium and the way I fit under his arm and... his chest was just pulsing heat that made my muscles relax. It was so different from that cold, clammy Denise I used to... Anyways, I woke up feeling amazing... not even hungover. I woke up to birds chirping outside of the window. Seriously birds, kid... like a Disney movie!" Dad laughed.

"Snow white." I grinned at him and bit my lip.

"Not a princess!" Dad laughed like it was something Mr. Teza had called him.

"He woke up and told me to go make his breakfast. I went down and made him pancakes like I used to make for you. I brought them back up and he liked them. He took me out toy shopping. That's where we got the drone! We looked at cars and had lunch at this crazy sports bar that was inside the Staples Center! There wasn't even a game going yet, but we got to watch the Lakers doing warm-ups while we shared wings! It was bad-ass." Dad shook his head.

"That's awesome, dad!" I said. He was living his dream.

"We went back to his place and started doing a workout. He started coaching me and showing me what my body could look like if I got on a real plan. He's good at that stuff. Anyways things turned into a more... adult situation. You don't need to hear about all that, but it felt so natural and right. It's like he knew exactly where to... you know... It just made my body feel like nothing ever has. It was crazy, Lukas. Like an alien or something." Dad shook his head in disbelief.

"So you guys are together," I observed. It sounded so much like me and Ari.

"I guess... I mean, It wasn't like gay or anything. But wow. I never thought I'd feel that way with a guy. I never thought about it, but he isn't like a regular guy. He knew what he was doing and I just went with it. It was like... yeah ok this is good... then it was really good! Then it was...Holy shit!" Dad laughed then caught himself and remembered he was talking to his child.

"Oh um... so yeah. Are you ok with this? How do you feel? Teza says it's important we can be open and honest about this stuff. He really cares about you too, kid." Dad put his hand on my shoulder.

"I can tell he does. I like him too. I'm glad you found him. I just want you to be happy," I assured him. He pulled me in for a hug. It was all turning into a tear-jerker holiday commercial.

"I know you do, kid. I'm so glad you're my son," he said. We hugged for awhile then he pulled back and wiped away his misty eyes. He went back to his engine and I kept up with the parts he needed.


"This is the workshop. Your boat should be good as new by tonight," Mr. Teza said to someone else as he walked in to find us. I was working on homework and dad was still tinkering with the engine.

There was a man who looked familiar following at his side. He was Arab or some kind of Middle Eastern. He had a handsome face with those big brown eyes, dark skin, and an expensive suit stuffed with muscles and bravado.

"It's remarkable! The color is perfect. That's the engine from it?" the man pointed towards dad.

"Oh uh... yes sir. It's nearly done." Dad tapped the side of it with his wrench.

"And this one? He works on my boat?" the man pointed at me as he walked over. I was flopped down on the seat and playing with my phone, but looking at him. He looked so familiar. He eyed me with interest.

"This is my son. Stand up, Lukas," dad said. I got to my feet. Dad nudged me towards the man.

"Hi... sir. You look familiar!" I said. He was taller than Ari and broader but narrower. His large, dark eyes lit up and his full pinkish lips curved into a smile.

"Really? What do you know of Arab music?" The man asked me with a wink.

"DJ Madami is well known for his music," Mr. Teza said.

"Oh-Em-Geee! Seriously! No way! I've seen the videos online. Ari loves them! He is going to go crazy when he hears I met you!" I bounced excitedly.

"Ari is my nephew, and... his keeper," Mr. Teza said when the DJ looked confused.

"Of course," he said and his smile returned. "Do you like my boat?"

"Oh yeah! It's huge! I could live on that!" I joked.

"You would like to live on my boat? I think I can arrange that," he laughed and gave me a wink.

"I haven't been inside it, but it looks huge!" I said. He put his hand on my shoulder and laughed.

"Come, I'll show you. I assume the renovations inside are complete?" he asked.

"Of course! Go look it over. I'll wait out here," Mr. Teza said and went to where dad was tinkering with the engine. He put his hand on dad's shoulder.

DJ Madami kept his hand on my shoulder and guided me back towards the ladder I'd been scolded for climbing. He paused when we got next to the yacht and ran his hands over the side.

"Look at this paint job. Isn't that brilliant?" he asked. He took my hand and put it on the side of the boat then nudged me closer to it. He got behind me and pressed in. It felt like Ari did when he held me. I felt his hot breath on the back of my neck.

I looked back over my shoulder and saw dad squatting down by the engine to look at something. Mr. Teza was next to him and had his hand on his head, jokingly rubbing it against his crotch. This scene felt like the setup to a bad porn movie.

"It's nice," I said and tried to slide around him. All I managed to do though was turn into his chest. He was taller than Ari and my nose met his shoulder. He looked down at me with a smile.

"Please," I said and pushed against his chest. It was rock hard. He took a step back and I slid around him. I went for the rolling ladder so we could climb up. I moved it next to him and put on the brakes like dad did. I'd learned a little watching him over the years. I knew how to not chop off my hand or break my neck on things.

"After you," he said and waved his hand. I climbed up the ladder and he came up right behind me. I looked back at my dad, but he was oblivious and palling around with his boss/boyfriend/whatever-it-was.

"Lukas!" A voice called and I turned to the doorway of the shop as Ari came in. He looked tired, sweaty, gorgeous. His eyes found mine and his face lit up.

"Daddy," I whispered.

"Daddy?" DJ Madami echoed with confusion. I turned on the steps and pushed him out of the way. Ari looked at me strangely and then noticed who I'd pushed.

"DJ Madami!" he said with excitement. He came to hug me then extended a hand to the DJ as I clung to his side. He kept his arm around me as he ogled the celebrity.

They exchanged a bro handshake and then Ari switched out of English. They talked back and forth while I held onto Ari and snuggled in under his arm.

"Let's see his yacht, baby!" Ari said and pushed me forward. He led me up the stairs between them. I was hypnotized watching the DJ's bubble butt push the seams in his business pants as he climbed up in front of me. He got to the top then turned and offered me his hand like I was some helpless kid. I took it though. I don't know why I took it.

The two of them went back to the other language they were speaking as I looked around. The top deck had a lounge area with leather couches and a stairway to the right side going down under. The front of the boat was a nice little two seat area with the steering wheel thingy.

Ari and the DJ talked excitedly about it then started down the stairs to go below. I started to follow them but then just before my head disappeared I caught sight of my dad and Mr. Teza.

Thinking they were alone, Mr. Teza began to slide dad's coveralls down his back. His lower half was still covered, but Mr. Teza had his hand down there and I could tell what he was doing. I knew very well what he was doing since Ari did it to me any chance he got me alone. Ari loved the feel of my hole and the little noises and expressions I made when he fingered it.

Dad leaned forward over the engine and looked back at him with an expression of ecstasy that I probably put on when Ari touched me. I stared at them, unable to move. I felt confusion, but also understanding. Mr. Teza was his Ari; dad was his boy.

These men weren't like normal guys. They certainly weren't like gay guys. They were like a different species; hyper-alphas from planet Persia. I knew how weak yet protected I felt in Ari's arms. I knew how far I'd go to please him and be whatever he wanted from me. Mr. Khorasani had explained it when he talked about weaker boys like me and my father. Dad had always gone for women who dominated him and took over. Was it that much different with Mr. Teza?

Sure dad was all about the toys the Persian man kept buying him and all the cool boats he got to work on, but it was deeper than that. He didn't have to think about supervising younger mechanics or finding housing for us or even taking care of his son. They took away all the worries he had, freed him to have fun and be a boy again. This huge workshop warehouse was his domain and he got to enjoy it every single day and then go home to a crazy house with a huge tv, cleaning lady, and a guy who was in charge and seemed quite happy playing with him.

From his workouts to his meals, everything was chosen for him. He probably didn't even think about locking the doors or setting the alarm at night. I'm sure Mr. Teza did that for him. All he had to worry about was being a good worker and making Mr. Teza happy. I understood that.

"My love, come down," Ari said and tugged on my hand. I snapped out of my thoughts and watched as Mr. Teza made my dad grit his teeth with little gasp. Mr. Teza caught my eyes, but he didn't look shocked. He nodded his head and gave me a wink as Ari pulled me down below.

"He wanders off," DJ Madami laughed. The deck below had a small dining area, more lounge seating, and a bed that took up the last third of the room.

"I have trackers on his phone and backpack and wallet. He has history for wandering," Ari agreed. He kissed my forehead to show he wasn't upset.

"No, just you guys were talking in Farsi so I tuned out." I smiled and went to Ari's waiting chest.

"Arabic actually... but we should use English for the boy. He was just telling me how he trapped such a beautiful boy. I should take notes." the DJ smiled. I blushed.

"He is my prize," Ari said and hugged me under his arm.

"I'm having a party on the boat tomorrow when we get it into the water. Just a few close friends. You two should come!" DJ Madami said.

"Oh! We can do this!" Ari lit up. He was still in awe of seeing one of his musical heroes.

"Yeah... sounds fun." I wasn't sure about this but Ari would be there so I felt ok about it.


"I mean it's weird, but I guess if he's happy then so am I," I told Mr. Khorasani after dinner. Ari had gone to his father's home office to finish some some leftover paperwork from his busy week. Mr. K and I had some time to chat while he was working.

"I have no doubt that my brother cares a great deal for him. He did me a favor to consider your father for the mechanic position. Once they met, I could tell it would be an optimal situation for both men. He will give your father the structure and leadership he craves, but in a gentle and supportive way that is good for him," Mr. Khorasani assured.

"He's so happy. This is exactly what he needed!" I hugged Mr. K and kissed his cheek.

"And how are you doing after this week?" Mr. Khorasani asked. We had both had a busy week and he had been juggling work with my school schedule. Usually Ari would take me in the morning and then Mr. K would be waiting in the pick-up lot afterwards. He didn't like waiting in the line of parent cars so he would park and then walk to the side exit closest to my locker.

"I miss track. I miss running and being part of the team. I don't like that when Riley and I see each other we have to go another way," I confessed. Mr. Khorasani nodded. He pulled me in under his arm on the couch and rubbed my side.

"The school wanted a counseling session for the both of you to learn how to get along, but I denied it. When someone shows physical violence, it is not right to teach him how to make peace with the one he abused before they teach him how to make peace within himself. He is not my responsibility, you are. Your safety comes first. I can't allow you to be put in danger. If they will not keep him off the team then I will keep you off of it," Mr. Khorasani explained.

"I know, sir. You're right of course. I want everyone to be nice. I wish things had gone differently. I didn't want an enemy here." I laid my head against his chest and snuggled into his side.

"You are a kind boy, and should not be penalized for someone else's actions. I know you love running. I will find a solution." Mr. Khorasani rubbed his chin against my hair as he nodded.


"It looks smaller in the water," I noted as Ari and I walked up to DJ Madami's boat along the dock in Newport Harbor. I had on my swim shorts, a white tank top, and white keds on my feet while Ari wore his blue swim shorts, a short-sleeved, blue button-up shirt with little white seagulls flying across it, and white slip-on shoes. We'd gone to the restrooms by the dock so we wouldn't have to pee on the boat.

"Don't tell him this or he go to buy bigger one," Ari laughed. He had one hand on my shoulder and the other carried a bag with extra clothes, heavy sunblock, and a bottle of expensive alcohol for the host. He guided me down the dock until we saw DJ Madami on his boat at the very end.

The DJ was talking with another Arab looking man about his size and both were sipping glass bottles of beer and looking out over the water. Ari called to him when we got close and he rushed over to greet us. He hugged Ari then did the same to me but added a kiss on my cheek.

"This is Sasha," the DJ said and introduced his friend. "He is my boy."

Sasha was dark with a pile of black curls on his head pulled back into a loose bun. He had a pretty face with wide eyes and long black lashes that added more feminine characters to his otherwise chiseled physique. He had on a long-sleeved, tight cream-colored muscle shirt and tiny, brown swimshorts that matched his skin tone.

Ari nodded at him but then Sasha moved in for a hug. When he hugged me he felt solid like DJ Madami, but his arms didn't hold onto me. He quickly backed away and lowered his eyes.

"He is quiet with other men around. Yours too?" DJ laughed and elbowed Ari.

"Mine is too. He is turtle in shell, but I like this from him," Ari answered. He hugged me and rubbed my hair. I looked up at him with an annoyed glare that he ignored.

"Wow, Lukas. With the tank top on instead of that shirt I see some nice muscles. With your waist so small, I thought the rest of you was too," DJ Madami said to me as we made our way onto the boat. He put his hands on my arms and squeezed my biceps. I blushed.

"He train with me on nights. I don't want him too big. He is still young and should look like boy," Ari said. We made our way up to the lounge area on the boat deck and DJ Madami pointed Ari towards an open cooler with drinks. Ari grabbed a beer then handed me a bottle of water.

"I like my Sasha bulked. He makes a good sparring partner when we wrestle," DJ Madami pulled on the waistband of Sasha's shorts and brought him to his chest.

"He play too rough! I not like it," Sasha said but then smiled as he smacked the DJ's chest.

"Oh, poor baby! Like he didn't grow up in one of Cairo's roughest neighborhoods," DJ Madami laughed and pulled Sasha in closer for a hug. He held him and put his hand on the back of his head like Ari did to me, that hold that says, "You're mine, you're safe."

"I do not wrestle with Lukas. He is fragile and cries so quickly," Ari said.

"I do not!" I protested. I started to pull his arm like I wanted to pin him against the wall, but he quickly hooked his arm around my back and then down between my legs. He lifted me up into his chest and held me like a toddler. I wrapped my arms and legs around him then laid my head against his shoulder.

"Tiny boy, so easy," Ari laughed. He kissed my hair and bounced me lightly. They gave us adoring looks. We really were a cute couple.

"Come on down! We're waiting on one last couple then we'll head out!" DJ Madami urged. We followed him down the stairs. The small dining table had a stack of foil covered trays.

"Oh, Lukas! You can help to me set up this food please?" Sasha asked with a hopeful smile.

"Yes, he help to you! My Lukas can learn to host party and clean. He turn 18 next year and I can bring him to my home for finally," Ari said as he sipped his beer.

"It's good to train them young! Sasha's parents trained him young in housekeeping. They must have known he was a soft boy. He's too pretty to be useful!" DJ Madami joked as Sasha and I started to unpack the foil trays.

The ones in the first stack were hot. Sasha opened one that was filled with wings and I opened a cold vegetable tray. Ari and the DJ moved away from us and worked through their beer.

"Yes, Lukas and his father are both soft boys. I'm glad he hold it together long enough to make a son! Is he not beautiful?" Ari asked. He chugged the rest of his beer and the DJ showed him the small fridge where there were more. I don't know why he was talking like that, but I guessed it was to impress his celebrity man-crush on DJ Madami. He was a talented singer.

"He's a classic California boy for sure. How do you ever let him out of the house?" DJ Madami asked. I set the tray of vegetables on a side counter and opened a tub of fresh hummus. Sasha was opening a container of some kind of hors d'oeuvres that must have been Arab.

"I hate it! But he must go to school. If we are in Iran I keep him in the family home," Ari laughed.

"It is easier over there to keep them contained! Sasha got out on his own for a few days in West Hollywood thinking he would meet some friends like him. They scared him! He's only known the boys in Egypt where it is reserved and hidden. I'm taking him back home in a few weeks. I built a nice home for his family. They love me!" DJ Madami laughed.

"Lukas only has father, and he is now with my uncle. Will be nice if we can build compound here! We could keep them together." Ari nodded and took another drink.

"Everything serves!" Sasha said as he set out a tray of meat.

Voices yeled out in Arabic from above us. DJ Madami yelled back and then two gorgeous men descended the stairs. Tall, dark, muscled guys, they looked like they could be twins. They had on matching orange shorts that came down just barely to their crotches and hugged ample bulges. One had on a white tank top and the other black. They bounded down the stairs and came to hug the DJ.

DJ Madami introduced them as Amir and Mehmet. He turned to my questioning look and whispered, "Turkish." I nodded. I don't know why I had an obsession with knowing everyone's cultural background. It's just something white boys seem to do. Ari shook their hands and pulled me in against his chest.

They didn't shake my hands or even touch me. Ari had a defensive look and kept a tight arm across my chest. They did nod at me with smiles and I caught them studying me as they helped themselves to drinks. They carried a bottle of something with them and they opened and said something to Sasha in another language. He went and got four shot glasses.

They poured the alcohol in them and gave one to Ari. Only Sasha and I didn't get a shot to do. Ari downed it quickly and shook his head like it was strong. They all laughed and poured him another one to shoot. This time he took it a little more easily.

We all went back up on the deck and watched the DJ start up the boat and navigate us out of the harbor. It was so beautiful. We went through some channels and around small islands stuffed with huge houses.

"It's so beautiful," I said as I leaned against the side of the boat. Ari leaned in behind me and wrapped his arms around me. He was getting drunk and held me happily.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered in my ear. "The men here have eyes for what is mine. I can see this clear! I must hold onto my princess."

"I don't think any of them would dare make a move with you here," I said. I felt so safe in his hold. He pulled me back against his chest so I could feel his growl. He really was jealous.

"Fuck, right you are!" He bragged in a soft whisper. "I kick ass for protect my princess. Is so cool to be here, no? He is nice to us and we hang out with world-class DJ! For serious, Lukas. This is the life! We can live this and I make success for us. I take care for my baby and we make family. Will be good life for us, yes?" he asked.

"Are you asking me to marry you?" I whispered in disbelief.

"You are too young for this, but someday we will. I need ask? I thought I am already your man! No? We marry of course when you are the age for is right. Then I can fill your little tummy with babies and we make nice family. You want this?" he asked. We watched the waves crashing against the boat and the sun made the water glitter and sparkle. It was so beautiful.

"Of course I want that. You're everything I could dream of," I assured.

"You are my world. I love my California boy in his natural habitat!" He kissed my neck and squeezed me harder. I could feel the growing lump in his shorts as he pressed in behind me.

We got out to the ocean and then headed parallel to the coast. I didn't know where we were headed. It didn't matter anyways. We stayed there together for the longest time. He was happy from his beers and rubbing against me while whispering sweet things in my ear.

Amir and Mehmet passed by us and headed down the stairs below-deck. One of them made a quiet comment, "He's going to fuck him right off the boat!" The other laughed and they raced down towards the food. I blushed but Ari didn't seem to notice. He was lost in rubbing my stomach and grinding on me slowly.

Sasha passed us next and went down quietly. Ari just kept rubbing on me. His bulge pressed into the fabric of my shorts and pushed it against my hole. I started to feel that buzzing down there as his fat shaft rubbed against it. The three of them emerged a few minutes later with drinks and plates of food.

"Go down! There food become cold soon!" Sasha said as he passed us and went to take food to his man. Seeing that the downstairs was empty, Ari pushed me towards the stairs and stayed close behind me to cover his erection.

"We go for food!" Ari said to everyone though they were all huddled around the front of the boat and not paying attention to us. We went down the stairs and passed the food table. Ari paused to grab a thick piece of steak meat. He put it to my lips and then grabbed one for himself.

He pushed me across the lounge area and past the bed to a small bathroom. It was barely big enough for a small square toilet and sink. Above the toilet was a small square of window that let in the light. He put down the toilet seat lid and pushed me to sit on it. I finished the piece of steak I was chewing and swallowed it then looked up at him with desperation. He was horny, drunk, and ready for me.

"I am so hard for you. You suck me?" He asked while pushing down his shorts.

His fat, hard cock flopped out and veered angrily towards my face. He didn't wait for a response. He gripped my hair and pulled me in to suck him. The thick, Persian meat pushed past my lips and went back towards my throat.

"Oh fuck, princess. That throat feel so good," he said. He pushed his fingers through my hair and held me steady as if there was any escape in the cramped room.

"Mmm," I gagged on his meat and looked up at him with tears forming in my eyes as I tried to breathe.

"Is ok?" He stopped pushing in and looked down at me with concern as if he thought I wasn't in to this. He pulled his cock back out of my mouth. I gasped for air but then looked up at him with anger.

"Me, pacifier, now," I said and dove back onto his cock. I slurped my tongue around his thick, veiny shaft and tasted his salty skin. I loved having him inside me. He never had to ask.

"You're daddy's little cock slut? Aren't you?" He gripped my hair again and shoved back into my throat.

I nodded with my mouth impaled on his fat, Persian monster. I was desperate for his seed. I knew I'd feel better having a tummy full of it.

"That's my baby. You feel so good on my cock. I think about this, dream of it. Oh fuck, princess. You are made for me," Ari praised as he slammed into me. His full, low-hanging nuts brushed against my chin every time he pistoned into me.

"Sexy little fucker always try to steal my seed. I give you belly full so you remember who own you." Ari rammed into me, careful not to give me more than I could handle. Every time I wretched he'd pull back then slam in again. He pulled my hair and worked up a steady rhythm.

"Fuck, my love. I can no last long when feels are this strong! You are accomplished at the task," Ari praised as he pistoned in and out of me. I actually felt him building to it. It was this swelling that started in the base then slowly pushed across my tongue. I felt it rise towards my throat like a knot. Ari gripped my hair and started breathing heavy between grunts and moans.

"Fuuuuuck," he let out a low persistent growl like a hungry lion ready to pounce on its prey.

"Huhhhh," he hissed and his lips opened to show gritted teeth. He looked down at me with huge brown eyes helpless to stop the impending flood about to fill me as his dam broke. I felt the swell push through my throat and then hot missiles fired off. He pulled on my head and pushed inside me. His cock pulsed and I felt the cum begin to back up in my throat and fill my mouth.

I tried desperately to breathe through my nose but his cum leaked out of it along with my lips. He slid in and out a few times and shot more cum than I could keep up with.

"Fuck! Fuck!" He grunted again and his cum spilled down my chin and cheeks. My body clawed for air as he finished and I tried to swallow to clear it away. His thick seed filled me. I was tasting, breathing, feeling, loving it.

"My pretty boy," he sighed. He put a hand under my cheek and swiped his thumb through the cum as he pulled his cock out of me. I gasped for air and looked up at him with teary eyes and an appreciative smile.

"Thank you sir," I said. He pushed his thumb into my lips and fed me the cum it had collected. I licked it clean then he gathered more until my face was clear of his gift.

"Good boy, so pretty my love," he said. He rested and his cock softened a little. It didn't lose much length, but it slacked down his shorts instead of standing at attention. He gave it back to me so I could suck it clean. He helped me to the sink and washed my face then tried to fix my hair. He brushed it back as he stood behind me and helped me clean.

He kissed the back of my neck then held me as we stared at each other in the mirror.

"No single day can pass where I do not thank Allah for send me you. I do not deserve my princess, but I will protect her with my life," he swore. He kissed my neck again then put his head on my shoulder and gave me a sweet smile.

"You think everyone will know we came down here to play?" I asked.

"Maybe. They will be jealous they do not view it live!" he laughed.

We got a plate of food to share and went back upstairs to the boat deck. When Amir and Mehmet saw us, they jumped up and barreled towards the stairs with one of them saying, "Finally, the bed is free!"

I blushed and buried my face in Ari's chest. He just laughed. He guided us towards the front of the boat where Sasha and DJ Madami were sitting. The DJ was steering us as we slowly made our way down the coast and watched the sun begin to set.

"There you two are! I had to fight off the boys from wanting to go downstairs. I thought the little one needed some privacy. Come, sit!" DJ Madami called. Sasha got up from the side seat and went to sit in the DJ's lap. Ari sat in the chair he'd occupied and pulled me down into his lap.

"I'm glad you two are enjoying the boat. I know I get so worked up when Sasha and I get out here. Just something about the open sea that makes me want my boy," he said to us. Sasha pushed back his black curls and blushed a little. He had a hairband on his wrist and he pulled his hair back to secure it with the tie.

"I should grow out Lukas' hair like that," Ari said. I had it shaved close on the sides but was growing it out on top since he liked to play with it and hold onto it when he was adoring me or fucking me or anytime he was near.

"He is a pretty boy and would make a pretty girl too. I have Sasha keep his hair up tight and sometimes cover it with a cap or hood when we are in more conservative parts of his country. He's naturally a light boy like yours so I have to take measures to protect him," the DJ said.

"I don't think my Lukas could survive in Iran. My parents would keep him in their home. His light features attract enough attention, but the big, blue eyes and sweet, pretty lips will make him a quick target," Ari said with a tone of sadness. He stroked my back as I took a bite of salad.

"Oh yes. He would be picked up quickly. They would know he could fetch a high price from the upper tier. I knew of one wealthy Persian who kept a service boy in his corporate compound away from his wife. The boy was happy there, but he is young and naive. When his youth fades I hope he will be sent off to school back in France so he can have a chance at a normal life." DJ Madami kissed Sasha's cheek as though he'd rescued him from a similar fate.

"I will never put my Lukas in danger like this." Ari kissed my cheek. I got a chill at that and he hugged his left arm around me. I'd love to see his country some day and he sounded so sad that he couldn't take me there.

"I hope to keep Sasha here full-time. He is working on his English. He has a tutor come five days a week. She is a nice woman who is also helping him learn to cook and take care of the home. He looks so cute in his uniform! He tried to argue that he doesn't need a uniform for home school, but I want him focused on his tasks." The DJ rubbed Sasha's head and pulled him in to his chest.

"I will do this for my Lukas when he is of age and I have him in my home." Ari kissed my cheek.

"What about college? These American boys all seem to need a university degree. Sasha doesn't want one, but I'm looking at online programs to get him started. I can't imagine letting a boy with Lukas' looks roam free on a college campus every day. You know what those boys will do to him," DJ Madami said.

"Yes! His father wish to send him up the coast away from us for writing program! We look for good online program for him. He shall not roam so far!" Ari's muscles tensed around me protectively. He took a bite of steak and chewed anxiously.

"These boys look to us for protection. They don't know danger because we keep the walls around them. Sasha would have ended up in a Cairo brothel. I knew as soon as I saw him I had to help him. He was sixteen when I found him and luckily he had older brothers the neighborhood boys feared. Once they were married and left though, he would have been easy prey. Is he even grateful to me?" The DJ laughed. Sasha looked up at him with pouty lips.

"I am grateful, baba. You know I am," he said in a tone that begged the DJ's approval.

"I know, my heart. I'm teasing you," he told Sasha then turned back to Ari. "They're so sensitive."

"I know! I can not tease for Lukas at all or he cry. I love how soft he is. He never know danger here. I don't want that he must toughen up or defend for his self. I like my princess as she is," Ari said. He rubbed his scratchy chin against my cheek.

"It's good they are so sensitive. I love how his body reacts just from a little finger rubbing his little kus jiddaan," the DJ said. I looked at Ari with questioning eyes.

"It mean pretty pussy," Ari whispered and chuckled.

"Lukas too. When I touch the princess place he finish so easily and beautifully with not even touch himself!" Ari said. He was opening up a bit too much. I looked down at our plate of food.

"I forbid Sasha from touching himself. That is his owner's possession," the DJ said.

"And not for a boy to mess with! He can hurt himself. He need daddy's touch," Ari agreed.

"This one DID hurt himself! I was away on a concert tour of Sweden and left him with his family. He tried to put fingers inside himself and got too rough. I had to send a private doctor to his home! After that, I put a fatwa on his explorations. He couldn't handle being away from me like that for so long so now I bring him with me. I'm doing more production now so we can settle in LA. He's getting better about it, but I know he struggles." DJ Madami playfully swatted Sasha's bottom.

"My princess does not touch what is mine." Ari kissed my cheek with approval. I nodded to show the DJ I was good.

"I can tell he is a well trained boy who knows his place. This one took some work. When I rescued him he seemed to quickly think he had a right to demand things. I had to remind him that I give him food, shelter, and arms to hold him, but he must work to earn the finer things he thought he was entitled to. A boy should be grateful for what he is given." He rubbed Sasha's back and pulled on his pony tail until the boy lifted his eyes to meet his owner's.

"Yes, baba. I am," Sasha said and received a kiss from the DJ.

"My princess is still so fresh. I make sure to not corrupt," Ari said with a harsh tone. He grabbed my hair and pulled me gently to kiss him. In all honesty I'd never asked Ari to buy me things. His family was so generous to me, but I went along with his fierce display.

"Yes, daddy. You keep me good," I echoed in my best boy voice. Ari winked at me.

"I can see how he craves your touch. At the warehouse he lit up when you entered. It is obvious he knows to whom he belongs; just as his father defers to your uncle. It must run in the family. You should let him reproduce to find out for certain," the DJ joked.

"Hmm. A baby Lukas will be adorable. Maybe when he raise a few from my seed, we try his next!" Ari laughed. I shook my head no to that. I had no interest in girls or what it too to mate with one.

"He is just like mine, a strong aversion to any pussy that isn't his," the DJ laughed. "These boys don't know what a woman is like. They will never try one. I had my experiences then learned that I prefer a soft boy. I love his gentle curves and tight muscles and the way he still holds pride for his boyhood. He satisfies the side of me I never found with his female counterparts. Still, there are things that I miss." He looked at the water like he was thinking it over.

"I did like the breasts. They are so nice," Ari chimed in to break the silence. I giggled at that.

"What? You do not know how nice they are!" he defended.

"I know. It's just... I don't think of them like that. I just have regular pecs," I covered my giggles with my mouth.

"Your little boytits turn me on too. He has the pinkest nipples to suck on. They are so small and cute but puff up to anger red when I bite too hard," Ari rubbed his hands up my chest and squeezed my nippled through my tank top. I laughed and tried to squirm out of his hold, but I didn't want to spill what was left of our food in my hands.

"I love the pink parts on a Nordic boy like him! They are especially nice when it's a pretty boy like yours... Sasha's are a rich brown like the banks of the Nile that gave him life. They have their own beauty, and I dream of them when I hold him." The DJ gave Sasha's right nipple a twist. The boy put his face into DJ Madami's chest as if he was embarrassed.

"He blushes so easily, but when I touch that pussy..." the DJ slid a hand down Sasha's back and it disappeared into his shorts. Sasha's head popped up and a gasp escaped his lips. His eyes lit up with desperate hunger.

I could feel Ari squirm uncomfortably under me. He let go of my nipples and soon I felt his hand touch my back then slide down. I leaned around him to set the plate of food on the side table behind the chair. I felt his hand slide down the back of my shorts and a deep chill went up my spine. I turned to him with confusion and a little moan escaped my throat. Was he really doing this here?

Ari looked at me with serious eyes. He raised one eyebrow to show he meant business. I bit my lip and looked back at him with eyes that told him I was his to do with as he pleased. He didn't need the permission. It was already understood. I raised my right leg to lift it over his lap so I could straddle him.

Ari's finger probed my hole, slid around the ring, and made my stomach tense up and my cock spring to life in my shorts.

"That's the thing about these boys," DJ Madami said in a low growl. "Just the touch of their owners can bring them to heat. The right rub in their little holes can send them straight to a quick boil."

I looked over at him as his hand slid up and down in the back of Sasha's shorts. He kissed Sasha's forehead as the boy squirmed in his lap.

"My princess always beg for me to fill her with seed. She react so beautifully to my touch. Just to rub against her in the night can fill her dream with happy," Ari growled. He wasn't talking to DJ Madami anymore He was talking to me. He knew how much my body craved his touch, his cock, his seed. He knew how quickly I weakened whenever he was near.

"Yes, mine does the same. We work so hard to protect and serve our boys. Their bodies were made for us and know their owner's touch. He's quivering down there, isn't he? His body is begging to be bred like only his protector can do, isn't it?" DJ Madami asked in a slow, deep voice that sounded like a hypnotist.

It was working on Ari. His eyes narrowed in on mine as his finger pushed into me. He rubbed the spot that made me light up, made my skin pulse with electricity.

"It does. His pussy always squeeze down on me like it never want to let me go," Ari confessed.

"It was made for you. They are made to serve men like us. They need the protection, need to cling to an alpha. It's primal instinct. They were made beautiful to cover for their weaknesses. Feel his pussy welcome you... Feel it quiver and beg for your touch..." The DJ had Ari deep in his trance. I didn't mind.

I leaned forward against Ari's chest and whimpered into his shoulder. I looked over to watch Sasha buck and twist, gasp and moan as his owner worked his hole. Sasha caught me looking and we stared at each other with shameful, needy, lust-filled eyes.

"It feel so good. I feel his pussy quiver at my touch. I find the places that make his eyes to spin," Ari confirmed. I felt the lump in his shorts and I desperately wanted to ride him.

"You do that to him. Only his alpha can. Could you even imagine two boys like Lukas and Sasha together? They would be lost. They'd lick each other's holes and then pout until one of them relented and tried to fuck the other," DJ Madami laughed and Ari did too.

"He need a man to show him what his body can do," Ari agreed. He started to slide his finger in and out of my hole. My cock was rock hard in my shorts and rubbing back and forth against his abs as I slid against him. I muffled my cries in his tank top and lipped at it in desperation.

"You were made for him too. Your hard muscles, army training, and warrior spirit were made to protect him. You will have many men to fight off to protect what is yours with a boy that beautiful. They will never know the dangers and training we went through to become the men they worship. They will never understand it. I rescued Sasha before he was 17 and conscripted to service. He never had to toughen so he is extra needy for his alpha's protection. Aren't you, boy?" DJ Madami was working Sasha into a quiet frenzy.

Sasha was pressed in against him and riding his finger, burying his face in the DJ's chest and whimpering. He looked as worked up as I was and was whispering things in Arabic to his owner.

"My princess will never know of this. I try keep her from harm, but the family interfere." Ari drove his finger in deeper. He rubbed my pussy and made my dick twitch left and right as he swiped. I looked at him with eyes that shifted with his movements. He knew how to work my controllers. He put a finger to my lips when he could see I was only going to get noisier. I sucked it like a pacifier and tried to bounce on his finger.

"It's hard. Sasha's family had many sons and they were eager to find a place he could be safe. Once they realized who I was though, they wanted money. I'd pay any price for my baby, but I set limits with them. I want him to know I will care for them, but I don't want their greed to flourish," DJ Madami explained. I looked over at Sasha who was lost in his man's attention. His oversized eyes looked hazily at his owner as he rode his fingers.

"Lukas is close to finish. I feel his pussy squeeze on me. He always tighten so hard it push me to finish when I am inside him," Ari noted as though making scientific observations for his fieldbook.

"Sasha is trained to finish when I allow it. There is a spot up and to the right that I hit hard when I want to see him finish," the DJ said. Sasha suddenly yelled out as though in demonstration.

"Hmm," Ari said and looked at me pensively. His finger took a sudden turn and I felt a hot wave of chills ripple through me spreading out from my hole.

"Ahh! Fuck!" I cried and fell forward against his chest. Ari laughed. He kissed my neck and rubbed gingerly back and forth across it. I thrashed and bit the strap of his tank top, pulling it as I moaned.

"There it is!" The DJ laughed. "A few hits of that and he'll finish soon."

"I cum," I whined. My cock went still then started to throb and spew cum out in my swim shorts.

"There's a good boy," The DJ said. I tossed my head back and saw both of them staring at me as my eyelids fluttered and I bumped against Ari's hold. He rode that spot with his finger and used his other hand to hold me against his chest. I rocked and whined against him.

"Fuck, daddy. Love! You!" I mumbled and jerked on his lap. He kept steady pressure inside me, making my cock empty out in my shorts.

"That's my baby," Ari praised quietly into my ear as he held me against him. "Pretty princess."

I collapsed against his chest, gasping for air and pulling my arms in between our chests to escape the sudden chill of the night air on the open sea. I laid there against his heartbeat whimpering and recovering in his hold. He kept his finger inside me and gently rubbed my back.

I laid against his chest and looked over at Sasha who was on the edge. The beautiful brown boy bounced on the DJ's fingers and kept his eyes trained on his owner's. He opened his soft pink lips and let out a string of Arabic whining that seemed to please his man. The DJ smiled at him and nodded slowly, working a rhythm in his boy's shorts.

"Huhhhh," Sasha let out a whine and then pressed his lips against the DJ's. I could tell he was finishing. His abs contracted and then released in controlled jerks. His frame shuddered deeply and his lips desperately clawed at his owner's lips.

"My love," Ari whispered and kissed my hair.

"Thank you, daddy," I said and turned away from the private scene a few feet away from us. I looked up to Ari whose eyes were focused only on me. He slipped his finger from my hole and then wrapped his arms around me tightly, hugging me against him.

The boat rocked gently and everything went quiet. I could hear the crashing waves and some other boaters in the distance. I laid against his heartbeat and closed my eyes.

-- My Stories:

Next: Chapter 15

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