Loving You

By Nan Valenzuela

Published on May 28, 2010


Disclaimer: This story is mine and mine alone. So no copies of this, okay? Anything that seems related to actual events or people is just a coincidence. Read the first disclaimer for more information.

Well, in this chapter, I set up the whole story!!! HAHAHAHAHA... Mike won't be in this chapter a lot, sorry. But, he didn't play any part in the past, so he is out of the loop, for now. Okay, now let the plot thicken!

Loving You Oh brother...

"You can't go to school today," Dad gave a little yawn as he spoke, scratching his leg.

"Why?" I was already dressed.

"You will see, just make some breakfast and I will take you out somewhere," He tried to give me a grin but it wasn't reassuring. He forced the smile.

I looked at him for a second. I shook my head and started breakfast. Dad was quiet, not even trying to start a conversation like he usually did; he was highly focused on his paper. We ate in silence, when I talked, Dad just nodded.

I called Mike and told him not to come. He was really disappointed, but said he would see me later today after practice. He made a kissing noise and hung up, I smiled. He was such a little kid sometimes. I brushed my teeth and winked at myself. Weird, I haven't posed in front of mirror since I was in elementary school.

"Dad, I'm ready!" I went down the stairs and picked up my fur-ball. He was starting to get big and playful. He already destroyed a couple of my pencils and notebooks.

The car ride was tense. Not sure about the reason, though. I haven't done anything wrong, so it was strange. When I talked, he nodded and just kept his eyes on the road. We arrived at the airport, and I was totally confused. Then, I saw a familiar face walking out of the terminal.

"Greg!" I ran over to Greg and jumped on him as I gave him a big hug. He hugged me back tightly, giving me a bear hug and swinging me like a rag doll. "I missed you..."

"So did I kiddo," He put me down and rubbed my head. "Hey, Dad."

Dad was behind me, keeping his distance from us. We got his luggage and started heading for the car. I rambled about everything in my life: school, Rex, my friends, and Mike.

"I have to have a talk with him," Greg stated.

"Greg you don't have to..." I started, walking a little faster. He had walked faster than me thanks to his long legs.

He put my head under his arm and continued walking. "It's part of the older sibling code, so it's kinda necessary." The car ride home was filled of stories about his college life. I was surprised at how many parties he went to and how many friends he made. Dad made no contribution into our talk.

When we got home Dad went to his office and I helped Greg take his stuff to his room. "So this is your fur-ball?" He picked up Rex by his collar, "Kinda tiny isn't he?"

"Greg, put him down..." I tried to reach for him but I was too late.

"Why- Shit!" Rex started peeing on Greg. Greg dropped Rex, but I caught him before he hit the floor. "Fuck." Greg took off his shirt and started looking for another one.

"He did that to Dad too," I lifted Rex and kissed his nose. He didn't do it to me, which I thought was weird. When dad tried, he would get wet.

"Why doesn't he piss on you?" He started putting on his shirt.

"Not sure?" I rubbed Rex's head and let him lick my hand. "So, how long are you here for?"

"Trying to get rid of me of me now?" He chuckled and sat down on the bed. I sat down on the floor with Rex in my lap, I shook my head. "Just for a week or so for thanksgiving break."

I nodded the break that was coming. It was Thursday and tomorrow would be the last day of school for a week. I couldn't believe I had forgotten about Thanksgiving break. "So what you wanna do?"

"Well, I was hoping to catch up with some friends, then bond with my midget," He started laughing as I glared at him and tossed a sock.

I'm not sure the reason, but Dad and Greg had made sure not to talk to each other more than necessary. When I talked to Greg on the phone, he never asked anything about dad. Even when I asked if he wanted to talk to him, he just said he had to do something and hung up. Something was fishy, but it was none of my business.

When the doorbell rang, I wasn't expecting to get picked up and find my mouth covered. A tongue slide into my mouth and started playing with mine. I opened my eyes slightly and enjoyed seeing Mike's eyes. One of his hands was under my butt the other was around my waist.

"I missed you." He nibbled under my ear I let out a little sound. "Umm, music to my ears."

There was a little cough. "So, on what planet is it appropriate to have your hand on my brother's ass?"

I blushed as Mike let me down. "Sorry, couldn't help myself." Mike reached over and shook Greg's hand. "Michael Thompson."

Greg took his sweet time letting go, probably trying to make Mike squirm. Greg had a thing for making guys squirm under his grip. Greg was a little taller than Mike, but he wasn't built like him.

"Gregory Valentine." Greg went back into the kitchen. We were both having lunch, and I completely forgot that Mike was coming.

"So, did you miss me?" Mike wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck.

"Miss who?" I yelped when pinched my nipple. "Getting a little bold now aren't we?"

"Maybe..." His hand wandered down my chest. "So, did you miss me?"

"Who?" He pinched my tummy and I gave another squeak. "Okay, I missed you." His hand stopped just above my waist.

"Good." I turned and kissed him on the lips.

"Hey get your asses in here!" Greg called from the kitchen.

We reluctantly separated with Mike saying his quality time with me was being taken away. I gave Mike a sandwich and coke as he sat down.

"So, I take it you guys are having sex?" Greg had excellent timing. I started choking on my sandwich and Mike spit out some of his soda. "Maybe not."

"Of course not!" I blushed. Mom was asking me the same thing. I took a few sips of lemonade to calm down my throat.

"So, you let anyone grab your ass and suck your tongue out?"

I blushed. Mike was getting bolder, as I said before. At least he stopped when I got uncomfortable. "He is different, he is my boyfriend..."

Mike was casually eating his sandwich and ignoring my calls for help. Not calls, really, but looks.

"So, what are your intentions with my brother?" For a small instance Greg reminded me of dad by his posture and his tone.

"To treat him like he deserves and let things fall as they may." Mike looked into Greg's eyes when he said that. Not wavering when Greg stared back at him.

Greg looked away and back at Mike. Wow. No one ever beats Greg at a staring down contest. Mike must have gained some points with Greg. "So, what happened to your face?"

Mike had a few tiny bruises on his face. "Someone wanted something I didn't wanna give up."

So Jake wanted something that Mike had? So they fought for it? Why did I felt stupid for not realizing something? Why am I asking so many questions?

"Well, I thought you would be some jackass and that I had to kick your ass to get away from my brother," Greg shook his head. "Well, you can kick my ass, that's for sure." He laughed. "I might not murder you."

"Thanks..." Mike turned to me and I shrugged.

Rex skidded through the back door and started jumping up and down when he saw Mike. "Guess he missed you too." Greg and I laughed when Mike put Rex in his lap and lost his sandwich. When Mike got up, he got the same wrath that Greg and dad endured. Greg started laughing his butt off.

"Shit." Mike groaned out but didn't let go of Rex. "Here." I took Rex from him and took him back outside. "No laughing!" I tried my best, but it was funny.

"Greg, can he borrow a shirt of yours?"

"Yeah, sure, will you wash mine?"

"Kay." I told Mike to go to the bathroom and clean himself up then to meet me in the laundry room. When I got into the laundry room I almost swallowed my tongue. Mike was almost naked, aside from his boxers.

"That little shit got my pants too." Mike was cleaning his stomach with a blue towel. I just stood there and nodded. I have never ever seen a naked man. Well, aside from the magazines Mary got me, but, I mean, a real naked man. But, Mike wasn't all naked. I was disappointed.

"Is that disappointment I see?" Mike dropped the towel on the floor and walked slowly towards me.

I swallowed. He had a big bulge and his body was still a little wet. He was definitely hot. My pants were starting to get a little too tight. "No its not..." I turned my head to the side.

"Liar..." He pulled me into him. I laid my head on his chest, so warm and different. "I can also see you like what you see." He rubbed himself on me for a bit and I bit back a moan. "If your brother and father weren't here, I would do something." He whispered in my ear.

His back felt hot under my fingertips and my cheek was on fire against him. "Like?" I can't believe that came out of my mouth. Or in my mouth. I shook my head.

"Think something naughty?" I blushed as he kissed my cheek. "All sorts of things. But I can wait as long as you want."

I moaned a little when he lifted my shirt a little and felt his bare skin on mine. He was teasing me or something like that. I wasn't sure; all I could focus on was his smell, touch, warmth and something else. Love? Lust? I wasn't sure. I wanted love, though.

"Don't..." He was pulling on my shirt but stopped and pressed himself against me.

"Don't what?" He kissed me.

"Put the shirt on before Greg walks in," I pushed him away and tossed him the shirt. "I'll go get you some sweats." I made sure I started the machine before I left. I had a small problem when I walked up the stairs.

When I came back down Mike had the shirt on and a grin on his face. "What?" I gave him the sweats.

"Had a problem?"

"Shut up."

"I'll help you with that another time," He started putting on the sweats. He also had the same problem as I did. I tried not to look, but it was so tempting and I think he wanted me to look. Or so I told myself so I didn't feel like a peeping tom.

"You can look at me, you know?" I blushed. "You are so cute when you blush like that."

That comment made me blush more. "So, Saturday I want to spend the day with you. Can I?"

"Yeah..." We went to the living room, ignoring the look Greg gave Mike on his wardrobe. More so that he wasn't wearing the same pants.

Greg and Mike where getting to know each other and they were hitting it off. Sometimes. Greg was still trying to get a rise out of Mike, but he took it in stride. It was awkward sitting in the middle of them. Mike occasionally tried to put his arm around me, but Greg smacked him with the pillow.

"Sorry about Greg grilling you...." We had just finished a very awkward dinner. Dad had eaten in his office saying he was getting swamped.

"It's okay; it's just his way of showing that he cares for you."

"I guess..."

"I really care for you, so I understand why he wants to make sure you are okay." He leaned down and kissed me gently. "Well, I'll see you at school tomorrow, seeing as your brother wants to give you a ride."

"Yeah." I kissed him one more time before I closed the door.

"You two are so in love." I heard my brother sigh as he shook his head and walked away.

Getting a ride from Greg brought back so many memories about when he took me to school in elementary. I really did miss my big brother. He rubbed my head and wished me a good day. Today, he was going to visit some old friends.

"Who was that hunk of a man?" Angie ran up to me with Zack on her side.

"My brother," I gave Angie a quick hung. Zack gave me a hug and squeezed my ass. "Zack stop touching me, will you?"

"Can't help myself, oh pure one," Zack took the cigarette from his lips and crushed it with his foot. "Does your brother roll my way?"


"Damn, I would have showed him a good time. Who knows, I could have had both of you." He had a sad face.

"Eww... Just plain eww," I started walking.

"Yeah Zack," Angie put an arm around me. "He is not a kink like you. Plus, why would his brother want you when he can have me?"

"Why would he have you when I can blow his mind and rock his world?"

"Like you can blow! You can barely get past the head!" I was silent. I wanted to say Tmi but I was curious about where this conversation was going.

"I've been getting better. Carlos had a big ass cock, and, damn, I learned how to go down on that thing."

Angie made a gagging noise. "Seriously, Carlos? He has, like, two girls pregnant."

"A dick is a dick to me, well as long as they haven't gone in their early that day." Zack put his arm over my shoulder next to Angie's. "Well, I always have the younger brother."

"But he has a boyfriend, so tough luck Zachary."

"Whatever, your cousin had a boyfriend, and I still did him." Cousin? Jake?

"You didn't do him. If I remember correctly, he said you sucked at blowing and your ass was crying when he put it in."

"Have you seen how big and thick that thing is?"

"Why would I want to see his, you sick pervert?" Angie made another gagging noise.

"I don't know, I saw my cousins, and they are nothing compared to yours."

"You are such a horn ball..."

"I know. But that is one of many reasons you love me."


We got to class and separated from Zack. I already knew that Zack was a pervert and horn ball, but wow. Did he have sex with Jake? I felt a little jealous about the fact, but it went away. I had Mike, so no point really.

My classes went pretty quickly seeing as the teachers didn't give us any work for our break. We mostly watched movies or they let us talk among ourselves. Mrs. Hei let me go out of class to spend a little time with Jillian.

"So, I haven't seen you that often here anymore," Her voice was sad but her face had a smile. "So, are you making more friends?"

"Yeah, they are all really nice and not a lot of people pick on me."

"That's nice, can you hand me that encyclopedia over there?" I got the book and passed it to her.

"So, what are you doing for thanksgiving?"

"Going to visit my daughter and grandchildren." She was categorizing the textbooks.

"That's nice. I'm cooking for my brother and father," I sat down on top of the counter. "How do you know if you are in love?"

She stopped categorizing and looked at me. "Well, the person is always on your mind. Just being around them makes you feel like flying. You want to make them happy no matter what. Many other things of course but it's mostly in your heart."

"Yeah just in your heart-" I started, but a wave of emotion all of a sudden crashed on me like the tides.

"I'm so sorry..."

"Please... don't... touch... me..."

"Please forgive me I shouldn't have..."

"Get away from me!"

"Nate, please..."

"I love you... so much. I'm so sorry..."

"How can you say that to me?"

"Because I really do... I am such a failure to you aren't I?"

".... I love..."

"Nate, honey, are you okay?" Jillian was holding my hand in hers as she brought me back to my senses.

"Huh?" I shook my head. "I'm fine." Or was I?

"But, you are crying sweetie." I was?

I got a tissue and wiped my eyes. "Sorry, I was just remembering something, sorry."

"It's okay honey." She gave me a hug. "Now, go and be with your friends, okay?"

I nodded. That voice was so familiar. But I just couldn't put a name to who it belonged to... I gave her a hug and got out of the library. I said hi to the people who passed me by. Was that part of my dream? Or, something else? I love you continued to ring on my mind.

"I missed you!" Mike wrapped his arms around me as I walked through the cafeteria.

"When he is not with you, he seems like a lost puppy," Trevor was beside us picking up two trays. "Especially yesterday. I swear most of our group wanted to kill him."

"Well, sorry, but how can I not be near this..." Mike kissed my cheek and Trevor gagged.

"Come on dude, stop with the kissing or I will shove this tray up your ass."

"Whatever. Go get whatever you want and I'll pay for it okay?" I would have argued, but he gave me his puppy dog eyes and I faltered. He could probably get me to do anything with that look.

And I do mean anything.

When we got out food, we headed toward our table. Angie was talking to the girls and the guys were tossing a football. "Well, look who is back!" Missy gave me a quick hug when I sat down. "Did Trevor tell you how we wanted to kill Mike?"

"What the hell, I wasn't that bad!" When Mike sat down, he moved me on top of his lap.

"Well, let's see. You where complaining about how you weren't going to see him till later. About how you like to see his face at lunch compared to, how do I say this, our ugly mugs? Let's not forget the fact that you practically bit our heads off when we didn't talk about Nate?" Angie gave him a smile.

"That wasn't so bad...." Mike took a bite from the sandwich in my hand. Let's just say that if I didn't move my finger, I would have lost it. "If I bite your finger, I'll kiss it better." He gave me a wink.

"Yeah, and don't let us forget about you saying how you missed kissing his neck, cheek, and oh so soft lips..." She reached over and took my apple. "I swear, I should shove this apple up your ass for what you did yesterday."

It was nice being missed. I was aware of the fact that Mary and Chris weren't here. When I asked about them, they were absent like me yesterday. But they were here also. Just when I was about to ask about them, they appeared. Chris and Mary were both carrying their own trays, weird.

"Hi guys, missed us?" She giggled. "Anyway, guys we have some news that will shock and amaze you," Mary had a smile on her face and had an arm over Chris's shoulder. "Well mostly shock than amaze you..."

"What?" One of the girls asked.

"We split up," Chris sat down and started eating his food, not even looking up.

"Why did you guys break up?" I asked the question that was probably on everyone's minds.

"We figured it best for us to stay friends," Mary sat down next to me and stole my one of my fries. What's up with people taking my food? Angie my apple, Mike part of my sandwich, and now Mary my fries.

We didn't get much more information than that. I was sad that they broke up, but happy that they were still friends.

"Baby, sorry, but I gotta go to class a little early okay?" Mike rubbed my head and kissed me on the cheek before running off to his gym class.

"Well, I guess I should go also." Chris rubbed my head and held it there a little longer than he usually did. Mary and Angie started talking with me until Mary got a text message. She started reading it and a few people started running to the main entrance.

"What do you think is going on?" I whispered into Angie's ears.

"Not sure..." Mary whispered something in her ear and got up and left quickly.

That was weird. "Let's go to class before we are late." I said my goodbyes to my friends and Angie was following me. Weird, her class was on the other side of the school. "Angie, why are you following me?" More people started heading for the main entrance, I was curious to see what was happening.

"Nate, why don't we go the other way around?" Angie was started to grab my hand when we got close to the main entrance. I looked and spotted both Mary and Chris. They were looking at something, both had a shocked look. Mary had her hand on her mouth and Chris was clenching his hand.

"Why?" I started walking to the main entrance, ignoring the pulling on my arm.

"Well, you see...." She stopped pulling and let me walk, but our hands were still intertwined. She looked up and she closed her eyes. "I can't believe someone did that..."

Mary and Chris heard her and turned around to see me. Both had stared at me looked back at the wall. I got a little closer, the people in the front separated so I could see the whole message.

My heart stopped. Everyone was staring at me and whispering to each other as I stared at the wall. Something inside me stirred. Fear? I felt a hand on my shoulder grip slightly, trying to give me a calm I guessed. I read the message on the wall again.

Nathan Angel Valentine. You will die, faggot.

Mary POV

"Say something...." I tossed a rock into the lake, making it ripple. Chris was smoking a cigarette. I tried to stop him, but he was being stubborn.

"What can I say?"

"Anything just... something," Chris had been silent ever since we came to our spot. I was tired of the one sided conversation. At least he replied to me.

He took a last puff on his cigarette and tossed it on the floor, crushing it with his foot. "We just need to watch him." He walked passed me and started kicking rocks into the lake.

"You think it's that simple?"I wrapped my arms around my legs and rocked back and forth.

He stopped kicking. "I won't let him down. I won't, I know I fucked up last time, but I won't again."

"And you won't, I'm going to help you, so don't worry," I let myself fall on the grass staring up at the nighttime sky. "We just need to find out who wrote that thing." Whoever did it knew how to disconnect the camera in the hallway.

"It could have been done by more than one person."

"If it was, then who cares? We will take care of them," I felt my hair blow a little in the wind, "A little repaying for what he did for us huh?"

"Yeah." I heard a small thump, he must have sat down.

"Who knows, it could just be a prank...." I hoped it was, but it seemed so familiar. I shook my head; it was just words on a wall.

"So, we should go soon and say hi to Greg," I dusted my legs. "I'm worried about Mr. Valentine."

"Why? We all made the promise; I highly doubt he would break it."

"But you know when it comes to Nate that...."

I heard him sigh. "Yeah, I know. I practically did the same thing as he did."

What's the point of making a promise if I'm the only one keeping it? "Stop, the past is the past. We did what we could and it turned out okay in the end." If you call losing a year of your life okay.

"Really? The promise is getting harder and harder to keep."

"You and your freaking promises," I chuckled. Chris promised a lot and sometimes he fulfilled it and others... "Just don't break this one. Who knows what it could do to him?" It would do more harm than good. Maybe.

"Yeah..." He got up and started heading for the car. "Let's just make sure someone doesn't cross the line again..."

??? POV

"You did well," I paused for a second. "So, you have people helping you?"

"Just one, but it's still something." He told me, his voice was a little shaky.

"Good, it might work for you," I couldn't finish it, but hopefully someone else could finish it. "I would give you more help, but I can't."

He was silent for a second, "I'll go over, and soon so you can tell me about some things."

"Perfect." I hang the phone up and started making my way down the hall, nodding to the guard as he opened the door. He will finish the job I started. After all, it was his fault that I'm stuck in this hell hole.

Nate POV

"I'm fine mom...." I groaned. Dad just had to send a message to mom. Kristen took me home since she was worried, as was Richard. They wanted to make sure that nothing happened on my way home. I wasn't that worried. Okay, so I was freaked out about seeing it in big letters, written in something that looked like blood.

However that was not the first death threat I've had, so I was pretty okay with it. Not getting death threats, but the fact that they never really happened. Beat up occasionally, but nothing more than that. So I was used to it. Yet, having all the attention of Lillian, Kristen, and Richard was annoying. Now, I had Mom, Dad, and Greg.

After convincing mom I was fine and telling her I was going tomorrow with Greg to see her, she finally let me hang up. I stretched out a little bit before I went to go see what dad wanted to eat. Just as I was about to open the door, I heard a voice.

"Dad, why don't you let him leave?" Greg's voice sounded nearby.

Let who leave?

"He doesn't want to leave, and I don't want him to leave either."

I heard someone punch the wall. "Don't be selfish! You know he is staying here out of guilt, you know that right? So why don't you do what is best for him and let him leave?"

I heard something fall and someone hitting the desk. "You think it's best for him to go running off somewhere instead of facing his problems?"

"Not everyone can face their problems and act like its nothing! He is not you, and neither am I. So stop trying to make us otherwise!" I wanted to leave and forget what I was hearing, but I was stuck.

"I know he is not like me..." The room was silent. I pressed my back against the door.

"Don't start that shit again. Mom and I love him for what he is and so should you. Don't try to change him." Greg's voice was calm, collected, and somewhat mature.

"I don't want to change him but..." It was silent again I pressed my ear just in case they whispered. "Why does he have to be like that?"

"It's just how he is inside. He wants what his heart wants. Why don't you let him go and start something new?"

Silence. "I..."

"Mom still blames you for what happened. Some part of me wants to forgive you, but the other part wants to punch you. What you do will make that choice for me."

It was silent again. Ugh, I hated the silence. I was so out of the loop on something.

"He has to leave. You know that somewhere, but you just don't want to accept it..." I heard footsteps. "You may be my father, but he is my brother. I will do what is best for him." I heard the doorknob turn and I acted fast and went into the closet.

I waited until the footsteps where light and they disappeared, I got out after a minute or so. I knocked at the office door. "Dad?"

"Nate?" Who else?

"Yeah. I wanted to know what you want to eat."

"Not hungry."

"Dad, are you-"

"I'm fine! Just go!" His voice made me jump a little bit. He never talked to me that way. I nodded. But, I knew he couldn't see me as I walked to the living room.

"Greg, are you hungry?" I asked when I saw him changing the channels on the TV, not paying attention. He just nodded and didn't pay me any mind.

"I'll keep you safe okay?" I turned and Greg gave me a hug. "After all, you are a little pansy."

I glared at him and he rubbed my head. I hated that he could cover such a distance in such a short time. "I'm not a pansy."

He smiled. "Need help with the food?"

I started laughing and pushed him away from me. If he helped with the cooking, we both would end up in the emergency room. Again.

Now, aren't I so sweet and a little evil (a really small part of me is evil). So I'm going to give you a glimpse of either the past or future. I'm giving it to you but you have to decide in your mind is it past or present?

Why? What did I do to deserve this? I kept asking, but my question was ignored. My hands were sore, my eyes burned, and my heart was crushed. Why him? No matter how much I thought about it, it didn't make any sense.

I was vaguely aware that my captor was constructing some sort of mechanism. He walked over to me and touched my face, it was ice cold. When he got to my chin, he scratched me with his nails. "Don't worry... you won't die... yet." Came out of his smile and he chuckled.

I still couldn't believe he did this. That he was doing this. I still couldn't comprehend. He tightened the chain on my ankle before he left to go to the corner of the room.

Now this is another glimpse. I won't tell you if past or present but feel free to guess.

"What are you doing here?" I tried to get closer, but the chains tightened on my wrists and ankles. I wanted to get close.

"I came to save you..." There was a pause. "But it turns out I failed..." There was a chuckle, but it was forced, not natural.

I shook my head and leaned against the wall. The attempts to get closer started hurting my wrists more, I could feel blood running down my arm. There was silence in the room; only the sound of water could be heard dripping from the sink.

"So, what shall we do with you?"

Don't dilly dally it's your big finale. Random right? I pretty much have the story set up in my head, it might change but the glimpse will happen. Or they already did happen. I would credit the people who guessed it right but where is the fun in that?

Okay, so there are currently two main promises. One is between Nate and Chris, which Chris couldn't do. The other is made between Mom, Dad, Greg, Mary, and Chris. However, that promised made bad blood between people, so they have problems. The two glimpses will have their own chapter! Not this one, but the next one.

Next: Chapter 7

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