Lucky Thirteen

By Scat Boy

Published on Jun 19, 2004


Lucky Fourteen - Part 3 (Lucky Thirteen - Part 4) (B/b, b/B, B/b/b, group, inc [cousins], oral, spit, snot, anal, ws, scat) by Coproman

So far I'd been down south for only a couple of days, and already I'd experienced some of the kinkiest, most enjoyable sex ever with my two younger cousins, topped off by Eddie and me sucking on Jim's turd, while Jim pissed on us. Afterwards I had swallowed the ten-year-old's come; then the three of us had discussed how we would entice Tyler, Eddie's nine-year-old white friend, into joining our sexual play. When Jim and I explained our plan to Eddie, he eagerly agreed to play the role of the lure when he saw Tyler the next day; if all went well, we'd be reeling the little blond in before the day was over.

That night the three of us decided to suspend our sex games, because we wanted to be ready for a possible encounter with Tyler. If things didn't work out, we could always go back to playing with each other the next night. Meanwhile we would get a good night's sleep, save up our strength, and probably dream about doing it with the young white child, making ourselves even more horny for his virgin body.

The next day, Tyler and his mother showed up early, right after we'd finished breakfast, and within minutes Eddie was in the car and being whisked off to Tyler's house. Jim and I spent a lot of our free time "fooling" with each other, meaning we would jack each other's dicks until we were right on the verge of coming then back off. We had discovered long ago that this would help us build up our reserves of semen.

Jim also had to take his usual afternoon shit, but instead of doing it in my mouth, which surely would have made both of us lose all that come we'd worked so hard to save up, we agreed that I would just watch him go, this time. We decided to do it outside, since we didn't want our moms or grandma wondering why we were locked in the bathroom together. (We also figured there was still enough DDT in the air from the previous day's crop dusting to keep any flies from bothering us.) So, after dashing to the bathroom to grab a roll of toilet paper, we took off behind the toolshed.

Once there, Jim pulled down and kicked off his baggy red shorts and his drawers, rolled his tee-shirt up around his chest, and squatted on the ground with his back to me. Just looking at the fourteen-year-old's naked lower back and the sweet twin curves of his light-skinned ass was making me horny; then, right before he went, he turned, looked at me, and smiled.

"Now you gonna see just how much doonkie you be eatin'," he said, those hazel eyes glinting mischievously.

Facing away from me again, Jim put his hands on his knees to steady himself. Instantly, a yellow stream began to pour out in front of him, noisily soaking the red dirt and creating a dark wet patch that grew wider and wider until it began to pool under his sneakers. Then, just as his flow of piss began to dry up, his asshole blossomed open and a thick brown turd began to push out, exiting with a soft crackling sound, getting longer and longer, not breaking off even after it touched the ground, instead curling up into a surprisingly neat pile until, finally, Jim contracted his sphincter, cutting off the nearly-foot-long rope hanging out of his ass and allowing it to drop heavily on the sizeable hunk of shit already on the ground. The teenager flexed his anus a few times more, squeezing out two more semisoft turds, then, without getting up, turned around to get a look at what he had eliminated.

"GodDAMN!" he exclaimed, admiring what he'd produced. "Look at all that fuckin' doonkie! I ain' know I had to go that bad." Then he looked up at me and, again smiling, said, "And just think--if we wasn't waitin' for that little white boy to come over here, I woulda dumped all that right in your mouth."

I didn't comment, because I was staring in astonishment at the huge pile of shit in front of me and wondering how I had ever managed to swallow Jim's other bowel movements, all of which were probably just as massive as this one. But I had, and the fact that I had done so successfully not once but several times, last summer, only confirmed for me the enormous power of a sexual fetish and how having it realized could make the fetishist horny enough to perform nearly superhuman feats.

"Hey, Cuz," Jim suddenly said, snatching me out of my rapture. "You wanna come over here and wipe me, or is that gonna make you cream?"

"I think you better handle that part yourself, this time," I said, smiling sheepishly as my erection twitched in my shorts. "I'm going to pick some grapes."

As much as Jim and I were enjoying our time together, we kept wondering what was going on at Tyler's house: How good a job was Eddie doing of promoting our "club" to Tyler and stirring up his excitement to join it? Well, when we saw Mrs. Robinson's car returning to the house a lot sooner than we'd expected, we knew that, one way or another, we would get an answer to our question.

At first, though, we were afraid that something had gone wrong. Maybe Mrs. Robinson had overheard Eddie describing some of the club's secret activities to Tyler and was bringing our little cousin back home because she didn't want her son hanging out with a pervert. So as the car pulled into the yard, Jim and I hightailed it to our favorite tree, where we could hear what Mrs. Robinson was saying without anyone noticing us.

Fortunately, Eddie realized that we would probably be anxious about the nature of their early return, so the minute he got out of the car, he glanced up in our tree, smiled and gave us a thumb's up. While Jim and I were both relieved, we still wanted to know what Mrs. Robinson had to say, so when Grandma and Aunt Joanie came out to meet her, we strained to hear. She was obviously saying something about Tyler, because she kept gesturing towards him. Finally the wind changed direction and we heard her say, "For some reason, he insisted on coming back here to play, instead of staying at our house. And now he wants to spend the night. Would that be all right with you all?"

"Sure, that's fine," said Grandma. "We have plenty of room."

"Well, thank you," Mrs. Robinson said with relief. "'Cause I don't know what I would've done with that boy if I had to tell him he couldn't stay here with Eddie, tonight."

"And don't worry," Aunt Joanie said. "We'll take good care of him."

"Yes, we will," Jim snickered, and I cautioned him to keep his voice down.

Mrs. Robinson gave Tyler a big hug and a kiss, embarrassing him, then said her goodbyes to everyone else before getting back in the car, waving as she pulled off. Afterwards Grandma and Aunt Joanie said something to the two boys before returning to the house.

Now by themselves, the boys were very animated, apparently excited by the prospect of having a sleepover. Tyler was wearing a tee shirt, cutoff denim shorts, and sneakers, but as soon as his mother's car disappeared into the surrounding woods, he pulled off his shirt and kicked off his shoes, stuffing them in his knapsack. I was glad to see this because it showed me that even though he was a preacher's son, he had some rebelliousness in him, and this would serve us well. Then Tyler said something else to his friend; that's when Eddie pointed to us in the tree.

Shirtless and barefoot, Tyler now looked, at least from my vantage point in the tree, like any other bratty little Southern white kid. But when Jim and I climbed down and started walking over to the boys, I finally got to see him up close, and the very first word that came to mind was "pretty," for that was indeed what he was. His bright blue eyes were set in an angelic face, with a button nose and surprisingly full lips; and his blond hair was tossled and long, falling across his forehead, covering his ears and reaching just below the back of his neck. From face to waist, the boy was evenly tanned, proving that he usually went around without wearing a shirt. But when he stooped down again to adjust his knapsack--giving us a sneak peek at the top of his ass--I was amazed. The contrast between the exposed and unexposed skin was striking, changing abruptly from lightly bronzed to stark white, and this excited me. And there was something else about him, something I couldn't quite put my finger on but that was as real as his physical beauty. I guess you could call it a kind of naive purity, which surrounded him like an aura. I'm sure Jim sensed it too, because as we came face to face with Tyler, the sexy teenager leaned over to me and whispered, "I can't wait to dirty that little white boy up."

"Tyler, this is my Cousin Tommy from New York," said Eddie. "And you already know Cousin Jimmy."

"Hey," the boy said, smiling brightly at us.

"Tyler wanted us to come back here so he could ask y'all somethin', right?"

The cute little blond nodded but didn't say anything.

"Go 'head and ask 'em," Eddie whispered, poking his friend in the ribs with his elbow.

Staring up at us with his big blue eyes, Tyler hesitated again before finally asking, "Can I join y'all's club?"

Neither Jim nor I answered at first; we just stared back at the boy then looked sternly at Eddie, as if we were annoyed.

"You told him about the club?" I finally asked.

Understanding what we were doing, Eddie managed not to smile as he nodded reluctantly.

"What you do that for?" asked Jim. "You KNOW it's a SECRET club."

"Yeah, but he promised he wouldn't tell," Eddie pleaded. "Didn't you, Ty?"

The boy quickly nodded.

"Cross your heart and hope to die?" Jim asked.

"Yeah, cross my heart and hope to die I won't tell nobody about the club. So can I please join? PLEASE?"

Jim and I just stared at him a little longer; then I said, "Wait a minute," upon which I grabbed Jim's arm and walked him over to a spot beyond earshot of the two boys. We pretended to discuss the situation, occasionally glacing over at the boy as if considering his candidacy. (Really, though, we were talking about some of the nasty things we intended to do to him.) A couple of minutes later, we walked back over to the boys. After a staring a while longer at the anxious look on Tyler's face, we whispered to each other some more then nodded.

"Okay," said Jim, "we decided to give you a chance to join our club."

Tyler's face lit up, and both he and Eddie began jumping up and down, shouting, "Yaaaay!"

"Okay, okay," Jim said, trying to quiet them down. "But to join, you have to do the 'nitiation. You know what that is?"

The boy shook his head, a blank look on his face.

"That mean you gotta do all the same things we did to join," Jim explained. "You willin' to do that?"

"Yeah," the boy said, again nodding quickly.

"Okay, then," Jim said, glancing with a smirk at Eddie and me. "The next meeting of the club is tonight in my room at bedtime. You spendin' the night, right?"

Again Tyler gave a quick nod. "Uh-huh."

"Good. Then we'll give you the 'nitiation tonight, and if you do everything we say, you can join."

Just then, Aunt Joanie called for Eddie and Tyler to come in the house. When the two boys picked up Tyler's gear and headed inside, Jim and I headed back to our tree. Now that we knew for sure that the little blond would be joining us tonight, we needed to spend some time planning his "initiation."

After supper, Jim, Eddie, Tyler and I all ran to the big, open back porch to get in the swing. Because it was a two-seater, Jim and I sat down first then Tyler sat in Jim's lap while Eddie sat in mine. Before Tyler took his place, I noticed the pronounced bulge in the crotch of Jim's shorts; and I'm sure that when the boy sat in the teenager's lap, he felt the lump pressing into the crack of his ass, just as I knew Eddie felt my erection in his. But whatever Tyler felt, he never said anything about it, not only staying right where he was but also allowing Jim to hold him around his waist, as Jim and I pumped the swing.

Jim and I were in the middle of pumping and humping when his mom and mine suddenly came through the screen door. Their unexpected appearance made me freeze, as if Jim and I had been caught red-handed sexually abusing the two kids. But Jim played it cool, holding Tyler even more tightly in his lap while continuing to swing, and urging me to do the same. I just hoped that Aunt Joanie didn't ask Eddie to get something for her, the way she sometimes did, because if he got up, there was no way I would be able to hide my raging erection.

Fortunately they were just there to confirm the sleeping arrangements. Aunt Joanie was concerned that there might not be enough room for all four of us to sleep in Jim's room, so my mom suggested that I sleep on the living room couch for the night and let Tyler sleep on my cot. But Jim assured them that there was plenty of room in his full-sized bed for both Eddie and Tyler, and that he didn't mind sharing it with the two of them for one night. Besides, he added, that way Tyler could join us in playing our bedtime games.

"Okay," said Aunt Joanie, "but don't y'all be keepin' that boy up all night."

"Don't worry, Ma," Jim said with a smile, "we won't."

When our moms left, I just looked at Jim, while he smiled back. I couldn't believe he had played things so close to the edge with that "bedtime games" remark, especially with Tyler sitting on his rock-hard schlong. But then I thought back to last summer, on my very first day here, when Jim's mom had suggested that we make some sandwiches if we got hungry. He'd told her I'd eaten something already, referring to the fact that, just five minutes earlier, I had gulped down a load of his shit. After recalling this, I smiled, because I knew that I should have expected the double entendre from him.

The next few hours seemed to crawl by, but finally, at about nine o'clock, as we all sat around watching TV, Aunt Joanie announced that it was time for Eddie and Tyler to get ready for bed. Jim and I were allowed to stay up later, if we wanted, but of course we opted instead to "help" the two boys get ready then "play" with them until they fell asleep. At about nine thirty, Aunt Joanie came in to do a bed check. She found Eddie and Tyler in their pajamas lying on top of the covers of Jim's bed, while Jim and I sat on my cot reading to them from a book of riddles. After reminding us that the boys needed to get their rest, she said goodnight and left, closing the door behind her.

As soon as she was gone, Jim closed the book we were reading from and said that we should wait a few minutes to give the grownups time to get busy doing other things before we started the meeting. So the four us lay around looking at each other and continually glancing at Jim's clock until, only a minute into the wait, Jim couldn't take it anymore. He told Eddie to come over and sit with the two of us on the cot. He then nodded to me, and I stood up.

"Hear ye! Hear ye!" I announced, trying to sound as official as I could. "The meeting of our secret club is now called to order. Are there any new members to be admitted to the club?"

"Me! Me!" Tyler shouted, waving his hand wildly.

"Then come over here and be recognized."

In a flash, the little blond hopped off the bed and scurried over to stand in front of us. He was beaming with anticipation.

"What's your name?"

"You already know my name," the boy giggled.

"I know," I whispered to him, "but we have to be official, so you need to tell us."

Rolling his eyes, the boy said, "My name is Tyler." (I smiled to myself, hearing this, because his Southern accent made it sound like he'd said "Toller.")

"And you wish to become a member of our secret club, Tyler?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yes--yes, I do."

"Then you must take part in our official initiation. Are you prepared to do that?"

"Yes, sir!" he said, suddenly standing at attention and saluting us, while trying not to laugh.

"So be it. I now turn the meeting over to Jim, our president."

Smiling lewdly as he looked at Tyler, Jim said, "Well, for the first part of the 'nitiation, you have to get nekkid."

We thought the boy might have a problem with this but, to our surprise, he casually unbuttoned and removed his pajama top then, turning away from us, just as casually pushed down and stepped out of the bottoms. The very first things I noticed were the tan lines at his waist and the mid-point of his thighs. They were so pronounced that the boy almost looked like he was still wearing shorts. But my eyes quickly locked in on his bare ass. It was small, compared to Eddie's bubble butt, but absolutely beautiful--a pair of perfectly-formed, very white buns that, even in the limited light of the room, gleamed. I was especially intrigued by the translucent nature of his skin; I could actually see tiny blue veins just under its surface, and for some reason, this turned me on tremendously.

"Now turn back around," Jim said.

He did, and we got our first look at his prick, which was small and soft, hanging down only about an inch and a half, and his balls, a tight white pouch about the size of a large cherry tomato. I was eager to see what it would take to get the boy hard and how big his weiner would grow when he was.

"Okay," said Jim. "Now sit on the bed and get ready for the next part of your 'nitiation." As soon as the boy was seated, Jim stood up and, unbuckling his belt, slowly pushed down his shorts and underwear. When his erect dick sprang out, Tyler gasped and his blue eyes got very wide.

"Dang! You got a BIG penis!"

"It's not too big to fit in your mouth, though."

The boy's look of surprise instantly turned into one of fear. "Y-you want me put my mouth on it?"

"No, boy," said Jim. "I want you to SUCK on it like a big ol' lollipop."

Now blushing, Tyler said softly, "But you ain't suppose to put your mouth on nobody's penis."

"You wanna join the club, don't you?" Jim asked, waving his stiff cock up and down.


"Then you gotta do what everybody else did, and everybody else sucked this," said Jim, motioning to his still-bobbing dick. "Right?"

Both Eddie and I quickly agreed, as Tyler looked at us.

"Well?" Jim asked. "You still wanna join or not?"

After some hesitation, the boy finally said, "Okay, I'll do it, but you better not pee in my mouth."

"Don't worry," Jim said, "I couldn't piss right now if I wanted to." He turned his head and winked at me, which made me smile.

Taking his place in front of Tyler, Jim held the back of the boy's head with his left hand then gripped the base of his cock with his right and pressed the crown to the boy's lips. The cute little blond just stared up at him with those big baby-blues.

"You ready?"

Tyler gave a quick nod and I watched spellbound as he surrendered himself to the teenager's will, immediately losing nine year's worth of church-going innocence as Jim's dick pushed all the way inside his virgin mouth, not stopping until his balls were pressing up against the boy's chin. I was surprised that the little blond was able to take all six inches without coughing or gagging because, having sucked Jim's dick myself, I knew that the head must have been lodged somewhere in the boy's throat. But he was obviously intent on joining our club, so with his eyes shut tight, he was taking it like a trooper.

Being that Tyler was able to take the full length of his dick so easily, Jim wasted no time with preliminaries. After pulling off his tee-shirt, he placed both hands firmly on the little white boy's head and proceeded to fuck his mouth hard, his pole repeatedly plunging down the youngster's throat, his crotch crashing into his face, and his balls bouncing off his chin as he took the child's oral virginity. And through it all, Tyler didn't as much as whimper, even when it seemed like Jim was going to knock his head off with the force of his thrusts. Meanwhile Eddie and I had both undressed and were masturbating furiously as we watched the brutal scene.

"Shit!" Jim panted, as he continued to rape the cute blond's mouth. "This little fucker give some good fuckin' head, to say he never done it before."

I could tell how turned on Jim was, and being that he hadn't come since yesterday, I knew his orgasm was right around the corner. I was also sure Jim would have preferred to ejaculate in the boy's mouth. It certainly would have been a lot easier for him to do that, and I would have had fun watching Tyler trying to choke down the shitload of semen Jim had stored up.

But I also knew that Jim wanted even more to put on a show for Eddie and me, while further humiliating the little white boy, and that meant giving Tyler his first facial.

Sure enough, after mouth-fucking the boy for a couple of minutes more, Jim suddenly pulled his cock from between his lips with a wet "pop," snatching out several strands of spit. Then, grasping his shaft, Jim began to jerk off right in front of Tyler, whose nose was no more than an inch away from the head of Jim's dick. The youngster's eyes narrowed as he watched the fourteen-year-old quizzically.

"Hey, boy," Jim said, breathing more and more heavily and yanking harder and harder at his prong. "You know what comin' is?"

Tyler's brow furrowed and he shook his head.

"Well, just keep lookin' at that little hole in my dick and I'll show you."

"You ain't gonna pee on me, are you?"

"No, I PROMISE not to do that," Jim said, motioning for Eddie and me to sit on either side of our pledge and hold his hands.

For the next several seconds there was silence, except for the sound of Jim's labored breathing, and stillness, except for the frantic motion of Jim's fist pumping his shaft, as Jim, Eddie and I all focused on Tyler, eagerly anticipating his reaction to his first facial. We didn't have to wait long.

"Oh, fuck! I'm comin'!" Jim suddenly groaned, grimacing as he fought to hold his voice down. "Take it right in your fuckin' face, you little blue-eyed bitch!"

Well, all I can say is, of all the sperm showers I'd witnessed up to that point in my life, this one topped them all. Grasping the top of Tyler's head with his free hand, Jim actually hesitated for a second or two, squeezing his erection tight, building up the pressure of his impending ejaculation, as the little white boy stared closely at the black teenager's piss hole; when Jim finally let go, a stream of sperm blasted out of his cock and hit Tyler right in his eye, making him jerk back in shock, as if the force of the stream itself had knocked him backwards.

"Oh! Oh!" Tyler cried out, as a seemingly endless barrage of come now squirted out of Jim's dick and splattered all over the nine-year-old's face, soaking it.

Obviously shocked at being so suddenly doused, the boy's natural reaction was to try to get away from the source of the sticky shower. But Eddie and I were already holding his hands, and when he tried to turn his head, we both used our other hand to help Jim steer his head back into the line of fire (though not before Jim had painted a line of come across the side of the boy's face and into his momentarily exposed ear).

It seemed to take forever but Jim finally finished spurting his load in Tyler's face. When he was done, there was still a long, gooey strand of come hanging from his piss slit, so he leaned forward and wiped it off in the boy's hair, making several passes through his silky blond locks before stepping back.

"GodDAMN, boy!" Jim said, as he stared at Tyler's spermed-up face. "Look what you made me do to you! That's what you get for suckin' my dick so good!"

Eddie and I both let go of Tyler and stepped in front of him to get a better look at Jim's handiwork. What we saw made us both gasp: The boy's entire face was covered with come! I mean, it was EVERYwhere--thick strings of white goo crisscrossing his cheeks and lips and hanging off his chin, a big blob stuck to his eyelid and eyelash, even a gob clinging to the end of his nose, while another clogged one nostril. There was also a patch of matted hair where Jim had cleaned himself off. It looked as though not one but a trio of randy teenagers had shot their loads in the little blond's face.

Tyler just sat there in stunned silence. Breathing heavily, he seemed to be right on the verge of crying but trying his best to brave it, refusing to allow the tears to fall. But when I glanced down at the boy's crotch, I noticed that what had been an inch-and-half-long noodle was now a three-and-a-half-inch-long rod. So despite having been thoroughly humiliated, he had nonetheless gotten horny; and this led me to believe that what we'd surmised about him may have been right, and that any tears he might shed at this point would most likely be tears of confusion.

"Show him how he look," said Jim, finally pulling his bunched-up shorts and drawers off his ankles.

Right away Eddie and I grabbed Tyler by his arms, stood him up, and led him over to the mirror behind the door to Jim's room. When the boy saw himself with the one eye he was able to open, he too gasped. "Oh, my God! Oh, my God!"

"Shhh! Don't worry," said Jim. "It ain't gonna STAY that way. Matter of fact, Eddie and Tommy are gonna clean you right now, ain't y'all?"

"Yep!" Eddie and I said at the same time, and we promptly led him back to the bed, sat him back down, then practically leaped on top of him, actually knocking him flat on his back, as we started working on his face with our tongues.

"Wha...what y'all doin'?!" the nine-year-old demanded.

"Oh," said Jim, "you thought they was gonna WASH it off, huh?" He chuckled.

"Well, that's not the way we do things. In our club, everything that comes OUT of somebody goes IN somebody else."

Yeah, I thought, smiling to myself, in other words, everything that comes out of Jim goes in me and Eddie. But, being certified bottoms, we were okay with that. Then, as I cleaned the sperm out of Tyler's nose, I began to wonder just how much of Jim's come, piss and shit Eddie and I had consumed over the past couple of days, and that's when it occurred to me that, since I'd gotten here, Jim hadn't used once the toilet, even opting to go outdoors, this afternoon, when he couldn't use my or Eddie's mouth.

Naturally that thought made me hornier, and I decided to make a little detour as I licked Tyler's face, first sucking the come off his chin, then lapping up the globs on his neck before working my tongue across his chest (making sure to suck both of his tiny nipples), down his stomach, into his navel, back to his stomach, through his pubic area and, finally, over his balls, along his shaft and onto the head of his prick, which I gently took between my lips.

"Ooh," the boy gasped, flinching. I quickly stuck my hands underneath him, sinking my fingers in his soft white ass while sucking his whole boner into my mouth, and the boy began to moan.

"Yeah, Cuz!" said Jim. "Suck that little white dick! Make the little fucker come!"

That was exactly what I was working towards, lifting Tyler's ass every time I swallowed his prick and also stopping every now and then to flick my tongue around the glans. I'm sure my actions would have brought the boy to orgasm if, at that time, Jim hadn't dug down into his bag of perversions and come up with something so irresistable that it diverted my attention.

"Wait a minute, y'all," he suddenly said, "I gotta blow my nose."

But instead of reaching for the box of Kleenex on the nightstand, Jim came over and stood where Tyler was lying on the bed. Smiling devilishly at the boy, he pressed a finger over one nostril, closing it, then leaned over and blew as hard as he could, sending a slimy wad of snot flying out of the open nostril and smack onto the horrified boy's face.

"Nnnngghh!" Tyler groaned, frowning but not wanting to open his mouth, since the snot had landed across his nose, lips and chin. And that frown got worse when Jim pulled at the long strand of snot that was still hanging out of his nose and flung it on Tyler's eyelid and cheek. He then wiped his snotty fingers off--where else?--in the boy's hair.

The disgusting act, along with Tyler's reaction to it, made me horny as hell. Pulling the boy's prick out of my mouth and letting go of his ass, I moved up, cupped his other cheeks in my hands, and began to lick Jim's snot off his face, while Eddie took over for me on the boy's prick. Small boogers were mixed in with the slime but, of course, finding them just made me hotter, and within a couple of minutes I had sucked all of the contents of Jim's nose off the boy's cute little frowning mug. When I was done, I turned and looked at Jim. Noticing a trail of leftover snot running out of his nose, I got up, took his cheeks in my hands, and began to suck up that snot too, finishing by drilling the tip of my tongue into his nostril to get the last bit, as Jim kept saying "Ewwww! Gross!!" over and over, in mock disgust. By the time I was done, the trail of snot had been replaced by a trail of spit.

Meanwhile Eddie was working hard on his friend, his fingers now digging into the boy's ass and his mouth pumping up and down on his pale pole. Tyler seemed to have already forgotten about the snot episode, as he lay there moaning with his head thrown back and his hands clutching Eddie's bobbing head.

"Shit, look at 'em go," Jim whispered, as we sat on my cot watching them. "That little blue-eyed fucker's really gettin' into it."

"Yeah, and it looks like he's just about ready to come," I noted, as I went back to jacking myself off.

Sure enough, it took our experienced little cousin only about thirty seconds to draw an orgasm out of his friend. Jim and I were captivated as we watched Tyler stiffen, arch his back and, with a grimace, pull Eddie's head hard into his crotch, pushing his pecker as far into the ten-year-old's mouth as he could.

"Aah! Aah! Aah!" the boy yipped, while below him Eddie kept his lips locked around the base of his friend's cocklet and his nose buried in his groin. And with Tyler in the midst of his orgasm, Jim stepped over the two boys, sat down on the blond's face and farted right in his nose.

"Mmpphh!" Tyler complained, trying to turn his head. But Jim just sat down harder.

"Smell that fuckin' poont, bitch!" Jim said, grinding his ass in the boy's face. "It'll make you come harder!"

I got up to get a closer look at the action, but the moment the smell of Jim's fart hit my nose, it triggered my orgasm. Noticing the sudden change in my breathing, Jim looked up and, seeing me standing there, lifted his ass off Tyler's face and moved to the side.

"Shoot it in his mouth," he said with an evil grin.

While Eddie finished sucking down whatever sperm Tyler's orgasm had produced, I got up on the bed, kneeled over the blond's tense face, and stuck my dick in his mouth, pushing it balls-deep in one easy stroke. I then leaned over and began to hump his head, slamming my erection in and out of the boy's spitty mouth. I was so close to coming that I was only able to fuck him for maybe a minute before my orgasm swept over me.

"Shit!" I groaned, trembling. "I'm coming!" Looking underneath myself, I saw Tyler wince as I jammed all seven inches of my prick down his throat.

"Yeah, Cuz!" Jim said, who was now on his hands and knees with Eddie's face buried between his ass cheeks. "Shoot every drop of your fuckin' shit in that bitch's mouth! Make him fuckin' swallow it!"

I could feel my dick pulsating against the smooth walls of Tyler's esophagus, and I could hear the boy making all kinds of weird gurgling sounds as I squirted my abundant load of semen down his throat. Two seconds later I heard a loud "brrrrrppp!" after which I heard Jim say to Eddie, "Now YOU smell it, bitch, just like your little friend did!"

"Fuck, that feels good," I moaned, as I sniffed the shitty air and continued to come in the little white boy's mouth. For a moment, my mind wandered, and I imagined the irony of Tyler all dressed up in his Sunday best, his face scrubbed clean and his blond hair neatly combed, sitting next to his mother in the front pew of his daddy's church, listening to a sermon about "the sins of the flesh," while millions of my sperm cells swam around in his tummy.

At last I finished emptying my balls in Tyler's mouth. For a while I just continued to lie there, as my dick slowly deflated. When it shrank a little more, the boy coughed, making the head pop out of his throat and sending a stream of come oozing out of his left nostril. I finally pulled my cock from between his lips. After coughing a couple of times more, the little blond inhaled through his nose, sucking the leaking come back into it, then looked up at me with those big blue eyes.

"So NOW am I a member of the club?" he asked.

"Not yet," said Jim. "You still have to pass the Butthole Test."

"What's that?"

Jim turned to me and smiled. "I think Cousin Tommy can explain it a little better than me."

It caught me off guard to suddenly be made the ringmaster of our little circus, but I graciously accepted the symbolic hat my teenaged cousin had tossed to me and stuck it on my head. "Okay, Tyler, for this part of the initiation, you have to lay face down, so turn over."

After glancing at all three of us, as we sat in a circle around him, Tyler sighed, pursed his lips and flipped onto his stomach. I took a couple of minutes to further admire his cute little ass, running my hand over it several times before clearing my throat and saying, "Well, first, we need to see how your butthole looks inside, so I'm going to spread it open, okay?"

"Okay," he responded, not looking back at us.

Leaning over, I placed my palms on the boy's ass and was amazed that it nearly disappeared beneath them. I was also struck by the contrast in color between my fingers and Tyler's behind. Next to Jim, or even Eddie, my darkness was more than apparent, but next to Tyler, it was more than obvious.

I proceeded to spread Tyler's small white ass cheeks apart and smiled when I saw his anus. A tiny pale-pink hole with very little pucker, it was hard to imagine it opening wide enough to allow a fat turd out, much less to let a fat prick in. In fact, it was hard to believe that anything as big and nasty as a turd had ever pushed out of such a sweet, pristine-looking opening. But as improbable as either scenario may have seemed, I knew that Tyler had taken a monster shit many times in his young life and that his little hole could indeed stretch open wide enough to accommodate an exiting turd or an entering cock.

First, though, I needed to see how this pretty little asshole smelled; so, maintaining my grasp on the boy's buns, I pressed my face between them and sniffed heartily. I was pleased when a strong odor of shit filled my nose, and I took several moments to savor it.

"What you doin'?" asked Tyler. "Smellin' my doodie hole?"

"Mm-hm," I answered, keeping my face plastered between the smooth white mounds.

"But don't it stink up in there?"

I responded by pushing my face even more tightly between Tyler's cheeks, sniffing some more, and moaning in satisfaction. A part of me wanted to explain to the boy why it was such a turn-on for me to have my nose stuck up his shitty little white ass, but I myself didn't entirely understand why, so I decided to forego the attempt. And if I was unprepared to tell him why I enjoyed smelling his ass, I certainly wasn't ready to explain what I did next.

Indeed, when Tyler felt the tip of my tongue probing the surface of his anus, he gasped and tensed up, no doubt shocked that I would do something so forbidden. He promptly lifted his torso and turned his head around to look at me, his face flushed and his blue eyes wide with disbelief.

"NOW what you tryin' to do? LICK my doodie hole?"

When I nodded, the boy frowned.

"But ain't you scared of gettin' doodie in your mouth?"

"No," I said, "that doesn't bother me at all, Tyler. So just relax and let me do my thing, 'cause it's part of what we have to do to you in order for you to belong to the club, okay?"

"Okay, but watch out," he warned, "'cause it's right 'round the time I usually be havin' to doodie, so there might be some in there."

As my heart began to race, I thought, If this boy knew how horny I got from what he just said, he'd probably run out of here! The idea that I might very likely end up with a stomach full of his shit was driving me nuts. But I kept my cool and, after taking a deep breath, simply said, "Don't worry, I'll be careful"; then I glanced over at Jim and Eddie, and I wasn't a bit surprised to see both of them wearing--naturally--shit-eating grins. After grinning back at them, I turned around, spread Tyler's ass cheeks as far apart as I could, and thrust my tongue in his anus.

"Oooohh!" the boy moaned, as my tongue slithered into him on its "search and recover" mission. "It feel like a big ol' worm tryin' to crawl in my doodie hole."

More like a snake, I thought, as I spread the boy's asshole open even wider and tried to force the full length of my tongue inside him. Much to my delight, I discovered that Tyler's intestines were indeed holding what he was afraid I might run into, and I managed to suck out and swallow several small pieces of it. But when I began probing even deeper, something blocked my tongue. At that point, I withdrew my tongue, pulled my face out of his ass, and just sat back, enjoying the beauty of his face-down nude form while figuring out how to tell the little white boy what I wanted--what I NEEDED--next from him.

When Tyler realized that I was taking too long to return to licking his asshole, he lifted his head and turned to look at me. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing," I said. "It's just that...well...I just need to know if--"

"Hey, boy," Jim said, taking over for me. "Didn't you just say you had to doonkie?"

"Yeah," he said, lifting his head to look at Jim, who was sitting on his haunches in front of him.

"Well, if you wanna join the club, you have to doonkie in a special place."


"In his mouth," Jim said, smiling.

All I heard was a gasp as Tyler continued to look at Jim. From my position behind the boy, I could see only the back of his golden head, but I was imagining the look of shock on the his face. And when he spun around to stare at me, he was wearing just that expression, his eyes and mouth wide with disbelief.

"You want me to doodie in your MOUTH?!" he asked me directly, as if to make sure he'd heard Jim right.

I smiled and nodded.

"Why you want me to do that?"

"Because...well...I'm the Official Toilet of the club," I said, glancing over at Jim and Eddie, both of whom seemed intrigued by my hastily concocted explanation.

"You mean, both of them did a doodie in your mouth?" the boy asked, looking more confused than ever.

"Yep," I said, and when Tyler looked at Jim and Eddie for confirmation and they both gave it, he looked back at me with a frown.

"And when they did it, did you...I mean, did you...?"

"Eat it?" I asked, both identifying with and turned on by his reluctance to voice what he was thinking. "Of course. The last time you did a number two and flushed the toilet, did it go down or come back up?"

"It went down," Tyler finally mumbled.

"Well, since I'm the Official Toilet, yours'll go down here," I said, opening my mouth and sticking my tongue out.

"Dang!" said the little white boy, his face scrunched up into a look of utter disgust. "How can you eat somethin' so stink without gettin' sick?"

"I don't know. I guess I have a strong stomach. But I'll only do it if you're REALLY serious about joining the club. Are you?"

Tyler nodded cautiously.

"Then you can go to the bathroom in my mouth. You okay with that?"

"I think so," said Tyler, still frowning. "But I ain't never heard of nobody eatin' somebody's doodie, before."

I just smiled and thought, Well, then, you haven't been talking to your own little friend very much, have you? I started to say something to Jim, but he had already jumped off the bed and dashed to his closet. Digging out the same blanket he had used behind the toolshed when he had taken a shit in Eddie's mouth, he hastily spread it on the floor next to the bed; then he and Eddie got down on their hands and knees at one end of the blanket.

"Come on," I said to Tyler.

We got off the bed and I stretched out on the stained blanket, laying my head on the end where my cousins were waiting, while Tyler stood there watching me with his mouth open and that same "I-don't-believe-this-is-happening" look on his face.

"Okay, come over here and squat over my mouth."

Obviously still skeptical about what I said I would do, the nine-year-old was slow to make his way over to where I lay. But I also knew that he was far too curious to see if I would follow through with my vow to serve as his toilet, so when I shut my eyes for about a minute then opened them again, I wasn't surprised to see the boy's ass hovering over my face.

As I stared up at Tyler's smooth ass cheeks and pouting anus, I was beside myself, tingling from head to toe in lustful anticipation of receiving this young white boy's bodily waste. Again I reflected on how differently things had turned out this summer from what I'd expected. For a solid year I had looked forward to coming back here to serve as Jim's toilet again, but that hadn't even happened yet. Instead I had swallowed the bowel movement of my ten-year-old cousin, he had eaten Jim's turds, and now his nine-year-old blue-eyed blond friend--a preacher's son, no less!--was about to take a shit in my mouth. It was so perfect that I could never in a million years have planned anything close to it, and I was very grateful that such serendipity had come my way.

"Here it come!" Tyler suddenly said, yanking me out of my musings.

As I watched the little blond's asshole begin to dilate, any remaining doubts I'd had about its ability to stretch were immediately dispelled. In seconds his pinprick of an anus became the size of a dime, then a nickel, then a quarter, then a fifty-cent piece, as a warm brown turd slowly made its way along his colon. And as it began to inch out of him, I was again turned on by contrasting colors, this time the darkness of the boy's advancing shit next to the whiteness of his skin.

"GodDAMN!" Jim said, as he watched Tyler doing his business. "He's making a BIG ol' doonkie!"

Tyler's turd was indeed impressive, and for a hot second I worried about my ability to swallow it all. But I was so excited by the prospect of devouring this boy's excrement that I was sure my enthusiasm alone would see me through, just as it had when I'd eaten Jim's and Eddie's shit. Fortunately Tyler's shit wasn't as thick as it first appeared, so I was able to bite into it and gulp it down in quick, steady intervals, as it pushed its way out of the boy's bowels.

"Ewwww!" Eddie said, frowning as he stared down at me. "That look so NASTY!" Only after he said this did I realize that my little cousin had never actually SEEN anyone being shitted in the mouth or eating shit before.

Yes, he had taken a shit in my mouth, but I had slurped it all down and cleaned his asshole before he'd gotten a chance to watch me eat it. And, of course, it was completely different being on the receiving end of the shit-eating, the way he was with Jim. So I could understand his initial revulsion, part of which, I'm sure, came from the realization that he himself had performed the same vile act.

"Yeah, DO it, you fuckin' pervert!" Jim urged me, his face only a few inches away from mine. "Eat that doonkie right outta his nasty little white ass!"

As I continued to do exactly what Jim said, now holding that "nasty little white ass" in my palms as I wolfed down Tyler's smelly turds, I felt a tiny stream suddenly hit my chest, as the cute little blond released his bladder.

But the warm flow had just barely intensified before it stopped altogether.

"Oh, my God!" Tyler yelped. "Eddie, what you doin'?! You gonna get sick doin' that!"

"No, he won't," said Jim. "He's used to drinkin' piss. So just shut up and enjoy it."

Only then did I hear a less desperate version of the hard swallowing I'd heard early yesterday morning, when Jim had emptied his bladder down Eddie's throat. I tried to imagine what Tyler was thinking through all this. His brain had to be reeling at the notion that these two black cousins were taking into their mouths what he usually deposited in the toilet. And that this was something we WANTED to do must have really freaked him out. I was beginning to wonder how all this was affecting his strict Christian upbringing when my pondering was punctured by a loud gulp accompanied by a jerk, which was transferred through Tyler's body into my hands.

"Suck my dick again, you white fucker!" I heard Jim say. "And put a lot of spit on it, so I'll be ready."

Ready? I thought, as Jim again banged away at Tyler's face, shaking both of us with every in-stroke. The unexpected mouth fuck caused Tyler to tense up, which locked his bowels and stopped the flow of shit. But I was actually grateful for the respite, because it gave me a chance to chew up and gobble down what was already packed in my mouth. My timing was perfect, because as soon as the little boy's poop was on its way to my stomach, Jim ripped his cock out of the boy's mouth, causing him to finally relax again, which allowed him to finish going to the bathroom in Eddie and me. Seconds later, I once more glimpsed Jim's face right next to mine.

"Damn!" he said with surprise. "That little fucker's STILL doonkying!" Then he laughed, adding, "I knew his little white ass was full of shit!" I wanted to laugh too, but I was too busy holding my mouth wide open again, attempting to catch the last part of the little blond's foul load.

Finally, after several more long minutes, Tyler emptied his bowels. He flexed his sphincter three or four times more, but nothing else came out, so I began chewing loudly on my last big mouthful of shit. At any moment I expected his ass to disappear from above me and his face to appear, as he turned around to watch me eat it. But while his ass did indeed move from over my face, it just kept going up, as if his body were suddenly lighter than air and was floating away. That's because Jim had lifted the boy up and was now placing him face-down on the bed, leaving his two human toilets on the floor, looking at each other. When I saw Eddie's jaws puffed out and his lips puckered shut, as if he were holding something in his mouth, I smiled, silently thanking the boy for saving me some of what he'd been given, then stopped chewing and just lay there with my shit-filled mouth wide open. The ten-year-old scrambled over, leaned over my face and slowly spat Tyler's piss in my mouth. When the last drops fell, accompanied by some frothy blobs of Eddie's spit, he leaned over even further, pressed his lips to mine, and sucked some of the nasty concoction back into his own mouth. After smiling at me and swallowing, he shifted his attention to what was happening on the bed.

"Just stay right there on your stomach, boy," I heard Jim say.

"But I ain't wiped yet," Tyler replied.

"Don't worry 'bout that. Cousin Tommy'll wipe you later. First I gotta give you the last part of your 'nitiation, so you can join the club. You still want to, right?"

Still chewing up Tyler's piss-softened shit, I managed to pull myself onto the bed just in time to see the blue-eyed blond turn his head to the side and nod uncertainly in answer to Jim's question.

"Okay, then. So turn your head back around, close your eyes, and whatever you do, don't move and don't cry, okay?"

Instead of responding, the boy just did what Jim said. Then Eddie whispered something to him, and Tyler, after giving his friend a puzzled look, pressed his face into the pillow that Eddie had just placed under his head. Swallowing the last of the nine-year-old's bowel movement, I crawled closer to where Jim was kneeling over his prone figure and waited. I still couldn't get over how dark my light-skinned cousin looked next to the little white boy, and again this contrast heightened my libido, as I began to pull at my re-hardening dick.

Since Eddie and I were on either side of Tyler, Jim told us to "spread him open for me," and we immediately grabbed one ass cheek each and pulled, exposing the boy's shit-smeared anus.

"That's good," Jim said and, placing his cock against the little white boy's yawning pooper, he began to lean forward. I knew that, having just released their load, Tyler's bowels would be stretched open more than usual and much easier for my sexy cousin to get into. And indeed, with steady pressure, he was able to wedge the smooth, blunt nose of his dick into Tyler's asshole. The moment it popped in, there was a gasp from Jim accompanied by a muted squeal from the little blond. Then Eddie and I let go of Tyler's buns, allowing his anus to close around Jim's prong. Afterwards Jim just held his ground, waiting for the boy to get used to the feeling of the backdoor invasion.

Eager to see how Tyler was taking his loss of virginity, I crouched down to get a look at his face. With his head now turned to the side again, I saw that he didn't seem to be as distressed as I expected him to be, as he was wearing just a moderate frown and his breathing was just a bit labored. But he wasn't moving and he wasn't crying, and these were both good signs. I then quietly reminded Jim that he needed to proceed as carefully as possible, since we didn't want to send Tyler home with a split, bleeding asshole, and the fourteen-year-old nodded that he understood.

Bracing himself on the mattress with both arms, Jim just continued to lean forward farther and farther, using the weight of his upper body to force himself inside the boy. And as his dick slowly sank into Tyler's anus, a steady muffled moan emerged from the opposite end of the boy's digestive tract. Before I knew it, all six inches of Jim's cock had been crammed into the boy's colon.

"GodDAMN, this some tight boonkie!" Jim said, as he lay on top of the boy, his small white frame nearly invisible under Jim's muscular teenaged figure.

While I was eager to watch Jim fuck Tyler's little white ass, I didn't want to be completely idle while doing so, so I motioned for Eddie to come over.

"Hey, little cousin, since I fucked you up the butt yesterday, I figure it's your turn to do me."

The ten-year-old's face lit up. "Really?"

"Yep. Have you ever stuck your stiffy up anybody's ass before?"

"Uhn-uh," he said, shaking his head.

"I didn't think so. Well, don't worry. It's not hard. Once you get it in there, you'll know what to do. Just make sure to lube me up a little before you start."

I turned over onto my stomach, making sure to position myself so I could continue to watch Jim and Tyler. Eddie wasted no time jumping between my spread-open legs, sticking his face in my butt, and jamming his tongue up my asshole, making me shiver.

"Ooh, yeah, Eddie, eat my ass," I moaned. "And spit as much as you can in there. Get it good and wet for your dick."

Eddie kept up the anilingus for a considerable time, but as good as it felt, I told him to stop, because I was looking forward to feeling his prick inside me. When he climbed on top of me, I was struck right away by the very different feel of his softer, lighter body on my back compared to Jim's harder, heavier one. And instead of undergoing the shock of having a thick six-inch pole shoved up my ass, I experienced the delicious pleasure of being plugged by a slim four-inch peter.

By this time, Jim had nearly completed his first withdrawal from Tyler's asshole, and I was delighted to see his shaft coated with the little blond's shit. It wasn't only because I knew it would make a good lubricant; it was mostly because I was hoping for a good, nasty ass fuck, and it looked like I was going to get my wish.

Apparently keeping in mind what I'd said about not hurting Tyler, Jim slowly pushed his prong back into the boy's anus then again carefully pulled out all but the head. He continued to do this over and over, with an amazing degree of patience, until the nine-year-old gradually became accustomed to the sensation and Jim was able to establish a steady fuck rhythm.

As this was going on, Eddie was already busy pounding away at my ass, pistoning my poop chute with the kind of youthful exuberance and energy that only a boy his age can muster. For a while, I just closed my eyes and savored the feeling of his body bumping and twitching on top of me and the sound of his short breathing as he drove his pecker into my spasming anus.

Beside me, Jim was beginning to fuck Tyler with the same gusto he had when fucking Eddie and me. I knew this even with my eyes closed, because of the familiar sounds--Jim's crotch slapping against Tyler's ass, the mattress creaking under them, Jim's heavy breathing, Tyler's muffled grunting, and underneath it all, that subtle squishy noise every time the boy's mucky shitter was skewered by the teenager's steely pole. When I finally opened my eyes and actually saw my cousin jabbing his shit-streaked cock into Tyler's overstretched anus, while the boy clutched the sheets and kept his face pressed into the pillow, I almost came right on the spot.

"Take it, you fuckin' pussy!" Jim growled. "Take my dick right up your little white Sunday-school boonkie!"

I had never before seen Jim quite so intense, and that intensity mesmerized me. He acted like Tyler was the only pre-teen white kid he would ever get to fuck, so he needed to make the most of this sole opportunity by banging the boy's booty with all the passion he could muster. Jim was working so hard that droplets of sweat began to sprout on his face and torso, droplets that sprinkled all over Tyler's back every time the teenager slammed into him. His actions were also heating up the leftover shit in the blue-eyed blond's ass, and the fetid aroma soon began to waft into my nose, making me even hornier, as I was now able not only to watch and hear but also smell the nasty ass fuck I'd hoped to experience.

"I hope he ain't hurtin' him," a breathy voice said from above me, and I noticed that my asshole was no longer being stuffed with as much fervor as it had been just a couple of minutes ago.

At first I didn't respond, as I tried to study Tyler's reaction to the bone-jarring ass fuck Jim was giving him. But with the boy just lying there passively with his face buried in the pillow, I simply wasn't sure how he was taking things. So to ease Eddie's concern I said, "Don't worry. He'll be fine," while hoping the ten-year-old wouldn't notice the uncertainty in my voice. Apparently he didn't, because it wasn't long before I again felt that four-inch rod digging resolutely into my anus.

As the tandem fucking continued, Jim, at one point, thrust his tool all the way up Tyler's ass then just lay there. He can't be coming this soon, I said to myself, staring anxiously. Suddenly, with a grunt, he rolled over onto his back, carrying the youngster with him. With the boy now on top and Jim's strong arms hugging him close, I could see my cousin's balls pressed tightly between the pones of Tyler's ass, but there was no trace of his dick; every inch of it was buried inside the little white boy's distended shithole. But what I saw right above this was just as interesting and instantly let me know how Tyler felt about being used as a bottom--his fully erect pecker. I was pleased to see that suffering the pain and indignity of having his rectum aggressively reamed out by an oversexed teenager had not stopped him from getting a hard-on.

Telling Eddie to "hang on a minute," I carefully maneuvered around until I was right in front of Tyler, close enough, in fact, to lean over and slip his erection between my lips, so when Jim began to bounce the boy up and down on his straining whang, he was simultaneously fucking Tyler's prick into my mouth. Apparently seeing this, Eddie went back to fucking my ass hard. Then I felt a pair of hands on my head and I realized that the blue-eyed blond tyke was holding on to me, urging me to finish what I'd started doing to him earlier, when Eddie had taken over for me.

"So, white boy, how you like gettin' fucked up your boonkie while gettin' your dick sucked?" Jim rasped, steadily plugging Tyler's ass.

"Oooooo!" Tyler moaned, closing his eyes and laying his head against Jim's chest. "It feel so gooood!"

"Wow!" Eddie whispered to me, as he continued to plow my poop chute, "I didn't expect him to say that. He always told me he'd NEVER let nobody put they dick up his butt, 'cause it would hurt too much."

Of course I couldn't respond, since I was still busy sucking the boy's dick, but I reminded myself to explain to my little cousin how most people don't truly know what they like or don't like until they try it, just like he didn't know he liked eating shit until he ate Jim's. I had to admit, though, that I too had had my doubts about how well Tyler would adapt to our little games. Fortunately he was a duck and our sex play was water, and it didn't seem to matter how deep or vast that water was.

After thoroughly probing what used to be the virgin territory of Tyler's anal canal, Jim prepared to christen it. Holding on to the boy's thighs, he pumped his hips wildly, driving his dick in and out of the blond's butthole at an incredible pace. Suddenly he stiffened as if a bolt of lightning had hit him. Wrapping his arms around Tyler, Jim lifted his hips high off the bed, shoving his cock as far up the nine-year-old's ass as it would go. And while all this was happening, it was all I could do to keep my mouth fastened to Tyler's dick.

"Fuck!" Jim groaned, hugging the boy close and shivering all over, as his orgasm rippled though him. "I'm comin'! Take it right up your white ass, you fuckin' pussy!"

"Ooooh, yeah!" Tyler moaned. "Shoot it in my butt, Cousin Jimmy! I want it!"

While I couldn't see Jim's face from my position between Tyler's legs, I could almost feel him smiling with me, as the boy's utterance caused the last piece of our plan to fall into place. Now that he was asking for it, even to the point of calling Jim "cousin," we could take him anywhere we wanted. And as Jim's dick throbbed right below where I was sucking, filling the little blond's shit chute with spurt after spurt of hot sperm, it was clear that the first place we were going to take him was to his next orgasm, as Tyler gasped, froze, and pulled down hard on my head.

"Ooooh, Cousin Tommy, I'm comin'! Suck it! Suck it!"

"That's right, Cuz, suck his dick!" Jim joined in, as he continued to shoot sperm up the boy's ass. "Suck the fuckin' come outta it!"

I could feel Tyler's prick first swelling then pulsating between my lips, and a few seconds later, I swore I felt a few drops of semen hit my tongue.

Meanwhile, on top of me, Eddie was still fucking away, ramming his four-inch rod up my ass as hard as he could, sweating on my back, and breathing more and more heavily. Finally, the ten-year-old could no longer hold his orgasm at bay and, poking his pecker into me one last time, he clung to my back and began to shake all over.

"Oo! Oo! Oo!" Eddie cooed, sounding just like a bird as he pressed his face into my neck, and I could feel the boy's tool throbbing as he shot his spunk in my asshole. When I felt my little cousin relax, I used my sphincter to milk his softening shaft of any remaining drops of sperm. While I was doing this, I was surprised when he whispered in my ear, "Cousin Tommy, now I have to pee. Can I go in your butt?"

"Sure," I whispered back, terribly excited. A few seconds later, I both heard and felt the boy exhale, and right afterwards a small, warm stream began to fill my rectum, a stream that rapidly increased until it was gushing into me, surging into my large intestines like an enema.

"Oh, fuck, yeah," I said under my breath, impressed that Eddie had so much piss to give me and getting off on the fact that only the two of us knew what was he was doing. When he finally finished relieving himself inside me, he eased himself up until his prick popped out of me, upon which I quickly clamped my sphincter shut, making sure none of the ten-year-old's fluids escaped from my colon.

Now that I had a nine-year-old white boy's come in my stomach and a ten-year-old black boy's come and piss in my ass, I finally felt satisfied...until Jim moved back a little and began to lift Tyler off his deflating whang. When it suddenly plopped out, Jim sat the boy in front of him, between his splayed open legs, then moved back just far enough to pull the little blond backwards and wipe his shitty, scummy dick off in the boy's hair. Meanwhile, a river of sticky semen had begun to pour out of the still gaping entrance to the white boy's bowels, making a tiny puddle on the sheet. Seeing this, I grabbed Tyler's thighs and pushed them back until his knees were almost touching his chest, rolling his ass up in the air and making his leaking anus easily accessible to my mouth.

"Ooh!" the boy puffed as I thrust my tongue into his cream-filled hole. After scooping out and swallowing a healthy dose of Jim's come, I pressed my lips to Tyler's anus and began to suck, loudly slurping the gooey liquid and the leftover shit out of his rectum.

"Yeah, Cuz, suck my jizz outta that little fucker's ass!" said Jim, helping me hold Tyler in position with one hand while stroking his sticky hair with the other. "And make sure you get it all out too, so his mama don't find none in his drawers later."

Naturally my cousin's last remark sent my brain on another excursion, and I instantly envisioned Mrs. Robinson sorting out the laundry and feeling a tiny burst of pride when she discovered a starchy stain in her little man's underwear, only to have that pride turn into confusion when she realized that the stain was in the seat of his briefs instead of the crotch.

"Oooh!" I gasped, reacting to the soft lips that suddenly attached themselves to my asshole. I immediately let go of my sphincter, feeling a satisfying rush as my ass began to empty itself into the ten-year-old's mouth. The sudden series of loud gulps caught Jim's attention, causing him to peer behind me.

"What the fuck is he doin', back there?" he asked.

Momentarily removing my mouth from Tyler's anus to allow more sperm to ooze out, I said, "He pissed up my ass and now he's drinkin' it."

"Get the fuck outta here!" Jim said, impressed. "That little knot-head is just FULL of fuckin' surprises, ain't he?"

"Mmph! Mmph!" Tyler responded.

Realizing what he'd said, Jim quickly added, "Okay, okay--I'm sorry. I meant to say 'that little piss-drinkin' pussy'."

I continued to suck hard at Tyler's asshole, but his position prevented me from retrieving any more of Jim's come, so I slowly lowered the boy's legs until the soles of his feet were flat on the bed again, then got my head down as low as possible in front of him. But while a little more sperm did leak out of his anus, it was now hard for me to reach. So, raising my head, I closed up my asshole again and directed Eddie to lie on his back. Getting on my hands and knees, I backed up until I was in a sixty-nine position over him, upon which I lowered my ass to his mouth and once more relaxed my sphincter, restoring the flow of piss and come. I then told Tyler to stand up, turn around, and back up until his ass was in my face, after which he should bend over and put his hands on his knees. As soon as he did this and I spread his shithole open, I spotted a small white blob, which turned out to be the beginning of the rest of the Jim's sperm flowing out of him again, so I immediately sealed my lips over his pucker. Even in these new positions, it still took some time for the teenager's come to completely drain out of Tyler's ass and for Eddie's pee and come to completely drain out of mine. Eventually, though, our colons emptied and their foreign contents lay safely inside a seventeen-year-old's and a ten-year-old's belly. At that point, after both Eddie and I both gave our respective holes a thorough tongue cleansing, while Jim called us every dirty name he could think of, I crawled off my little cousin, and the little white boy turned around and sat down right in front of me on the bed. Afterwards he kept turning his head back and forth, first looking at me then at Jim.

"So NOW am I a member of the club?" he finally asked.

"Yeah, NOW you a member of the club," Jim said. "And there's a special membership card that all new members get, so open your mouth, close your eyes and hold your head back. And whatever happens, just stay that way, or we'll have to do everything all over again."

For the umpteenth time that day, Tyler looked at Jim with his brow furrowed in wonder. But again, probably because he had already come so far, he blindly followed the teenager's instructions. As soon as the boy was in position, Jim put a finger up to his lips for Eddie and me to keep quiet then gestured with that same finger what we were going to do, upon which the three of us each started working our saliva glands to produce as much spit as we could. When we all had a good mouthful, we crowded around Tyler and, at Jim's direction, simultaneously released our spit into the boy's open mouth, staying where we were until every slimy drop had dribbled from between our lips.

"Now swallow it!" Jim said, and while Tyler, realizing what we'd done, was now frowning, he dutifully gulped down what we'd given him, sticking his tongue out afterwards to show us that the big blob was indeed on its way to his tummy.

"Congratulations!" said Jim. "You are now an official member of our secret club."

Eddie and I quickly joined in the celebration, hugging Tyler, patting him on the back, and mussing his hair while he giggled and blushed. But a minute or so later, that confused look returned to the boy's face.

"Hey, I meant to ask y'all somethin'," said Tyler.

"What?" Jim asked.

"Does this club have a name?"

Jim, Eddie and I all just looked at each other before, thinking quickly, I said, "Of course. It's the JET Club."


"Yeah. That stands for Jim, Eddie and Tommy. And now that you're a member, we'll just add another 'T' at the end for Tyler. So now it'll be the JETT Club, and even though it may SOUND the same, it'll be different, because of the extra letter."

"The JETT Club," Jim said, nodding and smiling. "Hey, I like that."

We then sat around talking about the things we'd done and asking Tyler how he felt about them, and I was surprised to hear him say how much he loved his "'nitiation," including "the real nasty stuff," even though he'd thought it was a little wierd at first," and "the stuff that hurt," even though he had to get used to it. He said he'd never had such a good time joining a club before and that he wished the clubs he belonged to in school and at church would do fun things like our club did. It was at that time that we reminded him that ours was a secret club, and how he should never share what we did with anyone who wasn't a member. The cute little blond assured us that we had nothing to worry about, that he would never do anything that might stop him from having the kind of fun he'd had with us, and that he couldn't wait till the next meeting. That's when Jim got up and started picking up our scattered clothes.

"Listen, guys," he said, "we need to go to bed, now."

"Buy why, Cousin Jimmy?" Eddie asked. "We're havin' so much fun talkin'."

"'Cause the JETT Club is gonna meet again early tomorrow morning, before breakfast, and there's a bunch of stuff I want to try with our new member before he goes home, so we need to get some rest."

It might have been the first time in recorded history that four sexually rambunctious boys actually chose to go to sleep rather than stay up and bang each other. But since we were doing so for the purpose of having even MORE sex later on, it wasn't hard to get everyone to agree that it was a good idea. So Eddie and Tyler put their pajamas back on, and Jim and I slipped back into our underwear, and we all hit the hay. And as I lay on my cot staring at my cousins and our new club member lying in Jim's bed, their figures just barely visible in the dimness of the night-light, I began to wonder just how much of a bottom Tyler truly was, and if Jim was going to have enough time tomorrow to find out.

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