Lucas and His Downfall

By Lucas .

Published on Feb 11, 2020


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Chapter 4

Checking the list, the items I saw filled me with anxiety. The first items on the list- were some new clothes, only issue with that they weren't exactly the typical clothes I bought. The first items were to go to the women's areas, and buy 4-5 crop tops. With specific details mentioned, firstly they all had to be bright feminine colors and all of them had to be as short as I could find them. After picking out a bunch which looked like they fit the requirements, I moved onto the next items, which were shorts, however again these shorts when I tried them on could not be lower than the bottom of my ass. The only solution I could think of which would work was buying shorts intended for young teenagers. However, I had to make sure these fitted, before buying as if they were too big or couldn't fit me, I feared what Kyle would do, so I headed over to the fitting area to try them all on. As I walked over, the looks I got from other customers were that of disgust. With both the clothes I was wearing and the clothes I was trying on drawing equal dismayed looks.

After trying on all the clothes I decided they all just about fit, and Kyle would not be disappointed with them. The final pieces of clothing I had to buy, was all new underwear, with these purchases ranging from new jockstraps, to women's panties, to very tight boy briefs. After picking out a large enough selection, I carefully headed over to the check out whilst actively trying to avoid the eyes of the guy working behind the till. As he scanned my purchases, he quite clearly wasn't trying to hide his laughter, instead openly mocking me to his colleagues, picking up one of the pair of briefs and showing it off to a colleague, before flinging it back at me, forcing me to bend over to pick it back, essentially exposing my ass to him. This resulted In more laughter from him, before saying to me:

`'If that pussy of yours ever needs breeding, it can serve this beast'' Before grabbing his crotch, and humping his hand.

Completely humiliated, I walked out of the store, before checking the list for final few items. But when I checked over these items, it didn't exactly fill me with ease. Walking over to the final store I needed to go into, just before entering I looked at the entrance to the store, seeing so many disturbing images. See this wasn't exactly your regular store, this was a pure adult store, and that was the only place I would be able to buy the items from the list.

Rushing into the store, I tried to keep my head low hoping nobody would notice or recognize me, but given the clothes I was wearing, it was difficult to keep eyes off of me. The first item of all things was a cock ring. Obviously, this was my first time in one of these shops and also my first time buying a cock ring, so I had no idea where it would be and what size I needed. Before I even had a chance to think about that though, one of the store employees approached me asking:

`'Hey, what you looking for?'', before I could respond, he saw the list in my hand, grabbing it to check it himself.

'Ahh wonderful'' he said with glee, 'Your first time in here, I'm guessing? Although with that clothing and these items, you could have anyone convinced you were an experienced slut''

`'Umm'' was all I could manage before he cut me off again.

`'Okay, lets get you sorted, your master must be itching to put you in you place'' He said, before slapping my ass. Too embarrassed to say anything I just nodded as he moved me over to where the cock rings were.

`'Okay, well given you aren't exactly showing much despite your shorts I'd say this smaller cock ring should be alright, but just to be sure'' He told me, as he moved his hand from my ass to my crotch, groping it, as he made sure the cock ring would fit.

'Perfect'' He laughed, 'Nice and tiny, okay next items, ahh some butt plugs. Well I'm sure your master will want you and hole able to fit any man's cock, but just to be sure I'd recommend this set, which will help you go from taking a finger in that ass to working up to taking a fist''

Still not knowing what to say, I looked sheepishly down to at me feet. For the next 15 minutes, I watched as the guy continued to find stuff off the list such as a dildo and some nipple clamps, whilst continuing to grope different parts of the body. Finally though, he was finished and brought me over to the till to pay, however then I saw the price of everything, knowing I didn't have the money to purchase it all, I didn't know what to do. If Ieft without the items Kyle would kill me, but there was no way I could afford them all. Seeing my precident the worker said:

`'Can't pay? How about we make a deal''

And with that he dragged me over into the staff break room.

`'Now, if you don't want to disappoint your master, you will do everything I tell you to. So drop to yours knees and suck me cock'' said the worker.

Seeing that I had no other option, I dropped to my knees and let his cock escape his pants, before I urgently started sucking it. Not only had I cheated on Taylor with Kyle, now I was sucking a random guy's cock, just so I wouldn't disappoint Kyle.

Continuing to suck on the cock, I let my tongue dance around the tip, hoping that if I pleased him I would be able to leave with the items. Getting into a rhythm, I started to get hard myself in my incredibly short shorts, before the guy took his cock out of my mouth, and cumming all over my face. As I kneeled before him not knowing what to do now, the cum started to drip down onto my makeshift crop top.

'Good boy'' said the worker, 'One more thing, you thirsty?''

Not allowing me to respond, he started to piss directly onto me with some forcefully making its way into my mouth. Taken back, I continued to kneel there, as I dry-heaved at the taste of piss in my mouth, whilst the guy continued to piss on me, know aiming down at what remained of my clothes. As he finished, all he said was:

`'Get out, and take your items with you''

Drenched In now both cum and piss, I hurried out of the store with the items Kyle had told me to get, quickly rushing to get back to him. However, I didn't get far, as in my rush I bumped into someone, knocking us both to the ground. And as I faced the guy I knocked over, I recognized him, It was Jay, one of Taylors best friend.

Jay, looked me up and down, clearly in shock at what he saw in front of him.

'What the fuck?!'' He exclaimed. 'Why the fuck are you dressed like that, why are you soaked and smelling like piss, and is that fucking cum on your face? I mean I know you and Taylor can be freaky at times, but come on surely you have some level of dignity??''

Seeing at my lack of response, he quickly started to put things together.

'Wait Taylor's at work, that's not Taylor's cum is it? You fucking cheat!'' He shouted, 'Why on earth would you do that to him? He doesn't know about this does he?''

Slowly I shaked my head, confirm that Taylor had no idea.

`'Fucking hell, you two have been together since high school, why would you do that? Actually, you will tell me everything''

And with that I started telling him everything, from Grindr, to Kyle, to the random guy just now.

'Wow'' Said Jay shocked, 'You are a stupid fucking idiot, I should go to Taylor now and tell him everything, and you would get just what you deserve''

`'Please don't Jay, you know I love him, I was just as you said a stupid fucking idiot, and made a mistake and now I'm trapped, just don't tell'' I pleaded.

`'I won't tell him, but for two reasons, firstly, because I think a part of that tiny heart of yours does actually love him and telling him about you would devastate him. And two because this could benefit both of us'' replied Jay.

`'Oh thank you'' I said, tearing up.

`'Before you start getting all emotional on me, I think Its time I meet Kyle'' laughed Jay.

Hope you all enjoyed. Chapter five hopefully coming soon. As always, any and all feedback welcome at

Next: Chapter 5

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