Lukas and the Shah

By Emri S.

Published on Jun 29, 2018


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Story Note: This story contains scenes of Authoritarian (It definitely will in later chapters). It also contains interracial Persian/White interracial romance. Feedback appreciated:

. {Lukas & The Shah} . [Ch.1- The Towel Boy] . ~By Emri~


"It's a little tight, Mr. Allen," I noted. The gym uniform clung to my 17 year-old frame and left little to the imagination. I didn't want to make a big deal. It was my first day on the job.

I wore a tight, red tank top with the PowerTime gym logo on the front. It showed off my pecs. They weren't much, but I'd been lifting all spring at my old high school. The shorts were more problematic. They were white and too small. They rode up my ass crack and put my ass on display. I kept shifting and wanting to pick out the wedgie.

"Sorry, kid. It was Allison's and she quit on short notice. We'll order a set in your size once we see if you'll last here. You looked about her size," Mr. Allen said as he checked in a guest. He turned and smirked at me. His eyes wandered down to my ass.

I knew he was a perv yesterday when he was interviewing me, but he tried to tone it down with my dad standing there. I didn't have much of a choice. My dad worked at the car dealership next door and it was either work here or at the run down yogurt place on the other side.

We'd just moved here, dad and me. He was a mechanic specializing in high end European cars. The place he'd worked since I was a baby was closing down, a sign of our town's declining fortunes. The owner begged him to transfer to one of his other dealerships, and this one was the only other one in Southern California, so off we moved.

It's torture to move when your son is about to start his senior year in high school, but dad didn't have much of a choice. We packed up our house in a scrubby desert town and trucked everything to a suburban city on the edge of central Los Angeles.

"Look, kid. I'm about to go on my lunch break. All you do is have the guests put in their phone number when they come in. If that doesn't work then take their ID and look it up in this computer. While you're standing here, fold the towels and put them on the counter. They go crazy fast so keep up. Can you handle that?" Mr. Allen asked.

"Yuh... yes sir," I said. I'd zoned out and turned my back to the wall so I could pick the shorts out of my asscrack. It sounded simple enough though. He smiled and wandered off.

He wasn't kidding about the towels. I was folding like a mad man from the machine, but seemed like everyone that passed by wanted a fresh towel. Some of the assholes even left their old towel next to the clean pile! I started to make a pile of the dirty ones on the floor. A cleaning lady came over with a fresh bin of towels needing folding. She grunted at the pile of dirty ones, but she collected them with a string of whispered Spanish and huffed away.

"Hey, Hey! The machine's not working," a voice said I looked up to see a kid, maybe 15 years old, looking at me with anger. He looked Arab and had slicked back black hair, a white tank top and shorts.

"Sorry, sir," I tried to sound sincere. "Can I see your ID? What's your name?" I set the towels down and leaned forward towards the counter.

"Zabir Naeem," The kid said in an overly accented tone. He offered no ID.

"Z-A-B-umm," I looked at him for help.

"Are you stupid? You can't sound that out? Do they only hire stupid people here?" He huffed. I felt my fists ball but I swallowed it and offered an apology. This is one of the few places my dad would let me work and I'd need every hour if I wanted a new phone and clothes in time for school to start in August.

He spelled his name for me, but in between each letter he coughed "dumbass." I hurriedly looked him up in the system as I gritted my teeth.

"There you are! All good. Enjoy your workout, sir!" I offered a smile and he grunted. He reached for the nice towel tower I'd constructed and pulled one out from the bottom of the stack; sending ten or so falling off the counter.

"Oops! My bad," he laughed He looked like he wanted to say more, but just then a big brown hand came up behind him and smacked the back of his head. He lurched forward against the counter then grabbed his head and started to ugly-cry with an ugly face. The man who smacked him muttered something threatening in a foreign language.

"I apologize for him, he is raised poorly," the voice connected to the hand said. I looked up to see a towering god of dark skin and big muscles. He sounded middle eastern with heavily accented English and those deep, throat-clearing sounds to his letters that only speakers from that part of the world can do.

He had on a white, long-sleeved shirt that was skin tight and showed off his bulging pecs and thick arms, black workout shorts with a heavy bulge in front, and red skater shoes. He had on a drawstring backpack, probably full of his gym clothes. He looked older, probably in his twenties. He was thick but in perfect shape. He had big brown eyes and a hulking nose that dominated his handsome face and close-trimmed beard. His jet black hair was shaved down on the sides with a perfectly sculpted swoop on top.

"Fuck you," the kid sniffled and wiped the snot from his face. The man raised the back of his hand again like he was ready to smack the boy again. The kid winced and backed away then stalked off with his towel and a loud huff.

"Thanks, man... I hope you don't get in trouble for that," I looked around for Mr. Allen.

"His father need my business and he not approves of his son for behave so poorly," the man said in a matter-of-fact tone. He leaned over the keypad to type in his phone number and I got a whiff of his cologne. It made my stomach flutter. I watched the computer to see his name pop up. It was long and unpronounceable.

"Have a good workout, Ari-zah-layj..." I tried to read his name off the screen but realized I was just butchering it.

"Ari, I go by Ari... like the two letters R and E," he laughed and took a towel off the counter. He winked at me then gave me one of those dude nods guys use when passing each other silently.

He left before I could reply and I watched his muscled ass stride into the gym like he owned it. I spent the rest of Mr. Allen's lunch break rebuilding my towel tower and checking in customers while I played out scenarios with Ari in my head.

When Mr. Allen came back he immediately destroyed my towel tower. He told me no stacks of more than five. He sucked. He did send me to make a round of the gym and look for trash though. It would be a good escape from the front desk and a chance to scope for Ari.

People leave the weirdest trash around the gym. There's things you'd expect like paper towels we use to wipe down the machines that just barely missed the trash cans and empty water bottles left at workout stations. Then there's the more unusual things like a candy bar wrapper, paper clips, and a cigarette butt wedged under the front foot of a press bench. Seriously? Who was smoking in here? I collected what I could and delivered it to one of the hundred trash cans throughout the gym that people seemed to ignore.

I was kneeling down reaching for a small foil wrapper on the floor under a machine when an empty plastic water bottle sailed by my head and hit the wall beside me. It freaked me out and I banged my head on the handle of an exercise bike. Luckily it was padded, but it still hurt like fire.

"Sorry, I was tossing it closer so you could get it." Zabir looked at me with a bit of fear knowing his joke had gone too far. "Didn't know you'd hit your head, dude!" He looked remorseful.

I nodded as I held the back of my head. I didn't feel any blood. I watched a sudden strike of total fear fall over Zabir's face and then saw a seething Ari swagger past me and zero in on him. He grabbed Zabir by the ear and whispered something in his language that sounded like a low, animal growl.

Zabir started to spew words in his language that were probably apologies as he tried helplessly to free his ear from Ari's grip. Ari just kept on growling words at him as he walked him towards the front desk of the gym. I watched as they disappeared. I sat down on an open bench and rubbed my head while staring down at the floor.

"You are hurt. I will look," Ari's voice returned and a pair of expensive Nikes showed up in front of me. I let my eyes wander up the impressive tower of steel shaped into a man until I found his warm, brown eyes. He squatted down in front of me and put my head down so he could look at it. He rubbed it gently and a wave of warm pleasure spread over me.

"I hurt," I agreed. My voice sounded so immature and kiddish compared to his. He put his hands on my shoulders and rubbed them down to my side. His touch left a trail of goosebumps and I knew my cock was getting hard between my thighs.

"I am sorry for him. I will speak to his father. He will be punished," Ari assured. His eyes filled with fatherly concern and I forgot about the throbbing ache.

"He was just goofing. I don't think he meant for me to get hurt." I shivered as his hands slid down to the outer sides of my thighs. With his arms raised I got a full inhale from his sweaty workout. It went right to my brain and made my cock twitch. I wasn't going to last long if he kept touching me.

"You are kind boy with good heart to forgive so quickly. He will bother you no more. I promise this," Ari said. He offered a little smile and when I returned it he put his right hand to my cheek. I closed my eyes at his touch. It felt like he was about to kiss me, but of course he didn't. He just held it there for a minute until I raised my hand to cover his.

He walked me up to the front and told Mr. Allen what had happened. He had to take a look at my head too. He decided to let me go home early and pay me for the rest of my five hour shift. Ari grabbed my backpack and walked me next door to where my dad was working on a car.

He explained what happened to my dad and then dad made a big deal out of checking me over. The two men debated the back of my head while I stared down at Ari's gym shorts and the thick bulge they held. His shorts weren't all that long and they showed off his impressive muscled legs with dark almond skin and thick black hair. He kept a hand on my shoulder and gave it reassuring squeezes every few seconds. I kept my hands in front of my own growing bulge and kept my mouth shut.

They decided I was ok and dad took a break. He got me a bottle of water, an ice pack, and ibuprofen from the break room. I sat between them on an old leather backseat from a car that they used for a couch in the dirty garage. He and Ari talked for the longest time about the cars that come through the shop while I held an ice pack on my head.

They bonded excitedly talking about Z engines and 334s, the new AMG tech and turbo DTLs, along with other number/letter combinations I'd never heard about. I sipped my water and enjoyed Ari's aura. He talked with his hands a lot but he kept bringing them back down to me. I could sit under his hold forever. I enjoyed being his armrest. Dad made a new friend, and I hoped I had too.


By the next morning the small bump on my head was gone. I struggled into the tight uniform that Allison had abandoned and walked the three blocks down to the gym since Dad had left earlier in the morning. Mr. Allen had to take a look at my head before he'd let me work. He sighed relief when he saw the bump was gone along with the liability to the gym for my injury. He kept me at desk duty for most of the morning.

Zabir came in and logged into the machine without a word to me. He kept his eyes down and didn't make a sound. He didn't even touch the stack of towels next to me. I told him to have a good workout as he shuffled off towards the treadmills. Ari must have gotten him in trouble.

"You have a client!" Mr. Allen said when he came to check on me.

"For what?" I asked.

"Personal training! All our employees are available for workout assistance. It's an extra $20 plus you might get a good tip!" He nodded excitedly.

"I don't know anything about that. What do I do?" I asked.

"Well you're not certified or licensed for it so they won't expect much. Usually when someone booked a non-certified trainer they just want someone to work out with. It could be one of our older guests. Sometimes they like someone to watch their stuff or just listen to their stories. If the client wants any actual help you an consult this pamphlet board!" Mr. Allen pointed towards a wall where eight sets of pamphlets were shoved into plastic holders.

"Just ask what he or she wants to work on, grab a pamphlet and get to it. If you get a few repeat clients, the money really adds up! Allison [the girl I'd replaced] had a few older gentlemen who just wanted her to workout with them and listen to their dumb jokes. Nothing unprofessional, I assure you! Otherwise report it to me immediately!" Mr. Allen directed.

"Pamphlets, jokes, workout. Got it." I nodded and pulled the wedgie out of my asscrack. I could entertain an old lady for $20. I used to walk my grandmother to get her prescriptions for free.

"Good. Your appointment will be here at 1. The confirmation code is here on the appointments. Go grab a lunch break," Mr. Allen said. He pointed to some letters and numbers on the screen next to my name. The break room had a protein platter with flat breads and different meats and nuts. I made a little sandwich and read some articles in a three year old magazine.

Just as I was finishing an article on reasons I should visit Ohio, I realized it was almost 1pm and my appointment would be here soon. I stuffed the last bite of turkey into my mouth and then washed my hands. I quickly brushed my teeth and then raced back to the front desk to see Mr. Allen greeting my client. You can already guess who it was.

Ari stood there in all his glory wearing a tight white tank top and grey workout shorts with white running tights underneath. Mr. Allen was filling out information on a clipboard.

"Lukas! You're late! I started with your client already. Fill this out for your session," he shoved the clipboard at me and grunted at my tardiness before stalking off.

"Your name is Lukas. I like it," Ari grinned at me.

"You're my client?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yes, Lukas. I have many troubled areas!" he tried to look serious but then laughed.

"Ok well let's get started," I took the clipboard and saw it needed his height and weight and other measurements. I waved him towards the measurements area near the front of the gym and then followed him.

"Ok, how tall are you and how much do you weigh?" I asked. I clicked the pen and was ready to get going on the chart.

"188 centimeters and 88 kilograms," Ari said in his beautiful foreign accent.

"I don't know what that means... Um... What is it in American?" I asked.

"Your numbers are strange to me. Use your instruments." Ari pointed to the scale and measuring tapes. The scale was one of those old ones like my old high school used in the gym.

He got up on the scale and I adjusted the little weights until he came out at an even 194 pounds. I wrote it down and then he turned around so I could use the height stick to gauge him.

"Six foot two and 194," I said as I wrote.

"Your turn!" he said and hopped off the scale.

"This isn't for me," I laughed.

"I request other trainer if you won't follow my wishes!" Ari faked a flash of anger. He was so playful and it left me with a dumb smirk on my lips. I sighed and handed him the clipboard. He turned the page up to find a blank one underneath.

"First name is Lukas, what is last name?" he asked as I adjusted the scaled to my weight.

"Smith, the most common last name in the world," I laughed.

"You are first Smith I meet and I travel to many countries." Ari raised an eyebrow. "Weight?"

"122," I said when the weight settled. "And I'm 5'8."

"So tiny, Lukas! Is why you work? Your father does not earn enough for food? This is very sad," Ari commented. I laughed, but then saw he was serious. He was looking at me with pity.

"No, Ari... My dad does just fine. I'm saving up for a new phone," I said and took the clipboard from him. My dad didn't make much money, but he paid the bills and I never went hungry.

"Ahh... Well... we continue," Ari realized he'd killed the happy vibe between us. I nodded.

"Sure." I grabbed a measuring tape off the wall and got to work measuring his biceps, waist, and other muscles. He stood there while I let my hands wander over him. Every time I touched him, my cock gave a little jump. I knew there was zero possibility I could keep from popping if I let him measure me.

"Lukas?" he asked as I squatted between his legs and wrapped the tape measure around one.

"Yeah?" I looked up at him. I was trying to get the chart finished.

"Why you will measure my knee? This is important in your country?" Ari looked down at me with a grin and wide brown eyes like he was studying some newfound exotic creature. I blinked up at him and realized I'd gotten lost in his physique.

"Oh... It um... said legs on the clipboard," I mumbled.

"You start with thighs," Ari reached down and took my hand. He slid it up his thigh slowly until my fingers grazed against his bulge. Maybe it was just my crazy mind, but I swear he rubbed the back of my fingers against his thick package. I swear I felt a twitch. I pulled away but he grabbed my hand and held it. I looked up at him with my mouth hanging agape. "This. Put your tape here." He pretended this wasn't at all shocking.

"Woah, 27 inches. That's more than my waist!" I noted. He was one big muscle. I looked up at him excitedly. He laughed and rubbed my hair.

"Your blonde hair is still so baby soft," he noted as he pushed his fingers through it. It sent a shiver through me and I'm pretty sure I gasped. I blinked up at him in adoration.

"Yeah?" was all I could think to say.

"Your eyes are so blue, Lukas, like glass from the sea. You are true California boy," He nodded happily like he'd just decided this.

"I'm from here," my voice cracked. I sounded like an idiot. I bit my lip as our eyes locked again.

"We go workout!" he declared, possibly sensing things were going too far. Maybe he didn't sense anything. The way he worked me so easily left me questioning if he was just some straight dude being innocent and friendly. I was so lost.

"Yes! Ok!" I swallowed hard and recovered. "What is the area you want to fix?" There was nothing at all wrong with this tower of perfection.

"Oh... stomach, abs. Yes, abs," he pulled the first thing out of his head.

"Stay right here!" I got off the floor and dashed over to the check-in desk where we had the pamphlets. A pamphlet would save me! I grabbed the one on abs and rushed back. Ari was stretching with his hands against the wall.

"Ok! Let's do this!" I said and opened the pamphlet. Ari looked at it and raised an eyebrow. He shrugged and followed me to the cardio area.

"First we do a good run to get your blood pumping!" I read. We got on the treadmills and did a warm-up run. I've done cross-country since middle school so I can run all day. He made a valiant effort, but couldn't handle my speed. I remembered that I was trying to be a good trainer, so I bumped my speed down to match his. We did a ten minute run and then cooled down while I opened the pamphlet again.

"During the time leading up to your menstrual cycle, your body produces hormones that can retain fluid," I read and then froze in horror.

"My... what? What this is?" Ari took the pamphlet and then burst out laughing.

"Sorry, I guess I grabbed the one for women." I blushed.

"You doubt I am man?" Ari laughed. He Raised his arms to flex and kissed his right bicep.

"No, no. I just... grabbed," I wanted to melt into the floor.

"I am man, Lukas. I prove this if you need." Ari winked. I desperately wanted to take him up on that challenge. He adjusted his bulge with a grip.

"No, it's um... I can get another one," I stuttered.

"We do not need pamphlet. I show you my routine. Maybe we can muscle you up a little," Ari offered. He stopped his treadmill and grabbed his towel. He put his hand on my lower back just above my ass and gently nudged me towards the weight area.

We passed Zabir who was playing on his phone and sitting at a chest press machine. Ari stopped and cleared his throat. Zabir looked up with a start. He stood thinking Ari wanted the machine.

"Oh, Hi, Lukas!" He said with a forced smile.

"Hey, Zabir. Hope you're having a good workout," I said.

"Thanks, um cool shoes," he pointed at my low-end tennis shoes. Ari nodded approvingly and gave Zabir a pat on the shoulder. He said nothing to the boy and put his hand on my back again to nudge me forward.

We didn't have much left on his training appointment, but he showed off his lifting and didn't make fun of me whenever he traded off his heavier weights for lighter ones I could handle. We did a few sets on different machines and then he pulled me towards the locker room.

"Where is your phone? I need number for you so I can book you again," he said even though appointments were booked through the gym's app. I wasn't about to argue with him though, I went for the locker where I kept my backpack. His locker was just a few over from mine and he got his phone. He texted himself from my phone and then programmed himself as a contact. He even took a selfie to store in my phone.

"Thank you sir, I am at your disposal? That's what you texted yourself?" I laughed when I read the text he'd sent himself from my phone.

"It is important to set good tone with new clients!" He laughed. I looked at the sweaty selfie he'd taken with my camera. It was so hot.

"I must shower. I have work meeting," he said and opened his locker again. He peeled off his shirt and wiped down his glistening, muscled chest covered in a light layer of black hair. His pecs were awesome.

Our time was up so I had to head back anyways. He thanked me for the training and I headed back to the front desk. Mr. Allen sent me off for trash duty again and I didn't see Ari when he left.

At the end of my shift Mr. Allen gave me a little envelope and told me I'd gotten a tip. I opened it to find a $20 bill from Ari. I tucked it into my wallet and then went to get my backpack. I texted Ari a thank you for the tip money as I was packing up my bag.

"I think I leave clothes in my locker! You can check please?" Ari wrote back. I opened his locker to find the workout clothes he'd been wearing.

"You did! I'll bag them up for tomorrow," I wrote back. I went and got a plastic bag from the front desk and put his clothes in it. They were pretty ripe with his sweat. I started to put them in the bag but then checked the locker room to see it was empty. That's when I did something gross.

I picked up his shorts and started to put them to my nose. That's when I noticed a stretched out black jockstrap inside them. I picked it out and instantly got the unmistakable punch of sweaty male. I looked around again to make sure I was alone then took a heavy hit.

My cock boned up instantly in the tight shorts. I pulled it away quickly and shoved it in the bag. I paced around and willed my cock to go down. I needed to get home fast.

I raced home to the small apartment I shared with my dad. He still had a few more hours of work so I had time. My cock had gone down from the running, but as soon as I opened my backpack and smelled his gym clothes I was in full freak mode.

I pushed off the tight shorts and briefs. My cock was raging as I dug into the bag for the jockstrap. I know it's sick. I couldn't help myself. All I could picture was Ari sliding down that jock and freeing his massive bulge.

Picture! I remembered the selfie Ari had taken in the locker room. I swiped my camera until I found it. Fuck, he was so gorgeous. I wanted to climb onto that lap and bounce for him. I wanted to show him what an "innocent boy" could do for him. I could feel his hands on my skin. I could smell the sweat from a hard workout on his gym clothes. I could see his picture on my phone. I wanted him.

I fisted my cock so hard, was right on the edge of cumming. And then an alert sounded on my phone and the picture of him was replaced with a picture of him that read "incoming call." What the fuck? I let go of my cock. Sometimes inside me just couldn't ignore his phone call.

"Lukas? You are there? Do you get the clothes for me?" Ari asked as I put him on speaker phone and laid it on the pillow beside me.

"Yeah, I'm here. I got your stuff," I said. I was so close to cumming and hearing his low, daddy tone had me fighting to keep my hand off my cock.

"Good. I can come to you if is ok. I drive right now and sit in the traffic," Ari said. He did sound like he was on a car phone system. He even honked and yelled something in his language at another driver.

"Oh? Right now? I was just... um," Hearing him be so gruff in his language had me fisting my cock again. I used the other hand to slide up my tank top and twist my nipples. I wanted his touch there. My skin is so sensitive to his.

"You are hurt? Is the head? You sound like there is problem there. I will come to check up," Ari said.

"Yeah, Uh huhhhhh," I groaned and hissed, losing myself in his voice and not paying attention to what he was saying. I reached for his jockstrap and took a deep hit. Why was I jerking off with him on the phone? What the fuck was I thinking? I couldn't stop myself. I fisted my rock hard cock and my balls smacked around between my thighs. My eyes screwed up as I teetered on the edge. I was so fucking close and pictured his hot, sweaty body.

"Lukas? Little one? Oh No! Your father is there? I am worried. I'm coming right now. What is address for your home?" Ari asked. It hit me what he was saying but I was right on the edge of coming. I turned the phone over to muffle microphone.

I let out a deep moan and then my cock started to fire off. It was intense and I could hear him saying something from he phone but it was muffled. I gasped and moaned as my cock fired off a full load of my cum.

I gripped my cock and fisted it hard as my body crashed against the bedspread and my cum went flying up to my face and the pillow behind me.

"Ahhh," I gasped as my eyes rolled back and my body twisted in pleasure.

"Lukas! I hear weird sounds. Tell me you are awake!" He called from my phone.

"Fuhhh," I mumbled quietly. I shot off another burst of rounds and heard them thud against my chest, my clothes, my hair. "Fuhhh."

"LUKAS! HELLO? What the fuck I am worried!" I heard Ari yelling frantically like he was trapped inside my pillow. I turned my phone over again to unmuffle it.

"No, wait. Hey! Sorry! I'm here. I'm good. I just... sorry," I wiped my hand on my chest and grabbed the phone.

"You what? I don't like the sound from there. I come to you. What is address?" Ari demanded.

"No, I'm cool. Really. I was just um... in the shower." I covered.

"Tell me address," Ari demanded again. He wasn't buying my cover. I told him where to find me.

"Unlock front door right now! This way if you go out again then I get to you to help!" Ari was not playing. He morphed into this overprotective dad figure that I naturally responded to.

I left the door unlocked and ran to hop in the shower. I scrubbed quickly and then put on a tank top and clean shorts before I was fully dry. I raced to the window to watch for him. I watched as he pulled up in front of my small apartment building in an expensive, red sedan that looked like a street racer. He ran up the steps in a grey dress shirt and tie with grey suit pants. The suit made him look older but no less hot. I opened the door when he got to the top step.

"Lukas. You are ok?" He looked at me with a deep sigh and raced to my side. He turned my head to check where the bump had been.

"I'm good. It doesn't hurt anymore. I was just in the shower when you called then I had to finish," I covered. He could clearly see I was still wet.

"Good. I worry for you and your father is not home?" Ari asked.

"He gets off work in an hour or so... Come in. Do you want some water or something?" I offered, trying to be the good host.

"Is not right to have visitor when he is not home. The father should know who is in his home," Ari informed me. He looked nervous like he shouldn't be there, but he also looked like I'd given him quite a scare on the phone. He was torn between wanting to make sure I was ok and wanting to follow whatever custom they had in his home country.

"He's cool. He talked to you yesterday. I have your clothes too." I opened the door and waved him inside. Our place is small and older, but it's nice enough.

"Oh clothes, yes!" Ari said like he'd forgotten about them. He came in and stood in the entryway like when you're viewing some historical room at a museum.

"I'll go get them. Help yourself to the fridge. We have Sprite and filtered water," I walked back to my bedroom and grabbed the plastic bag to collect his things. Fantasy time was over.

"You want the Sprite too?" Ari called from the kitchen right as I was picking up the jockstrap.

"NO!" I yelled in horror. There was a big glob of quickly drying cum on his jock. He'd notice it for sure. I didn't have time to wash it. He was standing in my kitchen.

"Ok, sorry I offer," Ari muttered.

"I mean. Yes, Please! Thank you!" I yelled back. I couldn't make it to the bathroom without him seeing me from the kitchen and it shouldn't have taken this long to collect a bag of his clothes.

I knew what I had to do. I licked my cum from his sweaty jock and then sucked out the dry parts. I don't mind the taste of me, but it's not something I ingest regularly. I tongued and slurped and sucked on his jock while keeping my eyes on the door to my bedroom.

"You need help? The clothes are heavy?" Ari called. I'd spend an inappropriate amount of time on this mission and I probably had five seconds before he came and opened my unlocked bedroom door.

"Lukas?" He said again. I was sucking like a fiend until I could only taste his salty sweat. I rubbed the fabric together thinking that would dry it then I shoved his jockstrap inside of his shorts and then into the bag with his shirt over it.

"Hey, Yeah. Sorry!" I called and headed towards my door.

"You are ok? You find my clothes?" Ari asked. He held a can of sprite up for me and I took it.

"Got em! Hey. I'm doing laundry tonight. I can just throw these in with mine," I said and pulled the bag away from him.

"No. I have service I use in the building. She come to collect tomorrow morning. Is same price either way," Ari said and took the bag back. I took a long gulp of the sprite.

"It's no trouble. Really. My stuff is all pretty rank too so it'll be fine." I tried to get the bag back but he gave me a disapproving look that seemed suspicious of what I wanted to do with his clothes.

"Is ok. I sit with you until your father comes," Ari decided and that's what he did. We sat on the couch and just talked for a long time.

He told me he was from Iran and had a big family here in LA. They all moved from Tehran a few years back because he, his brother, and his father had been relocated when his international corporation consolidated into just North America and Europe. He worked in finance investing and was 25 years old. He was 8 years older than me. Of course he saw me as just a little kid.

He asked about my family and what happened to my mom. I told him all my dad's family is around LA and my mom had moved to Florida 10 years ago with some guy she met about.

"And you are 17? You look so young. When I am 17 I join Persian Guard and patrol borders with the east. You look too young for that," Ari laughed.

"Yep, one more year of high school," I nodded.

When my dad got home they talked for awhile and dad checked out my head again. He told Ari I was weird before the bump so to not worry too much about it. That was his joke.

After he'd left, dad and I had dinner and watched a basketball game on tv. I kept checking my phone, but Ari was off for the night. I imagined he had some date with a model. I was being a total dumbass thinking a guy like him would be into a kid like me.

He probably just felt some responsibility because I'd gotten hurt by a kid from his culture. He was just feeling guilty. He clearly wasn't even into guys. He hadn't mentioned a girlfriend, but a guy that hot doesn't need to tell about it; it's just assumed. I felt stupid for lusting after him, stupider for sniffing his jock and getting off to it and even stupider for sucking my cum out of the pouch. If he found out about that he'd never talk to me again.

"I like your new friend. He looks responsible and you could learn a few things," Dad said.

"Yeah, he's cool," I nodded and shrugged.

"Seriously, Lukas. It will be good for you to meet some new friends. Those dumbasses you hung out with back home would have gotten you into some trouble," Dad egged me on. He had really bro'ed out with Ari. Most of my old friends just ignored my dad.

"I don't know, dad. He's cool I guess," I said and took our plates to the kitchen.


The next day I was excited to see I had another personal training session set up for 11:00 AM. I had Ari's clothes waiting in my locker and I'd give them to him after our sessions.

I texted him a thank-you for booking me again. At this rate, I'd be able to get my new phone sooner than I thought, plus it was awesome to spend an hour basking in his hotness.

"I'm coming at 1. Who booked you?" his text came back. I felt my heart sink. It wasn't him.

"It doesn't say. I guess I'll find out soon. Probably some old lady," I wrote back.

"Lukas! Employees do not use their phones on the clock!" Mr. Allen barked at me. I realized the towel stack was gone from the front desk and there was a client waiting for one. I apologized and quickly gave a fresh towel to the lady who was waiting.

"If I see it out again, it goes in my office," Mr. Allen warned. I assured him I'd put it in my locker and quickly got to work folding the towels. My pocket buzzed again with more texts, but I couldn't check it while Mr. Allen was standing near me making the timesheets for the next week.

I didn't get a chance to look at the texts, my client showed up right at 11 and Mr. Allen made me hand over my phone before I left with him. It was an older guy, maybe 30's. He was an office type with a decent body. He introduced himself as Ryan.

"I just need some help with spotting and someone to run with. I get distracted. I saw you yesterday with that Arab guy. I want to get built like him. Can you show me what he does?" Ryan asked. He seemed innocent enough with a slight gay vibe but not overly done.

"Yeah, sure. I'll take you through his routine!" I chirped. We did a quick run on the treadmill and then went to the weight room. I showed him the things Ari did the day before. He seemed to have a lot of questions about him.

"I don't know, sorry. I just met him two days ago. He's cool though," I admitted. Ryan smiled.

"He's hot, dude. What I wouldn't give for just a taste," Ryan said as he did chest presses.

"Yeah, I guess. I mean... if that's your thing." I felt a twist in my chest. Ryan just wanted info.

"It's every guy's thing... er, sorry. I assumed you were gay," Ryan apologized.

"Oh um..." I didn't know what to say, but Ryan's eyes snapped past me and I turned to see Ari coming in wearing a suit and carrying his gym bag. His eyes found me and he quickly came over. His eyes zeroed in on Ryan and almost looked like he was angry. He put on a smile.

"Lukas! I booked you for training," he said, sounding slightly out of breath like he'd been running.

"Oh, cool. I'm with a client right now," I said.

Ari ignored me. He put his hand out and introduced himself to Ryan. My client instantly got a dopey grin and tried his best to flirt without seeming too obvious. Ari nudged me away from Ryan, and chatted him up while I felt my chest rage with jealousy.

"Great! I go to change clothes and join you!" Ari said. He put his hand on my shoulder.

"Cool, man. I gotta hit the head. I'll walk with you. Save the machine for me, kid. Will you?" Ryan handed me his sweaty towel and water bottle. I sat on the chest press machine and watched them walk towards the locker room. I knew Ryan was just using an excuse to watch Ari change. Was Ari keeping him away because he was worried about me chatting up another guy? I was confused.

"Are you using the machine?" I turned to see Zabir looking at me.

"No, go ahead," I said and moved so he could sit.

"That dude checked me out a few times when I was changing in the locker room. I stay away from him," Zabir said and nodded towards Ryan who was following Ari into the men's area.

I fumed while Zabir tried to show off his press skills. He was pretty strong for a kid.

Ari and Ryan spent a long time in the locker room. Zabir finished up and moved on to other machines. When the two men came back, Ari took over my training session and showed Ryan the rest of his workout. Ryan ignored me. I hung back until my hour was up and then went back to fold towels where I couldn't see what they were up to.

Ryan left a short time after that. He said nothing to me on his way out. At 1 PM, Ari came up to find me at the front desk. He'd showered and changed back into his suit. He put a twenty dollar bill on the counter in front of me where I was folding towels.

"I gotta get back for a meeting, Lukas. I'll still pay for the training though and here's your tip." He flashed a handsome smile that probably got him out of tight situations with ease.

"Don't worry about it," I sulked and pushed his money back towards him. His smile faded.

"You're upset..." He reached across the counter and put his hand on my shoulder. I had no reason to be angry. Wait! I did!

"You stole my client... That was mean," I put it out there unsure if it would fly.

"He is not client! He is... Oh! My innocent boy," he laughed. That was an unexpected reaction.

"Of course you do not see. Your father protect your innocence from these things!" Ari laughed then motioned for me to join him in the consultation area.

"He is man who preys on weaker men, innocent boys such as you," Ari whispered like it was a big scandal. I wanted to laugh because it hit me that not only did he have zero interest in Ryan but he was there only to try and protect me from him.

"Oh? Really? No way!" I feigned ignorance. My gay instincts kicked in here. I should have pointed out that Ryan wasn't a perv and I'm also not a small or innocent boy, He was just a guy like me chasing after a hot guy (Ari).

"Yes way! I know this as soon as I see him. I need protect you and lure him away so he not can get to you. Your father shall know that a place like this is no good for young and handsome boy of your innocence. Is better you work at the yogurt shop next door where you only serve families!" Ari looked deadly serious. He had his hands on my shoulder. Those thick, muscled arms caging me in.

"I can't believe it... What do we do?" I'd do anything he wanted when he kept me in his hold like this. I was backed against the wall and helpless/unwilling to move.

"It is not to worry. I tell Ryan you are too young for him to train and he need book with Ashram. Ashram is trainer work night here and is very good. I tell him Ashram has what he seeks! He will keep him focus and not chasing weaker ones." Ari backed away from me and spread his palms to signal he'd given sufficient explanation.

"I am a weaker one?" I asked and stifled a smirk.

"You are young, too young to know better. You need protector... like me. So you see I do not steal the client. I am protector to you. I must go to meeting now. You feel better?" he asked and put his thumb up to swipe my cheek playfully.

"I do. Thanks... sorry I got upset with you," I apologized.

"Is ok. You misunderstand. Now please take my tip. I text you later," Ari tucked the twenty into the pocket of my shorts and then leaned in like he was going to kiss me. He didn't though. He picked a hair or something off my shoulder and then turned and left.


When I got home I looked through the texts he had sent when Mr. Allen had taken my phone. He was blowing me up and concerned like the day before when I was jerking off with his jock strap. I was so confused. Was he into me? Was I just a kid who needed his protection?

"Got your texts. Sorry. Boss ganked my phone," I wrote him. I stared at the screen.

He didn't respond. I checked some social media and started working on dinner for dad. He didn't respond. I ate dinner with dad, nothing.

"Hey let's walk to that yogurt place! You look like you could use it," Dad suggested. I didn't feel like it, but it would be good to get out of the house. I was addicted to this guy.

I put on a hoodie since it was getting dark and windy out. We started walking and I spilled my thoughts to dad. Well not all of them. I told him I liked a boy I met at the gym. I didn't tell him it was Ari. He knew and accepted that I liked guys. He even figured it out before I did, but the age difference would have upset him.

"I don't know Lukas. When I was your age I dated a ton of girls but I never even thought to figure out if they liked guys!" Dad laughed. We got our yogurt to go and walked some more.

"I just can't tell! He's foreign and I don't know if he just wants to be friends or if he likes me. I can't ask him! I'd die, dad! I'd totally die!" I gushed.

"I don't know, Luk... Just enjoy where things are going and let it label itself," Dad shrugged.

"I really don't think he's gay," I said and then stopped and almost dropped my yogurt cup.

We were at the corner where there's a large outdoor restaurant with a wall of glass along the street. There was some big, Persian party going on in there and I recognized one of them.

"Hey there's that guy!" Dad said when he followed my gaze.

Ari was inside wearing a sharp tuxedo. He was just a few feet away from me but wasn't looking out. He was talking with other people dressed for the formal occasion. He had his arm around one of them, a girl. He held her tight against his side. She had on a green formal gown that matched the bow tie he had on.

"Oh," dad said as he understood why I looked like I'd just been stabbed.

"No, dad," I said. I was on the edge of tears though. I set my yogurt down and turned to look at him. Dad immediately pulled me in for a hug.

"I'm sorry, Luk," dad said.

"He's not gay... not gay," I mumbled into his shoulder.

"He's a man, Luk. He's too old for you anyways. You don't need that," Dad assured.

"I know. I know." I only let a few tears out. He hugged me hard then backed away and nodded like he thought I was ok. I wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my hoodie then took one last look at Ari. He turned right at that moment and caught my eye. He looked concerned again. I wasn't about to go through this a fourth time with him.

I forced a smile and shot him a thumbs up. Dad nodded too and we quickly walked off while Ari looked on.


"I see you. All is good? We talk?" Ari texted me later that night.

I wrote back, "K." He called immediately.

"You ran off before I can say hi to your father," Ari said when I answered.

"You were busy. We didn't want to crash your date," I laughed it off.

"Date with my sister? No. I am not from country that do this!" Ari laughed.

"Oh. Your girlfriend wasn't there?" I prodded further.

"I have no girlfriend! This is why I work out so much," Ari joked. He sounded a little drunk, maybe from the party.

"I miss you," I blurted. I immediately regretted it. I cursed myself. He went silent for the longest time and every second of it felt like a stab in the heart.

"I miss you as well, my Lukas..." Ari whispered. He sighed. We sat with the silence. Neither of us knew what to do with it.

"You should sleep. It is late," Ari broke the silence.

"I'm in bed, are you?" I asked.

"No. I sit on patio. I think I see your window. I live in tower down street from you. I am not sure if is you or old lady." Ari chuckled then told me to hang on.

"Holding, sir," I joked stupidly.

"You inspire me to get ready for bed too. Hey, I call you on video! Hang up!" Ari said and the line went dead. His face appeared again with a video chat. I accepted.

"This is my home. You show me yours so I show you mine," Ari joked. He was holding the phone in front of him and it revealed a sweeping open room with a big leather couch and state of the art kitchen with a really cool high dining table. His place was fancy.

He walked me around his condo, a large one bedroom with a view of the LA skyline. He went to his bedroom and I watched him strip out of the remains of his tuxedo until he got down to a pair of black boxerbriefs.

He carried the phone into his bathroom then and we talked while he brushed his teeth. I got to see his bare chest and abs in the light. He was perfection. I could watch his feed forever.

"You look so cute in your little bed." Ari laughed. "What is on your pillow. Is the spongebob?"

"Oh uhh... yeah I used to love it when I was a kid, then the pillowcase just got so soft from all the washings. Shut up, stop laughing," I protested when he kept smiling.

"Is ok, Lukas. You are young boy, is cute," he tried to appease me.

"I'm not cute," I laughed. He wiped his mouth and turned off the bathroom lights then went back into his dimly lit bedroom. He flopped down on his bed and propped the phone up beside him. He laid down on the pillow and turned to face me. I rolled over onto my side and did the same.

"You, my dear Lukas. You are very much cute. Cute is never a worry for you," he said with sincerity. My heart flopped around in my chest and I couldn't hide the smile that spread over my lips.

We talked for another hour and he kept doing things to try and get me to sleep.

"If you are here, I know exactly how to put you to sleep. I bring you into my chest, wrap arms around you, tell you long boring story in soft voice and rub your back," Ari said.

"That sounds nice. Tell me a story, please," I yawned.

"Ok, when I was little boy we live in the family estate in north of Tehran. We have high walls and big garden and..." he kept going. I listened for awhile then drifted off. I liked a guy and he liked me back. Maybe this move wasn't going to suck so much after all. -- My Stories:

Next: Chapter 2

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