Luck in Being Stranded

By moc.liamtoh@daehregna

Published on Dec 10, 2000



The boat had been adrift for weeks. Neither Marc nor Roger had any idea where they were. Fortunately they would always have the rising and setting of the sun to guide them, not to mention plenty of food and each other's good company.

Marc was actually shocked he was even on this boat because he had come out of the closet to Roger (a heavy conservative who always spoke out against homosexuals) less than a month ago, and yet here he was. The invitation made Marc happy and sad at the same time: happy because he was madly in love with Roger and now had some time alone with him, but sad because of the aforementioned anti-homosexual stance.

At least there had been several occasions Marc was able to jerk off about, like seeing Roger in a Speedo outfit several times (even with a hardon once). Masturbating did the trick of reducing the level at which Marc's hormones raged, but he knew he would reach a point where this wouldn't work...where he would have to make his feelings known to Roger.

That point came one evening when the boat was anchored. Marc stood on the deck, running his hands through his hair and watching the sunset. Having just come from a swim, he was wearing nothing but trunks. From behind the sight of him would have made a beautiful painting: the sunlight glowing around him like a halo, highlighting his 5'7" 140 lb frame, blond hair, golden tan. The only feature that would be missed from behind (and this would be a shame) were his steel blue eyes...a tremendous sight to be missed, but his firm behind made up for this travesty.

Marc grabbed a towel and dried off as he headed below deck to his bedroom. As he walked in, Marc was surprised to hear his shower running. Did I leave that on, Marc wondered as he approached the bathroom door.

Pausing just outside the bathroom, Marc knocked.

Roger's voice answered, "Yeah?"

"Roger? Why are you using my shower?" Marc asked.

"Oh, there's something wrong with mine. I'll be out in just a minute," Roger replied.

Shortly after their interaction the shower did indeed go off. Marc went to the bed, sitting on it so he could face the bathroom, hoping that Roger would come out naked. He didn't, but he was wearing a pair of briefs that was almost as skimpy as the Speedo swimwear.

There Roger stood in all his glory, still drying his hair. He was 5'10" with brown hair and eyes, a perfectly trimmed mustache, light tan and an athletic build. Marc looked Roger over. They made eye contact, and Marc realized Roger knew he was being checked out.

It was time, now or never.

Smiling, Marc said, "You'd make a good underwear model."

"Really?" Roger chuckled.

Then Marc proceeded to swallow the lump in his throat as he said, "You would look even better if you took that underwear off."

Roger stopped drying his hair. He tossed the towel aside and walked over to the bed. For a moment he just stood there in front of Marc, not saying a word.

"Oh really?" he finally said. "You'd like that, huh?"

All Marc could do was stare into Roger's gorgeous eyes and nod.

"Why don't you tell me what would make you happy, Marc?" Roger whispered.

Somehow Marc found his voice long enough to say, "If you would take off your underpants for me, Roger."

With a smug smirk, Roger said, "That's what I thought."

Then Roger turned around and, after hooking his thumbs under the waistband, started to remove his underwear. He bent over as he pushed them down, giving Marc the best possible view of the gorgeous, round, practically hairless ass that was revealed. Marc couldn't help getting hard at the sight of this. Roger took one leg then the other out of the briefs. Slowly he turned back to face Marc, but he had draped the underwear over his (obviously erect) penis to hide it from view.

"If you wanna see it, you take 'em off yourself...slowly."

Marc grabbed the briefs between his thumb and pointer finger, finding his breath suddenly short. Then, like the initial unveiling of a statue in a public park, Marc gradually tugged the briefs away and let them drop to the floor.

What lay before his eyes was a thick-trunked, purple-headed miracle of genetics. There was a light thatch of pubic hair just above the root. Roger's penis extended six inches before him, bobbing in the excitement of exposure. A pair of lovely testicles hung low beneath the shaft. Marc blushed at the sight of this amazing set of genitals.

Roger, noticing Marc's new color, said, "Aw, now that is a sweet gesture. You really like what you see, don't you?"

"Oh God, yes," Marc moaned.

"Go ahead then. Touch it however you want."

With no sign of hesitation (but in slow, sure movements) Marc lovingly cupped Roger's balls in one hand while putting the other at the base of the throbbing cock. He lightly rubbed Roger's sack, working up some saliva while also stroking the wonderfully hard penis. Finally Marc was ready and he leaned forward, open-mouthed, to take in Roger's beautiful root. It felt better in his mouth than any penis he had ever allowed in there, tasting salty and sweet as his lips glided up and down the shaft. Up above, Roger's groans of ecstasy told Marc how good he was doing.

"Okay," Roger said breathlessly, "stand up now."

The penis unfortunately had to be removed from his mouth, but Marc let it slip out and then rose to his feet. Roger's hands immediately went to Marc's trunks and with one strong tug they went right down to Marc's ankles.

"Oh my my, Roger," Marc said as he kicked away the trunks and put his arms around Roger's shoulders, "aren't we the aggressive one?"

Not even bothering to speak, Roger put his hands on Marc's hips and pulled him close. His lips locked on to Marc's, then softened and parted. While their tongues mingled Marc lifted his right leg and rubbed it up and down Roger's thigh. This action made Roger grow even harder, although Marc hadn't thought that was possible. Meanwhile Roger was reaching down in back to caress Marc's firm, round buttocks. Marc felt like he was glowing as those strong, masculine hands massaged and squeezed his rear end; he wished this touch would last forever.

"Lay down on your back," Roger whispered.

Roger followed Marc to the bed, continuing the kiss for a while, never lying on top of Marc but hovering over him. Then Roger moved the kissing from Marc's mouth to his neck, slowly kissing down until his nose was in Marc's pubic hair. Very lightly Roger started putting his lips on Marc's balls and shaft. He kissed from root to crown and unexpectedly took it all into his mouth, driving Marc wild with the spontaneity of his gesture.

After a while the oral pleasure stopped. Roger kissed his way back up to Marc's face and said, "Please turn over."

When Marc did, the kisses resumed on his neck. Roger moved on to the shoulders. Once again the kisses moved downward, this time in a zig zag pattern, then back up just before the buttocks so Roger could kiss right down Marc's spine.

Then he reached the source of all Marc's pride and joy: his rear end. Roger alternated between caressing and kissing each cheek while Marc moaned his approval.

Then, shockingly, Roger went for broke.

Marc suddenly found a tongue exploring his anus. The invasion was completely unexpected, and Roger wasted no time in going to town with this new activity. He could tell the gesture had excited Marc, so Roger grabbed his new lover's hips and hoisted him up on to his knees. Once Marc was settled into this new position he lightly jerked his own cock while Roger's tongue now ran up and down the entire length of the line between the buttocks, lingering on the hole with every pass.

"I know what you want to do," Marc said. "You can give it a shot if you want."

Roger reached into a nearby night stand and withdrew a tube of K-Y jelly. While continuing with his tongue Roger applied a copious amount of lubricant to his erection.

As he rose up to his knees Roger said, "Marc, I don't want you to think of this as me fucking you, okay? I want you to think of it as me making love to you."

"Oh, Roger," Marc gasped. "That's so beautiful. I can't even describe how that makes me feel."

"Simplicity is the best way," Roger said.

"Roger," Marc whispered breathlessly, "please make love to me."

With that Roger started to gradually work himself into Marc's backside. He grew increasingly excited as more and more of his length was accepted into the warm, tan, beautiful rear end. With each bit of ground Roger gained, he became more confident that the anus was yielding without the slightest bit of reluctance.

At first the sensation was uncomfortable for Marc, but as more of the rock-hard penis entered his up-turned bottom he found himself rocking with Roger's thrusts. Before he even realized it, Roger's crotch was pressing flush up against his buttocks; Marc had been able to take the penis in its entirety. Not one inch of Marc's anus was off limits to Roger, and his own ability to accept all of this gorgeous man's penis excited Marc immensely.

Marc could feel that his and Roger's testicles were touching each other, so he reached down below to caress them both while Roger just let the entire length of his penis rest in Marc's pooper, patiently waiting out until the muscles adjusted to the long stiff rod's presence. Mentally Marc had already welcomed the shaft and wonderfully purple head, and Roger knew that where the mind went the body would follow. It was only a matter of time.

"I've wanted this for so long, Roger. I love you."

"I love you too, Marc."

As if this comment alone wasn't enough to make Marc gasp in surprise, there was the fact that Roger started to make love to him at the same time. Marc felt the penis slowly withdraw and then push in again. He groaned in ecstasy as Roger's sex surged forward, putting his hand to his own erection while Roger worked at loosening Marc's tight backside. He was taking a snail's pace, getting the anal opening to gradually enjoy the sensation of his stiff manhood maneuvering against its tight walls. Marc moaned every time the penis pushed into his anus, thinking how exceedingly glad he was to be gay so gorgeous men like this could make love to him and insert their lovely penises into his poop chute, thrusting in again and again until Marc's whole body just relaxed and submitted to the aggressive cock that wanted to keep plunging in and out of his ass until it squirted its owner's hot seed into Marc's bowels.

For a while Roger faced quite a bit of adversity; Marc's muscles just did not want to relax and therefore allow Roger to pick up the pace. However, Roger was not about to quit. He kept working at it. Soon his devotion paid off; he felt something give inside Marc and he was able to move a little faster. As the momentum built Marc rocked with Roger, still masturbating in time with his lover's thrusts. Once the anus had loosened a little the floodgates were suddenly open wide, and in no time there was a slapping sound every time Roger's crotch met Marc's rear end.

The climax seemed to take forever, but soon Marc felt an explosion from his balls as the seed poured out in gushes. His orgasm sent an intense heat shooting throughout his entire body. The sensation was so overwhelming that he nearly forgot Roger was still going until there was a flurry from behind, and he felt Roger ejaculating inside him. A smile broke out over Marc's face. He leaned his ass back hard against Roger's cock, letting out a tiny "ooh" or "aah" every time he felt the semen squirt into his rectum.

When it ended they both toppled forward. They kissed while Roger lay on top of Marc, his penis slowly shrinking and then slipping out. Marc wasn't sure why Roger had changed his tune, but there would be plenty of time to hear that answer later.

Right now, though, his only concern was to get Roger hard so they could make love again.

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