Lucky Lad

By Phillip Cook

Published on Mar 17, 2014



Ryan slowly walked towards me, unbuttoning his white dress shirt. His black tuxedo pants bulged with his manhood. Wind seemed to come from nowhere blowing his dark wavy hair wildly across his manly face and his shirt flowed out around him as he finished unbuttoning it. His smile was mischievous and his eyes full of scandal. This was the star of the football team. The captain, in fact. He has dated cheerleaders and was the most popular student in high school. He was a senior and I was a lowly freshmen. Yet in this moment I knew I was his and he was mine.

His shirt seemed to fly off his torso fluttering away like a bird in the wind. His chest was hard and hairless. His stomach rippled with a six-pack. His shoulders were broad and arms thick with muscle. He had a look of lust as he unbuckled his belt. His pants fell away from his hips and down to his ankles. His black boxer briefs were tight and revealed his manhood confined within them. His legs were strong and nicely defined.

He pulled down his boxer briefs and revealed the most beautiful cock I had ever seen. Eight or nine inches of thick pure uncut masculinity. A nice bush of dark and trimmed pubic hair above his magnificent cock.

Suddenly I found myself naked with my cock hard and sticking straight up, quivering in anticipation for his touch. He turned around and I could see his ass. Curved and plump and perfect. He bent over to show me his hole in the middle of his ass cheeks. Pink and puckered. His balls were hanging low and I saw movement and realize he was pumping his cock. After a while he placed his hands on his ass cheeks and spread them wider, invitingly. He wanted me to enter him.

"Oh Ryan," I sad in a whisper. "Oh Ryan," I repeated. "Come to me, Ryan. Let me cum inside you."

I awoke with a shake. Startled out of my dream. My stepbrother, Jared, was standing over me, smirking.

"What's the big idea," I said, annoyed he woke me from my favorite dream about the boy I have been crushing on since I started high school.

"It's time to get up, you doofus."

I looked at the clock which said 7:30.

"Oh shit," I said. I wasn't prepared for another day at school.

"Now, who is this Ryan dude," Jared asked, suddenly.


"You were asking him if you could cum inside him." He had a wicked grin. He knew he had me up the creek.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I played dumb.

"Sure you do. And it's gonna cost you or else I'll tell the whole school that your gay."

"You wouldn't." He shrugged his shoulders and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Of course I would. I'm just wicked that way I guess. And I'm sure that word will get around to this Ryan guy. He would most likely punch you in the face for having that sex dream about him. And I think I have a pretty good idea who he is."

"Who?" I asked, shaking. Whether or not he really knew who Ryan was, if he told everyone at school I'm gay my life would be hell.

"Well, lets' see," Jared started rubbing his fingers on his chin and looking up at the ceiling as if thinking. "You said in your sleep that he is on the football team. There are only two Ryan's on the team. Ryan Mitchell and Ryan Prince. And by your description I can rule out Ryan Mitchell because he is fat and a red head, and you clearly said the Ryan in your dream had dark wavy hair which means it must be Ryan Prince."

How long was he standing over me eavesdropping on my dream?

"Everybody knows that Ryan isn't gay. And if he was he certainly wouldn't go for a skinny little freshmen geek like you. So what would he do if he knew you were having those dreams about him? Hmmm?" He scratched his chin then made a fist out of his hand and punched the open palm of his other hand and twisted his fist around in it just to make sure I got the message.

"Please don't tell anyone. I will do anything,"

"Just what I wanted to hear." he said with an evil smirk. "Slave."

"Hurry up you two. You're going to be late for school," My stepmother yelled at us. "My, don't you look dapper." She was talking to Jared. She always doted on him and spoiled him. He was her own son and I was simply the boy she got stuck with when my dad died a couple of years ago. I always got the feeling that she wanted to put me away in a home for boys somewhere but she knew it would make her look bad in front of all her friends and the neighbors, so she kept me. Though kept it a relative term as she makes me do all the work around here. Laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc. And now that Jared made me his slave thanks to my big mouth, there would be even more for me to do.

While Jared was dressed in his finest tailored clothes and expensive Italian shoes, I was dressed in hand me down jeans and a plaid flannel shirt and sneakers. They're not even Jared's hand me downs. They belonged to my dad and they're really big on me. No one would notice me when Jared was around that's for sure.

"Jared, can you give me a ride?" I asked as I followed him down the stairs."

"No way twerp. What do I look like? A taxi service?"

"But I might be late," I whined.

"Then I suggest you run," he kissed his mom on the cheek. "Mom, I'm going to be late. Just hanging with some friends after school, okay?" "Of course," she kissed his cheek in return. "Have fun."

Jared rushed out the door.

"Phillip, you come home right after school. There are at least four loads of laundry to do. Then you have to start dinner."

"Yes ma'am," I said with my head down. I knew not to argue with her.

"Don't dawdle and get distracted with your friends. Oh, what am I saying, you don't have any friends. Just be home to do all your chores."

I nodded and made my way to school breaking into a run so I wouldn't be too late.

        • Mr. Anderson's history class was in session when I finally arrived at school. I was out of breath and my legs were weary from running the two miles to school. I slipped into my desk as everyone turned to see who was coming in late. Mr. Anderson gave me a stern look.

"It's good of you to join us Mr. Carlton. Hope that school isn't getting in the way of your free time," Mr. Anderson said sarcastically.

"No sir," I said quietly. My head down, face red. I could feel everyone watching me. I hated being the center of attention.

"Good. We might have to set up a meeting with your parents if this tardiness continues Mr. Carlton."

"It's just my step mother Mr. Anderson."

"Ah, um...well," he seemed embarrassed like he should have known my home situation. "Okay, I see. Well, if this keeps up we will have to make an appointment for your step mother to come here and discuss what's going on with you."

"Yes sir." Like that would happen. My stepmother wouldn't care if I ever make it to any of my classes. It would give me more time to do all the cleaning at home while she runs off for a day at the spa.

The rest of the day progressed tediously. Lunch time however made me nervous. Since Ryan was a senior we didn't have any classes together, but we did have the same lunch period and I would be seeing him. I just hoped I wouldn't blush when I saw him thinking of that dream I had the night before. Or even worse, spring a boner.

My stomach started turning flip flops when I noticed Jared sitting at Ryan's table right next to him engrossed in conversation. I didn't even know they were friends, though they were both seniors. I almost threw up when Jared made eye contact and winked at me before resuming whatever it was he was saying to Ryan. I tried to take comfort in that if he blabbed to Ryan about my dream the deal of me doing his homework would be off.

Ryan seemed a little uncomfortable with whatever Jared was telling him but he never once looked my way. Ryan nodded his head and said something to Jared then Ryan's girlfriend, Charise, a blonde cheerleader, showed up at the table to have lunch with her boyfriend. I wished I was Charise. She had it all. Looks, talent, popularity, and dating the most popular boy in the whole school. Her home life was probably a dream as well. Some people have all the luck. While others are left with what ever scraps they can find to piece together a life that doesn't totally suck.

Jared left the table shortly after Charie's arrival. I would have missed it if I had blinked, but Jared gave Ryan a discreet wink before he made his exit and Ryan smiled conspiratorially.

At the end of the day as I was heading out I saw Ryan and Jared meet by a near by locker. I didn't want to run into either of them so I ducked into the boys restroom. It was empty so I went to the last stall and closed and locked the door and sat down. I figured I would wait a few minutes and then go home. Being too late wasn't an option for me. My stepmother would be royally pissed and would think of an evil punishment.

The door to the restroom opened and I heard footsteps.

"I don't think anyone's in here," I heard Jared say. My heart started racing so fast I thought it would leap out of my chest. I lifted my legs up in case they thought to look under the stalls and kept my breathing as soft as possible.

"I don't know, Jared," Ryan said. What was Jared up to? What was he doing with Ryan? "This is pretty weird. I'm not sure we should do it here."

"Come on man. You said you wanted to try it. To see what it felt like. And you know your girlfriend isn't going to do it for you."

"Still, it doesn't feel right here. Someone could walk in on us."

What were they up to? Though I had a sinking feeling I knew what was going on. My suspicions were confirmed with what I heard next.

"Just get your dick out and let me suck it."

I almost gasped. Covering my mouth with my hand and trying not to make a sound, I held my breath. I didn't even know Jared was gay and now he is putting the moves on Ryan, my dream man. Something is telling me he may be doing this on purpose to hurt me. He likes torturing me and taking away the man I love is a sure fire way of hurting me the most. I could accept it if Ryan was straight. I would know I could never be with him and that would be the end of it. But if he ever had sex with another guy, and especially my obnoxious stepbrother, it would just about kill me. And yet, they are about to do sex stuff right here in the boys restroom with me locked away in this stall.

"Okay, I do want to find out what it feels like. But you can't tell anyone."

"Promise. But don't forget, you gotta return the favor."

"I don't know, man. We might get caught."

"I think I'll probably blow pretty quickly."

"Well, I'll try. Let's just get it over with."

I heard unzipping and some rustling.

"Wow! Nice dick. Thick and long. Uncut. Very suckable."

"You going to put it in your mouth?"

"Yes, Of course."

Just then I heard the restroom door opening.

"Shit," Ryan says and I heard him zipping up.

"Hey guys."

"Hey Ron," Jared said.

"What are you guys doing?" Ron said.

"Oh, just about to take a piss," Jared said. I heard them scuffle over to the urinals and more unzipping and then tinkling. I wasn't sure if all three of them were peeing or just Ron. Someone washed his hands and the door opened and closed. "Okay, where were we?"

"Hold on man. I think we better not do this here."

"But we are still going to do it?" Jared had a pleading to his voice.

"Yes, of course. Just not here. Too risky. You going to the St. Patrick's Day dance tonight?"

"Yup," Jared confirmed.

"Good. I'm taking Charise there. I think I know a place where we can have more privacy to really do it right. I can make up an excuse to Charise so meet me at the refreshment stand and then just follow me at a discreet distance."

"Sure. See you then."

The door opened and closed. Footsteps clacked towards the stall I was sitting in and a loud knock made me jump.

"I know you're in there Phillip. I saw you out in the hall coming in here."

I unlocked and slowly opened the stall door. Jared was standing there with a triumphant smile on his face.

"So. You heard everything?"

I nodded my head yes. "Sorry kiddo, but Ryan is way out of your league. After hearing your dream this morning I managed to corner him and start talking to him about blow jobs. And if he had ever had one. He admitted that his girlfriend won't put out. No blow jobs, not even hand jobs. I told him I've had a blow job and it felt incredible. So I offered to give him one if he returned the favor. A bit risky I know, but after laying some ground work about the wonders of it when I broached the subject, he was more than intrigued by the idea. And that, my dear Phillip, is how you get a straight dude to let you give him a blow job, and for him to return the favor. If you had thought of it before I did, maybe you could be in my shoes right now about to get with the hottest guy in school. Of course, if you had tried it he would have laughed in your face. Too bad he didn't want to do it right here and now. Just so you can hear the way he sounds when he cums. I'll give you a full report when I get home tonight. Bye now."

And off he went.

        • It was a nice warm and sunny day as I walked home from school. But my mood was dark and sour. It never occurred to me that Jared could get Ryan to do sexy things with him. And now, at the St. Patrick's Day party tonight, they will be having sex with each other while I clean the oven. If it was gas, I would stick my head inside it.

I was cutting across the woods as a short cut to the house, mumbling to myself and cursing to my lack of luck.

My mom died in child birth. My dad married a woman who hated me who had a son who felt as she did. My dad died last year leaving me with the stepmother and stepbrother from hell. And the only boy I have been longing for is now going to do things with my evil step brother I could only dream of doing. I'm stuck cleaning house and doing their bidding while they have fun and enjoy life.

"I wish I could be lucky once in my life!" I screamed. The birds fluttered above. The trees rustled. Animals ran off. I felt like screaming until I had no voice left.

"Well now, what be the matter with ya?"

This little guy startled me and I almost screamed again. He was middle aged and no taller than five foot. Maybe shorter than that. He was wearing a green hat and a green suit. He had red hair and pointed ears. He was an odd one and I wondered what he was doing out in these woods all alone.

"Well, cat got you tongue now?"

" must really love green."

"My favorite color. That and gold."


"Let me guess, your stepbrother is making you life a living hell."

My eyes must have popped out of my head just then. How would he know...

"I can see by your expression that I am right on the mark. In fact, he is going to probably try to get closer with the boy you fancy."

"Are you psychic?" I asked, totally amazed.

"Well, I just know things. And I'm here to help."

"Help? How?"

"Give me your hand."

I was nervous. I didn't know this man and what he was really about. But there was something about him. I couldn't quite explain it to myself. He had an honest face. So I held out my hand.

"Close your eyes," he said. I did as I was told. I felt something cold on my hand. "Now open them." I did and I saw what looked like a belt buckle in the shape of a four leaf clover.

"What's this?"

"Would ya believe it's a belt buckle? It has certain powers. A lucky charm. If you wear it on your belt you will be lucky. But it only works until midnight."


"I don't know but them are the rules. The powers that be put limits on these sort of things so people won't take advantage."

"Oh, okay."

"Now, run along lad and put this on your belt and luck will be with you until midnight."

I looked down at the belt buckle to examine it and when I looked back up the man was gone. Disappeared as if by magic.

        • What good would an old belt buckle do from a strange man anyway? It wouldn't suddenly make my life better. I thought about tossing it but then again, it was unique so I decided to wear it on my belt. I quickly took my belt off and began to fasten the four leaf clover belt buckle to my belt as I was sitting on a rock. Afterward I slipped my belt back into the loops of my jeans and buckled my belt up.

A sudden gust of wind whipped through the trees. I could have sworn I heard a crack of thunder. And if I wasn't imagining things, the belt buckle seemed to be glowing a soft green color. Was I tripping out? Or maybe my imagination was just running wild. Yet somehow, I felt different. Like a big heavy burden had been lifted.

Sensing that it was getting late and I was expected home pronto, I hurried along the footpath towards my house.

To my surprise and great relief the house was empty. No one was waiting for me. I thought I would do the laundry first. I checked the laundry hamper but it was empty. The house actually looked cleaner than when I left for school this morning. Like some kind of miracle. Nothing to do and no one around to tell me what to do. This was strange. Even stranger was when I went to my closet and found a green St. Patrick's Day costume with my name on it and a note.

"Wear this tonight at the St. Patrick's day party Phillip and your luck will change even more for the better." It read.

Wow! Did that little guy break in just to deliver this costume? And did I tell him my name? Strange.

Since nobody was around to stop me I decided to go to the party wearing the costume. There was a mask that goes with it so I could stay in the back ground without anyone noticing me. I had to go. I had to see what Jared and Ryan will do tonight.

        • Music was playing and people were dancing in costumes as I entered the gym where the party was being held. The green costume I was wearing certainly felt tight on my body. Accentuating my ass, and my crotch bulge. I was glad I was wearing a mask so no one would know it's me. I got a lot of looks and glances from everyone around, both girls and boys and teachers, including Mr. Anderson. I felt myself blushing underneath my mask.

I saw Ryan, luckily he wasn't wearing a mask, though he held one in his hand. He looked magnificent in a gold and silver costume. He looked like a prince. His dark wavy hair combed back. His handsome face looking about the room like he's inspecting his royal subjects. Though I knew he was searching out Jared, who must be around here somewhere.

Just then something amazing happen. Ryan actually noticed me. He smiled, showing dimples and perfect teeth. How could a boy be so perfect? He approached me, his smile never wavering.

"Hi," he said. "That's a great costume."


"I'm not sure if we've ever met, but there's something about you. I-I don't know what exactly, I have this dance?"

Like in a daze I held out my hand to him and he took it and lead me to the dance floor. People were swaying to some slow song. Very romantic. We got stares from all around the room. A lot of his jock friends and even his girlfriend, Charise was standing with their mouth agape. I couldn't believe he was doing this out in the open.

We didn't stop at this song. We danced and danced and dance some more. He spun me around the room several times before Charise had had enough and marched over to us.

"What do you think you are doing Ryan? You brought me to the dance. Not him, Are you suddenly gay or what?"

"I think I might be," he said.

Everyone in the room gasped. Even me. I couldn't believe he said it right out loud. I suddenly worried that maybe it was this magical lucky buckle that made him say it and that he would regret it tomorrow. And he would hate me for it. But I was lost in the moment as my dream seemed to be coming true.

"Well! You can have him!" Charise screamed at me then stomped off. Her friends all gathered around her to comfort her.

"I can't believe you just said that."

"Neither can I, actually. I've been feeling this way for a while. There was this one guy I was supposed to meet tonight. We were going to experiment with each other. But I don't see him around. I know this is forward of me, you think you would like know...have sex with me?"

The world stood still for a moment as I heard his words. The words I've been dreaming about for months. Ryan Prince wants to have sex with me. He doesn't know it's me and maybe he would change his mind if he saw my face, but he wants to have sex. Instead of Jared, it's going to me. How can this be happening?

"Yes. I would love it."

He lead me away from the crowd. Through the boys locker room and into some back room there they used for weight training or something. The room smelled of teenage boys.

Ryan smiled at me and my heart melted. He leaned forward and kissed me gently on the lips. The kiss lingered and turned more passionate. More desperate. Longing for his touch. To feel his body. My hands slid down towards his firm ass and his slid down to mine. Cupping them and squeezing them. I dreamed of this moment but I wasn't sure what to do. Who would do what to whom. Was Ryan a top? Would he only want to fuck me? I decided to let him take the lead.

"I don't know who yo are," Ryan said, "but you're one hell of a kisser. Can I take this mask off of you?" He reached up to grab it. I stopped him and grasped his hand. I didn't want to ruin this moment my revealing my identity yet.

"I think it's more fun to have a little mystery. For now," I said as way of explanation.

He looked perplexed but agreed and we continued kissing and groping each other.

He reached for my dick and felt it through the fabric of my costume. I moaned and kissed hm harder and grabbed hold of his dick through the fabric of his costume in return. He unzipped the fly of my costume and reached inside and felt the flesh of my dick. He pulled it out and suddenly dropped to his knees. I was confused and dazed for a minute. Unable to think clearly. Without warning he opened his mouth and pulled my dick inside his hot mouth and tightened his lips around the base. He was able to get my whole 6 inches inside.

"Oh my God!" I moaned.

He pulled off of my dick for a moment and looked up at me concerned.

"Are you alright?"

"I just didn't expect you to suck my dick. For some reason, I thought it would be me doing the sucking."

"That wouldn't be fair, would it?"

He resumed sucking my throbbing dick making me squirm with delight. His head bobbing back and forth. His tongue sliding on the flesh of my cock. He was good for his first time, though I had nothing to compare it to. After a few more strokes in his talented mouth he pulled off of my dick and jerked me off as he went for my balls. He was like a hungry animal. Sucking and licking my balls as he jerked my cock. His thumb went over my piss slit, driving me wild with desire. I looked down as he was tugging at my balls with his mouth. Our eyes connected. There was lust there. But also love. In that moment I think he loved me although he didn't know who I was.

He let go of my balls and went down on my cock once more. Sucking and licking and jacking. He went wild on my cock. Using all the suction he could. Using his tongue. Using his hand. All to please me. I knew I would cum soon if he kept up and I wanted to suck on him before I did.

"Ryan...Ryan...I want to suck you now. Please."

He looked up at me and smiled. I loved his smile.

I got on my knees while he stood, leaning against a workout bench. I fondled his cock through his costume. He was hard. And his dick was thick and long. I knew I was going to enjoy sucking him. My dream man.

I pulled out his dick through the fly of his costume and without hesitation gobbled his dick into my hungry, salivating mouth.

"Oh God!" He moaned. "Where have you been all my life." I wanted to tell him right under his nose, but I was too busy with his delicious cock.

I sucked and licked his cock. It was a beauty. At least 8 inches and it was thick and cut. I loved sucking it. I spit his dick out and sucked on his balls, trying to copy him, trying to be as good as he was. I hoped I was succeeding. By the sounds he was making, I was.

I kept jacking him as I was nibbling on his big juicy balls. His knees were bent and I think they were shaking. He might be close, so I once again devoured his cock.

"Oh God! Yeah! I'm gonna cum! Ohhhhhhhhhh! Keep sucking! Oooooooooo! God! Yeah! Suck my dick! Ahhhhhhhhhh! I'm cumming!"

His cum coated my tonsils in splash after splash. Squirt after squirt. It felt like a gallon of his sperm being unloaded in my mouth. Some of it dribbled out of my mouth, but I managed to swallow most of it as my throat gulped furiously on the tasty discharge.

"Oh man!" He was shaking and sweating. He slid down to the floor. My mouth still on his dick. He pulled out of my mouth slowly, his cock sensitive to the touch.

I sat beside him, my cock still hanging out of my green costume pants. Hard and standing proud. Ryan's cock was softening and deflating. It still looked big though.

"That was great," he said as he rubbed his cock. "Now, it's your turn again."

He slid down between my legs, grabbed my cock in his fist and licked the head which sent shivers through my body. He put the head in his mouth and ran his tongue all over the underside of it. He slowly went down to my pubic bush. He went back up then back down again. Up and down he went as he built a rhythm of sucking. I started to move my hips, thrusting my cock into his mouth. He stayed still, allowing me to fuck his mouth.

"Oh God Ryan! Oh God! Yeah! I'm close!"

He tightened his lips around my cock as I continued to fuck his mouth.

"Oh yeah! Oh Yeah!" My orgasm was building. I could feel it churning deep inside me, quacking to release through my dick. The wet, sticky juices of my seed. "Oh God! Oh Yeah. Oh! Oh! Ahhhhhhhhhh" My cum shot out of my dick and into Ryan's mouth as I fucked him. He tried swallowing it, though some dribbled out of his mouth. I held my hips in mid air as I unloaded my cum and Ryan took over sucking again. And he sucked and sucked and sucked. My dick was still hard and though I just squirted a lot in his mouth I was ready to go again. He wouldn't let go of my cock and kept sucking. My body trembled as another orgasm over took me as my cum shot forth once again inside Ryan's sucking mouth. "Ahhhhhhh! Oh my God! Your making me cum again!" I couldn't believe how good it felt. How good Ryan was at this for a beginner. How amazing it had all been. "Oh God!" I screamed once more as I unloaded the last of my cum for the night. Drained and exhausted, I slumped back onto the floor. Ryan pulled off of my dick and crawled onto my prone body and kissed me. I could taste my own cum.

"That was amazing," Ryan said. I could feel his dick on mine. We cuddled a while and made out. We both dozed off like that.

I'm not sure how long we were out but the chimes of a clock woke me up. It was about midnight. I remembered what the little man had said. The belt buckle will lose it's power at midnight. I have had good luck all night with my step mother mysteriously disappearing and my step brother nowhere to be found And Ryan and me having sex, It had been amazing. But now it must come to an end, My dick was still hanging out of my costume pants so I tucked it in and zipped up. I rose and was about to leave when I heard Ryan behind me.

"Where are you going?"

"I have to go. It's after midnight. I should go home."

"Where is home? I can take you. I really want to see you again. See where this leads." . I wanted that too. But he really wouldn't want me. Not if he knew who I was. It was just one magical night. That's all it will ever be.

"I'm sorry. I can't. You wouldn't really like me if you knew who I was," I told him and started to go out the door.

"Who are you? Please don't go. I think I love you."

I knew it was just the night talking. The magic of the lucky charm. So I headed out the door and didn't look back.

        • The next day the night seemed like a blur. Had I really sucked Ryan off? Had he sucked me off? I could still feel his lips on my dick. I remembered what it felt like when my cum gushed out into his mouth, twice. The pure pleasure it was. I wanted to do it again. I wanted to be with Ryan always, but knew it couldn't be. It was one night of passion I would never forget. I was sure that Ryan would forget it some time soon, if he hadn't already.

Now things are back to normal. I'm as unlucky as ever as my stepmother was down stairs when I went down for breakfast. I found out what had happened to them as I approached the kitchen door. It seems that Jared had some car trouble. He ended up driving aimlessly until he was in the middle of nowhere. He didn't remember how he got there. He just had a sudden urge to go for a drive.

His car stopped and wouldn't work. He had his cell phone so he called his mom to pick him up. When she got there her car suddenly stalled out. They were miles from any thing. The closest gas station was ten miles away. And for some strange reason, the cell phone lost it's signal. Even my stepmother's phone stopped working. By this time it was already dark and they were too frightened to walk to the gas station, plus it was too far off and they were both tired. So they both slept in their cars.

In the morning, they decided to try their cars again and they mysteriously worked, so they were able to drive home. Jared was disappointed he had missed the party, but probably not for the reason his mother imagined. Little did Jared know that I took his place with Ryan. I wasn't about to tell him though, as much as it would have been sweet to gloat after the way he treated me. But I was afraid he might blab to Ryan if only to confirm my story and Ryan can never know.

"Hi Jared. How was the party last night?" I said, trying not to sound too cheery.

"It was great," he lied. "I had a good time, if you know what I mean." He winked at me, trying to convince me he had sex with Ryan. I played along trying to look annoyed as I sat down with my bowl of corn flakes.

"I'm glad you had a good time dear," his mother played along. "You must have gotten in late. Hurry up boys or you are going to be late."

"Can I get a ride with you Jared?"

"Nope. No can do."

I decided to forgo the rest of my breakfast so I can at least try to make it to school in time.

        • Ryan walked right past me in the hall. He wasn't paying attention to where he was going and ran right smack into Jared.

"Oh, sorry man," Ryan said.

"No prob. Sorry about last night, I was..."

"Hey about last night," Ryan interrupted him. I was standing at my locker fiddling with the lock and I was able to hear them pretty clearly as they were just a couple of feet away. And they weren't whispering. "I met this guy at the party. And well, we messed around."

"Really?" Jared sounded disappointed and maybe a little jealous.

"Yeah, we sucked each other's cocks. Then he just disappeared."

"Hmmmm. Strange. Who was he? What did he look like?"

"I don't know. He was wearing a mask the whole time."

"Really strange. Maybe he was ugly and had a face full of zits and didn't want you to see."

"Maybe, But there was something about him. I can't stop thinking about him. I got to find him. Will you help?"

"Well, I don't know. If you didn't even see his face..."

"But I saw his dick. It was the most beautiful dick I have ever seen. I think I might be able to recognize it if I saw it again."

"What are we going to do then? Have every guy in school pull down his pants so you can see if that's the guy from last night? A lot of dicks looks a like you know, you could even make a mistake."

"Well, there are other ways I have to find out for sure."

Jared perked up.

"What? You gonna suck off the whole school?"

"No. Nothing like that. I only want to suck his. But there's his smell, it was very intoxicating. And his built. And his eyes, I saw his eyes through the eye holes of his mask. So those are other things I will look for too. So will you help?"

"It's a long shot, but I'll help."

I left unnoticed. I was surprised that I had made such an impression on him. But it could never be. He never really saw me before that night. It was the mystery that intrigued him most of not knowing who I was. I would be the last guy he would be looking for and by then he would have given up his search.

        • News spread around the school that Ryan was looking for the guy he hooked up with. Everyone, with the exception of Charise, got over the shock that Ryan was gay. And there were a lot of gay and bi boys who lined up to have Ryan take a look at their dick. He was searching high and low and little did he know the guy from the party was right under his nose.

They were using the boys restroom for Ryan to check out the dicks of the guys and a small line was forming. I needed to go and didn't want to use the other one on the other side of the school or the ones upstairs. Jared was standing guard outside the door and as I approached he stepped forward.

"No cutsies. Besides, you weren't at the party so you have no business here."

"Would you believe I have to use the restroom," I said, annoyed.

"Use another one. This one is for official business."

Just then a boy who looked sad came out.

"Oh well, it was worth a try." he said. "Guess I just wasn't the right fit."

Not wanting to argue with Jared or stay and watch this spectacle, I rushed towards the stairs to find another restroom.

        • I washed my hands and splashed water on my face.

"Why was he trying to find me any way." I thought to myself "Couldn't he just leave it as one magical night that will not be repeated?"

"Well now, lad," a voice from somewhere inside the restroom said. The little man came out of a stall. "You don't give up on someone you love."

Did I say that out loud?

"Wha...what are you doing here?"

"Surprised to see me, aren't you now?"

"Yes. Are you a stalker?"

"Of course not, lad. I'm a leprechaun."

I couldn't believe what I just heard.

"Um...okay. I gotta go now."

"Not so fast."

He suddenly appeared before me as if by magic.

"How did you do..."

"Never mind that. I just want to have a wee talk with ya. I might have mislead you before."

"About being a leprechaun?"

"Of course not. I am a leprechaun," he said rather forcefully to get the message clear he wasn't joking around. "About the lucky charm I gave ya?"

"It wasn't lucky?"

"It was lucky. But all it did was put some obstacles out of your way for Ryan to have a chance to notice ya. Once he noticed ya he was overwhelmed with true love. Love at first sight."

"But I was wearing a mask."

"He saw through to the inner you. So go downstairs and tell him the truth before it's too late. That Jared is going to try something if ya don't. And now for me next trick."

The leprechaun began to fade away in sparkles and gold dust, but before he could fully disappear a teenaged boy came in and his mouth dropped open as he saw the leprechaun vanish before his eyes.

The boy stood there dumbstruck. I didn't know what to say or do so we just looked at each other. Then he finally spoke.

"My parents were right. I am too young to drink."

        • The small line of boys had gone. I assumed they have been all checked and rejected. Jared wasn't at his post. I opened the door to the restroom as quietly as possible and heard them talking.

"I don't understand it. None of those guys was him. I know it. You suppose he didn't show."

"You think he goes to a different school?"


"It will be nearly impossible to find him. I think you should give up. Look, I like you a lot. Sorry I wasn't there or else it would have been me instead of him. So why don't we give it a try?"

Ryan looked up at him and smiled.

"Well...I guess we..."

Just then I entered the restroom and they both looked at me.

"What are you doing here?" Jared demanded.

"Well, um..." I was losing my nerve, but I thrust myself forward towards Ryan. "I'm here for him to check me out."

They both looked at each other. Ryan smiled sweetly while Jared sneered and shook his head like he couldn't believe I had the nerve.

"Listen twerp, he has given up that search. Besides you weren't at that party."

"I was too," I defended myself. "You and your mother weren't home and so I decided to go."

"Does he look at all familiar to you, Ryan?" Jared asked.

"Whoever he was, he was wearing a mask."

"Look, I know my step brother. He's just making up stories."

"Well, we might as well check him out. I have nothing to lose. Then if he isn't the one, we can talk about us."

Jared smirked, like he thinks I will fail the test. I started to worry that I would. After all, how could he tell by just looking at my dick?

I stepped forward and Jared steeped back and gestured with his arm in a 'be my guest' way. I dropped my pants and underwear and held my breath.

Ryan examined my dick, which was getting hard under his stare. I saw his eyes go wide.

"Oh my God!" He said. "There it is. The three freckles I saw that night."

"Is that how you could tell?" Jared asked appalled. "You didn't tell me that."

"I didn't tell you everything."

"This could be a coincidence. Just because he has three..."

"It's not a coincidence. Besides, no one else I checked had three freckles, even one right there. That made me fall in love even more."

"Fall in love?" Jared asked. "Listen, I think you would be wasting your time."

"No I'm not. Sorry Jared, but we have some lost time to make up for."

I pulled up my pants and Ryan grabbed my hand and lead me out.

        • "Alone at last," Ryan said.

We were in his bedroom. It looked like a typical jock's bedroom with all the trophies he has won and banners. His bed was messy but looked big and cozy and his desk was stacked with notebooks and text books and a computer. Clothes were strewn everywhere.

"Ryan, why me?" I asked. "You could have anyone. I'm nothing."

"You're everything." He said and then he kissed me. A long and passionate kiss. His tongue entered my mouth and played around with my own tongue. He pulled away from the kiss and looked into my eyes. "I know it sounds crazy, but I love you. I want to be with you always."

"I thought once you found out who I was you would have ran away."

"No. Never. I'm sorry I didn't notice you before, that's very foolish of me. But you are what I've been looking for all along. My parents are away for a couple of days. We have the house to ourselves. Please stay with me."

"I would love to," I said.

We took turns undressing each other. There was no hurry. We had plenty of time to explore each other's bodies. And explore them we did. We fondled each other's cocks and sucked them We got in a 69 position. Ryan took my cock into his mouth and I took his. We sucked and licked each other until we came in each other's mouths.

I didn't bother calling my step mother or Jared, I figured they wouldn't be worried about me anyway. After resting up and watching some TV we were ready to go again. We were determined to do everything there is to do in gay sex for the next couple of days.

"Phillip, I want you to fuck me."

"Are you sure Ryan?"


"You just seem more like a top to me. You're so masculine."

"I want to try everything and I want to try them with you."

After getting him ready with lube and loosening him up I rolled a condom over my cock while he laid on the bed with his legs spread revealing his perfect hole. I lined my cock up with it and guided it inside.

"Ohhhhh," Ryan moan. "Go slow, okay." I obeyed and waited for a minute until he got used to it then pushed more into him. "Ahhhhhh, God. Your dick is really stretching my asshole, but I like it." I began moving my dick in and out of his hole. All the way in and then out with just the head inside. "Oh God Phillip! Fuck me! Yeah! Do it to me! Give me all your dick! Ahhhhhh!"

"Oh wow, this feels great. You can fuck me next so you will know how it feels."

"Deal. And you will know how it feels on my end, It's fucking awesome!"

We decided to change positions and he got on his hands and knees and I got behind him and fucked him doggy style. I grabbed his dick underneath him and jerked him off.

"Yeah, jack my dick!" He shouted.

"Oh yeah! Feeling good!"

Soon we changed positions again and he was riding my cock as I lay on the bed. His dick was bouncing as he rose and went back down on my shaft. I grabbed his dick and jacked him again. This time I jacked him to the finish.

"Oh God! Phillip! I'm cumming!" Hot and thick white liquid shot out of his dick and landed everywhere. On the sheets, on my chest and face. A lot of it dribbled ob my hand,

"Ryan, I'm gonna cum!" I announced. Soon I was filling his asshole with my load. "Ahhhhhhhh! God! Yeah! Cumming!!! Ooooooooooyeahhhhhhhhh!!"

Once we were recovered he fucked me while jacking my cock and we both had another earth shattering orgasm.

We sucked and fucked and jacked each other many countless times during those two days. Far too soon it was time for his parents to be back home and time for me to go back home. I was in for a surprise however when I found my stepmother and stepbrother had moved out. My aunt Dorothy who loved in New York was there to greet me.

"What happened?' I asked.

She told me the house was actually in my name and that my dad had left everything to me and nothing to my stepmom. She had cheated on him and he found out and changed his will excluding her. Her was going to divorce her but had a heart attack before he could. My aunt Dorothy was going to court over this, though no one bothered to tell me. But finally my aunt won the case and she was assigned my guardian until I am 18.

So my life suddenly changed practically over night. I had my own house and money and an aunt who really loved me. I also had a new boyfriend.

Ryan picked me up for school and as we were riding we happened to see a familiar face. It was Jared. He was walking to school. He could no longer afford the expensive sports car he used to drive around in.

"Do you think we should offer him a lift?" I asked Ryan.

"After the way he treated you?"

"Well, he is my stepbrother after all. And I think he's suffered enough. I heard they are living in a trailer now."

Ryan stopped the car and leaned over and kissed me.

"That's why I love you. You're s kindhearted."

And we lived happily ever after. Guess I was a lucky lad after all.

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