Lukas and the Shah

By Emri S.

Published on Sep 3, 2023


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Story Recap: Lukas, an athletic California 17 yr-old with blonde hair, blue eyes, and tight body, has a boyfriend named Ari, a wealthy, muscled, 25 yr-old Persian who dominates the "innocent" boy. Ari's father overheard them playing together and now has sent Ari to sleep in his own home each night. Even worse, Lukas is headed to the desert to visit his father and his father's uber-conservative girlfriend.


{Lukas & The Shah}

[Ch.10- The Boy & His Fathers]

~By Emri~

"You will wait here, my little one. Phone is charged? I put new game for you to play. Drink juice and I be back as soon as is possible. No talk strangers," Ari said as he parked me at a coffee shop in the office park where he had a meeting.

"Yes sir, phone all charged. New game to play, drink juice, wait for daddy, no strangers," I joked in a five-year-old's voice.

We'd spent the last three nights apart since Mr. Khorasani had banned him from staying over at their home with me there. Ari was back in his condo and I only saw him for breakfast in the morning and in the evenings when he rushed home from work.

Ari told me later that while his father knew we had sex on our unsanctioned trip to San Francisco, he was not pleased about it and had forbid Ari from doing it until I was of age. He said it put him at risk legally if my father found out. Ari hadn't told me that. When his father overheard us in the bathtub, not only was his son disobeying him, he was also doing it openly in his home. Mr. Khorasani hadn't left us unsupervised since that night.

Ari was sleeping in his own condo and when he was at the house, my bedroom door was open so things wouldn't go further than cuddling or kissing with our clothes on. It was so hard to say goodbye to him each night, hard to fall asleep without his arms around me; but I'd follow Mr. Khorasani's rules. I would be their good boy.

Now we were heading out to the desert for him to drop me at my dad's house for a few days, but first he had a quick business meeting.

Ari laughed, kissed my cheek, then rushed to his meeting. It had been so hard not sleeping with my head on his chest. Mr. Khorasani made him go home by 9pm so we would have dinner with the family and then hole up in my bedroom to talk or in the gym to workout more. He was training me with the small weights, but I was getting good with them.

This was a nice enough coffee house and office park on the outer edges of Los Angeles where, according to Ari, a lot of wealthy Chinese investors liked to build large homes. That's not important. What is important is that it was just over an hour from here to Dad's house where Ari would leave me for two nights. I was dreading it. I love my dad but his girlfriend Denise would be there. She was there right now making lunch for us to eat before my dad took me to the awful high school I didn't want to go back to so I could pick out the awful classes for an awful senior year far from the Persian man I loved.

I sipped my juice to stop from screaming. It was one of those carbonated waters with fruit juice and berries floating around in it. I tried to play the new game he'd put on the fancy phone he had bought me, but instead I just sat there and let the anxiety take me over until I was digging my fingernails into the blue rubber phone case.

I was going to be alone. He'd tell me every sweet and beautiful thing he could think of to make me be ok with this. He'd mean it too. Ari is a man who leads with his heart. He'd try to make it work, but the distance would break us.

Some adorable blonde boy would run into him at the gym and need help with a bully like I had. He'd help the boy because he's a good man and that's what good men do. They'd hang out and the new boy would charm him. Soon enough he'd forget he ever had a Lukas.

I'd be stuck out in the desert at my dad's house going to church and anti gay camps and be crying every night over him. He'd want this phone back too. It was expensive and why waste money on a loser in Desert Springs?

My fingernails cut through the rubber and I got a sharp pain in the middle one. I dropped the phone on the table and realized I was bleeding. I stood up, grabbed a napkin, and squeezed it hard. The pain jolted me out of my spiral and made me feel better... for a moment. I laughed... like loud.

An Asian man in a nice suit looked over at me. Our eyes locked. He was handsome... like a shorter, more compact version of Ari with warm brown eyes that held pity for me. My laugh turned into a cough and then my face twisted until a tear came out of my right eye. I fought the tears. I wasn't going to break down in a nice quiet coffee shop. I turned my face away from the man and sat back down.

"Are you alright? You hurt yourself. Let me help you." The man's voice sounded close and I looked towards the floor to see black leather dress shoes.

"No, I'm not ok." I whispered and looked up at him. He pulled out the chair next to mine and slid it to face mine.

"Let me see it," he said. He took my hand in his and pulled it towards his face. He took the napkin away. There was a thin red line just under my nail.

"Oh it's not so bad," he noted in a soft, fatherly tone. He took a clean napkin and rubbed the condensation off my plastic juice cup. He gently wiped at the nail then went to his table for his black leather bag.

"It hurts," I said like that wasn't obvious. My voice sounded like a child.

"I always keep a small first aid kit in here." He took out a small pouch. He tore open a packet and pulled out a sterile wipe and gently dabbed at my finger. He put a band-aid over it and then looked like he was going to kiss it. At the last minute, he thought better and pulled back.

"There we go... All better." He beamed proudly.

"What happens. He is hurt?" Ari's voice sounded from behind me.

"He hurt his finger. It's just a little cut under the nail. It will be ok," the man said and looked at Ari as if he'd just intruded on something important.

"Ahh no, poor boy. Thank you for helping him. You are most kind to MY boy. We should go, Lukas," Ari said in a not very grateful tone. He emphasized the word my and put his hand on my shoulder to show ownership. The man acknowledged it with a nod and backed away.

"Thank you, sir," I told the man and shoved my phone in my pocket as I got to my feet.

"No trouble. I hope you feel better from whatever upset you," the man said and glared at Ari. Ari took my hand and led me out towards the car. I looked back at the man and raised my injured hand to say goodbye. He raised a hand too and winked at me.

"Fifteen minutes I leave you and already you have another suitor!" Ari laughed in amazement as he unlocked his car and popped the trunk. He tossed his bag in and closed it then went to put me in the passenger side.

"No! He was just helping me with my injury," I protested.

"He helps himself TO you!" Ari corrected. He got in the driver's seat and started the engine. "I should drape a cloth over you when left alone in public! You need sign saying not to touch! The bees cannot resist my princess' nectar...How you hurt yourself?"

"I was playing with the phone case and accidentally hurt my fingernail... do we really have to go to my dad's? Maybe we can call and say I'm sick! We can reschedule." I looked at him and hoped he'd think this was a good idea... he didn't.

"What does he mean with saying something upset you. He does something to upset you? I need to return and show him who owns your heart?" Ari asked as he pulled out of his parking spot. I guess it suddenly registered to him what the man had said.

"No. It wasn't him. I just got anxiety from thinking about what we're facing. I didn't realize I was digging my nails into the phone case. I broke it," I said and held up the phone to show the scratch marks on the back of it.

"I buy you new one. No worries. Do not be anxious. We will go and have lunch with them and your father will take you to the school. I wish I can go with you, but I have meeting back in LA," Ari sighed. He reached across and took my hand in his. He put it on the gear shifter and covered it. I leaned across and put my head against his bicep.

"You're staying for lunch? Denise is making it. I hope she's not rude to you. I'll yell at her if she says anything stupid," I laughed like it wasn't a horrible thing.

"You will not yell. She say what she likes and we ignore. Fuck her. My princess does not sink to the sewer. You think I not hear worse in coming to this country? We must remember goal is to be together and make peace for whatever may happen. We will not take to her insults and give your father reason to doubt I am good for you," Ari said.

"People have been mean to you?" I asked with disbelief. He was a handsome, successful Adonis who charmed everyone he met. Who could ever be rude to him?

"Of course. I am not from this country and some people are offended by foreigners here. Is natural. In Iran we do same to Afghan immigrants. They are low labor and are treat harshly from the Persian natives. Is part of experience here," Ari said like it was nothing.

"What? That's so mean. Everyone should be nice to each other and chill! Then we'll all be ok," I insisted. Ari laughed at that.

"Ok, my love. I tell the world to chill. This will fix things," Ari leaned over and kissed me as we stopped at a light.


"Welcome! I had to google what your people can eat. I hope fried chicken with macaroni and cheese is ok!" Denise said when we came in the door. Ari was holding my overnight bag. He'd made sure I packed warm things and nothing too "sexy."

"Yes, it is fine but only if blessed by a holy man wearing the special hat... Oh and the macaroni was killed humanely?" Ari laughed. Denise raised an eyebrow and threw up her hands.

"It was a joke. The food sounds good." I assured her.

"Oh! Hah! Ok well you never know these days with all the political correctness!" She laughed. I didn't know what that was supposed to mean.

We made our way back to my bedroom and Ari set my bag down. He closed my door and hugged me then we kissed for a minute. I'd missed his body the last few days. His father had been keeping a strict eye on us and we hadn't played around since the bathtub. I was so horny and every muscle in my body felt tense. Ari said I was going through withdrawal. He said we just needed to be good for a while until this all blew over. I wasn't sure how much longer I could last.

"This looks lovely. Thank you so much," Ari said to Denise when we made our way back out to the kitchen. Dad hugged me and shook Ari's hand while we settled down to a lunch of fried chicken with macaroni and cheese. It was obscenely unhealthy and something I never would have served my father, much less, myself. But I thanked her like Ari had done. I would be on my best behavior with her.

Denise was surprisingly pleasant through lunch. She hung back and ate quietly, only chiming in when my dad was telling us what they'd been up to. If she was going to make an effort then I would make twice the effort. I would be even more pleasant. I complimented her overly greasy meal and even made some "yum" noises. Ari smiled at me. He knew I was trying for him.

"Don't you worry. I'll clean this all up. You run along with your daddy and I'm sure Mr. Ari needs to get back to LA," Denise said when we'd finished eating and she saw me stacking the plates.

"Yes, I have a meeting," Ari said. "I must go."

"I'll walk you out!" I said and set down the plates. He bid goodbye to my father and Denise then led me out to his car. He waiting until we were out of their sight to hold my hand and kiss me.

"You will be good! You will text or call me with whatever you need! You are on top behavior! You make me proud," Ari warned as he held me close.

"I will be good. I am top behavior. I make you proud," I echoed in a robotic voice that made Ari laugh. He kissed my forehead and pushed back my hair.

"You are my greatest treasure, my reason for living. In 48 hours I will be back for you," Ari said. He held me with one hand in the center of my back and used the other hand to play with my hair and pet my face.

"So beautiful," he sighed.

"Take me with you," I begged.

"I can not. Kidnap a princess is punished with death! They will lock me away in the tower to rot." Ari laughed. "Do not make this hard for either of us. Keep happy. Make your pleasant time with your father so you can return to daddy."

"Yes, sir," I sighed. I pushed my face into his chest and inhaled his cologne one last time. He kissed the top of my head and then pried himself off of me. I stretched out my arms, not ready to let him go.

"Princess," he whispered and kissed me once more. He turned me back towards the front door and patted my bottom to push me off.

"I love you," he said to my back. I turned and looked at him once more then told him I loved him too. I pushed myself forward and turned away from him as he got into his car. I heard the engine start up as I made it to the front door. I turned and held up a hand to wave at him. He blew me a kiss then turned to back out of dad's driveway.

I watched him drive away then closed my eyes and sighed as I turned back to the house. This was going to be a rough two days.


"There's not even a point to us going to this. There's one set of classes for seniors who plan on going to college. It's not like there's some special course to see!" I said to dad as he pulled into the parking lot of the high school I'd attended for the last three years.

"Oh but the pep rally and the band and all the fun stuff. It's tradition! This is your senior year, kid. You're going to run this place!" Dad said excitedly in a tone that let me know this was way more for him than it was for me. He was reliving the glory of his high school years when he played sports and slept with girls... at least until he got my mom pregnant with me.

He parked the car and we went into the cafeteria where teachers had set up booths for their classes. I signed in for us and dad picked up the "swag bag." They did it every year. It was a reusable canvas grocery bag from Golden's Supermarket. It had a Desert Springs baseball hat, some coupons, a cheap planner (no one uses those), and some basic school supplies we got because our town is full of poor people.

Dad dug through it with excitement and I let him wear the hat. He really was enjoying himself and I liked to see him happy. I picked up a reading list for the honors English course and said hi to the teacher, Mrs. Merwin. She had taught me the last three years and smiled excitedly when she saw me. I'd been in honors English since the 7th grade. Mr. Carrillo was at the math table. I'd be taking him for Calculus. He didn't remember my name. Dad introduced us, then I pushed him along.

Our appointment with my counselor was right before the pep rally so he rushed us through things. He gave me a parking tag even though I don't drive. Even if I did, it's pointless to tag cars for a parking lot that's not near anything anyone would want to go to other than the high school. Was he worried I'd sell my spot for extra cash?

I got my classes and then dad tried to push me to the sports tryout sign-ups. Luckily, the pep rally was starting so I guided him away from anything athletic. I'd do the cross-country club. I like running, and if I was going to be stuck out here, it would be a good activity.

I kept running into friends and acquaintances who were way too happy to be there. They were pumped for their senior year, the parties, the dances, the dumb events that were probably going to be the best times of their lives. I hugged people and put a smile on, but I really just wished I could blink and wake up for graduation.

Three days! That's how long it had been since I'd had Ari inside me and now he was even farther away with no chance at his cock. I was cranky, achy, miserable. I looked over at my dad and his smile faded. He knew I didn't want this, didn't want to be here.

"C'mon, Lukas. At least give it a chance! Look around you! These are the kids you grew up with. This is your home and these are the people you're going to be friends with the rest of your life! I still hang out with guys I knew in Kindergarten. That's what being part of a community is all about," he said when we settled into the bleachers. He put his arm around me and I laid my head against his shoulder. Dad's pretty muscular from all the work he does, but it didn't have that same sense of security I got under Ari's arm. I didn't feel like everything was going to be ok.

"I've been here my whole life, dad. I know everyone in this gym. That dude vapes in the bathroom between classes... in fact, his whole group of friends does. Oh look over there. Remember Mike Swenson? You and his dad got in that argument over a parking spot once?" I pointed at a kid milling around by the south door.

"Oh yeah. What an asshole," dad laughed.

"He sells weed and has the best prices. He's in competition with Brave Ensen, the kid over there in the red cap. Brave kicked his ass at a party last year, nearly drowned him in a pool. Everyone was so drunk!" I laughed. All these things I'd hidden from my dad and they didn't seem to matter anymore. It felt like someone else's life.

"You were at a party with drugs and alcohol? Seriously? I should ground you!" Dad's eyes doubled in size and he looked at me with concern.

"It's the only thing to do here and I used to go all the time. In Mr. Khorasani's home I'd never even make it out of the house," I said and laughed. He really did have his thumb on me.

"He does keep an eye on you. Between the two of them they keep you pretty safe," dad noted.

"It's just different there. I cook with his mom, go to events with the LGBT group and none of them even drink... I don't think. They have a future," I said.

"Some of these kids have a future. What about those girls? They look nice," dad pointed to a group of girls selling cookies.

"Melia Duran? She tried to get me drunk at one of the spring break parties because her friends know I'm gay and she bet them she could get me to fuck her. They thought it would be funny. She put way too much vodka in the apple juice and I could smell it when I almost took a sip. I pretended to trip and I spilled it all over the patio." I was laughing like this was all so funny. To me, it was. This was another world, another life, and something I didn't want anymore.

"What the hell, Lukas? I never knew any of this! I don't want you hanging around kids like that! No more, ok?" Dad barked. He was getting pretty angry. The band started to play and march out while everyone hooted and clapped.

"It's all of them, dad. You want me here. That's what they do!" I shrugged.

"You never did that stuff, did you?" dad asked.

"No, but I wanted to get good grades and be good for you. I saw how hard you worked for us... You know what's funny? When Ari took me to the mini golf thing with the LGBT club, he hovered the entire time and kept an eye on me. Can you imagine him at a party with these guys? He'd drag me out of there before I even set down the chips I brought!" I laughed.

"Yeah, he's pretty good for you. He never lets you around stuff like that," dad admitted.

"He says it's bad for my development and can do serious damage while my brain is still forming," I noted.

"Well it is! Jesus, Lukas! All these kids are doing that stuff?" dad asked. I nodded.

"Hey, you did that stuff too, right? I mean weren't you just a little older than me when you got mom pregnant with me?" I laughed. Dad started to answer, but then decided not to.

The band marched out and did a circle. I held up my phone to grab a video of it for Ari. He had asked me about what an American high school was like. He seemed interested in all the clubs and how much down time and fun we had. He said it was heavily academic where he went.

I looked over at dad while I shot the video. He was eyeing people suspiciously and shaking his head. I smiled to myself. I shot a few minutes of the band marching and drumming and swirling into some ill-practiced pattern that was supposed to be a happy face but looked more like a drunk smiley finish. I sent the video off to Ari who was probably still in his meeting.

"You know there's an end of summer bash next week at Taylor Pratt's house. You remember him! His mom started drinking when his dad got hit by the bus on Palm Canyon. Now she mostly does online gambling. They got that huge settlement from the county since the dad is pretty much a vegetable. The party is going to be epic!" I told dad.

"You will not be going to that." Dad looked at me with anger.

"You promised that once I got to senior year my curfew would be midnight on weekends! You won't follow me around like Ari would. I'll enjoy every moment of my senior year with every party I can find. You wanted that." I reminded him. If I was going to be stuck here, I was going to go out with a bang. Dad looked at me like he was thinking of an appropriate response.

"Ari will talk you out of it. Once he hears about this," dad said and then stopped himself. He realized he was relying on Ari to keep me in check. His face suddenly darkened and he looked down at his phone like he had some important message.

"He'll be two hours away, dad. You said yourself you want me to have a fun year. You really want me to spend every night in my room on the phone with Ari?" I asked.

"Well you're certainly not going to spend your weekends at parties like that! I won't allow it!" dad said. He looked out over the pep rally, suddenly not enjoying it as much.

I knew I'd gone too far. I remembered Ari had said to be the model son. I knew he wouldn't approve of me speaking like this or talking about these things. I looked down at my phone and Ari had texted me a smiley face. He'd written that he wanted to hear all about it when we talked tonight. I felt a twist in my stomach for upsetting my dad. I knew I had to fix this.

"I won't dad... don't worry. You know I won't go to stuff like that and Ari would never allow it," I said. I looked up and saw dad reading my text from Ari.

"You miss him," he said.

"I really do... feels like my heart is torn in half... I was just saying that stuff because I miss him. I mean it's true about all these kids... I just don't want that anymore. I don't want to go to things like that and watch everyone get drunk and act stupid. There's nothing for me here. The kids I hung out with in Glendale were talking about college and I know Mr. Khorasani would let me work in his office. That would be great experience! I'll be miserable here... What am I going to do here? Work at the Walmart or the casino?" I asked.

"No, Lukas. This doesn't have to be forever, but you only get one Senior year. You have a lifetime ahead of you to date and worry about a career. That's all I wanted for you. You worked so hard on your grades and this is supposed to be fun." Dad looked at me with exhaustion.

We stared each other down, then the principal took the stage to deliver some opening comments. When he handed the microphone to Dina Patel, the one most likely to be valedictorian, dad nudged me and signaled that it was time to duck out.


"Didn't you just love it, Lukas? I went last year with my nephew! You know Robert, right? He had a blast his senior year. You should get a letter jacket. Do they still do those?" Denise attacked us with a barrage of cheer as we walked in the front door. Dad just shook his head and sighed.

"He wasn't impressed...Let's not talk about it," dad said as I walked past and offered Denise a polite smile. Her hands balled into fists and her cheeks went red.

"That's the problem, Steven. You don't talk about it and the boy runs wild. Be a man! Be a father," she said and threw up her hands. I started to turn and tell her to not talk like that to him, but then I remembered Ari and how he'd told me to smile politely and not engage Denise. I turned to my dad instead and looked at him as he sheepishly looked down at his shoes.

"Why don't we do something fun? It's still early. We could all go to the park or see a movie or bowling," I said to ease the tension. I shouldn't have made it easier on them, but Ari would be proud of me.

"No! There's a new Christian-flix movie premiering tonight!" Denise crowed. "We've been wanting to see it for weeks! It has the lead singer from Devil Defeaters in it!"

"Oh, right. The one about the firefighter who rescues a boy from a refugee home and then realizes he killed the boy's father in the war in Iraq," dad said as though faking interest.

"Yes! Oh! We talked about it in Bible study. He takes the boy in and helps him find Christ!" Denise gasped like she'd just given away the surprise twist.

"That sounds really amazing and inspirational," I said and tried to sound sincere.

"Oh it is! It just inspires us to get out there and fix the world with what they really need!" Denise shook her head like this had always been her life's mission.

"Why don't you run down to the 7-11 and get some popcorn to pop and some gummy bears?" Dad asked me. He reached for his wallet, but I shook my head.

"I got it dad. I have cash," I said. I remembered Ari always put a few twenties in my wallet in case I got in a jam somewhere, not that he ever let me leave the house unescorted.

"Ooh pick me up a Twix, the king size if they have it!" Denise said.

"I thought you were giving up sugar because of your weight problem?" Dad asked with an icy tone. Denise shot him a glare.

"That's mean, dad!" I'd never known him to make a comment like that, especially since he'd always tried to get me to gain weight. "Don't you listen to him. I'll get you the King size!"

"Thanks, hon. At least one of you is a gentleman," she said.

I grabbed my phone and got out of there as fast as I could. I called Ari as soon as I was on the sidewalk. He was home already and happy to hear from me. I told him about the pep rally and my conversation with dad. He lightly scolded me for behaving that way, but then we got lost talking about how much we missed each other.

"I can't stay here. This town is full of gross people and we're watching some weird Christian movie tonight," I said. I stepped off the curb to cross to the big street when a car came to a screeching halt next to me.

"Get the fuck out of the road, faggot!" A guy yelled as he sped around me. I stepped back onto the curb.

"What goes on there?" Ari yelled through the phone.

"Just some stupid guy in a car," I said and took a moment to collect my breath.

"You are out to yourself with no parent? Why? This is dangerous! I tell you not to do this again!" Ari sounded pissed.

"My dad sent me to the store to pick up some snacks for the movie. I need Jesus people food which is salt, sugar, and fat," I laughed.

"He send you like this? No, Lukas! This is not safe. Your father shall be with you! So irresponsible of him! You will be hurt!" Ari growled.

"It's fine. I just need to watch where I'm going. I'm almost to the store anyway, it's just across Palm Highway," I assured him. Other than the rude guy in the car there wasn't much traffic out. I punched the button for the crosswalk and waited.

"A Highway? Those are busiest roads of all! This is unacceptable! I will not permit that my boy wander the High-Way!" He said it like highway was two separate words one more dangerous than the next.

"He did, he sends me out on dangerous things like this all the time," I said, playing on Ari's concern. "Come get me. It's too dangerous here."

"I wish that I can, my heart. I wish that I come right now and take you away forever. Is not permitted though. It will be kidnapping if I do," Ari sighed. He sounded hurt.

"It's ok. I'm just going to pick up some snacks then go right back home. I promise I'll be safe and watch out," I said, realizing that I shouldn't play with his feelings.

"I will speak to my father of this. Your father need guidance to protect you. My boy does not wander busy roads with people to yell horrible things at him! Unacceptable!" Ari was on a rant. I tried to imagine Mr. Khorasani berating my father. I wondered how that would go.

Ari stayed on the phone with me while I picked up a box of popcorn, two giant Twix packs, a bag of corn nuts for my dad, gummy bears, and a healthy protein bar for myself. Ari was quiet as I made my way to pay and then headed out. We talked while I walked back. He made sure I was looking both ways and he kept asking if every noise he heard was a car or other potential danger.

I got home and found Denise and my dad not talking. There must have been more tense moments when I'd left. Denise was looking around the kitchen and dad was staring at the muted television.

"Pass me to your father! I need speak to him," Ari said. I nodded at dad to get his attention then handed him the phone.

"Yeah? Oh hey! Everything's great," dad said and disappeared into another room with my phone. He sounded relieved to hear Ari's voice and escape the woman he was obviously having problems with.

"I got the stuff," I whispered to Denise and opened the bag to show her the mountain of Twix I'd brought her.

"Oh, Lukas. You're a sweet boy, you know that?" She laughed. Her face lit up as she took the candy from me.

"Thanks, I try," I laughed.

"I know you'll make a terrific husband someday!" She smiled.

"I hope so. I try to be on my best behavior for Ari," I said, momentarily forgetting she hated my being gay.

"Oh... well I meant husband for a wife... well nevermind. Thanks for the candy," she was trying to keep her mouth shut. That was a positive step.

"Are we ready for the movie?" Dad called as he came back into the room.

We made a big bowl of popcorn and settled in to watch. It wasn't entirely awful and the main guy was kinda hot. I imagined Ari out there fighting fires. He had the build for it.

We had a pretty pleasant evening and wrapped up early enough for me to go call Ari before bedtime. I went to my room and made sure the door was locked and low music was playing to cover any noise.

Ari was happy to hear about it when we did VideoChat that night. I got to try out the wireless earpods he'd gotten me. They had a built in microphone and felt like I had plastic earrings on. He had a matching set in his ears like we were secret operatives on an underground government mission. Ari was laid back on his bed in his condo. He was naked except for a pair of grey workout shorts that held a big lump between his thighs.

He said he was proud of me for being his good boy and helping ease the tension between them, but then he warned me not to keep doing that.

"Let their streams run their own course. It is not good for my princess to get between. Your father take care of his own affair. Ok, my love? You are not adult and do not need to worry for this," Ari assured. I promised him I would stay out of it.

"You're proud of me, sir?" I asked with a sly smile. His eyes focused on my lips and he nodded.

"I am always proud of my boy when he listens and obeys. You wish for reward now?" Ari's eyes narrowed and he crossed his arms across his muscled bare chest.

"Yes, sir. Please, sir," I said. I'd taken a shower before our videochat and I'd cleaned myself thoroughly from head to toe in case he wanted to see anything on camera.

"You find the surprise I pack for you in the bag?" Ari asked without a hint of humor.

"No! What? Where?" I got up on my knees and looked at the bag where I'd left it open on a chair in the corner. I hadn't seen anything like that in there.

"There is inside pocket with zipper. I put fun in there for you to find. Go and see," Ari said.

I bounded over to the bag and then brought it back to the bed. Ari had a mischievous smile on his lips as I looked back and forth between his picture on the phone and the inside pocket of the bag. I pulled out Kherse Panda and hugged him, but Ari said that wasn't the surprise.

I found the secret inside pocket and unzipped it. Inside there was a plastic pouch with some green material folded in it. It was one of those bags you put a sandwich in then squeeze the plastic zipper top.

"What is this?" I asked and pulled the bag out.

"Open to see gift!" Ari laughed. He bit his lip, excited to see my reaction to his gift.

I pried at the top flaps and pulled them apart then got hit in the face with the smell of his sweat.

"Eww! What is... Oh shit!" I laughed as I pulled it out. It was a green jockstrap and smelled ripe like he'd packed it away right after a workout.

"Is from our workout the last night. You like see it when my shorts slide down! I know you like these things so is comfort you in my absence," he laughed. I pulled it out of the baggie and put it to my nose. I inhaled him and got a jolt of longing and sadness knowing he was so far away.

"It's perfect," I said and took another hit. As I rumpled the fabric, a little silver chain slid out form the middle of it.

"Oh, the necklace! Is for you! I will put charm for it, but the silversmith need another day to finish. I want that you are cheered by it so I give you the chain first," Ari said. I picked it up and quickly fastened it around my neck. It was heavy but not too thick.

"It's beautiful! Thank you!" I glowed. Ari's lips curled up into a wide grin and he nodded approvingly. It was so sweet, but I couldn't help going back to the jock.

"It is nothing, my love," Ari said and watched me eyeing the jockstrap.

"This is so dirty. I can't believe you did that! Oh my god," I laughed.

"Your cheeks blush deep red. Is so beautiful my flower. Is ok for you to miss my scent. I like how it pleases you to smell me. We are made for each other. I can not wait until we are together again and I can see your little rosebud and taste it once more," Ari said and I watched his eyes travel down my chest. I knew what he wanted.

I sat up and leaned forward to get on all fours for him. I was wearing a tank top and shorts. I arched my back and stretched on all fours like a dog would. I leaned forward and let my tongue hang out. I panted a few times and whimpered for him.

"My pretty puppy. You like what daddy sends for your gifts?" Ari laughed. I watched his hand slide down his bare, furry chest and then disappear into his shorts. He squeezed that thick lump and watched me with his full attention.

I nodded and whimpered then bounced excitedly on the bed. I turned around, staying on my hands and knees and bit at the jockstrap where I'd set it on my bed. I turned back to him, shaking my head as I held the pouch between my lips. I made a few more whimpering noises and Ari gave me a sad look.

"I know, my heart. I wish I am there to play with you too. Take off your shirt for me. Let me see those pretty pink boytits I love to suck on," Ari said. He pushed down his own shorts and I watched as his hand gripped and squeezed his cock in his black boxerbriefs.

I slid off my tank top. I don't have super developed pecs, not yet anyways. We've been working on them with our lifting though. I pinched my nipples like he likes to do. He pursed his lips and his eyes narrowed in on my chest.

"That's my good boy. Love those little nipples. So pink and pretty when Daddy sucks them," Ari rubbed his cock in his underwear.

"They miss you, daddy." I rubbed my nipples then reached for his jockstrap again and took a hit of his intoxicating man funk. My lips gaped and I couldn't help myself

"You like that, princess? The smell of a real man?" He asked.

"Yes, sir," I admitted. "should I try it on?"

"No," he laughed like I'd said something cute. "A man wears a jock. A princess like you should be in a thong or satin panties... something that touch tight against your pussy... something to remind you of what your man desires. There is no need for a jock."

"Oh fuck," I gasped. He knew how to make my cock drool precum just using his words.

"I can not wait to taste it again. My sweet cherry baby need her daddy to keep that pussy satisfied, yes?" He looked at me with lust-filled eyes and I nodded.

"Yes, daddy. I need it. I miss it so bad," I said and started to push down my shorts. I was rock hard and my cock was aching to come out and play.

"Soon, baby. Let me see that pussy." Ari inhaled sharply as he gripped his cock and pumped it. He watched me slide off my shorts. I had on the blue briefs with little panda bears dancing across the fabric. He smiled when he saw them. He'd picked them out for me.

"Slide those down... That's my baby... Lie back... Spread legs for me... Oh fuck, that's pretty," Ari commented as I slid off the briefs then laid back on my bed. I had my phone propped up against a pillow at the foot of the bed so he could watch me.

"It needs you," I told him as I leaned back against the pillows and opened for him. I used one hand to pull my hard cock and balls out of the way and the other to rub a finger over my hole.

"I wish to be there, my love, to taste what is mine. Be careful to touch. It know only its master's flesh. You must take care for what is mine." Ari pushed his black boxer briefs down and off his legs. He gripped his cock and wagged it at me.

"Yes, sir. I'll be nice to it," I promised. After he said that, it felt strange to touch myself down there. I realized he was right. He did own my hole. Every little buzz I felt when touching it was a memory of how his fingers, tongue, and cock had made it feel.

"Get your finger wet first... That's it, baby. Suck on that finger like you do mine... Nice and wet," Ari coached. "Now slide it down to the hole... Rub it around slowly... Put a little pressure, not too much. My baby like it soft. There you go, that's my good girl."

"Yes, sir... Ahhh!" I gasped in pleasure as I slowly pushed the finger in and rubbed around to stretch myself. My other hand went for my cock. I gripped it like he was doing to his and I stroked. My eyes rolled back from the pleasure and I fought to keep them open, to keep them focused on him.

"No, don't play with your boyhood. Let your pussy do the work. A princess like you find what it takes in there," Ari said. I let go of my cock and nodded at him. He guided me to slide the finger in and told me where to press, where to rub, where to avoid. I felt like an amateur on a flight where the pilot had died and the mission control people were guiding me to safe pleasure.

"Work it in there... stretch it a little... go slow, little princess! You are not used to your own touch. Be gentle with my baby's hole." Ari was leaning forward to watch as I slid inside myself. My cock bounced a few times with expectation.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!" I suddenly lit up when I found what he was talking about. I had the finger in and hooked up, rubbing back and forth on a spot that made my cock dance and spit precum over my tummy.

"There's my good baby," he praised as he stroked his thick Persian meat. "See what happen when you follow and obey daddy?"

"Yes, daddy. Oh fuck that feels good." I rubbed back and forth to his instructions and my hard cock flopped around like a fish in the bottom of the boat. He had his legs spread and was watching me intently as he jerked his cock with one hand and pulled on his balls with the other. I made a mental note to do that to his nuts the next time I went down on him.

"There you go," he growled when I moaned and fought to keep my eyes on him. "You need more spit, suck the finger again... Push it through your lips, baby. Taste that pussy."

I pushed the finger into my mouth and sucked on myself. I was glad I'd taken extra care in the shower. I slid it in and out of my lips as he nodded with an approving smile.

"Good, baby. You like how that pussy taste? It begs for its master, doesn't it?" Ari asked like the answer wasn't abundantly clear. I nodded my head and slurped my finger for him.

"Slide it back in... There we go, up and to left... That's good. Fuck that pretty pussy... I need to pound what is mine. See how hard you make me?" He asked. I slid my finger in and rubbed. My body lit up again. I was so fucking hard and it felt like I was on the edge of cumming or sneezing or both. A hazy ecstasy filled my head.

He watched me with some level of amusement as I sat up a little and fingered my cock back to attention. He leaned back and started to jerk again as well. Watching him squeeze and pump his cock quickly had me back to hard.

He was rough with his cock. He'd pull on it then whack it against his thigh as he watched me. He'd pause every few beats and pull on his nuts, squeezing them tight. His thick, Persian meat was too big for even him to handle with one hand. He couldn't close his fingers around it. I longed to have it down my throat again.

"It feels so good, daddy," I told him as I followed his direction. He told me to use my other hand to rub a finger up under my balls. I applied pressure like he said and it produced another wave of electricity through me.

"Daddy knows his little one, yes? Feels good?" Ari asked. His furry, muscled chest heaved with breath as he sped up stroking his meat. I longed to climb onto his lap and bounce on it for him. A man like that should never be bothered with touching himself. I was his boy and that was my job.

"Fuck... so fuck! Good! Daddy!" I growled. I saw a look of approval, satisfaction on Ari's face as he watched me finger-fuck the hole he owned. He knew he could make me cum, even from a distance. Working my hole had me so close to finishing.

"Look how you leak just from fingering that pretty pussy. I should be there to satisfy it and suck on those perfect pink boy-tits, my tasty one." Ari was talking in a deep growl that made everything that much hotter. His hard pecs bounced as he yanked on his cock. Sweat rolled down them as he worked himself up.

"I'm so close, daddy. Fuck, my pussy feels good," I whined for him. We locked eyes and he nodded with a loud grunt. My cock was rocking back and forth, hard and leaking precum in lines over my stomach.

"Yes, baby blue-eyes! Cum for daddy!" He praised. I rubbed the middle finger in my hole back and forth. My palm smacking against my ass as I piston-fucked myself like he would. Each little pound pushed the cum up my shaft. My cock swelled and then started to fire off over my chest.

"Here... fuck... yeah," I whimpered. I pounded my hole as my cock shot wads of boy juice.

"Good baby... yes... fuck, so pretty!" Ari encouraged as he fisted his meat.

"Ahhh, Uhhh, Ahhh!" I didn't know or care how loud I was being. I couldn't control myself. I shot five or six times and opened my eyes just in time to see his face scrunch up with that look he gets when he's ready to join me.

"I cum princess," he growled. His jaw dropped and his eyes fluttered as he shot along his stomach. His abs squeezed and jumped as he coated them with his lion juice. He looked at me and mouthed "fuck yeah" as he came.

I finished before Ari did and watched volleys of cum shoot over his chest and stomach. He growled again and looked at me with that concentrated stare a man makes when he finishes. We were both sweaty, sticky messes. He finished and then we just stared at each other, recovering our breath.

"So beautiful when you finish," Ari laughed. "I love my baby and her little moans of pleasure."

"I love you too," I said and felt a pain of knowing we'd soon wrap up the conversation and be alone for the night.

"Soon, my love," he said as if reading my thoughts.

"I hope so," I sighed. We both carried our phones to the bathroom to watch each other clean up. I took a quick shower while he did then we watched each other pee and brush our teeth. It felt like he was there with me, going through our nightly routine.

I got into pajamas then he talked me to sleep. It felt so weird to sleep without strong arms wrapped around me. The last few nights with Ari sleeping in his own condo, Mr. Khorasani had come in and helped me fall asleep. Now I didn't even have him. I hugged Khers panda and finally drifted off.


I was asleep when I heard Denise and Dad arguing in the living room. They were trying to keep their voices down so I couldn't make out what they were saying, but the tone sounded heated. Being nosey, I jumped out of bed and crept over to the door. I opened it just a crack. They'd stopped talking, and I caught the back of Denise's head as she went out the front door.

Dad sighed and turned towards the kitchen. He didn't notice me spying and I closed the door to just a crack. He was wearing a pair of grey sleep shorts like he'd been headed for bed. He went for his cell phone on the counter and started typing something on it. He sent it (dad never turns off his ringer so the whooshing sound of a text being sent was apparent). He set his phone down and went to get a bottle of water from the fridge. His phone rang after his first sip.

"Hi. I hope I didn't wake you... No, I feel bad. I can't call you every time we have an argument," dad said to his phone when he answered it. He listened for a few minutes and paced around the kitchen.

"No, I do, but she's just so awful to me... She is trying, she's been surprisingly nice to Lukas, and she was nice to your son too, sir. Don't think I didn't threaten her!" dad laughed.

He'd said, "your son." He had to be talking to Mr. Khorasani. I wished I could hear both sides of the conversation.

"Things didn't go so well at the high school. I don't think Lukas can be happy here, not with your son so far away..." dad continued. He told Mr. Khorasani everything that happened at the pep rally and what I'd said. He kept reassuring Mr. Khorasani that I would be kept away from those kids and all drugs and alcohol. He sounded like he was talking to a superior like his boss or father. That made me think back to how Mr. Khorasani had treated dad like he was a kid.

"Work? No it's not going well either... The owner isn't happy about it. He said he's not sure if they'll keep me on. I'm good at managing the service vehicles. It's just managing the mechanics... they're not serious about their work and they don't show up on time. We're falling behind in service times and..." dad launched into work talk. I tuned him out at the beginning, but then it sounded like he was having trouble there.

"If I get bumped back down to a mechanic, I'll lose the pay raise and end up making less than I did at the last place! I can't put my son through college on that pay and Denise certainly won't stick around for it if I can't provide her with a nice life here," dad sighed.

"That's too generous... Really?... I'd love to work with the boats! But... I can't take charity... That's really kind of you... Let me give it some thought. If Lukas is going to be miserable here and I'm going to be alone then it might be worth looking into heading back that way. I know Lukas would be happier... let me give it some thought. Things just aren't working out here," dad said. He listened for a few minutes then started talking about sports.

I quietly closed my door and did a spin around the carpet. I couldn't believe he was even considering moving back. To be near Ari, go to the high school there, have my dad and the Khorsanis together. It was too much to hope for.


I woke up the next morning to find dad making scrambled eggs and bacon in the kitchen. He was whistling happily and Denise was nowhere to be found. I helped him finish the food and didn't bring up her absence.

"You took the day off, right? What should we do?" I asked, not wanting to give away that I'd spied on him last night.

"Well... I was thinking maybe we could head back to Glendale. Mr. Khorsani invited me to spend the night there and have dinner with them. Would you like that?" dad asked.

"Yes! Of course! I'll grab my bag," I started away from him but he pulled me back.

"Have some breakfast first," dad laughed. We sat down at the table and started eating.

"He has a brother, you know," dad said between bites.

"He does?" I asked. I hadn't met anyone other than his children and their families.

"Yeah, he's younger and deals in luxury items like cars and boats and stuff. Anyways, he invited me to go see his boat shop. They rehab the motors and redo the interiors. It would be fun to see. That might be boring for you though, right?" dad asked.

"I'll go! I don't have anything else to do today," I said with a bit too much excitement. I'd go anywhere if meant seeing Ari today.

"I thought you might," dad smirked. "We can go check it out or maybe if Ari is free then he can pick you up there so you don't have to stay too long."

"Sure, dad. Whatever you want. I know how much you like boats," I said.

"Cool." Dad shrugged like it wasn't a giant deal he was taking me back a day early. I scarfed down the breakfast and cleaned my plate. He was always pleased when I finished my food. I'd be his happy, chipper son if it meant going home... or what had become my home.

I cleaned the dishes and then went to gather my things. I met dad in the living room and he had a bag that was much bigger than an overnight bag. I wondered what was up with that, but I was more excited to get on the road and text Ari that I was coming home. I was so ready to be home again.

-- My Stories:

Next: Chapter 11

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