Lukas and the Shah

By Emri S.

Published on Sep 14, 2023


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Story Recap: Lukas, an athletic California 17 yr-old with blonde hair, blue eyes, and tight body, loves Ari, a wealthy, muscled, 25 yr-old Persian who dominates his boy. Lukas and his father are moving back to Glendale, but will it mean he can finally be secure with the man he loves?

----------------- Lukas & The Shah Ch.12- The Boy Goes to School By Emri -----------------

"I don't think anyone else has this many people with him for school night!" I laughed. Mr. Khorasani pulled the car into the high school parking lot. He was in the front seat next to his brother, Mr. Teza; dad's new boss. I was in the back under Ari's arm with dad next to me. It took four men to accompany me to the school night at the new high school I'd be going to a few blocks from the Khorasani compound.

It had been a week since Dad brought me back. He'd only gone back to the desert to pack up our things and break things off with Denise. The few days away from her had given him the clarity to see how bad they were for each other.

I'd offered to go help pack things, but Mr. Khorasani didn't want me involved. Instead, he'd hired a team of movers to box us up and put things in storage. He didn't even consult dad on it or maybe he had in private. They'd come to some sort of arrangement and I wasn't a part of it. Dad moved his things into Ari's old bedroom in the Khorasani house, but he'd been spending a few nights at Mr. Teza's place. I hadn't been there, but Ari said it was close.

We were supposed to be looking for an apartment this week, but dad was working so hard at the shop that he hadn't had time. Mr. Khorasani told me they'd get to it soon, but I should focus on school. I'd gone to the office with him every day this week. It felt good to be back to our routine.

"Well we all want to make sure you will be ok here. It's a much larger school than you're used to. We'll get your schedule and then map out your classes.

Mr. K had already met with the school counselor assigned to me. He was a Persian man and he'd been nice enough to bring his laptop to Mr. K's office so they could look over my records and get me placed into the honors track for writing.

I'd never heard of a counselor doing that, but Mr. K had persuaded him and catered lunch. He brought information on the writing program at the small private college nearby. It was exciting to talk to him about it, but like most things the conversation was between the two men while I sat quietly and listened.

"There's a pep rally too!" Dad said. He loved those things. Mr. Teza chuckled at his excitement.

"Do you want he to buy you a football jersey?" He asked dad.

"With the raise, I can buy my own," dad joked back.

Ari held my hand as we walked through the parking lot but then let it go when we got up to the front doors. I saw Dylan in the hallway with his friends. He lit up with a smile when he saw me and ran over to greet us. He shook hands with the men, but just gave me a nod and wink. In his culture, a non-related man didn't touch what belonged to another.

"The schedules are at check-in! I can show you where the rooms are. I hope we have some classes together," Dylan said excitedly when the introductions died down.

"He's a nice boy," dad whispered to me as we followed Dylan to the check-in.

"He is. I know his parents well. They are good people," Mr. K assured.

Dylan took us on a tour. He showed me the good restrooms that were usually clean, and the cafeteria with the table he sat at.

"Our lunch times mostly overlap so just come find me. They do specially prepared lunches if you order for the whole week. I'll give you the app and access code," he said.

"That will be good. I don't want him skipping meals," Ari said.

"I'll make sure he eats," Dylan promised.

We stopped by the athletic shop and Mr. Khorasani let me get a few sets of the high school's track uniform. They were tanks and small shorts that runners wore. I was hoping to make the team. I told him maybe we should wait until after tryouts to buy the uniforms, but Mr. K was confident I'd do well. He got a whole week's worth of them.

He took me to my classes and my entire entourage greeted each of my teachers. Only the female ones seemed alarmed at the amount of adults looking out for me.

"If there is any trouble with him, here is my card," Mr. K told each of them. He handed then his card with my name written on it as "Lukas Smith (Khorasani)" as if that had become my name.

He also gave each of them a nice golden pen in a small box. He wanted them to know I wasn't just their average student.

"I promise he will be well behaved and a model student," he assured them. Dad just hung back and made conversation with Mr. Teza.

The teachers seemed impressed by his speech and grateful for the small gift. They each promised to put me right in front and set high expectations. I knew this wasn't going to be an easy, fun year.

"That was nice of you to give them pens, sir," I said on our way to the auditorium.

"They will know you come from a family that values education. They will look out for you and feel responsible for your growth and safety," he told me.

We got a good row of seats in the auditorium just before it started to fill up. I sat between Ari and Mr. Khorasani. Ari had his arm around me and was answering a business email on his phone. Dad was on the other side of Mr. K and next to Mr. Teza. They were laughing about something on his phone.

I laid my head against Ari's chest. No one seemed to look at us funny. It was so different here than out in the desert where we would have attracted stares and comments. Here there were families and groups of all ages and shades.

I looked over at dad. He seemed so happy now. He was excited for his job and had become inseparable from Mr. Teza. I didn't know what was going on between them, but they were more like brothers; one more grown up than the other.

The lights dimmed and everyone put their phones away. The principal, who introduced himself as Dr. Hovanian, opened with greetings. He gave a short speech and then a group of guys in football jerseys came out. Dylan was in the center of them, looking insanely hot in his uniform. He put on that charming smile and counted off a few beats then the music started. They did a poorly practiced dance to it that made everyone cheer.

"You like uniform?" Ari whispered.

"Oh yeah," I laughed. He pulled me closer against him and I could feel the growl in his chest.

The guys danced and did some acrobatic moves that brought the crowd to their feet. I rubbed Ari's thigh as I watched.

"Very talented," Mr. K said when they finished. He clapped for them and gave a whistle like everyone else was doing. Ari just rubbed my shoulder and shrugged like it was nothing. I kissed his chest to remind him they weren't on my menu.

The next up was a singing group of guys and girls. They sang the school song then transitioned into a current radio hit. They weren't terrible, but I doubted they'd do well in competitions.

After them was the orchestra and then a mix of people advertising the various student clubs. Dylan came back out in his football uniform and earned more cheers. He stepped up to the microphone and greeted everyone.

"I want to welcome everyone who wants to come to the student LGBTQ+ club. It's open to anyone who wants to come and support us or anyone who just wants to join a club and meet cool people. We like everyone, but especially those who bring chips. If you need a friend or just a place to be yourself or a place to lose your chips, We are here. No one has to do this alone. Come say hi," he said.

The room went silent for a minute.

"No one gets left out when we all join together. I just want to make one place where everyone can be free to be themselves. Also, I like chips. Thank you," he finished and put the microphone back nervously.

He turned to walk off the stage but then someone clapped, then another person, and then a tidal wave of cheers.

He turned back to the crowd with a deep blush and everyone jumped to their feet including us. The principal came back out and put his arm around Dylan to show his pride in the golden boy.

I was stunned for a minute. It wasn't that his speech was super moving or life changing. It was that the head athlete and hot boy of the school was setting the tone that everyone would follow, and, for once, that tone was acceptance and safety. He was the guy everyone looked up to, and he was ready to lead.

I couldn't ever imagine this happening back home. At my old school he wouldn't have had time to speak like that and no one would have cheered. The principal would have come out on the stage, but only to lead him away in shame. People would have gasped and booed. His parents would have been shamed. It was so different here.

"You are crying? Oh my little love," Ari said and brought me against his chest. I hadn't realized I was crying, but my cheeks felt suddenly wet. He pulled out a napkin from his pocket. He'd gotten it in one of the classrooms where they'd set out a tray of cookies. He'd helped himself to an assortment.

"I love it here," I sniffled.

Mr. Khorasani rubbed my back and kissed my hair. He understood what I was feeling. We'd talked about it on the nights when Ari went home before I fell asleep. He knew why I was desperate to stay here other than just my love for Ari. I could be myself here. I was ok.

I sat back down and wiped my face as Ari hugged me protectively. I zoned out through the rest of the show and nodded off on the short drive home.

"You loved it, didn't you?" Dad asked when we got back to the house.

"It's like a dream," I told him and hugged him for making it happen.

"Good. I'm glad you're finally happy. I'm happy too," he said but didn't elaborate.


Monday morning found me awake two hours before I needed to be at school. Mrs. Khorasani had bought me a ton of new school clothes and I quickly put on a new pair of khaki joggers and a blue button up shirt. I spent twenty minutes on my hair and then peeked into dad's room to see his empty bed. He must not have come home last night.

I checked my phone to see dad had texted late last night that he hoped I had a great first day and he couldn't wait to hear all about it. Something was wrong with him. Since he'd started with Mr. Teza he'd been detached from me. He used to always answer my texts, but now I'd send two or three before I'd get some late night reply. He'd ask if I was ok and I'd start to write back about what was going on here. He'd reply "That's great, be good for them. Love U." Then he'd go silent again.

I didn't reply to dad. He wouldn't respond that early anyways. The house was dark and quiet. I went to the kitchen and turned in the coffee pod brewer. It was just warmed up when Mr. K came in wearing a pair of boxers and putting his robe on.

"Up before the sun. Eager to learn," he commented then went to get two mugs.

Mrs Khorasani came in then and made us a big breakfast. There was toast, fruit, eggs, and some Persian dishes I couldn't identify. I ate it all. I was happy to start my day and couldn't wait to be at school.

Ari showed up just before 7. He had on his business suit, but looked sleepy. Mr. Khorasani was just finishing getting ready when Ari came in. Ari was going to take me to school and Mr. K was going to take his grandchildren to their first day of elementary school. He had gone to their school welcome night too. He must have bought a lot of those pens to hand out. Maybe he trusted his son's to raise their kids properly more than he trusted my father with me.

Ari drove me to school and then parked in the far corner of the student lot away from the buzz of morning activity. He unhooked my seat belt and pulled me over for a kiss. My hand rubbed down to his lap and squeezed his bulge while his tongue pushed through my lips.

"I am so scare for you," Ari admitted when we pulled apart.

"Why? It's high school and Dylan will be here." I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I know and I already talk to him to look out for you, but these places are scary for soft boys, light boys like you. What about the bullying you hear of on the television? If anyone push you around you text me right away and I will come for you." Ari looked at me with heavy eyes like he hadn't slept well.

"I'll be fine... I'll text you between each class, ok?" I let go of his thickening bulge and slid my hand back up to his chest. He nodded and kissed me again.

He insisted on walking me to the door of the school and carried my backpack like I was a little kid. It would have been embarrassing if he was my dad or anyone else, but with him I didn't care what other people thought. He got me to the door and handed me my backpack.

"I love you," he whispered, looking like he wanted to kiss me again. He didn't.

"I love you too, daddy," I answered and felt a twist in my heart at leaving him. He waited until I got inside and then I turned to wave goodbye and he walked back to his car.

I found Dylan at his locker and he pointed me towards my first class. He told me to text him if I needed anything. His phone number was one of the few programmed into my phone along with Ari's, my dad's, and Mr. K's. Dylan asked if I wanted him to walk me to the class, but I could tell he was eager to get his own day started so I declined.

I wondered what kind of deal the Khorasani men had worked out with him. It kind of upset me to think they might be paying him, but maybe they weren't. Dylan seemed like a genuinely nice guy and those handsome Persian features and strong muscles made me trust him more. He looked like them.

My first class was Chemistry. The teacher remembered me instantly and he pointed towards a seat at the first lab table. "Good morning, pen boy," he said with a nod. I wondered if all of them would remember me by the pen from Mr. K.

The morning classes went without incident. I was always in the front row with the students who were there to focus. There wasn't much conversation or opportunities to make friends and everyone was still sleepy from the long summer break.

At lunchtime I went to the special line for people not getting the regular lunches. Ari had ordered for the week on the app and it was a much shorter line than the regular one.

"Name?" the student worker asked me when I got to the front.

"Lukas Smith," I told him. He looked at his list then shook his head.

"I have a Lukas Khorasani. Is that you? Maybe the last names got written wrong," he said.

"Oh," I laughed. "Yeah that's me." He nodded and looked at my student ID to make sure the numbers matched up. He handed me a folded carton and set of pre-wrapped plasticware. I got a bottle of vitamin water and set off to find Dylan at the table he'd showed me.

I found Dylan and his friends then sat down and began working through the salad Ari had ordered for me. It had grilled turkey on top and lots of interesting things mixed in. Dylan asked how my morning went and I told him it was pretty uneventful.

I sent Ari a picture of the sticker printed on my lunch carton that said Lukas Khorasani.

"I must mark what is mine," Ari wrote back with a winky emoji. He said he'd be there to pick me up after school, but I reminded him I wanted to stay for the track team tryouts.

"Today is this? I thought tomorrow! I have to pick up for you and then drop off at home before a meeting at 4:30," Ari wrote. I thought for a minute. I started to text back, but then Ari texted first and said he would try to get his dad to come for me.

"It's only a few blocks. I can run home after the tryouts," I wrote him. Naturally, he thought that was the worst idea ever. He told me either he or his dad would be there when I finished up.

After lunch I only had two classes left. I'd taken Spanish the last three years at my old high school since it was the only language offered. At this high school they offered Farsi and I wanted to take it, but Mr. Khorasani had said Spanish was more useful here and I'd already invested three years in it. I suspected he didn't want me learning their language since they used it to discuss things not meant for my ears.

It was in my sixth period Calculus class that I ran into my first trouble of the day. The teacher placed me right in front of him as Mr. Khorasani had instructed. Just before the bell rang, one last student slipped in. It was Nasim. He froze when he saw me, earning an unhappy comment from the teacher.

"Take a seat! We have a lot to cover!" The teacher barked. Nasim's eyes lit up and he slid into the seat right behind me.

It was one of those annoying courses where the teacher puts a problem up and then has you turn and talk to your neighbor to figure it out. There was no one sitting beside me and I felt Nasim's hand on my shoulder as soon as the teacher said "go."

"You guys left the party before we got a chance to meet. I'm Nasim." He smiled as I turned with my notebook to look at him.

"I'm really bad at calculus. Do you know how to solve it?" I asked, ignoring his overtures.

"Simple." He took my notebook and scratched out the equation with numbers and symbols I didn't understand. He circled a string of information and handed it back to me.

"You're Lukas, right? I asked around. Ari's keeping you under wraps," Nasim said.

The teacher passed by us and smiled at my notebook. He told me to go write what we'd done on the board. I took my notebook and replicated it with his marker.

"Excellent! Explain it!" he said.

"I um..." I blushed and looked at Nasim who sat with smirk on his face. He let me hang for five seconds before he sighed and got out of his seat.

"Lukas is shy, but he explained that..." Nasim launched into a long explanation that I tuned out. He came to stand beside me. He put his arm around me like we were friends. I looked down at my notebook and froze helplessly.

"Good! Now back to your groups and try the five problems on page 8," the teacher said. The rest of the class time went on like that, working in pairs through the material. Nasim realized I had no idea what I was doing so he tried to slow down and teach me. He was trying to be nice, but after what Ari had said about him, I was wary of his friendship.

"Didn't you take pre-cal in your last school?" he asked me. He clearly thought I was an idiot.

"It wasn't that good of a school," I admitted.

"Maybe we should meet up then. I can help tutor you," he offered.

"I don't think Ari would like that," I said.

"I'll talk to him. Unless someone helps you out, this is going to be a disaster," he said. He wasn't trying to be rude. I really was far behind everyone.

"Thanks. I didn't mean to seem rude to you earlier," I told him.

"I'm sure Ari warned you off. He never liked me hanging around." Nasim closed up his book as the bell rang. He followed me out to the hallway and then to my locker.

"You headed for gym?" he asked when he saw me pull a small bag with my workout clothes.

"Track warm-ups! The tryouts are after school so they're doing a special session for us to get ready!" I checked that my new running shoes and lock were in there and then closed my locker. Nasim followed me towards the locker room until Dylan caught up with us. He instantly gave a threatening look to Nasim. I guessed they knew each other.

"I'll take him from here. I've got to get to football practice," Dylan said in an unfriendly tone. Dylan took my gym bag to underscore that he was going with me and Nasim was not.

"See you tomorrow," I told Nasim. Dylan put his hand on my shoulder and led me away.

"See him tomorrow?" he asked. I explained that we shared a calculus class. Dylan didn't look pleased about that. He said, "We'll see what Ari says about this."

We headed for the locker room and Dylan found an empty one for me that was close to his. We changed together. I tried not to ogle his body, but it was pretty spectacular. He was super lean with tight muscles in just the right places. He stripped down to a pair of athletic briefs then started to get into his practice gear while I put on a running tank top and runner's shorts.

It was so hard to not stare at him as he flexed and put on his clothes. I noticed him looking at me too, but his looks didn't seem so dirty. It was more like he was appraising me. I wasn't Dylan's type anyways. He liked big, muscley white guys. I spread out my arms in front of him to show off the track uniform. He nodded approval.

Dylan pointed me to the track field which was near the football field. At my old high school the track went around the football and dodged balls and bullies. Here they were separate. I met the track coach and he checked the list for my name.

"We only have ten trying out so if you think you can show up for practice, I can put you in," he said with a sigh. That was kind of disappointing to know I wouldn't have much competition, but good that I was going to make it.

The rest of the team was already on the track and warming up with light jogging. They were all about my size or smaller. Two of them had super skinny legs which don't usually work out to great running or jumps. As much as this high school was mostly Armenian, Arab, and Persian kids, the track team was almost exclusively white or hispanic.

We did a few warm-up laps and then coach took us through some stretches and explained to us how the tryouts would go. They weren't so much tryouts as starting measurements to see where we needed to improve for the meets we'd go to this year.

He took us through test runs of the different lengths and relays. Half of us did miserably on the jumps, but I did ok on the hurdles. I managed to not knock anything down or fall on my ass. By the end of the warmups, I felt comfortable that I'd earn my place near the top of this team.

The leader was a boy named Dominic who sailed perfectly through everything. He had an amazing body but a face that looked like it got stuck in the printer. Ok that's mean. He did seem like a nice guy.

My only real competition was a kid named Riley who immediately identified me as his pacer. He'd check the times after everything I did and then try to beat it. A few times he did, but usually he just matched me or even lost. At the end of the period, we got a few minutes to cool off while school was letting out. I went and hung out in the shady part of the bleachers and saw Mr. Khorasani walking towards the field.

"Sir!" I yelled and waved my arms. He saw me and lit up with a smile. He was wearing a polo shirt with khaki shorts and carrying a small bag. He looked like he was headed for a golf course. He came over to the bleachers and immediately frowned.

"You're turning red. Didn't you put on sunblock?" he asked.

"No sir, I forgot to pack it," I admitted. He took a small bottle out of the bag he'd brought.

"Sit down while I put some on you. There's a bottle of water, drink," he said. He sprayed me down with sunblock then rubbed it into my shoulders and arms and neck. There were three ice cold bottles of water in his bag and an energy bar. I was starved, but I only ate half and didn't drink too much. I still had a tryout ahead. I told him all about the team and the warmups.

"Good. I didn't miss the competition. I can't wait to see you beat them," he said.

"Well it's actually a small team trying out so we'll all make it, but I'm doing really well! There's only one kid who is ahead of me. He's obviously been training hard for this." I pointed out Dominic and Mr. Khorasani sized him up.

"This means we'll have to double our efforts and get some training in at home. You can get ahead of him if you work hard enough," Mr. K was already working up a plan. His eyes glowed with determination as he rubbed the sunblock on my cheeks.

"I don't really want to get ahead of him. He's on my team. He's a super nice guy," I said.

"Ah... yes. I'm used to my boys who always want to be on top, little one. You only need to compete with yourself." Mr. K looked at me, suddenly remembering I wasn't really his son. That look of fierce competitor turned into a sweet smile that made me realize he didn't expect me to be a champion. I was a pet, not a son.

"I'm pretty good! If I practice a lot, I'll do well when we go to the meets!" I assured. I felt like he was patronizing me. It reminded me of when my dad finally accepted that I wasn't going to be a baseball star like he'd been. He never got as excited for my track meets.

"You just worry about being your best," he said and ruffled my hair. I was a sweaty mess but happy he'd at least made it to see me in action since my dad was working.

I didn't do too badly. After the 400 and 800 meters, I was in second place to Dominic and Riley was giving me the evil eye. I wasn't even the one he should have been worried about. A kid named Mario took third in the 400 and came in just behind me. He had been conserving his energy in the warmups and came on strong in the actual times.

"Not too bad! We might actually do something this year," The coach said with surprise. He looked like he hadn't had a win in a long time.

The hurdles showed Dominic's weakness. He was too focused on staying ahead and he knocked over his last hurdle. He didn't look around to see our reactions. He cursed under his breath and wandered off to the side.

The relays were harder because we didn't have enough people to really show a race. Coach kept switching us up and it got confusing. On the third one, I accidentally handed the baton to Riley who took it and threw it in the grass to cost my team time. Coach blew a whistle at that and berated him for it.

"It's not my fault he doesn't even know his own team," Riley spat. I didn't know where all the hate was coming from. I looked at Mr. Khorasani who was standing on the sideline. He mouthed "keep going" at me and I nodded. When coach blew the whistle again I ran for the grass and got the baton back to the right guy.

In the end, Riley edged me out of second place even with his penalty for throwing the baton. I'd been thrown off after that and not focused. Luckily it was just the tryouts and not a real championship. I'd get him next time.

We finished up and I ran back to my locker to get my backpack and clothes. I was an overheated, sweaty mess when I made it back to Mr. Khorasani. He wrapped a beach towel around me and carried my backpack while I drank water and finished the energy bar. I was wiped out as we walked the few blocks home.

"You were great! I know you haven't trained all summer, but I think we can fix that. Let's focus more on training the muscles you'll need for track instead of all the upper body we've been doing," he told me. He sounded proud of me.

We made it home and I took a shower then a nap before dinner. Ari came over to find me asleep. He changed out of his suit and laid down next to me in a pair of shorts and a tank top. It was nice to wake up in his arms. He wanted to hear all about the tryouts and how I'd done. I laid there with my head on his chest and told him everything.

He was proud of me for the track stuff and then sat up to turn on a lamp and see my sun damage. It wasn't too bad, but he gave me a lecture on using the sunblock more.

"You are delicate and not made for the harsh sunshine. You will apply the sunblock before going out and reapply during the break. I will come tomorrow and see you practice." Ari kissed my shoulder and then let his lips wander down my arm.

"I have to tell you about Nasim," I said when things were getting too heated. It suddenly came back to my mind and I knew it would be wrong to not fill Ari in on the math class companion.

"Oh? What about?" he asked. He didn't look too surprised. I guessed he'd expected that the boy would find me and try to move in on what was his.

I told Ari about the class and how we got paired together and that he offered to tutor me. I told Ari I would move away from him and tell him not to talk to me anymore if he wanted me to. I didn't want to cause any problems.

"I confess to you, Lukas. Dylan text me to say he was follow you in hallway. I knew you will tell me about it too. You are my honest princess. Nasim call me after school to discuss the tutoring. We agree he will come tonight for tutoring and I have discussion with him about proper way to behave with you. I think he understand now. I make it clear," Ari said.

"You invited him here? Tonight? Woah!" I sat up and smacked Ari on the chest for not telling me and waiting for my confession. He smiled up at me, surprised by my outburst.

"He is boy who think he is man. If he is to be in your world then he need to know the rules. Is good he can help you learn. I want for your growth and I know he is smart with maths. I do not fear a boy moving in on my princess. Your body crave only a man's touch. But I do not want that he pester or bother to you," Ari explained. I was up and kneeling on the bed beside him. His hand wandered over and rubbed my bottom. He slid it up the right leg of my shorts and quickly found my hole.

"He is a boy," I echoed quietly as Ari strummed my hole and made my cock perk up.

"He need to learn better. He is of my culture and know that it is not proper or wise to bother a man's possessions. He take too freely with speak to you and follow you down the hallway as if he is part of my group. He is not. I will gently put him to remember his place," Ari said. His finger poked inside me and I lit up with a gasp.

"A man's possession," I echoed and felt my heart leap at the reminder that I was his.

"Maybe he does not realize I am serious for you and you are not to share with other. He will be made clear that you are only for me and I share you with no one. If he want to be helpful, this is good. But he will learn the respect." Ari pushed up inside me and my cock leaked as it strained my briefs and thumped happily at his touch.

"Share me with no one," I sighed happily. I leaned forward until he caught me and brought me against his chest with one hand as the other one happily opened my desperate hole.

"You know we can no fuck here," Ari said with sadness. "Is not right I tease you with what is forbidden."

"Forbidden." I echoed him again and this time he laughed.

"Why you repeat me? I am serious with this. I protect you and I do not like that a lost bee hovers over my honey." He wiggled his finger in deeper. I wasn't lubed, but my body needed him anyway. Even dry he made me relax and let go of all my day's anxiety. A boy needed his daddy, longed for his touch. I kissed his nipple through his tank top and then bit it between my teeth.

"Ahh princess. We must go eat soon. I promise we find hidden moment later tonight. My father is reconsider his curfew of me now that your father is here and we know this is settled for long time. You are not leave for the desert again. Also you are in school long days so is important I can see you at night," Ari said.

He kissed my cheek and wiggled his finger out of my ass. He held me tightly and we kissed for a few minutes.

"You get to sleep here? Where? My dad is in your room now!" I reminded him.

"Yes well if your father need to sleep here then I go to couch." He said that as if he knew my dad wasn't coming back. They all seemed to know what was going on with dad; everyone knew but me. The whole thing seemed weird and no one wanted to discuss it with me. I'd follow up on it this weekend when I had time, but at least dad was happy and clearly enjoying things.

"Come," he said and gave my bottom a smack. "We show our faces before my father is suspicious." Ari took my hand and led me to the bathroom so we could wash up for dinner and let my cock go down. His kisses and rubs didn't help things settle.

Dad was absent for dinner again. Mr. Khorasani didn't seem too happy when I questioned it. He told me dad was working on expanding the business with Mr. Teza and that required a lot of work. He told me not to worry and that I already had enough fathers to think about. He wanted to hear all about my school day over lunch. He was proud of me for remembering to sit in the first row and listening to my teachers.

Nasim showed up at seven. Ari invited him in and he greeted Mr. and Mrs. Khorasani. They both knew his parents and welcomed him happily. Nasim had on a tight black t-shirt and grey jogging shorts. Both items showed his lean but well-defined body. He looked like he could grow into Ari's form in a few years.

Mrs. Khorasani made a pitcher of some kind of fruit juice lemonade concoction for our study session. Nasim laid out his calculus book and notebook on the kitchen table while I went and got my own materials from my backpack in my bedroom.

I came back to find Ari sitting across from him with his back to me. From the look on Nasim's face, he was scared. He was talking so low that I could only pick up a few sounds and they weren't in English. Nasim kept looking down and his leg was bouncing under the table like he was nervous. I felt bad for him. He'd offered to help me with calculus and he was probably taking a heavy lecture from an angry Ari. I decided to step in and save him.

"Got it!" I announced and came in to sit beside Nasim. Ari stopped talking at me and put a smile on as his eyes darted between me and Nasim.

"Well good. Hopefully my little friend here can show you what you need," Ari said. He got up to get himself a glass of the juice his mom had made.

"Right... um," Nasim started. He looked flustered and he wouldn't raise his eyes to meet mine. Ari poured his juice then set it down and left to get his laptop for work he needed to finish.

"You don't have to help me. I hope he wasn't too hard on you," I said.

"No..." Nasim said with a squeak in his voice. He cleared his throat then said it stronger, "No! I offered and I meant it. It helps me too when I can teach it to someone else."

"Well thanks. I appreciate it," I said and squeezed his arm. He moved it away and I realized I shouldn't have done that.

Ari came back with his laptop and set it up directly across from us. He fired it up and got to work on emails or proposals or whatever it was he did while Nasim helped me through the unit for the week. It would be good to go in there prepared instead of feeling totally lost and incapable.

"How did the tryouts go," he said when we'd worked through the review page.

"I made it! Well... everyone made it, but I was still pretty good," I said.

"Cool. I play on the soccer team. It's in the spring, but we have some preseason games coming up if you ever want to come see them," Nasim offered with a smile. He was getting his energy back. Ari was engrossed in his emails and didn't notice. Nasim was resuming his playfulness and seemed to shrug off the intimidation he'd initially had around Ari.

"That would be cool. Thanks so much for helping me out. I feel like I kind of get it... somewhat," I laughed. I offered to refill his glass and he nodded.

Mr. Khorasani came in to check on us. He asked how things were going as he helped himself to the juice his wife had made.

"Lukas is pretty smart, but he has a long ways to go to catch up. I think it helps me too. This material moves quickly and he has a lot of gaps to make up. It might be best if we start doing regular tutoring. Maybe twice a week?" he suggested.

"If he needs it and you're not too busy," Mr. Khorasani said. Ari looked up suddenly from his computer. He didn't trust Nasim.

"Maybe you could bring him over to my place a few times, sir?" he asked Mr. Khorasani. "It's been ages since you've seen my dad. He still talks about that time he helped you build the shed. Remember, sir?"

Mr. Khorasani's eyes lit up. "Yes! You must have been five years old then. I guess it has been awhile. Sure. Let me call him and set something up. I could bring Lukas over and watch a match with him while you boys study."

"I know he'd love that. He was so happy when I said I was coming over here to help. He's always looked up to you, sir. You were the big brother he always wanted," Nasim was laying it on thick.

"Really? Well now I feel bad. I'll call him tomorrow. We knew your father back in Tehran when my Arisht was just a little thing. I was so sad when he moved to the states and happy we could reconnect when we got here." Mr. Khorasani was deep down memory lane. I hadn't heard him call Ari "Arisht" in awhile. It always sounded so exotic.

"Well I'd better head home. It's getting late. Thank you for the hospitality as always, sir. Maybe Thursday night would be good since our first quiz is Friday," Nasim said. I could hear Ari growling deep in his chest. I reached under the table and squeezed his hand.

"Oh we are in your debt for helping Lukas. You stop by anytime," Mr. Khorasani said. Ari growled like he was ready to bark. Nasim gave us a wave, collected his things, and headed out. We could hear him stop in the living room to say goodbye to Mrs. Khorasani.

"You know what he is doing, father! He has eyes for Lukas and is making excuses to get him to his home." Ari was trying to control his tone, but anger seethed from every syllable as he spoke.

"Nonsense! I'll be there with him. Do you think I'd let anything happen to the boy?" Mr. K asked.

"He'll still find a way! He's always a pest!" Ari replied.

"Are you not man enough for competition from a young math tutor? The boy is yours. Holding on too tightly will choke his love," Mr. K shot back.

Ari switched over to Farsi and I took that as my cue to gather my things and go. I paused to get a kiss on the forehead from Mr. K as I passed. He said goodnight then went into Farsi with Ari.

I put my things away and went to brush my teeth and put on my pajamas. I was finishing up when the doorknob turned.

"Why this locks? Who will see you?" Ari's voice called. I lunged for the door and opened it for him. He came in with a little smile.

"What happened? Things are good?" I asked.

"No. I just miss seeing you get ready for bed. We do this together now, ok?" Ari said. He was disappointed I'd started my night routine without him. Next time I'd wait for him.

I nodded. He hugged me and went to brush his teeth. He yawned as he guided the toothbrush with one hand and used the other to rub my stomach. I followed him into his room and watched him change into a pair of sleep shorts then he guided me back to my room and tucked me into bed.

"Stay and hold me?" I asked. He kissed the back of my neck.

"You go sleep now. Ok? I come back when everyone is sleep so we have time together. You need your rest. I set alarm to visit you in the night," Ari said. I smiled as I felt a lump grow in his shorts. I rubbed my bottom against it and felt it grow.

"No, my love. This is for later. First you sleep. My father see you are safe asleep and he will go to bed with mother. I wait for his snore then return," Ari said. He rubbed me gently and started to talk slowly in Farsi knowing it lulled me off. Mr. Khorasani came in to check on us and reminded Ari that he needed to be in his own bed.

"Yes, father. When he fall asleep I will go," he assured. Mr. K nodded and left us but kept my door open as it usually was when I slept. Ari went back to rubbing my chest and whispering his language into my ear.

I don't remember falling asleep. It felt like a few seconds later when Ari woke me up by slipping his tongue in my hole. I was on my tummy and the covers were over me, but my pajama pants and briefs were pushed down and a warm wet tongue was wiggling inside me.

I realized I was making whining noises when a hand suddenly came up to cover my mouth. I reached behind myself and felt his soft hair as he buried his face in my hole. He slipped two fingers past my lips and I sucked them like a pacifier.

His tongue slid up deep inside me, deeper than I'd felt before. It wiggled across the places that made my body twist and gasp. I muffled my cries sucking on his fingers and lipping against the pillow. His fingers pulsed in and out, fucking my mouth and teasing my throat.

My face was pushed against the pillow, but his fingers guided me to turn my head to the side. In the dim, moonlit room I could see he'd closed my door, giving us a half second start if Mr. Khorasani decided to wake up and patrol. I felt a second set of fingers from his other hand come to the left side of my face. He shoved two fingers in from there and my mouth was stuffed.

Ari used his fingers to pull my head back until my neck was strained. He had me bridled like a horse as I sucked his fingers and let out a few soft, helpless whines. His tongue shoved in and then pulled out, swiping to the left and right to stretch me for him. He was in a hurry, needed to seed his boy.

He took his fingers out of my mouth and my face fell forward into the pillow. I wanted to scream, beg for him, let him know how fucking good every inch of my body felt when he owned me like that, but I couldn't.

It was time to grow up and stop getting him into trouble every time he gave me what I begged for. I'd do this right and make him proud. I'd let him do whatever he wanted and I'd keep it quiet, keep us safe. He lost his mind when we connected like this and it always got him into trouble.

I needed a proper fucking. I needed his seed deep in my hole, but I also needed him to know I could keep him safe too. I could be his protector.

"Baby," he whispered as his tongue slipped out of me. I felt his lips kiss my hole and then make their way up between my cheeks. His hands rubbed down and squeezed them tightly as his lips kissed their way up the center of my back. My body erupted in chills and I let out a low gasp as his thumbs pushed into my hole while his palms roughly squeezed my cheeks.

"Princess," he said as his lips made their way up between my shoulder blades. He kissed up to the back of my neck then bit the skin there and pulled it back like that protective lion calming his cub. His thumbs pushed into my hole and spread it out a little. It was wet with his slobber and ready to take him. He pushed the ring out slowly with his thumbs. I turned my face until his lips met mine and our tongues wrestled.

"I love you," he whispered when he broke our kiss. He was being so careful to not make noise. Even with my door closed the house was deathly quiet this time of night. We heard the air conditioner kick on and breathed a sigh of relief. A little humming would give us just the faintest bit of cover.

"Come," he said as he bit on my earlobe. His hands slid around my ass to get a handle on my hips. His thumbs slipped out of me and I felt empty, cold. He turned me over, my legs spread to either side of his hulking, muscled frame. He lowered down and kissed me again. Instinctively I threw my arms around his shoulders and his hands went back under me to hold my ass. He lifted me off of the bed and got to his feet without breaking our kiss.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and he took me over to the far corner of the room where an overstuffed leather chair held my gym bag with clothes for the next day. He supported us on one leg and used the other to kick it to the floor. It was soft and didn't make any noise.

He sat down on the chair and brought me with him to straddle his lap. I could feel his cock pulsing next to mine. They rubbed together. My weak little pale erection was dwarfed by his oversized, Persian meat. I kept my arms around him.

He rubbed one hand up and down my back while the other went between us and gripped our cocks together. He jerked them and kissed me. His muscled chest pulsed with heat and sweat rolled down his perfect pecs. He broke our kiss but I kept my forehead against his. We stared into each other, both of us breathing heavily as he stroked our cocks.

"I love you too," I whispered as I bounced on his lap. His lips turned into a smile and he leaned up to kiss me again. He let go of our cocks and lifted me up so his could get under me.

The smallest I ever feel is when I'm in his arms, but when he lays that thick cock between my cheeks I feel tiny. I wrapped my arms around him tighter like he would protect me from it. I knew I felt so good when he put it inside me, but it still intimidated me every time I saw it... or felt it.

He reached over towards the window sill and pulled a small bottle of lube from behind the curtain. He must have planted it there. He'd thought this through. The chair was quiet except for his bare, sweaty skin squeaking against the leather. He would be holding still though and bouncing me in this position.

He poured lube into his palm and leaned up to kiss me. He reached behind me and slicked up his cock. I got chills as the knuckle of his thumb rubbed over my hole while he pumped his cock. He let go of it then rubbed two slicked fingers against my hole. I gasped when he pushed them through my ring.

I was ready for him, but my body flooded with chills in anticipation. He rubbed inside me to lube up my hole for him while our lips wrestled. I whined into his mouth, desperate for a good breeding. We worked so hard to find time together and we needed this more than just once or twice a week. A boy needs his daddy every day.

He shoved the fingers deep inside me and I collapsed against his chest. Our hearts pounded against each other's pecs; our pulses synched. My cock thumped back and forth against his abs, wagging eagerly like a puppy's tail as he expertly opened the pussy he owned.

I whined as he slid his fingers out of me. He quickly muffled it with his lips on mine. He put his hands on my ass and lifted me up then set me down on the tip of his cock. I put my feet against the seat of the chair and tried to help, not that he needed it. He gripped my cheeks with his hands and spread them for his cock as the tip pushed against my hole.

"Quiet, my love," he whispered. "I go inside now to breed pussy. Suck on my tongue. You will need it," he said. I nodded and put my lips to his. His tongue slipped past them as his cock pushed inside me.

I sucked his tongue like a pacifier as his cock angrily pushed open my desperate hole. I was breathing out of my nose, trying to adjust to his size. I kept having too many days away from it and each time he entered me it felt almost as big as the first time. There's no getting used to a cock that big, or a man that strong. Every time he holds me, kisses me, fucks me; I feel like that same scared boy he first took.

His hands, holding my ass, slowly lowered me onto him. He'd used a ton of lube so it helped ease things, but I sucked in sharply when the fat tip popped in. My cock was rock hard and leaking against his abs. I always had a steady stream when he was inside me. My body knew its master and kept me on the edge of orgasm the entire time. I felt the hazy cloud of ecstasy fill my head as my body leaned against his chest and my ass rested on his hands. He squeezed my ass, kneading the cheeks to remind me that daddy was there and knew what to do to make me feel just right.

I felt the growling in his chest, the lion awakening as he pushed into the boy he owned. He lowered me down so slowly and carefully like he'd mapped out his attack plan on an oversized whiteboard. He took his tongue back from my mouth until I let out another whine. His lips formed a seal over mine and we breathed each other as our sweaty, heaving chest rubbed together.

His cock pushed in deeper, stretching my hole and pushing my brain into overdrive. I desperately gasped for breath around his lips. Our eyes stared into each others; his eyes pleading with mine for silence. I understood and tried my best, but his massive Persian meat was lodged up inside me and sliding in deeper.

I sucked in, tasting his minty-fresh toothpaste and inhaling his musk of sweat and cologne. He started to push into me again and my cock rubbed against his furry abs. I looked at him, wide-eyed and scared but desperate for more. His cock pushed against the sensitive spots inside me making my cock pulse with precum. My fingers clawed at his back as my forehead rested against his and our lips wrestled.

He let me rest for a minute when his cock had gotten to a depth he was happy with.

"Breathe with me," he whispered as he took his lips from mine. I nodded and followed him. He led me through slow steady inhales; though my lungs were begging for deep, ragged breaths.

"There's my princess. You can do it," he whispered in that daddy growl that made me weak.

"Yes, sir," I whispered back. He started to lift me off his cock then slowly eased me back down. I closed my eyes and buried my lips against his shoulder. I sucked and licked his skin, muffling my whines and holding onto him tightly. He raised me up again and it sent a wave of chills through me. My cock rubbed up against his abs then back again when he lowered me.

He started to speed up, pushing in deeper as I sucked on his shoulder and felt on the edge of finishing. He put his lips to my ear and whispered sweet things between animal growls as his cock pushed up into me.

"Feel me, baby... Feel daddy seed his angel princess... That's my girl," he whispered as he started to fuck me. The chair squeaked lightly, but not too much. He started to fuck me with force, letting his cock slide out of me slowly then dropping my ass on it until his hands caught it just as it got to be too much. He knew what he was doing and my body glowed with fire from his expert touch.

"Fuck, princess. I cum soon... feel so good that pussy beg for me... yes baby love," Ari growled. He raised and dropped me on his thick daddy meat while my boy cock thumped along his furry abs. I was so close to finishing and my cock was humming and thumping as it pushed against him.

"I feel you close... cum for me princess. Let your pussy squeeze on me. It always make me cum when you finish. My body wait for yours," he whispered and bit on my earlobe.

"Fuck," I hissed as quietly as I could. With his permission, my body thrust into overdrive and my cock started to jerk and tense. I dug my fingers into his muscled back and sucked on his shoulder as I started to convulse and whine.

My body tensed up and then released. My stomach jerked and twisted as my cock started to fire between us. Hot globs of my boyseed shot up between our chests. It hit him on the chin and me on the cheek as my body twisted in pleasure.

"That's my girl, cum for me. Oh that pussy so tight," Ari whispered between ragged breaths.

"Feel so good," he praised as I fired off another round of hot spunk. I let out a deep silent gasp and opened my mouth wide as my head tossed back and our eyes met. We stared into each other and then his lips fell open with a growl and I felt his cock fire off inside me.

He filled my pussy with his daddy-seed and I felt it shoot up inside me. He gritted his teeth and let me sink down farther on him as he buried his babies deep inside my pussy. He filled me with his cream until it leaked out over his shaft and onto my cheeks. He bounced me a few more times to milk his shaft and then I collapsed down against him.

We laid there until I fell asleep on top of him. I was a hot, sweaty, sticky mess, but he held me like his child and rocked me gently. It felt so good to drift off against his chest. His body cradled me perfectly.

I woke up on the cold tile of the bathroom counter. He had the shower going and gently eased us in. We did our best to quickly clean up and then he wrapped me in a fresh towel and dried me on the counter. He helped me back into my pajamas and then tucked me into bed before going off to his own room.

I had no idea what time it was, but I could tell it was still dark outside. I fell asleep hugging Kherse panda and dreaming of his cock inside me. I fell into a long and deep sleep, the kind you only get from being spent and satisfied.

-- My Stories:

Next: Chapter 13

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