Luc & Nikos

By hypotenusej

Published on Jul 20, 2024


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Here's Chapter 5 for your reading pleasure. Let me know what you think of the story - good or bad. Feedback is always appreciated.


Luc & Nikos 05

As Luc sat in the backseat of the car on the way to the airport, time seemed to stretch and contract. Each minute felt like an eternity. He couldn't afford to dwell on his fear; he had to stay focused. Antoine remained silent throughout the ride, offering quiet support to his agitated friend.

At the airport, the men navigated lines and security checks with a single-minded determination. They didn't have long to wait before they were called to board the plane. The world around Luc faded away - his only focus was Nikos. His heart ached with worry for him. He couldn't get the image of his battered, broken body out of his mind. Antoine gently rubbed Luc's shoulder, sensing he needed some comfort.

Luc turned his head to the man sitting next to him and looked into his eyes. He smiled weakly in appreciation. Antoine returned the smile clapping his back. "He's going to get through this, Luc."

"I hope so," Luc sighed. "What a cruel twist of fate this is. It's like there's some unstoppable force of nature trying to steal him from me. This sucks."

"Hey," Antoine furrowed his brow and turned to face Luc. "Don't say that. What happened to Nik isn't some sort of cosmic retribution for something you've done. His brother did this to him on his own volition. He'll find himself in his own hell one day... if he isn't there already."

"If you say so."

"Listen, I can't promise you that Nik's going to be fine. But if he makes it, I know for a fact that you will stop at nothing to make the time he has left on this planet heaven."

"How could anyone treat another person that way?" Luc's eyes welled up. "With such viciousness. I don't understand."

"I don't either. It's a mindset that doesn't really deserve our sympathy. I'm sure it comes from a place of deep unhappiness. Or a lack of fulfillment. Who knows?" Antoine shrugged and looked at Luc meaningfully.

"To be honest, I don't really care. Maybe if I knew Yiannis, perhaps I'd be willing to take a leap and try to understand things from his perspective. But I don't and I don't want to. He doesn't deserve that." Luc clenched his jaw and squared his shoulders. The conversation about Yiannis's motivation behind brutalizing his own flesh and blood was getting him riled up.

"I'm not trying to get you tense, Luc. But I did distract you long enough that you didn't notice us taking off," Antoine smiled at Luc.

"What? We're in the air?" Luc turned to gaze out the window, the hum of the plane engines faded to a distant, unimportant noise in the background. His eyes were fixed on the endless expanse of darkness outside. The vast black sea below him seemed to stretch infinitely, illuminated occasionally by the silvery glow of the moon. It cast a ghostly, ethereal light on the water, making it shimmer and ripple like liquid mercury. The stars above were scattered like diamonds, their cold beauty a stark contrast to the tumultuous storm brewing within his heart.

As he gazed into the night, his thoughts wandered. To his past loves. Each one was a chapter filled with both fleeting joy and lingering pain. He remembered the faces, the whispered promises that had dissolved like mist in the morning sun, leaving behind only the bitter taste of betrayal, endless hurt, and the hollow ache of abandonment. Each relationship had seemed significant at the time. Yet now, in the stark clarity of hindsight, they felt insubstantial - mere ripples on the surface of his life. Easily disturbed and quickly forgotten.

But Nikos was different. Nikos was the deep ocean. A force of nature that had pulled Luc into its depths, enveloping him in a love that was profound and all-consuming. Nikos's beauty was not just in his physical appearance, although that was striking - the way his eyes sparkled with intelligence and passion, the curve of his lips, the strength of his body. It was in his spirit, in the way he faced the world with courage despite the pain and brokenness that haunted him.

The moonlight reflected off the sea, its silver light a metaphor for the hope Luc clung to. He thought of Nikos's smile, the way it lit up his entire face, a beacon of light in the abyss. He remembered the feel of Nikos's hand in his, the way their fingers intertwined as if they were meant to fit together, as if they completed each other. The love they shared was vast, deep, and powerful. Capable of weathering any storm.

Luc pressed his forehead against the cool glass, the chill a welcome distraction from his emotions turbulence. The moonlight bathed his face in a soft, comforting glow. He felt a profound sense of helplessness, the weight of the situation pressing down on him like an anchor, dragging him into the depths of his own despair. Yet, amidst the darkness, there was a glimmer of hope. Luc knew that as long as he had breath in his body, he would fight for Nikos. He would travel any distance, face any challenge, if it meant saving the man who had captured his heart.

Luc closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, and let the moonlit sea below be his silent vow. He would reach Nikos. He would save him. And together, they would find their way back to the light. Luc shook his head, pulling himself out of his thoughts. His nervousness was evident as he bounced his knee rapidly. He knew he had to stay strong, for Nikos's sake. He couldn't afford to fall apart now.

Finally, the plane touched down in Athens, Luc's heart raced with dread, his mind filled with visions of Nikos lying battered and bruised in his apartment. Beside him, Antoine's presence offered a small measure of comfort. His friend's unwavering support provided relief in the face of the despair that was dangerously close to consuming him.

With a sense of urgency, Luc and Antoine quickly made their way through the airport, their steps quick and purposeful as they made their way to a car waiting to take them to Nikos's apartment. The ride felt like it dragged on forever. Each passing moment was filled with a mounting sense of anxiety as they raced against time to reach their destination.

As the car pulled up to Nikos's apartment building, Luc's heart pounded in his chest. His hands trembled with fear as both men prepared to face whatever horrors awaited them inside. With a silent nod to Antoine, they quickly exited the car and made their way toward the entrance. Their movements were swift and stealthy like operatives on a covert mission. Finding themselves without keys to the building, Luc and Antoine exchanged exchanged a determined glance. They knew this part of Athens well enough to know that any overt action could attract unwanted attention.

Luc surveyed the building, taking in the iron balconies, the faded shutters, and the weathered stone façade. "We can't just waltz in," he muttered. "We need to be discreet." Antoine nodded, his eyes scanning the surroundings. "Let's go around back," he suggested.

With practiced precision, they moved swiftly, ducking into an alleyway that led to the rear of the building. The alley was narrow and shadowed, a haven from prying eyes. Luc spotted a low roof, just a few meters above the ground. "There," he said, pointing. "We can climb up from here."

Years of rock climbing had honed their bodies and their instincts. Luc found the first foothold, a jutting brick, and hauled himself up with ease. Antoine followed, their movements fluid and synchronized. They reached the low roof quickly, pausing only to catch their breath.

"All that time we've spent climbing have finally paid off," Antoine quipped, providing a moment of much needed levity. Luc surprised himself with a hearty laugh. "I guess you're right. These muscles aren't just for show," he said as he flexed his biceps.

Luc scanned the building's backside, looking for an accessible window. His gaze landed on one, slightly ajar, on the third floor. "This way," he whispered.

They edged along the roof, careful to avoid any noise that might betray their presence. The window was within reach now. Luc tested it gently; it slid open with a creak. He slipped inside first, landing softly on the floor of an empty hallway. Antoine followed, closing the window behind them.

"We need to get to the fifth floor," Antoine said quietly. Luc nodded, and they moved swiftly and silently up the stairs. Each step was deliberate, their senses heightened, every sound amplified in the stillness of the early morning.

Finally, they reached their destination. Nikos's apartment door was before them, a solid wooden barrier. With a quick glance to ensure they were alone, Luc motioned for Antoine to stand guard as he knelt, pulling out a set of lock-picking tools from his pocket.

"You always have these on you?" Antoine smirked.

"It's good to be prepared," Luc smiled and started working. His hands moved deftly, years of practice making the task almost second nature. The lock clicked open with a soft, satisfying sound. "Not bad for a first try," Antoine quipped.

"Not my first time at the rodeo," Luc mischievously wiggled his eyebrows.

"Apparently," Antoine was nonplussed.

"Let's go find Nikos." With bated breath, Luc and Antoine stepped inside, their eyes scanning the room for any sign the hurt man. And then, in the dim light of the apartment, they saw him.

Nikos lay sprawled on the floor, his body limp and lifeless. A large pool of blood had formed beneath him. With a strangled cry, Luc rushed to his side, his hands shaking as he checked for signs of life.

"Luc," Antoine said through his tears, "this doesn't look good..."

"I know," Luc replied as he checked Nikos out. Relief flooded through him as he felt the faint flutter of Nikos's pulse beneath his fingertips, but his heart sank at the sight of Nikos's battered form.

"Forget this whole `no violence' way of dealing with Nikos's brother. I will do anything you ask me to, Luc. Look at him!"

"We can think about that trash later."

With a steely resolve, Luc lifted Nikos into his arms, his muscles straining with the effort as he cradled him against his chest. "We need to get him to a hospital," he declared, his voice hoarse with emotion as he turned to Antoine for support.

"We're here, Nik," Luc said, fighting back tears. "We're going to get you out of here."

Antoine moved to support Nikos, gently lifting him into a sitting position. "We need to move quickly," he said, his voice steady but urgent. Luc nodded, taking Nikos's other arm. Together, they carried him, moving as one unit, determined to get him to safety. Every step was a struggle, but they made it back down the stairs, emerging onto the street just as the city began to wake up.

Their car was still waiting, the driver dozing in his seat. Antoine rapped on the window, and the man jerked awake. His eyes widened at the sight of the injured Nikos.

"Hospital," Luc ordered, his voice leaving no room for argument.

As the car sped through the streets of Athens, Luc held Nikos close, his heart aching with fear and love. They had made it this far, but the road ahead was still uncertain. He looked at Nikos, at the strength and vulnerability in his eyes, and vowed to protect him, no matter what it took.

As the car screeched to a halt in front of the hospital, Luc barely waited for it to stop before jumping out, cradling Nikos in his arms. Nikos was barely conscious, his breathing shallow and laboured. Antoine was already out of the car, sprinting towards the emergency entrance.

"We need help!" Antoine's booming voice echoed through the sterile halls of the hospital. The urgency in his tone drew immediate attention. A team of nurses and doctors rushed towards them, their faces a mix of professionalism and concern.

Luc carried Nikos to the entrance, his muscles straining with the effort but fuelled by adrenaline and fear. He approached the team with desperation in his eyes. "He's been badly beaten," Luc's voice cracked with emotion as he spoke.

The medical team acted swiftly, transferring Nikos onto a gurney with practiced efficiency. They began assessing his injuries, their hands moving quickly and carefully over his body. Luc watched with wide eyes, his heart pounding in his chest, each beat echoing his fears.

"Sir, we'll take it from here," a nurse said, gently but firmly steering Luc back. Antoine arrived at Luc's side, his hand gripping his shoulder in a supportive yet desperate hold.

Luc's relief was palpable, but it was overshadowed by an even greater fear of what might transpire next. "Please, take care of him," he whispered, his voice barely audible. The medical team nodded, their faces serious as they wheeled Nikos through the swinging doors into the depths of the hospital.

Antoine was Luc's anchor in that moment, a steady presence in the storm of emotions swirling around him. "They're going to take good care of him," Antoine said, his voice firm but with an undercurrent of his own fear. "He's in the best place now."

Luc nodded, but his mind was swirling with anxiety. What if the injuries were worse than they appeared? What if Nikos didn't make it? The thought was unbearable, and he felt his knees weaken under the weight of it.

"Come on, let's sit down," Antoine suggested, guiding Luc to a row of plastic chairs in the waiting area. The fluorescent lights cast a harsh, cold glow over everything, making the place feel even more sterile and unwelcoming.

Luc sank into a chair, his hands trembling as he rubbed his face. Antoine sat beside him, his hand never leaving Luc's shoulder. "He's strong, Luc," Antoine said softly. "He's a fighter."

Luc nodded again, trying to draw strength from Antoine's words. "I know, I just... I can't stand the thought of losing him," he confessed, his voice breaking. "He's everything to me."

Antoine squeezed his shoulder, offering silent support. The minutes stretched into an eternity as they waited for any news. Each second was a drop of water in an ocean of uncertainty. As Luc got lost in his thoughts, the sounds of the busy hospital faded into the background. The beeping monitors and hushed conversations became a distant hum.

Hours later, a doctor emerged from the examination room, looking for Luc. His face was grave as he delivered the news. Nikos was alive, but his injuries were severe. Broken bones, internal bleeding, and a concussion. He needed surgery immediately, and even then, there were no guarantees that he would make it. As Luc listened to the doctor's words, his heart sank. But even in the face of such dire circumstances, he knew that he would do whatever it took to ensure Nikos's recovery. He would stay by his side, no matter what, and together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead. --- The sterile, antiseptic smell of the hospital intensified as Luc and Antoine waited outside the operating room. The cold, clinical environment was a stark contrast to the warmth and love they felt for Nikos. They sat in the uncomfortable plastic chairs, their hearts pounding, nerves frayed. Luc's mind raced with worst-case scenarios, while Antoine tried to keep him grounded, but his own worry was just as intense.

Luc's eyes were fixed on the double doors that led to the operating theatre. He felt as if he were suffocating under the weight of his fear. "He has to make it, Antoine. He just has to," Luc whispered, his voice breaking. Antoine squeezed Luc's hand tightly, his own fear mirrored in his eyes. "The doctors are doing everything they can to make sure of it. He'll pull through this," Antoine replied, trying to infuse his words with as much confidence as he could muster, though his heart was pounding with fear. The minutes stretched into what felt like hours.

"What time is it?" Luc asked.

"About five minutes after you asked the last time," Antoine smiled.

"They've been in there for hours. This is killing me. Somebody needs to give us an update," Luc was getting exasperated and rubbed his face.

"They're working hard for him. That's more important than talking with us right now, don't you think?" Luc sighed, "I hate it when you're right. I'm being impatient." A small smile crept across his face. Antoine massaged his neck gently and hugged him.

Every time the doors swung open, Luc and Antoine would look up with a start, only to see a nurse or doctor bustling through, none of them bringing news of Nikos. The tension in the air was palpable, a silent scream that seemed to resonate between them.

Suddenly, the doors burst open, and a nurse hurried out, her expression grim. Luc's heart stopped. "Mr. Deschamps, Mr. Lefèvre," she called, and they both stood up, dread gripping them.

"What's happening?" Luc demanded, his voice shaking.

"Nikos's injuries are more severe than we initially thought. We're doing everything we can, but it's critical," she said, her eyes conveying the seriousness of the situation.

Inside the operating room, Nikos lay on the table, his body vulnerable and exposed as the medical team worked tirelessly to save his life. The surgery was difficult and long. New complications arose as as they battled to stem the tide of blood loss and stabilize his condition. As the night stretched on, Luc felt panic gnawing at his chest, his mind consumed with thoughts of what might be happening behind those closed doors. He clenched his fists at his sides, his nails digging into his palms as he prayed for a miracle.

Time passed in a blur of anxiety and desperation. Luc and Antoine were running on pure adrenaline. The need to see Nikos pull through drove them forward. Every second felt like an eternity.

Finally, the surgeon emerged, his scrubs stained with blood. Luc's heart raced as he saw the man's somber expression."It's been touch and go," the surgeon began, his tone measured. "Nikos's injuries are extensive. He flatlined on the table, but we managed to revive him. He's stabilized for now, but the next few hours are critical."

Luc's knees buckled and Antoine had to support him fully. The surgeon spoke of the challenges that lay ahead and of the long road to recovery that awaited Nikos. The words hit Luc like a punch to the gut, his breath catching in his throat as he struggled to comprehend the magnitude of what he had just heard.

"Thank you, doctor," Antoine said, his voice thick with emotion. "Can we see him?"

The surgeon nodded. "He's being moved to the ICU. You can see him briefly, but he needs rest."

As they were led to the ICU, the sight of Nikos, pale and motionless amidst the beeping machines, broke Luc's heart. He rushed to his side, taking his hand in his own, careful of the IV lines and monitors.

"Nikos, please," Luc begged. "You have to fight," he whispered as tears streamed down his face. "I can't lose you." Antoine stood on the other side of the bed, his hand gently resting on Nikos's arm. "We're here, Nikos. We're not going anywhere," he said softly, his voice trembling.

The machines beeped rhythmically, a harsh reminder of Nikos's fragile state. Luc watched the rise and fall of Nikos's chest, praying for each breath to be strong and steady. The room was filled with the sound of medical equipment, a background noise that only served to underline the gravity of the situation.

Hours passed, each one a trial of endurance for Luc and Antoine. They refused to leave Nikos's side, their love and concern for him a visible force that held them together. The medical staff moved in and out of the room, adjusting monitors, checking vitals, but the two men remained steadfast. Their focus was entirely on Nikos.

As the night wore on, Luc's exhaustion began to take its toll. He leaned his head against the side of the bed, his eyes never leaving Nikos's face. "Come back to us, Nikos," he whispered. "I can't imagine my life without you." Antoine placed a reassuring hand on Luc's shoulder.

The night seemed endless, but as dawn began to break, there was a subtle change. Nikos's breathing became a little steadier, his colour a bit less pale. The doctors noted the improvement, giving Luc and Antoine a glimmer of hope to cling to.

Luc's heart ached with the intensity of his feelings. The thought of losing Nikos was unbearable, a wound that he knew would never heal. But for now, there was hope, and that was enough to keep him going. He squeezed Nikos's hand gently, silently willing him to fight, to come back to them.

In the quiet of the ICU, surrounded by the soft hum of machines and the steady beeping of monitors, Luc and Antoine kept their vigil, their love and determination a light in the darkness. They would not give up on Nikos, and as long as there was breath in his body, he would hold on to hope. --- For the next week, the hospital became a second home for Luc and Antoine. They took turns sitting by Nikos's bedside, whispering words of encouragement, holding his hand, and offering silent prayers. Luc often found himself drifting into memories - happier times that he'd spent with Nikos when the idea of their future together seemed to hold endless promise and possibilities. He spoke softly to him, recounting their plans and their dreams. Antoine, though equally exhausted, kept a strong front, ensuring Luc ate and took short breaks to maintain his strength.

One morning, as the first light of dawn filtered through the hospital window, a nurse entered the room to check on Nikos. Luc was seated beside him, his head resting on the edge of the bed, holding Nikos's hand. Antoine was dozing in a chair by the window.

The nurse's gentle touch on Nikos's arm was met with a slight twitch. She paused, her eyes widening as she saw his eyelids flutter. "Mr. Deschamps," she whispered, her voice tinged with hope. "I think he's waking up."

Luc jerked awake, his eyes immediately fixing on Nikos's face. Antoine stirred from his slumber, quickly moving to the bedside. They watched with bated breath as Nikos's eyes slowly opened, blinking against the harsh light.

"Nikos," Luc whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "Can you hear me?"

Nikos's gaze slowly focused on Luc, confusion clouding his eyes. He tried to speak, but his throat was dry and sore. The nurse quickly offered a small sip of water, helping him drink. Luc's face broke into a relieved smile. "Thank God," he murmured. "You're back!"

Nikos's eyes moved between Luc and Antoine, trying to make sense of his surroundings. "Where... am I?" he croaked. Antoine stepped closer, his expression a mix of relief and concern. "You're in the hospital, Nikos. You've been through a lot. Do you remember anything?"

Nikos furrowed his brow, wincing as he tried to recall the events. "I... I don't know. The last thing I remember is..." His voice trailed off, the memories too painful to revisit.

Luc gently stroked Nikos's hand. "It's okay, love. You don't have to think about that right now. What matters is that you're awake and you're safe."

Nikos's eyes filled with tears as he looked at Luc. "You came for me," he whispered, his voice full of wonder.

"Of course we did," Luc replied, his own eyes glistening. "We'll always come for you." Nikos's body ached, and he felt the weight of his injuries, but the sight of Luc and Antoine brought him immense joy. "I thought... I thought I lost you," he admitted, his voice trembling.

"You're not getting rid of us that easily," Antoine said with a soft chuckle, though his eyes shone with unshed tears. "We're here for you, kid."

The nurse smiled at the scene before her. "I'll let the doctor know he's awake," she said quietly, stepping out of the room to give them privacy.

Luc leaned closer, pressing a gentle kiss to Nikos's forehead. "We were so scared," he confessed. "But you pulled through." Nikos's lips quivered into a faint smile. "I'm so glad you're here," he said, his voice gaining a bit of strength. "Both of you."

Antoine placed a reassuring hand on Nikos's shoulder and smiled warmly. "We're a team, remember?"

As the days passed, Nikos's condition slowly improved. The doctors and nurses were optimistic about his recovery, though they warned that it would be a long and challenging journey. Luc and Antoine remained by his side, their presence a constant source of comfort and strength for Nikos.

One afternoon, as Nikos rested, Luc and Antoine sat by the window, their hands intertwined. "How're you holding up?" Antoine asked softly, his voice filled with concern. Luc shook his head, his eyes never leaving Nikos. "Me? I'm fine. We're through the worst of it. Thanks for being here for us," he sighed.

"Think nothing of it."

"Thanks for taking the reigns on handling the firm and project work while we've been here. I haven't been in the headspace to meaningfully contribute," Luc smiled squeezed Antoine's hand in appreciation.

"Don't undersell your efforts, Luc. You've been grinding hard. You set us up well for those workshops we had a few days ago. There was so much amazing material to present and work through. The client was really happy with our progress," Luc smiled at Antoine and pulled him into a tight embrace.

"But you haven't been sleeping much. You've been tending to Nik and working. You need to rest, Luc."

"How can I rest? There's too much going on."

"You're no good to either to us if you're running on fumes." Antoine looked at Luc out of genuine concern. "You need to take care of yourself."


"Luc. Come on. Go to the hotel and shower. Sleep for a few hours. Change your clothes. You'll feel better."

"What if something happens when I'm not here?" While Luc was seriously considering Antoine's suggestion, he was hesitant. "You can't think that way. Something could happen if you stayed here. What could you do?"

"I'd be here at least..." Luc's voice trailed off. "I'll be here. And I'll call you if anything happens, okay?" It only took Antoine a few more tries before he convinced Luc to take a break. He was too tired to fight him and finally agreed that it was a good idea.

As the week wound down, Antoine announced that he would return to Marseilles. He needed to tend to the firm and other project work now that they passed a significant milestone in the Architecture School project. Luc was grateful for the immense support his friend had provided, and as Antoine bid them farewell the following morning, he promised to return as soon as he could. His commitment to Luc's friendship and to Nikos's recovery was unwavering. -- Alone with Nikos once more, Luc felt a surge of determination wash over him. His mind was filled with thoughts of revenge against the man who'd caused him so much pain.

"I was terrified, Nik," Luc whispered. "I should have been here with you," his eyes welled up as he spoke. Luc stroked the back of Nikos's hand and continued almost inaudibly "I got here as fast as I could."

"You didn't have to, Luc," Nikos said with sadness. "I know how busy you are. I've really disrupted your life. You don't need this mess weighing on you."

Luc's eyes widened and he looked at Nikos intently. "First: I'm never too busy for you. Never..." he paused. "Second, i would do anything for you. No questions asked..." he wiggled his eyebrows and chuckled "...within reason. Third, I refuse to imagine my life without you in it," he choked back tears and finished with "and finally, I will protect you as fiercely as I know you'd protect me. I love you, Nik." Nikos started silently crying. "I love you too, Luc. Always."

"For as long as you'll have me," Luc smiled and kissed his forehead. -- It took two weeks of intense physical therapy before his doctors determined Nikos to be strong enough to be discharged. Luc realized that Nikos's apartment was a mess and more akin to a crime scene than a home to recover in. So, he set to work in having it professionally cleaned, removing visible traces of the brutal assault that Yiannis brought upon him. He made sure the apartment was stocked with all the provisions necessary to continue his path toward recovery.

Nikos's return to his apartment felt both a relief and a discomfort. The familiar surroundings, once his sanctuary, now seemed foreign and tainted by painful memories. But Luc's presence brought a sense of security and hope that he desperately needed.

"How're you feeling?" Luc asked gently, sitting beside Nikos on the couch. "Tired," Nikos admitted, "but a lot better. It's just... strange to be back in this place."

"Do you see yourself staying here?"

"In this apartment?"

"In Athens."

Nikos sighed and looked off into the distance. He didn't know what his path forward necessarily looked like. "I don't know how I could possibly," Nikos exhaled. "Considering that none of my family has reached out says a lot about where I stand with them. I'm fairly sure that I don't have a job at the company anymore. What would I do with myself if I stayed?" Nikos asked rhetorically.

Luc nodded, understanding the turmoil in Nikos's eyes. "I've been thinking," he began hesitantly. "Why don't you come back to Marseilles with me? Permanently."

Nikos looked at Luc, surprise mingling with uncertainty. "Marseilles? Luc, I'd love that but... I don't know what I'd do there. Everything I've ever known is here."

"It doesn't matter what you do. You'll find something to keep things interesting. And we'd be together." Luc took Nikos's hand, his eyes earnest. "There's nothing for you here anymore, Nikos. Your family has... taken everything from you. But in Marseilles, you'd have me. We'd have each other. And I want to take care of you. You'd be able to build a life, however you wanted it."

Nikos's eyes filled with tears at the mention of his family's betrayal. "They stole everything, Luc. My income, my savings... everything I've worked for... it's all gone. How can I start over?"

Luc's grip tightened around Nikos's hand. "I know it's a lot to process, but you don't have to do it on your own. I will make sure you're set up for life. You'll want for nothing. I promise." Luc briefly paused, staring deep into Nikos's eyes. "We'll settle everything before we go."

Nikos inhaled deeply and hummed. Curious, he asked, "how? I don't think there's anything to settle with my family... they won't give me any time."

"As soon as you feel you're up for it, book a meeting with your father and brother at their office. I've got a plan."

"Oh?" Nikos's ears perked up. "What are you thinking?"

"It's not a hundred percent yet, but they'll be taken care of. Do you trust me?"

"With my life," he responded earnestly. "Are you sure about all of this?" Nikos asked softly, his eyes searching Luc's for reassurance.

Luc leaned in, cupping Nikos's face in his hands. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life. I want to spend my life with you." Nikos smiled at Luc and squeezed the back of his neck affectionately. The men embraced, melting into each other's arms. Luc pressed his lips against Nikos's and stroked the back of his head as the heat between them intensified. "How did I ever get so lucky? I love you, Luc."

"Et toi, mon amour," Luc whispered. -- Nikos and Luc spent the next few days planning their confrontation with the Chronis family. The more they discussed their plan, the more determined Nikos became to see it through. He was tired of hiding, tired of being oppressed by his own family. Luc's support gave him the strength he needed to face his father and brother.

Nikos nervously dialled his father's number, his hand trembling as he pressed the call button. The phone rang twice before Alexander Chronis answered with his usual gruff tone.

"Nikos," Alexander said, surprise and irritation evident in his voice. "What do you want?"

"I need to meet with you and Yiannis," Nikos replied, his voice steady despite the storm of emotions brewing within him. "It's important." There was a pause on the other end of the line before Alexander responded. "Very well. Come to the office tomorrow at noon."

Nikos hung up, his heart pounding. He turned to Luc, who was watching him with a mixture of pride and concern. "It's done. Tomorrow at noon." Luc nodded, stepping forward to wrap his arms around Nikos.

The next day, Luc and Nikos made their way to the Chronis family office. Both men were impeccably dressed and groomed. Luc looked like a man not to be messed with. Nikos's face was bruised and cut up. While he looked better than he did when Luc found him, it was obvious that it would take a while for the physical remnants of the assault to disappear. He still needed to walk with a cane. To Luc, none of that affected how beautiful he thought Nikos was. His strength of character and positive disposition only enhanced his opinion of him.

In preparation for this encounter, Luc reached out to some friends in Paris to help put their plan into action. He knew they had only one shot at this, and they couldn't afford any mistakes.

With a steely resolve, the men arrived at Nikos's family's business just before noon. Luc's jaw was set in a firm line. Nikos's face was expressionless as they sought out Yiannis and his father. They walked through the building, catching the eye of staff - people Nikos knew well. They looked modestly horrified at his state.

They were escorted to the central conference room. The tension was palpable as they waited for Nikos's brother and father to join them. Yiannis and Alexander, arrived shortly after and sat across from Nikos and Luc. Yiannis looked at his younger brother with hate in his eyes. He was proud of the damage that he'd caused. Alexander's expression betrayed no emotion.

"Why are you here?" Yiannis tersely asked.

Nikos's body stiffened looked at his brother and father sternly. "I'm here to formally terminate my professional relationship with the company."

His family's reaction was dismissive and cruel, their words a painful reminder of the indifference they had shown toward Nikos's suffering. "You've wasted your time coming here. Your position was terminated weeks ago," Alexander said. "You're of no use to us."

"Is that so?" Nikos asked, raising an eyebrow. He clutched onto Luc's leg beneath the table. Luc grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly, the gesture of his touch telepathically communicating `you've got this Nik.' Yiannis and Alexander callously nodded. "It is. You were of little value to us and didn't add much to the operation. It's time to lose the dead weight and streamline things."

"It's unfortunate that this is how you view my work, considering the millions of euros I've brought in for you over the past six months," Nikos calmly stated.

"Anyone could have done it. You're not special in that regard."

Nikos clenched his fists. Anger boiled within Luc's chest as he listened to their callous remarks, his hands trembling with barely suppressed rage. His temper threatened to boil over. `Calm down, Luc. This is Nikos's show.'

"Well, I wish you the best of luck then. You have many contacts coming up for renegotiation within the next quarter. But I'm sure Yiannis can handle that." His brother blankly stared at him.

"He's never been good with clients, though. Dad, you might need to babysit him so he doesn't lose the company any money."

With a calm resolve, Nikos continued. "Speaking of dead weight, apart from drawing a handsome salary, how has Yiannis contributed to the success of company in the past decade?" Nikos looked across the table, waiting for a response.

Yiannis was about to speak when Alexander cut him off. "He's in charge of logistics. He's not responsible for bringing in business. He sees to the smooth operation of our operations. Did you smack your pretty little head and forget, princess?" He smirked. Nikos and Luc grimaced at the crass remark.

"Of course, forgive me," Nikos smacked his forehead and facetiously grinned. "I actually did. I'm sure Yiannis reported that to you. But yes, thank you for the reminder. Logistics. Operations..."

Nikos paused and glanced at Luc. He exhaled and smiled at his family before continuing. "I took it upon myself to review the books companywide for the past five years. It's interesting," Nikos tapped his fingers on the table and continued to outline in specific detail at how Yiannis's ineptitude had cost the company significant sums of money.

"There is clear evidence of fraud and company money being used for personal expenses linked directly to Yiannis," Nikos looked at his brother "you failed at covering your tracks, big brother. Sloppy." He said condescendingly and shook his head.

"Then, there is the matter of the exorbitant compensation package he's been receiving. Not a good return on investment, dad. But I suppose that doesn't matter too much you if there's enough money flowing in, right?"

"Those are some serious allegations," his father stated. Nikos threw a stack of papers towards the men across the table. "Isn't it? There's the proof." Yiannis grabbed the papers and tore them up in pieces.

Nikos stared at him coldly. "If you think that was the only copy and if you think I'm the only one that has access to this information, you're dumber than I thought." He threw a couple of flash drives at them. "A digital copy for your records," he smiled.

"Don't listen to this faggot, dad. His words don't hold any weight," Yiannis spat out. Nikos winced. Alexander didn't say anything but just stared ahead.

Luc jumped out of his seat, rage coursing through him. "Don't you dare speak to him that way," he said in a stern, even tone, pausing between each word for effect.

Yiannis rose from his seat, smugly grinned and replied, "who are you? His faggot boyfriend?"

"Yes, he's my partner," Nikos interjected.

The room fell silent. Alexander's face turned red with anger, while Yiannis's expression was one of disgust.

"He's your what?" Alexander roared, slamming his fist on the desk. "How dare you bring this shame upon our family?"

Nikos stood his ground, his voice firm. "There is no shame in love, Father. The only shame here is how you and Yiannis have treated me all these years. So willing to cast me aside...." Luc squeezed Nikos's hand, offering silent support as Nikos confronted his family.

"I'm not going to try convince you of how despicable your actions toward your son have been. You've made your choice, and you'll have to live with that for the rest of your miserable lives," Luc calmly stated.

"No matter what you think of your son and brother, no one deserves the punishment that you've inflicted on him."

"Do you understand what you did to me?" Nikos asked. "Yes. I took care of a problem," Yiannis coolly replied, as if there was nothing wrong with his actions or attitude.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Luc growled. "You almost killed him!" He yelled at Yiannis. Alexander remained shockingly stoic in the midst of this exchange. Apparently his youngest didn't even deserve a fake display of emotion.

"I didn't do a good enough job, it seems. He's still here." In a flash, as those hateful words left Yiannis's mouth, Luc attempted to lunge across the table, only to be stopped only by a quick thinking Nikos. "Don't. He's not worth it, Luc," he whispered and shook his head.

"Dad, look at these fags. They can't keep their hands off of each other." Yiannis was trying to get a rise out of both men and it almost worked. Luc struggled to break free of Nikos, but he just held onto Luc tighter. He was not going to give them the satisfaction of losing control of the situation.

As Nikos's gaze bore into Yiannis, images of the assault began to flash before his eyes. The searing pain in his head and sides felt fresh. He started shaking. Luc noticed and immediately took his hand and held on tight. Nikos shook his head to clear his mind and turned to face Luc. His lips curved into a gentle smile as he took Luc's hand and kissed it.

"I love you, Luc," he said out loud in front of his father and brother.

Nikos collected himself and pivoted the conversation back to where he wanted it. "It seems, Alexander and Yiannis, that the only reason that we were generating profits was because of the efforts of my team. MY team. And the hardworking people we employ that afford us our livelihoods. All of the data to verify what I've said are with you, Alexander. I don't need to justify myself to you any further. Neither of you are worth the effort."

Nikos and Luc stood, hands entwined, and looked at each other. "I'm proud of you, Nikos," he said as their lips met. Yiannis and Alexander glared at them with disgusted looks on their faces. Nikos smiled at Luc and turned to face his `family' for a last look. "We're done here."

"Oh, I forgot," Nikos grinned wickedly at his family. "If you don't want any of this information to become public, you'll leave us alone going forward."

The expression on Alexander's face betrayed the rage burning within him. But before he could speak, Luc stepped in. "This isn't a negotiation," he said calmly. "You will leave Nikos alone, and you will let us go in peace. If you don't, the consequences will be swift. And severe."

"Are we supposed to be afraid of you?"

"That's up to you, gentlemen," Nikos smirked at the men. "But I'm dead serious. If you want to play, just try us."

"Come, let's go," Luc said, his voice steady with determination. He knew that they both had done what needed to be done. For both Nikos and Luc. For their love. And as he looked into Nikos's eyes, he saw a glimmer of hope and gratitude, his heart swelling with pride at the courage and resilience of the man he loved.

With that, Luc and Nikos stood up and walked out of the office, leaving Alexander and Yiannis seething behind them. -- Luc's plan had been put into motion as soon as they left the office. His friends in Paris were experts in their fields, and they had already begun siphoning funds from the Chronis family accounts. The operation was covert, seamless, and untraceable. By the time Alexander and Yiannis realized what was happening, it would be too late. -- In a sleek, modern office in La Défense, a team of highly skilled professionals was hard at work. Each member of the team had a specific role to play in executing Luc's plan. There was Claire, a former financial analyst turned cybersecurity expert, who was responsible for breaking into the Chronis family's accounts. Next to her was Julien, a legal genius who specialized in offshore accounts and international finance. Then there was Paul, a tech prodigy who had designed the software needed to make the transactions untraceable.

Claire's fingers flew over the keyboard as she accessed the accounts. "We're in," she announced, her voice calm and professional. "Beginning the transfer now."

Julien leaned over her shoulder, double-checking the account numbers. "Everything looks good. Make sure to stagger the transfers so they don't raise any red flags."

Paul monitored the process on his laptop, ensuring that their digital footprints were wiped clean. "We've got about ten minutes before their security systems catch on. Let's make this quick."

As the funds were transferred from the Chronis family into a series of secret offshore accounts set up for Nikos, Luc's team worked with surgical precision and efficiency. The amount was staggering - tens of millions of euros that would ensure Nikos's financial security for the rest of his life. -- As they left the building, Nikos's felt lighter. A huge weight was lifted off of his shoulders, the burden of years of toxicity and manipulation finally cast aside. He felt a surge of liberation and a newfound sense of freedom as he made the decision to cut ties with his family once and for all.

But even as the men walked away from the building, Nikos couldn't shake the nagging feeling of insecurity that lingered in the back of his mind. He was leaving everything he had ever known behind. He was stepping into the unknown with nothing but the love of Luc to guide him. And while part of him was excited for the future that lay ahead, another part was filled with doubt and uncertainty. -- In the following days, Nikos began the arduous task of wrapping up his life in Athens. The men were set to return to Marseilles imminently and there was a lot to do before their departure.

Packing had become a battleground in Nikos's apartment. He was determined to do it all himself - to prove to Luc and to himself that he still had some semblance of control over his life. But his still recovering body was failing him. Every movement was agony. Every task a Herculean effort. His frustration grew with each passing hour. His injured body protested every movement as he struggled to lift boxes and pack belongings.

Luc watched from the sidelines, his heart aching with every pained grunt and frustrated sigh from Nikos. He wanted to help, but he knew how fiercely independent Nikos was. He knew Nikos hated feeling weak and relying on others. Even the man he loved.

"Let me help you with that," Luc offered, reaching for a box that Nikos was struggling to lift.

"I said I've got it!" Nikos snapped, yanking the box away from Luc's grasp. His face was flushed with anger and exertion. Luc stepped back, holding up his hands in a gesture of surrender. "I'm just trying to help, Nikos."

"I didn't ask for your help!" Nikos shouted, his voice trembling with fury. "I'm not some helpless child who needs to be babied!"

"Nikos, you're not well," Luc said softly, his eyes filled with concern. "There's no shame in accepting help when you need it." Nikos glared at Luc, his eyes blazing with anger and frustration. "I'm tired of being treated like I'm broken! I can take care of myself!"

The words hung heavy in the air, a painful reminder of the distance that had grown between them in recent days. Nikos was struggling - he prided himself on being independent, but he was dependent on Luc. His feelings Luc were real, but the more he relied on him, with his recovery or dealing with his family, the more he felt that he was losing himself.

Luc felt a surge of hurt wash over him, his own insecurities rising to the surface as he struggled to make sense of Nikos's outburst. `Am I smothering him? Maybe this is all happening too fast...' He thought to himself.

Luc took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. "I know you're strong, Nikos. But you don't have to do this alone. We're a team, right?" Nikos's hands clenched into fists, his body trembling with the effort of holding back tears. "I don't want to be a burden to you, Luc. I hate feeling like I'm useless."

"You're not useless," Luc said firmly, stepping closer. "You're the strongest person I know." Nikos turned away, his shoulders heaving with silent sobs. "I just... I don't know what to do anymore, Luc. Everything feels so out of control."

Luc reached out, placing a hand on Nikos's shoulder. "You've been through a lot, Nik." He shrugged off Luc's hand, his anger flaring again. "I don't need your pity, Luc! Just leave me alone!" Nikos's emotions were all over the place. He felt trapped. He needed to escape.

Before Luc could respond, Nikos stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him. Luc stood there, stunned and heartbroken. His mind was full of worry for Nikos. He was obviously struggling but his attempts of helping him seemed to making things worse. He sank down onto the couch, burying his face in his hands as tears welled up in his eyes. His mind was racing. He couldn't help but wonder if their earlier struggle to be together had been for nothing.

For Luc, the prospect of abandonment loomed large in his mind, a nagging fear that threatened him with its insidious whispers of doubt. He had given himself to Nikos. He opened up and wholeheartedly welcomed him into his life like he'd never done for anyone else. And now, faced with the possibility of losing the promise of a future together, he felt a surge of panic rising within him.

As he grappled with his own insecurities, Luc knew that he wasn't going let Nikos go without a fight. He loved him too much to simply let him slip away. They just needed a minute to take a breath, sort out their heads, and talk. He wasn't going to throw away a relationship because of an argument.

After a few moments of silence, Luc grabbed his coat and keys, rushing out of the apartment and into the city streets. The afternoon sky had turned dark and unsettled. A storm was coming. He wandered aimlessly, his heart heavy. A few minutes in, a strong gust of wind hit him and a light rain started to fall. Luc shivered and hugged his arms around himself to stay warm.

As he continued his search for Nikos, the drizzle turned to a deluge, soaking Luc and turning the streets into fast flowing rivers. His desperation grew as he walked. He called out Nikos's name, but his voice was swallowed by the storm.

Meanwhile, Nikos wandered the city, his mind awash with conflicting emotions. Memories of the assault came flooding back with a vengeance, each painful recollection serving as a stark reminder of the trauma he had endured at the hands of his brother. I'd be dead if it wasn't for Luc,' he thought. Honestly, he'd be better off. But he's... ugh, I don't know. I don't know what I'm feeling.'

But even as he struggled to make sense of it all, another, more insidious thought began to take hold. The thought that maybe he wasn't strong enough or wasn't good enough for Luc. That his injuries had made him weak. That the spirit that drew Luc to him in the first place was gone. He hated feeling helpless. He hated feeling like he didn't have a purpose apart from being Luc's man. `Luc's man,' he swooned at the thought. His line of thinking was frantically oscillating from negative to positive and back. It was too much for Nikos to process.

The rain was coming down hard. Nikos was thoroughly drenched and exhausted. A surge of anger rose from within, a primal scream of frustration and despair that threatened to consume him. Just as he reached his breaking point, a familiar voice called out to him from behind, a voice filled with concern and love. Turning, Nikos saw Luc standing there, hands in pockets, his eyes filled with longing as he reached out to him, a silent plea for forgiveness.

And in that moment, as they stood there on the deserted street, staring at each other, the tension between them was palpable. Their heated words echoed off the empty streets of Athens. Both men were agitated at the perceived lack of empathy and understanding from one another. Their ability to thoughtfully communicate had seemingly vanished. `What's happening to us right now?' Luc inwardly questioned.

"You don't get it, do you?" Nikos snapped, his frustration boiling over as he glared at Luc. "I don't need you to rescue me!" Luc's jaw tightened, his own anger simmering beneath the surface as he struggled to keep his voice steady. "I'm not trying to rescue you, Nikos," he shot back, his words clipped with frustration. "I'm trying to support you."

"Well, I don't want your pity!" Nikos spat, his fists clenching at his sides as he fought to control his rising temper. "I don't want to be dependent on you. On anyone!"

With a frustrated sigh, Luc ran a hand through his wet hair. His patience was wearing thin as he tried to make Nikos understand that he wasn't trying to change or take anything away from him. "Christ! You keep on saying that. Stop! I'm not pitying you!" he said louder than he anticipated. "You don't have to do any of this by yourself," he threw up his hands, exasperated at how the situation was unfolding.

But Nikos was already turning away, his steps quickening as he stormed off down the street, yelling behind him "I've been doing it alone for years. I'm fine!"

"You're fucking leaving me like this?" Luc yelled at Nikos's back as he stalked away, slinking into the shadows of the city. Nikos left Luc standing alone in his wake. The rain pelted his body and the wind howled. "Well, if this isn't fucking poetic..." Luc said to himself sarcastically. `I'm not going to force myself on him. He's made his choice. Fuck.' His heart was broken.

Meanwhile, Nikos's mind continued to race with conflicting emotions as he wandered the streets of the city he knew so well. `Just stay here. You don't need to leave. There's nothing in France for you. Luc won't want you there anyway after the shit you just spewed at him. You'll be fine here,' he thought. He was trying convincing himself to end the relationship.

However, his agitation dissipated the further he walked. He started to think more clearly. With less pessimism. Soon enough, regret started gnawing at his insides. His anger faded into a dull ache of guilt as he replayed the argument in his mind. `Why are you acting this way, man? Why are you sabotaging this? What did you just do? Damn it!'

Nikos tried to backtrack, but his body rebelled against him. Each step was a painful reminder of the chasm that lay between him and Luc and how far he had to go before he made a full recovery.

`Your head's fucked. You're putting your own issues onto him.' He cursed under his breath. He had to fix this.

And then, just when he was about to give up hope, he spotted Luc sitting at a street side cafe, his face drawn and weary as he stared off into space. Nikos's heart clenched at the sight. Guilt washed over him as he approached. Sliding into the seat beside Luc, Nikos's voice was barely above a whisper as he reached out to touch his hand. "I'm sorry," he murmured, his words thick with emotion. "I didn't mean what I said. Or how I said it. I'm a mess."

Luc turned to him, his eyes filled with tears as he met Nikos's gaze. "I know," he replied softly, his voice trembling with emotion. The atmosphere between Luc and Nikos was tense as they sat at the street side cafe, their silence punctuated only by the distant hum of the city.

After a moment, Luc cleared his throat, his voice soft but firm as he began to speak. "Nikos, I need you to understand something," he said, his words carrying the weight of years of pain and longing.

"I've never had anyone in my life who truly cared for me. Ever since my parents died, I've been looking for someone, anyone to fill that void. I guess you can say I've been desperate. Desperation led me down some bad paths. I invested in the wrong people. Every person I've ever loved has treated me poorly in one way or another," Luc paused and looked at Nikos intently. "I thought if I did enough... maybe it was always too much... that they'd realize that they loved me as much as I thought I did them." He inhaled and downed his wine.

"You can't force someone to love you, Nik. I know that. But when I met you... everything about you was different. So kind and genuine. Thoughtful," Luc choked up as those words left his mouth. "When I said I loved you...that was the first time... I... I realized I'd never truly meant it when I'd said it before. It hit me hard." Nikos took hold of Luc's hand, gently tracing over the bulging veins. `His hands are beautiful,' Nikos thought as he drank him in.

"You need space and I'm not giving it to you," Luc shrank in his chair.

Nikos listened intently, his heart sinking with each word as he realized the depth of the hurt he had caused Luc. "I didn't mean to hurt you, Luc," he murmured, his voice tinged with regret. "I'm really overwhelmed. My body's broken. I can't seem to do anything right. It feels like my life is falling apart. I'm fucking everything up. I'm yelling at you. I'm losing control. I'm so scared." Nikos's chest heaved as if he was going to explode in tears. He bowed his head to hide any display of emotion.

Luc knelt in front of Nikos, putting a finger under his chin, tilting his head up so they were eye to eye. "I know, Nikos," he replied gently, reaching out to touch Nikos's hand. "But you need to know that I'm not here to rescue you. I'm here because I love you. I value your strength and compassion. I respect you. I want to be with you, no matter what."

Nikos swallowed hard, his throat tight with emotion as he searched Luc's eyes for any sign of doubt. But all he found was unwavering love and devotion, and it filled him with a sense of warmth he had never known.

"Luc." Nikos's voice was barely above a whisper. "I've spent my whole life trying to prove myself. To prove that I'm not worthless. But no matter what I did or how good I was, it was never enough for them. And now, I feel like I'm not good enough for you. That you'll soon realize that you've wasted your time on me and you'll be out of my life as fast as you came into it."

Luc's heart ached at the vulnerability in Nikos's words, his own fears and insecurities momentarily forgotten as he focused on the man he loved. "Nikos," he said softly, his voice filled with conviction. "You're highly capable and deserving of love. And I'm here to remind you of that. Every step of the way. Don't push me away, Nik."

"But you shouldn't have to do that, Luc."

Luc brought Nikos's forehead to his and looked deep into his eyes. "I don't have to do anything, Nik," Luc sighed. "I'm here because I want to be," he said softly as his lips pressed against Nikos's. "I'm here because I want you." Tears welled in Nikos's eyes as he reached out to pull Luc into a tight embrace, his heart overflowing with gratitude. "Thank you, Luc," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion.

"I promise to respect you. I promise to protect you. I promise to never take you for granted. I promise to give you the space to be yourself when you're with me and when you aren't. I promise to listen. I promise to support you... I promise to love you, my beautiful Nikos." Luc punctuated each promise with a soft kiss, alternating between Nikos's forehead, cheeks, nose, lips, and chin.

"My god..." he shivered. "Thank you for being here for me even when I don't deserve it."

"You always deserve it, Nik. But I know I deserve it too."

"You do, Luc. I promise to be your partner and talk to you. Like an adult. I promise to be kind. I promise to love you," Nikos proclaimed as he intensely kissed Luc. The agitation of the day gave way to a passion not shared since before Nikos's assault. The men were ravenous and holding onto each other as if they'd never see each other again.

"I missed this."

"I know. Me too," Luc said. "Come, let's go. I think we have more apologizing to do," he seductively smiled as they lazily made their way back to Nikos's apartment hand in hand.

As Nikos and Luc stepped into the dimly lit apartment, the air crackled with anticipation. Their gaze locked with an intensity that spoke volumes without the need for any words. They were two predators, circling each other, hungering for a taste of each other's flesh. With a low guttural growl of need, Luc closed the distance between them in a single stride. His hands reached out to frame Nikos's face as he captured his lips in a searing kiss. Their mouths melded together in a fervent urgency, tongues wrestling for dominance as they poured ounce of longing and desire into the fiery embrace.

Nikos gasped as they briefly came up for air. "Mmm..." Luc groaned, "you taste good." Nikos's hands roamed eagerly over Luc's sculpted form, tracing the contours of his muscles with reverence, while Luc's own hands found purchase in the tousled waves of Nikos's hair, holding him close as if afraid of letting him go. Both men were painfully hard as they ground their cocks into each other, concealed only by the thin fabric of their worn cutoffs and underwear.

Their kisses grew deeper, more intense, as they stumbled toward the bedroom, shedding clothes frantically along the way, displaying the raw hunger that was consuming them. Fabric fell in a heap at their feet, forgotten in the wake of their burning desire.

They collapsed onto the bed in a tangle of limbs and passion, their bodies aching with the need for release. "I missed you," Nikos gasped. "I missed you too, Nik. Is this okay?" Luc asked in a moment of genuine concern, not wanting to hurt his partner.

"I need this so badly. Take me," Nikos nodded. Luc's eyes blazed with primal lust as he pinned Nikos beneath him, his gaze raking hungrily over every inch of Nikos's exposed flesh.

"You're mine, Nik," he growled, his voice thick with desire as he claimed Nikos's lips in another searing kiss. "All mine." Nikos's response was a wordless moan of pleasure, his hands tangling in Luc's hair as he pulled him closer, their bodies flush against each other in a fevered embrace.

Their movements were desperate as they sought to devour each other completely, lost in a haze of passion and longing. Every touch, every kiss sent sparks of electricity shooting through their veins, igniting a fire that consumed them.

Luc slowly kissed and licked his way down Nikos's body, paying special attention to his sensitive nipples. Each bite, harder than the last, had Nikos writhing in extreme pleasure. Luc moved further down until he hit his prize: Nikos's thick cock. It towered over him and he stared at it as if it was a work of art. He wanted to savour his man. Luc took his time, licking the head, dipping his tongue into his piss slit to taste his flowing precum.

He dove on his dick, in a single motion, and took it right to the root, eliciting a growl from Nikos. Luc worked that cock expertly. Nikos was in heaven. He started thrusting aggressively into Luc's mouth. "Luc! Ugh... fuck... Luc," Nikos chanted. Luc noticed his balls tightening, a sign he was getting close. Not wanting to finish him off yet, he pulled off Nikos's dick and started kissing and nibbling around his inner thighs. "Luc, don't stop... you're making me feel so good," Nikos moaned.

Luc parted his legs and moved his attention to Nikos's balls, then went lower, until he hit target. Nikos's hairy ass drove Luc nuts and eating him out was one of his favourite things to do. Nikos yelped as Luc's tongue slipped into his hole.

"You taste so fucking good, Nik. Open up for me. Let me fuck you," Luc growled as he stabbed his opening with his tongue. Over and over. Luc lifted himself up and looked Nikos in the eyes while stroking his shaft. "Finger your self for me. Let me see how hungry you are for me."

Nikos sucked his index finger getting it sopping wet. He rubbed his hole with the tip in circular motions. Nikos was in heat. He entered himself, and took it to the third knuckle. "Yeah," he cooed and started slowly moving his digit in and out. Luc's cock jerked at the sight. He was so turned on at the sight of Nikos pleasuring himself. He collected a glob of his own precum and lubed a finger up and pushed it into Nikos alongside his own finger. Both men moaned at the sensation and continued. Luc looked down at Nikos and took in the view. He had his eyes closed in pure bliss, his body covered in a sheen of sweat.

Luc bent down and pressed his lips against Nikos's. "How do you feel?"

"So good. More. Please," Nikos begged.

"Tell me what you want, Nik," Luc panted as he continued to digitally penetrate him.

"I want you..." Luc suddenly pushed in harder, causing Nikos to gasp. "Say it, Nik."

"Fuck me."

"Yeah? You want my cock?"

"Please," Nikos cried. Luc was enjoying tormenting Nikos, whose body was completely flushed and soaked with sweat. "Please what?" Luc asked as he dipped another finger in the precum that had pooled on Nikos's stomach. He painted Nikos's lips with his own fluid and kissed him. "Mmm..."

"Fuck me with your big cock, Luc. Please," pausing to compose himself between each uttered word.

"How do you want it?"

"Hard. Rough. Ruin me, Luc."

"Can you take it?"

"Yes," Nikos hissed as he looked into Luc's eyes with laser focus. "Fucking dominate me."

Enough teasing. Luc couldn't wait any longer. He needed to be inside Nikos, enveloped in the warmth of his body. He hastily removed their fingers from Nikos's loosened snatch and rubbed the tip of his head against his entrance, getting it slick with his precum.

Luc entered Nikos, bottoming out in a single thrust. Nikos screamed in abject pleasure as their bodies instantly bonded. This moment wasn't a desire; it was a need. Nikos needed Luc to be inside of him and Luc needed to be inside of Nikos. The sensation was almost overwhelming, a tidal wave of pleasure drowned them both as they moved together in perfect rhythm, matching each other thrust for thrust.

Their cries of ecstasy echoed through the room, mingling with the sound of slapping skin and their ragged breaths as they soared to heights of pleasure they had never known possible. They were lost in each other, consumed by the flames of their passion as they surrendered themselves completely. And as they finally reached the peak of their pleasure, their bodies shuddered together in release.

Coming down from the high of their mutual orgasm, Luc spoke first. "You okay?"

"I think I'm pregnant," Nikos said with a serious face. Luc laughed. "Here, let me help you with your problem, Nik."

Luc lifted Nikos and flipped him over so he was on his stomach, his ass ripe for the taking. "What are you doing?" Nikos was curious. "Relax. I'm gonna suck those babies out. No one will ever know of your condition," Luc grinned. "What?" Nikos began but stopped when he felt Luc's tongue invading his brutalized and bred hole. "Of my fuck, what are you doing to me?" Nikos gasped.

"Push it out, Nik. Feed me my cum." Luc was hard again, turned on by this carnal act. Nikos obliged him, moaning as Luc's cum oozed out of him and into his mouth. Nikos raised his ass higher as he pushed more cum out, furiously jacking his fat dick.

"More," Luc moaned.

"Take it," Nikos spat as he pushed more of Luc's load into his hungry mouth, his tongue greedily lapping it up. Luc's tongue and fingers were driving Nikos wild as he licked and sucked at the well used orifice. Luc, momentarily pulled away while still Nikos's kneading his firm cheeks, pulling them apart. He stared at Nikos's magnificent ass, glassy eyed. "Sit on my face, Nik," Luc pleaded. He was still hungry for Nikos.

Luc lay on his back and Nikos squatted over him, lowering himself to allow Luc's tongue to make contact. "You filled me up good, Luc. You want more?"

All Luc could get out was a muffled `yes' as his tongue was hard are work digging deep into Nikos's body. His hole opened up to release more cum into the eager waiting mouth. Luc's tongue slid in deeper. Both men moaned loudly as Nikos rode Luc's face.

"Fuck, I'm going to cum again!"

"In my mouth," Luc growled as he furiously jacked his dick. "Give me that load, Nik," he commanded. That was enough to trigger Nikos, and as he aimed his dick at Luc's open mouth, he unleashed another thick load, completely coating his tongue.

As his second orgasm subsided, Nikos knelt next to Luc, gawking at the throbbing monster in his hands. Luc's breaths were becoming ragged. Sensing his impending orgasm, he pushed Luc's hand away from his cock and stroked him to his climax, while clamping his mouth around the head so he could drink straight from the tap. Nikos swirled his tongue around Luc sensitive glans, sending him over the edge. "Fuck yes," Luc hissed. Nikos shifted and draped the full weight of his body onto Luc's.

Luc grabbed the back of Nikos's head and moved in for a passionate kiss, swapping spit and cum. "We taste good."

"Cum slut," Nikos quipped as his tongue snaked back into Luc's mouth.

Next: Chapter 6

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