Loving You

By Nan Valenzuela

Published on May 17, 2010


Disclaimer: Anything information, location, people, and other things to the real world is just a coincidence. This is a male/male story so if you don't like it, then why are you in the fifth chapter, huh? Shame on you.... So Jake will be in this chapter, angry and kinda, well, jealous, hahaha. The wheels are in motion, so it should rise in action in this story. BTW, any guess on whom the mysterious character who talks to himself? Who could it be? Is he new? Is he a she? Or is it.... a mystery?

There will be multiple POV's in this chapter, giving you a glimpse into of all the main characters minds.

Loving You Blah...

Nate's POV

"Dad, stop laughing at me," I frowned. Okay, so I might look a little funny. The shirt was too big, so I looked like a little kid who took his older brothers shirt. "Dad," I glared, and he stopped.

"Sorry, you just look adorable." There was definitely something wrong with a dad calling his eighteen year old son adorable. If there wasn't, there should be.

I left the kitchen and sat down on the couch after breakfast. I was nervous. Not sure why really, but I still was. Mike had already outed us by kissing me, and I was already outed, but still. Not to mention that Angie shouting out that he was my boyfriend. Also, it turns out Angie stripped, bound, and gagged the guy who called me a fag. I hope my underwear never gets shoved down my throat. The position he was in wasn't pretty either, ass stuck in the air with words written on his back. It said "enter here, roughly," and an arrow pointing to his ass.

Angie was a fiery thing to cross. Something I wouldn't want to forget. Mike's truck went into the driveway.

I got my notebook and waved to dad. I beat Mike to the door and surprised him. "Hi." I smiled. I could really get used to seeing his face in the morning. He gave me a smile and reached down and kissed me. In my mind I was flying...

"You really look hot with my shirt on..." He took my hand and kissed it. "Wanna skip school and spend the day together?" His hands where on my hips and his mouth was on my neck.

How could I say no? Somehow I found the will to actually say no. "Sorry..." He nipped just below my ear. "Got a test today..." Damn Japanese class...

"Okay..." He purred right next to my ear. "Let's go."

I wanted to kill the guy who was holding my hand. Everyone, and I do mean everyone, was staring at us. When I looked up, Mike had this really big grin on his face. Some of the football players walked towards us and slapped Mike's hand. I glared at them when they rubbed my head. It was obviously ineffective since they chuckled.

They talked for a bit about football and, with me being me, I ignored it. How could I not? Whenever I tried to listen I was confused over plays and procedures. They left after a few minute, hitting Mike's shoulder and rubbing my head again.

"You know, when you glare or pout at anyone you just make yourself look cuter?" He gave me his killer grin and I blushed. Each smile he gave me made me feel warm inside. Something I hadn't felt in awhile was growing.... again.

He led me to class but he put me next to the wall. "What do you want to eat for lunch? Fourth period, for me, is getting out early so I can go out and get you something..." His face was close to mine and I wanted it closer.

"You don-"

He put his thumb over my lips. Not what I wanted. "Remember, I do things even if I don't have to..." He rubbed my lip with his thumb. "So what do you want?"

"Chinese?" Something I hadn't had in awhile. Not too expensive, compared to our date. I smiled, first date.

"Sure," He leaned down and kissed me. "I'll take what you want later." He played with my hair and left, giving me a wave.

??? POV

That son of a bitch!

Doing that in school and in front of me, the bastard.... I gripped the ball in my hand until it popped. Some people looked at me and backed away. Murderous waves where coming off me.

"Dude, what the hell did you do with the ball?" I felt his hand on my shoulder. I was only friends with this prick because he let me get close to him. Not that we were much of friends either. I knew for a fact he hated me for a reason that I couldn't really comprehend.


I shook the hand from my shoulder and started walking. "You owe me another ball...."

Chris POV.

That bastard. Ignoring me and busting up my ball.... Crazy mother fucker... Anyway I couldn't go after him seeing as class was going to start soon.

"Chris!" Mary ran to me from somewhere behind me and grabbed my hand. "I have to talk to you about something...." The way she spoke made me shiver. There was only one reason why she had ever had that tone and I never liked the reason.

"I love.... you...."

I shook my head. It was too late now. No need to remember those words. Hell, he forgot those words.

"I want to break up with you..." I froze, could I have heard right? She turned and faced me. Her face was stern and serious. "I've been thinking things over and I find myself..."

I put my hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes. "You don't mean that right?" I chuckled but stopped midway. She didn't even crack a smile. She wasn't kidding. "But I love you..." I really did. I mean do.

"I know you do, but you know better than I do that something is getting in our way," She couldn't mean... She would not want to separate from Nate would she? She wouldn't be that cruel. "Stop! I know what you're thinking, and that's not what I mean."

Damn her. She knew how to read my mind sometimes. Yet it was a relief knowing she didn't think that way. "What could get in our way?"

"You still love-"

"You," I kissed her but she didn't kiss back. It was an empty kiss. Just like the other times... he still didn't know why it lacked heat. They used to be full of heat, but now...

She pushed me and slapped my face. Not hard but it still stung. "Don't do that when I'm talking..." She stared at me. She took a deep breath. "I love you too... but not that way," I could hear the word she didn't say, anymore.

I let my hands fall from her shoulders and stared at the floor. The bell rang, but we didn't move. I knew it was going to happen but not so soon. "Why now?" They could have continued the little charade at least for a little longer.

"It's our last year and we need to grow up a little..." Me... Not her. "We can't kid ourselves any longer. Angie let me see that. It may not seem so right now, but if we keep going we are going to hurt each other." She paused and put her hand on my shoulder. "You still have a chance. Even though it may not seem like it. Show that your there and you are waiting. You have been for awhile." Over five years.

"You know I can't." I made sure I didn't. Put obstacles so I wouldn't feel tempted. Hell... it made me more tempted.

"You can..." She gave me a hug. "Just have to give him a chance to see that you will...."

"He has someone...." Another obstacle... I was a manipulator. Even though, on the inside, I wanted to kill my best friend. He could give him something that I couldn't before. Before...

"I know... but you have to let him know that you are there... waiting just in case something happens."

My heart was aching. My chest was tight. My head was spinning. My soul was empty. All because of...


Angie POV.

Wow, he actually wore the shirt. He looked so adorable. I could just pinch his cheeks and call him adorable. "Hey lover," I said when he sat down next to me. He blushed and glared. It was soo cute. Mary was right, mention any words related to sex, or sex itself, and Nate blushed.

"Don't call me that," He put his binder on the table and sat down.

"Why, because you lover will get mad?" I smiled as he blushed darker. Okay I was having fun at his expense. But could you blame me? He was just so adorable and cute.

Nate mumbled something and let his hair cover his face. He was going into his little bubble, like I was going to let that happen. "Zack told me to tell you hi."

He turned and moved his hair from his face. "Really? I miss him."

Zack was trying to woo the foreign exchange student, so he really didn't talk to anyone at the moment. Said it was getting in the way of getting some action. Walking erection. "Yeah. After school we can talk to him before he goes to the swim team meeting."

His face light up. I smiled. Nate likes having more friends. Sure, three of them wanted to jump his bone, but none the less, they are friends. Zack and my friends were starting to be his friends. Chris and Mary's friends were trying to be friendlier to him.

All he needed was a push and all of a sudden, he was a social butterfly, once he passed the shy boy stage. Mary told me that he was popular in middle school. I wonder why not anymore... When I asked Mary why, she switched the subject every time I brought it up.

At least he was breaking out of his shell. For that, I was happy. Hopefully he wouldn't stop his progress.

Progress? I frowned. It made it sound like Nate was a project. Definitely not.

"Is something wrong?" His head slanted slightly and he just increased his cuteness. You could just eat him up.

"No I was just thinking about something," I looked up at the board. Maybe I should tell him about me starting a GSA club...

Nate POV

People are strange creatures. Very strange. First they treat me like I'm invisible now they're asking all sorts of questions. What's your favorite color, band, and animal? What type of sports I'm into. I nearly choked on air with that one; everyone knew I had a distaste for sports, I thought. What do I like to watch on TV or my favorite movie? Yadda yadda yadda.

Anyway, it was nice. It was happening since I met Angie and Zack. Roger, Kat, Jamie, Tyler, and Susan were one of the many people who I found talking to me more, even without Angie or Zack present. I never asked them the questions that kept floating in my head. Why? Why are you talking to me now?

Somewhere in my mind, I answered myself, because you didn't let them. I shook my head. Classes were more enjoyable now. People started talking to me and I started sitting in front for my first periods. Maybe wearing this shirt gave me courage? Anyway, why am I thinking of the past few weeks when it's now, not then?

My cell phone vibrated. Weird, it never did that this time of day. Mrs. Hei was checking my test. Her face was straight and didn't show me if I did well or not. Yes. Make me feel self conscious. I took some bravery and checked my cell. A text message.

Mike: Wat do u want to eat?

I looked up and Mrs. Hei was still checking my work. So I decided to be a little bad.

Nate: u don't have to u know?

Mike: Remember wat I said? Now tell me...

Nate: Orange chicken and beef broccoli...

Mike: Got it... Lemonade?

Nate: Yea

Mike: Anything else?

Nate: Remember never forget the egg rolls!!!

Mike: Don't worry ill get you an egg roll. I'll make sure it's BIG!!!

I blushed and turned off my cell. I walked into that one. I shoved my cell phone into my pocket and started reading over the chapter.

Mrs. Hei stood up and I looked over at her and she spoke in Japanese. "So how has your day been going?"

"Fine, sensei. How has your day been going?" I spoke back, trying to not slaughter the language.

"Fine but..." She lifted up my test, "this has just made my day."

She was impressed at how many questions I got right, more so the fact how my essay was written. I blushed. She told me she was going to start training me for the AP test. Hopefully getting me credits for college so I could bypass the introductory classes. College, a thing that was slowly approaching.

When I got into class, I found myself running into a chest. Hands went around my waist and a head was on top of mine. "Hello there sexy..." Mike squeezed me and took my hand into his. "That was not nice of you, trying to ignore my messages."

I blushed and snuggled into his chest. "Can we go to lunch now?" He chuckled and we started walking to the lunch tables.

"I'll go get the food, you stay there and look pretty," I sat down and glared at him. "Yeah, stay like that." He kissed my forehead and started running to the parking lot.

Angie sat down next to me and we started talking about nothing in particular. The rest of our group started sitting down. Each of them rubbed my head and told me how cute I looked with Mike's jersey.

"Hey, where are Mary and Chris?" I looked around the area and no sign of them. Usually they were the first there or soon after.

Ginger one of the cheerleaders spoke, "I'm not sure. I saw Mary this morning, but she wasn't in class..."

Everyone got silent. "Chris gave me a ride so he should be here also..." Trevor thought for a second and got a weird grin on his face. "Hey! Maybe they are doing something." He wiggled his eyebrows a few people said probably or maybe.

For some reason I felt something weird in my tummy. I shook it off. It happened every so often when it involved Chris.

"I.... love.... you.... I need you...."

I shook my head. What the hell was that? I put my hand to my forehead.

"Where am I?" Fear.

My head started hurting. I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, but I ignored it.

"Please.... someone...." Sadness.

"Nate, baby, are you okay?" Mike's face was just a few inches from mine. A worried look was plastered on his face.

I nodded. It was just like my dreams, but I'm awake. Weird. It never happened before. "Just a headache." I looked around and everyone was looking at me worried. "I'm fine, just need something in me."

It took exactly ten seconds before everyone started laughing and I blushed. Today was not my day.

Mike gave me a grin. "Okay. Don't worry, the egg roll will be in you soon enough." The table was laughing as I pushed him away from me and blushed red. He put the food in front of me and opened it. "Let's dig in, babe."

??? POV

That sneaky bastard. I punch the wall and grimaced, damn fucking rock wall. It should be me there. Making them all laugh. Me with you. All of them being my friends.

"Dude, what are you doing, come on! We need to practice!" I nodded and turned away from them, cursing under my breath. I will get you....

Mary POV

I was sitting on top of Chris car, waiting. We skipped school for the purpose of letting us take a little breather. No school. No people. No interruptions.

I jump off from the hood and started walking to the lake. Chris said he wanted five minutes to himself. I gave him ten so it should be fine, right? Chris was sitting below a tree staring into the lake.

"I love him." He said as I approached.

"I know." I did a little twirl as I sat on the grass crossing my legs. I didn't say anything, just stared at the water. It was our special place. Nate found in our... seventh year. I pushed the thoughts flooding my mind behind me. It was always empty but it was beautiful. Ducks in the water, birds chirping, squirrels in trees, grass was free from garbage and clear water. It was untouched by man, aside from us.

"I thought if I gave him up, I would be better." His knees where close to his chest, hands over them with his head in between. "I had him once, you know?"

"Yeah I know..." I smiled it was a cute story, little five year olds being boyfriends.

"We would have continued if I didn't have my old friends..." His voice was filled with bitterness. I wanted to give him my hand to hold but I was in no position to give comfort. "When I broke up with him, I made him cry... Something I never wanted to do... I told myself then I wasn't going to make him cry again and yet...."

I kept my mouth shut. I knew the story. Yet, letting him vent gave him some closure, I hope.

"I hurt him more than any friend should.... Much less a...." Chris stopped for a second and I heard him stand. "Hell, I was being unfair to you for dragging you into a pointless relationship."

"Not really," It wasn't. "You kept some bastards off me and you were my first love." He was. "You needed me but now I know that I was keeping you from healing." Thank you Angie, for opening my eyes.

"Even if I used you... you..." He couldn't finish.

"I let myself be used," Just because I loved you, then. "Just for something that seems so far away." I stood up and walked over to him. He looked at me. "But we are still friends right?"

"No..." I was confused. "Family." He gave me a grin and hugged me.

One love died.... long ago but one still survived. I was content.

Nate POV

The rest of the day went pretty quick. I was sitting in the passenger's side of Mike's truck, Angie was in the back. I invited her over to just hang out for a while. Mike was going to stay over also, wanting to spend as much time with me as possible. Angie was talking on her cell with somebody, I didn't ask since it was not polite. Mike was listening to the news, sport scores and what not... eww...

When we reached the house, I jumped out of the truck and ran to the door. I wanted to see my puppy. Both Angie and Mike laughed at me for being impatient.

"Hey Nate, can I ask you something?" She made sure Mike wasn't in hearing range when we entered the house and I was attacked by Rex.

I nodded.

"Can Jake come over? He wants to see you..." She had a frown on her face, cell phone still in hand.

"Sure he can. He is my friend and I hadn't seen him in awhile." What could go wrong? He was my friend.

We did our homework and started watching TV. Rex was currently outside in the back yard doing his 'business'. I changed out of the Jersey and was wearing a light blue T shirt. For some reason, when I offered to wash the jersey Mike told me no. He said it had my vibe and smell, weird. When the doorbell rang, I got up and walked towards it.

I opened it, meeting face to face with Jake, who didn't seem happy. "Hi Jake." I smiled at him and let him enter the house.

"Hey Nate, sorry I haven't seen you lately, something had come up..." He looked over to the side and clenched his fist. He reached his hand and touched my face. He gave a deep breath.

"It's okay. You're here now, right?" I looked at his confused face. "Like, better late than never...."

He smiled and nodded. I motioned for him to follow me. Going into the living room, Jake looked around. Locking with Mike's gaze, I felt the temperature go low, really low. They had their staring contest until Angie coughed, which broke their contest. Weirder.

"Hey Angie..." Jake waved to his cousin and sat down on the couch, ignoring Mike's presence.

"Hey, Jakey, how have you been?" What kind of question is that? Wasn't she just talking to him? She gave him a smile but she sensed the tension.

Which, I didn't really understand. When I reached Mike, he took my hand and made me sit down on his lap and pressed my head against chest. Jake noticeably tensed, his hands were clenched. Mike kissed my head and Jake's mouth twitched.

Whatever was happening, I didn't understand.

"Umm....." Angie spoke but shut her mouth for a second. "Anyone hungry?" She looked around but no one said anything. "Guys?"

"Sure..." I tried to get away from Mike but he pressed me tighter. "Mike can you let me go...."

Mike let me go, but as soon as I stood, he took my face and brought it to his. The kiss was gentle but rough. It was different but kind of... hot. When he let me go, I noticed he had a smirk on his face, definitely hot.

When I looked to Angie, I caught Jake's face and took a step back. His face was mad, not just mad, it was furious. Angie got up and we made our way to the kitchen. We both wanted to get away from the tension, which I was still confused.

"That was awkward..." I reached into the fridge and started taking things out for sandwiches.

Angie took out a knife and cutting board. "Yeah...." She was silent. She started cutting the vegetables. "Maybe it wasn't a good idea to have Jake here." She stopped cutting for a second and continued.

"What do you mean? Jake is my friend so he can come over when he wants..." I started fixing the sandwiches.

She gave a sigh, "You're blind aren't you?" It wasn't a question. It was more of a fact that I was becoming aware of. "He doesn't wanna be your friend."


There was a loud crash in the living room, we turned to each other with confused faces and we both ran towards it. Jake was on top of Mike punching his face. Mike flipped and started punching back in the gut and face. The armchair Jake was sitting on was on its back and the coffee table was destroyed into little pieces.

I was stunned. Angie was saying something but it didn't register.

Jake shoved Mike off and stood, followed by Mike. Mike tried to punch Jake, but it was sideswiped. Jake took the chance and slammed Mike into the wall but was kicked in the chest and flipped over the couch. There was a dent in the wall where Mike was slammed. Jake did a little flip and punched the wall where Mike had been a second ago.

The fist went through the wall. Taking a shot, Mike sucker punched him. Quickly recovering, Jake pushed Mike and they started hitting each other again.

They were both starting to bleed, and I could hear a little sobbing.

"STOP!" I shouted and they ignored me. Remembering the pressure points Sam taught me, I walked over to the fighting boys. I dug my fingers into Mikes shoulder with and brought him into the ground, doing the same with Jake. Both let go of each other's necks and took a deep breath.

Angie was speechless. Her mouth and eyes were wide as she looked at me. She had tears in her eyes.

"What the hell was that?" I put my hands on my hips and glared at both of them.

Both of them looked at me and turned and glared at each other. "That fucking dick-"

"Who you calling dick, ass wipe?"

"You mother fucker!"

"SHUT UP!" They both stopped arguing and stared at me again. Surprised. "Stay there and behave." I turned around and faced Angie, who was in a form of shock. "Angie can you go to the bathroom and get the first aid kit?"

She stood there for a second and went in search of the first aid kit. We were all silent. I felt like crying. Never had I yelled at anyone or put my hand on anyone either. My hands were clenched, something that almost never happened. Aside from anger, I was scared.

But I don't know why.

"Here...." Angie handed me the kit and stayed silent. The tension on the room had dispersed, but it still lingered.

Thankfully, volunteering in the nurse's office had paid off. Neither of them was going to get black eyes, somehow. They were going to have small bruises on their face and on their chests. I blushed when they took off their shirts. I had a feeling they wanted to one up each other. They both had a hair in there chest, Jake more than Mike. Both were defined by the sport they played, wrestling and football. I was drooling in my mouth.

Two hot guys were in the room, and I was able to touch them. I felt a little guilty about looking at Jake, but I pushed it to the side. After deeming them done, they put back their shirts on, covering their hot bodies. I chastised myself, I was keeping my hormones under control, but now...

We cleaned up the mess, I was trying to find a way to tell dad about the wall and his coffee table.

"What did you do to us?" Mike sat down on the sofa when we finished. Jake was sitting next to Angie, who was intrigued.

"Pressure point. It's a spot in the body were you press to incapacitate a person," Sam taught me as a way not to fight. Seeing as I didn't want to fight, Sam made it his sole mission to teach me the points.

Jake shook his head and head a grin on his face. "Nice thing to know, that hurt..." He rubbed his shoulder and everyone laughed, except me.

"Why did you guys fight?" I crossed my arms still standing.

They all went silent and I felt I was missing something. Again. I was blind wasn't I?

"Don't worry Nate..." Mike looked at me then to Jake. "We won't do it again but..." They looked at each other again. The tension was rising again.

"Hey Nate, I'm home!" Dad yelled out as he made his way into the house. "Oh here you are...." Dad dropped his suitcase on the floor and gave me a hug. When he looked around the room he smiled and it faded.

Mike and Jake each blushed and Angie was smiling. That girl had a weird taste in humor.

"Dad, there was a lit-"

Dad cut me off. "Don't wanna hear it," He pointed at the guys. "Chances are you guys messed up the living room so you have to fix it." He walked passed me and looked at the TV making sure it was okay... Yes Dad, check the TV and not ask me if I'm okay....

"Jake we should go..." Angie stood up and stretched out a little. "Mr. Valentine, I'm sure Jakey and Mikey would pay you for the coffee table and the wall." She looked over at them, they each nodded.

She gave me a hug and took Jake's hand before he could say anything and left. Dad was looking at the wall and I motioned for Mike to follow me.

When we got in front of the house, I noticed that Jake and Angie were gone. Wow, they must have driven fast. I turned around and stared at Mike. "Why did you guys fight?"

He rubbed the back of his head and smiled. "I was hoping you weren't going to ask."

I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow.

"He said something to me and I got a little mad." He came to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Like what?" It was not fair, just being around him made me fly. So not fair. My anger toward him disappeared. Just like Chris and Greg did, but Mike made me feel safe, unlike Chris.

"Nothing that needs to be said again." He tensed, but if faded quickly. He kissed my cheek and leaned against the door with me on his chest. So warm.

I was still flying in my mind. I gripped his shirt and snuggled against him. I would have worried about what the neighbors would think but, screw them. I wanted this, him.

"This feels nice," He rubbed my back. "That ass-" I poked him in the chest. "I mean, Jake just needs to know them you are mine and only mine." He squeezed harder and kissed my neck.

"So, I'm only yours now huh?" I liked the sound of that.

"If I'm yours only," I smiled, that sounded even better. He looked at my face, searching, I leaned up and kissed him. When I let him go he smiled, damn the hot smile. "I'll take that as a yes."

We sat down on the steps with me between his legs and my head under his, just staring at the neighborhood. Occasionally, he kissed the back of my neck and played with my hand in his hand. I felt small compared to him, and we fit like a glove to a hand. Oh.

I frowned. He completely manipulated the situation from me being angry over the fight into cuddling. But I was to content to care over the little details, at least for now.

"So, wanna kiss it and make me feel better." I blushed and hit him gently with my elbow. We laughed and cuddled closer together, if possible.

Everything was starting to fall into place. Having a boyfriend, having friends, and starting to feel normal. Yet, I couldn't shake the feeling something was going to go wrong.... But hopefully the thing growing in my heart would help me through whatever got in my way. Could it be love? Only for you?

Greg POV

"So, going to see your little sister?" Paul was typing his paper, so he didn't see the pillow I tossed. It smacked him on the head. "What the hell was that?"

"Don't call him that!" I growled. No . One. Ever. Makes. Fun. Of. My. Little. Brother. He should know that.

"Sorry, but after that photo," He chuckled and tossed me back my pillow. "Can I get your brothers cell number? I can show him some fun." He wiggled his eyebrow and I smacked him with the pillow so hard that he fell of the chair and on the floor.

"You are lucky that I have a plane to catch, or you would be in a coma," Paul was really lucky. No one could touch his little brother.

Mwuahahahaha.... Ugh I'm such a romantic. Next chapter, the mysterious person starts his plan. Jake announces his feelings, Mike gets curious and Chris starts forgiving. Greg is coming!!! Mom is coming also. Dad on the other hand tries to mend the past as the others want to forget or already have. Finally, Rex.... is Rex...

I'm starting a new story, hopefully it goes well. It is from a request and it seems stable I'm just wondering how it should go. Anyway I'm started a group and hopefully more stories to put on it, also a way to keep you updated on the chapters, nphoenixstories@yahoogroups.com. I've got a thousand people living in my head so writing more stories would be sweet. Anyway the group would just let you know what stories and updating. So remember want story just drop me a line!

Comments? Questions? Rambles? Or just simple reviews? Drop a line so I know what you think? It's my crack... hahaha... just kidding... or am I?

-gives everyone pop tarts- I really should watch what I let my niece buy... My closet is filled with boxes....

Next: Chapter 6

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