Lucas and His Downfall

By Lucas .

Published on Feb 2, 2020


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Chapter three

Seeing that camera flash completely and utterly broke me. He had all the evidence he could ever want to ruin my life and my relationship. Who knows how many pictures or videos he could have taken as I sucked him off and got fucked by him. I was stuck, and it was all my own fault.

'Please'' I cried, 'Please please please delete that, I've done everything you wanted. I can't have them pictures going around- itll end me. Please!''

`'Haha, yeah it will end you, and you and I both know that. Now having you as my bitch today, it wasn't bad, but as you were serving me it got me thinking. See I get horny a lot, and sometimes I need somebody to sort that issue for me, so let's make a deal I won't send these pics to your friends, your family or your precious boyfriend, if! And only if, you satisfy me when I demand you too, so that means any time I need your mouth or ass you will be there promptly, and if you don't do that, well everyone is going to see you plastered in my cum'' said Kyle as he laughed.

`'Please! I'll serve you anyway whenever and wherever you wish. Just please delete those pictures'' I replied.

`'Not a chance boy, you think I'm an idiot? As soon as I delete these, I know you are just going to run back to your boyfriend and act like nothing ever happened, so no I'll be keeping these pictures as, lets say a form of insurance'' said Kyle, before turning to leave the stall.

'I'll be In touch soon'' Kyle continued, 'Oh by the way, here's your clothes'' he said, before chucking them straight at me, hitting my cum soaked face. As I grasped at them, I saw them now covered in his cum, now wondering how on earth was I going to get home, without anyone seeing what a slut I looked at.

I quickly threw on my clothes, before hurryingly trying to wash any evidence of the cum from my face. Just as I finished up cleaning my face, I turned around and saw and young man in his early twenty's enter the bathroom, knowing my clothes will still a sticky mess, I rushed out of the bathroom hoping he hadn't been able to have a good enough look to see the mess I was in.

As soon as I got out of the bathroom I sprinted home, to make sure nobody got a good look at me, as I arrived back home, I was a sweaty stinking exhausted mess , with the cum soaked clothes now sticking closely onto my body. Checking the time, I saw I had about an hour before Taylor got home, so quickly put my clothes into the washing basket, and hopped into the showing, hoping that I could clean myself up before he got back. As I got out of the shower, I put on a new set of clothes, before crashing onto the bed, drained both mentally and physically from the days horrifying events.

Before I could get a proper rest though, I was awoken by a sloppy kiss to my forward, opening my eyes I saw Taylor standing there looking as cute as ever.

`'Aww how's my baby been today, you feeling any better from this morning?'' He asked me sweetly.

`'Awful'' I replied truthfully, still hiding the real reason I felt this way.

`'Aww, I'll go make you a nice bowl of hot soup then, you just rest for now'' He said, as I slipped back off asleep, feeling even more guilty.

The next morning, I was woken up by the sound of phone receiving a message. As I opened my eyes, I saw that Taylor must have already left for work, whilst I was still off `'sick''. On his pillow there was a note from him saying how he left me some soup in the fridge and was hoping I feel better today. Picking up my phone, I opened the message, only to see a picture of me sucking Kyles cock, with a message below that saying:

Hey, bitch I'll be round in an hour to pick you up, wear something slutty or else!

Knwoing the message was from Kyle dread filled my body, mainly about where was he going to take me, and how if I didn't comply, I would be screwed. Similarly, I was worried about how he knew where I lived, but that worry could wait for now. Firstly, I had to find something to wear, so checking mine and Taylor's I searched for anything that could work. The first thing I found was my jockstrap, knowing that at least if we did go out in public if I wore this nobody apart from me and Kyle would know, and it could still be classed as slutty. Next, I searched for any pair of shorts I could find, eventually finding my shortest shorts, but even they were only just above knee level, but there was nothing else I could do they would have to work. Finally, I searched for a top, settling on one which was now quite small on me, meaning it rode up a bit on me.

Knowing my outfit wasn't perfect but also releasing it was the best I could do, I put on the clothes. Even though the clothes overall didn't look too bad, I still felt dirty. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I heard a loud car horn go off, looking out the window I saw Kyle in his car. Readying myself, getting increasingly nervous, I left the house and got into his car.

As I entered his car, he just looked at me disappointingly and just said:

`'No, not good enough, come on back into the house. Lets get you into something more appropriate''

Hanging my head in both shame and worry, I re-entered my home, this time with Kyle following, before I had time to finish closing the front door, Kyle yanked down my shorts, before bursting into laughter.

`'Haha, well you got one item of clothing right atleast. Now pass me shorts''

After shutting the door, I stepped out my shorts, picking them up and passing them too him.

`'Top too bitch'' He said

Taking off my top, left me stood there in just my jockstrap. As I passed my clothes to Kyle, he turned and walked into the kitchen, before putting my clothes on the table and searching for something. Eventually, he found what he wanted, turning back too me, with a pair of scissors in his hand.

Fearing what was coming next, I begged him not too, but before I could a full sentence out, he slapped me hard across the face, before going to the table picking up my clothes and started cutting them. When he was done, he chucked the remainder of my clothes back to me and instructed me to put them back on.

In horror I put my clothes back on, before looking down at myself petrified with the adjustments that had been made. The top which had previously been too small anyway, had now been cut so short that it barely covered my chest, whilst the sides had now been completely cut, leaving the top looking more like two pieces of fabric. Whilst the shorts were even worse, with the bottom of the shorts barely reaching over my ass cheeks. Adding to that, because of the adjustments, you could now clearly see the straps of my jock strap hanging out from the shorts. Finally, if I wasn't wearing the jock strap, there was no doubt in my mind, that it would have resulted in my balls hanging out from the bottom of the shorts.

Before I could fully comprehend what I now looked like, Kyle dragged me out my house into his car, telling me we were going to go shopping. Getting into the car, I feared the worst, knowing there was a possibility somebody I knew could see me in these clothes, in addition to that I was worried just exactly what were we shopping before. However, before I could think about what that may be, Kyle grabbed onto the back of head, pushing me down downwards his lap.

`'Suck me, as I drive'' He instructed

Dutifully, I unbuckled his jeans, fishing his cock out of his pants, and taking into my mouth. Despite how I felt betraying my boyfriend, I could not help but to admit, the taste of Kyle's cock in my mouth was everything I needed, even if not wanted. Trying to please Kyle hoping that if I did a good job he would let me stay in the car as he shopped, I starting bobbing on his cock, letting the head press against my throat, before pulling fully off the cock and then diving back down as it reentered. For about ten minutes I kept this up, sometimes changing the rhythm, and at a point licking down his shaft till I met his balls, taking them into my mouth, sucking them eagerly, before returning to his cock.

As I sucked, I couldn't help but be aware of the fact the anyone could look into the car and see me servicing his cock. In order, to minimize the risk of people seeing me do this though, I kept my head low, barely leaving the area around his member. Just as he pulled up to what I assumed was a car park, he clutched my hair forcing me to choke with him in my mouth, before erupting with cum, with my only choice being to reluctantly swallow spurt after spurt, with a few drops spilling from my mouth resting on my lips.

'Good boy'' He moaned, 'I'll consider that an apology for your clothing choices earlier. Now clean off my cock, and then I've got a list for you. You cannot return to this car until you've brought all the items on that list. I'll be waiting here, understood?''

`'Yes sir'' I nervously replied, embarrassed as well that I just called him sir.

`'Good, now go bitch'' He said, before pushing me out of the car.

As I fell out of the car, recomposing myself, I stood up dreading walking through town looking like a cheapest whore you could buy. And then, I looked at what was on the list....

Hope you all enjoyed. Chapter four hopefully coming soon. As always any

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Next: Chapter 4

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