Loving You

By Nan Valenzuela

Published on Apr 26, 2010



The following story contains graphic sexual scenes between underage boys. Underage for a time being anyway. If this material offends you, then you should not be reading this story. Additionally, if the law where you live forbids you to read such a stories you should not read this story.

This story is purely fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to events occurred, is purely coincidental. Don't forget this is a story, not everything done in the story is legal so I claim no responsibility on the actions the reader might do as a result of reading this story. As author I claim all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by The Nifty Archive of course. Without the express written consent of me.

Any who to the story!

Loving You Huh?

Mary and the other cheerleaders were all doing a cheer, something about how us wolves will rip the other team to shreds. We were currently up by about three points. Chris was a blocker and Mike was a quarterback. My dad was right next to me cheering for Chris and somewhere along the way I started cheering also.

He came over when he found out I was here, the man love sports. I guess he was happy I was here and was probably starting to like football. Fat chance.

After awhile my ears started hurting from all the cheering and screaming. I swear my dad was acting like a child. I took out my Ipod and was listening to one of my new favorite songs. Gee. It was a Korean song by a group called SNSD.

After awhile I closed my eyes and started singing along with the song. After awhile I opened my eyes to find Mary and Dad both staring at me. I blushed and turned to the side only to find the girl right next to me was also staring, she looked kinda familiar but I could tell. Apparently so were the people below me.

"Wow I didn't know you could sing." Mary was staring at me like I grew a second head.

My dad was chuckling. He caught me a few times singing in the bathroom and in my room with a hairbrush.

"Everyone can sing..." I stared at the floor blushing. "So why aren't you cheering?"

"The game ended like three minutes ago so I wanted to find you," She got a little smile. "We won the game you know?"

"Wow that cool..." I was still embarrassed.

Dad took pity on me and took the attention away from me. "Mary want to go out and celebrate the victory?"

"Sure should I tell Chris?" Like she had to ask. Chris and Mary were like my dads other kids.

"Of course it was his victory. Are you going to need a ride or Chris got you covered?" My dad got up and I fallowed him. I stretched out a little.

"Borrowed moms car. So any place specific?"

"How about the new Chinese restaurant over by Main?"

"Okay! We will meet you guys there okay?" Mary kissed my forehead and went over to tell Chris.

We made it to the restaurant in a few minutes flat. It wasn't that far away. We got a table big enough for six people. After a few minutes Mary came into the restaurant and sat down next to me. Chris was still getting ready and someone else was joining us also. She didn't specify but she kept having this weird grin on her face.

Chris came a few minutes after Mary. "So where is he?"

"Alex was talking him when I left something about a guy or something..." Chris rubbed my head. "Thanks for cheering it gave me the motivation I needed."

I blushed. But inside my head I was wondering what guy was coming. If he had anything to do with Alex...

"And im not motivation enough for you?" Mary glared at Chris. "Im out there cheering my best for you!"

"Aww baby don't be like that. Im just saying, since he never comes I just wanted to give him a show." Chris kissed Mary on the cheek and she smiled again.

"So when is your friend coming since im starved!" Dad patted his stomach and we laughed.

Chris took out his phone. "He should be here soon...." He looked up and smiled. "Speak of the devil. Mikey over here!"

"Hey sorry I took so long the douche was saying shit again." Mike sat down next to Chris and gave me a smile.

"What did he say?"

"Some stuff id rather not mention at the moment." He looked at me for a second and back at Chris. I must have missed something because Chris nodded and kissed Mary on the cheek.

"So what would you like to order?" A young woman came over and started taking our orders.

We chatted for a bit about the game. Mostly them because I really hadn't paid attention to the last part of it. A couple of times Mary and Chris tried to get me more into the conversation but I wasn't really in the mood. Especially since a hot guy I didn't know was sitting across for me.

Me and Mike talked a couple of times. Mainly about school and junk. Each time Mike talked to me Mary and Chris got silent and looked at me. When we finished dinner, which dad tried to pay for but Mike denied. As soon as I got home Mary called me.

"So did you enjoy the game?"

Actually he had a little fun till it started getting really loud. "Yeah. It wasn't so bad." At least he got to some eye candy.

There was a pause. He thought he heard someone in the background but he wasn't sure. "So what do you think of Mike?"

"He seems nice." He was nice to him and he did pay for the dinner. But seeming nice and really being nice are totally different. He was friends with Alex so it turned him off.

"Seems nice?" She said seems a little loud. "Do you think he is hot and sexy?"

Yes. "No." Plus if he was friends with Alex he was probably some homophobe. He was just probably being nice since Chris was there.

"So you don't think he is hot and sexy?" There was a hint of sadness in there.

He gave a little sigh. "Okay he is hot and sexy, but still he seems nice and junk. Not like I would have a chance. Especially since he is friends with A- I mean I gotta go." That was almost a slip. They didn't know that he was picked on and he wanted to make sure it stayed that way.

"Hey do you mean A-"

He stopped her. "Sorry my dad needs me right now." He hanged up the phone and laid on his bed. He didn't want them to worry about him. Yet he was probably pushing his friends away.

"Dad can I barrow the car today?" I asked as soon I gave him his breakfast. He was off today and I wanted to go to the mall for some more cds and books. The spoon on my right hand was bending slightly, I still hated asking for favors.

My dad was slightly surprised, "Sure any place you going to?" he tossed my his keys, which I barely caught. My lack of hand eye coordination.

"The mall to get some books and cds," And maybe drop by and say hi to one of my old friends. "Want me to go to the store also?"

"Sure," He reached into his wallet and handed me his credit card. "Don't spend to much okay?" He winked at me and went into his office.

After changing I got into dads car and drove for a few minutes to the mall. After giving my hair a once over I went into the mall. After searching for a bit I found the Dojo. It was just as I remembered it.

"Class today you will..." Sensei was in the middle of class but stopped when he heard the door jingle. As soon as he saw me he got a smile on his face. "Hey shorty came to finally give me a visit?" When I reached him he rubbed my head. Seriously tall people and there fascination for rubbing my head.

"Yeah sorry that you didn't think you had class..." There where a few people in class, most of them were older his advance class. Some of them were probably from his school.

"Its fine..." He stopped for a second and thought. "Actually think you can help me show them something?" He gave me this big pleading smile, like I could deny Sam help.

"Sure what kind of something?" I took the band from my hand and tied my back hair in a ponytail.

"The board move." Ah that move, breaking three wood boards at once. It took me awhile to learn the trick but it was easy after words. Just depending what kind of force and pressure you give your hand. "Class pay close attention on how Nate does this. You all must do this next class. Jake come over here lets see if you can do it."

A big guy from the back got a big grin on his face and walked over to us. "Now watch this." Sensei face the boards, lifted his hand and hit them breaking all three of them at once. "Think you can do it Jake?"

He gave a little grunt and moved to his own boards. "This will be easy." He readied his fist, most of the class was paying attention. He punched and the first board broke but not the other two. The second was kinda cracked. "Fuck." That hurt if not done right.

"Nate?" Sensei gave a little chuckle.

"Fuck if I can't do it, how you think this guy can do it?" Jake was bigger than me, hell bigger than Sam. He lifted an eyebrow when I readied myself. He had nice blue eyes, okay im a sucker for brown eyes. HOT!

In one swift move I broke all three in one hit. A few people said Holy shit and damns. Sam had a big grin on his face. "It doesn't matter how small you are. Just how you see things and aim whatever strength you have. Nate here shows that even small things pack a wallop."

I blushed and let my hair down, it gets in the way sometimes when you do moves. Jake was looking at me differently, like he found something special. "Class is dismissed." They all went to the back to change, Jake gave me one last look before he went. "So how have you been?"

"Pretty good, I took the yoga class you suggested." I sat down on the mat next to him. "Its pretty good class. Im getting better on my balance."

"Good, because remember all the times that you bumped into people?" He started laughing. So I bumped into people and fell a couple of times when we where learning moves. I blushed.

We caught up for a few minutes before he got asked a few questions. I told him I would see him later. The book and music store was just above the dojo so I had to take the elevator up. There weren't that many books that where interesting so I got another dog book and a mixed CD with different songs.

"Is this all? Oh hey aren't you Nate?" The girl behind the counter was in my English class. Her name tag said Angie. She was the girl next to me at the homecoming game. I blushed automatically. "I'll take that as a yes."

"Yeah I am. This is all," I pushed her what I wanted to buy. "Angie from English right?"

She nodded, "Also from World History." She rang the purchases and gave me a weird look when I gave her my dads card. "Hey wanna go eat something my break is coming up?"

"Really?" He barely knew this girl.

"Yeah I've had classes before with you and I haven't had the courage to talk to you before," She went to the back and got my right hand. "So what do you want to eat?"


"Burgers okay!" We got Md's and started eating. "So what lunch do you have?"

"Lunch B."

"So do I. I've seen you a few times with Mary and Chris." Of course, his friends where popular. "Where do you eat?"

"At the library Mrs. Arnolds needs help so I give her a hand." She gave a little smile and started eating again.

"I knew you where a nice guy. You know a few people said you where super sweet and caring?" She looked up and smiled. "Hey Zack."

A skater guy with short spiky hair and hazel eyes sat down. He was pretty tall and a little bigger than me but not by much. He was hot. Damn my hormones where starting to act up, usually I had a good grasp on them.

"Hey Angie," He took a look at me and smiled, "Who might this be?"

"Nate, you know the one who volunteers at the nurses office?" Occasionally I help the nurses at school at lunch. Usually when the office and library don't need help. It would be considered on of my safe places but sometimes the kids harass me.

"Oh that one," He winked at me. "You're pretty cute."

I blushed. That the first time someone aside from my friends and mom called me cute. "Yeah really cute. Anyway I have to go back to work." She got up from the table and threw away her trash. "Nate I'll see you at class. Zack see you at school." She patted his back and waved at me. She was pretty nice, maybe friend.

As I got up so did Zack. I threw my trash away and started walking towards the exit. "So where are we going?" Zack put his arm around my shoulder and walked with me outside.

"Well I don't know about you but im going to go to the store and going to go home," I blushed and tried to ignore the fact that he had his arm around me.

"Really thats cool think I can hang with you for awhile? Didn't bring my car and junk." My head just made it a little past his shoulder. Dang tall people.

Really wow. "If you want to..." I unlocked the car and we made our way to the store. He was pretty nice and cool. As I thought he was a skater and was going to join the swim team. We had similar things in common we both loved dogs. He had two Labradors and a chihuahua, lucky guy.

Unfortunately for me he was also a sports addict. Was I the only male who did not like sports? Dad and Zack where in the living room watching a rerun of a college football game. For lunch I made us sandwiches, with chips and sodas. Usually I wouldn't condone it but they where having so much fun.

"Hello?" I went into the other room when my cell phone rang.

"Hey baby," Mary. "How is your day going?"

I smiled. "Pretty good I went to the mall and got a few things. I think I made some friends."

"Really?" She was excited, aside from her wanting him to have a boyfriend she wanted him to have more friends. "Anyone I know?"

"Zack Fields and Angie Smith." Well he wasn't sure they were his friends but it seemed like it. Angie he wasn't sure but Zack did seem like it.

"Oh." She sounded kinda disappointed, "Well that cool. Angie is really nice, we had classes together. Jacob is nice also but I don't know him that well."

"He is. He is over right now with dad watching football," I pretended to gag.

"Poor baby," She tolerated sports, heck she was a cheerleader. He didn't hide the fact he hated sports, rather just not be interested in them. "Why don't you invite them to my Halloween party this week."

Crap he forgot about her Halloween party. How could he she had it every year, party fanatic. "Damn I forgot..."

"So I take it you don't have a costume?" I could tell she had a smile when she said that crap...

The school week went by fast. It was strange actually I didn't get teased at all. Kristen and Lillian were happy to see that I made new friends. Mrs. Hei was a wonderful teacher, she was going to take me to see a Japanese Museum in a few weeks so I can understand the culture more. Zack and Angie where both really great. Angie sat with me in the back in English and World History, she was becoming one good friend and she was going to the party. I didn't have any classes with Zack but he found me a few times and we talked, sometimes he flirted with me.

He however said it wasn't his type of thing to go to parties but another time would be cool. His friends where nice to me also, even talking to me when he wasn't around. Some of them I met before because they hurt themselves with their skateboards.

Jake was also becoming a friend of mine. He found me Wednesday and we started talking. He was a member of the wrestling club, another jock.... He accepted the invitation from Mary when she caught up with me and he was there. Occasionally his wrestling buddies talked to me, they teased me about being so small but there wasn't any hostility.

"Im not wearing that...." It was the day of the party and Mary and Angie where both trying to make me wear something..... They where both becoming good friends.

"But you will look so cute and sexy," Mary was dressed as a playboy bunny, it wasn't that skimpy or trashy. Angie was dressed as a nurse, it was sexy but it was like a real nurses.

"I am not dressing up as... that..." There was no way I was going to dress up as that.

"Look the faster you agree and the faster we go the quicker you can come back," Angie gave me her puppy dog face but I just shook my head. "Mary how about if we..." She whispered something to Mary.

Mary got a big grin on her face, not good for me. "How about if we buy you ice cream whenever you and for a whole month?" Tempting very tempting. "Also you can add whatever you want."

"Fine... give me the damn skirt...." Yes.. I was going dressed as a... Cheerleader. Mary was the same size as me and it fit pretty well, a little snug but doable. Lucky for her my feet we the same size so I was able to put on her white boots. The shirt was blue and white as was the skirt, it was short so it didn't cover up my belly button.

I glared at them when they gave me a pre-stuffed bra. They curled my hair and put make up on me. I continued to glare and they just said it made me look cuter. Just so I could hide my identity they but a white mask that went above my nose and covered my upper face.

"Spin." Mary and Angie said in unison. I sighed and did a spin. They both squealed and said how cute I was.

Meanwhile in my head I was thinking horrible ways to kill them. But I still blushed. Mary gave me her pompoms and we made are way down the stairs. Dad was waiting by the door after Mary told him we where done.

"Where is Nate?" He looked behind us and frowned. Eventually something in his brain clicked, me having a obvious face of disgust gave him the clue. He burst out laughing and so did the girls.

"Stop laughing!," I pouted and stomped my foot like a little child. After a few seconds of laughter dad took a few pictures and we left.

When we reached Mary's house there where a few people shouting out cat calls at us. Mary looked back at me and smiled when I blushed. Chris was talking to Mike. Chris was dressed as a vampire, how original. Mike, damn locked sexy, he was dressed up as a prince.

"Hey baby, Angie, and.." Chris looked at me for a second, "Who is this?" Mary whispered something in his ear and Chris started laughing. "Well hello there sexy."

I blushed.

"Hey Angie," Chris shook her hand and we went out to the back yard where Mr. Stevens was grilling burgers.

Mike seemed a little disappointed as we went to the back yard. He kept on looking at the door. "Mary weren't you going to get Nate?"

"I did." She went over to her dad and started talking to him. He looked up at us and starting smiling at us and waved at me. Damn her. I waved back.

Mike was looking confused as everyone even me started laughing. Threw out the party I guess someone tipped of Mike because each time he saw me he blushed and looked at the side. He spoke to me a few times but he wouldn't look me in the eye.

Angie was talking to Jake. Turns out the two were cousins on her fathers side. Jake asked if I was here and Angie pushed me towards him. He got a weird look and after a bit of looking he blushed. Somewhere along the way Mary, Chris, Angie, Mike, and Jake all were around me.

"M to the A to the R to the Y," I shook the pompoms and shouted, "Mary!"

They chuckled.

"Chris is fast, Chris is strong, Chris is sure the best!" Lame I know. Chris shouted his greatness which made a few people look are way. "Angie, Angie she's our girl, if she don't know you sure don't." Angie blushed and I continued. "Mike, Mike he is so fine, he's so fine he blows my mind go Mikey!" He blushed and Chris started chuckling. Jake was glaring at him. Normally I wouldn't say such things but I was on my seventh soda and that leads me to sugar highs. "Jake, Jake hes sexy ill think ill go crazy." This time Jake blushed and Mike glared at him.

Eventually Mary calmed me down enough for me to sit down and eat a few chips. After awhile my high ran out and I was aware of what I said. A few guys were hitting on me, probably thinking I was a girl but Jake and Mike scared them off. I was grateful and confused, neither of them spoke to me much less each other. They looked at me through the corner of there eyes but when I saw them they quickly looked away.

Angie was talking Mary and they kept on looking my way. After awhile I asked if Mary could take me home I was tired after all that cheering. She dropped me of after dropping Angie off, she had a curfew. I did a quick change and gave back her uniform. Dad tried his best to get the make up off me but I just took a shower and washed it all off.

Mom called that day, I told her how the day was. Unfortunately, I told her about the party and she wanted pictures. Dad gave me the memory card and I sent them her way. Greg, my older brother, teased me about having a sister. Mom sent him the pictures after I sent them to her. My killing list started getting bigger.

Sunday was boring, Angie and Mary called me to go with them the movies but I wasn't really in the mood. My hand was fine again, the bruising was gone but it hurt slightly when I flexed it. Chris dropped by and gave me some company, more so eat our food and chat with my dad about sports.

Monday morning was strange, very strange. Mike picked me up to school, I usually hitched a ride with Dad or Chris. We made small talk, it was very uncomfortable after Saturday. At least he showed no hostility towards me, hopefully he thought it was due to the sugar high. Even weirder was the fact that he walked me to class and put his hand on my shoulder for a second before he left.

"Was that Mike?" Angie asked as soon as I sat down.

"Yeah weird," I took out my homework, "He picked me up from home."

She thought for a second. "Do you like Mike or Jake?"

Wtf? "Of course I like them. There my friends." Mike was pretty nice so he was pretty sure he was not an asshole.

"Not that way you dingbat," Dingbat? She got real close. "I mean do you like them more than friends?"

I blushed. Okay so I had the occasional wet dream about both of them. More so Mike then Jake. "A little." Okay so it was a lied. I was majorly crushing on them both. It wasn't really a lie... I just downgraded how much.

She wasn't satisfied with my answer she would have continued if it wasn't for the teacher bringing the class in order. I ran out of class as soon as the teacher let us leave, I wanted to avoid the conversation as long as I could.

After Algebra Zack and I talked for awhile, he was complaining on how math sucked and things like that. He took me to class since it was his lunch period. Mrs. Hei popped quizzed me and I must have gotten at least more than half right, I hoped. It was fricking random and I think I read some of the questions wrong, she wrote them in Japanese.

For lunch I was at the library, trying to find a book for a girl named Missy. She had no idea of what she was looking for, just something with World War 1. It took me the whole lunch period to finally get her to chose a book. Angie dropped by and gave me part of her sandwich, as a way to 'fatten' me up.

Chemistry and World History where both went by fast, much to my joy. "So wanna go get some ice cream?"

I was about to answer but I saw someone coming my way.

"Hey fag." Alex, thankfully he was alone. He looked at Angie and back at me. "Trying to corrupt more people?" He gave me a shove and Angie got in front of me.

"Leave him alone," Angie glared at him but he just laughed. He pushed her out of the side and slammed me into the wall.

It hurt but thankfully the wall was flat not bumpy. Angie tried to pull him off me but he gripped harder on my wrist. "You're lucky she is here pussy." He pushed me one more time and left.

Angie went into protective mode and started fussing over me. Thankfully, he left me a little red mark on my wrist and nothing more.

"Does he do that often?" Angie asked, as soon as we where at the parking lot.

"No," Not often, Alex was not harassing me much any more. Which was strange since he used to do it every week now just every other week.

"Was he the one who hurt your hand?" Should have seen that one coming.

"Yeah but don't tell anyone okay?" I grabbed both her hands and pleaded. She looked at me for a minute and sighed.

"Fine, but tell me if it happens again," Angie got us both ice cream from the ice cream vendor. Angie's mom gave me a ride home. The rest of the week pretty fast. Mike picked me up every morning, two times he took me home when he found me after school. Angie kept her word and didn't say anything.

Yoga was going pretty well, Mary joined me occasionally. Chris and I spoke a couple of times but rarely since Coach wanted him to help some guys in football. Wednesday Zack and his friends kidnapped him at lunch and tried to show him how to skate. Apparently Zack liked to ditch a few of his classes. Jake called me a few times just to randomly talk, it was nice I was having more friends to talk to.

"So what are you going to want for your birthday?" Mary was eating dinner with today.

"Nothing, you don't have to get me anything." They shouldn't spend money on him, he hoped they would have forgotten again. Damn his luck.

His dad was oddly quiet, he must have forgotten. "No. We are going to get you something. None of us remembered last year." She took out her cell phone. "If I am correct your birthday is on Tuesday. So what do you want?" Chris and Mary turned eighteen over the summer he was the youngest one, well not any more Angie was his age still. Mike was the oldest, Chris was second, Jake soon after, Mary, Zack, him then Angie.

"Its fine I don't want anything..." Okay maybe a puppy or a necklace. Maybe he could pierce something, nothing below the waist of course.

"How about if I take you and get your hair done?" Well I have been talking to get about getting my hair done. Not cut just some color added or something he wanted to change a little.

"Okay," She gave a satisfied grin and got up. "Well I'll take you tomorrow so you can show it off at school."

She stayed to her word and took me to her favorite hair stylist. They added highlights to compliment my eyes, it did look pretty awesome. After words I thought she would have taken me home but to make up for her lack of remembrance last year she bought me some clothes. Clothes that I would never wear in a normal day. Tight pants, shorts that where barely school appropriate, and a shirts that would go up slightly if I moved my hands to much.

"Its just to show off how cute you are." Was what she said when I asked her why I needed new clothes. Apparently my clothes were kinda old fashioned. She treated me to ice cream. (Even though she still owed me for the 'incident'. She freaking put a picture of me dressed like that on her room.)

Dad complimented me on my hair and asked if we bought the whole clothing store. The rest of the day Mary was throwing out some of my clothes saying they where way to old. At least she didn't throw out his favorite clothes. When I suggested we give the clothes to charity she said not even the needy would want them. But I made her take them to a shelter.

Monday morning she got to my house even before I got up, claiming that I would not wear the new clothes. I wouldn't, she knew me to well. After my shower she made me her doll again. Making me wear some tight shorts and a black shirt with a a weird circle design. She actually had to force me to the ground for me to put on a belt. She was strong when she wanted to be.

Mike arrived around his usual time. Turns out dad was being sneaky with Mary and brought her over. It was surprising to learn, since his dad didn't like to wake up early for anything. As soon as Mike saw what he was wearing he blushed.

"Well you look good today." Mike gave him a once over and headed towards his truck. I tried to get Mary to sit on the front seat but she didn't let me. Mary was strangely silent when Mike and I talked.

Threw out the ride Mike kept on moving, it was like he had a rash or something. Mary disappeared as soon as we got to school. When we got to my first period Mike took my chin in his hand for a minute or so. He looked like he was debating about something but he let me go when the bell rang.

"Well don't you look hot today," Angie "meowed" for an effect. A few people gave him weird look. "So anything new coming up?"

Did Mary tell her anything? "Nothing why?"

She nodded and didn't say anything for the rest of the period. The rest of the day a few girls where complementing him on his 'new' look. Heck some guys where whistling at him. At lunch Zack tripped on his skateboard when he saw me, luckily he got a few scratches. Just like Angie he asked if anything new or special was coming up.

I told him no and when I left to the library he slapped my ass. I would have said something but one of the teachers caught him do it so I ran to the library. Lillian almost got a heart attack over my 'new' look or so I thought. She was happy I was embracing my sexuality. Kristen even dropped by because she heard rumors of me going 'hot'. Hell I was surprised people knew me aside from me being gay and all.

Jake was waiting for me in the library, seriously people are getting weird on me. Creeping up on me everywhere. Today he was extra weird, each time I went around putting books on shelves he would always sit down. When he left he gave me a hug and I think he sniffed my hair. I felt embarrassed and somewhat violated. Was Jake gay? Zack was gay, hell he shouted it at school and his friends laughed.

When the school day ended dad was my savior. Angie had to go find Zack for something. No one called me for the rest of the day, heck I called Mary for our night talks and she didn't pick up. She always picked up.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Nathan, happy birthday to you." Dad woke me up as he sang. I smiled as I saw him with a cupcake with a candle on top. "Make a wish."

I laughed and blew out the candle. Just make this day end was my wish. We split the cupcake in half and eat in silence. It was pretty sweet what dad did. To humor Mary I changed into a different pair of shorts and wore a with shirt under a black button shirt. I tied my hair in a ponytail since I couldn't really let it down.

After breakfast dad took me to school, Mike didn't show up which kinda made me sad. Angie was silent the whole day. She was the only one of his friends he saw that day. He even asked Mary's friends apparently Chris and Mary weren't at school.

When I went to the library I was surprised. Lillian, Kristen, and Richard had got him a small cake. Lillian got him books about animals and dogs, Kristen gave him a teddy bear and a rose (I love teddy bears and flowers), Richard gave me a key chain with a little dog on it and a book on Japan. It was pretty nice until I had to go to class again.

For some strange reason Angie wasn't in World History. The day wasn't so bad but I was kinda lonely without my friends. Dad picked me up and was surprised at the gifts I got. Dad took the slow way home for some reason. Dad had this weird smile on his face when we got out of the car. You know that feeling where something bad is gonna happen and your not sure what. Well I was having it.

I didn't wanna go home.

"SURPRISE!!!" Mary, Mike, Chris, Zack, Angie, and Jake shouted as soon as dad opened the door for me.

Next thing I know I see black.

"Oh my god, I can't believe that happened." Mary was somewhere close to him, maybe just a few inches away.

"Seriously," Zack chuckled and there was a thump, sounded like something got hit. "Ow, Angie don't hit me."

I was on something warm and comfy, the sofa and chances are on top of Mary's lap. I could feel her chest just above my face. One of her hands was holding mine.

"Well he is scared of anything loud so I guess when you guys jump out it scared him..." Damn dad was chuckling, there was another thump. "Hey don't hit your elders."

I started laughing.

"Thank goodness you're awake," Mary petted his hair and noticed that Angie sat on the floor in front of me.

I blushed, I've been doing that a lot lately. "Sorry about that you guys scared me," His dad was right loud noises did scare him, he like things when they where quiet. I sat down on the sofa and gave a big smile.

"So where were we..." Mary jumped up and started the music. God he hoped this day ended soon...

Mom called and wished me happy birthday, also sending money through the mail. It was a pretty good party, Mary said she had to cramp her style because her parties where always large. One of the worst parts of the party was when Chris forced me to wear a birthday hat. Dad got me a large chocolate cake and they sang Happy Birthday. Unfortunately they had another surprise for me. Presents.

Chris was the first one to go. "Make sure you read chapter seven okay?" He gave me his mothers cookbook. A rather expensive one at that. "Mom said if you can master that you can cook Thanksgiving dinner." Out of curiosity I looked at chapter seven. It was a soufflé, one of his moms favorite desserts.

Mary smiled, she must have wanted to get some also.... "Next?"

"This is from me," Angie handed me a small red box. I opened it and found a dog collar and squeaky toy. There was also a leash and some sort of paper for a name tag.

"Um thank you?" She giggled when I gave her a confused look and told me to wait a bit. What the hell was I suppose to do wear it? I don't do kinky things....

"Well let me get you my present," Zack got up and went into the kitchen. Was the present in the kitchen? Weird there was nothing out of the ordinary there. Dad had a grin on his face. "Here you go!"

Cute. So very cute! He was holding a golden Labrador puppy with a red ribbon on it head. I jumped from the sofa and got the puppy. It started licking me, now this was a present. I reached up and brought Zack's head down and gave him a kiss on the cheek and he blushed. "Thank you so much!" I gave him another kiss and sat back down and gave the puppy attention.

When I looked up Mike and Jake where glaring daggers at Zack but he ignored it, smiling. Weird...

"Next?" Mary looked around and dad got up. He got a small box and handed it over to me.

"Open it up." There was a wallet inside. "Now open that." I did and found my own credit card wow.

"Thank dad," I gave him a big hug, avoiding the puppy of course, and he rubbed my forehead. "Next?" Mary asked again, she was still smiling. I kinda wanted to smack her for forming this party. Kinda. I don't like attention. At least anymore.

"Here..." Jake gave me a white box, "Not a dog though..." His voice seemed kinda down.

Wow. It was a leather jacket, I was saving up for it since last year. Usually I don't like leather but this jacket was amazing. "Thanks Jake, I wanted this for so long." Not much as the dog but it was still special. I got up and hugged him.

"Well Mary said you had your eye on it..." It was true Sunday she caught me looking at it and I made her not buy it on her shopping spree. It was pretty expensive, which made me feel bad. He hugged me back and he smelled me again. With that I let him go and sat back down.

Jake blushed and sat down on one of the chair dad brought from the kitchen. Mike made his way over to me and took out a black box from his back pocket. "Here open it." He was looking at me with an intensely that I had to quickly look away and blush. Damn it, the blushing!!!

I took the box and opened it. "I can't except this..." He chuckled and took the necklace out. He unbuckled it and reached around my neck and let it down. "Seriously its to much..."

He rubbed my head and sat on his chair. Mary and Angie where both looking at the locket. Dad was saying how expensive that must have cost. Zack was saying how Mike was stealing his thunder. Jake was glaring at Mike now, who had a very satisfied look on his face.

I looked at him as I felt the little heart locket in the middle there was a little diamond. I looked inside the box just to look at something else and there was a small little gold key. For the locket? "Now its time for my present!" Mary reached down and took out a medium sized bag. "Here you go."

"No, you got me clothes..." She was spoiling me again. She pushed the bag on my lap, I sighed.

Damn, I blushed again. "Mary what the hell?" There where a few dirty magazines, lube, and other questionable items in there.

She burst out laughing when I pulled the bag away from Angie but I was to late and she was bright red. "I want you to have some 'practice'." When she said practice dad tried to get the bag but I didn't let him I just put the bag closer to me. The boys where confused and Angie was silent. Traumatized probably.

The puppy was starting to pull on the bag, I pushed him away and went running into my room and tossed the bag into the back of my closet. When I came back downstairs Mary was still laughing, Angie was still red, and the guys where even more confused. Chris must have not been with Mary when she got it.

After a pizza Zack and Angie left with Jeremy as he was there ride home. Jeremy kissed him on the forehead, that answered the gay question... I think. Chris did kiss him sometimes on the forehead. Zack and Angie both kissed him on the cheek and hugged him.

"Guess I have to go also," Mike got up and I fallowed him to the door.

"Thanks for the locket, you didn't have to get me anything," Especially something not like this, I touched the locket again.

"No, I did," He looked at me closely again and took my chin again. "You deserve to be spoiled a little." He leaned in close and I stopped breathing. His lips where soft and warm against mine. I couldn't even think, how could I? He nibbled on my lower lip before he went back up. "Hmm, not bad at all." He smiled again

I couldn't say anything, my heart was pumping fast. My first kiss. He rubbed my lower lip with his thumb. "I'll pick you up tomorrow. Make sure you open the locket." He kissed my forehead, I let out a little whimper as he left.

My face was on fire. He kissed me! He kissed me! My mind was trying to grasp that Mike was gay and kissed me. There was a little cough and I turned to find Mary smiling.

"You guys are so cute together." She turned around and went back to the living room. For the rest of the night Chris and Mary helped us clean the living room. Some part during the cleaning I heard Mary tell Chris was happened. He said "Finally." They left around eleven, not even mentioning the kiss to me.

There was some part of Mary dieing since she didn't ask for information. The puppy was at the end of the bed sleeping, I made sure he did his business outside so he wouldn't have an accident. I was staring at the key in my hand, I took the locket in my hand and opened it. "Wow..." There was a little picture of Mike in it.

Soon I let sleep take me with a smile on my face. I may start to like my birthday if this happened. In the morning I found myself getting licked. "Hey Rex." I rubbed his head and took him out to the back yard and let him do his thing and give him his food. Dad had bought the things sometime yesterday afternoon.

Mike showed up thirty minutes earlier when I was in the shower. Nice he comes over when im naked... When I changed I went down stairs and found Mike and dad talking over games again. Someone kill me.... I touched the locket. Mike looked up and smiled at me with a wink. "I'll go make breakfast. Want some Mike?"

He nodded. Dad was still unaware I was there, usually happens when he talks with someone about games.

I called them over when it was ready and dad was still talking about football. Apparently there was another game Saturday. The ride to school was filled with mindless chatter, he didn't even bring up the kiss. He dropped me off at class again and took my chin again. "Wanna cheer for me Saturday? Then we can go out on a date."

Even before I could answer his lips were on mine again. I heard a few people gasp and whisper. They barely registered in my head as he still kissed me. Again and at school. When he let my lips go I whimpered. "I'll take that as a yes."

He rubbed my cheek and fixed my hair. He turned around and left, not even caring that people where watching him. Somehow I entered class and found my way to my seat. A few kids stared at me but I ignored them. What could I say? I was in a daze.

Angie had her mouth open when she walked in class, either someone told her or she saw. Throughout the class we passed notes, she was asking me all sorts of questions. Was he my boyfriend? Hell I didn't know. Did I like him? Hell yes. So on and so forth. Occasionally a few people turned and looked at me, Angie glared at them and stuck her tongue at them.

Apparently news spread fast because people looked at me in the halls and in class. No one talked to me but they stared. Zack caught up with me in the halls and congratulated me on snagging a boyfriend. He kissed the side of my forehead and gave me a hug and went off. I smiled, Zack told me before that he wasn't interested having a boyfriend much less some as innocent as me. Said he didn't wanna corrupt me.

Mrs. Hei was my salvation. No students, just me and her. It was a quick class to my dismay. When I got out Angie and Mary where waiting for me out of class both with smiles on their faces. I was fucked, not in the good way. They took me to the cafeteria to get food, which went oddly silent when we entered. Yeah definitely normal....

After we got food they took me out to the outdoor tables, Chris was there with Mike tossing a little white ball. I literally felt eyes on me when we went to the table. Mike gave me a smile as we sat down, I made sure to sit across from him but he had other ideas.

He moved and sat next to me. Angie sat next to me, Mary was next to Chris telling him to stop eating her food. "Aren't you guys going to get food?" I asked when Mike started taking my fries.

"Why? When we can take from you guys?" Chris took Mary's cookie and put it in his mouth before she could take it back. Mike took mine but split it in half, he put his arm around my shoulders.

"Open up," When I did he put it in my mouth. Mary and Angie both awed and Chris made a gagging noise. Which made Mary shove him to the ground.

Eventually a few cheerleaders and some football guys joined us, they gave me a smile and ignored the fact that Mike had his arm around me. "Mike, so you finally had the balls to get him huh?" A guy named Trevor smiled.

Mike threw a few fries his way. "Hey I was planning to eat those," I pouted and the table burst out laughing.

"Seriously look at him he needs all the food he can get," Lucy punched Mike and the table laughed again. It turns out that they already knew Mike was gay and had known he had a thing for me. A few of the girls where saying how cute I was when I blushed which made me blush more.

The guys where teasing Mike about how long it took him to make a move. I wondered how long he had a thing for me. I noticed that not some of the football players weren't there and so where a few girls. The usual group around Mary and Chris was diminished, slightly. Alex wasn't there and neither was his girl friend neither where his posse. Two girls were missing but he didn't remember them.

After Mike threw more fries at his friends I had enough. "Hey seriously I want to eat them," I took the tray away from him and stuck my tongue out at him.

To get on my good side he went and got me more fries. Lunch was actually enjoyable, they let me alone but occasionally asked me questions. They where nicer than before, maybe I didn't notice since I tried to ignore Alex's presence. Whatever the reason they where nice.

Mike took me to Chemistry and kissed me again. A couple of girls smiled and giggled. He rubbed my head and left. Chemistry was interesting, a few people started talking to me. World history was just the same, turns out a few of the people where Angie's friends. I traded numbers with a few people. When we walked out of class Mike was waiting for me.

"Sorry babe I would drive you home but I have practice today," Babe? We talked for a little bit as we went to the parking lot. Mary was going to use Chris's car and Mike was going to take Chris home. When we got to the car he kissed me again and went off to practice with a smiling Chris in tow.

The rest of the day was mostly me answering more questions about Mike. They stopped asking questions when they figured out I knew basically nothing just that we where having a date. Mary was happy that I was going to the game on Saturday. We did our homework and I made dinner, they stayed over.

The next two days were the same. The occasional kiss from Mike here and there. People actually started talking to me more, Mary said that I was starting to get out of my cocoon. Angie was saying the same thing, Mike was making everyone take a closer look at me. Alex tried a few times to make trouble but my new friends kept him from actually laying a hand on me.

There where different kinds of people started surrounding themselves around me, nerds, jocks, skaters, and all sorts of kids. There where the occasional kid here and there that said something negative to me but I hardly cared anymore. I finally started figuring out that I closed myself to people because of fear. I guess I was starting to open myself up more, slightly.

I'm trying to give Nate a little more depth. It may start seeming perfect now but you know how life is. Unexpected and turvy.

Comments, suggestions, blah blah blah, Hehe... Well drop me a line if you want. Im still trying to get a grasp on writing so anything would be helpful thanks! -waves-

Next: Chapter 3

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