Lukas and the Shah

By Emri S.

Published on Sep 9, 2023


Note: Not sure if you want more of this series, but thanks for those still reading.

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Story Recap: Lukas, an athletic California 17 yr-old with blonde hair, blue eyes, and tight body, loves Ari, a wealthy, muscled, 25 yr-old Persian who dominates his boy. Lukas was visiting his father in his desert hometown, but trouble sent them both running back to the Khorasanis.

Lukas & The Shah

Ch.11- The Boy &

By Emri

"I see him! Right there, dad," I said excitedly when dad pulled into the parking lot and I spotted Ari leaning against his car and checking something on his phone. He looked so handsome in a tight red polo shirt tucked into pressed khaki pants. Both the shirt and pants were stuffed with his muscles and package. His dark almond skin glistened under the California sun.

"Well let me park before you jump out," dad laughed. Ari was so excited when I texted him that we were coming back early. He said he'd talked to his father this morning just after his father had talked to mine so I knew he knew more than I did.

From what I'd overheard the night before, I knew dad was unhappy out in the desert and not doing well with his job. I also knew, from their numerous arguing, that things weren't going well with Denise. I wouldn't be sad to see her go if they were breaking up. From what I pieced together, Mr. Khorasani was offering to find dad a job here. Dad didn't say there was a job, only that we were going to see a boat place.

Dad was as excited as I was. We were parked at an upscale warehouse/office park in Orange County where Ari's uncle kept one of his businesses. This one dealt in luxury boats; sales, maintenance, repairs, etc... Dad loved boats and Mr. Khorasani had taken note when we visited the restaurant on the marina where he walked dad around. Working on them would be a dream job for dad.

We hopped out of the car and I tried to walk towards Ari, but once he looked up from his phone and our eyes met, I broke into a run. He stretched out his arms and I jumped. He caught me and brought me in against his chest. I knew I looked ridiculous, but I couldn't help myself. Burying my nose into his shoulder and wrapping my arms around his neck felt like the pieces of me were whole again; glued together by his love.

"Jeez. You'd think they've been apart for months!" Dad laughed.

"At Lukas' age, everything is a big deal, every feeling is amplified," Mr. Khorsani said. I hadn't seen him there, but he appeared next to dad with his arm around him,

"Hi, sir!" I said excitedly. Ari set me down after a quick kiss to my neck. I went for another hug from Mr. Khorasani. He didn't lift me up like his son had, but he held me just as tight.

"Steven... Lukas. I would like you to meet my brother, Mirteza." Mr. Khorasani said when he let me go. I wheeled around to see a younger & slightly taller, but leaner & less muscular version of Mr. Khorasani. He had

"Hi, Mister... um. Should I call you Mister Khorasani too?" I asked. It would get confusing.

"Mister Teza is fine for you," he said in that deep Persian daddy tone. He looked me over then did the same to my father.

"It's so nice to meet you, sir. I can't wait to see inside!" dad glowed. He shook Mr. Teza's hand and beamed at the man. Dad looked so much younger when he was lit up with excitement. The tension and angst from his life with Denise melted away. Mr. Teza smiled at him fondly, put a hand on his shoulder, and led him towards the warehouse.

"You two will meet us for lunch. Two hours." Mr. Khorasani put his hand on my shoulder, looking unsure about letting us go off alone.

"The italian place on Naples?" Ari asked, putting his hand on my other shoulder and looking happy to be off alone with me.

"Yes. We have reservations for the rooftop private patio so make sure he puts on sunblock when you get there," Mr. Khorasani instructed and squeezed my shoulder a little too hard.

"Of course. I have a new bottle in my trunk." Ari rubbed his hand down my back and then gripped my bicep. I almost swore they were about to play tug-of-war with me.

"We'll be good, sir," I promised.

"I have no doubt you will, little one." Mr. K kissed my hair and then rubbed my back before patting me gently like he was telling a horse he could go forward.


"Is a miracle, my love! Like we are sentence to death and at last minute there is hope. We must not get excited. He may not want this," Ari sighed as we drove along. I had no idea where we were going; it didn't matter. He had his hand over mine on the gear shifter and I was leaned across with my head on his shoulder.

"He can't go back to Desert Springs, Ari. You should have seen the two of them. They both just kept saying mean things to each other. She didn't even get the chance to criticize me. She was too caught up in tearing him down. He can't live like that," I said.

"Is his choice for what way to live, my angel wings. A man make his own choices. Let us hope for one that will bring him joy... and bring us joy as well," Ari laughed.

He drove us down wide, flat boulevards past an endless sea of strip malls with parking lots. We definitely weren't in Glendale. We talked about different scenarios and how this might play out. My dad would need another place to live. Ari would make sure it was nicer and safer than the run-down one we'd first rented from his families holdings. He said it would have to be somewhere between his condo and his father's home so there would always be someone to take me and pick me up from school.

"What if he wants to live down here closer to the water? What if he wants to live on a boat?" I looked at Ari with wide-eyes realizing we might be apart again.

"This is main showroom and place where the business happen, but the main repairs are at warehouse in the valley. Your father would be close enough to work if you are near to our home," Ari assured. "You think my father will overlook important details?" He laughed.

"Where are we going? Is this a mall?" I asked as Ari pulled off the road and into a parking garage. It was a weekday so it wasn't too crowded and he easily found a nice wide spot out of the way. He liked to park where his car wouldn't get scratched.

"You need new phone case. How is finger feels? Still hurt?" he asked. I'd forgotten all about the incident at the coffee shop. I'd had so much anxiety thinking about being separated from him that I'd dug my fingernails into the rubberized phone case. I looked down at my finger and it still had a little red line, but didn't hurt too much. He took my hand and held it up to investigate.

"It look ok. We need case that will be more gentle on my delicate princess! Maybe one with scratching post back," Ari joked. I felt embarrassed for wrecking the nice case he'd already bought me. He took my phone from me as we went into the mall and slipped it in his pocket. He didn't like me using it when I was with him.

We went to the Apple store and a nerd showed us a wall of cases. We spent way too much time debating the colors and textures of cases.

"This one is pink glitter," I pointed thinking he would like it since he always talked about me like I was a girl. He shook his head.

"No. I want nothing that draw attention to you. There are plenty of suitors buzzing around my flower. There is no need to advertise. What about this one?" He pointed to a case that was army green with black camo print and has a little cartoon soldier holding a rifle.

"You think a camouflage case is me?" I laughed.

"No, but it help to blend in," Ari laughed. He moved a simple black case aside then let out a loud, "This! Yes!" He pulled out a baby blue case with a cartoon panda on the back.

"Kherse Pande! Must have panda case!" I exclaimed. It was perfect. Ari flagged down our nerd and he returned.

"Just the case? Any other accessories?" Nerd asked.

"Show us to your finest accessories!" Ari exclaimed like a Sheikh who was ready to spend.

"These trackers are popular with kids his age. If he loses his phone or keys it'll make them easier to find," nerd said and showed us a small display. Ari looked at me with a highly interested nod.

"Yes! And his backpack and..." Ari started.

"Anywhere! They're so small you hardly notice them. They connect to an app and you can even label each tracker. The maps are mad detailed!" Nerd was understanding what Ari wanted.

"I will need four of them! Is there way to get smaller one to implant on him? He is lost so easily," Ari said. Nerd laughed but then stopped, unsure if Ari was joking.

"Um... I don't think... No," nerd said.

"Oh well! Four will do for now," Ari said without a hint of laughter. Nerd showed us some other accessories, but Ari declined. He changed out the case on my phone and put one of the trackers inside then set up the app on his phone.

We headed over to the restaurant to meet up with our fathers. Ari kept a hand on me the whole way and it started to explore as he rubbed down my back. I leaned forward so he could get in my shorts. His hand pushed past the waistband of my briefs and he rubbed a finger between my cheeks.

"Oh I miss my perfect pussy... Feel so good, baby. Fuck I need inside again," Ari said as he drove along.

"I miss you too. I need you inside me, daddy," I whined. His finger found my hole and he pushed against it gently as we drove along. His left hand was alternating between steering and shifting. It probably wasn't the safest, but at least we'd die doing what our bodies needed most.

"Soon, princess angel love, soon we will." He promised as his finger poked against my hole. We came to a stoplight and he quickly changed gears then brought his left hand over to cup my cheek. He brought his face to mine and we kissed until the car behind us honked.

"Your dad forbid it. What if we get into trouble?" I asked.

"We will not get into trouble. I will get into trouble. You are perfect innocent angel my father think incapable of any bad thought." Ari laughed.

"You think so?" I asked. Mr. Khorasani hadn't ever really expressed anger at me, but then again I did try to be on my best behavior around him to not give him reason.

"Yes! When I am your age, even my brothers when they are your age, he scold us all the time. He tell us to grow up and be men and be safe or responsible. With you he is different. You can not do wrong as he see it. Is more than just you are young, my love. You are very trusting and simple one," Ari said. He kissed my forehead as he came to a stop at the next light.

"I'm not simple! I'm in honors courses and I have good grades. I know things," I protested.

"I don't mean for that. I mean you grow up in protective shell from your father in small boring town where there is no evil to find you. You never go to army or even fight someone," Ari noted.

"You were in the army?" I asked.

"Of course. In Iran all men must go. We all learn to protect our families and our country. I train in weapons and surveillance. I patrol areas of danger and look for things that can harm my people. I even help repair the walls around our base." Ari's chest swelled with pride as he spoke.

"I could do that," I muttered and looked out the window.

"I offend you? No! It is good you are soft. My princess never have to fight mean she is never been to danger! Is good you do not have the smarts of the streets. Your father and village keep you protected. Your men are softer here, they do not know such terrible things." Ari took his finger from my hole and rubbed his hand over my cheeks. He squeezed them to comfort me.

"I once got knocked down by a drunk guy in a bar!" I told him.

"I know. I was there and I fight him off. I should protected you before this happens. I will not take you to place like this ever again to be exposed to danger." Ari said. He slid his hand out of my shorts and wrapped his arm around me to bring me back over to his side.

"I'm the innocent?" I asked, resigned to the fact that these guys would never see me as a man.

"You are the most innocent," Ari confirmed and kissed my hair.

We pulled up to the restaurant and Ari paused as the valet ran up to let me out. Ari hopped out and tossed him the keys. He gave us a ticket and drove Ari's car away.

"We are early. Father will be pleased," Ari said as he took my hand in his and held it. We walked into the restaurant and he gave the hostess his father's name. She handed us off to a guy who walked us up a flight of stairs to the rooftop.

We walked out and the seabreeze hit us with a cool, salty wave. There were palm trees in large pots on the roof and they swayed over us gently. We followed him past tables and a bar to a private patio area where a long oval table was set with a crisp white tablecloth covered in an ornate setup of dishes, plates, and silverware.

"This is ok, sir?" The man said. Ari nodded and pulled out a chair for me where I could see the ocean gently rolling behind neat rows of houses lining narrow canals filled with small crafts.

"It's so beautiful up here," I told Ari when the host guy left.

"We come here for lunch when father has business in Orange County. They make a very simple pasta that you will enjoy..." Ari said then looked like he'd said the wrong thing. "Simple as in few ingredients not like..."

"It sounds good" I laughed and leaned over to get another kiss from him.

Mr. Khorasani came in next. Dad was following behind him and Mr. Teza was behind dad with his hand in the center of his back as if he needed guiding. The three of them were laughing and talking about something that happened on one of the boats. I jumped up to see how things had gone. He was practically glowing with happiness.

"Oh wow this is amazing! Isn't it amazing, Lukas?" Dad said when he caught sight of the view.

"It's perfect. We don't get these views in the desert. Right, dad?" I asked.

"It becomes common when you live here," Mr. Teza said. He put his hand on dad's shoulder and guided him to a seat across from mine. He sat beside dad.

"You should have seen the place, kid!" Dad said to me when we settled in with lunch. "Latest technology, super engines! They are even getting the contract for the Sheriff's Department to work on patrol boats! I'd be working with law enforcement!"

"Working?" I asked. I realized it was the first mention of getting a job here. I pretended to be shocked and surprised.

"Oh well... yeah... I mean I have to think about it, but Mr. Teza has offered me a position here. It would mean moving back... I have a lot to think about," dad said. He realized he'd just dropped a bombshell and looked like he regretted it.

"Steven would be a great asset to me. I haven't been able to keep up with the growth and I need a top-notch mechanic who can step in without training," Mr. Teza said.

"That sounds great. Dad loves boats and he can fix anything," I said. I was glowing too much and I felt Ari squeeze my thigh under the table to quiet me. He didn't want me involved.

"It would be a great opportunity and I wouldn't have to babysit the other mechanics like I do now. Those irresponsible kids... I just hate having to manage people," dad said.

"Leadership is not easy," Mr. Khorasani added. I knew what he meant. He thought dad was a follower like me who needed a man to guide him. Dad was so miserable with Denise and his job back home.

Maybe Mr. Khorasani was right. Was it something to be ashamed of? Was it not being man enough? I didn't feel ashamed about how Mr. Khorasani directed me, and it wasn't sexual... well not from his side. He saw me as a boy who needed a father while mine was away. He was also older than dad, so he saw him as a boy as well.

"I haven't mentioned any of this to Denise. I'll have to talk it over with her too," Dad said.

"Would she come with you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. I couldn't picture Denise anywhere near the great evil, Los Angeles.

"I guess we'll find out," dad said. The way he said it made it seem like he'd already decided. My heart leapt and I put my hand over my mouth and just nodded and tried to look ok.

The rest of lunch was filled with boring boat talk between dad and Mr. Teza while Mr. Khorasani and Ari slipped between Farsi and English discussing business over my head. I was seated between them and Ari kept a hand on my thigh.

We finished up and Ari had to go back to work. He'd taken the morning off to hang out with me, but he had to catch up on things before the week ended. Dad and Mr. Teza decided to go and look at the work warehouse in the valley. I had no plans and nowhere to be, but at the last minute Mr. Khorasani took my hand and led me to his car after a quick kiss from Ari.

"You were right, sir!" I told Mr. Khorasani after he put me into his car and came around to the driver's side. He slid in behind the wheel and smiled at me then motioned for me to put on my seatbelt.

"I told you I will handle things." He said it like it was nothing, but I saw him turn his head to hide his proud smile. He'd come through for me, saved me from awful.

"Thank you," I whispered. I leaned over the console and kissed his cheek.

"It was your father's decision. I know it is something he will like," Mr. K said. I noticed a light blush on his cheeks. He'd done a very nice thing for me and his son.

"Mr. Teza treats dad like you do, sir... like a boy," I said after a long silence.

"He is my younger brother, always trying to follow my footsteps," he joked.

"I think maybe you're right about dad. He is always looking for a leader to follow. Maybe if he has it at work then he won't need to date women like Denise," I explained my thinking.

"Does it change how you see him? Do you think less of him for this?" He asked.

"I don't know. When I was younger I thought he was the strongest man in the world. Now it's like..." I looked down at my lap as we drove along.

"Don't think less of him by comparing him to us, little one! Our men are leaders. We are dominant and built for power. You are a soft boy who needs a strong man to protect and hold him. You were made beautiful to attract the type of man a boy like you needs. But there is a wide spectrum of what it means to be male. Your father seeking stronger ones to guide him does not mean he is a boy like you. It does not mean he is less of a man. He took care of you on his own for many years. He sheltered you against all the terrible things that can happen to boy with your looks. He is a man, Lukas. He has done nothing to lose your respect." Mr. Khorasani was firm.

"I do respect him, sir. I do," I assured.

"He is still the one who will make decisions for you, until you are old enough to unite with my son. You are still so young, Lukas. Don't rush through your youth. It goes faster than you can understand," Mr. Khorasani advised.

We drove to his office and I helped with some filing while he got through his business calls. He worked for a few hours and then took me home so we could work out together. It felt so good being back in his home. It felt like the one place I belonged.

"Will we live here, sir?" I asked when Mr. K and I were going through chest presses. I was pretending to spot him, not that I could even lift the heavy weights he used.

"I don't think your father would like that," he laughed.

"He could sleep in Ari's room! Ari is back at his condo so no one is there." I gave him my best begging eyes. He set down the weights and sat up to wipe his face with a towel.

"I will offer it to him while we find a suitable apartment in his budget. You know I will miss your little face padding out to greet me each morning for breakfast, but your father will want to provide a home for you. It is what is right," he said. He looked sad at that thought, like he'd been thinking it over for a long time.

"This feels like home to me, sir." I told him. He nodded and pulled me in for a hug.


Ari came home just before dinner. Well it wasn't his home right now, but with me here he was eating meals with his family. His mother had made a big spread of roasted chicken and vegetables. Dad came in just after him without Mr. Teza. He brought in our bags and set them up in Ari's unused room. He thanked Mr. and Mrs. Khorasani for their hospitality in putting him up for the night. He looked so much lighter and happier than I'd seen him in awhile.

"It is nothing! You will stay with us until you get setup here!" Mrs. Khorasani said. She must have been filled in on everything that was happening.

"That is so generous! I promise we won't be in your hair for too long! You've already been so kind in keeping my son fed and cared for these last few weeks," dad said.

"Nonsense! He is clean, respectful, and keeps my husband out of my hair. You raised a boy any family would welcome," Mrs. Khorasani replied. She winked at me and started putting food on the table.

"We'll have to find you a place close to here so Lukas will be in the right zone for this high school. It's the best one you'll find and he already has friends going there," Mr. Khorasani said.

"I hadn't thought of that. We could barely afford the rent on the last one here. Is that one still available?" dad asked with eyes suddenly turning serious. Anything around Los Angeles was at least double the price of anything back home.

"Oh I won't send him back there. Lukas needs a safer place. You'll come to the office tomorrow and we'll find something that works with your price range," Mr. Khorasani said. He seemed to shudder at the idea of me living in the small apartment he'd rented us just a month ago.

"I'd like to take Lukas out after dinner, if that's all right," Ari asked. It's funny because both my dad and Mr. K assumed he was asking their permission and not the other's. They both opened their mouths to speak but then Mr. K closed his and waved a hand at my dad though he looked unsettled by his loss of control.

"That would be fine. I promised him a midnight curfew for his senior year, but..." Dad started to say but then Mr. Khorasani interrupted.

"Midnight? No, no! His curfew is 9pm. We can compromise on 9:30 though. Nothing good happens after that hour. A boy his age is growing and needs extra sleep. If he comes home that late, he will sleep until noon," Mr. Khorasani said and began eating his dinner. He had relinquished authority to my father for all of two minutes before taking it back. I didn't mind.

"Yes! 9:30 sounds like a good curfew. Lukas gets very cranky when he's tired," dad agreed.

Ari and I scarfed down the dinner and then went to get changed. He moved the clothes he'd left out of the room dad would now be staying in. He set them up in my room. I was happy to share with him. He put his underwear in with mine, not like we'd get them confused.

"Yes, Lukas? You are agree?" Ari asked as he stripped out of his suit in my bedroom.

"Sorry... what? I haven't seen your body in a few days," I sighed. I'd missed his cock.

"Eyes up here, buddy! I am not just piece of meat for you!" Ari growled. He covered his cock with one hand and used his other to point me back to his face.

"Yes sir." I pulled off my t-shirt and met his gaze.

"We are go to my friend's house. Dress for cold weather. I do not want that they buzz around my flower," he said with a wink.

I picked out a blue tank top with a red hoodie over it and jeans. I still had on the silver chain he'd gotten me. He hadn't yet given me the pendant he was having made.

We only had a few hours before we had to be back so we rushed to get ready. Ari pulled on a tight white t-shirt with a deep v-neck that showed his pecs. He had a tight pair of jeans to tuck it into. He didn't bother with a hoodie, he rarely got cold.

"You will stay by my side. My friends will watch out for you, but I don't want you wandering away," Ari cautioned as we got into his car. He drove out of the Khorasanis' neighborhood and down the hill into the city. We pulled up to a newer two-story house done in that plastered California mission style. When we got up to the door, we could hear the music pumping. It got louder when Ari let himself in.

"Ayy!" A voice called to us from inside, and that was the last thing I understood for awhile. Everyone there spoke Ari's language and no one bothered translating for me.

Ari led me into a living room where eight muscled Persian guys who looked like him were sitting around on couches and chairs watching some soccer match on TV while dance music was playing. Ari hugged or did some bro handshake with each one. None of them seemed to acknowledge the small white boy standing just behind him (me). They had beer and pizza. I could smell some smokey stuff that didn't smell like cigarettes, but was just as strong.

Ari said something in their language and then pointed at me and said, "Lukas." They all nodded at me or tipped their bottles, but no one made a move to shake my hand or touch me in any way. Ari pulled me over to an overstuffed chair where he flopped down and sat me in his lap.

"What is this?" I whispered.

"People, sports, drinks," Ari said, fixing his eyes on the soccer match. He was instantly enthralled and jeered or cheered with the others while he rubbed my back and pulled me into his chest. One of the other guys offered him a beer, but Ari shook his head and said something then nodded at me. I guessed he was saying he didn't want to drink with me there. The other guy shrugged and went to sit back down.

Ari made conversation between plays. I wasn't sure what we were doing and I didn't understand anything being said. After about fifteen minutes, Ari said something to the guys then nudged me off his lap. I stood up then he did and took my hand. He led me out of the living room and then up a flight of stairs.

"Up here... stay quiet," Ari said. He gripped my hand and took me up the stairs then down a dark hallway. He found the door he wanted then opened it to a bedroom. He left me at the doorway and fumbled around in the dark room until he found a bedside lamp.

He turned on the lamp and I could see it was definitely a guy's bedroom. It had a large bed and was made up nicely, but everything was dark blue and gray tones. There was a prayer rug setup in the corner and there was packaged dry cleaning hanging by the closet.

"This is someone's bedroom! We shouldn't be in here," I told Ari.

"Is Mohsen, he does not mind. I need place to be alone with you, angel princess. It has been so long and our need grows too strong," Ari said.

"Why don't we go to your condo?" I asked. This felt creepy and weird.

"My father will know. Just as I track your phone, so he does as well. When we leave the home he get an alert and when we are here for more than few minutes, he has other alert. If he see your phone is at my condo, I know he will come to stop us. He know we are visit my friends. He know their family and trust this is safe place for you to be," Ari explained as he moved behind me to close the door.

He came up behind me and slid his arms around my waist. His hands unzipped my hoodie as his lips found the back of my neck. He pushed his bulge against my ass and I felt it grow thick as he rubbed against me.

"Will you rather go to hotel for short time? Is better to be in bed where strangers play?" Ari asked. I could tell he was getting annoyed that I wasn't as into this as he was. I was so hard for him and definitely turned on, but I'd never done things in a stranger's room.

"No, sir... I guess it's," I started to say but then his nose rubbed that spot behind my ear and I gave in with a loud moan.

"There's my baby... you smell so good, my angel princess. You cleaned well after your workout," Ari noted. He slid his hands up my tummy, under my shirt. He lifted my tank top up and the hoodie with it. I raised my arms and he quickly slid them off and let them fall to the floor.

"Look at these pretty pink boy-titties. I love how angry the nipples puff up when I tease them... so beautiful." He turned me towards a huge, floor-length mirror leaned against the wall.

"Milky white angel princess, so delicate and perfect," Ari whispered as he kissed over my shoulders. A chill went through me and his arms wrapped tightly around my chest to pull me back against his warm cave of muscles.

"i miss you holding me like this at night. It's so hard to sleep without you," I confessed.

"Is hard for me too. I fall asleep looking at pictures of you on the phone. My sweet baby blue eyes... just the knowing you will someday be mine forever... I fall asleep dreaming of this. The day you are of age, I will move you into my home," he promised. He kissed up my neck and rubbed his hands down to my belt.

"I can't wait for that to happen. At least we won't be too far away from each other... ahh," I gasped as he opened my jeans and shoved his hands down into my briefs. His right palm rubbed over my cock as his fingers went down to my hole.

"Your flower blooms for me. It is tight without my seed there in so long," he growled.

"Huh!" I whined and gasped as his fingers pushed inside me. He rubbed his other hand up my chest and pushed a finger into my mouth.

"Suck your pacifier, little one. Take what daddy feeds you," Ari growled in that low daddy tone that made my legs go wobbly. I leaned back against him as he pushed two fingers into my mouth and one up my hole.

I watched myself in the mirror. My body looked so pale and weak, framed by the dark, muscled Persian that made me his bitch. That's what I was. He says princess, but no princess begs without shame for her alpha like I do.

My jeans were open. My briefs were pushed down with his hand shoved up between my thighs. My hard cock flopped around like a fish looking desperately for water. It dripped precum while he worked me like a puppet.

"Mmm," I moaned with my mouth full of his thick fingers. I slurped them and my spit flung around and dropped onto my chest. He got the two fingers coated in my spit. He took his right hand from my thighs and replaced it with the wet fingers. He pushed them both in, slowly but insistently. He needed inside me. He brought his right hand up to my cheek and turned my face so he could kiss me.

"See how desperate you make me, my love? I ache for your perfect boy body. Is so smooth, so creamy white and perfect. You are my fantasy, little one. My princess is all I need," Ari proclaimed then put his lips to mine. His tongue pushed through them and I sucked on it as his spit-slicked fingers rubbed my happy spots.

He walked me over to the bed like that. His fingers working my hole while I sucked on his tongue and his hard bulge pressed against my ass.

He gave one hard shove to my hole then pulled his fingers out and pushed me down to the floor.

I caught myself on my knees. I was a whimpering mess of flesh with my jeans down at my ankles and my briefs twisted on my thighs. I looked up at him, gasping for air and begging for his cock.

"Please... [gasp] daddy... [gasp] please!" My heart was pounding in my ears. I started up at him and saw in his eyes the animal had awakened. He wasn't there sweet, doting man who wanted to please me. He was the lion in mating season desperate for offspring. He needed to plant his seed. It had been too long. I needed to take it. I needed to feel him inside me.

"Put your chest against the bed and show me what is mine," Ari said as he stepped out of his shoes and opened his jeans.

I got to my feet and tore at my jeans and shoes ripped off my briefs and was about to take off my socks when I felt his hand on my shoulder pushing me down into the position he'd commanded.

"I said show me what is mine. I need to say `now'?" Ari sounded annoyed.

"No, sir... no, daddy!" I turned away from him and pressed my chest against the comforter. I crossed my arms and turned my face to watch him. I put my ass up and spread my legs. I wiggled my pussy for him.

"Thats my girl," he said. There was no long speech about my pussy, no prose about my beautiful flower, no sonnet to melt my heart. The lion needed to seed.

"Please fuck me, please sir," I whimpered as he knelt down between my legs to take me from behind.

"Open," he said. I was confused until he grabbed his briefs and wadded them up then put them to my lips. I opened my mouth. The pungent smell of his hard day's work, his piss, sweat, and cologne, hit my nose. I opened wide and he shoved it in my mouth. I chewed and sucked on his salty funk. I could never get enough of him.

I got lost in it until I felt his warm tongue slide into my hole. I moaned loudly around the briefs stuffed in my mouth and turned to look at him again with needy eyes. I saw his wide, brown eyes focus in on me from behind my ass. He was swirling that tongue inside me and making my cock drip onto the carpet.

He shoved it in and pulled it out, making ripples of pleasure tore through me as he lit me up like a firecracker. I fought to keep my eyes open, to keep them fixed on him. He worked his magic inside me while his hands gripped and kneaded my thighs then rubbed up to pull my cheeks apart wider. My cock was pulsing on its own. Each time his tongue hit the right spot it jerked and precum dribbled out. I wanted to grip it. I wanted to wank my shaft, but I remembered what he'd said about a boy like me. We need to learn that our real pleasure comes from the pussy being owned by its master.

"My princess angel is so tasty. I love baby bubble butt. So smooth and perfect," Ari said as he pulled his tongue out. The sweet daddy returned to his voice with a heavy tint of the lion's lust.

"Muhh Mee," I begged with my mouth stuffed. Ari laughed.

"So desperate, my pussy boy. Your need is so great. I will fill it." He nodded solemnly and got off his knees. He went to the bedside table in his friend's room and pulled out a bottle of lube. It wasn't our usual type, but at this point I'd be fine with a jar of peanut butter if it meant having him inside me.

Ari poured a thick line across his rock hard shaft. He gripped it and pumped it, smoothing the lube evenly. He knelt down behind me and put the tip against my hole. He leaned over me, sliding a protective arm around my chest. He pulled me back against his chest and I felt his lips kiss the back of my neck as he slowly pushed the tip through my ring.

"Mmmm," I moaned through his briefs. They were wet from my teeth and tongue sucking the use out of them. He kissed my neck again then took the briefs from me and tossed them onto the carpet.

"Mmm," I whimpered, pretending my mouth was still stuffed.

"I know, baby. I give you something to suck on," Ari laughed. He turned my face to the side and kissed me while he slid his cock in painfully slow.

I sucked on his tongue and wrestled his lips as his fat cock pushed into me. Every inch stretched my hole and made my body buck and whine with pleasure. He had his arms around me, his hands pinching and squeezing my nipples while he kissed me. His warm bulk of muscles pressed me into the mattress. He took me doggy style; I was his whining pup.

"Feel so good to be inside you," Ari whispered as he broke our kiss. He kissed my cheek then nibbled his way to my ear. His hands roughly squeezed my pecs as his cock pushed deeper inside me. He was taking it slow, holding back to let me get used to it.

"Fuck, it's big," I whined and bit on my lip. I knew as soon as he got it in and started to fuck me, my cock would explode. I'd been on the edge all day around him. Every time he touched me, my body melted into puddles of happiness.

"Is all yours," he laughed. "My princess pussy deserve the best."

"I said it was big... I didn't say it was the best... ahhh fuck!" I started to joke with him, but then he pushed another inch inside to shut me up. I gasped and bit down on my arm.

"Settle, princess. Breathe in for daddy," Ari growled and rubbed me tightly, missing my shoulders and breathing deeply. I followed his breaths and my body slowly adjusted to him.

"There we go... Open that pussy for daddy... that's my baby girl... That feel so good," he praised. He breathed with me until I was relaxed again and then he pushed in more.

"Please, fuck me." I tried to push back against him to take more, bus his arms held me still. He made me breathe with him and he pushed on my stomach and rubbed it. My cock had a long line of precum that wouldn't fall off. I felt it sway each time he made my cock thump.

"There we go, let me in. Open that pussy for me. That's it... good girl," he encouraged with little kissed on my neck. He held me steady for another minute then started to slide out. He took it back to just the tip then pushed back in.

"So good, baby. I love these boy-tits... You're so fucking tight. It grip my cock so hard." He slid his hands up to squeeze my pecs.

"Fuck," I whimpered again as he started to piston in and out of me. It made my cock swing wildly and the precum dropped off. I was breathing through gritted teeth and moaning as he made my body his toy. He fucked me deeper than he had before and his thick shaft rubbed against the places that pushed me to the brink.

"So good," he growled. He sped up, walking me forwards until my cock rubbed against the side of the bed. He pounded me against the comforter and his chest radiated heat against my back. He kissed the back of my neck and rubbed his nose behind my ear.

It felt so good to be in his arms like that, under his hold. He was pounding me into the mattress while I muffled my whines in my arm. He chewed softly on the back of my neck then licked it like a lion would his cub. He growled deeply as his cock stuffed me and filled me.

"Huhhhh," I whined, lost for words and overwhelmed by sensations as he plied my hole.

"Ooh," he echoed then said some things in Persian that came from the back of his throat and made his chest rumble against my back. It was so fucking hot. I was crushed between his hard muscles and the soft bedspread with no chance of escape as he pounded me.

"Jadabi!" I tried to repeat and he just laughed.

"No Jadabi! I say "Jigarami.' It mean my life. Well it is to say `you are my liver' like you are body part vital to my life," Ari laughed. He kept right on pounding me then added, "So cute, baby."

"You only.... Fuck... teach me Persian... fuck! During sex," I grunted as he pounded my pussy.

"It bring out the native in me," Ari said. He kept thrusting me against the bed. My cock rubbed against it and I was getting close.

"I'm gonna cum," I whined.

"I'm gonna make you," he said. He rammed me hard, squeezed my pecs, kissed my neck, and whispered more things in his language that made me weak.

"I feel your pussy tighter! I know my princess is close," he noted. I nodded, whining against the bed. I looked back at him and fought to keep my eyes open. I was right on the edge.

"Fuhh... uck!" I yelled and started to shoot. I flailed, twisted, and jerked under his hold as I came hard. Ari kept ramming me from behind as I fired off a day's worth of spunk, which is a lot for a seventeen year old.

"There we go... cum for daddy... that's my good girl," Ari growled. I groaned and shot a few more times. He was picking up his pace, slamming me against the cum splattered blanket and grunting.

"So tight. It squeezes when you cum," he noted as I nutted. I slumped down on the bed, exhausted and spent.

"Here it come, baby. So close." He pistoned in and out of me with force, kissing and licking the back of my neck.

"Yeah, daddy," I whined weakly.

"Ah fuck!" Ari howled and began to unload in me. He switched to Persian and grunted something into my ear that I hoped was sweet. He shoved that cock deeper into me and I felt it jerk and tense as hot missiles of his seed burrowed deep inside me.

"Fuck, princess. Fuck!" He yelled against my ear. He held me tightly and buried his cock up my hole as he gave up the man see my body craved. He finished and collapsed against me, pressing me down against the bed.

We laid there in a hot, sweaty pile of tangled arms, sticky cum, and lazy kisses until our breaths calmed and our pulses settled.

An alarm chirp on his phone stirred us.

"We must clean!" Ari suddenly sat up. He pulled out of me and fumbled for his pants.

"I bring shampoo from home so you smell normal," Ari said and pulled a little bag with green liquid from his pants' pocket.

"What? Why?" I laughed.

"Shower! Now!" Ari smacked my ass and nodded towards the bathroom attached to the room. I got up and stumbled over to it. He pushed me into the small shower and cleaned me with soap then rubbed me down with the contents of the bag.

He explained that his father knew my scent and would wonder why I'd come home clean from strange soap. I thought that was a little odd, but he said Persian men know their boys' smells and are used to overly soaped American boys.

We got dressed again and then Ari tossed the comforter and our towels into Mohsen's upstairs washer. I had to help him figure out the soap and how to turn it on.

We headed back down the stairs and the party had grown larger. There were a few white guys there now, all older than me but close to Ari's age.

"You stay here. I come back!" He parked me by the bottom step and went to find Mohsen to thank him for his hospitality. We had twenty minutes to get home.

I was feeling good with his seed inside me. It made me feel squishy and loved. I was looking at pictures on the wall. Mohsen must have lived with his parents. I wondered where they all were.

"You're with Ari, right?" A voice said from behind me. I turned around to see a guy who was a few inches taller, a few years older, and had a few more inches of muscle than I did.

He looked at me like I was the competition. I felt instantly anxious and looked around for Ari. This guy was somewhat good looking, but he had plain features and a crooked nose.

I just nodded and said yes. I folded my arms across my chest and moved towards the door a little. He looked me up and down. I couldn't tell what he thought, but he was definitely sizing me up. I looked desperately for Ari, but only caught the eyes of a handsome, skinny Arab boy who nodded at me and winked.

"He always goes for the shy, pale virgins... You're perfect. You look scared like I'm going to hit you or something," the guy laughed. He seemed to relish intimidating me. I snapped my eyes back to him. I hadn't thought about the prospect of violence.

"No, I..." I started to say, but he reached out and put his hand on my shoulder.

"You've got some good muscle under there," he noted with surprise as he felt the muscles of my shoulder and bicep under my hoodie. "He won't let you get too much though. He likes his boys who can't put up much of a struggle."

"Thanks," I said and wished I could think of a better comeback. I froze up. He intimidated the fuck out of me and I just stood there like an idiot as his hand move to my pec. I didn't even know his name and he had me cornered at a party touching me like we were friends.

"Nice. Damn, boy!" he laughed. "Ari gets a fresh twink every few months. Almost as often as he gets a new car. He still have that red Lexus?"

"Austin!" Ari's voice boomed over the thumping dance music. I looked up to see him making his way over to us. The guy in front of me turned at the sound of his name and just as quickly Ari closed the distance between them.

"Why you are here?" Ari demanded with blazing eyes.

"Ossam invited me. It's good to see you too," Austin laughed like Ari didn't intimidate him.

"Then go to him," Ari said and gave him a somewhat gentle shove away from us. Austin gave me a wink and then walked away.

"We go now." Ari put his arm around me and pulled me against his side then led me out to the car with no mention of what had just happened. He put me in the passenger side of his car. It wasn't a red Lexus and getting in gave me a chill.

"You are cold, my love," he said and then went to the driver's side. He turned on the car and put the heated seat on for me. He reached across and took my hand as he drove. He raced the few blocks home and turned into the driveway right on time.

"You are so quiet as if angry or upset," Ari said as he put the car in park. "Does Austin upset you? He is not a nice boy."

"Was he your boy?" I asked. I felt instant regret as the words left my mouth. I really didn't want an answer to that. I couldn't think of him being with anyone else.

"This is not proper discussion. We need go inside." Ari unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned over to kiss me. I let him, but I didn't kiss him back. Ari noticed and looked at me with frustration.

His phone alarm chirped. I turned and opened the car door. I felt his hand on my shoulder. I'd always waited for him to come open the door for me.

"We have to go," I said without looking back at him. I paused for a second and his hand slid down my back. He gave it a pat as if to tell me it was ok. I opened my door and got out to go inside. Ari caught up to me at the front door. He opened it and put his hand on my back as I went in.

"Hey kid," dad said. He was sitting on the couch with Mr. Khorasani watching a sports show.

"Night, dad." I nodded at him and started through the living room, but Mr. K's eyes caught mine and he sat up with alarm. He didn't say anything, but he got up and followed me towards the hallway.

He said something to Ari in their language and Ari answered back. They followed me into my room, dad stayed in the living room unaware of anything out of the ordinary.

"Go get ready for bed, little one," Mr. Khorasani said.

I went to my dresser and got out a pair of pajamas and clean briefs. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth then changed. I brushed my hair and tried to make it like Ari liked it, that perfect blonde messy look on top. Was I competing with the guy from the party? Sure.

I could hear the two of them though they weren't talking in English. I waited in the bathroom until they seemed to finish their discussion. I peeked my head out to find them sitting on the edge of my bed. Ari was holding Kherse Panda and petting him thoughtlessly. They both turned to look at me, judge my state.

"I will give you two time," Mr. Khorasani said and stood. He came over and I stepped out of the bathroom. He kissed my hair and then my cheek. "Good night, little one."

"Good night, sir," I said and walked him to my door. He pulled it closed behind him and I turned to look at Ari.

"What Austin say to upset you, my love?" Ari asked. He looked so sad sitting on my bed. It was a rare look on him, uneasy and insecure. He held my stuffed panda against his chest and rubbed his head a little too harshly. I walked towards him and held out my hand to rescue Kherse.

"He said you go through boys every few months. He felt my chest and said I had nice muscles."

"I can't believe he touch you! He is no respect for anyone!" Ari fumed.

"Was he your boy?" I asked. I sat beside him and we turned to face each other.

"He says this? Of course not! He is no one's boy. He passes himself around for anyone to use." Ari shook his head with disgust.

"He went with you?" I asked and again regretted the question.

"No, Lukas! I do not go with him! This is not proper to discuss. I make mistakes... I am a man. Of course I go with many boys... but none like you. My past before you does not matter. It is only to learn how to please you properly. It is practice so when I find my beautiful princess, I can please him without injury, know how to properly take him," Ari assured.

He reached forward and put his hands on my thighs then leaned in to kiss me. I inhaled his scent, the musk that always intoxicated me. He slipped off his shoes then pulled me to lie down on the bed with him.

"Let me tuck you in," he said. He pulled back the blanket and I got under it. He went to turn off the overhead lights and turned on the soft bedside lamp. He covered me up then laid beside me. He wrapped his arms around me, spooning me from behind.

"You don't think he's cuter than me?" I asked after a long silence of him holding and rubbing me. He was on top of the covers while I was under.

"Are you kid to me?" Ari laughed. "This is what you worry for? He is dog compare to my princess. He is not even close to you, baby blue eyes. You never see how beautiful you are, how lucky I am to have you in my care! Is my fortune you can not see how other men eye you with so much hunger."

"I know... I just felt..." I started to say, but Ari interrupted.

"You are most beautiful boy I ever see. Why you think I am so crazy to keep you away from others and protect you? Why you think I go insane to know you are safe and not out wander off! You think a boy like you has any competition?" Ari sounded exasperated.

"I am pretty hot," I joked. "Who was the tall guy? He was younger, close to my age."

"Nasim. He make eye for you? I kill him. He is little brat who try to hang with us. He will be too scared to advance on you though... He did advance?" Ari sounded suddenly worried.

"He just looked interested. Does he go to the high school?" I asked.

"He does. I must kill him before the school year begin," Ari sighed like he was really thinking it over. He nuzzled his nose into the back of my neck. Feeling his hot breath, his warm arms around me. It started to lull me off to sleep.

"You won't kill him... will you?" I asked after a few moments of silence. I could never tell if he was serious. His teeth caught hold of the silver chain at the back of my neck and he pulled on it until it nearly choked me. He made a deep growling noise and shook it playfully.

"I must hire security to follow you around at school. It begins in a week so I will rush to interview agents," Ari said. It was a crazy thought, but he did sound serious.

"I'll have Dylan there. I should call him this week to hang out." I yawned.

"Dylan, yes. He is good agent. He is kind to my boy but does not have eyes for him. I will put him on interview list," Ari said. We laughed. He rubbed my stomach and kissed my neck some more. I could feel his bulge awakening behind me, but his father would come back at any minute and check on us. He pushed it against my ass and rubbed slowly.

"Your father will come back soon," I reminded him.

"I know... I must go. I can not wait until you are all mine and in my arms every night," Ari sighed.

"Hold me... I need you. Will you wait until I fall asleep?" I whispered then yawned again to show him I was close.

"Of course, my heart. Rest for me," Ari said in a slow, soft cadence.

"Talk to me in your language," I requested.

"It bores you this much?" he laughed. I nodded, rubbing my hair against his face.

I hugged Kherse panda and closed my eyes while he rubbed me gently and talked in his language. I don't know what he was saying and it didn't matter. The words lulled me off. I was safe in his arms and pretending he'd be there all night. -- -- -- Thanks for reading. Let me know your thoughts. My Stories: My Blog:

Next: Chapter 12

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