Lucas and His Downfall

By Lucas .

Published on Mar 16, 2020


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Chapter 5

After my encounter with Jay, we headed back to Kyles car. As he looked up from the driver's seat, Kyle started smiling.

As Kyle looked at us both, he exited his car and walked over towards us. Completely ignoring me he greeted Jay.

"Hey how do you know the fag?" He asked Jay

"Haha, just really good friends with his boyfriend" replied Jay.

`'Ahh fair, so what's the fag told you then?" quizzed Kyle.

"Everything. And fuck man, fair play to you for using the cheat like that. I'll tell you what he deserves everything he's got coming to him, and if it's alright with you I'd love to help you use him" explained Jay.

"The more the merrier to help teach the fag. But you sure your okay with the whole Taylor boyfriend thing?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah definitely, although I did want to talk to you about that, I've got a few ways I think we can make this a bit more fun'' smirked Jay, and with that Jay took Kyle out earshot and talked to him about it, whilst I stood there still drenched in drying piss and cum.

A few minutes later they came back, laughing and joking with one another.

"Okay fag, we've got stuff to do now so you can walk back home. We'll be in contact soon- until then though, when your boyfriend isn't at home, I went you working on your new toys, and if you ever go out you must be wearing only your new clothes. If you don't do all of that, you will be punished! Also give me the bag of stuff" instructed Kyle.

"Yes sir" I replied, giving him the bag.

"Here, take off your shorts quickly. We need to make sure that hole is always full" he said, before handing me back one of the many items I had purchased in the adult store. This one being a butt plug, bigger than any cock I had seen previously.

Knowing the quicker I did this, the quicker I could pull up my shorts, I took the butt plug I tried pushing it into my ass. Letting out a yelp, I finally managed to get in my ass, but know I was in constant agony.

"Good boy now take the bag and start walking. And you can only take that out once you're back home" said Kyle, before he and Jay jumped into the car.

As they left me stood there, I started walking back home, too exhausted and in pain from the last two days, as well as the butt plug in my ass, I just couldn't run home. Instead I just tried hiding in bushes whenever someone was nearby. As a result, it took me well over an hour to get back home. When I did get back home, there was only about 15 minutes before Taylor was supposed to be back. Following a similar routine to the previous day, I threw my clothes into the washing basket, before taking out the butt plug and hiding that and the toys, in the back of my closet, and just as I got into the shower I heard the front door open, thankfully I had just managed to again get away with the days activities without Taylor catching me.

Getting out of the shower, Taylor jumped me wrestling me onto the bed, before kissing me, moving his head further down my naked body, he started to plant kisses over my chest and torso. Letting his tongue move further down onto my cock, taking it into his mouth. Despite all of Taylors action I just couldn't manage to get hard. I was just too worn out to do anything, however I knew if I didn't Taylor would start to get suspicious, so despite being extremely tired, I grabbed Taylor flipping him over and took his cock into my mouth, sucking him till he got hard. As soon as he got hard, I sat on top of him, letting his cock slip into my ass, as I started bouncing up and down.

Just trying to get this over and done with before I collapsed, I quickened my pace, hoping he would cum soon. Thankfully before too long Taylor started to buckle his hips, filling my ass with his cum. Pulling out of me, he planted a kiss on my lips, before saying:

"Wow someone was eager, and loose too haha, you had some practice earlier?" laughed Taylor

Nervously I replied by saying "Ha you got me, I just get so bored alone without you, I needed to entertain myself some how"

"Well next time your off work and home alone, you'll have to send me some videos" Taylor joked.

If only Taylor knew the real reason, I was so loose and not less than ten minutes had a putt plug in my ass, he would leave me in a second. How the fuck was I going to get out of this. With only Kyle, it was possible I could have maybe been able to avoid Taylor finding out, but now with Jay, one of Taylor's closest friends now involved too, I had no idea how I was going to get out of this.

The next morning, and despite still being mentally and physically exhausted, I decided I couldn't have another day off work, so headed in. As I arrived and sat at my desk, I just wanted to break down and cry, yet being at work allowed me for the first time since all this started I allowed myself to not think about any of it, instead by the time lunch had arrived I had caught with almost all the work I had missed in the previous days, and it was honestly the most productive I had ever been.

However, just I was about to sit down for my lunch and tuck into my ham and cheese baguette, I received a message from Kyle, and I snapped back into my reality. The message read- come down to your car now.

Knowing that I must oblige I put my food back in my lunch box, and headed down towards my car, as I arrived I saw Kyle and Jay stood leaning against my car.

"Such a good obedient fag" laughed Jay

"Oh he is, come on strip then boy" instructed Kyle

"Sir please, what if someone sees me, I could get fired" I pleaded to them both.

"That's your problem not mine, now strip" Kyle said raising his voice too me.

Without saying another word, I took my jacket off, and unbuttoned my shirt, placing them and my lunch box on top of my cars roof. Next, I kicked off my shoes, before sliding my trousers down my leg and stepping out of them. Leaving me in just a pair of boxers.

"Hey where's your new underwear?!" sternly asked Kyle.

"Umm still I the bag sir" I replied

"Not good enough boy, from now on you must only buy the underwear we brought. Understood?" he snapped back.

"Yes sir understood"

"Good, but for now you'll be punished for not wearing them, so step out of your underwear" Kyle again instructed.

Obeying, I stepped out of them, as Jay picked them up and chucked them into a near by bin. Because of your disobedience, you will now spend the rest of the day without any underwear. Now before you go back to your lunch break, get our cocks out and get us hard. And with that I went to each of them, pulling their cocks out of their pants, and taking one into my mouth as I sucked off the other. For the first time, I took the cock of my boyfriend's best friend into my, letting the tip touch the back of my throat. As I sucked him off, I felt Kyle move and grab something. As I took Jays cock out my mouth to take a quick breather, I looked over at Kyle who had my lunchbox in his hand. As he opened my lunchbox, it seemed like I was going to go the rest of the day with no food in my stomach, but to my surprise and horror, he instead took the meal, and brought it down to his cock, before exploding cum into the baguette. As I tried comprehending what happened, Jay pushed me away from his cock and too the ground, taking the baguette himself, and cumming himself covering the ham and cheese in his produce.

Thinking they were going to make me eat it there and then, they instead put it back into the box, before handing the box to me. Telling me to get dressed and to not eat my sandwich, until I was back in my works canteen. And with that, they left me laying in the car park. Quickly I got dressed and handed back to my work.

As I arrived back at work, I sat down and slowly got my now ruined lunch out of the box. And slowly in front of my unsuspecting colleagues, took I bite out of my ham, cheese and cum baguette. Whilst the sandwich as a result tasted awful now, I quickly finished it off, before anyone noticed the smell of cum from my lunch. Finally, it was the end of my lunch break and I could go back to my desk, and get this day finished with. However, as the second half of the day wore on, I was unable to get my head back into the game and ended up doing barely any work. But at least it looked like I had been able to survive the day and nobody was any wiser about my situation.

Just as I was about to leave for the day, Tyler a work colleague of mine, came up to me to talk.

"Hey, where've you been these past few days?" he asked

"Oh, just not been feeling very good, had a bit of stomach bug" I replied, lying.

"Haha, ahh that makes sense considering what you eat for lunch" He said, before winking at me and walking away.

Shit, I thought, he knows...

Hope you all enjoyed. Chapter 6 hopefully coming soon. As always, any and all feedback welcome at

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